Procházet zdrojové kódy

* src/bitmap.c:

+ Fixed a minor overflow in the saturation computation.
    + Use a global lookup table for foreground/background colour selection
      in the bitmap rendering routine. This broke dithering, sorry.
Sam Hocevar sam před 21 roky
3 změnil soubory, kde provedl 235 přidání a 158 odebrání
  1. +229
  2. +4
  3. +2

+ 229
- 158
src/bitmap.c Zobrazit soubor

@@ -53,6 +53,44 @@ enum caca_feature _caca_background;
enum caca_feature _caca_dithering;
enum caca_feature _caca_antialiasing;

* Local variables
#define LOOKUP_VAL 32
#define LOOKUP_SAT 32
#define LOOKUP_HUE 16
static unsigned char lookup_table[LOOKUP_VAL][LOOKUP_SAT][LOOKUP_HUE];
static enum caca_color lookup_colors[8];

static int const hsv_palette[] =
/* hue, saturation, value */
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, /* black */
0x0, 0x0, 0x5ff, /* 30% */
0x0, 0x0, 0x9ff, /* 70% */
0x0, 0x0, 0xfff, /* white */
0x1000, 0xfff, 0x5ff, /* dark yellow */
0x1000, 0xfff, 0xfff, /* light yellow */
0x0, 0xfff, 0x5ff, /* dark red */
0x0, 0xfff, 0xfff /* light red */

#define HSV_XRATIO (5*5)
#define HSV_YRATIO (3*3)
#define HSV_HRATIO (2*2)

#define HSV_DISTANCE(h, s, v, index) \
((HSV_XRATIO * ((v) - hsv_palette[index * 3 + 2]) \
* ((v) - hsv_palette[index * 3 + 2])) \
+ (hsv_palette[index * 3 + 2] \
? (HSV_YRATIO * ((s) - hsv_palette[index * 3 + 1]) \
* ((s) - hsv_palette[index * 3 + 1])) \
: 0) \
+ (hsv_palette[index * 3 + 1] \
? (HSV_HRATIO * ((h) - hsv_palette[index * 3 + 0]) \
* ((h) - hsv_palette[index * 3 + 0])) \
: 0))

* Local prototypes
@@ -61,7 +99,7 @@ static void mask2shift(unsigned int, int *, int *);
static void get_rgba_default(struct caca_bitmap const *, uint8_t *, int, int,
unsigned int *, unsigned int *, unsigned int *,
unsigned int *);
static void rgb2hsv_default(int, int, int, int *, int *, int *);
static inline void rgb2hsv_default(int, int, int, int *, int *, int *);

/* Dithering methods */
static void init_no_dither(int);
@@ -297,7 +335,8 @@ static void get_rgba_default(struct caca_bitmap const *bitmap, uint8_t *pixels,

static void rgb2hsv_default(int r, int g, int b, int *hue, int *sat, int *val)
static inline void rgb2hsv_default(int r, int g, int b,
int *hue, int *sat, int *val)
int min, max, delta;

@@ -305,12 +344,12 @@ static void rgb2hsv_default(int r, int g, int b, int *hue, int *sat, int *val)
if(min > g) min = g; if(max < g) max = g;
if(min > b) min = b; if(max < b) max = b;

delta = max - min; /* 0 - 0xffff */
*val = max; /* 0 - 0xffff */
delta = max - min; /* 0 - 0xfff */
*val = max; /* 0 - 0xfff */

*sat = 0x1000 * delta / max; /* 0 - 0xfff */
*sat = 0xfff * delta / max; /* 0 - 0xfff */

/* Generate *hue between 0 and 0x5fff */
if( r == max )
@@ -463,9 +502,6 @@ void caca_draw_bitmap(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
enum caca_color outfg, outbg;
char outch;

/* Only used by coloured background */
int distbg, distfg, dist, hue1, hue2;

r = g = b = a = 0;

/* First get RGB */
@@ -479,10 +515,10 @@ void caca_draw_bitmap(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,

for(myx = fromx; myx <= tox; myx++)
for(myy = fromy; myy <= toy; myy++)
get_rgba_default(bitmap, pixels, myx, myy, &r, &g, &b, &a);
get_rgba_default(bitmap, pixels, myx, myy, &r, &g, &b, &a);

/* Normalize */
r /= dots;
@@ -513,160 +549,37 @@ void caca_draw_bitmap(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
* as well as the most appropriate character to output. */
if(_caca_background == CACA_BACKGROUND_SOLID)
# define XRATIO 5*5
# define YRATIO 3*3
# define HRATIO 2*2
# define FUZZINESS XRATIO * 0x800

/* distance to black */
distbg = XRATIO * val * val;
distbg += FUZZINESS * _get_dither() - 0x80 * FUZZINESS;
distbg = distbg * 2 / 4;
unsigned char point;
int distfg, distbg;

/* distance to 30% */
dist = XRATIO * (val - 0x600) * (val - 0x600)
+ YRATIO * sat * sat;
dist += FUZZINESS * _get_dither() - 0x80 * FUZZINESS;
dist = dist * 3 / 2;
if(dist <= distbg)
outfg = outbg;
distfg = distbg;
distbg = dist;
distfg = dist;
lookup_colors[4] = dark_colors[1 + hue / 0x1000];
lookup_colors[5] = light_colors[1 + hue / 0x1000];
lookup_colors[6] = dark_colors[hue / 0x1000];
lookup_colors[7] = light_colors[hue / 0x1000];

/* check dist to 70% */
dist = XRATIO * (val - 0xa00) * (val - 0xa00)
+ YRATIO * sat * sat;
dist += FUZZINESS * _get_dither() - 0x80 * FUZZINESS;
dist = dist * 3 / 2;
if(dist <= distbg)
outfg = outbg;
distfg = distbg;
distbg = dist;
else if(dist <= distfg)
distfg = dist;
point = lookup_table[val * LOOKUP_VAL / 0x1000]
[sat * LOOKUP_SAT / 0x1000]
[(hue & 0xfff) * LOOKUP_HUE / 0x1000];

/* check dist to white */
dist = XRATIO * (val - 0x1000) * (val - 0x1000)
+ YRATIO * sat * sat;
dist += FUZZINESS * _get_dither() - 0x80 * FUZZINESS;
if(dist <= distbg)
outfg = outbg;
distfg = distbg;
distbg = dist;
else if(dist <= distfg)
distfg = dist;

hue1 = (hue + 0x800) & ~0xfff;
if(hue > hue1)
hue2 = (hue + 0x1800) & ~0xfff;
hue2 = (hue - 0x800) & ~0xfff;

/* check dist to 2nd closest dark color */
dist = XRATIO * (val - 0x600) * (val - 0x600)
+ YRATIO * (sat - 0x1000) * (sat - 0x1000)
+ HRATIO * (hue - hue2) * (hue - hue2);
dist += FUZZINESS * _get_dither() - 0x80 * FUZZINESS;
//dist = dist * 3 / 4;
if(dist <= distbg)
outfg = outbg;
distfg = distbg;
outbg = dark_colors[hue2 / 0x1000];
distbg = dist;
else if(dist <= distfg)
outfg = dark_colors[hue2 / 0x1000];
distfg = dist;

/* check dist to 2nd closest light color */
dist = XRATIO * (val - 0x1000) * (val - 0x1000)
+ YRATIO * (sat - 0x1000) * (sat - 0x1000)
+ HRATIO * (hue - hue2) * (hue - hue2);
dist += FUZZINESS * _get_dither() - 0x80 * FUZZINESS;
//dist = dist * 3 / 4;
//dist = dist / 2;
if(dist <= distbg)
outfg = outbg;
distfg = distbg;
outbg = light_colors[hue2 / 0x1000];
distbg = dist;
else if(dist <= distfg)
outfg = light_colors[hue2 / 0x1000];
distfg = dist;

/* check dist to closest dark color */
dist = XRATIO * (val - 0x600) * (val - 0x600)
+ YRATIO * (sat - 0x1000) * (sat - 0x1000)
+ HRATIO * (hue - hue1) * (hue - hue1);
dist += FUZZINESS * _get_dither() - 0x80 * FUZZINESS;
dist = dist * 3 / 4;
if(dist <= distbg)
outfg = outbg;
distfg = distbg;
outbg = dark_colors[hue1 / 0x1000];
distbg = dist;
else if(dist <= distfg)
outfg = dark_colors[hue1 / 0x1000];
distfg = dist;
distfg = HSV_DISTANCE(hue % 0xfff, sat, val, (point >> 4));
distbg = HSV_DISTANCE(hue % 0xfff, sat, val, (point & 0xf));

/* check dist to closest light color */
dist = XRATIO * (val - 0x1000) * (val - 0x1000)
+ YRATIO * (sat - 0x1000) * (sat - 0x1000)
+ HRATIO * (hue - hue1) * (hue - hue1);
dist += FUZZINESS * _get_dither() - 0x80 * FUZZINESS;
dist = dist / 2;
if(dist <= distbg)
/* Sanity check due to the lack of precision in lookup_table */
#if 0
if(distbg > distfg)
outfg = outbg;
distfg = distbg;
outbg = light_colors[hue1 / 0x1000];
distbg = dist;
else if(dist <= distfg)
outfg = light_colors[hue1 / 0x1000];
distfg = dist;
point = ((point & 0xf) << 4) | (point >> 4);
goto try_again;
if(distbg > distfg)
distbg = distfg;

if(distbg <= 0) distbg = 1;
if(distfg <= 0) distfg = 1;
outfg = lookup_colors[(point >> 4)];
outbg = lookup_colors[(point & 0xf)];

/* distbg can be > distfg because of dithering fuzziness */
ch = distbg * 2 * (DENSITY_CHARS - 1) / (distbg + distfg);
ch = 4 * ch + _get_dither() / 0x40;
outch = density_chars[ch];
outch = density_chars[4 * (distbg * (DENSITY_CHARS - 1) / distfg)];
@@ -692,6 +605,164 @@ void caca_draw_bitmap(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,

int _caca_init_bitmap(void)
unsigned int v, s, h;

/* These ones are constant */
lookup_colors[0] = CACA_COLOR_BLACK;
lookup_colors[1] = CACA_COLOR_DARKGRAY;
lookup_colors[2] = CACA_COLOR_LIGHTGRAY;
lookup_colors[3] = CACA_COLOR_WHITE;

/* These ones will be overwritten */
lookup_colors[4] = CACA_COLOR_MAGENTA;
lookup_colors[5] = CACA_COLOR_LIGHTMAGENTA;
lookup_colors[6] = CACA_COLOR_RED;
lookup_colors[7] = CACA_COLOR_LIGHTRED;

for(v = 0; v < LOOKUP_VAL; v++)
for(s = 0; s < LOOKUP_SAT; s++)
for(h = 0; h < LOOKUP_HUE; h++)
int distbg, distfg, dist;
int val, sat, hue;
unsigned char outbg, outfg;

val = 0x1000 * v / LOOKUP_VAL;
sat = 0x1000 * s / LOOKUP_SAT;
hue = 0x1000 * h / LOOKUP_HUE;

/* distance to black */
distbg = HSV_DISTANCE(hue, sat, val, 0);
distbg = distbg * 2 / 4;
outbg = 0;

/* distance to 30% */
dist = HSV_DISTANCE(hue, sat, val, 1);
dist = dist * 3 / 2;
if(dist <= distbg)
outfg = outbg;
distfg = distbg;
outbg = 1;
distbg = dist;
outfg = 1;
distfg = dist;

/* check dist to 70% */
dist = HSV_DISTANCE(hue, sat, val, 2);
dist = dist * 3 / 2;
if(dist <= distbg)
outfg = outbg;
distfg = distbg;
outbg = 2;
distbg = dist;
else if(dist <= distfg)
outfg = 2;
distfg = dist;

/* check dist to white */
dist = HSV_DISTANCE(hue, sat, val, 3);
if(dist <= distbg)
outfg = outbg;
distfg = distbg;
outbg = 3;
distbg = dist;
else if(dist <= distfg)
outfg = 3;
distfg = dist;

/* check dist to 2nd closest dark color */
dist = HSV_DISTANCE(hue, sat, val, 4);
//dist = dist * 3 / 4;
dist = dist * 3 / 4;
if(dist <= distbg)
outfg = outbg;
distfg = distbg;
outbg = 4;
distbg = dist;
else if(dist <= distfg)
outfg = 4;
distfg = dist;

/* check dist to 2nd closest light color */
dist = HSV_DISTANCE(hue, sat, val, 5);
dist = dist / 2;
//dist = dist * 3 / 4;
//dist = dist / 2;
if(dist <= distbg)
outfg = outbg;
distfg = distbg;
outbg = 5;
distbg = dist;
else if(dist <= distfg)
outfg = 5;
distfg = dist;

/* check dist to closest dark color */
dist = HSV_DISTANCE(hue, sat, val, 6);
dist = dist * 3 / 4;
if(dist <= distbg)
outfg = outbg;
distfg = distbg;
outbg = 6;
distbg = dist;
else if(dist <= distfg)
outfg = 6;
distfg = dist;

/* check dist to closest light color */
dist = HSV_DISTANCE(hue, sat, val, 7);
dist = dist / 2;
if(dist <= distbg)
outfg = outbg;
distfg = distbg;
outbg = 7;
distbg = dist;
else if(dist <= distfg)
outfg = 7;
distfg = dist;

lookup_table[v][s][h] = (outfg << 4) | outbg;

return 0;

int _caca_end_bitmap(void)
return 0;

* XXX: The following functions are local.

+ 4
- 0
src/caca.c Zobrazit soubor

@@ -155,6 +155,9 @@ int caca_init(void)
return -1;

return -1;

return 0;

@@ -319,6 +322,7 @@ char const *caca_get_feature_name(enum caca_feature feature)
void caca_end(void)

#if defined(USE_SLANG)

+ 2
- 0
src/caca_internals.h Zobrazit soubor

@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ extern enum caca_driver _caca_driver;
/* Initialisation functions */
extern int _caca_init_graphics(void);
extern int _caca_end_graphics(void);
extern int _caca_init_bitmap(void);
extern int _caca_end_bitmap(void);

/* Cached screen size */
extern unsigned int _caca_width;

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