@@ -122,6 +122,74 @@ $Id$ |
alternate character set. Replacing a few 0x7F with 0xFF in sldisply.c |
works around the problem but gets rid of the alternate charset. |
We can work around this problem. See this usage grid: |
bg 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
fg 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 |
0 (black) C C C C C C F B c c c c c c F |
1 (blue) A h D h D * f C C h E h E F g |
2 (green) A h D h * D f C h C E h * E g |
3 (cyan) A D D * h h f C E E C * h h g |
4 (red) A h h * D D f C h h * C E E g |
5 (magenta) A D * h D h f C E * h E C h g |
6 (brown) A * D h D h f C * E h E h C g |
7 (light gray) A a a a a a a B C C C C C C B |
8 (dark gray) A C C C C C C B d d d d d d C |
9 (light blue) A C h E h E * C e h D h D * C |
10 (light green) A h C E h * E C e h D h * D C |
11 (light cyan) A E E C * h h C e D D * h h C |
12 (light red) A h h * C E E C e h h * D D C |
13 (light magenta) A E * h E C h C e D * h D h C |
14 (yellow) A F E h E h C C e * D h D h C |
15 (white) A b b b b b b B C C C C C C C |
' ': useless colour pairs that can be emulated by printing a space in |
any other colour pair that has the same background |
'A': black background colour pairs that are needed for the old renderer |
'B': gray combinations used for grayscale dithering |
'C': white/light, light/dark, lightgray/light, darkgray/dark, dark/black |
combinations often used for saturation/value dithering (the two |
other possible combinations, lightgray/dark and darkgray/light, are |
not considered here) |
'D': next colour combinations for hue dithering (magenta/blue, blue/green |
and so on) |
'E': next colour combinations for hue/value dithering (blue/lightgreen, |
green/lightblue and so on) |
'F': black on light gray, black on white, and yellow/blue (chosen |
arbitrarily) |
'A': 15 colour pairs |
'A'+'B': 20 colour pairs |
'A'+'B'+'C': 76 colour pairs |
'A'+'B'+'C'+'D': 100 colour pairs |
'A'+'B'+'C'+'D'+'E': 124 colour pairs |
'A'+'B'+'C'+'D'+'E'+'F': 128 colour pairs |
The remaining slightly important colour pairs are: |
'a': light gray on dark colour: emulate with light colour on dark colour |
'b': white on dark colour: emulate with light gray on light colour |
'c': black on light colour: emulate with dark gray on dark colour |
'd': dark gray on light colour: emulate with dark colour on light colour |
'e': light colour on dark gray: emulate with dark colour on dark gray |
'f': dark colour on light gray: emulate with light colour on dark gray |
'g': dark colour on white: emulate with light colour on white |
And now the seldom used pairs: |
'h': 120 degree hue pairs can be emulated as well; for instance blue on |
red can be emulated using magenta on red, and blue on green using |
cyan on green |
And the almost never used pairs: |
'i': dark opposite on dark: emulate with dark opposite on black |
'j': light opposite on dark: emulate with light opposite on black |
'k': dark opposite on light: emulate with black on dark |
'l': light opposite on light: emulate with white on light |
o MS-DOS: all bright colours, bright backgrounds, and bright combinations |
work using <conio.h>. No need to kludge anything. |