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* Reset cursor position after a resize. Not sure it’s what I want.

Sam Hocevar sam 17 år sedan
1 ändrade filer med 11 tillägg och 1 borttagningar
  1. +11

+ 11
- 1
cucul/cucul.c Visa fil

@@ -106,10 +106,15 @@ nomem:
* canvas size. Newly allocated character cells at the right and/or at
* the bottom of the canvas are filled with spaces.
* If as a result of the resize the cursor coordinates fall outside the
* new canvas boundaries, they are readjusted. For instance, if the
* current X cursor coordinate is 11 and the requested width is 10, the
* new X cursor coordinate will be 10.
* It is an error to try to resize the canvas if an output driver has
* been attached to the canvas using caca_create_display(). You need to
* remove the output driver using caca_free_display() before you can change
* the canvas size again. However, the caca output driver can cause a
* the canvas size again. However, the caca output driver can cause a
* canvas resize through user interaction. See the caca_event() documentation
* for more about this.
@@ -353,6 +358,11 @@ int _cucul_set_canvas_size(cucul_canvas_t *cv, unsigned int width,
/* Set new size */
for(f = 0; f < cv->framecount; f++)
if(cv->frames[f].x > (int)width)
cv->frames[f].x = width;
if(cv->frames[f].y > (int)height)
cv->frames[f].y = height;

cv->frames[f].width = width;
cv->frames[f].height = height;
