Просмотр исходного кода

* lasers are now twice as fast.

* walls are now filled, and displayed on top of aliens.
Sam Hocevar sam 22 лет назад
2 измененных файлов: 58 добавлений и 27 удалений
  1. +9
  2. +49

+ 9
- 14
src/main.c Просмотреть файл

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* Copyright (c) 2002 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
* $Id: main.c,v 1.10 2002/12/23 10:06:27 sam Exp $
* $Id: main.c,v 1.11 2002/12/23 12:03:31 sam Exp $
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -75,11 +75,6 @@ static void start_game (game *g)
init_aliens( g, g->al );

/* Temporary stuff */
for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
add_alien( g, g->al, rand() % g->w, rand() % g->h / 2, ALIEN_POOLP );

g->t->w = 25;

while( !quit )
@@ -146,17 +141,17 @@ static void start_game (game *g)
if( g->p->weapon == 0 )
g->p->weapon = 4;
add_weapon( g, g->wp, g->p->x << 4, g->p->y << 4, 0, -16, WEAPON_LASER );
add_weapon( g, g->wp, (g->p->x + 5) << 4, g->p->y << 4, 0, -16, WEAPON_LASER );
add_weapon( g, g->wp, g->p->x << 4, g->p->y << 4, 0, -32, WEAPON_LASER );
add_weapon( g, g->wp, (g->p->x + 5) << 4, g->p->y << 4, 0, -32, WEAPON_LASER );
/* Extra shtuph */
add_weapon( g, g->wp, g->p->x << 4, g->p->y << 4, -24, -16, WEAPON_SEEKER );
add_weapon( g, g->wp, (g->p->x + 5) << 4, g->p->y << 4, 24, -16, WEAPON_SEEKER );
/* More shtuph */
add_weapon( g, g->wp, (g->p->x + 1) << 4, (g->p->y - 1) << 4, 0, -16, WEAPON_LASER );
add_weapon( g, g->wp, (g->p->x + 4) << 4, (g->p->y - 1) << 4, 0, -16, WEAPON_LASER );
add_weapon( g, g->wp, (g->p->x + 1) << 4, (g->p->y - 1) << 4, 0, -32, WEAPON_LASER );
add_weapon( g, g->wp, (g->p->x + 4) << 4, (g->p->y - 1) << 4, 0, -32, WEAPON_LASER );
/* Even more shtuph */
add_weapon( g, g->wp, (g->p->x + 2) << 4, (g->p->y - 1) << 4, 0, -16, WEAPON_LASER );
add_weapon( g, g->wp, (g->p->x + 3) << 4, (g->p->y - 1) << 4, 0, -16, WEAPON_LASER );
add_weapon( g, g->wp, (g->p->x + 2) << 4, (g->p->y - 1) << 4, 0, -32, WEAPON_LASER );
add_weapon( g, g->wp, (g->p->x + 3) << 4, (g->p->y - 1) << 4, 0, -32, WEAPON_LASER );
/* Extra shtuph */
add_weapon( g, g->wp, g->p->x << 4, g->p->y << 4, -32, 0, WEAPON_SEEKER );
add_weapon( g, g->wp, (g->p->x + 5) << 4, g->p->y << 4, 32, 0, WEAPON_SEEKER );
@@ -209,9 +204,9 @@ static void start_game (game *g)

/* Print starfield, tunnel, aliens, player and explosions */
draw_starfield( g, g->sf );
draw_aliens( g, g->al );
draw_tunnel( g, g->t );
draw_bonus( g, g->bo );
draw_aliens( g, g->al );
draw_explosions( g, g->ex );
draw_weapons( g, g->wp );
draw_player( g, g->p );
@@ -224,6 +219,6 @@ static void start_game (game *g)

free_starfield( g, g->sf );
free_tunnel( g->t );
// free_player( g->p );
free_player( g->p );

+ 49
- 13
src/tunnel.c Просмотреть файл

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* Copyright (c) 2002 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
* $Id: tunnel.c,v 1.6 2002/12/23 10:06:27 sam Exp $
* $Id: tunnel.c,v 1.7 2002/12/23 12:03:31 sam Exp $
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ void free_tunnel( tunnel *t )
void draw_tunnel( game *g, tunnel *t )
/* Print tunnel */
draw_wall( g, t->left, -2 );
draw_wall( g, t->left, 1 );
draw_wall( g, t->right, -1 );

@@ -151,37 +151,73 @@ void update_tunnel( game *g, tunnel *t )

static void draw_wall( game *g, int *wall, int delta )
int i;
int i, j;

gfx_color( RED );

if( delta == -1 )
for( i = 0; i < g->h ; i++ )
for( j = wall[i] ; j < g->w ; j++ )
gfx_goto( j, i );
gfx_putchar( '#' );
for( i = 0; i < g->h ; i++ )
for( j = 0 ; j <= wall[i]; j++ )
gfx_goto( j, i );
gfx_putchar( '#' );

gfx_color( GREEN );

for( i = 0; i < g->h ; i++ )
char *str;
char c;

if( wall[i] < -10 || wall[i] >= g->w + 10 )
if( wall[i] <= -10 || wall[i] >= g->w + 10 )

if( wall[i] > wall[i+1] )
if( i + 1 == g->h || wall[i] > wall[i+1] )
str = wall[i] > wall[i-1] ? ">##>" : "/##/";
c = ( i == 0 || wall[i] > wall[i-1] ) ? '>' : '/';
str = wall[i] > wall[i-1] ? "\\##\\" : "<##<";
c = ( i == 0 || wall[i] > wall[i-1] ) ? '\\' : '<';

if( wall[i] == wall[i+1] + 2 )
if( delta == -1 && i + 1 < g->h )
gfx_goto( wall[i] - 1 + delta, i );
gfx_putchar( '_' );
for( j = 1; j < wall[i] - wall[i+1]; j++ )
gfx_goto( wall[i+1] + j - 1, i );
gfx_putchar( '_' );

gfx_goto( wall[i] + delta, i );
gfx_putstr( str );
if( wall[i] == wall[i+1] - 2 ) gfx_putchar( '_' );
gfx_putchar( c );

if( delta == +1 && i + 1 < g->h )
for( j = 1; j < wall[i+1] - wall[i]; j++ )
gfx_goto( wall[i] + j + 1, i );
gfx_putchar( '_' );
