소스 검색

Starting refactoring to get rid of libcucul. The initial reason for the

split is rendered moot by the plugin system: when enabled, binaries do
not link directly with libX11 or libGL. I hope this is a step towards
more consisteny and clarity.
Sam Hocevar sam 16 년 전
100개의 변경된 파일2591개의 추가작업 그리고 2793개의 파일을 삭제
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+ 3
- 3
Makefile.am 파일 보기

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# $Id$

SUBDIRS = kernel cucul caca src examples tests tools csharp cxx python ruby doc
SUBDIRS = kernel caca src examples tests tools csharp cxx python ruby doc

EXTRA_DIST = NOTES COPYING.GPL COPYING.LGPL bootstrap build-dos build-kernel build-win32 caca-config.in stubs.h libcaca.spec
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ upload-doc: doc/html FORCE
scp -r doc/html/* $(webhost):$(webdir)/manual/

fonts: tools/makefont
tools/makefont mono9 "Monospace 9" 96 4 >| $(srcdir)/cucul/mono9.data
tools/makefont monobold12 "Monospace Bold 12" 96 4 >| $(srcdir)/cucul/monobold12.data
tools/makefont mono9 "Monospace 9" 96 4 >| $(srcdir)/caca/mono9.data
tools/makefont monobold12 "Monospace Bold 12" 96 4 >| $(srcdir)/caca/monobold12.data


+ 2
- 3
build-kernel 파일 보기

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
set -x
set -e

CFLAGS="-fno-builtin -O2 -I. -I.. -I../cucul/ -Wall"
CFLAGS="-fno-builtin -O2 -I. -I.. -I../caca/ -Wall"
CPPFLAGS="-D__KERNEL__ -nostdinc -include kernel/kernel.h"
LDFLAGS="-nostdlib -Wl,-N -Wl,-Ttext -Wl,100000"

@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ LDFLAGS="-nostdlib -Wl,-N -Wl,-Ttext -Wl,100000"
# We need this.
make clean

cd cucul && make && cd ..
cd caca && make && cd ..

cd src && make cacademo.o && cd ..
@@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ cd kernel &&
gcc $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS -c kernel.c -o kernel.o &&
cd ..

gcc $LDFLAGS -o src/cacademo kernel/multiboot.o kernel/kernel.o src/cacademo.o caca/.libs/libcaca.a cucul/.libs/libcucul.a
gcc $LDFLAGS -o src/cacademo kernel/multiboot.o kernel/kernel.o src/cacademo.o caca/.libs/libcaca.a

objcopy -O binary src/cacademo cacademo.boot

+ 2
- 5
caca-config.in 파일 보기

@@ -67,11 +67,8 @@ do
--libs | --plugin-libs)
libs="$libs -lcucul"
libs="$libs -lcaca -lcucul"
libs="$libs -lcaca"
usage 1 1>&2
@@ -82,7 +79,7 @@ done

if test "$libs" = ""
libs="-lcaca -lcucul"

if test "$local_prefix" = "yes"

+ 29
- 8
caca/Makefile.am 파일 보기

@@ -1,24 +1,41 @@
# $Id$

EXTRA_DIST = caca.pc.in
EXTRA_DIST = caca_types.h.in caca.pc.in mono9.data monobold12.data
DISTCLEANFILES = caca_types.h caca.pc

AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/cucul -I../cucul \
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) -DPLUGINDIR=\"$(plugindir)\"

pkgconfig_DATA = caca.pc
pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig

include_HEADERS = caca.h caca0.h
include_HEADERS = caca.h caca_types.h caca0.h

lib_LTLIBRARIES = libcaca.la

libcaca_la_SOURCES = \
caca.c \
caca.h \
caca_types.h \
caca_internals.h \
caca0.c \
caca0.h \
canvas.c \
string.c \
legacy.c \
transform.c \
charset.c \
attr.c \
line.c \
box.c \
conic.c \
triangle.c \
frame.c \
dither.c \
font.c \
import.c \
export.c \
file.c \
figfont.c \
graphics.c \
event.c \
time.c \
@@ -31,9 +48,13 @@ libcaca_la_SOURCES = \
$(cocoa_source) \
$(extra_source) \
libcaca_la_DEPENDENCIES = \
mono9.data \
monobold12.data \
libcaca_la_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined -version-number @LT_VERSION@
libcaca_la_LIBADD = ../cucul/libcucul.la @CACA_LIBS@
libcaca_la_LIBADD = @CACA_LIBS@ $(ZLIB_LIBS)

plugin_LTLIBRARIES = libx11_plugin.la libgl_plugin.la
@@ -42,12 +63,12 @@ plugindir = $(libdir)/caca
libx11_plugin_la_SOURCES = driver_x11.c
libx11_plugin_la_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(X11_CFLAGS)
libx11_plugin_la_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined -module -no-version
libx11_plugin_la_LIBADD = libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la $(X11_LIBS)
libx11_plugin_la_LIBADD = libcaca.la $(X11_LIBS)

libgl_plugin_la_SOURCES = driver_gl.c
libgl_plugin_la_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined -module -no-version
libgl_plugin_la_LIBADD = libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la $(GL_LIBS) #$(FTGL_LIBS)
libgl_plugin_la_LIBADD = libcaca.la $(GL_LIBS) #$(FTGL_LIBS)
extra_source = driver_x11.c driver_gl.c

cucul/attr.c → caca/attr.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@

#include "config.h"

#include "cucul.h"
#include "cucul_internals.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

static uint8_t nearest_ansi(uint16_t);

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ static const uint16_t ansitab14[16] =

/** \brief Get the text attribute at the given coordinates.
* Get the internal \e libcucul attribute value of the character at the
* Get the internal \e libcaca attribute value of the character at the
* given coordinates. The attribute value has 32 significant bits,
* organised as follows from MSB to LSB:
* - 3 bits for the background alpha
@@ -60,12 +60,12 @@ static const uint16_t ansitab14[16] =
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x X coordinate.
* \param y Y coordinate.
* \return The requested attribute.
uint32_t cucul_get_attr(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, int x, int y)
uint32_t caca_get_attr(caca_canvas_t const *cv, int x, int y)
if(x < 0 || x >= (int)cv->width || y < 0 || y >= (int)cv->height)
return cv->curattr;
@@ -82,21 +82,21 @@ uint32_t cucul_get_attr(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, int x, int y)
* will use this attribute.
* The value of \e attr is either:
* - a 32-bit integer as returned by cucul_get_attr(), in which case it
* - a 32-bit integer as returned by caca_get_attr(), in which case it
* also contains colour information,
* - a combination (bitwise OR) of style values (\e CUCUL_UNDERLINE,
* \e CUCUL_BLINK, \e CUCUL_BOLD and \e CUCUL_ITALICS), in which case
* - a combination (bitwise OR) of style values (\e CACA_UNDERLINE,
* \e CACA_BLINK, \e CACA_BOLD and \e CACA_ITALICS), in which case
* setting the attribute does not modify the current colour information.
* To retrieve the current attribute value, use cucul_get_attr(-1,-1).
* To retrieve the current attribute value, use caca_get_attr(-1,-1).
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param attr The requested attribute value.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_set_attr(cucul_canvas_t *cv, uint32_t attr)
int caca_set_attr(caca_canvas_t *cv, uint32_t attr)
if(attr < 0x00000010)
attr = (cv->curattr & 0xfffffff0) | attr;
@@ -113,21 +113,21 @@ int cucul_set_attr(cucul_canvas_t *cv, uint32_t attr)
* cells' attributes are replaced.
* The value of \e attr is either:
* - a 32-bit integer as returned by cucul_get_attr(), in which case it
* - a 32-bit integer as returned by caca_get_attr(), in which case it
* also contains colour information,
* - a combination (bitwise OR) of style values (\e CUCUL_UNDERLINE,
* \e CUCUL_BLINK, \e CUCUL_BOLD and \e CUCUL_ITALICS), in which case
* - a combination (bitwise OR) of style values (\e CACA_UNDERLINE,
* \e CACA_BLINK, \e CACA_BOLD and \e CACA_ITALICS), in which case
* setting the attribute does not modify the current colour information.
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x X coordinate.
* \param y Y coordinate.
* \param attr The requested attribute value.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_put_attr(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, uint32_t attr)
int caca_put_attr(caca_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, uint32_t attr)
uint32_t *curattr, *curchar;

@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ int cucul_put_attr(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, uint32_t attr)
curattr[0] = attr;

if(x && curchar[0] == CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
if(x && curchar[0] == CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
curattr[-1] = curattr[0];
else if(x + 1 < (int)cv->width && curchar[1] == CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
else if(x + 1 < (int)cv->width && curchar[1] == CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
curattr[1] = curattr[0];

return 0;
@@ -156,18 +156,18 @@ int cucul_put_attr(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, uint32_t attr)
* as caca_printf() and graphical primitive functions such as caca_draw_line()
* will use these attributes.
* Color values are those defined in cucul.h, such as CUCUL_RED
* Color values are those defined in caca.h, such as CACA_RED
* If an error occurs, 0 is returned and \b errno is set accordingly:
* - \c EINVAL At least one of the colour values is invalid.
* \param cv A handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param fg The requested ANSI foreground colour.
* \param bg The requested ANSI background colour.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_set_color_ansi(cucul_canvas_t *cv, uint8_t fg, uint8_t bg)
int caca_set_color_ansi(caca_canvas_t *cv, uint8_t fg, uint8_t bg)
uint32_t attr;

@@ -195,12 +195,12 @@ int cucul_set_color_ansi(cucul_canvas_t *cv, uint8_t fg, uint8_t bg)
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param fg The requested ARGB foreground colour.
* \param bg The requested ARGB background colour.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_set_color_argb(cucul_canvas_t *cv, uint16_t fg, uint16_t bg)
int caca_set_color_argb(caca_canvas_t *cv, uint16_t fg, uint16_t bg)
uint32_t attr;

@@ -226,9 +226,9 @@ int cucul_set_color_argb(cucul_canvas_t *cv, uint16_t fg, uint16_t bg)
* 4 bits are the foreground colour.
* If the attribute has ARGB colours, the nearest colour is used. Special
* attributes such as \e CUCUL_DEFAULT and \e CUCUL_TRANSPARENT are not
* handled and are both replaced with \e CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY for the foreground
* colour and \e CUCUL_BLACK for the background colour.
* attributes such as \e CACA_DEFAULT and \e CACA_TRANSPARENT are not
* handled and are both replaced with \e CACA_LIGHTGRAY for the foreground
* colour and \e CACA_BLACK for the background colour.
* This function never fails. If the attribute value is outside the expected
* 32-bit range, higher order bits are simply ignored.
@@ -236,21 +236,21 @@ int cucul_set_color_argb(cucul_canvas_t *cv, uint16_t fg, uint16_t bg)
* \param attr The requested attribute value.
* \return The corresponding DOS ANSI value.
uint8_t cucul_attr_to_ansi(uint32_t attr)
uint8_t caca_attr_to_ansi(uint32_t attr)
uint8_t fg = nearest_ansi((attr >> 4) & 0x3fff);
uint8_t bg = nearest_ansi(attr >> 18);

return (fg < 0x10 ? fg : CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY)
| ((bg < 0x10 ? bg : CUCUL_BLACK) << 4);
return (fg < 0x10 ? fg : CACA_LIGHTGRAY)
| ((bg < 0x10 ? bg : CACA_BLACK) << 4);

/** \brief Get ANSI foreground information from attribute.
* Get the ANSI foreground colour value for a given attribute. The returned
* value is either one of the \e CUCUL_RED, \e CUCUL_BLACK etc. predefined
* colours, or the special value \e CUCUL_DEFAULT meaning the media's
* default foreground value, or the special value \e CUCUL_TRANSPARENT.
* value is either one of the \e CACA_RED, \e CACA_BLACK etc. predefined
* colours, or the special value \e CACA_DEFAULT meaning the media's
* default foreground value, or the special value \e CACA_TRANSPARENT.
* If the attribute has ARGB colours, the nearest colour is returned.
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ uint8_t cucul_attr_to_ansi(uint32_t attr)
* \param attr The requested attribute value.
* \return The corresponding ANSI foreground value.
uint8_t cucul_attr_to_ansi_fg(uint32_t attr)
uint8_t caca_attr_to_ansi_fg(uint32_t attr)
return nearest_ansi(((uint16_t)attr >> 4) & 0x3fff);
@@ -268,9 +268,9 @@ uint8_t cucul_attr_to_ansi_fg(uint32_t attr)
/** \brief Get ANSI background information from attribute.
* Get the ANSI background colour value for a given attribute. The returned
* value is either one of the \e CUCUL_RED, \e CUCUL_BLACK etc. predefined
* colours, or the special value \e CUCUL_DEFAULT meaning the media's
* default background value, or the special value \e CUCUL_TRANSPARENT.
* value is either one of the \e CACA_RED, \e CACA_BLACK etc. predefined
* colours, or the special value \e CACA_DEFAULT meaning the media's
* default background value, or the special value \e CACA_TRANSPARENT.
* If the attribute has ARGB colours, the nearest colour is returned.
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ uint8_t cucul_attr_to_ansi_fg(uint32_t attr)
* \param attr The requested attribute value.
* \return The corresponding ANSI background value.
uint8_t cucul_attr_to_ansi_bg(uint32_t attr)
uint8_t caca_attr_to_ansi_bg(uint32_t attr)
return nearest_ansi(attr >> 18);
@@ -300,18 +300,18 @@ uint8_t cucul_attr_to_ansi_bg(uint32_t attr)
* \param attr The requested attribute value.
* \return The corresponding 12-bit RGB foreground value.
uint16_t cucul_attr_to_rgb12_fg(uint32_t attr)
uint16_t caca_attr_to_rgb12_fg(uint32_t attr)
uint16_t fg = (attr >> 4) & 0x3fff;

if(fg < (0x10 | 0x40))
return ansitab16[fg ^ 0x40] & 0x0fff;

if(fg == (CUCUL_DEFAULT | 0x40))
return ansitab16[CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY] & 0x0fff;
if(fg == (CACA_DEFAULT | 0x40))
return ansitab16[CACA_LIGHTGRAY] & 0x0fff;

if(fg == (CUCUL_TRANSPARENT | 0x40))
return ansitab16[CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY] & 0x0fff;
if(fg == (CACA_TRANSPARENT | 0x40))
return ansitab16[CACA_LIGHTGRAY] & 0x0fff;

return (fg << 1) & 0x0fff;
@@ -331,18 +331,18 @@ uint16_t cucul_attr_to_rgb12_fg(uint32_t attr)
* \param attr The requested attribute value.
* \return The corresponding 12-bit RGB background value.
uint16_t cucul_attr_to_rgb12_bg(uint32_t attr)
uint16_t caca_attr_to_rgb12_bg(uint32_t attr)
uint16_t bg = attr >> 18;

if(bg < (0x10 | 0x40))
return ansitab16[bg ^ 0x40] & 0x0fff;

if(bg == (CUCUL_DEFAULT | 0x40))
return ansitab16[CUCUL_BLACK] & 0x0fff;
if(bg == (CACA_DEFAULT | 0x40))
return ansitab16[CACA_BLACK] & 0x0fff;

if(bg == (CUCUL_TRANSPARENT | 0x40))
return ansitab16[CUCUL_BLACK] & 0x0fff;
if(bg == (CACA_TRANSPARENT | 0x40))
return ansitab16[CACA_BLACK] & 0x0fff;

return (bg << 1) & 0x0fff;
@@ -366,16 +366,16 @@ uint16_t cucul_attr_to_rgb12_bg(uint32_t attr)
* \param attr The requested attribute value.
* \param argb An array of 8-bit integers.
void cucul_attr_to_argb64(uint32_t attr, uint8_t argb[8])
void caca_attr_to_argb64(uint32_t attr, uint8_t argb[8])
uint16_t fg = (attr >> 4) & 0x3fff;
uint16_t bg = attr >> 18;

if(bg < (0x10 | 0x40))
bg = ansitab16[bg ^ 0x40];
else if(bg == (CUCUL_DEFAULT | 0x40))
bg = ansitab16[CUCUL_BLACK];
else if(bg == (CUCUL_TRANSPARENT | 0x40))
else if(bg == (CACA_DEFAULT | 0x40))
bg = ansitab16[CACA_BLACK];
else if(bg == (CACA_TRANSPARENT | 0x40))
bg = 0x0fff;
bg = ((bg << 2) & 0xf000) | ((bg << 1) & 0x0fff);
@@ -387,9 +387,9 @@ void cucul_attr_to_argb64(uint32_t attr, uint8_t argb[8])

if(fg < (0x10 | 0x40))
fg = ansitab16[fg ^ 0x40];
else if(fg == (CUCUL_DEFAULT | 0x40))
fg = ansitab16[CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY];
else if(fg == (CUCUL_TRANSPARENT | 0x40))
else if(fg == (CACA_DEFAULT | 0x40))
fg = ansitab16[CACA_LIGHTGRAY];
else if(fg == (CACA_TRANSPARENT | 0x40))
fg = 0x0fff;
fg = ((fg << 2) & 0xf000) | ((fg << 1) & 0x0fff);
@@ -411,13 +411,13 @@ static uint8_t nearest_ansi(uint16_t argb14)
if(argb14 < (0x10 | 0x40))
return argb14 ^ 0x40;

if(argb14 == (CUCUL_DEFAULT | 0x40) || argb14 == (CUCUL_TRANSPARENT | 0x40))
if(argb14 == (CACA_DEFAULT | 0x40) || argb14 == (CACA_TRANSPARENT | 0x40))
return argb14 ^ 0x40;

if(argb14 < 0x0fff) /* too transparent */

dist = 0x3fff;
for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
@@ -451,13 +451,13 @@ static uint8_t nearest_ansi(uint16_t argb14)
| ((uint32_t)((i & 0x0f0) >> 4) * 0x001100) \
| ((uint32_t)(i & 0x00f) * 0x000011))

uint32_t _cucul_attr_to_rgb24fg(uint32_t attr)
uint32_t _caca_attr_to_rgb24fg(uint32_t attr)
return RGB12TO24(cucul_attr_to_rgb12_fg(attr));
return RGB12TO24(caca_attr_to_rgb12_fg(attr));

uint32_t _cucul_attr_to_rgb24bg(uint32_t attr)
uint32_t _caca_attr_to_rgb24bg(uint32_t attr)
return RGB12TO24(cucul_attr_to_rgb12_bg(attr));
return RGB12TO24(caca_attr_to_rgb12_bg(attr));

cucul/box.c → caca/box.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@
# include <stdlib.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "cucul_internals.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

/** \brief Draw a box on the canvas using the given character.
* This function never fails.
* \param cv The handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv The handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the box.
* \param y Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the box.
* \param w Width of the box.
@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@
* \param ch UTF-32 character to be used to draw the box.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_draw_box(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32_t ch)
int caca_draw_box(caca_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32_t ch)
int x2 = x + w - 1;
int y2 = y + h - 1;

cucul_draw_line(cv, x, y, x, y2, ch);
cucul_draw_line(cv, x, y2, x2, y2, ch);
cucul_draw_line(cv, x2, y2, x2, y, ch);
cucul_draw_line(cv, x2, y, x, y, ch);
caca_draw_line(cv, x, y, x, y2, ch);
caca_draw_line(cv, x, y2, x2, y2, ch);
caca_draw_line(cv, x2, y2, x2, y, ch);
caca_draw_line(cv, x2, y, x, y, ch);

return 0;
@@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ int cucul_draw_box(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32_t ch)
* This function never fails.
* \param cv The handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv The handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the box.
* \param y Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the box.
* \param w Width of the box.
* \param h Height of the box.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_draw_thin_box(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h)
int caca_draw_thin_box(caca_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h)
int i, j, xmax, ymax;

@@ -89,25 +89,25 @@ int cucul_draw_thin_box(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h)
/* Draw edges */
if(y >= 0)
for(i = x < 0 ? 1 : x + 1; i < x2 && i < xmax; i++)
cucul_put_char(cv, i, y, '-');
caca_put_char(cv, i, y, '-');

if(y2 <= ymax)
for(i = x < 0 ? 1 : x + 1; i < x2 && i < xmax; i++)
cucul_put_char(cv, i, y2, '-');
caca_put_char(cv, i, y2, '-');

if(x >= 0)
for(j = y < 0 ? 1 : y + 1; j < y2 && j < ymax; j++)
cucul_put_char(cv, x, j, '|');
caca_put_char(cv, x, j, '|');

if(x2 <= xmax)
for(j = y < 0 ? 1 : y + 1; j < y2 && j < ymax; j++)
cucul_put_char(cv, x2, j, '|');
caca_put_char(cv, x2, j, '|');

/* Draw corners */
cucul_put_char(cv, x, y, ',');
cucul_put_char(cv, x, y2, '`');
cucul_put_char(cv, x2, y, '.');
cucul_put_char(cv, x2, y2, '\'');
caca_put_char(cv, x, y, ',');
caca_put_char(cv, x, y2, '`');
caca_put_char(cv, x2, y, '.');
caca_put_char(cv, x2, y2, '\'');

return 0;
@@ -116,14 +116,14 @@ int cucul_draw_thin_box(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h)
* This function never fails.
* \param cv The handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv The handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the box.
* \param y Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the box.
* \param w Width of the box.
* \param h Height of the box.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_draw_cp437_box(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h)
int caca_draw_cp437_box(caca_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h)
int i, j, xmax, ymax;

@@ -151,25 +151,25 @@ int cucul_draw_cp437_box(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h)
/* Draw edges */
if(y >= 0)
for(i = x < 0 ? 1 : x + 1; i < x2 && i < xmax; i++)
cucul_put_char(cv, i, y, 0x2500); /* ─ */
caca_put_char(cv, i, y, 0x2500); /* ─ */

if(y2 <= ymax)
for(i = x < 0 ? 1 : x + 1; i < x2 && i < xmax; i++)
cucul_put_char(cv, i, y2, 0x2500); /* ─ */
caca_put_char(cv, i, y2, 0x2500); /* ─ */

if(x >= 0)
for(j = y < 0 ? 1 : y + 1; j < y2 && j < ymax; j++)
cucul_put_char(cv, x, j, 0x2502); /* │ */
caca_put_char(cv, x, j, 0x2502); /* │ */

if(x2 <= xmax)
for(j = y < 0 ? 1 : y + 1; j < y2 && j < ymax; j++)
cucul_put_char(cv, x2, j, 0x2502); /* │ */
caca_put_char(cv, x2, j, 0x2502); /* │ */

/* Draw corners */
cucul_put_char(cv, x, y, 0x250c); /* ┌ */
cucul_put_char(cv, x, y2, 0x2514); /* └ */
cucul_put_char(cv, x2, y, 0x2510); /* ┐ */
cucul_put_char(cv, x2, y2, 0x2518); /* ┘ */
caca_put_char(cv, x, y, 0x250c); /* ┌ */
caca_put_char(cv, x, y2, 0x2514); /* └ */
caca_put_char(cv, x2, y, 0x2510); /* ┐ */
caca_put_char(cv, x2, y2, 0x2518); /* ┘ */

return 0;
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ int cucul_draw_cp437_box(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h)
* This function never fails.
* \param cv The handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv The handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the box.
* \param y Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the box.
* \param w Width of the box.
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ int cucul_draw_cp437_box(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h)
* \param ch UTF-32 character to be used to draw the box.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_fill_box(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h,
int caca_fill_box(caca_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h,
uint32_t ch)
int i, j, xmax, ymax;
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ int cucul_fill_box(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h,

for(j = y; j <= y2; j++)
for(i = x; i <= x2; i++)
cucul_put_char(cv, i, j, ch);
caca_put_char(cv, i, j, ch);

return 0;

+ 26
- 27
caca/caca.c 파일 보기

@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
# endif

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

@@ -48,14 +47,14 @@ static int caca_select_driver(caca_display_t *, char const *);
static int caca_plugin_install(caca_display_t *, char const *);

/** \brief Attach a caca graphical context to a cucul canvas.
/** \brief Attach a caca graphical context to a caca canvas.
* Create a graphical context using device-dependent features (ncurses for
* terminals, an X11 window, a DOS command window...) that attaches to a
* libcucul canvas. Everything that gets drawn in the libcucul canvas can
* libcaca canvas. Everything that gets drawn in the libcaca canvas can
* then be displayed by the libcaca driver.
* If no cucul canvas is provided, a new one is created. Its handle can be
* If no caca canvas is provided, a new one is created. Its handle can be
* retrieved using caca_get_canvas() and it is automatically destroyed when
* caca_free_display() is called.
@@ -65,22 +64,22 @@ static int caca_plugin_install(caca_display_t *, char const *);
* - \c ENOMEM Not enough memory.
* - \c ENODEV Graphical device could not be initialised.
* \param cv The cucul canvas or NULL to create a canvas automatically.
* \param cv The caca canvas or NULL to create a canvas automatically.
* \return The caca graphical context or NULL if an error occurred.
caca_display_t * caca_create_display(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
caca_display_t * caca_create_display(caca_canvas_t *cv)
return caca_create_display_with_driver(cv, NULL);

/** \brief Attach a specific caca graphical context to a cucul canvas.
/** \brief Attach a specific caca graphical context to a caca canvas.
* Create a graphical context using device-dependent features (ncurses for
* terminals, an X11 window, a DOS command window...) that attaches to a
* libcucul canvas. Everything that gets drawn in the libcucul canvas can
* libcaca canvas. Everything that gets drawn in the libcaca canvas can
* then be displayed by the libcaca driver.
* If no cucul canvas is provided, a new one is created. Its handle can be
* If no caca canvas is provided, a new one is created. Its handle can be
* retrieved using caca_get_canvas() and it is automatically destroyed when
* caca_free_display() is called.
@@ -93,12 +92,12 @@ caca_display_t * caca_create_display(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
* - \c ENOMEM Not enough memory.
* - \c ENODEV Graphical device could not be initialised.
* \param cv The cucul canvas or NULL to create a canvas automatically.
* \param cv The caca canvas or NULL to create a canvas automatically.
* \param driver A string describing the desired output driver or NULL to
* choose the best driver automatically.
* \return The caca graphical context or NULL if an error occurred.
caca_display_t * caca_create_display_with_driver(cucul_canvas_t *cv,
caca_display_t * caca_create_display_with_driver(caca_canvas_t *cv,
char const *driver)
caca_display_t *dp = malloc(sizeof(caca_display_t));
@@ -111,15 +110,15 @@ caca_display_t * caca_create_display_with_driver(cucul_canvas_t *cv,

if((dp->autorelease = (cv == NULL)))
cv = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
cv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);

dp->cv = cv;

if(cucul_manage_canvas(cv, (int (*)(void *))caca_can_resize, (void *)dp))
if(caca_manage_canvas(cv, (int (*)(void *))caca_can_resize, (void *)dp))
return NULL;
@@ -127,9 +126,9 @@ caca_display_t * caca_create_display_with_driver(cucul_canvas_t *cv,

if(caca_install_driver(dp, driver))
cucul_unmanage_canvas(cv, (int (*)(void *))caca_can_resize, (void *)dp);
caca_unmanage_canvas(cv, (int (*)(void *))caca_can_resize, (void *)dp);
return NULL;
@@ -223,13 +222,13 @@ int caca_set_display_driver(caca_display_t *dp, char const *driver)
return 0;

/** \brief Detach a caca graphical context from a cucul backend context.
/** \brief Detach a caca graphical context from a caca backend context.
* Detach a graphical context from its cucul backend and destroy it. The
* libcucul canvas continues to exist and other graphical contexts can be
* Detach a graphical context from its caca backend and destroy it. The
* libcaca canvas continues to exist and other graphical contexts can be
* attached to it afterwards.
* If the cucul canvas was automatically created by caca_create_display(),
* If the caca canvas was automatically created by caca_create_display(),
* it is automatically destroyed and any handle to it becomes invalid.
* This function never fails.
@@ -240,9 +239,9 @@ int caca_set_display_driver(caca_display_t *dp, char const *driver)
int caca_free_display(caca_display_t *dp)
cucul_unmanage_canvas(dp->cv, (int (*)(void *))caca_can_resize, (void *)dp);
caca_unmanage_canvas(dp->cv, (int (*)(void *))caca_can_resize, (void *)dp);

return 0;
@@ -250,15 +249,15 @@ int caca_free_display(caca_display_t *dp)

/** \brief Get the canvas attached to a caca graphical context.
* Return a handle on the \e cucul_canvas_t object that was either attached
* Return a handle on the \e caca_canvas_t object that was either attached
* or created by caca_create_display().
* This function never fails.
* \param dp The libcaca graphical context.
* \return The libcucul canvas.
* \return The libcaca canvas.
cucul_canvas_t * caca_get_canvas(caca_display_t *dp)
caca_canvas_t * caca_get_canvas(caca_display_t *dp)
return dp->cv;
@@ -330,8 +329,8 @@ static int caca_install_driver(caca_display_t *dp, char const *driver)
dp->lastticks = 0;

/* Mouse position */
dp->mouse.x = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) / 2;
dp->mouse.y = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) / 2;
dp->mouse.x = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) / 2;
dp->mouse.y = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) / 2;

/* Resize events */
dp->resize.resized = 0;

+ 343
- 6
caca/caca.h 파일 보기

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
#ifndef __CACA_H__
#define __CACA_H__

#include <cucul.h>
#include <caca_types.h>

#undef __extern
#if defined(_DOXYGEN_SKIP_ME)
@@ -42,11 +42,49 @@ extern "C"

/** \e libcaca canvas */
typedef struct caca_canvas caca_canvas_t;
/** dither structure */
typedef struct caca_dither caca_dither_t;
/** font structure */
typedef struct caca_font caca_font_t;
/** file handle structure */
typedef struct caca_file caca_file_t;
/** \e libcaca display context */
typedef struct caca_display caca_display_t;
/** \e libcaca event structure */
typedef struct caca_event caca_event_t;

/** \defgroup caca_attr libcaca attribute definitions
* Colours and styles that can be used with caca_set_attr().
* @{ */
#define CACA_BLACK 0x00 /**< The colour index for black. */
#define CACA_BLUE 0x01 /**< The colour index for blue. */
#define CACA_GREEN 0x02 /**< The colour index for green. */
#define CACA_CYAN 0x03 /**< The colour index for cyan. */
#define CACA_RED 0x04 /**< The colour index for red. */
#define CACA_MAGENTA 0x05 /**< The colour index for magenta. */
#define CACA_BROWN 0x06 /**< The colour index for brown. */
#define CACA_LIGHTGRAY 0x07 /**< The colour index for light gray. */
#define CACA_DARKGRAY 0x08 /**< The colour index for dark gray. */
#define CACA_LIGHTBLUE 0x09 /**< The colour index for blue. */
#define CACA_LIGHTGREEN 0x0a /**< The colour index for light green. */
#define CACA_LIGHTCYAN 0x0b /**< The colour index for light cyan. */
#define CACA_LIGHTRED 0x0c /**< The colour index for light red. */
#define CACA_LIGHTMAGENTA 0x0d /**< The colour index for light magenta. */
#define CACA_YELLOW 0x0e /**< The colour index for yellow. */
#define CACA_WHITE 0x0f /**< The colour index for white. */
#define CACA_DEFAULT 0x10 /**< The output driver's default colour. */
#define CACA_TRANSPARENT 0x20 /**< The transparent colour. */

#define CACA_BOLD 0x01 /**< The style mask for bold. */
#define CACA_ITALICS 0x02 /**< The style mask for italics. */
#define CACA_UNDERLINE 0x04 /**< The style mask for underline. */
#define CACA_BLINK 0x08 /**< The style mask for blink. */
/* @} */

/** \brief User event type enumeration.
* This enum serves two purposes:
@@ -158,18 +196,247 @@ enum caca_key

/** \defgroup libcaca libcaca basic functions
* These functions provide the basic \e libcaca routines for driver
* These functions provide the basic \e libcaca routines for library
* initialisation, system information retrieval and configuration.
* @{ */
__extern caca_canvas_t * caca_create_canvas(int, int);
__extern int caca_manage_canvas(caca_canvas_t *, int (*)(void *), void *);
__extern int caca_unmanage_canvas(caca_canvas_t *, int (*)(void *), void *);
__extern int caca_set_canvas_size(caca_canvas_t *, int, int);
__extern int caca_get_canvas_width(caca_canvas_t const *);
__extern int caca_get_canvas_height(caca_canvas_t const *);
__extern uint8_t const * caca_get_canvas_chars(caca_canvas_t const *);
__extern uint8_t const * caca_get_canvas_attrs(caca_canvas_t const *);
__extern int caca_free_canvas(caca_canvas_t *);
__extern int caca_rand(int, int);
__extern char const * caca_get_version(void);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup caca_canvas libcaca canvas drawing
* These functions provide low-level character printing routines and
* higher level graphics functions.
* @{ */
#define CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH 0x000ffffe /**< Used to indicate that the previous character was a fullwidth glyph. */
__extern int caca_gotoxy(caca_canvas_t *, int, int);
__extern int caca_get_cursor_x(caca_canvas_t const *);
__extern int caca_get_cursor_y(caca_canvas_t const *);
__extern int caca_put_char(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, uint32_t);
__extern uint32_t caca_get_char(caca_canvas_t const *, int, int);
__extern int caca_put_str(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, char const *);
__extern uint32_t caca_get_attr(caca_canvas_t const *, int, int);
__extern int caca_set_attr(caca_canvas_t *, uint32_t);
__extern int caca_put_attr(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, uint32_t);
__extern int caca_set_color_ansi(caca_canvas_t *, uint8_t, uint8_t);
__extern int caca_set_color_argb(caca_canvas_t *, uint16_t, uint16_t);
__extern int caca_printf(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, char const *, ...);
__extern int caca_clear_canvas(caca_canvas_t *);
__extern int caca_set_canvas_handle(caca_canvas_t *, int, int);
__extern int caca_get_canvas_handle_x(caca_canvas_t const *);
__extern int caca_get_canvas_handle_y(caca_canvas_t const *);
__extern int caca_blit(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, caca_canvas_t const *,
caca_canvas_t const *);
__extern int caca_set_canvas_boundaries(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup caca_transform libcaca canvas transformation
* These functions perform horizontal and vertical canvas flipping.
* @{ */
__extern int caca_invert(caca_canvas_t *);
__extern int caca_flip(caca_canvas_t *);
__extern int caca_flop(caca_canvas_t *);
__extern int caca_rotate_180(caca_canvas_t *);
__extern int caca_rotate_left(caca_canvas_t *);
__extern int caca_rotate_right(caca_canvas_t *);
__extern int caca_stretch_left(caca_canvas_t *);
__extern int caca_stretch_right(caca_canvas_t *);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup caca_attributes libcaca attribute conversions
* These functions perform conversions between attribute values.
* @{ */
__extern uint8_t caca_attr_to_ansi(uint32_t);
__extern uint8_t caca_attr_to_ansi_fg(uint32_t);
__extern uint8_t caca_attr_to_ansi_bg(uint32_t);
__extern uint16_t caca_attr_to_rgb12_fg(uint32_t);
__extern uint16_t caca_attr_to_rgb12_bg(uint32_t);
__extern void caca_attr_to_argb64(uint32_t, uint8_t[8]);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup caca_charset libcaca character set conversions
* These functions perform conversions between usual character sets.
* @{ */
__extern uint32_t caca_utf8_to_utf32(char const *, size_t *);
__extern size_t caca_utf32_to_utf8(char *, uint32_t);
__extern uint8_t caca_utf32_to_cp437(uint32_t);
__extern uint32_t caca_cp437_to_utf32(uint8_t);
__extern char caca_utf32_to_ascii(uint32_t);
__extern int caca_utf32_is_fullwidth(uint32_t);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup caca_primitives libcaca primitives drawing
* These functions provide routines for primitive drawing, such as lines,
* boxes, triangles and ellipses.
* @{ */
__extern int caca_draw_line(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int, uint32_t);
__extern int caca_draw_polyline(caca_canvas_t *, int const x[],
int const y[], int, uint32_t);
__extern int caca_draw_thin_line(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int);
__extern int caca_draw_thin_polyline(caca_canvas_t *, int const x[],
int const y[], int);

__extern int caca_draw_circle(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, int, uint32_t);
__extern int caca_draw_ellipse(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int, uint32_t);
__extern int caca_draw_thin_ellipse(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int);
__extern int caca_fill_ellipse(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int, uint32_t);

__extern int caca_draw_box(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int, uint32_t);
__extern int caca_draw_thin_box(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int);
__extern int caca_draw_cp437_box(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int);
__extern int caca_fill_box(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int, uint32_t);

__extern int caca_draw_triangle(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int, int,
int, uint32_t);
__extern int caca_draw_thin_triangle(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int,
int, int);
__extern int caca_fill_triangle(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int, int,
int, uint32_t);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup caca_frame libcaca canvas frame handling
* These functions provide high level routines for canvas frame insertion,
* removal, copying etc.
* @{ */
__extern int caca_get_frame_count(caca_canvas_t const *);
__extern int caca_set_frame(caca_canvas_t *, int);
__extern char const *caca_get_frame_name(caca_canvas_t const *);
__extern int caca_set_frame_name(caca_canvas_t *, char const *);
__extern int caca_create_frame(caca_canvas_t *, int);
__extern int caca_free_frame(caca_canvas_t *, int);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup caca_dither libcaca bitmap dithering
* These functions provide high level routines for dither allocation and
* rendering.
* @{ */
__extern caca_dither_t *caca_create_dither(int, int, int, int,
uint32_t, uint32_t,
uint32_t, uint32_t);
__extern int caca_set_dither_palette(caca_dither_t *,
uint32_t r[], uint32_t g[],
uint32_t b[], uint32_t a[]);
__extern int caca_set_dither_brightness(caca_dither_t *, float);
__extern float caca_get_dither_brightness(caca_dither_t const *);
__extern int caca_set_dither_gamma(caca_dither_t *, float);
__extern float caca_get_dither_gamma(caca_dither_t const *);
__extern int caca_set_dither_contrast(caca_dither_t *, float);
__extern float caca_get_dither_contrast(caca_dither_t const *);
__extern int caca_set_dither_antialias(caca_dither_t *, char const *);
__extern char const * const * caca_get_dither_antialias_list(caca_dither_t
const *);
__extern char const * caca_get_dither_antialias(caca_dither_t const *);
__extern int caca_set_dither_color(caca_dither_t *, char const *);
__extern char const * const * caca_get_dither_color_list(caca_dither_t
const *);
__extern char const * caca_get_dither_color(caca_dither_t const *);
__extern int caca_set_dither_charset(caca_dither_t *, char const *);
__extern char const * const * caca_get_dither_charset_list(caca_dither_t
const *);
__extern char const * caca_get_dither_charset(caca_dither_t const *);
__extern int caca_set_dither_algorithm(caca_dither_t *, char const *);
__extern char const * const * caca_get_dither_algorithm_list(caca_dither_t
const *);
__extern char const * caca_get_dither_algorithm(caca_dither_t const *);
__extern int caca_dither_bitmap(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int,
caca_dither_t const *, void *);
__extern int caca_free_dither(caca_dither_t *);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup caca_font libcaca font handling
* These functions provide font handling routines and high quality
* canvas to bitmap rendering.
* @{ */
__extern caca_font_t *caca_load_font(void const *, size_t);
__extern char const * const * caca_get_font_list(void);
__extern int caca_get_font_width(caca_font_t const *);
__extern int caca_get_font_height(caca_font_t const *);
__extern uint32_t const *caca_get_font_blocks(caca_font_t const *);
__extern int caca_render_canvas(caca_canvas_t const *, caca_font_t const *,
void *, int, int, int);
__extern int caca_free_font(caca_font_t *);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup caca_figfont libcaca FIGfont handling
* These functions provide FIGlet and TOIlet font handling routines.
* @{ */
__extern int caca_canvas_set_figfont(caca_canvas_t *, char const *);
__extern int caca_put_figchar(caca_canvas_t *, uint32_t);
__extern int caca_flush_figlet(caca_canvas_t *);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup caca_file libcaca file IO
* These functions allow to read and write files in a platform-independent
* way.
* @{ */
__extern caca_file_t *caca_file_open(char const *, const char *);
__extern int caca_file_close(caca_file_t *);
__extern uint64_t caca_file_tell(caca_file_t *);
__extern size_t caca_file_read(caca_file_t *, void *, size_t);
__extern size_t caca_file_write(caca_file_t *, const void *, size_t);
__extern char * caca_file_gets(caca_file_t *, char *, int);
__extern int caca_file_eof(caca_file_t *);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup caca_importexport libcaca importers/exporters from/to various
* formats
* These functions import various file formats into a new canvas, or export
* the current canvas to various text formats.
* @{ */
__extern ssize_t caca_import_memory(caca_canvas_t *, void const *,
size_t, char const *);
__extern ssize_t caca_import_file(caca_canvas_t *, char const *,
char const *);
__extern char const * const * caca_get_import_list(void);
__extern void *caca_export_memory(caca_canvas_t const *, char const *,
size_t *);
__extern char const * const * caca_get_export_list(void);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup caca_display libcaca display functions
* These functions provide the basic \e libcaca routines for display
* initialisation, system information retrieval and configuration.
* @{ */
__extern caca_display_t * caca_create_display(cucul_canvas_t *);
__extern caca_display_t * caca_create_display_with_driver(cucul_canvas_t *,
__extern caca_display_t * caca_create_display(caca_canvas_t *);
__extern caca_display_t * caca_create_display_with_driver(caca_canvas_t *,
char const *);
__extern char const * const * caca_get_display_driver_list(void);
__extern char const * caca_get_display_driver(caca_display_t *);
__extern int caca_set_display_driver(caca_display_t *, char const *);
__extern int caca_free_display(caca_display_t *);
__extern cucul_canvas_t * caca_get_canvas(caca_display_t *);
__extern caca_canvas_t * caca_get_canvas(caca_display_t *);
__extern int caca_refresh_display(caca_display_t *);
__extern int caca_set_display_time(caca_display_t *, int);
__extern int caca_get_display_time(caca_display_t const *);
@@ -178,7 +445,6 @@ __extern int caca_get_display_height(caca_display_t const *);
__extern int caca_set_display_title(caca_display_t *, char const *);
__extern int caca_set_mouse(caca_display_t *, int);
__extern int caca_set_cursor(caca_display_t *, int);
__extern char const * caca_get_version(void);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup caca_event libcaca event handling
@@ -201,6 +467,77 @@ __extern int caca_get_event_resize_width(caca_event_t const *);
__extern int caca_get_event_resize_height(caca_event_t const *);
/* @} */

#if !defined(_DOXYGEN_SKIP_ME)
/* Legacy stuff from beta versions, will probably disappear in 1.0 */
typedef struct cucul_buffer cucul_buffer_t;
#define cucul_canvas_t caca_canvas_t
#define cucul_dither_t caca_dither_t
#define cucul_font_t caca_font_t
#define cucul_file_t caca_file_t
#define cucul_display_t caca_display_t
#define cucul_event_t caca_event_t

# if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 3
# define CACA_DEPRECATED __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
# else
# endif
__extern int cucul_putchar(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int,
unsigned long int) CACA_DEPRECATED;
__extern unsigned long int cucul_getchar(cucul_canvas_t *,
__extern int cucul_putstr(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int,
char const *) CACA_DEPRECATED;
__extern int cucul_set_color(cucul_canvas_t *, unsigned char,
unsigned char) CACA_DEPRECATED;
__extern int cucul_set_truecolor(cucul_canvas_t *, unsigned int,
unsigned int) CACA_DEPRECATED;
__extern unsigned int cucul_get_canvas_frame_count(cucul_canvas_t *)
__extern int cucul_set_canvas_frame(cucul_canvas_t *,
unsigned int) CACA_DEPRECATED;
__extern int cucul_create_canvas_frame(cucul_canvas_t *,
unsigned int) CACA_DEPRECATED;
__extern int cucul_free_canvas_frame(cucul_canvas_t *,
unsigned int) CACA_DEPRECATED;
__extern cucul_buffer_t *cucul_load_memory(void *,
unsigned long int) CACA_DEPRECATED;
__extern cucul_buffer_t *cucul_load_file(char const *) CACA_DEPRECATED;
__extern unsigned long int cucul_get_buffer_size(cucul_buffer_t *)
__extern void * cucul_get_buffer_data(cucul_buffer_t *) CACA_DEPRECATED;
__extern int cucul_free_buffer(cucul_buffer_t *) CACA_DEPRECATED;
__extern cucul_buffer_t * cucul_export_canvas(cucul_canvas_t *,
char const *) CACA_DEPRECATED;
__extern cucul_canvas_t * cucul_import_canvas(cucul_buffer_t *,
char const *) CACA_DEPRECATED;
__extern int cucul_rotate(cucul_canvas_t *) CACA_DEPRECATED;
__extern int cucul_set_dither_invert(cucul_dither_t *, int) CACA_DEPRECATED;
__extern int cucul_set_dither_mode(cucul_dither_t *,
char const *) CACA_DEPRECATED;
__extern char const * const * cucul_get_dither_mode_list(cucul_dither_t
const *)

#ifdef __cplusplus

+ 2
- 2
caca/caca.pc.in 파일 보기

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ includedir=@includedir@
Name: caca
Description: Colour ASCII-Art library
Version: @VERSION@
Requires: cucul = @VERSION@
Requires: caca = @VERSION@
Libs: -L${libdir} -lcaca -lcucul
Libs: -L${libdir} -lcaca -lcaca
Cflags: -I${includedir}

+ 29
- 29
caca/caca0.c 파일 보기

@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
#include "caca_internals.h"

/* These variables are needed to emulate old non-thread safe behaviour */
cucul_canvas_t *__caca0_cv = NULL;
caca_canvas_t *__caca0_cv = NULL;
caca_display_t *__caca0_dp = NULL;
unsigned char __caca0_fg = CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY;
unsigned char __caca0_bg = CUCUL_BLACK;
unsigned char __caca0_fg = CACA_LIGHTGRAY;
unsigned char __caca0_bg = CACA_BLACK;
char __caca0_utf8[2] = " ";

/* These functions are needed, too */
@@ -41,28 +41,28 @@ unsigned int __caca0_sqrt(unsigned int);
int __caca0_get_feature(int);
void __caca0_set_feature(int);
char const *__caca0_get_feature_name(int);
cucul_canvas_t *__caca0_load_sprite(char const *);
cucul_dither_t *__caca0_create_bitmap(unsigned int, unsigned int,
caca_canvas_t *__caca0_load_sprite(char const *);
caca_dither_t *__caca0_create_bitmap(unsigned int, unsigned int,
unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned long int, unsigned long int,
unsigned long int, unsigned long int);
void __caca0_free_bitmap(cucul_dither_t *);
void __caca0_free_bitmap(caca_dither_t *);
extern char const *__caca0_get_color_name(unsigned char);

/* Emulation functions */
int __caca0_init(void)
__caca0_cv = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
__caca0_cv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
return -1;
__caca0_dp = caca_create_display(__caca0_cv);
__caca0_cv = NULL;
return -1;
__caca0_fg = CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY;
__caca0_bg = CUCUL_BLACK;
__caca0_fg = CACA_LIGHTGRAY;
__caca0_bg = CACA_BLACK;
return 0;

@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ void __caca0_end(void)
__caca0_dp = NULL;
__caca0_cv = NULL;

@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ static char const *features[] =
NULL, "none", "ordered2", "ordered4", "ordered8", "random"

static cucul_dither_t **bitmaps = NULL;
static caca_dither_t **bitmaps = NULL;
static unsigned int nbitmaps = 0;

static int background = 0x12;
@@ -172,21 +172,21 @@ void __caca0_set_feature(int feature)
case 0x11: case 0x12:
background = feature;
for(i = 0; i < nbitmaps; i++)
cucul_set_dither_color(bitmaps[i], features[feature]);
caca_set_dither_color(bitmaps[i], features[feature]);

case 0x20: feature = 0x22; /* CACA_ANTIALIASING_PREFILTER */
case 0x21: case 0x22:
antialiasing = feature;
for(i = 0; i < nbitmaps; i++)
cucul_set_dither_antialias(bitmaps[i], features[feature]);
caca_set_dither_antialias(bitmaps[i], features[feature]);

case 0x30: feature = 0x33; /* CACA_DITHERING_ORDERED4 */
case 0x31: case 0x32: case 0x33: case 0x34: case 0x35:
dithering = feature;
for(i = 0; i < nbitmaps; i++)
cucul_set_dither_algorithm(bitmaps[i], features[feature]);
caca_set_dither_algorithm(bitmaps[i], features[feature]);
@@ -211,48 +211,48 @@ char const *__caca0_get_feature_name(int feature)

cucul_canvas_t *__caca0_load_sprite(char const *file)
caca_canvas_t *__caca0_load_sprite(char const *file)
cucul_canvas_t *cv;
caca_canvas_t *cv;

cv = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);;
if(cucul_import_file(cv, file, "") < 0)
cv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);;
if(caca_import_file(cv, file, "") < 0)
return NULL;

return cv;

cucul_dither_t *__caca0_create_bitmap(unsigned int bpp, unsigned int w,
caca_dither_t *__caca0_create_bitmap(unsigned int bpp, unsigned int w,
unsigned int h, unsigned int pitch,
unsigned long int r, unsigned long int g,
unsigned long int b, unsigned long int a)
cucul_dither_t *d;
caca_dither_t *d;

d = cucul_create_dither(bpp, w, h, pitch, r, g, b, a);
d = caca_create_dither(bpp, w, h, pitch, r, g, b, a);
return NULL;

cucul_set_dither_color(d, features[background]);
cucul_set_dither_antialias(d, features[antialiasing]);
cucul_set_dither_algorithm(d, features[dithering]);
caca_set_dither_color(d, features[background]);
caca_set_dither_antialias(d, features[antialiasing]);
caca_set_dither_algorithm(d, features[dithering]);

/* Store bitmap in our list */
bitmaps = realloc(bitmaps, nbitmaps * (sizeof(cucul_dither_t *)));
bitmaps = realloc(bitmaps, nbitmaps * (sizeof(caca_dither_t *)));
bitmaps[nbitmaps - 1] = d;

return d;

void __caca0_free_bitmap(cucul_dither_t *d)
void __caca0_free_bitmap(caca_dither_t *d)
unsigned int i, found = 0;


/* Remove bitmap from our list */
for(i = 0; i + 1 < nbitmaps; i++)

+ 50
- 50
caca/caca0.h 파일 보기

@@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ extern unsigned int __caca0_sqrt(unsigned int);
extern int __caca0_get_feature(int);
extern void __caca0_set_feature(int);
extern char const *__caca0_get_feature_name(int);
extern cucul_canvas_t *__caca0_load_sprite(char const *);
extern cucul_dither_t *__caca0_create_bitmap(unsigned int, unsigned int,
extern caca_canvas_t *__caca0_load_sprite(char const *);
extern caca_dither_t *__caca0_create_bitmap(unsigned int, unsigned int,
unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned long int, unsigned long int,
unsigned long int, unsigned long int);
extern void __caca0_free_bitmap(cucul_dither_t *);
extern void __caca0_free_bitmap(caca_dither_t *);
extern char const *__caca0_get_color_name(unsigned char);

/* These variables are needed to emulate old non-thread safe behaviour */
extern cucul_canvas_t *__caca0_cv;
extern caca_canvas_t *__caca0_cv;
extern caca_display_t *__caca0_dp;
extern unsigned char __caca0_fg;
extern unsigned char __caca0_bg;
@@ -51,22 +51,22 @@ extern unsigned char __caca0_bg;
/* These enums and macros changed names or values */
enum caca_color

enum caca_feature
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ enum caca_feature
#define caca_set_feature __caca0_set_feature
#define caca_get_feature_name __caca0_get_feature_name
#define caca_get_rendertime() caca_get_display_time(__caca0_dp)
#define caca_get_width() cucul_get_canvas_width(__caca0_cv)
#define caca_get_height() cucul_get_canvas_height(__caca0_cv)
#define caca_get_width() caca_get_canvas_width(__caca0_cv)
#define caca_get_height() caca_get_canvas_height(__caca0_cv)
#define caca_set_window_title(s) caca_set_display_title(__caca0_dp, s)
#define caca_get_window_width() caca_get_display_width(__caca0_dp)
#define caca_get_window_height() caca_get_display_height(__caca0_dp)
@@ -131,62 +131,62 @@ enum caca_feature
#define caca_get_mouse_y() caca_get_mouse_y(__caca0_dp)

#define caca_set_color(x, y) \
(__caca0_fg = (x), __caca0_bg = (y), cucul_set_color_ansi(__caca0_cv, x, y))
(__caca0_fg = (x), __caca0_bg = (y), caca_set_color_ansi(__caca0_cv, x, y))
#define caca_get_fg_color() __caca0_fg
#define caca_get_bg_color() __caca0_bg
#define caca_get_color_name __caca0_get_color_name
#define caca_putchar(x, y, c) cucul_put_char(__caca0_cv, x, y, c)
#define caca_putstr(x, y, s) cucul_put_str(__caca0_cv, x, y, s)
#define caca_printf(x, y, f, z...) cucul_printf(__caca0_cv, x, y, f, ##z)
#define caca_clear() cucul_clear_canvas(__caca0_cv)
#define caca_putchar(x, y, c) caca_put_char(__caca0_cv, x, y, c)
#define caca_putstr(x, y, s) caca_put_str(__caca0_cv, x, y, s)
#define caca_printf(x, y, f, z...) caca_printf(__caca0_cv, x, y, f, ##z)
#define caca_clear() caca_clear_canvas(__caca0_cv)

#define caca_draw_line(x, y, z, t, c) \
cucul_draw_line(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t, c)
caca_draw_line(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t, c)
#define caca_draw_polyline(x, y, z, c) \
cucul_draw_polyline(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, c)
caca_draw_polyline(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, c)
#define caca_draw_thin_line(x, y, z, t) \
cucul_draw_thin_line(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t)
caca_draw_thin_line(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t)
#define caca_draw_thin_polyline(x, y, z) \
cucul_draw_thin_polyline(__caca0_cv, x, y, z)
caca_draw_thin_polyline(__caca0_cv, x, y, z)
#define caca_draw_circle(x, y, z, c) \
cucul_draw_circle(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, c)
caca_draw_circle(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, c)
#define caca_draw_ellipse(x, y, z, t, c) \
cucul_draw_ellipse(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t, c)
caca_draw_ellipse(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t, c)
#define caca_draw_thin_ellipse(x, y, z, t) \
cucul_draw_thin_ellipse(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t)
caca_draw_thin_ellipse(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t)
#define caca_fill_ellipse(x, y, z, t, c) \
cucul_fill_ellipse(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t, c)
caca_fill_ellipse(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t, c)
#define caca_draw_box(x, y, z, t, c) \
cucul_draw_box(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t, c)
caca_draw_box(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t, c)
#define caca_draw_thin_box(x, y, z, t) \
cucul_draw_thin_box(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t)
caca_draw_thin_box(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t)
#define caca_fill_box(x, y, z, t, c) \
cucul_fill_box(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t, c)
caca_fill_box(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t, c)
#define caca_draw_triangle(x, y, z, t, u, v, c) \
cucul_draw_triangle(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t, u, v, c)
caca_draw_triangle(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t, u, v, c)
#define caca_draw_thin_triangle(x, y, z, t, u, v) \
cucul_draw_thin_triangle(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t, u, v)
caca_draw_thin_triangle(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t, u, v)
#define caca_fill_triangle(x, y, z, t, u, v, c) \
cucul_fill_triangle(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t, u, v, c)
caca_fill_triangle(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t, u, v, c)

#define caca_rand(a, b) cucul_rand(a, (b)+1)
#define caca_rand(a, b) caca_rand(a, (b)+1)
#define caca_sqrt __caca0_sqrt

#define caca_sprite cucul_canvas
#define caca_sprite caca_canvas
#define caca_load_sprite __caca0_load_sprite
#define caca_get_sprite_frames(c) 1
#define caca_get_sprite_width(c, f) cucul_get_canvas_width(c)
#define caca_get_sprite_height(c, f) cucul_get_canvas_height(c)
#define caca_get_sprite_width(c, f) caca_get_canvas_width(c)
#define caca_get_sprite_height(c, f) caca_get_canvas_height(c)
#define caca_get_sprite_dx(c, f) 0
#define caca_get_sprite_dx(c, f) 0
#define caca_draw_sprite(x, y, c, f) cucul_blit(__caca0_cv, x, y, c, NULL)
#define caca_free_sprite cucul_free_canvas
#define caca_draw_sprite(x, y, c, f) caca_blit(__caca0_cv, x, y, c, NULL)
#define caca_free_sprite caca_free_canvas

#define caca_bitmap cucul_dither
#define caca_bitmap caca_dither
#define caca_create_bitmap __caca0_create_bitmap
#define caca_set_bitmap_palette cucul_set_dither_palette
#define caca_set_bitmap_palette caca_set_dither_palette
#define caca_draw_bitmap(x, y, z, t, b, p) \
cucul_dither_bitmap(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t, b, p)
caca_dither_bitmap(__caca0_cv, x, y, z, t, b, p)
#define caca_free_bitmap __caca0_free_bitmap

#ifdef __cplusplus

+ 54
- 2
caca/caca_internals.h 파일 보기

@@ -19,11 +19,55 @@

typedef struct caca_timer caca_timer_t;
typedef struct caca_privevent caca_privevent_t;
typedef struct caca_figfont caca_figfont_t;

#if !defined(_DOXYGEN_SKIP_ME)
# define EVENTBUF_LEN 10

struct caca_frame
/* Frame size */
int width, height;

/* Cell information */
uint32_t *chars;
uint32_t *attrs;

/* Painting context */
int x, y;
int handlex, handley;
uint32_t curattr;

/* Frame name */
char *name;

struct caca_canvas
/* XXX: look at caca_set_canvas_boundaries() before adding anything
* to this structure. The function is quite hacky. */

/* Frame information */
int frame, framecount;
struct caca_frame *frames;

/* Canvas management */
int refcount;
int autoinc;
int (*resize_callback)(void *);
void *resize_data;

/* Shortcut to the active frame information */
int width, height;
uint32_t *chars;
uint32_t *attrs;
uint32_t curattr;

/* FIGfont management */
caca_figfont_t *ff;

/* Graphics driver */
enum caca_driver
@@ -104,8 +148,8 @@ struct caca_privevent
/* Internal caca display context */
struct caca_display
/* A link to our cucul canvas */
cucul_canvas_t *cv;
/* A link to our caca canvas */
caca_canvas_t *cv;
int autorelease;

#if defined(USE_PLUGINS)
@@ -168,6 +212,14 @@ struct caca_display
} events;

/* Colour functions */
extern uint32_t _caca_attr_to_rgb24fg(uint32_t);
extern uint32_t _caca_attr_to_rgb24bg(uint32_t);

/* Frames functions */
extern void _caca_save_frame_info(caca_canvas_t *);
extern void _caca_load_frame_info(caca_canvas_t *);

/* Internal timer functions */
extern void _caca_sleep(int);
extern int _caca_getticks(caca_timer_t *);

cucul/cucul_types.h.in → caca/caca_types.h.in 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2008 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -16,26 +16,26 @@
* This file contains definitions for the C99 integer types.

#ifndef __CUCUL_TYPES_H__
#define __CUCUL_TYPES_H__
#ifndef __CACA_TYPES_H__
#define __CACA_TYPES_H__

#ifndef CACA_TYPES

/* mode 1: standard <stdint.h> header is present, just include it */
#if CUCUL_TYPES == 1
#if CACA_TYPES == 1
# include <stdint.h>
# include <unistd.h>

/* mode 2: standard <inttypes.h> header is present, just include it */
#elif CUCUL_TYPES == 2
#elif CACA_TYPES == 2
# include <inttypes.h>
# include <unistd.h>

/* mode 3: <windows.h> indicates Win32, only (u)intptr_t is present
* FIXME: Win64 probably doesn't work that way */
#elif CUCUL_TYPES == 3
#elif CACA_TYPES == 3
#include <windows.h>

typedef signed char int8_t;
@@ -55,47 +55,47 @@ typedef unsigned int size_t;
* sizeof(long) == sizeof(void *). We don't typedef directly because we
* have no idea what other typedefs have already been made. */
typedef signed char _cucul_int8_t;
typedef signed short _cucul_int16_t;
typedef signed long int _cucul_int32_t;
typedef signed long long int _cucul_int64_t;
typedef signed char _caca_int8_t;
typedef signed short _caca_int16_t;
typedef signed long int _caca_int32_t;
typedef signed long long int _caca_int64_t;
# undef int8_t
# define int8_t _cucul_int8_t
# define int8_t _caca_int8_t
# undef int16_t
# define int16_t _cucul_int16_t
# define int16_t _caca_int16_t
# undef int32_t
# define int32_t _cucul_int32_t
# define int32_t _caca_int32_t
# undef int64_t
# define int64_t _cucul_int64_t
# define int64_t _caca_int64_t

typedef unsigned char _cucul_uint8_t;
typedef unsigned short _cucul_uint16_t;
typedef unsigned long int _cucul_uint32_t;
typedef unsigned long long int _cucul_uint64_t;
typedef unsigned char _caca_uint8_t;
typedef unsigned short _caca_uint16_t;
typedef unsigned long int _caca_uint32_t;
typedef unsigned long long int _caca_uint64_t;
# undef uint8_t
# define uint8_t _cucul_uint8_t
# define uint8_t _caca_uint8_t
# undef uint16_t
# define uint16_t _cucul_uint16_t
# define uint16_t _caca_uint16_t
# undef uint32_t
# define uint32_t _cucul_uint32_t
# define uint32_t _caca_uint32_t
# undef uint64_t
# define uint64_t _cucul_uint64_t
# define uint64_t _caca_uint64_t

typedef long int _cucul_intptr_t;
typedef unsigned long int _cucul_uintptr_t;
typedef long int _caca_intptr_t;
typedef unsigned long int _caca_uintptr_t;
# undef intptr_t
# define intptr_t _cucul_intptr_t
# define intptr_t _caca_intptr_t
# undef uintptr_t
# define uintptr_t _cucul_uintptr_t
# define uintptr_t _caca_uintptr_t

typedef int _cucul_ssize_t;
typedef unsigned int _cucul_size_t;
typedef int _caca_ssize_t;
typedef unsigned int _caca_size_t;
# undef ssize_t
# define ssize_t _cucul_ssize_t
# define ssize_t _caca_ssize_t
# undef size_t
# define size_t _cucul_size_t
# define size_t _caca_size_t


#endif /* __CUCUL_TYPES_H__ */
#endif /* __CACA_TYPES_H__ */

cucul/cucul.c → caca/canvas.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@

* This file contains the main functions used by \e libcucul applications
* This file contains the main functions used by \e libcaca applications
* to initialise a drawing context.

@@ -30,16 +30,16 @@
# endif

#include "cucul.h"
#include "cucul_internals.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

static int cucul_resize(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int);
static int caca_resize(caca_canvas_t *, int, int);

/** \brief Initialise a \e libcucul canvas.
/** \brief Initialise a \e libcaca canvas.
* Initialise internal \e libcucul structures and the backend that will
* Initialise internal \e libcaca structures and the backend that will
* be used for subsequent graphical operations. It must be the first
* \e libcucul function to be called in a function. cucul_free_canvas()
* \e libcaca function to be called in a function. caca_free_canvas()
* should be called at the end of the program to free all allocated resources.
* Both the cursor and the canvas' handle are initialised at the top-left
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ static int cucul_resize(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int);
* \param width The desired canvas width
* \param height The desired canvas height
* \return A libcucul canvas handle upon success, NULL if an error occurred.
* \return A libcaca canvas handle upon success, NULL if an error occurred.
cucul_canvas_t * cucul_create_canvas(int width, int height)
caca_canvas_t * caca_create_canvas(int width, int height)
cucul_canvas_t *cv;
caca_canvas_t *cv;

if(width < 0 || height < 0)
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ cucul_canvas_t * cucul_create_canvas(int width, int height)
return NULL;

cv = malloc(sizeof(cucul_canvas_t));
cv = malloc(sizeof(caca_canvas_t));

goto nomem;
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ cucul_canvas_t * cucul_create_canvas(int width, int height)

cv->frame = 0;
cv->framecount = 1;
cv->frames = malloc(sizeof(struct cucul_frame));
cv->frames = malloc(sizeof(struct caca_frame));
@@ -90,12 +90,12 @@ cucul_canvas_t * cucul_create_canvas(int width, int height)
cv->frames[0].curattr = 0;
cv->frames[0].name = strdup("frame#00000000");

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_DEFAULT, CUCUL_TRANSPARENT);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_DEFAULT, CACA_TRANSPARENT);

cv->ff = NULL;

if(cucul_resize(cv, width, height) < 0)
if(caca_resize(cv, width, height) < 0)
int saved_errno = geterrno();
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ nomem:
* Lock a canvas to prevent it from being resized. If non-NULL,
* the \e callback function pointer will be called upon each
* \e cucul_set_canvas_size call and if the returned value is zero, the
* \e caca_set_canvas_size call and if the returned value is zero, the
* canvas resize request will be denied.
* This function is only useful for display drivers such as the \e libcaca
@@ -125,12 +125,12 @@ nomem:
* If an error occurs, -1 is returned and \b errno is set accordingly:
* - \c EBUSY The canvas is already being managed.
* \param cv A libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A libcaca canvas.
* \param callback An optional callback function pointer.
* \param p The argument to be passed to \e callback.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_manage_canvas(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int (*callback)(void *), void *p)
int caca_manage_canvas(caca_canvas_t *cv, int (*callback)(void *), void *p)
@@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ int cucul_manage_canvas(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int (*callback)(void *), void *p)

/** \brief Unmanage a canvas.
* Unlock a canvas previously locked by cucul_manage_canvas(). For safety
* Unlock a canvas previously locked by caca_manage_canvas(). For safety
* reasons, the callback and callback data arguments must be the same as for
* the cucul_manage_canvas() call.
* the caca_manage_canvas() call.
* This function is only useful for display drivers such as the \e libcaca
* library.
@@ -158,13 +158,13 @@ int cucul_manage_canvas(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int (*callback)(void *), void *p)
* - \c EINVAL The canvas is not managed, or the callback arguments do
* not match.
* \param cv A libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A libcaca canvas.
* \param callback The \e callback argument previously passed to
* \param p The \e p argument previously passed to cucul_manage_canvas().
* \param p The \e p argument previously passed to caca_manage_canvas().
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_unmanage_canvas(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int (*callback)(void *), void *p)
int caca_unmanage_canvas(caca_canvas_t *cv, int (*callback)(void *), void *p)
|| cv->resize_callback != callback || cv->resize_data != p)
@@ -204,12 +204,12 @@ int cucul_unmanage_canvas(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int (*callback)(void *), void *p)
* - \c ENOMEM Not enough memory for the requested canvas size. If this
* happens, the canvas handle becomes invalid and should not be used.
* \param cv A libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A libcaca canvas.
* \param width The desired canvas width.
* \param height The desired canvas height.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_set_canvas_size(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int width, int height)
int caca_set_canvas_size(caca_canvas_t *cv, int width, int height)
if(width < 0 || height < 0)
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ int cucul_set_canvas_size(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int width, int height)
return -1;

return cucul_resize(cv, width, height);
return caca_resize(cv, width, height);

/** \brief Get the canvas width.
@@ -233,10 +233,10 @@ int cucul_set_canvas_size(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int width, int height)
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A libcaca canvas.
* \return The canvas width.
int cucul_get_canvas_width(cucul_canvas_t const *cv)
int caca_get_canvas_width(caca_canvas_t const *cv)
return cv->width;
@@ -247,10 +247,10 @@ int cucul_get_canvas_width(cucul_canvas_t const *cv)
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A libcaca canvas.
* \return The canvas height.
int cucul_get_canvas_height(cucul_canvas_t const *cv)
int caca_get_canvas_height(caca_canvas_t const *cv)
return cv->height;
@@ -259,17 +259,17 @@ int cucul_get_canvas_height(cucul_canvas_t const *cv)
* Return the current canvas' internal character array. The array elements
* consist in native endian 32-bit Unicode values as returned by
* cucul_get_char().
* caca_get_char().
* This function is only useful for display drivers such as the \e libcaca
* library.
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A libcaca canvas.
* \return The canvas character array.
uint8_t const * cucul_get_canvas_chars(cucul_canvas_t const *cv)
uint8_t const * caca_get_canvas_chars(caca_canvas_t const *cv)
return (uint8_t const *)cv->chars;
@@ -278,34 +278,34 @@ uint8_t const * cucul_get_canvas_chars(cucul_canvas_t const *cv)
* Returns the current canvas' internal attribute array. The array elements
* consist in native endian 32-bit attribute values as returned by
* cucul_get_attr().
* caca_get_attr().
* This function is only useful for display drivers such as the \e libcaca
* library.
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A libcaca canvas.
* \return The canvas attribute array.
uint8_t const * cucul_get_canvas_attrs(cucul_canvas_t const *cv)
uint8_t const * caca_get_canvas_attrs(caca_canvas_t const *cv)
return (uint8_t const *)cv->attrs;

/** \brief Uninitialise \e libcucul.
/** \brief Uninitialise \e libcaca.
* Free all resources allocated by cucul_create_canvas(). After
* this function has been called, no other \e libcucul functions may be
* used unless a new call to cucul_create_canvas() is done.
* Free all resources allocated by caca_create_canvas(). After
* this function has been called, no other \e libcaca functions may be
* used unless a new call to caca_create_canvas() is done.
* If an error occurs, -1 is returned and \b errno is set accordingly:
* - \c EBUSY The canvas is in use by a display driver and cannot be freed.
* \param cv A libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A libcaca canvas.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_free_canvas(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
int caca_free_canvas(caca_canvas_t *cv)
int f;

@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ int cucul_free_canvas(cucul_canvas_t *cv)

cucul_canvas_set_figfont(cv, NULL);
caca_canvas_set_figfont(cv, NULL);

@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ int cucul_free_canvas(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
* \return A random integer comprised between \p min and \p max - 1
* (inclusive).
int cucul_rand(int min, int max)
int caca_rand(int min, int max)
static int need_init = 1;

@@ -354,24 +354,12 @@ int cucul_rand(int min, int max)
return min + (int)((1.0 * (max - min)) * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0));

/** \brief Return the \e libcucul version.
* Return a read-only string with the \e libcucul version information.
* This function never fails.
* \return The \e libcucul version information.
char const * cucul_get_version(void)
return VERSION;

* XXX: The following functions are local.

int cucul_resize(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int width, int height)
int caca_resize(caca_canvas_t *cv, int width, int height)
int x, y, f, old_width, old_height, new_size, old_size;

@@ -379,7 +367,7 @@ int cucul_resize(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int width, int height)
old_height = cv->height;
old_size = old_width * old_height;


cv->width = width;
cv->height = height;
@@ -507,7 +495,7 @@ int cucul_resize(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int width, int height)

/* Reset the current frame shortcuts */

return 0;

cucul/charset.c → caca/charset.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* 2007 Ben Wiley Sittler <bsittler@gmail.com>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
# include <string.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "cucul_internals.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

* UTF-8 handling
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ static uint32_t const cp437_lookup2[] =
* \return The corresponding UTF-32 character, or zero if the character
* is incomplete.
uint32_t cucul_utf8_to_utf32(char const *s, size_t *bytes)
uint32_t caca_utf8_to_utf32(char const *s, size_t *bytes)
int todo = trailing[(int)(unsigned char)*s];
int i = 0;
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ uint32_t cucul_utf8_to_utf32(char const *s, size_t *bytes)
* \param ch The UTF-32 character.
* \return The number of bytes written.
size_t cucul_utf32_to_utf8(char *buf, uint32_t ch)
size_t caca_utf32_to_utf8(char *buf, uint32_t ch)
static const uint8_t mark[7] =
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ size_t cucul_utf32_to_utf8(char *buf, uint32_t ch)
* \param ch The UTF-32 character.
* \return The corresponding CP437 character, or "?" if not representable.
uint8_t cucul_utf32_to_cp437(uint32_t ch)
uint8_t caca_utf32_to_cp437(uint32_t ch)
unsigned int i;

@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ uint8_t cucul_utf32_to_cp437(uint32_t ch)
* \param ch The CP437 character.
* \return The corresponding UTF-32 character, or zero if not representable.
uint32_t cucul_cp437_to_utf32(uint8_t ch)
uint32_t caca_cp437_to_utf32(uint8_t ch)
if(ch > 0x7f)
return cp437_lookup2[ch - 0x7f];
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ uint32_t cucul_cp437_to_utf32(uint8_t ch)
* \return The corresponding ASCII character, or a graphically close
* equivalent if found, or "?" if not representable.
char cucul_utf32_to_ascii(uint32_t ch)
char caca_utf32_to_ascii(uint32_t ch)
/* Standard ASCII */
if(ch < 0x80)
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ char cucul_utf32_to_ascii(uint32_t ch)
* \param ch The UTF-32 character.
* \return 1 if the character is fullwidth, 0 otherwise.
int cucul_utf32_is_fullwidth(uint32_t ch)
int caca_utf32_is_fullwidth(uint32_t ch)
if(ch < 0x2e80) /* Standard stuff */
return 0;

cucul/conic.c → caca/conic.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -23,23 +23,23 @@
# include <stdlib.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "cucul_internals.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

static void ellipsepoints(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int, uint32_t, int);
static void ellipsepoints(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int, uint32_t, int);

/** \brief Draw a circle on the canvas using the given character.
* This function never fails.
* \param cv The handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv The handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x Center X coordinate.
* \param y Center Y coordinate.
* \param r Circle radius.
* \param ch UTF-32 character to be used to draw the circle outline.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_draw_circle(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int r, uint32_t ch)
int caca_draw_circle(caca_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int r, uint32_t ch)
int test, dx, dy;

@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ int cucul_draw_circle(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int r, uint32_t ch)
* This function never fails.
* \param cv The handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv The handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param xo Center X coordinate.
* \param yo Center Y coordinate.
* \param a Ellipse X radius.
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ int cucul_draw_circle(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int r, uint32_t ch)
* \param ch UTF-32 character to be used to fill the ellipse.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_fill_ellipse(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int xo, int yo, int a, int b,
int caca_fill_ellipse(caca_canvas_t *cv, int xo, int yo, int a, int b,
uint32_t ch)
int d2;
@@ -84,15 +84,15 @@ int cucul_fill_ellipse(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int xo, int yo, int a, int b,
d1 += b*b*(2*x*1) + a*a*(-2*y+2);
cucul_draw_line(cv, xo - x, yo - y, xo + x, yo - y, ch);
cucul_draw_line(cv, xo - x, yo + y, xo + x, yo + y, ch);
caca_draw_line(cv, xo - x, yo - y, xo + x, yo - y, ch);
caca_draw_line(cv, xo - x, yo + y, xo + x, yo + y, ch);

cucul_draw_line(cv, xo - x, yo - y, xo + x, yo - y, ch);
cucul_draw_line(cv, xo - x, yo + y, xo + x, yo + y, ch);
caca_draw_line(cv, xo - x, yo - y, xo + x, yo - y, ch);
caca_draw_line(cv, xo - x, yo + y, xo + x, yo + y, ch);

d2 = b*b*(x+0.5)*(x+0.5) + a*a*(y-1)*(y-1) - a*a*b*b;
while(y > 0)
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ int cucul_fill_ellipse(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int xo, int yo, int a, int b,

cucul_draw_line(cv, xo - x, yo - y, xo + x, yo - y, ch);
cucul_draw_line(cv, xo - x, yo + y, xo + x, yo + y, ch);
caca_draw_line(cv, xo - x, yo - y, xo + x, yo - y, ch);
caca_draw_line(cv, xo - x, yo + y, xo + x, yo + y, ch);

return 0;
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ int cucul_fill_ellipse(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int xo, int yo, int a, int b,
* This function never fails.
* \param cv The handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv The handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param xo Center X coordinate.
* \param yo Center Y coordinate.
* \param a Ellipse X radius.
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ int cucul_fill_ellipse(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int xo, int yo, int a, int b,
* \param ch UTF-32 character to be used to draw the ellipse outline.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_draw_ellipse(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int xo, int yo, int a, int b,
int caca_draw_ellipse(caca_canvas_t *cv, int xo, int yo, int a, int b,
uint32_t ch)
int d2;
@@ -176,14 +176,14 @@ int cucul_draw_ellipse(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int xo, int yo, int a, int b,
* This function never fails.
* \param cv The handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv The handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param xo Center X coordinate.
* \param yo Center Y coordinate.
* \param a Ellipse X radius.
* \param b Ellipse Y radius.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_draw_thin_ellipse(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int xo, int yo, int a, int b)
int caca_draw_thin_ellipse(caca_canvas_t *cv, int xo, int yo, int a, int b)
/* FIXME: this is not correct */
int d2;
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ int cucul_draw_thin_ellipse(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int xo, int yo, int a, int b)
return 0;

static void ellipsepoints(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int xo, int yo, int x, int y,
static void ellipsepoints(caca_canvas_t *cv, int xo, int yo, int x, int y,
uint32_t ch, int thin)
uint8_t b = 0;
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ static void ellipsepoints(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int xo, int yo, int x, int y,

cucul_put_char(cv, xo + x, yo + y, c);
caca_put_char(cv, xo + x, yo + y, c);
if((b & (0x2|0x4)) == (0x2|0x4)) {
uint32_t c = ch;
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ static void ellipsepoints(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int xo, int yo, int x, int y,

cucul_put_char(cv, xo - x, yo + y, c);
caca_put_char(cv, xo - x, yo + y, c);

@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ static void ellipsepoints(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int xo, int yo, int x, int y,

cucul_put_char(cv, xo + x, yo - y, c);
caca_put_char(cv, xo + x, yo - y, c);

if((b & (0x2|0x8)) == (0x2|0x8)) {
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ static void ellipsepoints(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int xo, int yo, int x, int y,

cucul_put_char(cv, xo - x, yo - y, c);
caca_put_char(cv, xo - x, yo - y, c);

cucul/dither.c → caca/dither.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
# include <string.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "cucul_internals.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

#define CP437 0

@@ -115,14 +115,14 @@ enum color_mode

struct cucul_dither
struct caca_dither
int bpp, has_palette, has_alpha;
int w, h, pitch;
int rmask, gmask, bmask, amask;
int rright, gright, bright, aright;
int rleft, gleft, bleft, aleft;
void (*get_hsv)(cucul_dither_t *, char *, int, int);
void (*get_hsv)(caca_dither_t *, char *, int, int);
int red[256], green[256], blue[256], alpha[256];

/* Colour features */
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ struct cucul_dither
static void mask2shift(uint32_t, int *, int *);
static float gammapow(float x, float y);

static void get_rgba_default(cucul_dither_t const *, uint8_t *, int, int,
static void get_rgba_default(caca_dither_t const *, uint8_t *, int, int,
unsigned int *);
static int init_lookup(void);

@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ static inline void rgb2hsv_default(int r, int g, int b,
* Create a dither structure from its coordinates (depth, width, height and
* pitch) and pixel mask values. If the depth is 8 bits per pixel, the mask
* values are ignored and the colour palette should be set using the
* cucul_set_dither_palette() function. For depths greater than 8 bits per
* caca_set_dither_palette() function. For depths greater than 8 bits per
* pixel, a zero alpha mask causes the alpha values to be ignored.
* If an error occurs, NULL is returned and \b errno is set accordingly:
@@ -260,11 +260,11 @@ static inline void rgb2hsv_default(int r, int g, int b,
* \param amask Bitmask for alpha values.
* \return Dither object upon success, NULL if an error occurred.
cucul_dither_t *cucul_create_dither(int bpp, int w, int h, int pitch,
caca_dither_t *caca_create_dither(int bpp, int w, int h, int pitch,
uint32_t rmask, uint32_t gmask,
uint32_t bmask, uint32_t amask)
cucul_dither_t *d;
caca_dither_t *d;
int i;

/* Minor sanity test */
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ cucul_dither_t *cucul_create_dither(int bpp, int w, int h, int pitch,
return NULL;

d = malloc(sizeof(cucul_dither_t));
d = malloc(sizeof(caca_dither_t));
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ cucul_dither_t *cucul_create_dither(int bpp, int w, int h, int pitch,
* \param alpha Array of 256 alpha values.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_set_dither_palette(cucul_dither_t *d,
int caca_set_dither_palette(caca_dither_t *d,
uint32_t red[], uint32_t green[],
uint32_t blue[], uint32_t alpha[])
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ int cucul_set_dither_palette(cucul_dither_t *d,
* \param brightness brightness value.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_set_dither_brightness(cucul_dither_t *d, float brightness)
int caca_set_dither_brightness(caca_dither_t *d, float brightness)
/* FIXME */
d->brightness = brightness;
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ int cucul_set_dither_brightness(cucul_dither_t *d, float brightness)
* \param d Dither object.
* \return Brightness value.
float cucul_get_dither_brightness(cucul_dither_t const *d)
float caca_get_dither_brightness(caca_dither_t const *d)
return d->brightness;
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ float cucul_get_dither_brightness(cucul_dither_t const *d)
* \param gamma Gamma value.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_set_dither_gamma(cucul_dither_t *d, float gamma)
int caca_set_dither_gamma(caca_dither_t *d, float gamma)
/* FIXME: we don't need 4096 calls to gammapow(), we could just compute
* a few of them and do linear interpolation for the rest. This will
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ int cucul_set_dither_gamma(cucul_dither_t *d, float gamma)
* \param d Dither object.
* \return Gamma value.
float cucul_get_dither_gamma(cucul_dither_t const *d)
float caca_get_dither_gamma(caca_dither_t const *d)
return d->gamma;
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ float cucul_get_dither_gamma(cucul_dither_t const *d)
* \param contrast contrast value.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_set_dither_contrast(cucul_dither_t *d, float contrast)
int caca_set_dither_contrast(caca_dither_t *d, float contrast)
/* FIXME */
d->contrast = contrast;
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ int cucul_set_dither_contrast(cucul_dither_t *d, float contrast)
* \param d Dither object.
* \return Contrast value.
float cucul_get_dither_contrast(cucul_dither_t const *d)
float caca_get_dither_contrast(caca_dither_t const *d)
return d->contrast;
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ float cucul_get_dither_contrast(cucul_dither_t const *d)
* for the dithering.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_set_dither_antialias(cucul_dither_t *d, char const *str)
int caca_set_dither_antialias(caca_dither_t *d, char const *str)
if(!strcasecmp(str, "none"))
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ int cucul_set_dither_antialias(cucul_dither_t *d, char const *str)
* Return a list of available antialiasing methods for a given dither. The
* list is a NULL-terminated array of strings, interleaving a string
* containing the internal value for the antialiasing method to be used with
* cucul_set_dither_antialias(), and a string containing the natural
* caca_set_dither_antialias(), and a string containing the natural
* language description for that antialiasing method.
* This function never fails.
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ int cucul_set_dither_antialias(cucul_dither_t *d, char const *str)
* \return An array of strings.
char const * const *
cucul_get_dither_antialias_list(cucul_dither_t const *d)
caca_get_dither_antialias_list(caca_dither_t const *d)
static char const * const list[] =
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ char const * const *
* \param d Dither object.
* \return A static string.
char const * cucul_get_dither_antialias(cucul_dither_t const *d)
char const * caca_get_dither_antialias(caca_dither_t const *d)
return d->antialias_name;
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ char const * cucul_get_dither_antialias(cucul_dither_t const *d)
* for the dithering.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_set_dither_color(cucul_dither_t *d, char const *str)
int caca_set_dither_color(caca_dither_t *d, char const *str)
if(!strcasecmp(str, "mono"))
@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ int cucul_set_dither_color(cucul_dither_t *d, char const *str)
* Return a list of available colour modes for a given dither. The list
* is a NULL-terminated array of strings, interleaving a string containing
* the internal value for the colour mode, to be used with
* cucul_set_dither_color(), and a string containing the natural
* caca_set_dither_color(), and a string containing the natural
* language description for that colour mode.
* This function never fails.
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ int cucul_set_dither_color(cucul_dither_t *d, char const *str)
* \return An array of strings.
char const * const *
cucul_get_dither_color_list(cucul_dither_t const *d)
caca_get_dither_color_list(caca_dither_t const *d)
static char const * const list[] =
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ char const * const *
* \param d Dither object.
* \return A static string.
char const * cucul_get_dither_color(cucul_dither_t const *d)
char const * caca_get_dither_color(caca_dither_t const *d)
return d->color_name;
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ char const * cucul_get_dither_color(cucul_dither_t const *d)
* for the dithering.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_set_dither_charset(cucul_dither_t *d, char const *str)
int caca_set_dither_charset(caca_dither_t *d, char const *str)
if(!strcasecmp(str, "shades"))
@@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ int cucul_set_dither_charset(cucul_dither_t *d, char const *str)
* Return a list of available character sets for a given dither. The list
* is a NULL-terminated array of strings, interleaving a string containing
* the internal value for the character set, to be used with
* cucul_set_dither_charset(), and a string containing the natural
* caca_set_dither_charset(), and a string containing the natural
* language description for that character set.
* This function never fails.
@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ int cucul_set_dither_charset(cucul_dither_t *d, char const *str)
* \param d Dither object.
* \return An array of strings.
char const * const * cucul_get_dither_charset_list(cucul_dither_t const *d)
char const * const * caca_get_dither_charset_list(caca_dither_t const *d)
static char const * const list[] =
@@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ char const * const * cucul_get_dither_charset_list(cucul_dither_t const *d)
* \param d Dither object.
* \return A static string.
char const * cucul_get_dither_charset(cucul_dither_t const *d)
char const * caca_get_dither_charset(caca_dither_t const *d)
return d->glyph_name;
@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ char const * cucul_get_dither_charset(cucul_dither_t const *d)
* for the dithering.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_set_dither_algorithm(cucul_dither_t *d, char const *str)
int caca_set_dither_algorithm(caca_dither_t *d, char const *str)
if(!strcasecmp(str, "none"))
@@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ int cucul_set_dither_algorithm(cucul_dither_t *d, char const *str)
* Return a list of available dithering algorithms for a given dither. The
* list is a NULL-terminated array of strings, interleaving a string
* containing the internal value for the dithering algorithm, to be used
* with cucul_set_dither_dithering(), and a string containing the natural
* with caca_set_dither_dithering(), and a string containing the natural
* language description for that algorithm.
* This function never fails.
@@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ int cucul_set_dither_algorithm(cucul_dither_t *d, char const *str)
* \param d Dither object.
* \return An array of strings.
char const * const * cucul_get_dither_algorithm_list(cucul_dither_t const *d)
char const * const * caca_get_dither_algorithm_list(caca_dither_t const *d)
static char const * const list[] =
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ char const * const * cucul_get_dither_algorithm_list(cucul_dither_t const *d)
* \param d Dither object.
* \return A static string.
char const * cucul_get_dither_algorithm(cucul_dither_t const *d)
char const * caca_get_dither_algorithm(caca_dither_t const *d)
return d->algo_name;
@@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ char const * cucul_get_dither_algorithm(cucul_dither_t const *d)
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawing area.
* \param y Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawing area.
* \param w Width of the drawing area.
@@ -939,8 +939,8 @@ char const * cucul_get_dither_algorithm(cucul_dither_t const *d)
* \param pixels Bitmap's pixels.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_dither_bitmap(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h,
cucul_dither_t const *d, void *pixels)
int caca_dither_bitmap(caca_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h,
caca_dither_t const *d, void *pixels)
int *floyd_steinberg, *fs_r, *fs_g, *fs_b;
uint32_t savedattr;
@@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ int cucul_dither_bitmap(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h,
if(!d || !pixels)
return 0;

savedattr = cucul_get_attr(cv, -1, -1);
savedattr = caca_get_attr(cv, -1, -1);

x1 = x; x2 = x + w - 1;
y1 = y; y2 = y + h - 1;
@@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ int cucul_dither_bitmap(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h,
if(rgba[1] > lum) lum = rgba[1];
if(rgba[2] > lum) lum = rgba[2];
outfg = outbg;
outbg = CUCUL_BLACK;
outbg = CACA_BLACK;

ch = lum * dchmax / 0x1000;
if(ch < 0)
@@ -1169,8 +1169,8 @@ int cucul_dither_bitmap(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h,

/* Now output the character */
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, outfg, outbg);
cucul_put_char(cv, x, y, outch);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, outfg, outbg);
caca_put_char(cv, x, y, outch);

@@ -1179,21 +1179,21 @@ int cucul_dither_bitmap(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h,


cucul_set_attr(cv, savedattr);
caca_set_attr(cv, savedattr);

return 0;

/** \brief Free the memory associated with a dither.
* Free the memory allocated by cucul_create_dither().
* Free the memory allocated by caca_create_dither().
* This function never fails.
* \param d Dither object.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_free_dither(cucul_dither_t *d)
int caca_free_dither(caca_dither_t *d)
return 0;
@@ -1296,7 +1296,7 @@ static float gammapow(float x, float y)

static void get_rgba_default(cucul_dither_t const *d, uint8_t *pixels,
static void get_rgba_default(caca_dither_t const *d, uint8_t *pixels,
int x, int y, unsigned int *rgba)
uint32_t bits;
@@ -1493,7 +1493,7 @@ static void init_random_dither(int line)

static int get_random_dither(void)
return cucul_rand(0x00, 0x100);
return caca_rand(0x00, 0x100);

static void increment_random_dither(void)
@@ -1509,16 +1509,16 @@ static int init_lookup(void)
int v, s, h;

/* These ones are constant */
lookup_colors[0] = CUCUL_BLACK;
lookup_colors[1] = CUCUL_DARKGRAY;
lookup_colors[2] = CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY;
lookup_colors[3] = CUCUL_WHITE;
lookup_colors[0] = CACA_BLACK;
lookup_colors[1] = CACA_DARKGRAY;
lookup_colors[2] = CACA_LIGHTGRAY;
lookup_colors[3] = CACA_WHITE;

/* These ones will be overwritten */
lookup_colors[4] = CUCUL_MAGENTA;
lookup_colors[5] = CUCUL_LIGHTMAGENTA;
lookup_colors[6] = CUCUL_RED;
lookup_colors[7] = CUCUL_LIGHTRED;
lookup_colors[4] = CACA_MAGENTA;
lookup_colors[5] = CACA_LIGHTMAGENTA;
lookup_colors[6] = CACA_RED;
lookup_colors[7] = CACA_LIGHTRED;

for(v = 0; v < LOOKUP_VAL; v++)
for(s = 0; s < LOOKUP_SAT; s++)

+ 23
- 23
caca/driver_cocoa.m 파일 보기

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

@@ -195,14 +195,14 @@ static BOOL s_quitting = NO;

- (void)resizeIfNeeded:(caca_display_t *)dp
if(_w != cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv)
|| _h != cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv)
if(_w != caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv)
|| _h != caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv)
|| !_attrs || !_bkg_rects || !_bkg_colors)
debug_log(@"%s resize to %ux%u", _cmd, _w, _h);
_w = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
_h = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
_w = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
_h = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);

@@ -216,8 +216,8 @@ static BOOL s_quitting = NO;
_bkg_colors = malloc(_w * _h * sizeof(NSColor*));

[[self window] setContentSize: NSMakeSize(cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) * _font_rect.size.width,
cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) * _font_rect.size.height)];
[[self window] setContentSize: NSMakeSize(caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) * _font_rect.size.width,
caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) * _font_rect.size.height)];

@@ -228,9 +228,9 @@ static BOOL s_quitting = NO;
_chars = _attrs + _w * _h;
memcpy(_attrs, cucul_get_canvas_attrs(dp->cv),
memcpy(_attrs, caca_get_canvas_attrs(dp->cv),
_w * _h * sizeof(uint32_t));
memcpy(_chars, cucul_get_canvas_chars(dp->cv),
memcpy(_chars, caca_get_canvas_chars(dp->cv),
_w * _h * sizeof(uint32_t));

[self setNeedsDisplay:TRUE];
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ static BOOL s_quitting = NO;
attrs = _attrs + x + y * _w;
NSColor* color = nil;
uint16_t bg = cucul_attr_to_rgb12_bg(*attrs);
uint16_t bg = caca_attr_to_rgb12_bg(*attrs);
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ static BOOL s_quitting = NO;
uint8_t argb[8];
cucul_attr_to_argb64(*attrs, argb);
caca_attr_to_argb64(*attrs, argb);
color = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:((float)argb[1]) / 15.0
green:((float)argb[2]) / 15.0
blue:((float)argb[3]) / 15.0
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ static BOOL s_quitting = NO;
if(*chars <= 0x00000020)


/* Plain ASCII, no problem. */
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ static BOOL s_quitting = NO;
NSColor* color = nil;
uint16_t fg = cucul_attr_to_rgb12_fg(*attrs);
uint16_t fg = caca_attr_to_rgb12_fg(*attrs);
color = _colorCache[fg];
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ static BOOL s_quitting = NO;
#else // USE_RGB12_FGBG
uint8_t argb[8];
cucul_attr_to_argb64(*attrs, argb);
caca_attr_to_argb64(*attrs, argb);
debug_log(@"x,y=[%d,%d] r,g,b back=[%u %u %u] front=[%u %u %u]",
x, y, argb[1], argb[2], argb[3], argb[5], argb[6], argb[7]);
color = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:((float)argb[5]) / 15.0
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ static BOOL s_quitting = NO;

NSMutableDictionary* attrDict = (*attrs & CUCUL_UNDERLINE) ?
NSMutableDictionary* attrDict = (*attrs & CACA_UNDERLINE) ?
_attrDictUnderline : _attrDict;
[attrDict setObject:color forKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName];

@@ -572,8 +572,8 @@ static void create_first_window(caca_display_t *dp)
NSFont* font = [NSFont fontWithName:@"Monaco" size:10];
NSRect fontRect = [font boundingRectForFont];
fontRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, ceilf(fontRect.size.width), ceilf(fontRect.size.height));
NSRect windowRect = NSMakeRect(20, 20, cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) * fontRect.size.width,
cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) * fontRect.size.height);
NSRect windowRect = NSMakeRect(20, 20, caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) * fontRect.size.width,
caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) * fontRect.size.height);

CacaView* view = [[CacaView alloc] initWithFrame:windowRect];
@@ -826,8 +826,8 @@ static BOOL handle_mouse_event(caca_display_t *dp, caca_privevent_t *ev,

static int cocoa_init_graphics(caca_display_t *dp)
int width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
int width = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);

debug_log(@"%s dp->cv: %ux%u", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, width, height);

@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ static int cocoa_init_graphics(caca_display_t *dp)
return -1;

dp->resize.allow = 1;
cucul_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, width ? width : 80, height ? height : 32);
caca_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, width ? width : 80, height ? height : 32);
dp->resize.allow = 0;

// first create a full cocoa app if the host has no bundle
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ static int cocoa_init_graphics(caca_display_t *dp)
static int cocoa_end_graphics(caca_display_t *dp)
debug_log(@"%s dp->cv: %ux%u", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv), cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv));
caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv), caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv));

NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
[dp->drv.p->window close];
@@ -958,8 +958,8 @@ static int cocoa_get_event(caca_display_t *dp, caca_privevent_t *ev)
static void cocoa_handle_resize(caca_display_t *dp)
debug_log(@"%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
dp->resize.w = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
dp->resize.h = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
dp->resize.w = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
dp->resize.h = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);

static int cocoa_set_display_title(caca_display_t *dp, char const *title)

+ 14
- 15
caca/driver_conio.c 파일 보기

@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

@@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ static int conio_init_graphics(caca_display_t *dp)
/* FIXME */
# endif
dp->resize.allow = 1;
cucul_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, dp->drv.p->ti.screenwidth,
caca_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, dp->drv.p->ti.screenwidth,
dp->resize.allow = 0;

@@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ static int conio_end_graphics(caca_display_t *dp)
_wscroll = 1;
textcolor((enum COLORS)WHITE);
textbackground((enum COLORS)BLACK);
gotoxy(cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv), cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv));
gotoxy(caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv), caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv));

@@ -87,37 +86,37 @@ static int conio_set_display_title(caca_display_t *dp, char const *title)
static int conio_get_display_width(caca_display_t const *dp)
/* Fallback to a 6x10 font */
return cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) * 6;
return caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) * 6;

static int conio_get_display_height(caca_display_t const *dp)
/* Fallback to a 6x10 font */
return cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) * 10;
return caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) * 10;

static void conio_display(caca_display_t *dp)
char *screen = dp->drv.p->screen;
uint32_t const *chars = (uint32_t const *)cucul_get_canvas_chars(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *attrs = (uint32_t const *)cucul_get_canvas_attrs(dp->cv);
int width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *chars = (uint32_t const *)caca_get_canvas_chars(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *attrs = (uint32_t const *)caca_get_canvas_attrs(dp->cv);
int width = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
int n;

for(n = height * width; n--; )
char ch = cucul_utf32_to_cp437(*chars++);
if(n && *chars == CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
char ch = caca_utf32_to_cp437(*chars++);
if(n && *chars == CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
*screen++ = '[';
*screen++ = cucul_attr_to_ansi(*attrs++);
*screen++ = caca_attr_to_ansi(*attrs++);
ch = ']';
*screen++ = ch;
*screen++ = cucul_attr_to_ansi(*attrs++);
*screen++ = caca_attr_to_ansi(*attrs++);
# if defined(SCREENUPDATE_IN_PC_H)
@@ -129,8 +128,8 @@ static void conio_display(caca_display_t *dp)
static void conio_handle_resize(caca_display_t *dp)
/* We know nothing about our window */
dp->resize.w = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
dp->resize.h = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
dp->resize.w = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
dp->resize.h = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);

static int conio_get_event(caca_display_t *dp, caca_privevent_t *ev)

+ 31
- 32
caca/driver_gl.c 파일 보기

@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

@@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ struct driver_private
int window;
int width, height;
int new_width, new_height;
cucul_font_t *f;
caca_font_t *f;
float font_width, font_height;
float incx, incy;
uint32_t const *blocks;
@@ -87,8 +86,8 @@ static int gl_init_graphics(caca_display_t *dp)
char const *geometry;
char *argv[2] = { "", NULL };
char const * const * fonts;
int width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
int width = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
int argc = 1;

dp->drv.p = malloc(sizeof(struct driver_private));
@@ -102,28 +101,28 @@ static int gl_init_graphics(caca_display_t *dp)

dp->resize.allow = 1;
cucul_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, width ? width : 80, height ? height : 32);
caca_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, width ? width : 80, height ? height : 32);
dp->resize.allow = 0;

/* Load a libcucul internal font */
fonts = cucul_get_font_list();
/* Load a libcaca internal font */
fonts = caca_get_font_list();
if(fonts[0] == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "error: libcucul was compiled without any fonts\n");
fprintf(stderr, "error: libcaca was compiled without any fonts\n");
return -1;
dp->drv.p->f = cucul_load_font(fonts[0], 0);
dp->drv.p->f = caca_load_font(fonts[0], 0);
if(dp->drv.p->f == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "error: could not load font \"%s\"\n", fonts[0]);
return -1;

dp->drv.p->font_width = cucul_get_font_width(dp->drv.p->f);
dp->drv.p->font_height = cucul_get_font_height(dp->drv.p->f);
dp->drv.p->font_width = caca_get_font_width(dp->drv.p->f);
dp->drv.p->font_height = caca_get_font_height(dp->drv.p->f);

dp->drv.p->width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) * dp->drv.p->font_width;
dp->drv.p->height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) * dp->drv.p->font_height;
dp->drv.p->width = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) * dp->drv.p->font_width;
dp->drv.p->height = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) * dp->drv.p->font_height;

dp->drv.p->close = 0;
@@ -192,7 +191,7 @@ static int gl_end_graphics(caca_display_t *dp)
return 0;
@@ -216,9 +215,9 @@ static int gl_get_display_height(caca_display_t const *dp)

static void gl_display(caca_display_t *dp)
uint32_t const *cvchars = (uint32_t const *)cucul_get_canvas_chars(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *cvattrs = (uint32_t const *)cucul_get_canvas_attrs(dp->cv);
int width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *cvchars = (uint32_t const *)caca_get_canvas_chars(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *cvattrs = (uint32_t const *)caca_get_canvas_attrs(dp->cv);
int width = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int x, y, line;

@@ -232,7 +231,7 @@ static void gl_display(caca_display_t *dp)
/* FIXME: optimise using stride */
for(x = 0; x < dp->drv.p->width; x += dp->drv.p->font_width)
uint16_t bg = cucul_attr_to_rgb12_bg(*attrs++);
uint16_t bg = caca_attr_to_rgb12_bg(*attrs++);

glColor4b(((bg & 0xf00) >> 8) * 8,
((bg & 0x0f0) >> 4) * 8,
@@ -266,7 +265,7 @@ static void gl_display(caca_display_t *dp)
uint16_t fg;
int i, b, fullwidth;

fullwidth = cucul_utf32_is_fullwidth(ch);
fullwidth = caca_utf32_is_fullwidth(ch);

for(b = 0, i = 0; dp->drv.p->blocks[i + 1]; i += 2)
@@ -284,7 +283,7 @@ static void gl_display(caca_display_t *dp)
dp->drv.p->txid[b + ch
- (uint32_t)dp->drv.p->blocks[i]]);

fg = cucul_attr_to_rgb12_fg(*attrs);
fg = caca_attr_to_rgb12_fg(*attrs);
glColor3b(((fg & 0xf00) >> 8) * 8,
((fg & 0x0f0) >> 4) * 8,
(fg & 0x00f) * 8);
@@ -352,8 +351,8 @@ static int gl_get_event(caca_display_t *dp, caca_privevent_t *ev)
ev->data.resize.w = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
ev->data.resize.h = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
ev->data.resize.w = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
ev->data.resize.h = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
return 1;

@@ -513,36 +512,36 @@ static void _display(void)

static void gl_compute_font(caca_display_t *dp)
cucul_canvas_t *cv;
caca_canvas_t *cv;
uint32_t *image;
int i, b, w, h, x, y;

/* Count how many glyphs this font has */
dp->drv.p->blocks = cucul_get_font_blocks(dp->drv.p->f);
dp->drv.p->blocks = caca_get_font_blocks(dp->drv.p->f);

for(b = 0, i = 0; dp->drv.p->blocks[i + 1]; i += 2)
b += (int)(dp->drv.p->blocks[i + 1] - dp->drv.p->blocks[i]);

/* Allocate a libcucul canvas and print all the glyphs on it */
cv = cucul_create_canvas(2, b);
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLACK);
/* Allocate a libcaca canvas and print all the glyphs on it */
cv = caca_create_canvas(2, b);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLACK);

for(b = 0, i = 0; dp->drv.p->blocks[i + 1]; i += 2)
int j, n = (int)(dp->drv.p->blocks[i + 1] - dp->drv.p->blocks[i]);

for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
cucul_put_char(cv, 0, b + j, dp->drv.p->blocks[i] + j);
caca_put_char(cv, 0, b + j, dp->drv.p->blocks[i] + j);

b += n;

/* Draw the cucul canvas onto an image buffer */
/* Draw the caca canvas onto an image buffer */
image = malloc(b * dp->drv.p->font_height *
2 * dp->drv.p->font_width * sizeof(uint32_t));
cucul_render_canvas(cv, dp->drv.p->f, image, 2 * dp->drv.p->font_width,
caca_render_canvas(cv, dp->drv.p->f, image, 2 * dp->drv.p->font_width,
b * dp->drv.p->font_height, 8 * dp->drv.p->font_width);

/* Convert all glyphs in the image buffer to GL textures */
dp->drv.p->txid = malloc(b * sizeof(int));
@@ -560,7 +559,7 @@ static void gl_compute_font(caca_display_t *dp)
uint32_t *glyph = image + (int)((b + j) * dp->drv.p->font_width * 2
* dp->drv.p->font_height);
int fullwidth =
cucul_utf32_is_fullwidth(dp->drv.p->blocks[i] + j);
caca_utf32_is_fullwidth(dp->drv.p->blocks[i] + j);

memset(tmp, 0, 16 * 8 * 16);

+ 16
- 17
caca/driver_ncurses.c 파일 보기

@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
# include <termios.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

@@ -302,7 +301,7 @@ static int ncurses_init_graphics(caca_display_t *dp)

dp->resize.allow = 1;
cucul_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, COLS, LINES);
caca_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, COLS, LINES);
dp->resize.allow = 0;

return 0;
@@ -335,21 +334,21 @@ static int ncurses_set_display_title(caca_display_t *dp, char const *title)
static int ncurses_get_display_width(caca_display_t const *dp)
/* Fallback to a 6x10 font */
return cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) * 6;
return caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) * 6;

static int ncurses_get_display_height(caca_display_t const *dp)
/* Fallback to a 6x10 font */
return cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) * 10;
return caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) * 10;

static void ncurses_display(caca_display_t *dp)
uint32_t const *cvchars = (uint32_t const *)cucul_get_canvas_chars(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *cvattrs = (uint32_t const *)cucul_get_canvas_attrs(dp->cv);
int width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *cvchars = (uint32_t const *)caca_get_canvas_chars(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *cvattrs = (uint32_t const *)caca_get_canvas_attrs(dp->cv);
int width = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
int x, y;

for(y = 0; y < (int)height; y++)
@@ -357,13 +356,13 @@ static void ncurses_display(caca_display_t *dp)
move(y, 0);
for(x = width; x--; )
x = cucul_get_cursor_x(dp->cv);
y = cucul_get_cursor_y(dp->cv);
x = caca_get_cursor_x(dp->cv);
y = caca_get_cursor_y(dp->cv);
move(y, x);

@@ -389,8 +388,8 @@ static void ncurses_handle_resize(caca_display_t *dp)

/* Fallback */
dp->resize.w = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
dp->resize.h = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
dp->resize.w = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
dp->resize.h = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);

static int ncurses_get_event(caca_display_t *dp, caca_privevent_t *ev)
@@ -432,7 +431,7 @@ static int ncurses_get_event(caca_display_t *dp, caca_privevent_t *ev)

utf8[i] = '\0';
utf32 = cucul_utf8_to_utf32(utf8, &bytes);
utf32 = caca_utf8_to_utf32(utf8, &bytes);

while(i > bytes)
@@ -615,11 +614,11 @@ static void ncurses_write_utf32(uint32_t ch)
int bytes;


bytes = cucul_utf32_to_utf8(buf, ch);
bytes = caca_utf32_to_utf8(buf, ch);
buf[bytes] = '\0';
@@ -814,7 +813,7 @@ static void ncurses_write_utf32(uint32_t ch)

+ 4
- 5
caca/driver_raw.c 파일 보기

@@ -23,14 +23,13 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

static int raw_init_graphics(caca_display_t *dp)
int width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
int width = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
char const *geometry;

#if defined(HAVE_GETENV)
@@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ static int raw_init_graphics(caca_display_t *dp)

dp->resize.allow = 1;
cucul_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, width ? width : 80, height ? height : 24);
caca_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, width ? width : 80, height ? height : 24);
dp->resize.allow = 0;

return 0;
@@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ static void raw_display(caca_display_t *dp)
void *buffer;
size_t len;

buffer = cucul_export_memory(dp->cv, "caca", &len);
buffer = caca_export_memory(dp->cv, "caca", &len);
fwrite(buffer, len, 1, stdout);

+ 27
- 28
caca/driver_slang.c 파일 보기

@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
# include <signal.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

@@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ static int slang_init_graphics(caca_display_t *dp)

dp->resize.allow = 1;
cucul_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, SLtt_Screen_Cols, SLtt_Screen_Rows);
caca_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, SLtt_Screen_Cols, SLtt_Screen_Rows);
dp->resize.allow = 0;

return 0;
@@ -210,21 +209,21 @@ static int slang_set_display_title(caca_display_t *dp, char const *title)
static int slang_get_display_width(caca_display_t const *dp)
/* Fallback to a 6x10 font */
return cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) * 6;
return caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) * 6;

static int slang_get_display_height(caca_display_t const *dp)
/* Fallback to a 6x10 font */
return cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) * 10;
return caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) * 10;

static void slang_display(caca_display_t *dp)
uint32_t const *cvchars = (uint32_t const *)cucul_get_canvas_chars(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *cvattrs = (uint32_t const *)cucul_get_canvas_attrs(dp->cv);
int width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *cvchars = (uint32_t const *)caca_get_canvas_chars(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *cvattrs = (uint32_t const *)caca_get_canvas_attrs(dp->cv);
int width = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
int x, y;

for(y = 0; y < (int)height; y++)
@@ -241,24 +240,24 @@ static void slang_display(caca_display_t *dp)
* here for, and in cases where SLang does not render
* bright backgrounds, it's just fucked up. */
#if 0
uint8_t fgcolor = cucul_attr_to_ansi_fg(*cvattrs);
uint8_t bgcolor = cucul_attr_to_ansi_bg(*cvattrs);
uint8_t fgcolor = caca_attr_to_ansi_fg(*cvattrs);
uint8_t bgcolor = caca_attr_to_ansi_bg(*cvattrs);

if(fgcolor >= 0x10)

if(bgcolor >= 0x10)
bgcolor = CUCUL_BLACK; /* FIXME: handle transparency */
bgcolor = CACA_BLACK; /* FIXME: handle transparency */

if(fgcolor == bgcolor)
if(fgcolor == CUCUL_BLACK)
fgcolor = CUCUL_WHITE;
else if(fgcolor == CUCUL_WHITE
|| fgcolor <= CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY)
fgcolor = CUCUL_BLACK;
if(fgcolor == CACA_BLACK)
fgcolor = CACA_WHITE;
else if(fgcolor == CACA_WHITE
|| fgcolor <= CACA_LIGHTGRAY)
fgcolor = CACA_BLACK;
fgcolor = CUCUL_WHITE;
fgcolor = CACA_WHITE;
SLsmg_set_color(slang_assoc[fgcolor + 16 * bgcolor]);
SLsmg_write_char(' ');
@@ -266,16 +265,16 @@ static void slang_display(caca_display_t *dp)
SLsmg_gotorc(cucul_get_cursor_y(dp->cv), cucul_get_cursor_x(dp->cv));
SLsmg_gotorc(caca_get_cursor_y(dp->cv), caca_get_cursor_x(dp->cv));

@@ -285,8 +284,8 @@ static void slang_handle_resize(caca_display_t *dp)
dp->resize.w = SLtt_Screen_Cols;
dp->resize.h = SLtt_Screen_Rows;

if(dp->resize.w != cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv)
|| dp->resize.h != cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv))
if(dp->resize.w != caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv)
|| dp->resize.h != caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv))

@@ -342,7 +341,7 @@ static int slang_get_event(caca_display_t *dp, caca_privevent_t *ev)

utf8[i] = '\0';
utf32 = cucul_utf8_to_utf32(utf8, &bytes);
utf32 = caca_utf8_to_utf32(utf8, &bytes);

while(i > bytes)
@@ -482,17 +481,17 @@ static void slang_write_utf32(uint32_t ch)
char ascii;


bytes = cucul_utf32_to_utf8(buf, ch);
bytes = caca_utf32_to_utf8(buf, ch);
buf[bytes] = '\0';
ascii = cucul_utf32_to_ascii(ch);
ascii = caca_utf32_to_ascii(ch);

+ 11
- 12
caca/driver_vga.c 파일 보기

@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@

#if defined(USE_VGA)

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

@@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ static int vga_init_graphics(caca_display_t *dp)

/* We don't have much choice */
dp->resize.allow = 1;
cucul_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, 80, 25);
caca_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, 80, 25);
dp->resize.allow = 0;

return 0;
@@ -116,33 +115,33 @@ static int vga_get_display_height(caca_display_t const *dp)
static void vga_display(caca_display_t *dp)
char *screen = (char *)(intptr_t)0x000b8000;
uint32_t const *cvchars = (uint32_t const *)cucul_get_canvas_chars(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *cvattrs = (uint32_t const *)cucul_get_canvas_attrs(dp->cv);
int width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *cvchars = (uint32_t const *)caca_get_canvas_chars(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *cvattrs = (uint32_t const *)caca_get_canvas_attrs(dp->cv);
int width = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
int n;

for(n = height * width; n--; )
char ch = cucul_utf32_to_cp437(*cvchars++);
if(n && *cvchars == CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
char ch = caca_utf32_to_cp437(*cvchars++);
if(n && *cvchars == CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
*screen++ = '[';
*screen++ = cucul_attr_to_ansi(*cvattrs++);
*screen++ = caca_attr_to_ansi(*cvattrs++);
ch = ']';
*screen++ = ch;
*screen++ = cucul_attr_to_ansi(*cvattrs++);
*screen++ = caca_attr_to_ansi(*cvattrs++);

static void vga_handle_resize(caca_display_t *dp)
/* We know nothing about our window */
dp->resize.w = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
dp->resize.h = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
dp->resize.w = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
dp->resize.h = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);

static int vga_get_event(caca_display_t *dp, caca_privevent_t *ev)

+ 19
- 20
caca/driver_win32.c 파일 보기

@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

@@ -82,8 +81,8 @@ struct driver_private

static int win32_init_graphics(caca_display_t *dp)
int width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
int width = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
COORD size;
@@ -122,16 +121,16 @@ static int win32_init_graphics(caca_display_t *dp)
rect.Bottom = size.Y - 1;
SetConsoleWindowInfo(dp->drv.p->screen, TRUE, &rect);

/* Report our new size to libcucul */
/* Report our new size to libcaca */
if(!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(dp->drv.p->screen, &csbi))
return -1;

dp->resize.allow = 1;
csbi.srWindow.Right - csbi.srWindow.Left + 1,
csbi.srWindow.Bottom - csbi.srWindow.Top + 1);
width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
width = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
height = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
dp->resize.allow = 0;

SetConsoleMode(dp->drv.p->screen, 0);
@@ -180,7 +179,7 @@ static int win32_get_display_width(caca_display_t const *dp)
/* FIXME */

/* Fallback to a 6x10 font */
return cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) * 6;
return caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) * 6;

static int win32_get_display_height(caca_display_t const *dp)
@@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ static int win32_get_display_height(caca_display_t const *dp)
/* FIXME */

/* Fallback to a 6x10 font */
return cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) * 10;
return caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) * 10;

static void win32_display(caca_display_t *dp)
@@ -196,18 +195,18 @@ static void win32_display(caca_display_t *dp)
COORD size, pos;
CHAR_INFO *buffer = dp->drv.p->buffer;
uint32_t const *cvchars = (uint32_t const *)cucul_get_canvas_chars(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *cvattrs = (uint32_t const *)cucul_get_canvas_attrs(dp->cv);
int width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *cvchars = (uint32_t const *)caca_get_canvas_chars(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *cvattrs = (uint32_t const *)caca_get_canvas_attrs(dp->cv);
int width = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
int n;

/* Render everything to our screen buffer */
for(n = height * width; n--; )
uint32_t ch = *cvchars++;
uint8_t fg = cucul_attr_to_ansi_fg(*cvattrs);
uint8_t bg = cucul_attr_to_ansi_bg(*cvattrs);
uint8_t fg = caca_attr_to_ansi_fg(*cvattrs);
uint8_t bg = caca_attr_to_ansi_bg(*cvattrs);

#if 0
if(ch > 0x00000020 && ch < 0x00000080)
@@ -215,7 +214,7 @@ static void win32_display(caca_display_t *dp)
dp->drv.p->buffer[i].Char.AsciiChar = ' ';
if(n && *cvchars == CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
if(n && *cvchars == CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
else if(ch > 0x00000020 && ch < 0x00010000)
buffer->Char.UnicodeChar = (uint16_t)ch;
@@ -223,8 +222,8 @@ static void win32_display(caca_display_t *dp)
buffer->Char.UnicodeChar = (uint16_t)' ';

buffer->Attributes = win32_fg_palette[fg < 0x10 ? fg : CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY]
| win32_bg_palette[bg < 0x10 ? bg : CUCUL_BLACK];
buffer->Attributes = win32_fg_palette[fg < 0x10 ? fg : CACA_LIGHTGRAY]
| win32_bg_palette[bg < 0x10 ? bg : CACA_BLACK];
@@ -246,8 +245,8 @@ static void win32_display(caca_display_t *dp)
static void win32_handle_resize(caca_display_t *dp)
/* FIXME: I don't know what to do here. */
dp->resize.w = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
dp->resize.h = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
dp->resize.w = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
dp->resize.h = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);

static int win32_get_event(caca_display_t *dp, caca_privevent_t *ev)

+ 24
- 24
caca/driver_x11.c 파일 보기

@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ static int x11_init_graphics(caca_display_t *dp)
int (*old_error_handler)(Display *, XErrorEvent *);
char const *fonts[] = { NULL, "8x13bold", "fixed" }, **parser;
char const *geometry;
int width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
int width = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
int i;

dp->drv.p = malloc(sizeof(struct driver_private));
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ static int x11_init_graphics(caca_display_t *dp)

dp->resize.allow = 1;
cucul_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, width ? width : 80, height ? height : 32);
width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
caca_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, width ? width : 80, height ? height : 32);
width = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
height = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
dp->resize.allow = 0;

dp->drv.p->dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
@@ -279,20 +279,20 @@ static int x11_set_display_title(caca_display_t *dp, char const *title)

static int x11_get_display_width(caca_display_t const *dp)
return cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) * dp->drv.p->font_width;
return caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) * dp->drv.p->font_width;

static int x11_get_display_height(caca_display_t const *dp)
return cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) * dp->drv.p->font_height;
return caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) * dp->drv.p->font_height;

static void x11_display(caca_display_t *dp)
uint32_t const *cvchars = (uint32_t const *)cucul_get_canvas_chars(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *cvattrs = (uint32_t const *)cucul_get_canvas_attrs(dp->cv);
int width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *cvchars = (uint32_t const *)caca_get_canvas_chars(dp->cv);
uint32_t const *cvattrs = (uint32_t const *)caca_get_canvas_attrs(dp->cv);
int width = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
int x, y, len;

/* First draw the background colours. Splitting the process in two
@@ -302,11 +302,11 @@ static void x11_display(caca_display_t *dp)
for(x = 0; x < width; x += len)
uint32_t const *attrs = cvattrs + x + y * width;
uint16_t bg = cucul_attr_to_rgb12_bg(*attrs);
uint16_t bg = caca_attr_to_rgb12_bg(*attrs);

len = 1;
while(x + len < width
&& cucul_attr_to_rgb12_bg(attrs[len]) == bg)
&& caca_attr_to_rgb12_bg(attrs[len]) == bg)

XSetForeground(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->gc,
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ static void x11_display(caca_display_t *dp)
for(x = 0; x < width; x++, chars++, attrs++)
XSetForeground(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->gc,

x11_put_glyph(dp, x * dp->drv.p->font_width,
y * dp->drv.p->font_height, yoff,
@@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ static void x11_display(caca_display_t *dp)
XSetForeground(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->gc,
x = cucul_get_cursor_x(dp->cv);
y = cucul_get_cursor_y(dp->cv);
x = caca_get_cursor_x(dp->cv);
y = caca_get_cursor_y(dp->cv);
XFillRectangle(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->pixmap, dp->drv.p->gc,
x * dp->drv.p->font_width, y * dp->drv.p->font_height,
dp->drv.p->font_width, dp->drv.p->font_height);
@@ -378,8 +378,8 @@ static void x11_handle_resize(caca_display_t *dp)

static int x11_get_event(caca_display_t *dp, caca_privevent_t *ev)
int width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
int width = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int height = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
XEvent xevent;
char key;

@@ -610,23 +610,23 @@ static void x11_put_glyph(caca_display_t *dp, int x, int y, int yoff,
XChar2b ch16;

/* Underline */
XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x, y + h - 1, w, 1);

/* Skip spaces and magic stuff */
if(ch <= 0x00000020)


fw = w;
fw *= 2;

/* We want to be able to print a few special Unicode characters
* such as the CP437 gradients and half blocks. For unknown
* characters, print what cucul_utf32_to_ascii() returns. */
* characters, print what caca_utf32_to_ascii() returns. */

if(ch >= 0x2500 && ch <= 0x256c && udlr[ch - 0x2500])
@@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ static void x11_put_glyph(caca_display_t *dp, int x, int y, int yoff,
ch16.byte1 = 0;
ch16.byte2 = cucul_utf32_to_ascii(ch);
ch16.byte2 = caca_utf32_to_ascii(ch);

XDrawString16(dpy, px, gc, x + (ch16.byte1 ? 0 : (fw - w) / 2), yoff, &ch16, 1);

+ 4
- 5
caca/event.c 파일 보기

@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
# include <string.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

@@ -129,7 +128,7 @@ int caca_get_event(caca_display_t *dp, int event_mask,
int caca_get_mouse_x(caca_display_t const *dp)
int width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
int width = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);

if(dp->mouse.x >= width)
return width - 1;
@@ -151,7 +150,7 @@ int caca_get_mouse_x(caca_display_t const *dp)
int caca_get_mouse_y(caca_display_t const *dp)
int height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
int height = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);

if(dp->mouse.y >= height)
return height - 1;
@@ -335,8 +334,8 @@ static int _get_next_event(caca_display_t *dp, caca_privevent_t *ev)
dp->resize.resized = 0;
ev->data.resize.w = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
ev->data.resize.h = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
ev->data.resize.w = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv);
ev->data.resize.h = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv);
return 1;

cucul/export.c → caca/export.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* 2006 Jean-Yves Lamoureux <jylam@lnxscene.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
# include <string.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "cucul_internals.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

static inline int sprintu32(char *s, uint32_t x)
@@ -44,20 +44,20 @@ static inline int sprintu16(char *s, uint16_t x)
return 2;

static void *export_caca(cucul_canvas_t const *, size_t *);
static void *export_ansi(cucul_canvas_t const *, size_t *);
static void *export_utf8(cucul_canvas_t const *, size_t *, int);
static void *export_html(cucul_canvas_t const *, size_t *);
static void *export_html3(cucul_canvas_t const *, size_t *);
static void *export_bbfr(cucul_canvas_t const *, size_t *);
static void *export_irc(cucul_canvas_t const *, size_t *);
static void *export_ps(cucul_canvas_t const *, size_t *);
static void *export_svg(cucul_canvas_t const *, size_t *);
static void *export_tga(cucul_canvas_t const *, size_t *);
static void *export_caca(caca_canvas_t const *, size_t *);
static void *export_ansi(caca_canvas_t const *, size_t *);
static void *export_utf8(caca_canvas_t const *, size_t *, int);
static void *export_html(caca_canvas_t const *, size_t *);
static void *export_html3(caca_canvas_t const *, size_t *);
static void *export_bbfr(caca_canvas_t const *, size_t *);
static void *export_irc(caca_canvas_t const *, size_t *);
static void *export_ps(caca_canvas_t const *, size_t *);
static void *export_svg(caca_canvas_t const *, size_t *);
static void *export_tga(caca_canvas_t const *, size_t *);

/** \brief Export a canvas into a foreign format.
* This function exports a libcucul canvas into various foreign formats such
* This function exports a libcaca canvas into various foreign formats such
* as ANSI art, HTML, IRC colours, etc. The returned pointer should be passed
* to free() to release the allocated storage when it is no longer needed.
@@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ static void *export_tga(cucul_canvas_t const *, size_t *);
* - \c EINVAL Unsupported format requested.
* - \c ENOMEM Not enough memory to allocate output buffer.
* \param cv A libcucul canvas
* \param cv A libcaca canvas
* \param format A string describing the requested output format.
* \param bytes A pointer to a size_t where the number of allocated bytes
* will be written.
* \return A pointer to the exported memory area, or NULL in case of error.
void *cucul_export_memory(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, char const *format,
void *caca_export_memory(caca_canvas_t const *cv, char const *format,
size_t *bytes)
if(!strcasecmp("caca", format))
@@ -126,14 +126,14 @@ void *cucul_export_memory(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, char const *format,
* Return a list of available export formats. The list is a NULL-terminated
* array of strings, interleaving a string containing the internal value for
* the export format, to be used with cucul_export_memory(), and a string
* the export format, to be used with caca_export_memory(), and a string
* containing the natural language description for that export format.
* This function never fails.
* \return An array of strings.
char const * const * cucul_get_export_list(void)
char const * const * caca_get_export_list(void)
static char const * const list[] =
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ char const * const * cucul_get_export_list(void)

/* Generate a native libcaca canvas file. */
static void *export_caca(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
static void *export_caca(caca_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
char *data, *cur;
int f, n;
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ static void *export_caca(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)

/* Generate UTF-8 representation of current canvas. */
static void *export_utf8(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes,
static void *export_utf8(caca_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes,
int cr)
static uint8_t const palette[] =
@@ -244,11 +244,11 @@ static void *export_utf8(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes,
uint32_t ch = linechar[x];
uint8_t ansifg, ansibg, fg, bg;


ansifg = cucul_attr_to_ansi_fg(attr);
ansibg = cucul_attr_to_ansi_bg(attr);
ansifg = caca_attr_to_ansi_fg(attr);
ansibg = caca_attr_to_ansi_bg(attr);

fg = ansifg < 0x10 ? palette[ansifg] : 0x10;
bg = ansibg < 0x10 ? palette[ansibg] : 0x10;
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ static void *export_utf8(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes,
cur += sprintf(cur, "m");

cur += cucul_utf32_to_utf8(cur, ch);
cur += caca_utf32_to_utf8(cur, ch);

prevfg = fg;
prevbg = bg;
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ static void *export_utf8(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes,

/* Generate ANSI representation of current canvas. */
static void *export_ansi(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
static void *export_ansi(caca_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
static uint8_t const palette[] =
@@ -320,13 +320,13 @@ static void *export_ansi(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)

for(x = 0; x < cv->width; x++)
uint8_t ansifg = cucul_attr_to_ansi_fg(lineattr[x]);
uint8_t ansibg = cucul_attr_to_ansi_bg(lineattr[x]);
uint8_t fg = ansifg < 0x10 ? palette[ansifg] : CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY;
uint8_t bg = ansibg < 0x10 ? palette[ansibg] : CUCUL_BLACK;
uint8_t ansifg = caca_attr_to_ansi_fg(lineattr[x]);
uint8_t ansibg = caca_attr_to_ansi_bg(lineattr[x]);
uint8_t fg = ansifg < 0x10 ? palette[ansifg] : CACA_LIGHTGRAY;
uint8_t bg = ansibg < 0x10 ? palette[ansibg] : CACA_BLACK;
uint32_t ch = linechar[x];

ch = '?';

if(fg != prevfg || bg != prevbg)
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ static void *export_ansi(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
cur += sprintf(cur, "5;1;3%d;4%dm", fg - 8, bg - 8);

*cur++ = cucul_utf32_to_cp437(ch);
*cur++ = caca_utf32_to_cp437(ch);

prevfg = fg;
prevbg = bg;
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ static void *export_ansi(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)

/* Generate HTML representation of current canvas. */
static void *export_html(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
static void *export_html(caca_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
char *data, *cur;
int x, y, len;
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ static void *export_html(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
/* HTML header */
cur += sprintf(cur, "<html><head>\n");
cur += sprintf(cur, "<title>Generated by libcaca %s</title>\n",
cur += sprintf(cur, "</head><body>\n");

cur += sprintf(cur, "<div cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' style='%s'>\n",
@@ -404,19 +404,19 @@ static void *export_html(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
for(x = 0; x < cv->width; x += len)
cur += sprintf(cur, "<span style=\"");
if(cucul_attr_to_ansi_fg(lineattr[x]) < 0x10)
if(caca_attr_to_ansi_fg(lineattr[x]) < 0x10)
cur += sprintf(cur, ";color:#%.03x",
if(cucul_attr_to_ansi_bg(lineattr[x]) < 0x10)
if(caca_attr_to_ansi_bg(lineattr[x]) < 0x10)
cur += sprintf(cur, ";background-color:#%.03x",
if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_BOLD)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_BOLD)
cur += sprintf(cur, ";font-weight:bold");
if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_ITALICS)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_ITALICS)
cur += sprintf(cur, ";font-style:italic");
if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_UNDERLINE)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_UNDERLINE)
cur += sprintf(cur, ";text-decoration:underline");
if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_BLINK)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_BLINK)
cur += sprintf(cur, ";text-decoration:blink");
cur += sprintf(cur, "\">");

@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ static void *export_html(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
x + len < cv->width && lineattr[x + len] == lineattr[x];
if(linechar[x + len] == CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
if(linechar[x + len] == CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
else if(linechar[x + len] <= 0x00000020)
cur += sprintf(cur, "&nbsp;");
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ static void *export_html(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
* but permits viewing in old browsers (or limited ones such as links). It
* will not work under gecko (mozilla rendering engine) unless you set a
* correct header. */
static void *export_html3(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
static void *export_html3(caca_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
char *data, *cur;
int x, y, len;
@@ -492,33 +492,33 @@ static void *export_html3(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)

cur += sprintf(cur, "<td");

if(cucul_attr_to_ansi_fg(lineattr[x]) < 0x10)
if(caca_attr_to_ansi_fg(lineattr[x]) < 0x10)
cur += sprintf(cur, " bgcolor=#%.06lx", (unsigned long int)

if(len > 1)
cur += sprintf(cur, " colspan=%d", len);

cur += sprintf(cur, ">");

needfont = cucul_attr_to_ansi_bg(lineattr[x]) < 0x10;
needfont = caca_attr_to_ansi_bg(lineattr[x]) < 0x10;

cur += sprintf(cur, "<font color=#%.06lx>", (unsigned long int)

if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_BOLD)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_BOLD)
cur += sprintf(cur, "<b>");
if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_ITALICS)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_ITALICS)
cur += sprintf(cur, "<i>");
if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_UNDERLINE)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_UNDERLINE)
cur += sprintf(cur, "<u>");
if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_BLINK)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_BLINK)
cur += sprintf(cur, "<blink>");

for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
if(linechar[x + i] == CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
if(linechar[x + i] == CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
else if(linechar[x + i] <= 0x00000020)
cur += sprintf(cur, "&nbsp;");
@@ -528,13 +528,13 @@ static void *export_html3(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
cur += sprintf(cur, "&#%i;", (unsigned int)linechar[x + i]);

if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_BLINK)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_BLINK)
cur += sprintf(cur, "</blink>");
if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_UNDERLINE)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_UNDERLINE)
cur += sprintf(cur, "</u>");
if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_ITALICS)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_ITALICS)
cur += sprintf(cur, "</i>");
if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_BOLD)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_BOLD)
cur += sprintf(cur, "</b>");

@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ static void *export_html3(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
return data;

static void *export_bbfr(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
static void *export_bbfr(caca_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
char *data, *cur;
int x, y, len;
@@ -594,46 +594,46 @@ static void *export_bbfr(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
&& linechar[x] != ' ')

needback = cucul_attr_to_ansi_bg(lineattr[x]) < 0x10;
needfront = cucul_attr_to_ansi_fg(lineattr[x]) < 0x10;
needback = caca_attr_to_ansi_bg(lineattr[x]) < 0x10;
needfront = caca_attr_to_ansi_fg(lineattr[x]) < 0x10;

cur += sprintf(cur, "[f=#%.06lx]", (unsigned long int)

if(linechar[x] == ' ')
cur += sprintf(cur, "[c=#%.06lx]", (unsigned long int)
else if(needfront)
cur += sprintf(cur, "[c=#%.06lx]", (unsigned long int)

if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_BOLD)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_BOLD)
cur += sprintf(cur, "[g]");
if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_ITALICS)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_ITALICS)
cur += sprintf(cur, "[i]");
if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_UNDERLINE)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_UNDERLINE)
cur += sprintf(cur, "[s]");
if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_BLINK)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_BLINK)
; /* FIXME */

for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
if(linechar[x + i] == CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
if(linechar[x + i] == CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
else if(linechar[x + i] == ' ')
*cur++ = '_';
cur += cucul_utf32_to_utf8(cur, linechar[x + i]);
cur += caca_utf32_to_utf8(cur, linechar[x + i]);

if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_BLINK)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_BLINK)
; /* FIXME */
if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_UNDERLINE)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_UNDERLINE)
cur += sprintf(cur, "[/s]");
if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_ITALICS)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_ITALICS)
cur += sprintf(cur, "[/i]");
if(lineattr[x] & CUCUL_BOLD)
if(lineattr[x] & CACA_BOLD)
cur += sprintf(cur, "[/g]");

if(linechar[x] == ' ' || needfront)
@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ static void *export_bbfr(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)

/* Export a text file with IRC colours */
static void *export_irc(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
static void *export_irc(caca_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
static uint8_t const palette[] =
@@ -695,11 +695,11 @@ static void *export_irc(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
uint32_t ch = linechar[x];
uint8_t ansifg, ansibg, fg, bg;


ansifg = cucul_attr_to_ansi_fg(attr);
ansibg = cucul_attr_to_ansi_bg(attr);
ansifg = caca_attr_to_ansi_fg(attr);
ansibg = caca_attr_to_ansi_bg(attr);

fg = ansifg < 0x10 ? palette[ansifg] : 0x10;
bg = ansibg < 0x10 ? palette[ansibg] : 0x10;
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ static void *export_irc(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
cur += sprintf(cur, "\x02\x02");

cur += cucul_utf32_to_utf8(cur, ch);
cur += caca_utf32_to_utf8(cur, ch);
prevfg = fg;
prevbg = bg;
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ static void *export_irc(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)

/* Export a PostScript document. */
static void *export_ps(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
static void *export_ps(caca_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
static char const *ps_header =
@@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ static void *export_ps(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
for(x = 0; x < cv->width; x++)
uint8_t argb[8];
cucul_attr_to_argb64(*lineattr++, argb);
caca_attr_to_argb64(*lineattr++, argb);
cur += sprintf(cur, "1 0 translate\n %f %f %f csquare\n",
(float)argb[1] * (1.0 / 0xf),
(float)argb[2] * (1.0 / 0xf),
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ static void *export_ps(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
uint8_t argb[8];
uint32_t ch = *linechar++;

cucul_attr_to_argb64(*lineattr++, argb);
caca_attr_to_argb64(*lineattr++, argb);

cur += sprintf(cur, "newpath\n");
cur += sprintf(cur, "%d %d moveto\n", (x + 1) * 6, y * 10 + 2);
@@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ static void *export_ps(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)

/* Export an SVG vector image */
static void *export_svg(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
static void *export_svg(caca_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
static char const svg_header[] =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ static void *export_svg(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
cur += sprintf(cur, "<rect style=\"fill:#%.03x\" x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\""
" width=\"6\" height=\"10\"/>\n",
x * 6, y * 10);
@@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ static void *export_svg(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
uint32_t ch = *linechar++;

if(ch == ' ' || ch == CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
if(ch == ' ' || ch == CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
@@ -928,13 +928,13 @@ static void *export_svg(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)

cur += sprintf(cur, "<text style=\"fill:#%.03x\" "
"x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\">",
x * 6, (y * 10) + 8);

if(ch < 0x00000020)
*cur++ = '?';
else if(ch > 0x0000007f)
cur += cucul_utf32_to_utf8(cur, ch);
cur += caca_utf32_to_utf8(cur, ch);
else switch((uint8_t)ch)
case '>': cur += sprintf(cur, "&gt;"); break;
@@ -959,24 +959,24 @@ static void *export_svg(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)

/* Export a TGA image */
static void *export_tga(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
static void *export_tga(caca_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
char const * const *fontlist;
char *data, *cur;
cucul_font_t *f;
caca_font_t *f;
int i, w, h;

fontlist = cucul_get_font_list();
fontlist = caca_get_font_list();
return NULL;

f = cucul_load_font(fontlist[0], 0);
f = caca_load_font(fontlist[0], 0);

w = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) * cucul_get_font_width(f);
h = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) * cucul_get_font_height(f);
w = caca_get_canvas_width(cv) * caca_get_font_width(f);
h = caca_get_canvas_height(cv) * caca_get_font_height(f);

*bytes = w * h * 4 + 18; /* 32 bpp + 18 bytes for the header */
cur = data = malloc(*bytes);
@@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ static void *export_tga(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
/* Color Map Data: no colormap */

/* Image Data */
cucul_render_canvas(cv, f, cur, w, h, 4 * w);
caca_render_canvas(cv, f, cur, w, h, 4 * w);

/* Swap bytes. What a waste of time. */
for(i = 0; i < w * h * 4; i += 4)
@@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@ static void *export_tga(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, size_t *bytes)
c = cur[i + 1]; cur[i + 1] = cur[i + 2]; cur[i + 2] = c;


return data;

cucul/figfont.c → caca/figfont.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@
# include <string.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "cucul_internals.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

struct cucul_figfont
struct caca_figfont
int term_width;
int x, y, w, h, lines;
@@ -43,18 +43,18 @@ struct cucul_figfont
int old_layout;
int print_direction, full_layout, codetag_count;
int glyphs;
cucul_canvas_t *fontcv, *charcv;
caca_canvas_t *fontcv, *charcv;
int *left, *right; /* Unused yet */
uint32_t *lookup;

static uint32_t hsmush(uint32_t ch1, uint32_t ch2, int rule);
static cucul_figfont_t * open_figfont(char const *);
static int free_figfont(cucul_figfont_t *);
static caca_figfont_t * open_figfont(char const *);
static int free_figfont(caca_figfont_t *);

int cucul_canvas_set_figfont(cucul_canvas_t *cv, char const *path)
int caca_canvas_set_figfont(caca_canvas_t *cv, char const *path)
cucul_figfont_t *ff = NULL;
caca_figfont_t *ff = NULL;

@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ int cucul_canvas_set_figfont(cucul_canvas_t *cv, char const *path)

@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ int cucul_canvas_set_figfont(cucul_canvas_t *cv, char const *path)
ff->x = ff->y = 0;
ff->w = ff->h = 0;
ff->lines = 0;
cucul_set_canvas_size(cv, 0, 0); /* XXX */
caca_set_canvas_size(cv, 0, 0); /* XXX */

/* from TOIlet’s figlet.c */
if(ff->full_layout & 0x3f)
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ int cucul_canvas_set_figfont(cucul_canvas_t *cv, char const *path)

ff->charcv = cucul_create_canvas(ff->max_length - 2, ff->height);
ff->charcv = caca_create_canvas(ff->max_length - 2, ff->height);

ff->left = malloc(ff->height * sizeof(int));
ff->right = malloc(ff->height * sizeof(int));
@@ -127,9 +127,9 @@ int cucul_canvas_set_figfont(cucul_canvas_t *cv, char const *path)
return 0;

int cucul_put_figchar(cucul_canvas_t *cv, uint32_t ch)
int caca_put_figchar(caca_canvas_t *cv, uint32_t ch)
cucul_figfont_t *ff = cv->ff;
caca_figfont_t *ff = cv->ff;
int c, w, h, x, y, overlap, extra, xleft, xright;

@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ int cucul_put_figchar(cucul_canvas_t *cv, uint32_t ch)
w = ff->lookup[c * 2 + 1];
h = ff->height;

cucul_set_canvas_handle(ff->fontcv, 0, c * ff->height);
cucul_blit(ff->charcv, 0, 0, ff->fontcv, NULL);
caca_set_canvas_handle(ff->fontcv, 0, c * ff->height);
caca_blit(ff->charcv, 0, 0, ff->fontcv, NULL);

/* Check whether we reached the end of the screen */
if(ff->x && ff->x + w > ff->term_width)
@@ -176,12 +176,12 @@ int cucul_put_figchar(cucul_canvas_t *cv, uint32_t ch)
/* Compute how much spaces we can eat from the new glyph */
for(xright = 0; xright < overlap; xright++)
if(cucul_get_char(ff->charcv, xright, y) != ' ')
if(caca_get_char(ff->charcv, xright, y) != ' ')

/* Compute how much spaces we can eat from the previous glyph */
for(xleft = 0; xright + xleft < overlap && xleft < ff->x; xleft++)
if(cucul_get_char(cv, ff->x - 1 - xleft, ff->y + y) != ' ')
if(caca_get_char(cv, ff->x - 1 - xleft, ff->y + y) != ' ')

/* Handle overlapping */
@@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ int cucul_put_figchar(cucul_canvas_t *cv, uint32_t ch)
if(ff->hmode == H_SMUSH)
if(xleft < ff->x &&
hsmush(cucul_get_char(cv, ff->x - 1 - xleft, ff->y + y),
cucul_get_char(ff->charcv, xright, y),
hsmush(caca_get_char(cv, ff->x - 1 - xleft, ff->y + y),
caca_get_char(ff->charcv, xright, y),
@@ -219,29 +219,29 @@ int cucul_put_figchar(cucul_canvas_t *cv, uint32_t ch)

#if 0 /* deactivated for libcaca insertion */
cucul_set_attr(cv, attr);
caca_set_attr(cv, attr);
cucul_set_canvas_size(cv, ff->w, ff->h);
caca_set_canvas_size(cv, ff->w, ff->h);

/* Render our char (FIXME: create a rect-aware cucul_blit_canvas?) */
/* Render our char (FIXME: create a rect-aware caca_blit_canvas?) */
for(y = 0; y < h; y++)
for(x = 0; x < w; x++)
uint32_t ch1, ch2;
//uint32_t tmpat = cucul_get_attr(ff->fontcv, x, y + c * ff->height);
ch2 = cucul_get_char(ff->charcv, x, y);
//uint32_t tmpat = caca_get_attr(ff->fontcv, x, y + c * ff->height);
ch2 = caca_get_char(ff->charcv, x, y);
if(ch2 == ' ')
ch1 = cucul_get_char(cv, ff->x + x - overlap, ff->y + y);
/* FIXME: this could be changed to cucul_put_attr() when the
* function is fixed in libcucul */
//cucul_set_attr(cv, tmpat);
ch1 = caca_get_char(cv, ff->x + x - overlap, ff->y + y);
/* FIXME: this could be changed to caca_put_attr() when the
* function is fixed in libcaca */
//caca_set_attr(cv, tmpat);
if(ch1 == ' ' || ff->hmode != H_SMUSH)
cucul_put_char(cv, ff->x + x - overlap, ff->y + y, ch2);
caca_put_char(cv, ff->x + x - overlap, ff->y + y, ch2);
cucul_put_char(cv, ff->x + x - overlap, ff->y + y,
caca_put_char(cv, ff->x + x - overlap, ff->y + y,
hsmush(ch1, ch2, ff->hsmushrule));
//cucul_put_attr(cv, ff->x + x, ff->y + y, tmpat);
//caca_put_attr(cv, ff->x + x, ff->y + y, tmpat);

/* Advance cursor */
@@ -250,32 +250,32 @@ int cucul_put_figchar(cucul_canvas_t *cv, uint32_t ch)
return 0;

int cucul_flush_figlet(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
int caca_flush_figlet(caca_canvas_t *cv)
cucul_figfont_t *ff = cv->ff;
caca_figfont_t *ff = cv->ff;
int x, y;

//ff->torender = cv;
//cucul_set_canvas_size(ff->torender, ff->w, ff->h);
cucul_set_canvas_size(cv, ff->w, ff->h);
//caca_set_canvas_size(ff->torender, ff->w, ff->h);
caca_set_canvas_size(cv, ff->w, ff->h);

/* FIXME: do this somewhere else, or record hardblank positions */
for(y = 0; y < ff->h; y++)
for(x = 0; x < ff->w; x++)
if(cucul_get_char(cv, x, y) == 0xa0)
if(caca_get_char(cv, x, y) == 0xa0)
uint32_t attr = cucul_get_attr(cv, x, y);
cucul_put_char(cv, x, y, ' ');
cucul_put_attr(cv, x, y, attr);
uint32_t attr = caca_get_attr(cv, x, y);
caca_put_char(cv, x, y, ' ');
caca_put_attr(cv, x, y, attr);

ff->x = ff->y = 0;
ff->w = ff->h = 0;

//cv = cucul_create_canvas(1, 1); /* XXX */
//cv = caca_create_canvas(1, 1); /* XXX */

/* from render.c */
ff->lines += cucul_get_canvas_height(cv);
ff->lines += caca_get_canvas_height(cv);

return 0;
@@ -283,17 +283,17 @@ int cucul_flush_figlet(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
#define STD_GLYPHS (127 - 32)

static cucul_figfont_t * open_figfont(char const *path)
static caca_figfont_t * open_figfont(char const *path)
char altpath[2048];
char buf[2048];
char hardblank[10];
cucul_figfont_t *ff;
caca_figfont_t *ff;
char *data = NULL;
cucul_file_t *f;
caca_file_t *f;
int i, j, size, comment_lines;

ff = malloc(sizeof(cucul_figfont_t));
ff = malloc(sizeof(caca_figfont_t));
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ static cucul_figfont_t * open_figfont(char const *path)

/* Open font: if not found, try .tlf, then .flf */
f = cucul_file_open(path, "r");
f = caca_file_open(path, "r");
#if !defined __KERNEL__ && defined HAVE_SNPRINTF

#if (! defined(snprintf)) && ( defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32) ) && (! defined(__CYGWIN__))
@@ -312,13 +312,13 @@ static cucul_figfont_t * open_figfont(char const *path)
snprintf(altpath, 2047, "%s.tlf", path);
altpath[2047] = '\0';
f = cucul_file_open(altpath, "r");
f = caca_file_open(altpath, "r");
snprintf(altpath, 2047, "%s.flf", path);
altpath[2047] = '\0';
f = cucul_file_open(altpath, "r");
f = caca_file_open(altpath, "r");
@@ -332,14 +332,14 @@ static cucul_figfont_t * open_figfont(char const *path)
ff->print_direction = 0;
ff->full_layout = 0;
ff->codetag_count = 0;
cucul_file_gets(f, buf, 2048);
caca_file_gets(f, buf, 2048);
if(sscanf(buf, "%*[ft]lf2a%6s %u %u %u %i %u %u %u %u\n", hardblank,
&ff->height, &ff->baseline, &ff->max_length,
&ff->old_layout, &comment_lines, &ff->print_direction,
&ff->full_layout, &ff->codetag_count) < 6)
debug("figfont error: `%s' has invalid header: %s", path, buf);
return NULL;
@@ -351,24 +351,24 @@ static cucul_figfont_t * open_figfont(char const *path)
debug("figfont error: `%s' has invalid layout %i/%u",
path, ff->old_layout, ff->full_layout);
return NULL;

ff->hardblank = cucul_utf8_to_utf32(hardblank, NULL);
ff->hardblank = caca_utf8_to_utf32(hardblank, NULL);

/* Skip comment lines */
for(i = 0; i < comment_lines; i++)
cucul_file_gets(f, buf, 2048);
caca_file_gets(f, buf, 2048);

/* Read mandatory characters (32-127, 196, 214, 220, 228, 246, 252, 223)
* then read additional characters. */
ff->glyphs = 0;
ff->lookup = NULL;

for(i = 0, size = 0; !cucul_file_eof(f); ff->glyphs++)
for(i = 0, size = 0; !caca_file_eof(f); ff->glyphs++)
if((ff->glyphs % 2048) == 0)
ff->lookup = realloc(ff->lookup,
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ static cucul_figfont_t * open_figfont(char const *path)
if(cucul_file_gets(f, buf, 2048) == NULL)
if(caca_file_gets(f, buf, 2048) == NULL)

/* Ignore blank lines, as in jacky.flf */
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ static cucul_figfont_t * open_figfont(char const *path)
if(buf[0] == '-')
for(j = 0; j < ff->height; j++)
cucul_file_gets(f, buf, 2048);
caca_file_gets(f, buf, 2048);

@@ -423,12 +423,12 @@ static cucul_figfont_t * open_figfont(char const *path)
if(i + 2048 >= size)
data = realloc(data, size += 2048);

cucul_file_gets(f, data + i, 2048);
caca_file_gets(f, data + i, 2048);
i = (uintptr_t)strchr(data + i, 0) - (uintptr_t)data;


if(ff->glyphs < EXT_GLYPHS)
@@ -442,8 +442,8 @@ static cucul_figfont_t * open_figfont(char const *path)

/* Import buffer into canvas */
ff->fontcv = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
cucul_import_memory(ff->fontcv, data, i, "utf8");
ff->fontcv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
caca_import_memory(ff->fontcv, data, i, "utf8");

/* Remove EOL characters. For now we ignore hardblanks, don’t do any
@@ -454,11 +454,11 @@ static cucul_figfont_t * open_figfont(char const *path)

for(i = ff->max_length; i--;)
ch = cucul_get_char(ff->fontcv, i, j);
ch = caca_get_char(ff->fontcv, i, j);

/* Replace hardblanks with U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE */
if(ch == ff->hardblank)
cucul_put_char(ff->fontcv, i, j, ch = 0xa0);
caca_put_char(ff->fontcv, i, j, ch = 0xa0);

if(oldch && ch != oldch)
@@ -466,11 +466,11 @@ static cucul_figfont_t * open_figfont(char const *path)
ff->lookup[j / ff->height * 2 + 1] = i + 1;
else if(oldch && ch == oldch)
cucul_put_char(ff->fontcv, i, j, ' ');
caca_put_char(ff->fontcv, i, j, ' ');
else if(ch != ' ')
oldch = ch;
cucul_put_char(ff->fontcv, i, j, ' ');
caca_put_char(ff->fontcv, i, j, ' ');
@@ -478,9 +478,9 @@ static cucul_figfont_t * open_figfont(char const *path)
return ff;

int free_figfont(cucul_figfont_t *ff)
int free_figfont(caca_figfont_t *ff)

cucul/file.c → caca/file.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -29,15 +29,15 @@
# endif

#include "cucul.h"
#include "cucul_internals.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

#if !defined __KERNEL__ && defined HAVE_ZLIB_H
static int zipread(cucul_file_t *, void *, unsigned int);
static int zipread(caca_file_t *, void *, unsigned int);

#if !defined __KERNEL__
struct cucul_file
struct caca_file
# if defined HAVE_ZLIB_H
uint8_t read_buffer[READSIZE];
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ struct cucul_file

cucul_file_t *cucul_file_open(char const *path, const char *mode)
caca_file_t *caca_file_open(char const *path, const char *mode)
#if defined __KERNEL__
return NULL;
cucul_file_t *fp = malloc(sizeof(*fp));
caca_file_t *fp = malloc(sizeof(*fp));

fp->readonly = !!strchr(mode, 'r');

@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ cucul_file_t *cucul_file_open(char const *path, const char *mode)

int cucul_file_close(cucul_file_t *fp)
int caca_file_close(caca_file_t *fp)
#if defined __KERNEL__
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ int cucul_file_close(cucul_file_t *fp)

uint64_t cucul_file_tell(cucul_file_t *fp)
uint64_t caca_file_tell(caca_file_t *fp)
#if defined __KERNEL__
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ uint64_t cucul_file_tell(cucul_file_t *fp)

size_t cucul_file_read(cucul_file_t *fp, void *ptr, size_t size)
size_t caca_file_read(caca_file_t *fp, void *ptr, size_t size)
#if defined __KERNEL__
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ size_t cucul_file_read(cucul_file_t *fp, void *ptr, size_t size)

size_t cucul_file_write(cucul_file_t *fp, const void *ptr, size_t size)
size_t caca_file_write(caca_file_t *fp, const void *ptr, size_t size)
#if defined __KERNEL__
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ size_t cucul_file_write(cucul_file_t *fp, const void *ptr, size_t size)

char *cucul_file_gets(cucul_file_t *fp, char *s, int size)
char *caca_file_gets(caca_file_t *fp, char *s, int size)
#if defined __KERNEL__
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ char *cucul_file_gets(cucul_file_t *fp, char *s, int size)

int cucul_file_eof(cucul_file_t *fp)
int caca_file_eof(caca_file_t *fp)
#if defined __KERNEL__
return 1;
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ int cucul_file_eof(cucul_file_t *fp)

#if !defined __KERNEL__ && defined HAVE_ZLIB_H
static int zipread(cucul_file_t *fp, void *buf, unsigned int len)
static int zipread(caca_file_t *fp, void *buf, unsigned int len)
unsigned int total_read = 0;

cucul/font.c → caca/font.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
# include <string.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "cucul_internals.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

/* Internal fonts */
#include "mono9.data"
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ struct glyph_info
uint32_t data_offset;

struct cucul_font
struct caca_font
struct font_header header;

@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ DECLARE_UNPACKGLYPH(1)
/** \brief Load a font from memory for future use.
* This function loads a font and returns a handle to its internal
* structure. The handle can then be used with cucul_render_canvas()
* structure. The handle can then be used with caca_render_canvas()
* for bitmap output.
* Internal fonts can also be loaded: if \c size is set to 0, \c data must
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ DECLARE_UNPACKGLYPH(1)
* If \c size is non-zero, the \c size bytes of memory at address \c data
* are loaded as a font. This memory are must not be freed by the calling
* program until the font handle has been freed with cucul_free_font().
* program until the font handle has been freed with caca_free_font().
* If an error occurs, NULL is returned and \b errno is set accordingly:
* - \c ENOENT Requested built-in font does not exist.
@@ -110,17 +110,17 @@ DECLARE_UNPACKGLYPH(1)
* \param size The size of the memory area, or 0 if the font name is given.
* \return A font handle or NULL in case of error.
cucul_font_t *cucul_load_font(void const *data, size_t size)
caca_font_t *caca_load_font(void const *data, size_t size)
cucul_font_t *f;
caca_font_t *f;
int i;

if(size == 0)
if(!strcasecmp(data, "Monospace 9"))
return cucul_load_font((char *)&mono9_data, mono9_size);
return caca_load_font((char *)&mono9_data, mono9_size);
if(!strcasecmp(data, "Monospace Bold 12"))
return cucul_load_font((char *)&monobold12_data, monobold12_size);
return caca_load_font((char *)&monobold12_data, monobold12_size);

return NULL;
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ cucul_font_t *cucul_load_font(void const *data, size_t size)
return NULL;

f = malloc(sizeof(cucul_font_t));
f = malloc(sizeof(caca_font_t));
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ cucul_font_t *cucul_load_font(void const *data, size_t size)
* \return An array of strings.
char const * const * cucul_get_font_list(void)
char const * const * caca_get_font_list(void)
static char const * const list[] =
@@ -320,10 +320,10 @@ char const * const * cucul_get_font_list(void)
* This function never fails.
* \param f The font, as returned by cucul_load_font()
* \param f The font, as returned by caca_load_font()
* \return The standard glyph width.
int cucul_get_font_width(cucul_font_t const *f)
int caca_get_font_width(caca_font_t const *f)
return f->header.width;
@@ -335,10 +335,10 @@ int cucul_get_font_width(cucul_font_t const *f)
* This function never fails.
* \param f The font, as returned by cucul_load_font()
* \param f The font, as returned by caca_load_font()
* \return The standard glyph height.
int cucul_get_font_height(cucul_font_t const *f)
int caca_get_font_height(caca_font_t const *f)
return f->header.height;
@@ -360,27 +360,27 @@ int cucul_get_font_height(cucul_font_t const *f)
* This function never fails.
* \param f The font, as returned by cucul_load_font()
* \param f The font, as returned by caca_load_font()
* \return The list of Unicode blocks supported by the font.
uint32_t const *cucul_get_font_blocks(cucul_font_t const *f)
uint32_t const *caca_get_font_blocks(caca_font_t const *f)
return (uint32_t const *)f->user_block_list;

/** \brief Free a font structure.
* This function frees all data allocated by cucul_load_font(). The
* font structure is no longer usable by other libcucul functions. Once
* This function frees all data allocated by caca_load_font(). The
* font structure is no longer usable by other libcaca functions. Once
* this function has returned, the memory area that was given to
* cucul_load_font() can be freed.
* caca_load_font() can be freed.
* This function never fails.
* \param f The font, as returned by cucul_load_font()
* \param f The font, as returned by caca_load_font()
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_free_font(cucul_font_t *f)
int caca_free_font(caca_font_t *f)
@@ -396,9 +396,9 @@ int cucul_free_font(cucul_font_t *f)
* font. The pixel format is fixed (32-bit ARGB, 8 bits for each component).
* The required image width can be computed using
* cucul_get_canvas_width() and cucul_get_font_width(). The required
* height can be computed using cucul_get_canvas_height() and
* cucul_get_font_height().
* caca_get_canvas_width() and caca_get_font_width(). The required
* height can be computed using caca_get_canvas_height() and
* caca_get_font_height().
* Glyphs that do not fit in the image buffer are currently not rendered at
* all. They may be cropped instead in future versions.
@@ -407,14 +407,14 @@ int cucul_free_font(cucul_font_t *f)
* - \c EINVAL Specified width, height or pitch is invalid.
* \param cv The canvas to render
* \param f The font, as returned by cucul_load_font()
* \param f The font, as returned by caca_load_font()
* \param buf The image buffer
* \param width The width (in pixels) of the image buffer
* \param height The height (in pixels) of the image buffer
* \param pitch The pitch (in bytes) of an image buffer line.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_render_canvas(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, cucul_font_t const *f,
int caca_render_canvas(caca_canvas_t const *cv, caca_font_t const *f,
void *buf, int width, int height, int pitch)
uint8_t *glyph = NULL;
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ int cucul_render_canvas(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, cucul_font_t const *f,
g = &f->glyph_list[f->block_list[b].index
+ ch - f->block_list[b].start];

cucul_attr_to_argb64(attr, argb);
caca_attr_to_argb64(attr, argb);

/* Step 1: unpack glyph */

cucul/frame.c → caca/frame.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
# include <string.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "cucul_internals.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

/** \brief Get the number of frames in a canvas.
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A libcucul canvas
* \param cv A libcaca canvas
* \return The frame count
int cucul_get_frame_count(cucul_canvas_t const *cv)
int caca_get_frame_count(caca_canvas_t const *cv)
return cv->framecount;
@@ -45,18 +45,18 @@ int cucul_get_frame_count(cucul_canvas_t const *cv)
* Set the active canvas frame. All subsequent drawing operations will
* be performed on that frame. The current painting context set by
* cucul_set_attr() is inherited.
* caca_set_attr() is inherited.
* If the frame index is outside the canvas' frame range, nothing happens.
* If an error occurs, -1 is returned and \b errno is set accordingly:
* - \c EINVAL Requested frame is out of range.
* \param cv A libcucul canvas
* \param cv A libcaca canvas
* \param id The canvas frame to activate
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_set_frame(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int id)
int caca_set_frame(caca_canvas_t *cv, int id)
if(id < 0 || id >= cv->framecount)
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ int cucul_set_frame(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int id)
return -1;

cv->frame = id;

return 0;
@@ -74,15 +74,15 @@ int cucul_set_frame(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int id)
/** \brief Get the current frame's name.
* Return the current frame's name. The returned string is valid until
* the frame is deleted or cucul_set_frame_name() is called to change
* the frame is deleted or caca_set_frame_name() is called to change
* the frame name again.
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A libcaca canvas.
* \return The current frame's name.
char const *cucul_get_frame_name(cucul_canvas_t const *cv)
char const *caca_get_frame_name(caca_canvas_t const *cv)
return cv->frames[cv->frame].name;
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ char const *cucul_get_frame_name(cucul_canvas_t const *cv)
* If an error occurs, -1 is returned and \b errno is set accordingly:
* - \c ENOMEM Not enough memory to allocate new frame.
* \param cv A libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A libcaca canvas.
* \param name The name to give to the current frame.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_set_frame_name(cucul_canvas_t *cv, char const *name)
int caca_set_frame_name(caca_canvas_t *cv, char const *name)
char *newname = strdup(name);

@@ -133,11 +133,11 @@ int cucul_set_frame_name(cucul_canvas_t *cv, char const *name)
* If an error occurs, -1 is returned and \b errno is set accordingly:
* - \c ENOMEM Not enough memory to allocate new frame.
* \param cv A libcucul canvas
* \param cv A libcaca canvas
* \param id The index where to insert the new frame
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_create_frame(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int id)
int caca_create_frame(caca_canvas_t *cv, int id)
int size = cv->width * cv->height;
int f;
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ int cucul_create_frame(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int id)

cv->frames = realloc(cv->frames,
sizeof(struct cucul_frame) * cv->framecount);
sizeof(struct caca_frame) * cv->framecount);

for(f = cv->framecount - 1; f > id; f--)
cv->frames[f] = cv->frames[f - 1];
@@ -193,11 +193,11 @@ int cucul_create_frame(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int id)
* - \c EINVAL Requested frame is out of range, or attempt to delete the
* last frame of the canvas.
* \param cv A libcucul canvas
* \param cv A libcaca canvas
* \param id The index of the frame to delete
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_free_frame(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int id)
int caca_free_frame(caca_canvas_t *cv, int id)
int f;

@@ -222,14 +222,14 @@ int cucul_free_frame(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int id)

cv->frames = realloc(cv->frames,
sizeof(struct cucul_frame) * cv->framecount);
sizeof(struct caca_frame) * cv->framecount);

if(cv->frame > id)
else if(cv->frame == id)
cv->frame = 0;

return 0;
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ int cucul_free_frame(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int id)
* XXX: the following functions are local.

void _cucul_save_frame_info(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
void _caca_save_frame_info(caca_canvas_t *cv)
cv->frames[cv->frame].width = cv->width;
cv->frames[cv->frame].height = cv->height;
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ void _cucul_save_frame_info(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
cv->frames[cv->frame].curattr = cv->curattr;

void _cucul_load_frame_info(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
void _caca_load_frame_info(caca_canvas_t *cv)
cv->width = cv->frames[cv->frame].width;
cv->height = cv->frames[cv->frame].height;

+ 4
- 5
caca/graphics.c 파일 보기

@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
# include <string.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

@@ -241,12 +240,12 @@ void _caca_handle_resize(caca_display_t *dp)

/* Tell libcucul we changed size */
if(dp->resize.w != cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv)
|| dp->resize.h != cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv))
/* Tell libcaca we changed size */
if(dp->resize.w != caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv)
|| dp->resize.h != caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv))
dp->resize.allow = 1;
cucul_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, dp->resize.w, dp->resize.h);
caca_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, dp->resize.w, dp->resize.h);
dp->resize.allow = 0;

cucul/import.c → caca/import.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
# include <string.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "cucul_internals.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

static inline uint32_t sscanu32(void const *s)
@@ -51,16 +51,16 @@ struct import
uint8_t faint, strike, proportional; /* unsupported */

static ssize_t import_caca(cucul_canvas_t *, void const *, size_t);
static ssize_t import_text(cucul_canvas_t *, void const *, size_t);
static ssize_t import_ansi(cucul_canvas_t *, void const *, size_t, int);
static ssize_t import_caca(caca_canvas_t *, void const *, size_t);
static ssize_t import_text(caca_canvas_t *, void const *, size_t);
static ssize_t import_ansi(caca_canvas_t *, void const *, size_t, int);

static void ansi_parse_grcm(cucul_canvas_t *, struct import *,
static void ansi_parse_grcm(caca_canvas_t *, struct import *,
unsigned int, unsigned int const *);

/** \brief Import a memory buffer into a canvas
* Import a memory buffer into the given libcucul canvas's current
* Import a memory buffer into the given libcaca canvas's current
* frame. The current frame is resized accordingly and its contents are
* replaced with the imported data.
@@ -78,14 +78,14 @@ static void ansi_parse_grcm(cucul_canvas_t *, struct import *,
* - \c ENOMEM Not enough memory to allocate canvas.
* - \c EINVAL Invalid format requested.
* \param cv A libcucul canvas in which to import the file.
* \param cv A libcaca canvas in which to import the file.
* \param data A memory area containing the data to be loaded into the canvas.
* \param len The size in bytes of the memory area.
* \param format A string describing the input format.
* \return The number of bytes read, or 0 if there was not enough data,
* or -1 if an error occurred.
ssize_t cucul_import_memory(cucul_canvas_t *cv, void const *data,
ssize_t caca_import_memory(caca_canvas_t *cv, void const *data,
size_t len, char const *format)
if(!strcasecmp("caca", format))
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ ssize_t cucul_import_memory(cucul_canvas_t *cv, void const *data,

/** \brief Import a file into a canvas
* Import a file into the given libcucul canvas's current frame. The
* Import a file into the given libcaca canvas's current frame. The
* current frame is resized accordingly and its contents are replaced
* with the imported data.
@@ -141,48 +141,48 @@ ssize_t cucul_import_memory(cucul_canvas_t *cv, void const *data,
* - \c ENOSYS File access is not implemented on this system.
* - \c ENOMEM Not enough memory to allocate canvas.
* - \c EINVAL Invalid format requested.
* cucul_import_file() may also fail and set \b errno for any of the
* caca_import_file() may also fail and set \b errno for any of the
* errors specified for the routine fopen().
* \param cv A libcucul canvas in which to import the file.
* \param cv A libcaca canvas in which to import the file.
* \param filename The name of the file to load.
* \param format A string describing the input format.
* \return The number of bytes read, or 0 if there was not enough data,
* or -1 if an error occurred.
ssize_t cucul_import_file(cucul_canvas_t *cv, char const *filename,
ssize_t caca_import_file(caca_canvas_t *cv, char const *filename,
char const *format)
#if defined __KERNEL__
return -1;
cucul_file_t *f;
caca_file_t *f;
char *data = NULL;
ssize_t size = 0;
int ret;

f = cucul_file_open(filename, "rb");
f = caca_file_open(filename, "rb");
return -1; /* fopen already set errno */

data = realloc(data, size + 1024);
return -1;

ret = cucul_file_read(f, data + size, 1024);
ret = caca_file_read(f, data + size, 1024);
if(ret >= 0)
size += ret;

ret = cucul_import_memory(cv, data, size, format);
ret = caca_import_memory(cv, data, size, format);

return ret;
@@ -193,14 +193,14 @@ ssize_t cucul_import_file(cucul_canvas_t *cv, char const *filename,
* Return a list of available import formats. The list is a NULL-terminated
* array of strings, interleaving a string containing the internal value for
* the import format, to be used with cucul_import_canvas(), and a string
* the import format, to be used with caca_import_canvas(), and a string
* containing the natural language description for that import format.
* This function never fails.
* \return An array of strings.
char const * const * cucul_get_import_list(void)
char const * const * caca_get_import_list(void)
static char const * const list[] =
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ char const * const * cucul_get_import_list(void)
* XXX: the following functions are local.

static ssize_t import_caca(cucul_canvas_t *cv, void const *data, size_t size)
static ssize_t import_caca(caca_canvas_t *cv, void const *data, size_t size)
uint8_t const *buf = (uint8_t const *)data;
size_t control_size, data_size, expected_size;
@@ -284,12 +284,12 @@ static ssize_t import_caca(cucul_canvas_t *cv, void const *data, size_t size)
goto invalid_caca;

cucul_set_canvas_size(cv, 0, 0);
cucul_set_canvas_size(cv, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin);
caca_set_canvas_size(cv, 0, 0);
caca_set_canvas_size(cv, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin);

for (f = cucul_get_frame_count(cv); f--; )
for (f = caca_get_frame_count(cv); f--; )
cucul_free_frame(cv, f);
caca_free_frame(cv, f);

for (offset = 0, f = 0; f < frames; f ++)
@@ -298,8 +298,8 @@ static ssize_t import_caca(cucul_canvas_t *cv, void const *data, size_t size)

width = sscanu32(buf + 4 + 16 + f * 32);
height = sscanu32(buf + 4 + 16 + f * 32 + 4);
cucul_create_frame(cv, f);
cucul_set_frame(cv, f);
caca_create_frame(cv, f);
caca_set_frame(cv, f);

cv->curattr = sscanu32(buf + 4 + 16 + f * 32 + 12);
cv->frames[f].x = (int32_t)sscanu32(buf + 4 + 16 + f * 32 + 16);
@@ -314,9 +314,9 @@ static ssize_t import_caca(cucul_canvas_t *cv, void const *data, size_t size)
int x = (n % width) - cv->frames[f].handlex - xmin;
int y = (n / width) - cv->frames[f].handley - ymin;

cucul_put_char(cv, x, y, sscanu32(buf + 4 + control_size
caca_put_char(cv, x, y, sscanu32(buf + 4 + control_size
+ offset + 8 * n));
cucul_put_attr(cv, x, y, sscanu32(buf + 4 + control_size
caca_put_attr(cv, x, y, sscanu32(buf + 4 + control_size
+ offset + 8 * n + 4));
offset += width * height * 8;
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ static ssize_t import_caca(cucul_canvas_t *cv, void const *data, size_t size)
cv->frames[f].handley = -ymin;

cucul_set_frame(cv, 0);
caca_set_frame(cv, 0);

return 4 + control_size + data_size;

@@ -336,12 +336,12 @@ invalid_caca:
return -1;

static ssize_t import_text(cucul_canvas_t *cv, void const *data, size_t size)
static ssize_t import_text(caca_canvas_t *cv, void const *data, size_t size)
char const *text = (char const *)data;
unsigned int width = 0, height = 0, x = 0, y = 0, i;

cucul_set_canvas_size(cv, width, height);
caca_set_canvas_size(cv, width, height);

for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
@@ -365,20 +365,20 @@ static ssize_t import_text(cucul_canvas_t *cv, void const *data, size_t size)
if(y >= height)
height = y + 1;

cucul_set_canvas_size(cv, width, height);
caca_set_canvas_size(cv, width, height);

cucul_put_char(cv, x, y, ch);
caca_put_char(cv, x, y, ch);

if(y > height)
cucul_set_canvas_size(cv, width, height = y);
caca_set_canvas_size(cv, width, height = y);

return size;

static ssize_t import_ansi(cucul_canvas_t *cv, void const *data,
static ssize_t import_ansi(caca_canvas_t *cv, void const *data,
size_t size, int utf8)
struct import im;
@@ -399,24 +399,24 @@ static ssize_t import_ansi(cucul_canvas_t *cv, void const *data,
cucul_set_canvas_size(cv, width = 80, height = 0);
caca_set_canvas_size(cv, width = 80, height = 0);
growx = 0;
growy = 1;

im.dfg = CACA_DEFAULT;
im.dbg = CUCUL_BLACK;
im.dbg = CACA_BLACK;

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, im.dfg, im.dbg);
im.clearattr = cucul_get_attr(cv, -1, -1);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, im.dfg, im.dbg);
im.clearattr = caca_get_attr(cv, -1, -1);

ansi_parse_grcm(cv, &im, 1, &dummy);

@@ -554,31 +554,31 @@ static ssize_t import_ansi(cucul_canvas_t *cv, void const *data,
x = (argc && argv[0] > 0) ? argv[0] - 1 : 0;
case 'J': /* ED (0x4a) - Erase In Page */
savedattr = cucul_get_attr(cv, -1, -1);
cucul_set_attr(cv, im.clearattr);
savedattr = caca_get_attr(cv, -1, -1);
caca_set_attr(cv, im.clearattr);
if(!argc || argv[0] == 0)
cucul_draw_line(cv, x, y, width, y, ' ');
cucul_fill_box(cv, 0, y + 1, width - 1, height - 1, ' ');
caca_draw_line(cv, x, y, width, y, ' ');
caca_fill_box(cv, 0, y + 1, width - 1, height - 1, ' ');
else if(argv[0] == 1)
cucul_fill_box(cv, 0, 0, width - 1, y - 1, ' ');
cucul_draw_line(cv, 0, y, x, y, ' ');
caca_fill_box(cv, 0, 0, width - 1, y - 1, ' ');
caca_draw_line(cv, 0, y, x, y, ' ');
else if(argv[0] == 2)
//x = y = 0;
cucul_fill_box(cv, 0, 0, width - 1, height - 1, ' ');
cucul_set_attr(cv, savedattr);
caca_fill_box(cv, 0, 0, width - 1, height - 1, ' ');
caca_set_attr(cv, savedattr);
case 'K': /* EL (0x4b) - Erase In Line */
if(!argc || argv[0] == 0)
cucul_draw_line(cv, x, y, width, y, ' ');
caca_draw_line(cv, x, y, width, y, ' ');
else if(argv[0] == 1)
cucul_draw_line(cv, 0, y, x, y, ' ');
caca_draw_line(cv, 0, y, x, y, ' ');
else if(argv[0] == 2)
if((unsigned int)x < width)
cucul_draw_line(cv, x, y, width - 1, y, ' ');
caca_draw_line(cv, x, y, width - 1, y, ' ');
//x = width;
case 'P': /* DCH (0x50) - Delete Character */
@@ -586,25 +586,25 @@ static ssize_t import_ansi(cucul_canvas_t *cv, void const *data,
argv[0] = 1; /* echo -ne 'foobar\r\e[0P\n' */
for(j = 0; (unsigned int)(j + argv[0]) < width; j++)
cucul_put_char(cv, j, y,
cucul_get_char(cv, j + argv[0], y));
cucul_put_attr(cv, j, y,
cucul_get_attr(cv, j + argv[0], y));
caca_put_char(cv, j, y,
caca_get_char(cv, j + argv[0], y));
caca_put_attr(cv, j, y,
caca_get_attr(cv, j + argv[0], y));
#if 0
savedattr = cucul_get_attr(cv, -1, -1);
cucul_set_attr(cv, im.clearattr);
savedattr = caca_get_attr(cv, -1, -1);
caca_set_attr(cv, im.clearattr);
for( ; (unsigned int)j < width; j++)
cucul_put_char(cv, j, y, ' ');
cucul_set_attr(cv, savedattr);
caca_put_char(cv, j, y, ' ');
caca_set_attr(cv, savedattr);
case 'X': /* ECH (0x58) - Erase Character */
if(argc && argv[0])
savedattr = cucul_get_attr(cv, -1, -1);
cucul_set_attr(cv, im.clearattr);
cucul_draw_line(cv, x, y, x + argv[0] - 1, y, ' ');
cucul_set_attr(cv, savedattr);
savedattr = caca_get_attr(cv, -1, -1);
caca_set_attr(cv, im.clearattr);
caca_draw_line(cv, x, y, x + argv[0] - 1, y, ' ');
caca_set_attr(cv, savedattr);
case 'd': /* VPA (0x64) - Line Position Absolute */
y = (argc && argv[0] > 0) ? argv[0] - 1 : 0;
@@ -683,14 +683,14 @@ static ssize_t import_ansi(cucul_canvas_t *cv, void const *data,
size_t bytes;

if(i + 6 < size)
ch = cucul_utf8_to_utf32((char const *)(buffer + i), &bytes);
ch = caca_utf8_to_utf32((char const *)(buffer + i), &bytes);
/* Add a trailing zero to what we're going to read */
char tmp[7];
memcpy(tmp, buffer + i, size - i);
tmp[size - i] = '\0';
ch = cucul_utf8_to_utf32(tmp, &bytes);
ch = caca_utf8_to_utf32(tmp, &bytes);

@@ -699,12 +699,12 @@ static ssize_t import_ansi(cucul_canvas_t *cv, void const *data,
ch = buffer[i];
bytes = 1;
wch = cucul_utf32_is_fullwidth(ch) ? 2 : 1;
wch = caca_utf32_is_fullwidth(ch) ? 2 : 1;
skip += bytes - 1;
ch = cucul_cp437_to_utf32(buffer[i]);
ch = caca_cp437_to_utf32(buffer[i]);
wch = 1;

@@ -713,10 +713,10 @@ static ssize_t import_ansi(cucul_canvas_t *cv, void const *data,
savedattr = cucul_get_attr(cv, -1, -1);
cucul_set_attr(cv, im.clearattr);
cucul_set_canvas_size(cv, width = x + wch, height);
cucul_set_attr(cv, savedattr);
savedattr = caca_get_attr(cv, -1, -1);
caca_set_attr(cv, im.clearattr);
caca_set_canvas_size(cv, width = x + wch, height);
caca_set_attr(cv, savedattr);
@@ -728,11 +728,11 @@ static ssize_t import_ansi(cucul_canvas_t *cv, void const *data,
/* Scroll or grow vertically */
if((unsigned int)y >= height)
savedattr = cucul_get_attr(cv, -1, -1);
cucul_set_attr(cv, im.clearattr);
savedattr = caca_get_attr(cv, -1, -1);
caca_set_attr(cv, im.clearattr);
cucul_set_canvas_size(cv, width, height = y + 1);
caca_set_canvas_size(cv, width, height = y + 1);
@@ -745,63 +745,63 @@ static ssize_t import_ansi(cucul_canvas_t *cv, void const *data,
memcpy(cv->chars + j * cv->width,
cv->chars + (j + lines) * cv->width, cv->width * 4);
cucul_fill_box(cv, 0, height - lines,
caca_fill_box(cv, 0, height - lines,
cv->width - 1, height - 1, ' ');
y -= lines;
cucul_set_attr(cv, savedattr);
caca_set_attr(cv, savedattr);

/* Now paste our character, if any */
cucul_put_char(cv, x, y, ch);
caca_put_char(cv, x, y, ch);
x += wch;

if(growy && (unsigned int)y > height)
savedattr = cucul_get_attr(cv, -1, -1);
cucul_set_attr(cv, im.clearattr);
cucul_set_canvas_size(cv, width, height = y);
cucul_set_attr(cv, savedattr);
savedattr = caca_get_attr(cv, -1, -1);
caca_set_attr(cv, im.clearattr);
caca_set_canvas_size(cv, width, height = y);
caca_set_attr(cv, savedattr);

cv->frames[cv->frame].x = x;
cv->frames[cv->frame].y = y;

// if(utf8)
// cucul_set_attr(cv, savedattr);
// caca_set_attr(cv, savedattr);

return i;

/* XXX : ANSI loader helper */

static void ansi_parse_grcm(cucul_canvas_t *cv, struct import *im,
static void ansi_parse_grcm(caca_canvas_t *cv, struct import *im,
unsigned int argc, unsigned int const *argv)
static uint8_t const ansi2cucul[] =
static uint8_t const ansi2caca[] =

unsigned int j;
uint8_t efg, ebg; /* Effective (libcucul) fg/bg */
uint8_t efg, ebg; /* Effective (libcaca) fg/bg */

for(j = 0; j < argc; j++)
/* Defined in ECMA-48 8.3.117: SGR - SELECT GRAPHIC RENDITION */
if(argv[j] >= 30 && argv[j] <= 37)
im->fg = ansi2cucul[argv[j] - 30];
im->fg = ansi2caca[argv[j] - 30];
else if(argv[j] >= 40 && argv[j] <= 47)
im->bg = ansi2cucul[argv[j] - 40];
im->bg = ansi2caca[argv[j] - 40];
else if(argv[j] >= 90 && argv[j] <= 97)
im->fg = ansi2cucul[argv[j] - 90] + 8;
im->fg = ansi2caca[argv[j] - 90] + 8;
else if(argv[j] >= 100 && argv[j] <= 107)
im->bg = ansi2cucul[argv[j] - 100] + 8;
im->bg = ansi2caca[argv[j] - 100] + 8;
else switch(argv[j])
case 0: /* default rendition */
@@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ static void ansi_parse_grcm(cucul_canvas_t *cv, struct import *im,

@@ -903,11 +903,11 @@ static void ansi_parse_grcm(cucul_canvas_t *cv, struct import *im,
if(efg < 8)
efg += 8;
else if(efg == CUCUL_DEFAULT)
else if(efg == CACA_DEFAULT)

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, efg, ebg);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, efg, ebg);

cucul/legacy.c → caca/legacy.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -25,8 +25,15 @@
# include <string.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "cucul_internals.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

struct cucul_buffer
size_t size;
char *data;
int user_data;

* Functions from canvas.c
@@ -34,17 +41,17 @@

int cucul_putchar(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, unsigned long int ch)
return cucul_put_char(cv, x, y, ch);
return caca_put_char(cv, x, y, ch);

unsigned long int cucul_getchar(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y)
return cucul_get_char(cv, x, y);
return caca_get_char(cv, x, y);

int cucul_putstr(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, char const *s)
return cucul_put_str(cv, x, y, s);
return caca_put_str(cv, x, y, s);

@@ -53,12 +60,12 @@ int cucul_putstr(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, char const *s)

int cucul_set_color(cucul_canvas_t *cv, unsigned char fg, unsigned char bg)
return cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, fg, bg);
return caca_set_color_ansi(cv, fg, bg);

int cucul_set_truecolor(cucul_canvas_t *cv, unsigned int fg, unsigned int bg)
return cucul_set_color_argb(cv, fg, bg);
return caca_set_color_argb(cv, fg, bg);

@@ -66,22 +73,22 @@ int cucul_set_truecolor(cucul_canvas_t *cv, unsigned int fg, unsigned int bg)
int cucul_set_dither_invert(cucul_dither_t *d, int value)
float gamma = cucul_get_dither_gamma(d);
float gamma = caca_get_dither_gamma(d);

if(gamma * (value ? -1 : 1) < 0)
cucul_set_dither_gamma(d, -gamma);
caca_set_dither_gamma(d, -gamma);

return 0;

int cucul_set_dither_mode(cucul_dither_t *d, char const *s)
return cucul_set_dither_algorithm(d, s);
return caca_set_dither_algorithm(d, s);

char const * const * cucul_get_dither_mode_list(cucul_dither_t const *d)
return cucul_get_dither_algorithm_list(d);
return caca_get_dither_algorithm_list(d);

@@ -90,12 +97,12 @@ char const * const * cucul_get_dither_mode_list(cucul_dither_t const *d)

cucul_canvas_t * cucul_import_canvas(cucul_buffer_t *buf, char const *format)
cucul_canvas_t *cv = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
int ret = cucul_import_memory(cv, (unsigned char const *)buf->data,
caca_canvas_t *cv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
int ret = caca_import_memory(cv, (unsigned char const *)buf->data,
buf->size, format);
if(ret < 0)
return NULL;

@@ -117,7 +124,7 @@ cucul_buffer_t * cucul_export_canvas(cucul_canvas_t *cv, char const *format)
return NULL;

ex->data = cucul_export_memory(cv, format, &ex->size);
ex->data = caca_export_memory(cv, format, &ex->size);
@@ -135,22 +142,22 @@ cucul_buffer_t * cucul_export_canvas(cucul_canvas_t *cv, char const *format)

unsigned int cucul_get_canvas_frame_count(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
return cucul_get_frame_count(cv);
return caca_get_frame_count(cv);

int cucul_set_canvas_frame(cucul_canvas_t *cv, unsigned int id)
return cucul_set_frame(cv, id);
return caca_set_frame(cv, id);

int cucul_create_canvas_frame(cucul_canvas_t *cv, unsigned int id)
return cucul_create_frame(cv, id);
return caca_create_frame(cv, id);

int cucul_free_canvas_frame(cucul_canvas_t *cv, unsigned int id)
return cucul_free_frame(cv, id);
return caca_free_frame(cv, id);

@@ -175,40 +182,40 @@ cucul_buffer_t *cucul_load_memory(void *data, unsigned long int size)
cucul_buffer_t *cucul_load_file(char const *file)
cucul_buffer_t *buf;
cucul_file_t *f;
caca_file_t *f;
int ret;

f = cucul_file_open(file, "rb");
f = caca_file_open(file, "rb");
return NULL;

buf = malloc(sizeof(cucul_buffer_t));
return NULL;

buf->data = NULL;
buf->size = 0;

buf->data = realloc(buf->data, buf->size + 1024);
int saved_errno = geterrno();
return NULL;

ret = cucul_file_read(f, buf->data + buf->size, 1024);
ret = caca_file_read(f, buf->data + buf->size, 1024);
if(ret >= 0)
buf->size += ret;

return buf;
@@ -239,6 +246,6 @@ int cucul_free_buffer(cucul_buffer_t *buf)

int cucul_rotate(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
return cucul_rotate_180(cv);
return caca_rotate_180(cv);

cucul/line.c → caca/line.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
# include <stdlib.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "cucul_internals.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

#if !defined(_DOXYGEN_SKIP_ME)
struct line
@@ -32,20 +32,20 @@ struct line
int x1, y1;
int x2, y2;
uint32_t ch;
void (*draw) (cucul_canvas_t *, struct line*);
void (*draw) (caca_canvas_t *, struct line*);

static void clip_line(cucul_canvas_t*, struct line*);
static uint8_t clip_bits(cucul_canvas_t*, int, int);
static void draw_solid_line(cucul_canvas_t*, struct line*);
static void draw_thin_line(cucul_canvas_t*, struct line*);
static void clip_line(caca_canvas_t*, struct line*);
static uint8_t clip_bits(caca_canvas_t*, int, int);
static void draw_solid_line(caca_canvas_t*, struct line*);
static void draw_thin_line(caca_canvas_t*, struct line*);

/** \brief Draw a line on the canvas using the given character.
* This function never fails.
* \param cv The handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv The handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x1 X coordinate of the first point.
* \param y1 Y coordinate of the first point.
* \param x2 X coordinate of the second point.
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ static void draw_thin_line(cucul_canvas_t*, struct line*);
* \param ch UTF-32 character to be used to draw the line.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_draw_line(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int caca_draw_line(caca_canvas_t *cv, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
uint32_t ch)
struct line s;
@@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ int cucul_draw_line(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
* This function never fails.
* \param cv The handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv The handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x Array of X coordinates. Must have \p n + 1 elements.
* \param y Array of Y coordinates. Must have \p n + 1 elements.
* \param n Number of lines to draw.
* \param ch UTF-32 character to be used to draw the lines.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_draw_polyline(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int const x[], int const y[],
int caca_draw_polyline(caca_canvas_t *cv, int const x[], int const y[],
int n, uint32_t ch)
int i;
@@ -108,14 +108,14 @@ int cucul_draw_polyline(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int const x[], int const y[],
* This function never fails.
* \param cv The handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv The handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x1 X coordinate of the first point.
* \param y1 Y coordinate of the first point.
* \param x2 X coordinate of the second point.
* \param y2 Y coordinate of the second point.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_draw_thin_line(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
int caca_draw_thin_line(caca_canvas_t *cv, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
struct line s;
s.x1 = x1;
@@ -137,13 +137,13 @@ int cucul_draw_thin_line(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
* This function never fails.
* \param cv The handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv The handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x Array of X coordinates. Must have \p n + 1 elements.
* \param y Array of Y coordinates. Must have \p n + 1 elements.
* \param n Number of lines to draw.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_draw_thin_polyline(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int const x[], int const y[],
int caca_draw_thin_polyline(caca_canvas_t *cv, int const x[], int const y[],
int n)
int i;
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ int cucul_draw_thin_polyline(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int const x[], int const y[],

/* Generic Cohen-Sutherland line clipping function. */
static void clip_line(cucul_canvas_t *cv, struct line* s)
static void clip_line(caca_canvas_t *cv, struct line* s)
uint8_t bits1, bits2;

@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ static void clip_line(cucul_canvas_t *cv, struct line* s)

/* Helper function for clip_line(). */
static uint8_t clip_bits(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y)
static uint8_t clip_bits(caca_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y)
uint8_t b = 0;

@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ static uint8_t clip_bits(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y)

/* Solid line drawing function, using Bresenham's mid-point line
* scan-conversion algorithm. */
static void draw_solid_line(cucul_canvas_t *cv, struct line* s)
static void draw_solid_line(caca_canvas_t *cv, struct line* s)
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
int dx, dy;
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ static void draw_solid_line(cucul_canvas_t *cv, struct line* s)

for(; dx>=0; dx--)
cucul_put_char(cv, x1, y1, s->ch);
caca_put_char(cv, x1, y1, s->ch);
if(delta > 0)
x1 += xinc;
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ static void draw_solid_line(cucul_canvas_t *cv, struct line* s)

for(; dy >= 0; dy--)
cucul_put_char(cv, x1, y1, s->ch);
caca_put_char(cv, x1, y1, s->ch);
if(delta > 0)
x1 += xinc;
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ static void draw_solid_line(cucul_canvas_t *cv, struct line* s)

/* Thin line drawing function, using Bresenham's mid-point line
* scan-conversion algorithm and ASCII art graphics. */
static void draw_thin_line(cucul_canvas_t *cv, struct line* s)
static void draw_thin_line(caca_canvas_t *cv, struct line* s)
uint32_t charmapx[2], charmapy[2];
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ static void draw_thin_line(cucul_canvas_t *cv, struct line* s)
if(delta > 0)
cucul_put_char(cv, x1, y1, charmapy[1]);
caca_put_char(cv, x1, y1, charmapy[1]);
y1 += yinc;
delta += dpru;
@@ -356,9 +356,9 @@ static void draw_thin_line(cucul_canvas_t *cv, struct line* s)
cucul_put_char(cv, x1, y1, charmapy[0]);
caca_put_char(cv, x1, y1, charmapy[0]);
cucul_put_char(cv, x1, y1, '-');
caca_put_char(cv, x1, y1, '-');
delta += dpr;
prev = 0;
@@ -375,15 +375,15 @@ static void draw_thin_line(cucul_canvas_t *cv, struct line* s)
if(delta > 0)
cucul_put_char(cv, x1, y1, charmapx[0]);
cucul_put_char(cv, x1 + 1, y1, charmapx[1]);
caca_put_char(cv, x1, y1, charmapx[0]);
caca_put_char(cv, x1 + 1, y1, charmapx[1]);
y1 += yinc;
delta += dpru;
cucul_put_char(cv, x1, y1, '|');
caca_put_char(cv, x1, y1, '|');
y1 += yinc;
delta += dpr;

cucul/mono9.data → caca/mono9.data 파일 보기

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* libcucul font file
/* libcaca font file
* "Monospace 9": 96 dpi, 4 bpp, 7x15/14x15 glyphs
* Automatically generated by tools/makefont.c:
* tools/makefont mono9 "Monospace 9" 96 4

cucul/monobold12.data → caca/monobold12.data 파일 보기

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* libcucul font file
/* libcaca font file
* "Monospace Bold 12": 96 dpi, 4 bpp, 10x19/20x19 glyphs
* Automatically generated by tools/makefont.c:
* tools/makefont monobold12 "Monospace Bold 12" 96 4

cucul/canvas.c → caca/string.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
# endif

#include "cucul.h"
#include "cucul_internals.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

/** \brief Set cursor position.
@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x X cursor coordinate.
* \param y Y cursor coordinate.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_gotoxy(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y)
int caca_gotoxy(caca_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y)
cv->frames[cv->frame].x = x;
cv->frames[cv->frame].y = y;
@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ int cucul_gotoxy(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y)
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \return The cursor's X coordinate.
int cucul_get_cursor_x(cucul_canvas_t const *cv)
int caca_get_cursor_x(caca_canvas_t const *cv)
return cv->frames[cv->frame].x;
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ int cucul_get_cursor_x(cucul_canvas_t const *cv)
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \return The cursor's Y coordinate.
int cucul_get_cursor_y(cucul_canvas_t const *cv)
int caca_get_cursor_y(caca_canvas_t const *cv)
return cv->frames[cv->frame].y;
@@ -99,17 +99,17 @@ int cucul_get_cursor_y(cucul_canvas_t const *cv)
* The behaviour when printing non-printable characters or invalid UTF-32
* characters is undefined. To print a sequence of bytes forming an UTF-8
* character instead of an UTF-32 character, use the cucul_put_str() function.
* character instead of an UTF-32 character, use the caca_put_str() function.
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x X coordinate.
* \param y Y coordinate.
* \param ch The character to print.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_put_char(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, uint32_t ch)
int caca_put_char(caca_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, uint32_t ch)
uint32_t *curchar, *curattr, attr;
int fullwidth;
@@ -117,10 +117,10 @@ int cucul_put_char(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, uint32_t ch)
if(x >= (int)cv->width || y < 0 || y >= (int)cv->height)
return 0;

return 0;

fullwidth = cucul_utf32_is_fullwidth(ch);
fullwidth = caca_utf32_is_fullwidth(ch);

if(x == -1 && fullwidth)
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ int cucul_put_char(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, uint32_t ch)

/* When overwriting the right part of a fullwidth character,
* replace its left part with a space. */
if(x && curchar[0] == CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
if(x && curchar[0] == CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
curchar[-1] = ' ';

@@ -148,10 +148,10 @@ int cucul_put_char(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, uint32_t ch)
/* When overwriting the left part of a fullwidth character,
* replace its right part with a space. */
if(x + 2 < (int)cv->width && curchar[2] == CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
if(x + 2 < (int)cv->width && curchar[2] == CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
curchar[2] = ' ';

curattr[1] = attr;
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ int cucul_put_char(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, uint32_t ch)
/* When overwriting the left part of a fullwidth character,
* replace its right part with a space. */
if(x + 1 != (int)cv->width && curchar[1] == CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
if(x + 1 != (int)cv->width && curchar[1] == CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
curchar[1] = ' ';

@@ -179,19 +179,19 @@ int cucul_put_char(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, uint32_t ch)
* If the coordinates are outside the canvas boundaries, a space (0x20)
* is returned.
* A special exception is when CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH is returned. This
* A special exception is when CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH is returned. This
* value is guaranteed not to be a valid Unicode character, and indicates
* that the character at the left of the requested one is a fullwidth
* character.
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x X coordinate.
* \param y Y coordinate.
* \return This function always returns 0.
uint32_t cucul_get_char(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, int x, int y)
uint32_t caca_get_char(caca_canvas_t const *cv, int x, int y)
if(x < 0 || x >= (int)cv->width || y < 0 || y >= (int)cv->height)
return ' ';
@@ -206,18 +206,18 @@ uint32_t cucul_get_char(cucul_canvas_t const *cv, int x, int y)
* canvas boundaries (eg. a negative Y coordinate) and the string will
* be cropped accordingly if it is too long.
* See cucul_put_char() for more information on how fullwidth characters
* See caca_put_char() for more information on how fullwidth characters
* are handled when overwriting each other or at the canvas' boundaries.
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x X coordinate.
* \param y Y coordinate.
* \param s The string to print.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_put_str(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, char const *s)
int caca_put_str(caca_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, char const *s)
size_t rd;

@@ -226,15 +226,15 @@ int cucul_put_str(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, char const *s)

while(*s && x < -1)
x += cucul_utf32_is_fullwidth(cucul_utf8_to_utf32(s, &rd)) ? 2 : 1;
x += caca_utf32_is_fullwidth(caca_utf8_to_utf32(s, &rd)) ? 2 : 1;
s += rd;

while(*s && x < (int)cv->width)
uint32_t ch = cucul_utf8_to_utf32(s, &rd);
cucul_put_char(cv, x, y, ch);
x += cucul_utf32_is_fullwidth(ch) ? 2 : 1;
uint32_t ch = caca_utf8_to_utf32(s, &rd);
caca_put_char(cv, x, y, ch);
x += caca_utf32_is_fullwidth(ch) ? 2 : 1;
s += rd;

@@ -251,14 +251,14 @@ int cucul_put_str(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, char const *s)
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x X coordinate.
* \param y Y coordinate.
* \param format The format string to print.
* \param ... Arguments to the format string.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_printf(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, char const *format, ...)
int caca_printf(caca_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, char const *format, ...)
char tmp[BUFSIZ];
char *buf = tmp;
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ int cucul_printf(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, char const *format, ...)
buf[cv->width - x] = '\0';

cucul_put_str(cv, x, y, buf);
caca_put_str(cv, x, y, buf);

if(buf != tmp)
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ int cucul_printf(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, char const *format, ...)
* \param cv The canvas to clear.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_clear_canvas(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
int caca_clear_canvas(caca_canvas_t *cv)
uint32_t attr = cv->curattr;
int n;
@@ -317,12 +317,12 @@ int cucul_clear_canvas(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x X handle coordinate.
* \param y Y handle coordinate.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_set_canvas_handle(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y)
int caca_set_canvas_handle(caca_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y)
cv->frames[cv->frame].handlex = x;
cv->frames[cv->frame].handley = y;
@@ -336,10 +336,10 @@ int cucul_set_canvas_handle(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y)
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \return The canvas' handle's X coordinate.
int cucul_get_canvas_handle_x(cucul_canvas_t const *cv)
int caca_get_canvas_handle_x(caca_canvas_t const *cv)
return cv->frames[cv->frame].handlex;
@@ -350,10 +350,10 @@ int cucul_get_canvas_handle_x(cucul_canvas_t const *cv)
* This function never fails.
* \param cv A handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv A handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \return The canvas' handle's Y coordinate.
int cucul_get_canvas_handle_y(cucul_canvas_t const *cv)
int caca_get_canvas_handle_y(caca_canvas_t const *cv)
return cv->frames[cv->frame].handley;
@@ -374,8 +374,8 @@ int cucul_get_canvas_handle_y(cucul_canvas_t const *cv)
* \param mask The mask canvas.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_blit(cucul_canvas_t *dst, int x, int y,
cucul_canvas_t const *src, cucul_canvas_t const *mask)
int caca_blit(caca_canvas_t *dst, int x, int y,
caca_canvas_t const *src, caca_canvas_t const *mask)
int i, j, starti, startj, endi, endj;

@@ -404,11 +404,11 @@ int cucul_blit(cucul_canvas_t *dst, int x, int y,
int stride = endi - starti;

/* FIXME: we are ignoring the mask here */
if((starti + x) && dst->chars[dstix] == CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
if((starti + x) && dst->chars[dstix] == CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
dst->chars[dstix - 1] = ' ';

if(endi + x < dst->width
&& dst->chars[dstix + stride] == CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
&& dst->chars[dstix + stride] == CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
dst->chars[dstix + stride] = ' ';

@@ -429,10 +429,10 @@ int cucul_blit(cucul_canvas_t *dst, int x, int y,

/* Fix split fullwidth chars */
if(src->chars[srcix] == CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
if(src->chars[srcix] == CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
dst->chars[dstix] = ' ';

if(endi < src->width && src->chars[endi] == CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
if(endi < src->width && src->chars[endi] == CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
dst->chars[dstix + stride - 1] = ' ';

@@ -458,9 +458,9 @@ int cucul_blit(cucul_canvas_t *dst, int x, int y,
* \param h The height of the cropped area.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_set_canvas_boundaries(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h)
int caca_set_canvas_boundaries(caca_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h)
cucul_canvas_t *new;
caca_canvas_t *new;
int f, saved_f, framecount;

@@ -475,19 +475,19 @@ int cucul_set_canvas_boundaries(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h)
return -1;

new = cucul_create_canvas(w, h);
new = caca_create_canvas(w, h);

framecount = cucul_get_frame_count(cv);
framecount = caca_get_frame_count(cv);
saved_f = cv->frame;

for(f = 0; f < framecount; f++)
cucul_create_frame(new, framecount);
caca_create_frame(new, framecount);

cucul_set_frame(cv, f);
cucul_set_frame(new, f);
cucul_blit(new, -x, -y, cv, NULL);
caca_set_frame(cv, f);
caca_set_frame(new, f);
caca_blit(new, -x, -y, cv, NULL);
@@ -496,9 +496,9 @@ int cucul_set_canvas_boundaries(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h)
cv->frames = new->frames;

cucul_set_frame(cv, saved_f);
caca_set_frame(cv, saved_f);
return 0;

cucul/transform.c → caca/transform.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
# include <stdlib.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "cucul_internals.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

static uint32_t flipchar(uint32_t ch);
static uint32_t flopchar(uint32_t ch);
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ static void rightpair(uint32_t pair[2]);
* \param cv The canvas to invert.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_invert(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
int caca_invert(caca_canvas_t *cv)
uint32_t *attrs = cv->attrs;
int i;
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ int cucul_invert(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
* \param cv The canvas to flip.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_flip(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
int caca_flip(caca_canvas_t *cv)
int y;

@@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ int cucul_flip(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
cright = cleft + cv->width - 1;
for( ; cleft < cright; cleft++)
if(cleft[0] == CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
cleft[0] = cleft[1];
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ int cucul_flip(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
* \param cv The canvas to flop.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_flop(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
int caca_flop(caca_canvas_t *cv)
int x;

@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ int cucul_flop(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
* \param cv The canvas to rotate.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_rotate_180(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
int caca_rotate_180(caca_canvas_t *cv)
uint32_t *cbegin = cv->chars;
uint32_t *cend = cbegin + cv->width * cv->height - 1;
@@ -206,10 +206,10 @@ int cucul_rotate_180(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
cend = cbegin + cv->width - 1;
for( ; cbegin < cend; cbegin++)
if(cbegin[0] == CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
if(cbegin[0] == CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH)
cbegin[0] = cbegin[1];
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ int cucul_rotate_180(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
* \param cv The canvas to rotate left.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_rotate_left(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
int caca_rotate_left(caca_canvas_t *cv)
uint32_t *newchars, *newattrs;
int x, y, w2, h2;
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ int cucul_rotate_left(cucul_canvas_t *cv)

/* Save the current frame shortcuts */

w2 = (cv->width + 1) / 2;
h2 = cv->height;
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ int cucul_rotate_left(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
cv->frames[cv->frame].attrs = newattrs;

/* Reset the current frame shortcuts */

return 0;
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ int cucul_rotate_left(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
* \param cv The canvas to rotate right.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_rotate_right(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
int caca_rotate_right(caca_canvas_t *cv)
uint32_t *newchars, *newattrs;
int x, y, w2, h2;
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ int cucul_rotate_right(cucul_canvas_t *cv)

/* Save the current frame shortcuts */

w2 = (cv->width + 1) / 2;
h2 = cv->height;
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ int cucul_rotate_right(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
cv->frames[cv->frame].attrs = newattrs;

/* Reset the current frame shortcuts */

return 0;
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ int cucul_rotate_right(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
* \param cv The canvas to rotate left.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_stretch_left(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
int caca_stretch_left(caca_canvas_t *cv)
uint32_t *newchars, *newattrs;
int x, y;
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ int cucul_stretch_left(cucul_canvas_t *cv)

/* Save the current frame shortcuts */

newchars = malloc(cv->width * cv->height * sizeof(uint32_t));
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ int cucul_stretch_left(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
cv->frames[cv->frame].attrs = newattrs;

/* Reset the current frame shortcuts */

return 0;
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ int cucul_stretch_left(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
* \param cv The canvas to rotate right.
* \return 0 in case of success, -1 if an error occurred.
int cucul_stretch_right(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
int caca_stretch_right(caca_canvas_t *cv)
uint32_t *newchars, *newattrs;
int x, y;
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ int cucul_stretch_right(cucul_canvas_t *cv)

/* Save the current frame shortcuts */

newchars = malloc(cv->width * cv->height * sizeof(uint32_t));
@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ int cucul_stretch_right(cucul_canvas_t *cv)
cv->frames[cv->frame].attrs = newattrs;

/* Reset the current frame shortcuts */

return 0;
@@ -999,8 +999,8 @@ static uint32_t rightchar(uint32_t ch)
static uint32_t const leftright2x2[] =
/* ASCII / Unicode */
'-', '-', 0x4e28, CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH, /* -- 丨 */
'|', '|', 0x2f06, CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH, /* || ⼆ */
'-', '-', 0x4e28, CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH, /* -- 丨 */
'|', '|', 0x2f06, CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH, /* || ⼆ */
/* Unicode */
0x2584, 0x2580, 0x2580, 0x2584, /* ▄▀ ▀▄ */
0, 0, 0, 0
@@ -1030,22 +1030,22 @@ static uint32_t const leftright2x4[] =
'.', '_', '.', 0x2575, 0x203e, '\'', 0x2577, '\'', /* ._ .╵ ‾' ╷' */
'(', '_', 0x203f, '|', 0x203e, ')', '|', 0x2040, /* (_ ‿| ‾) |⁀ */
'(', 0x203e, '|', 0x203f, '_', ')', 0x2040, '|', /* (‾ |‿ _) ⁀| */
'\\', '/', 0xff1e, CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH,
'/', '\\', 0xff1c, CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH, /* \/ > /\ < */
')', ' ', 0xfe35, CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH,
' ', '(', 0xfe36, CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH, /* ) ︵ ( ︶ */
'}', ' ', 0xfe37, CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH,
' ', '{', 0xfe38, CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH, /* } ︷ { ︸ */
'\\', '/', 0xff1e, CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH,
'/', '\\', 0xff1c, CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH, /* \/ > /\ < */
')', ' ', 0xfe35, CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH,
' ', '(', 0xfe36, CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH, /* ) ︵ ( ︶ */
'}', ' ', 0xfe37, CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH,
' ', '{', 0xfe38, CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH, /* } ︷ { ︸ */
/* Not perfect, but better than nothing */
'(', ' ', 0x02ce, ',', ' ', ')', 0x00b4, '`', /* ( ˎ, ) ´` */
' ', 'v', '>', ' ', 0x028c, ' ', ' ', '<', /* v > ʌ < */
' ', 'V', '>', ' ', 0x039b, ' ', ' ', '<', /* V > Λ < */
'v', ' ', '>', ' ', ' ', 0x028c, ' ', '<', /* v > ʌ < */
'V', ' ', '>', ' ', ' ', 0x039b, ' ', '<', /* V > Λ < */
'\\', '|', 0xff1e, CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH,
'|', '\\', 0xff1c, CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH, /* \| > |\ < */
'|', '/', 0xff1e, CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH,
'/', '|', 0xff1c, CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH, /* |/ > /| < */
'\\', '|', 0xff1e, CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH,
'|', '\\', 0xff1c, CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH, /* \| > |\ < */
'|', '/', 0xff1e, CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH,
'/', '|', 0xff1c, CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH, /* |/ > /| < */
/* Unicode */
0x2584, ' ', ' ', 0x2584, ' ', 0x2580, 0x2580, ' ', /* ▄ ▄ ▀ ▀ */
0x2588, ' ', 0x2584, 0x2584, ' ', 0x2588, 0x2580, 0x2580, /* █ ▄▄ █ ▀▀ */

cucul/triangle.c → caca/triangle.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@
# include <stdlib.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "cucul_internals.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include "caca_internals.h"

/** \brief Draw a triangle on the canvas using the given character.
* This function never fails.
* \param cv The handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv The handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x1 X coordinate of the first point.
* \param y1 Y coordinate of the first point.
* \param x2 X coordinate of the second point.
@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
* \param ch UTF-32 character to be used to draw the triangle outline.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_draw_triangle(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int caca_draw_triangle(caca_canvas_t *cv, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int x3, int y3, uint32_t ch)
cucul_draw_line(cv, x1, y1, x2, y2, ch);
cucul_draw_line(cv, x2, y2, x3, y3, ch);
cucul_draw_line(cv, x3, y3, x1, y1, ch);
caca_draw_line(cv, x1, y1, x2, y2, ch);
caca_draw_line(cv, x2, y2, x3, y3, ch);
caca_draw_line(cv, x3, y3, x1, y1, ch);

return 0;
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ int cucul_draw_triangle(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
* This function never fails.
* \param cv The handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv The handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x1 X coordinate of the first point.
* \param y1 Y coordinate of the first point.
* \param x2 X coordinate of the second point.
@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ int cucul_draw_triangle(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
* \param y3 Y coordinate of the third point.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_draw_thin_triangle(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x1, int y1,
int caca_draw_thin_triangle(caca_canvas_t *cv, int x1, int y1,
int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3)
cucul_draw_thin_line(cv, x1, y1, x2, y2);
cucul_draw_thin_line(cv, x2, y2, x3, y3);
cucul_draw_thin_line(cv, x3, y3, x1, y1);
caca_draw_thin_line(cv, x1, y1, x2, y2);
caca_draw_thin_line(cv, x2, y2, x3, y3);
caca_draw_thin_line(cv, x3, y3, x1, y1);

return 0;
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ int cucul_draw_thin_triangle(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x1, int y1,
* This function never fails.
* \param cv The handle to the libcucul canvas.
* \param cv The handle to the libcaca canvas.
* \param x1 X coordinate of the first point.
* \param y1 Y coordinate of the first point.
* \param x2 X coordinate of the second point.
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ int cucul_draw_thin_triangle(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x1, int y1,
* \param ch UTF-32 character to be used to fill the triangle.
* \return This function always returns 0.
int cucul_fill_triangle(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int caca_fill_triangle(caca_canvas_t *cv, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int x3, int y3, uint32_t ch)
int x, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
@@ -94,10 +94,10 @@ int cucul_fill_triangle(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,

/* Bubble-sort y1 <= y2 <= y3 */
if(y1 > y2)
return cucul_fill_triangle(cv, x2, y2, x1, y1, x3, y3, ch);
return caca_fill_triangle(cv, x2, y2, x1, y1, x3, y3, ch);

if(y2 > y3)
return cucul_fill_triangle(cv, x1, y1, x3, y3, x2, y2, ch);
return caca_fill_triangle(cv, x1, y1, x3, y3, x2, y2, ch);

/* Compute slopes and promote precision */
sl21 = (y2 == y1) ? 0 : (x2 - x1) * 0x10000 / (y2 - y1);
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ int cucul_fill_triangle(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
xmax = xx2 + 1 < cv->width ? xx2 + 1 : cv->width;

for(x = xmin; x < xmax; x++)
cucul_put_char(cv, x, y, ch);
caca_put_char(cv, x, y, ch);

xa += y < y2 ? sl21 : sl32;
xb += sl31;

+ 9
- 13
configure.ac 파일 보기

@@ -331,20 +331,20 @@ AC_SUBST(X11_LIBS)

# How to get the C99 types. See cucul/cucul_types.h.in for details about
# the CUCUL_TYPES variable
# How to get the C99 types. See caca/caca_types.h.in for details about
# the CACA_TYPES variable
if test "${ac_cv_my_have_vga}" = "yes"; then

# Optimizations
CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -g -O2 -fno-strength-reduce -fomit-frame-pointer"
@@ -473,7 +473,6 @@ AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_ZZUF, test "${ZZUF}" != "no")
@@ -487,12 +486,9 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([

+ 6
- 14
csharp/Makefile.am 파일 보기

@@ -1,32 +1,24 @@
# $Id: $

cuculdir = $(libdir)/cucul-sharp
cacadir = $(libdir)/caca-sharp

cucul_sources = $(srcdir)/AssemblyInfo.cs $(srcdir)/Cucul.cs
caca_sources = $(srcdir)/AssemblyInfo.cs $(srcdir)/Caca.cs
caca_sources = $(srcdir)/AssemblyInfo.cs $(srcdir)/Cucul.cs $(srcdir)/Caca.cs

cucul_DATA = cucul-sharp.dll cucul-sharp.dll.config
caca_DATA = caca-sharp.dll caca-sharp.dll.config
noinst_DATA = test.exe

EXTRA_DIST = $(cucul_sources) cucul-sharp.dll.config.in \
$(caca_sources) caca-sharp.dll.config.in \
EXTRA_DIST = $(caca_sources) caca-sharp.dll.config.in \

cucul-sharp.dll: $(cucul_sources)
gmcs -unsafe $(cucul_sources) -out:$@ -target:library \
caca-sharp.dll: $(caca_sources)
gmcs -unsafe $(caca_sources) -out:$@ -target:library \

caca-sharp.dll: $(caca_sources) cucul-sharp.dll
gmcs -unsafe $(caca_sources) -out:$@ -target:library -lib:./ \
-r:System.Drawing.dll -r:./cucul-sharp.dll

test.exe: $(srcdir)/test.cs caca-sharp.dll cucul-sharp.dll
test.exe: $(srcdir)/test.cs caca-sharp.dll
gmcs $(srcdir)/test.cs -out:$@ -lib:./ \
-r:System.Drawing.dll -r:./cucul-sharp.dll -r:./caca-sharp.dll
-r:System.Drawing.dll -r:./caca-sharp.dll

rm -f *.exe *.dll

+ 0
- 1
cucul/.gitignore 파일 보기

@@ -1 +0,0 @@

+ 0
- 42
cucul/Makefile.am 파일 보기

@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
# $Id$

EXTRA_DIST = cucul_types.h.in cucul.pc.in mono9.data monobold12.data
DISTCLEANFILES = cucul_types.h cucul.pc

pkgconfig_DATA = cucul.pc
pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig

include_HEADERS = cucul.h cucul_types.h

lib_LTLIBRARIES = libcucul.la

libcucul_la_SOURCES = \
cucul.c \
cucul.h \
cucul_types.h \
cucul_internals.h \
legacy.c \
canvas.c \
transform.c \
charset.c \
attr.c \
line.c \
box.c \
conic.c \
triangle.c \
frame.c \
dither.c \
font.c \
import.c \
export.c \
file.c \
figfont.c \
libcucul_la_DEPENDENCIES = \
mono9.data \
monobold12.data \
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/cucul -I../cucul
libcucul_la_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined -version-number @LT_VERSION@
libcucul_la_LIBADD = $(ZLIB_LIBS)

+ 0
- 383
cucul/cucul.h 파일 보기

@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
* $Id$
* This library is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
* the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
* To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
* http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.

/** \file cucul.h
* \version \$Id$
* \author Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* \brief The \e libcucul public header.
* This header contains the public types and functions that applications
* using \e libcucul may use.

#ifndef __CUCUL_H__
#define __CUCUL_H__

#include <cucul_types.h>

#undef __extern
#if defined(_DOXYGEN_SKIP_ME)
#elif defined(_WIN32) && defined(__LIBCUCUL__)
# define __extern extern __declspec(dllexport)
# define __extern extern

/** libcucul API version */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

/** \e libcucul canvas */
typedef struct cucul_canvas cucul_canvas_t;
/** dither structure */
typedef struct cucul_dither cucul_dither_t;
/** font structure */
typedef struct cucul_font cucul_font_t;
/** file handle structure */
typedef struct cucul_file cucul_file_t;

/** \defgroup cucul_attr libcucul attribute definitions
* Colours and styles that can be used with cucul_set_attr().
* @{ */
#define CUCUL_BLACK 0x00 /**< The colour index for black. */
#define CUCUL_BLUE 0x01 /**< The colour index for blue. */
#define CUCUL_GREEN 0x02 /**< The colour index for green. */
#define CUCUL_CYAN 0x03 /**< The colour index for cyan. */
#define CUCUL_RED 0x04 /**< The colour index for red. */
#define CUCUL_MAGENTA 0x05 /**< The colour index for magenta. */
#define CUCUL_BROWN 0x06 /**< The colour index for brown. */
#define CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY 0x07 /**< The colour index for light gray. */
#define CUCUL_DARKGRAY 0x08 /**< The colour index for dark gray. */
#define CUCUL_LIGHTBLUE 0x09 /**< The colour index for blue. */
#define CUCUL_LIGHTGREEN 0x0a /**< The colour index for light green. */
#define CUCUL_LIGHTCYAN 0x0b /**< The colour index for light cyan. */
#define CUCUL_LIGHTRED 0x0c /**< The colour index for light red. */
#define CUCUL_LIGHTMAGENTA 0x0d /**< The colour index for light magenta. */
#define CUCUL_YELLOW 0x0e /**< The colour index for yellow. */
#define CUCUL_WHITE 0x0f /**< The colour index for white. */
#define CUCUL_DEFAULT 0x10 /**< The output driver's default colour. */
#define CUCUL_TRANSPARENT 0x20 /**< The transparent colour. */

#define CUCUL_BOLD 0x01 /**< The style mask for bold. */
#define CUCUL_ITALICS 0x02 /**< The style mask for italics. */
#define CUCUL_UNDERLINE 0x04 /**< The style mask for underline. */
#define CUCUL_BLINK 0x08 /**< The style mask for blink. */
/* @} */

/** \defgroup libcucul libcucul basic functions
* These functions provide the basic \e libcaca routines for library
* initialisation, system information retrieval and configuration.
* @{ */
__extern cucul_canvas_t * cucul_create_canvas(int, int);
__extern int cucul_manage_canvas(cucul_canvas_t *, int (*)(void *), void *);
__extern int cucul_unmanage_canvas(cucul_canvas_t *, int (*)(void *), void *);
__extern int cucul_set_canvas_size(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int);
__extern int cucul_get_canvas_width(cucul_canvas_t const *);
__extern int cucul_get_canvas_height(cucul_canvas_t const *);
__extern uint8_t const * cucul_get_canvas_chars(cucul_canvas_t const *);
__extern uint8_t const * cucul_get_canvas_attrs(cucul_canvas_t const *);
__extern int cucul_free_canvas(cucul_canvas_t *);
__extern int cucul_rand(int, int);
__extern char const * cucul_get_version(void);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup cucul_canvas libcucul canvas drawing
* These functions provide low-level character printing routines and
* higher level graphics functions.
* @{ */
#define CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH 0x000ffffe /**< Used to indicate that the previous character was a fullwidth glyph. */
__extern int cucul_gotoxy(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int);
__extern int cucul_get_cursor_x(cucul_canvas_t const *);
__extern int cucul_get_cursor_y(cucul_canvas_t const *);
__extern int cucul_put_char(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, uint32_t);
__extern uint32_t cucul_get_char(cucul_canvas_t const *, int, int);
__extern int cucul_put_str(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, char const *);
__extern uint32_t cucul_get_attr(cucul_canvas_t const *, int, int);
__extern int cucul_set_attr(cucul_canvas_t *, uint32_t);
__extern int cucul_put_attr(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, uint32_t);
__extern int cucul_set_color_ansi(cucul_canvas_t *, uint8_t, uint8_t);
__extern int cucul_set_color_argb(cucul_canvas_t *, uint16_t, uint16_t);
__extern int cucul_printf(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, char const *, ...);
__extern int cucul_clear_canvas(cucul_canvas_t *);
__extern int cucul_set_canvas_handle(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int);
__extern int cucul_get_canvas_handle_x(cucul_canvas_t const *);
__extern int cucul_get_canvas_handle_y(cucul_canvas_t const *);
__extern int cucul_blit(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, cucul_canvas_t const *,
cucul_canvas_t const *);
__extern int cucul_set_canvas_boundaries(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup cucul_transform libcucul canvas transformation
* These functions perform horizontal and vertical canvas flipping.
* @{ */
__extern int cucul_invert(cucul_canvas_t *);
__extern int cucul_flip(cucul_canvas_t *);
__extern int cucul_flop(cucul_canvas_t *);
__extern int cucul_rotate_180(cucul_canvas_t *);
__extern int cucul_rotate_left(cucul_canvas_t *);
__extern int cucul_rotate_right(cucul_canvas_t *);
__extern int cucul_stretch_left(cucul_canvas_t *);
__extern int cucul_stretch_right(cucul_canvas_t *);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup cucul_attributes libcucul attribute conversions
* These functions perform conversions between attribute values.
* @{ */
__extern uint8_t cucul_attr_to_ansi(uint32_t);
__extern uint8_t cucul_attr_to_ansi_fg(uint32_t);
__extern uint8_t cucul_attr_to_ansi_bg(uint32_t);
__extern uint16_t cucul_attr_to_rgb12_fg(uint32_t);
__extern uint16_t cucul_attr_to_rgb12_bg(uint32_t);
__extern void cucul_attr_to_argb64(uint32_t, uint8_t[8]);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup cucul_charset libcucul character set conversions
* These functions perform conversions between usual character sets.
* @{ */
__extern uint32_t cucul_utf8_to_utf32(char const *, size_t *);
__extern size_t cucul_utf32_to_utf8(char *, uint32_t);
__extern uint8_t cucul_utf32_to_cp437(uint32_t);
__extern uint32_t cucul_cp437_to_utf32(uint8_t);
__extern char cucul_utf32_to_ascii(uint32_t);
__extern int cucul_utf32_is_fullwidth(uint32_t);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup cucul_primitives libcucul primitives drawing
* These functions provide routines for primitive drawing, such as lines,
* boxes, triangles and ellipses.
* @{ */
__extern int cucul_draw_line(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int, uint32_t);
__extern int cucul_draw_polyline(cucul_canvas_t *, int const x[],
int const y[], int, uint32_t);
__extern int cucul_draw_thin_line(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int);
__extern int cucul_draw_thin_polyline(cucul_canvas_t *, int const x[],
int const y[], int);

__extern int cucul_draw_circle(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, int, uint32_t);
__extern int cucul_draw_ellipse(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int, uint32_t);
__extern int cucul_draw_thin_ellipse(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int);
__extern int cucul_fill_ellipse(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int, uint32_t);

__extern int cucul_draw_box(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int, uint32_t);
__extern int cucul_draw_thin_box(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int);
__extern int cucul_draw_cp437_box(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int);
__extern int cucul_fill_box(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int, uint32_t);

__extern int cucul_draw_triangle(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int, int,
int, uint32_t);
__extern int cucul_draw_thin_triangle(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int,
int, int);
__extern int cucul_fill_triangle(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int, int,
int, uint32_t);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup cucul_frame libcucul canvas frame handling
* These functions provide high level routines for canvas frame insertion,
* removal, copying etc.
* @{ */
__extern int cucul_get_frame_count(cucul_canvas_t const *);
__extern int cucul_set_frame(cucul_canvas_t *, int);
__extern char const *cucul_get_frame_name(cucul_canvas_t const *);
__extern int cucul_set_frame_name(cucul_canvas_t *, char const *);
__extern int cucul_create_frame(cucul_canvas_t *, int);
__extern int cucul_free_frame(cucul_canvas_t *, int);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup cucul_dither libcucul bitmap dithering
* These functions provide high level routines for dither allocation and
* rendering.
* @{ */
__extern cucul_dither_t *cucul_create_dither(int, int, int, int,
uint32_t, uint32_t,
uint32_t, uint32_t);
__extern int cucul_set_dither_palette(cucul_dither_t *,
uint32_t r[], uint32_t g[],
uint32_t b[], uint32_t a[]);
__extern int cucul_set_dither_brightness(cucul_dither_t *, float);
__extern float cucul_get_dither_brightness(cucul_dither_t const *);
__extern int cucul_set_dither_gamma(cucul_dither_t *, float);
__extern float cucul_get_dither_gamma(cucul_dither_t const *);
__extern int cucul_set_dither_contrast(cucul_dither_t *, float);
__extern float cucul_get_dither_contrast(cucul_dither_t const *);
__extern int cucul_set_dither_antialias(cucul_dither_t *, char const *);
__extern char const * const * cucul_get_dither_antialias_list(cucul_dither_t
const *);
__extern char const * cucul_get_dither_antialias(cucul_dither_t const *);
__extern int cucul_set_dither_color(cucul_dither_t *, char const *);
__extern char const * const * cucul_get_dither_color_list(cucul_dither_t
const *);
__extern char const * cucul_get_dither_color(cucul_dither_t const *);
__extern int cucul_set_dither_charset(cucul_dither_t *, char const *);
__extern char const * const * cucul_get_dither_charset_list(cucul_dither_t
const *);
__extern char const * cucul_get_dither_charset(cucul_dither_t const *);
__extern int cucul_set_dither_algorithm(cucul_dither_t *, char const *);
__extern char const * const * cucul_get_dither_algorithm_list(cucul_dither_t
const *);
__extern char const * cucul_get_dither_algorithm(cucul_dither_t const *);
__extern int cucul_dither_bitmap(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, int, int,
cucul_dither_t const *, void *);
__extern int cucul_free_dither(cucul_dither_t *);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup cucul_font libcucul font handling
* These functions provide font handling routines and high quality
* canvas to bitmap rendering.
* @{ */
__extern cucul_font_t *cucul_load_font(void const *, size_t);
__extern char const * const * cucul_get_font_list(void);
__extern int cucul_get_font_width(cucul_font_t const *);
__extern int cucul_get_font_height(cucul_font_t const *);
__extern uint32_t const *cucul_get_font_blocks(cucul_font_t const *);
__extern int cucul_render_canvas(cucul_canvas_t const *, cucul_font_t const *,
void *, int, int, int);
__extern int cucul_free_font(cucul_font_t *);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup cucul_figfont libcucul FIGfont handling
* These functions provide FIGlet and TOIlet font handling routines.
* @{ */
__extern int cucul_canvas_set_figfont(cucul_canvas_t *, char const *);
__extern int cucul_put_figchar(cucul_canvas_t *, uint32_t);
__extern int cucul_flush_figlet(cucul_canvas_t *);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup cucul_file libcucul file IO
* These functions allow to read and write files in a platform-independent
* way.
* @{ */
__extern cucul_file_t *cucul_file_open(char const *, const char *);
__extern int cucul_file_close(cucul_file_t *);
__extern uint64_t cucul_file_tell(cucul_file_t *);
__extern size_t cucul_file_read(cucul_file_t *, void *, size_t);
__extern size_t cucul_file_write(cucul_file_t *, const void *, size_t);
__extern char * cucul_file_gets(cucul_file_t *, char *, int);
__extern int cucul_file_eof(cucul_file_t *);
/* @} */

/** \defgroup cucul_importexport libcucul importers/exporters from/to various
* formats
* These functions import various file formats into a new canvas, or export
* the current canvas to various text formats.
* @{ */
__extern ssize_t cucul_import_memory(cucul_canvas_t *, void const *,
size_t, char const *);
__extern ssize_t cucul_import_file(cucul_canvas_t *, char const *,
char const *);
__extern char const * const * cucul_get_import_list(void);
__extern void *cucul_export_memory(cucul_canvas_t const *, char const *,
size_t *);
__extern char const * const * cucul_get_export_list(void);
/* @} */

#if !defined(_DOXYGEN_SKIP_ME)
/* Legacy stuff from beta versions, will probably disappear in 1.0 */
typedef struct cucul_buffer cucul_buffer_t;
# if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 3
# define CUCUL_DEPRECATED __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
# else
# endif
__extern int cucul_putchar(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int,
unsigned long int) CUCUL_DEPRECATED;
__extern unsigned long int cucul_getchar(cucul_canvas_t *,
__extern int cucul_putstr(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int,
char const *) CUCUL_DEPRECATED;
__extern int cucul_set_color(cucul_canvas_t *, unsigned char,
unsigned char) CUCUL_DEPRECATED;
__extern int cucul_set_truecolor(cucul_canvas_t *, unsigned int,
unsigned int) CUCUL_DEPRECATED;
__extern unsigned int cucul_get_canvas_frame_count(cucul_canvas_t *)
__extern int cucul_set_canvas_frame(cucul_canvas_t *,
unsigned int) CUCUL_DEPRECATED;
__extern int cucul_create_canvas_frame(cucul_canvas_t *,
unsigned int) CUCUL_DEPRECATED;
__extern int cucul_free_canvas_frame(cucul_canvas_t *,
unsigned int) CUCUL_DEPRECATED;
__extern cucul_buffer_t *cucul_load_memory(void *,
unsigned long int) CUCUL_DEPRECATED;
__extern cucul_buffer_t *cucul_load_file(char const *) CUCUL_DEPRECATED;
__extern unsigned long int cucul_get_buffer_size(cucul_buffer_t *)
__extern void * cucul_get_buffer_data(cucul_buffer_t *) CUCUL_DEPRECATED;
__extern int cucul_free_buffer(cucul_buffer_t *) CUCUL_DEPRECATED;
__extern cucul_buffer_t * cucul_export_canvas(cucul_canvas_t *,
char const *) CUCUL_DEPRECATED;
__extern cucul_canvas_t * cucul_import_canvas(cucul_buffer_t *,
char const *) CUCUL_DEPRECATED;
__extern int cucul_rotate(cucul_canvas_t *) CUCUL_DEPRECATED;
__extern int cucul_set_dither_invert(cucul_dither_t *, int) CUCUL_DEPRECATED;
__extern int cucul_set_dither_mode(cucul_dither_t *,
char const *) CUCUL_DEPRECATED;
__extern char const * const * cucul_get_dither_mode_list(cucul_dither_t
const *)

#ifdef __cplusplus

#undef __extern

#endif /* __CUCUL_H__ */

+ 0
- 12
cucul/cucul.pc.in 파일 보기

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@

Name: cucul
Description: Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
Version: @VERSION@
Libs: -L${libdir} -lcucul
Cflags: -I${includedir}

+ 0
- 80
cucul/cucul_internals.h 파일 보기

@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
* $Id$
* This library is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
* the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
* To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
* http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.


#include "stubs.h"

typedef struct cucul_figfont cucul_figfont_t;

struct cucul_frame
/* Frame size */
int width, height;

/* Cell information */
uint32_t *chars;
uint32_t *attrs;

/* Painting context */
int x, y;
int handlex, handley;
uint32_t curattr;

/* Frame name */
char *name;

struct cucul_canvas
/* XXX: look at cucul_set_canvas_boundaries() before adding anything
* to this structure. The function is quite hacky. */

/* Frame information */
int frame, framecount;
struct cucul_frame *frames;

/* Canvas management */
int refcount;
int autoinc;
int (*resize_callback)(void *);
void *resize_data;

/* Shortcut to the active frame information */
int width, height;
uint32_t *chars;
uint32_t *attrs;
uint32_t curattr;

/* FIGfont management */
cucul_figfont_t *ff;

struct cucul_buffer
size_t size;
char *data;
int user_data;

/* Colour functions */
extern uint32_t _cucul_attr_to_rgb24fg(uint32_t);
extern uint32_t _cucul_attr_to_rgb24bg(uint32_t);

/* Frames functions */
extern void _cucul_save_frame_info(cucul_canvas_t *);
extern void _cucul_load_frame_info(cucul_canvas_t *);

#endif /* __CUCUL_INTERNALS_H__ */

+ 7
- 12
cxx/Makefile.am 파일 보기

@@ -1,28 +1,23 @@
# $Id: Makefile.am 552 2006-04-13 16:10:16Z jylam $

AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/cucul -I../cucul \
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/caca -I../caca

pkgconfig_DATA = cucul++.pc caca++.pc
pkgconfig_DATA = caca++.pc
pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig

include_HEADERS = cucul++.h caca++.h
lib_LTLIBRARIES = libcucul++.la libcaca++.la
include_HEADERS = caca++.h
lib_LTLIBRARIES = libcaca++.la

libcucul___la_SOURCES = cucul++.cpp cucul++.h
libcucul___la_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined -version-number @LT_VERSION@
libcucul___la_LIBADD = ../cucul/libcucul.la

libcaca___la_SOURCES = caca++.cpp caca++.h
libcaca___la_SOURCES = caca++.cpp cucul++.cpp caca++.h
libcaca___la_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined -version-number @LT_VERSION@
libcaca___la_LIBADD = libcucul++.la ../caca/libcaca.la
libcaca___la_LIBADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

noinst_PROGRAMS = cxxtest

cxxtest_SOURCES = cxxtest.cpp
cxxtest_LDADD = libcaca++.la libcucul++.la ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
cxxtest_LDADD = libcaca++.la ../caca/libcaca.la

+ 4
- 4
cxx/caca++.cpp 파일 보기

@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@

#include "caca++.h"

Caca::Caca(Cucul *cv)
Caca::Caca(Canvas *cv)
dp = caca_create_display(cv->get_cucul_canvas_t());
dp = caca_create_display(cv->get_caca_canvas_t());
throw -1;
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ Caca::~Caca()

void Caca::Attach(Cucul *cv)
void Caca::Attach(Canvas *cv)
dp = caca_create_display(cv->get_cucul_canvas_t());
dp = caca_create_display(cv->get_caca_canvas_t());
throw -1;

+ 3
- 4
cxx/caca++.h 파일 보기

@@ -23,9 +23,8 @@
#ifndef _CACA_PP_H
#define _CACA_PP_H

#include <cucul.h>
#include <caca.h>
#include <caca++.h>
#include <cucul++.h>

#undef __class
@@ -61,10 +60,10 @@ __class Caca
Caca(Cucul *cv);
Caca(Canvas *cv);

void Attach(Cucul *cv);
void Attach(Canvas *cv);
void Detach();
void setDisplayTime(unsigned int);

+ 130
- 130
cxx/cucul++.cpp 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul++ C++ bindings for libcucul
* libcaca++ C++ bindings for libcaca
* Copyright (c) 2006 Jean-Yves Lamoureux <jylam@lnxscene.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@

* This file contains the main functions used by \e libcucul++ applications
* This file contains the main functions used by \e libcaca++ applications
* to initialise a drawing context.

@@ -22,92 +22,92 @@
#include <stdio.h> // BUFSIZ
#include <stdarg.h> // va_*

#include "cucul++.h"
#include "caca++.h"

uint32_t Charset::utf8ToUtf32(char const *s, size_t *read)
return cucul_utf8_to_utf32(s, read);
return caca_utf8_to_utf32(s, read);
size_t Charset::utf32ToUtf8(char *buf, uint32_t ch)
return cucul_utf32_to_utf8(buf, ch);
return caca_utf32_to_utf8(buf, ch);
uint8_t Charset::utf32ToCp437(uint32_t ch)
return cucul_utf32_to_cp437(ch);
return caca_utf32_to_cp437(ch);
uint32_t Charset::cp437ToUtf32(uint8_t ch)
return cucul_cp437_to_utf32(ch);
return caca_cp437_to_utf32(ch);

cv = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
cv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
throw -1;

Cucul::Cucul(int width, int height)
Canvas::Canvas(int width, int height)
cv = cucul_create_canvas(width, height);
cv = caca_create_canvas(width, height);
if(!cv) throw -1;


cucul_canvas_t *Cucul::get_cucul_canvas_t()
caca_canvas_t *Canvas::get_caca_canvas_t()
return cv;

void Cucul::setSize(unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
void Canvas::setSize(unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
cucul_set_canvas_size(cv, width, height);
caca_set_canvas_size(cv, width, height);

unsigned int Cucul::getWidth(void)
unsigned int Canvas::getWidth(void)
return cucul_get_canvas_width(cv);
return caca_get_canvas_width(cv);

unsigned int Cucul::getHeight(void)
unsigned int Canvas::getHeight(void)
return cucul_get_canvas_height(cv);
return caca_get_canvas_height(cv);

int Cucul::setColorANSI(uint8_t f, uint8_t b)
int Canvas::setColorANSI(uint8_t f, uint8_t b)
return cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, f, b);
return caca_set_color_ansi(cv, f, b);

int Cucul::setColorARGB(unsigned int f, unsigned int b)
int Canvas::setColorARGB(unsigned int f, unsigned int b)
return cucul_set_color_argb(cv, f, b);
return caca_set_color_argb(cv, f, b);

void Cucul::putChar(int x, int y, uint32_t ch)
void Canvas::putChar(int x, int y, uint32_t ch)
cucul_put_char(cv, x, y, ch);
caca_put_char(cv, x, y, ch);

uint32_t Cucul::getChar(int x, int y)
uint32_t Canvas::getChar(int x, int y)
return cucul_get_char(cv, x, y);
return caca_get_char(cv, x, y);

void Cucul::putStr(int x, int y, char *str)
void Canvas::putStr(int x, int y, char *str)
cucul_put_str(cv, x, y, str);
caca_put_str(cv, x, y, str);

void Cucul::Printf(int x, int y, char const * format, ...)
void Canvas::Printf(int x, int y, char const * format, ...)
char tmp[BUFSIZ];
char *buf = tmp;
@@ -125,297 +125,297 @@ void Cucul::Printf(int x, int y, char const * format, ...)
putStr(x, y, buf);

void Cucul::Clear(void)
void Canvas::Clear(void)

void Cucul::Blit(int x, int y, Cucul* c1, Cucul* c2)
void Canvas::Blit(int x, int y, Canvas* c1, Canvas* c2)
cucul_blit(cv, x, y, c1->get_cucul_canvas_t(),
c2 ? c2->get_cucul_canvas_t() : NULL);
caca_blit(cv, x, y, c1->get_caca_canvas_t(),
c2 ? c2->get_caca_canvas_t() : NULL);

void Cucul::Invert()
void Canvas::Invert()

void Cucul::Flip()
void Canvas::Flip()

void Cucul::Flop()
void Canvas::Flop()

void Cucul::Rotate180()
void Canvas::Rotate180()

void Cucul::RotateLeft()
void Canvas::RotateLeft()

void Cucul::RotateRight()
void Canvas::RotateRight()

void Cucul::drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, uint32_t ch)
void Canvas::drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, uint32_t ch)
cucul_draw_line(cv, x1, y1, x2, y2, ch);
caca_draw_line(cv, x1, y1, x2, y2, ch);

void Cucul::drawPolyline(int const x[], int const y[], int f, uint32_t ch)
void Canvas::drawPolyline(int const x[], int const y[], int f, uint32_t ch)
cucul_draw_polyline(cv, x, y, f, ch);
caca_draw_polyline(cv, x, y, f, ch);

void Cucul::drawThinLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
void Canvas::drawThinLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
cucul_draw_thin_line(cv, x1, y1, x2, y2);
caca_draw_thin_line(cv, x1, y1, x2, y2);

void Cucul::drawThinPolyline(int const x[], int const y[], int f)
void Canvas::drawThinPolyline(int const x[], int const y[], int f)
cucul_draw_thin_polyline(cv, x, y, f);
caca_draw_thin_polyline(cv, x, y, f);

void Cucul::drawCircle(int x, int y, int d, uint32_t ch)
void Canvas::drawCircle(int x, int y, int d, uint32_t ch)
cucul_draw_circle(cv, x, y, d, ch);
caca_draw_circle(cv, x, y, d, ch);

void Cucul::drawEllipse(int x, int y, int d1, int d2, uint32_t ch)
void Canvas::drawEllipse(int x, int y, int d1, int d2, uint32_t ch)
cucul_draw_ellipse(cv, x, y, d1, d2, ch);
caca_draw_ellipse(cv, x, y, d1, d2, ch);

void Cucul::drawThinEllipse(int x, int y, int d1, int d2)
void Canvas::drawThinEllipse(int x, int y, int d1, int d2)
cucul_draw_thin_ellipse(cv, x, y, d1, d2);
caca_draw_thin_ellipse(cv, x, y, d1, d2);

void Cucul::fillEllipse(int x, int y, int d1, int d2, uint32_t ch)
void Canvas::fillEllipse(int x, int y, int d1, int d2, uint32_t ch)
cucul_fill_ellipse(cv, x, y, d1, d2, ch);
caca_fill_ellipse(cv, x, y, d1, d2, ch);

void Cucul::drawBox(int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32_t ch)
void Canvas::drawBox(int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32_t ch)
cucul_draw_box(cv, x, y, w, h, ch);
caca_draw_box(cv, x, y, w, h, ch);

void Cucul::drawThinBox(int x, int y, int w, int h)
void Canvas::drawThinBox(int x, int y, int w, int h)
cucul_draw_thin_box(cv, x, y, w, h);
caca_draw_thin_box(cv, x, y, w, h);

void Cucul::drawCP437Box(int x, int y, int w, int h)
void Canvas::drawCP437Box(int x, int y, int w, int h)
cucul_draw_cp437_box(cv, x, y, w, h);
caca_draw_cp437_box(cv, x, y, w, h);

void Cucul::fillBox(int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32_t ch)
void Canvas::fillBox(int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32_t ch)
cucul_fill_box(cv, x, y, w, h, ch);
caca_fill_box(cv, x, y, w, h, ch);

void Cucul::drawTriangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, uint32_t ch)
void Canvas::drawTriangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, uint32_t ch)
cucul_draw_triangle(cv, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ch);
caca_draw_triangle(cv, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ch);

void Cucul::drawThinTriangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3)
void Canvas::drawThinTriangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3)
cucul_draw_thin_triangle(cv, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
caca_draw_thin_triangle(cv, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);

void Cucul::fillTriangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, uint32_t ch)
void Canvas::fillTriangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, uint32_t ch)
cucul_fill_triangle(cv, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ch);
caca_fill_triangle(cv, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ch);

int Cucul::Rand(int min, int max)
int Canvas::Rand(int min, int max)
return cucul_rand(min, max);
return caca_rand(min, max);

const char * Cucul::getVersion()
const char * Canvas::getVersion()
return cucul_get_version();
return caca_get_version();

int Cucul::setAttr(uint32_t attr)
int Canvas::setAttr(uint32_t attr)
return cucul_set_attr(cv, attr);
return caca_set_attr(cv, attr);

uint32_t Cucul::getAttr(int x, int y)
uint32_t Canvas::getAttr(int x, int y)
return cucul_get_attr(cv, x, y);
return caca_get_attr(cv, x, y);

int Cucul::setBoundaries(cucul_canvas_t *, int x, int y,
int Canvas::setBoundaries(caca_canvas_t *, int x, int y,
unsigned int w, unsigned int h)
return cucul_set_canvas_boundaries(cv, x, y, h, w);
return caca_set_canvas_boundaries(cv, x, y, h, w);

unsigned int Cucul::getFrameCount()
unsigned int Canvas::getFrameCount()
return cucul_get_frame_count(cv);
return caca_get_frame_count(cv);
int Cucul::setFrame(unsigned int f)
int Canvas::setFrame(unsigned int f)
return cucul_set_frame(cv, f);
return caca_set_frame(cv, f);
int Cucul::createFrame(unsigned int f)
int Canvas::createFrame(unsigned int f)
return cucul_create_frame(cv, f);
return caca_create_frame(cv, f);
int Cucul::freeFrame(unsigned int f)
int Canvas::freeFrame(unsigned int f)
return cucul_create_frame(cv, f);
return caca_create_frame(cv, f);

char const *const * Cucul::getImportList(void)
char const *const * Canvas::getImportList(void)
return cucul_get_import_list();
return caca_get_import_list();

long int Cucul::importMemory(void const *buf, size_t len, char const *fmt)
long int Canvas::importMemory(void const *buf, size_t len, char const *fmt)
return cucul_import_memory(cv, buf, len, fmt);
return caca_import_memory(cv, buf, len, fmt);

long int Cucul::importFile(char const *file, char const *fmt)
long int Canvas::importFile(char const *file, char const *fmt)
return cucul_import_file(cv, file, fmt);
return caca_import_file(cv, file, fmt);

char const *const * Cucul::getExportList(void)
char const *const * Canvas::getExportList(void)
return cucul_get_export_list();
return caca_get_export_list();

void *Cucul::exportMemory(char const *fmt, size_t *len)
void *Canvas::exportMemory(char const *fmt, size_t *len)
return cucul_export_memory(cv, fmt, len);
return caca_export_memory(cv, fmt, len);

Dither::Dither(unsigned int v1, unsigned int v2, unsigned int v3, unsigned int v4, unsigned int v5, unsigned int v6, unsigned int v7, unsigned int v8)
dither = cucul_create_dither(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8);
dither = caca_create_dither(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8);

void Dither::setPalette(uint32_t r[], uint32_t g[], uint32_t b[], uint32_t a[])
cucul_set_dither_palette(dither, r, g, b, a);
caca_set_dither_palette(dither, r, g, b, a);

void Dither::setBrightness(float f)
cucul_set_dither_brightness(dither, f);
caca_set_dither_brightness(dither, f);

void Dither::setGamma(float f)
cucul_set_dither_gamma(dither, f);
caca_set_dither_gamma(dither, f);

void Dither::setContrast(float f)
cucul_set_dither_contrast(dither, f);
caca_set_dither_contrast(dither, f);

void Dither::setAntialias(char const *cv)
cucul_set_dither_antialias(dither, cv);
caca_set_dither_antialias(dither, cv);

char const *const * Dither::getAntialiasList()
return cucul_get_dither_antialias_list(dither);
return caca_get_dither_antialias_list(dither);

void Dither::setColor(char const *cv)
cucul_set_dither_color(dither, cv);
caca_set_dither_color(dither, cv);

char const *const * Dither::getColorList()
return cucul_get_dither_color_list(dither);
return caca_get_dither_color_list(dither);

void Dither::setCharset(char const *cv)
cucul_set_dither_charset(dither, cv);
caca_set_dither_charset(dither, cv);

char const *const * Dither::getCharsetList()
return cucul_get_dither_charset_list(dither);
return caca_get_dither_charset_list(dither);

void Dither::setMode(char const *cv)
cucul_set_dither_algorithm(dither, cv);
caca_set_dither_algorithm(dither, cv);

char const *const * Dither::getModeList(void)
return cucul_get_dither_algorithm_list(dither);
return caca_get_dither_algorithm_list(dither);

void Dither::Bitmap(Cucul *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h, void *v)
void Dither::Bitmap(Canvas *cv, int x, int y, int w, int h, void *v)
cucul_dither_bitmap(cv->get_cucul_canvas_t(), x, y, w, h, dither, v);
caca_dither_bitmap(cv->get_caca_canvas_t(), x, y, w, h, dither, v);

Font::Font(void const *s, unsigned int v)
font = cucul_load_font(s, v);
font = caca_load_font(s, v);
if(!font) throw -1;

char const *const * Font::getList(void)
return cucul_get_font_list();
return caca_get_font_list();

unsigned int Font::getWidth()
return cucul_get_font_width(font);
return caca_get_font_width(font);

unsigned int Font::getHeight()
return cucul_get_font_height(font);
return caca_get_font_height(font);

void Font::renderCanvas(Cucul *cv, uint8_t *buf, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int w)
void Font::renderCanvas(Canvas *cv, uint8_t *buf, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int w)
cucul_render_canvas(cv->get_cucul_canvas_t(), font, buf, x, y, w);
caca_render_canvas(cv->get_caca_canvas_t(), font, buf, x, y, w);

uint32_t const *Font::getBlocks()
return cucul_get_font_blocks(font);
return caca_get_font_blocks(font);


+ 19
- 19
cxx/cucul++.h 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul++ C++ bindings for libcucul
* libcaca++ C++ bindings for libcaca
* Copyright (c) 2006 Jean-Yves Lamoureux <jylam@lnxscene.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -12,28 +12,28 @@
* http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.

/** \file cucul++.h
/** \file caca++.h
* \version \$Id$
* \author Jean-Yves Lamoureux <jylam@lnxscene.org>
* \brief The \e libcucul++ public header.
* \brief The \e libcaca++ public header.
* This header contains the public types and functions that applications
* using \e libcucul++ may use.
* using \e libcaca++ may use.

#ifndef _CUCUL_PP_H
#define _CUCUL_PP_H

#include <cucul.h>
#include <caca.h>

#undef __class
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(__LIBCUCUL_PP__)
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(__LIBCACA_PP__)
# define __class class __declspec(dllexport)
# define __class class

class Cucul;
class Canvas;

__class Charset
@@ -53,12 +53,12 @@ __class Font
char const *const * getList(void);
unsigned int getWidth();
unsigned int getHeight();
void renderCanvas(Cucul *, uint8_t *, unsigned int,
void renderCanvas(Canvas *, uint8_t *, unsigned int,
unsigned int, unsigned int);
uint32_t const *getBlocks();

cucul_font *font;
caca_font *font;

__class Dither
@@ -81,21 +81,21 @@ __class Dither
char const *const * getCharsetList();
void setMode(char const *);
char const *const * getModeList();
void Bitmap(Cucul *, int, int, int, int, void *);
void Bitmap(Canvas *, int, int, int, int, void *);

cucul_dither *dither;
caca_dither *dither;

__class Cucul
__class Canvas
friend class Caca;
friend class Dither;
friend class Font;
Cucul(int width, int height);
Canvas(int width, int height);

void setSize(unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
unsigned int getWidth(void);
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ __class Cucul
uint32_t getChar(int, int);
void putStr(int x, int y, char *str);
void Clear(void);
void Blit(int, int, Cucul* c1, Cucul* c2);
void Blit(int, int, Canvas* c1, Canvas* c2);
void Invert();
void Flip();
void Flop();
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ __class Cucul
void drawTriangle(int, int, int, int, int, int, uint32_t);
void drawThinTriangle(int, int, int, int, int, int);
void fillTriangle(int, int, int, int, int, int, uint32_t);
int setBoundaries(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
int setBoundaries(caca_canvas_t *, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
unsigned int getFrameCount();
int setFrame(unsigned int);
int createFrame(unsigned int);
@@ -147,10 +147,10 @@ __class Cucul
static char const * getVersion();

cucul_canvas_t *get_cucul_canvas_t();
caca_canvas_t *get_caca_canvas_t();

cucul_canvas_t *cv;
caca_canvas_t *cv;

#endif /* _CUCUL_PP_H */

+ 5
- 5
cxx/cxxtest.cpp 파일 보기

@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ static char const pigstring[] =

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Cucul *cv, *pig;
Canvas *cv, *pig;
Caca *dp;

int x = 0, y = 0, ix = 1, iy = 1;

try {
cv = new Cucul();
cv = new Canvas();
catch (int e) {
cerr << "Error while initializing cucul (" << e << ")" << endl;
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])

try {
// Import buffer into a canvas
pig = new Cucul();
pig = new Canvas();
pig->importMemory(pigstring, strlen(pigstring), "text");
catch(int e) {
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cv->Blit(x, y, pig, NULL);

/* printf works */
cv->Printf(cv->getWidth() / 2 - 10, cv->getHeight() / 2,
"Powered by libcaca %s", dp->getVersion());

+ 4
- 4
doc/Makefile.am 파일 보기

@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ man_MANS = caca-config.1 cacafire.1 cacaview.1 cacaserver.1 img2txt.1 cacaplay.1

htmldoc_DATA = html/doxygen.css
htmldocdir = $(datadir)/doc/libcucul-dev/html
htmldocdir = $(datadir)/doc/libcaca-dev/html
pdfdoc_DATA = latex/libcaca.pdf
pdfdocdir = $(datadir)/doc/libcucul-dev/pdf
pdfdocdir = $(datadir)/doc/libcaca-dev/pdf

@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ clean-local:

$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/doc/libcucul-dev/html
$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/doc/libcaca-dev/html
cp `find html -name '*.html' -o -name '*.gif' -o -name '*.png'` \
$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man3
for man in $$(find man -name '*.3caca'); do \
sed -e 's/man3caca/man3/g' -e "s/fC'\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\)'/fC\"\1\"/g" \

+ 28
- 29
examples/Makefile.am 파일 보기

@@ -1,82 +1,81 @@
# $Id$

AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/cucul -I../cucul \
-I$(top_srcdir)/caca -DDATADIR=\"$(pkgdatadir)\"
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/caca -DDATADIR=\"$(pkgdatadir)\"

noinst_PROGRAMS = blit colors cucul demo demo0 dithering driver event export figfont font font2tga frames fullwidth gamma hsv input spritedit swallow text transform truecolor unicode import
noinst_PROGRAMS = blit canvas colors demo demo0 dithering driver event export figfont font font2tga frames fullwidth gamma hsv input spritedit swallow text transform truecolor unicode import

blit_SOURCES = blit.c
blit_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
blit_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

colors_SOURCES = colors.c
colors_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
canvas_SOURCES = canvas.c
canvas_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

cucul_SOURCES = cucul.c
cucul_LDADD = ../cucul/libcucul.la
colors_SOURCES = colors.c
colors_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

demo_SOURCES = demo.c
demo_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
demo_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

demo0_SOURCES = demo0.c
demo0_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
demo0_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

dithering_SOURCES = dithering.c
dithering_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
dithering_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

driver_SOURCES = driver.c
driver_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
driver_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

event_SOURCES = event.c
event_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
event_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

export_SOURCES = export.c
export_LDADD = ../cucul/libcucul.la
export_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

figfont_SOURCES = figfont.c
figfont_LDADD = ../cucul/libcucul.la
figfont_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

font_SOURCES = font.c
font_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
font_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

font2tga_SOURCES = font2tga.c
font2tga_LDADD = ../cucul/libcucul.la
font2tga_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

frames_SOURCES = frames.c
frames_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
frames_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

fullwidth_SOURCES = fullwidth.c
fullwidth_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
fullwidth_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

gamma_SOURCES = gamma.c
gamma_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
gamma_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

hsv_SOURCES = hsv.c
hsv_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
hsv_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

input_SOURCES = input.c
input_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
input_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

spritedit_SOURCES = spritedit.c
spritedit_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
spritedit_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

swallow_SOURCES = swallow.c
swallow_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
swallow_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

text_SOURCES = text.c
text_LDADD = ../cucul/libcucul.la
text_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

transform_SOURCES = transform.c
transform_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
transform_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

truecolor_SOURCES = truecolor.c
truecolor_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
truecolor_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

unicode_SOURCES = unicode.c
unicode_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
unicode_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

import_SOURCES = import.c
import_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
import_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

+ 13
- 14
examples/blit.c 파일 보기

@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
# include <string.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

static char const pig[] =
@@ -40,10 +39,10 @@ static char const pig[] =

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cucul_canvas_t *cv, *sprite;
caca_canvas_t *cv, *sprite;
caca_display_t *dp;

cv = cucul_create_canvas(80, 24);
cv = caca_create_canvas(80, 24);
if(cv == NULL)
printf("Failed to create canvas\n");
@@ -57,25 +56,25 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
return 1;

sprite = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
cucul_set_color_ansi(sprite, CUCUL_LIGHTRED, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_import_memory(sprite, pig, strlen(pig), "text");
cucul_set_canvas_handle(sprite, cucul_get_canvas_width(sprite) / 2,
cucul_get_canvas_height(sprite) / 2);
sprite = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
caca_set_color_ansi(sprite, CACA_LIGHTRED, CACA_BLACK);
caca_import_memory(sprite, pig, strlen(pig), "text");
caca_set_canvas_handle(sprite, caca_get_canvas_width(sprite) / 2,
caca_get_canvas_height(sprite) / 2);

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLUE);
cucul_put_str(cv, 0, 0, "Centered sprite");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE);
caca_put_str(cv, 0, 0, "Centered sprite");

cucul_blit(cv, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) / 2,
cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) / 2, sprite, NULL);
caca_blit(cv, caca_get_canvas_width(cv) / 2,
caca_get_canvas_height(cv) / 2, sprite, NULL);


caca_get_event(dp, CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS, NULL, -1);


return 0;

examples/cucul.c → examples/canvas.c 파일 보기

@@ -19,30 +19,29 @@
# include <string.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

#define ITER 128

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cucul_canvas_t *cv;
caca_canvas_t *cv;
unsigned int i, j, w, h;

fprintf(stderr, "testing cucul_create_canvas()\n");
fprintf(stderr, "testing caca_create_canvas()\n");
for(i = 0; i < ITER; i++)
w = cucul_rand(1, 1000);
h = cucul_rand(1, 1000);
cv = cucul_create_canvas(w, h);
cucul_put_char(cv, w - 1, h - 1, 'x');
if(cucul_get_char(cv, w - 1, h - 1) != 'x')
w = caca_rand(1, 1000);
h = caca_rand(1, 1000);
cv = caca_create_canvas(w, h);
caca_put_char(cv, w - 1, h - 1, 'x');
if(caca_get_char(cv, w - 1, h - 1) != 'x')
fprintf(stderr, " failed (%ux%u)\n", w, h);

fprintf(stderr, "testing cucul_set_frame_name()\n");
cv = cucul_create_canvas(1, 1);
fprintf(stderr, "testing caca_set_frame_name()\n");
cv = caca_create_canvas(1, 1);
if(cv == NULL)
printf("Failed to create canvas\n");
@@ -51,17 +50,17 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])

for(i = 0; i < ITER; i++)
cucul_create_frame(cv, 0);
caca_create_frame(cv, 0);
for(j = 0; j < ITER; j++)
char buf[BUFSIZ];
w = cucul_rand(1, 1000);
w = caca_rand(1, 1000);
memset(buf, 'x', w);
buf[w] = '\0';
cucul_set_frame_name(cv, buf);
caca_set_frame_name(cv, buf);

fprintf(stderr, "all tests passed\n");
return 0;

+ 19
- 20
examples/colors.c 파일 보기

@@ -18,16 +18,15 @@
# include <stdio.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
cucul_canvas_t *cv;
caca_canvas_t *cv;
caca_display_t *dp;
int i, j;

cv = cucul_create_canvas(80, 24);
cv = caca_create_canvas(80, 24);
if(cv == NULL)
printf("Failed to create canvas\n");
@@ -41,36 +40,36 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
return 1;

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY, CUCUL_BLACK);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_LIGHTGRAY, CACA_BLACK);
for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_printf(cv, 3, i + (i >= 8 ? 3 : 2), "ANSI %i", i);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_LIGHTGRAY, CACA_BLACK);
caca_printf(cv, 3, i + (i >= 8 ? 3 : 2), "ANSI %i", i);
for(j = 0; j < 16; j++)
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, i, j);
cucul_put_str(cv, (j >= 8 ? 13 : 12) + j * 4, i + (i >= 8 ? 3 : 2),
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, i, j);
caca_put_str(cv, (j >= 8 ? 13 : 12) + j * 4, i + (i >= 8 ? 3 : 2),

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_put_str(cv, 3, 20, "This is bold This is blink This is italics This is underline");
cucul_set_attr(cv, CUCUL_BOLD);
cucul_put_str(cv, 3 + 8, 20, "bold");
cucul_set_attr(cv, CUCUL_BLINK);
cucul_put_str(cv, 3 + 24, 20, "blink");
cucul_set_attr(cv, CUCUL_ITALICS);
cucul_put_str(cv, 3 + 41, 20, "italics");
cucul_set_attr(cv, CUCUL_UNDERLINE);
cucul_put_str(cv, 3 + 60, 20, "underline");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_LIGHTGRAY, CACA_BLACK);
caca_put_str(cv, 3, 20, "This is bold This is blink This is italics This is underline");
caca_set_attr(cv, CACA_BOLD);
caca_put_str(cv, 3 + 8, 20, "bold");
caca_set_attr(cv, CACA_BLINK);
caca_put_str(cv, 3 + 24, 20, "blink");
caca_set_attr(cv, CACA_ITALICS);
caca_put_str(cv, 3 + 41, 20, "italics");
caca_set_attr(cv, CACA_UNDERLINE);
caca_put_str(cv, 3 + 60, 20, "underline");

caca_get_event(dp, CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS, NULL, -1);


return 0;

+ 155
- 156
examples/demo.c 파일 보기

@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
# include <stdio.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

static void display_menu(void);
@@ -39,10 +38,10 @@ int bounds = 0;
int outline = 0;
int dithering = 0;
#if 0
cucul_sprite_t *sprite = NULL;
caca_sprite_t *sprite = NULL;

cucul_canvas_t *cv;
caca_canvas_t *cv;
caca_display_t *dp;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
@@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
void (*demo)(void) = NULL;
int quit = 0;

cv = cucul_create_canvas(80, 24);
cv = caca_create_canvas(80, 24);
if(cv == NULL)
printf("Failed to create canvas\n");
@@ -68,11 +67,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)

/* Initialize data */
#if 0
sprite = cucul_load_sprite(DATADIR "/caca.txt");
sprite = caca_load_sprite(DATADIR "/caca.txt");
sprite = cucul_load_sprite("caca.txt");
sprite = caca_load_sprite("caca.txt");
sprite = cucul_load_sprite("examples/caca.txt");
sprite = caca_load_sprite("examples/caca.txt");

/* Disable cursor */
@@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
case 'd':
case 'D':
dithering = (dithering + 1) % 5;
cucul_set_feature(cv, dithering);
caca_set_feature(cv, dithering);
@@ -157,8 +156,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY, CUCUL_BLACK);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_LIGHTGRAY, CACA_BLACK);
else if(caca_get_event_type(&ev) & CACA_EVENT_MOUSE_MOTION)
@@ -178,9 +177,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if(mouse && !demo)
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_RED, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_put_str(cv, xmouse, ymouse, ".");
cucul_put_str(cv, xmouse, ymouse + 1, "|\\");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_RED, CACA_BLACK);
caca_put_str(cv, xmouse, ymouse, ".");
caca_put_str(cv, xmouse, ymouse + 1, "|\\");
mouse = menu = 0;
@@ -190,10 +189,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_draw_thin_box(cv, 1, 1, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) - 2,
cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) - 2);
cucul_printf(cv, 4, 1, "[%i.%i fps]----",
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_LIGHTGRAY, CACA_BLACK);
caca_draw_thin_box(cv, 1, 1, caca_get_canvas_width(cv) - 2,
caca_get_canvas_height(cv) - 2);
caca_printf(cv, 4, 1, "[%i.%i fps]----",
1000000 / caca_get_display_time(dp),
(10000000 / caca_get_display_time(dp)) % 10);
@@ -202,49 +201,49 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)

/* Clean up */
#if 0

return 0;

static void display_menu(void)
int xo = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) - 2;
int yo = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) - 2;
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_draw_thin_box(cv, 1, 1, xo, yo);
cucul_put_str(cv, (xo - strlen("libcaca demo")) / 2, 3, "libcaca demo");
cucul_put_str(cv, (xo - strlen("==============")) / 2, 4, "==============");
cucul_put_str(cv, 4, 6, "demos:");
cucul_put_str(cv, 4, 7, "'f': full");
cucul_put_str(cv, 4, 8, "'1': dots");
cucul_put_str(cv, 4, 9, "'2': lines");
cucul_put_str(cv, 4, 10, "'3': boxes");
cucul_put_str(cv, 4, 11, "'4': triangles");
cucul_put_str(cv, 4, 12, "'5': ellipses");
cucul_put_str(cv, 4, 13, "'c': colour");
cucul_put_str(cv, 4, 14, "'r': render");
int xo = caca_get_canvas_width(cv) - 2;
int yo = caca_get_canvas_height(cv) - 2;
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_LIGHTGRAY, CACA_BLACK);
caca_draw_thin_box(cv, 1, 1, xo, yo);
caca_put_str(cv, (xo - strlen("libcaca demo")) / 2, 3, "libcaca demo");
caca_put_str(cv, (xo - strlen("==============")) / 2, 4, "==============");
caca_put_str(cv, 4, 6, "demos:");
caca_put_str(cv, 4, 7, "'f': full");
caca_put_str(cv, 4, 8, "'1': dots");
caca_put_str(cv, 4, 9, "'2': lines");
caca_put_str(cv, 4, 10, "'3': boxes");
caca_put_str(cv, 4, 11, "'4': triangles");
caca_put_str(cv, 4, 12, "'5': ellipses");
caca_put_str(cv, 4, 13, "'c': colour");
caca_put_str(cv, 4, 14, "'r': render");
#if 0
cucul_put_str(cv, 4, 15, "'s': sprites");
caca_put_str(cv, 4, 15, "'s': sprites");

cucul_put_str(cv, 4, 16, "settings:");
cucul_printf(cv, 4, 17, "'o': outline: %s",
caca_put_str(cv, 4, 16, "settings:");
caca_printf(cv, 4, 17, "'o': outline: %s",
outline == 0 ? "none" : outline == 1 ? "solid" : "thin");
cucul_printf(cv, 4, 18, "'b': drawing boundaries: %s",
caca_printf(cv, 4, 18, "'b': drawing boundaries: %s",
bounds == 0 ? "screen" : "infinite");
//cucul_printf(cv, 4, 19, "'d': dithering (%s)",
// cucul_get_feature_name(dithering));
//caca_printf(cv, 4, 19, "'d': dithering (%s)",
// caca_get_feature_name(dithering));

cucul_put_str(cv, 4, yo - 2, "'q': quit");
caca_put_str(cv, 4, yo - 2, "'q': quit");

@@ -257,104 +256,104 @@ static void demo_all(void)


cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY, CUCUL_BLACK);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_LIGHTGRAY, CACA_BLACK);

/* Draw the sun */
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_YELLOW, CUCUL_BLACK);
xo = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) / 4;
yo = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) / 4 + 5 * sin(0.03*i);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_YELLOW, CACA_BLACK);
xo = caca_get_canvas_width(cv) / 4;
yo = caca_get_canvas_height(cv) / 4 + 5 * sin(0.03*i);

for(j = 0; j < 16; j++)
xa = xo - (30 + sin(0.03*i) * 8) * sin(0.03*i + M_PI*j/8);
ya = yo + (15 + sin(0.03*i) * 4) * cos(0.03*i + M_PI*j/8);
cucul_draw_thin_line(cv, xo, yo, xa, ya);
caca_draw_thin_line(cv, xo, yo, xa, ya);

j = 15 + sin(0.03*i) * 8;
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_fill_ellipse(cv, xo, yo, j, j / 2, '#');
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_YELLOW, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_draw_ellipse(cv, xo, yo, j, j / 2, '#');
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLACK);
caca_fill_ellipse(cv, xo, yo, j, j / 2, '#');
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_YELLOW, CACA_BLACK);
caca_draw_ellipse(cv, xo, yo, j, j / 2, '#');

/* Draw the pyramid */
xo = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) * 5 / 8;
xo = caca_get_canvas_width(cv) * 5 / 8;
yo = 2;

xa = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) / 8 + sin(0.03*i) * 5;
ya = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) / 2 + cos(0.03*i) * 5;
xa = caca_get_canvas_width(cv) / 8 + sin(0.03*i) * 5;
ya = caca_get_canvas_height(cv) / 2 + cos(0.03*i) * 5;

xb = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) - 10 - cos(0.02*i) * 10;
yb = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) * 3 / 4 - 5 + sin(0.02*i) * 5;
xb = caca_get_canvas_width(cv) - 10 - cos(0.02*i) * 10;
yb = caca_get_canvas_height(cv) * 3 / 4 - 5 + sin(0.02*i) * 5;

xc = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) / 4 - sin(0.02*i) * 5;
yc = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) * 3 / 4 + cos(0.02*i) * 5;
xc = caca_get_canvas_width(cv) / 4 - sin(0.02*i) * 5;
yc = caca_get_canvas_height(cv) * 3 / 4 + cos(0.02*i) * 5;

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_GREEN, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_fill_triangle(cv, xo, yo, xb, yb, xa, ya, '%');
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_YELLOW, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_draw_thin_triangle(cv, xo, yo, xb, yb, xa, ya);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_GREEN, CACA_BLACK);
caca_fill_triangle(cv, xo, yo, xb, yb, xa, ya, '%');
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_YELLOW, CACA_BLACK);
caca_draw_thin_triangle(cv, xo, yo, xb, yb, xa, ya);

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_RED, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_fill_triangle(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc, '#');
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_YELLOW, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_draw_thin_triangle(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_RED, CACA_BLACK);
caca_fill_triangle(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc, '#');
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_YELLOW, CACA_BLACK);
caca_draw_thin_triangle(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc);

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_BLUE, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_fill_triangle(cv, xo, yo, xb, yb, xc, yc, '%');
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_YELLOW, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_draw_thin_triangle(cv, xo, yo, xb, yb, xc, yc);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_BLUE, CACA_BLACK);
caca_fill_triangle(cv, xo, yo, xb, yb, xc, yc, '%');
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_YELLOW, CACA_BLACK);
caca_draw_thin_triangle(cv, xo, yo, xb, yb, xc, yc);

/* Draw a background triangle */
xa = 2;
ya = 2;

xb = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) - 3;
yb = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) / 2;
xb = caca_get_canvas_width(cv) - 3;
yb = caca_get_canvas_height(cv) / 2;

xc = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) / 3;
yc = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) - 3;
xc = caca_get_canvas_width(cv) / 3;
yc = caca_get_canvas_height(cv) - 3;

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_CYAN, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_draw_thin_triangle(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_CYAN, CACA_BLACK);
caca_draw_thin_triangle(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc);

xo = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) / 2 + cos(0.027*i) * cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) / 3;
yo = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) / 2 - sin(0.027*i) * cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) / 2;
xo = caca_get_canvas_width(cv) / 2 + cos(0.027*i) * caca_get_canvas_width(cv) / 3;
yo = caca_get_canvas_height(cv) / 2 - sin(0.027*i) * caca_get_canvas_height(cv) / 2;

cucul_draw_thin_line(cv, xa, ya, xo, yo);
cucul_draw_thin_line(cv, xb, yb, xo, yo);
cucul_draw_thin_line(cv, xc, yc, xo, yo);
caca_draw_thin_line(cv, xa, ya, xo, yo);
caca_draw_thin_line(cv, xb, yb, xo, yo);
caca_draw_thin_line(cv, xc, yc, xo, yo);

/* Draw a sprite on the pyramid */
#if 0
cucul_draw_sprite(cv, xo, yo, sprite, 0);
caca_draw_sprite(cv, xo, yo, sprite, 0);

/* Draw a trail behind the foreground sprite */
for(j = i - 60; j < i; j++)
int delta = cucul_rand(-5, 6);
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, cucul_rand(0, 16), cucul_rand(0, 16));
cucul_put_char(cv, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) / 2
+ cos(0.02*j) * (delta + cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) / 4),
cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) / 2
+ sin(0.02*j) * (delta + cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) / 3),
int delta = caca_rand(-5, 6);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, caca_rand(0, 16), caca_rand(0, 16));
caca_put_char(cv, caca_get_canvas_width(cv) / 2
+ cos(0.02*j) * (delta + caca_get_canvas_width(cv) / 4),
caca_get_canvas_height(cv) / 2
+ sin(0.02*j) * (delta + caca_get_canvas_height(cv) / 3),

/* Draw foreground sprite */
#if 0
cucul_draw_sprite(cv, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) / 2 + cos(0.02*i) * cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) / 4,
cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) / 2 + sin(0.02*i) * cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) / 3,
caca_draw_sprite(cv, caca_get_canvas_width(cv) / 2 + cos(0.02*i) * caca_get_canvas_width(cv) / 4,
caca_get_canvas_height(cv) / 2 + sin(0.02*i) * caca_get_canvas_height(cv) / 3,
sprite, 0);

static void demo_dots(void)
int xmax = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv);
int ymax = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv);
int xmax = caca_get_canvas_width(cv);
int ymax = caca_get_canvas_height(cv);
int i;
static char chars[10] =
@@ -364,136 +363,136 @@ static void demo_dots(void)
for(i = 1000; i--;)
/* Putpixel */
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, cucul_rand(0, 16), cucul_rand(0, 16));
cucul_put_char(cv, cucul_rand(0, xmax), cucul_rand(0, ymax),
chars[cucul_rand(0, 9)]);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, caca_rand(0, 16), caca_rand(0, 16));
caca_put_char(cv, caca_rand(0, xmax), caca_rand(0, ymax),
chars[caca_rand(0, 9)]);

static void demo_lines(void)
int w = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv);
int h = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv);
int w = caca_get_canvas_width(cv);
int h = caca_get_canvas_height(cv);
int xa, ya, xb, yb;

xa = cucul_rand(- w, 2 * w); ya = cucul_rand(- h, 2 * h);
xb = cucul_rand(- w, 2 * w); yb = cucul_rand(- h, 2 * h);
xa = caca_rand(- w, 2 * w); ya = caca_rand(- h, 2 * h);
xb = caca_rand(- w, 2 * w); yb = caca_rand(- h, 2 * h);
xa = cucul_rand(0, w); ya = cucul_rand(0, h);
xb = cucul_rand(0, w); yb = cucul_rand(0, h);
xa = caca_rand(0, w); ya = caca_rand(0, h);
xb = caca_rand(0, w); yb = caca_rand(0, h);

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, cucul_rand(0, 16), CUCUL_BLACK);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, caca_rand(0, 16), CACA_BLACK);
if(outline > 1)
cucul_draw_thin_line(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb);
caca_draw_thin_line(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb);
cucul_draw_line(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb, '#');
caca_draw_line(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb, '#');

static void demo_boxes(void)
int w = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv);
int h = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv);
int w = caca_get_canvas_width(cv);
int h = caca_get_canvas_height(cv);
int xa, ya, xb, yb;

xa = cucul_rand(- w, 2 * w); ya = cucul_rand(- h, 2 * h);
xb = cucul_rand(- w, 2 * w); yb = cucul_rand(- h, 2 * h);
xa = caca_rand(- w, 2 * w); ya = caca_rand(- h, 2 * h);
xb = caca_rand(- w, 2 * w); yb = caca_rand(- h, 2 * h);
xa = cucul_rand(0, w); ya = cucul_rand(0, h);
xb = cucul_rand(0, w); yb = cucul_rand(0, h);
xa = caca_rand(0, w); ya = caca_rand(0, h);
xb = caca_rand(0, w); yb = caca_rand(0, h);

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, cucul_rand(0, 16), cucul_rand(0, 16));
cucul_fill_box(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb, '#');
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, caca_rand(0, 16), caca_rand(0, 16));
caca_fill_box(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb, '#');

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, cucul_rand(0, 16), CUCUL_BLACK);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, caca_rand(0, 16), CACA_BLACK);
if(outline == 2)
cucul_draw_thin_box(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb);
caca_draw_thin_box(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb);
else if(outline == 1)
cucul_draw_box(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb, '#');
caca_draw_box(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb, '#');

static void demo_ellipses(void)
int w = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv);
int h = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv);
int w = caca_get_canvas_width(cv);
int h = caca_get_canvas_height(cv);
int x, y, a, b;

x = cucul_rand(- w, 2 * w); y = cucul_rand(- h, 2 * h);
a = cucul_rand(0, w); b = cucul_rand(0, h);
x = caca_rand(- w, 2 * w); y = caca_rand(- h, 2 * h);
a = caca_rand(0, w); b = caca_rand(0, h);
x = cucul_rand(0, w); y = cucul_rand(0, h);
a = cucul_rand(0, w); b = cucul_rand(0, h);
x = caca_rand(0, w); y = caca_rand(0, h);
a = caca_rand(0, w); b = caca_rand(0, h);

} while(x - a < 0 || x + a >= w || y - b < 0 || y + b >= h);

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, cucul_rand(0, 16), cucul_rand(0, 16));
cucul_fill_ellipse(cv, x, y, a, b, '#');
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, caca_rand(0, 16), caca_rand(0, 16));
caca_fill_ellipse(cv, x, y, a, b, '#');

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, cucul_rand(0, 16), CUCUL_BLACK);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, caca_rand(0, 16), CACA_BLACK);
if(outline == 2)
cucul_draw_thin_ellipse(cv, x, y, a, b);
caca_draw_thin_ellipse(cv, x, y, a, b);
else if(outline == 1)
cucul_draw_ellipse(cv, x, y, a, b, '#');
caca_draw_ellipse(cv, x, y, a, b, '#');

static void demo_triangles(void)
int w = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv);
int h = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv);
int w = caca_get_canvas_width(cv);
int h = caca_get_canvas_height(cv);
int xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc;

xa = cucul_rand(- w, 2 * w); ya = cucul_rand(- h, 2 * h);
xb = cucul_rand(- w, 2 * w); yb = cucul_rand(- h, 2 * h);
xc = cucul_rand(- w, 2 * w); yc = cucul_rand(- h, 2 * h);
xa = caca_rand(- w, 2 * w); ya = caca_rand(- h, 2 * h);
xb = caca_rand(- w, 2 * w); yb = caca_rand(- h, 2 * h);
xc = caca_rand(- w, 2 * w); yc = caca_rand(- h, 2 * h);

xa = cucul_rand(0, w); ya = cucul_rand(0, h);
xb = cucul_rand(0, w); yb = cucul_rand(0, h);
xc = cucul_rand(0, w); yc = cucul_rand(0, h);
xa = caca_rand(0, w); ya = caca_rand(0, h);
xb = caca_rand(0, w); yb = caca_rand(0, h);
xc = caca_rand(0, w); yc = caca_rand(0, h);

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, cucul_rand(0, 16), cucul_rand(0, 16));
cucul_fill_triangle(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc, '#');
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, caca_rand(0, 16), caca_rand(0, 16));
caca_fill_triangle(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc, '#');

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, cucul_rand(0, 16), CUCUL_BLACK);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, caca_rand(0, 16), CACA_BLACK);
if(outline == 2)
cucul_draw_thin_triangle(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc);
caca_draw_thin_triangle(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc);
else if(outline == 1)
cucul_draw_triangle(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc, '#');
caca_draw_triangle(cv, xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc, '#');
#if 0
static void demo_sprites(void)

cucul_draw_sprite(cv, cucul_rand(0, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv)),
cucul_rand(0, cucul_get_canvas_height(cv)), sprite, 0);
caca_draw_sprite(cv, caca_rand(0, caca_get_canvas_width(cv)),
caca_rand(0, caca_get_canvas_height(cv)), sprite, 0);

#if 0
static void demo_render(void)
cucul_dither_t *dither;
caca_dither_t *dither;
//short buffer[256*256];
//short *dest = buffer;
int buffer[256*256];
@@ -510,12 +509,12 @@ static void demo_render(void)
//*dest++ = ((x >> 3) << 11) | ((y >> 2) << 5) | ((z >> 3));
*dest++ = (x << 16) | (y << 8) | (z);
cucul_set_dither_invert(dither, 1);
//dither = cucul_create_dither(16, 256, 256, 2 * 256, 0xf800, 0x07e0, 0x001f, 0x0000);
dither = cucul_create_dither(32, 256, 256, 4 * 256, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000);
cucul_dither_bitmap(cv, 0, 0, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv), cucul_get_canvas_height(cv),
caca_set_dither_invert(dither, 1);
//dither = caca_create_dither(16, 256, 256, 2 * 256, 0xf800, 0x07e0, 0x001f, 0x0000);
dither = caca_create_dither(32, 256, 256, 4 * 256, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000);
caca_dither_bitmap(cv, 0, 0, caca_get_canvas_width(cv), caca_get_canvas_height(cv),
dither, buffer);

@@ -523,7 +522,7 @@ static void draw_circle(int *buffer, int xo, int yo, int r, int mask, int val);

static void demo_render(void)
cucul_dither_t *dither;
caca_dither_t *dither;
int buffer[256*256];
int *dest;
int x, y, z, xo, yo;
@@ -556,10 +555,10 @@ static void demo_render(void)
for(z = 0; z < 240; z++)
draw_circle(buffer, xo, yo, z, 0x000000ff, 200);

dither = cucul_create_dither(32, 256, 256, 4 * 256, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000);
cucul_set_dither_gamma(dither, -1.0);
cucul_dither_bitmap(cv, 0, 0, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv), cucul_get_canvas_height(cv), dither, (char *)buffer);
dither = caca_create_dither(32, 256, 256, 4 * 256, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000);
caca_set_dither_gamma(dither, -1.0);
caca_dither_bitmap(cv, 0, 0, caca_get_canvas_width(cv), caca_get_canvas_height(cv), dither, (char *)buffer);

static void draw_circle(int *buffer, int x, int y, int r, int mask, int val)

+ 17
- 18
examples/dithering.c 파일 보기

@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
# include <stdio.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

#define XRATIO 100*100
@@ -27,20 +26,20 @@

unsigned int points[] =

char density[] = " ',+:;o&%w$W@#";

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cucul_canvas_t *cv;
caca_canvas_t *cv;
caca_display_t *dp;
int neara, dista, nearb, distb, dist;
int x, y;

cv = cucul_create_canvas(80, 24);
cv = caca_create_canvas(80, 24);
if(cv == NULL)
printf("Failed to create canvas\n");
@@ -67,7 +66,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])

/* distance to 40% */
dist = XRATIO * (x - 40) * (x - 40) + YRATIO * y * y;
if(cucul_rand(-FUZZY, FUZZY+1) + dist < dista)
if(caca_rand(-FUZZY, FUZZY+1) + dist < dista)
nearb = neara; distb = dista; neara = 1; dista = dist;
@@ -78,22 +77,22 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])

/* check dist to 70% */
dist = XRATIO * (x - 70) * (x - 70) + YRATIO * y * y;
if(cucul_rand(-FUZZY, FUZZY+1) + dist < dista)
if(caca_rand(-FUZZY, FUZZY+1) + dist < dista)
nearb = neara; distb = dista; neara = 2; dista = dist;
else if(cucul_rand(-FUZZY, FUZZY+1) + dist < distb)
else if(caca_rand(-FUZZY, FUZZY+1) + dist < distb)
nearb = 2; distb = dist;

/* check dist to white */
dist = XRATIO * (x - 100) * (x - 100) + YRATIO * y * y;
if(cucul_rand(-FUZZY, FUZZY+1) + dist < dista)
if(caca_rand(-FUZZY, FUZZY+1) + dist < dista)
nearb = neara; distb = dista; neara = 3; dista = dist;
else if(cucul_rand(-FUZZY, FUZZY+1) + dist < distb)
else if(caca_rand(-FUZZY, FUZZY+1) + dist < distb)
nearb = 3; distb = dist;
@@ -102,11 +101,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* check dist to dark */
dist = XRATIO * (x - 40) * (x - 40) + YRATIO * (y - 100) * (y - 100);
dist = dist * 12 / 16;
if(cucul_rand(-FUZZY, FUZZY+1) + dist < dista)
if(caca_rand(-FUZZY, FUZZY+1) + dist < dista)
nearb = neara; distb = dista; neara = 4; dista = dist;
else if(cucul_rand(-FUZZY, FUZZY+1) + dist < distb)
else if(caca_rand(-FUZZY, FUZZY+1) + dist < distb)
nearb = 4; distb = dist;
@@ -114,11 +113,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* check dist to light */
dist = XRATIO * (x - 100) * (x - 100) + YRATIO * (y - 100) * (y - 100);
dist = dist * 8 / 16;
if(cucul_rand(-FUZZY, FUZZY+1) + dist < dista)
if(caca_rand(-FUZZY, FUZZY+1) + dist < dista)
nearb = neara; distb = dista; neara = 5; dista = dist;
else if(cucul_rand(-FUZZY, FUZZY+1) + dist < distb)
else if(caca_rand(-FUZZY, FUZZY+1) + dist < distb)
nearb = 5; distb = dist;
@@ -129,10 +128,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
ch = density[distb * 2 * 13 / (dista + distb)];
ch = density[dista * 2 * 13 / (dista + distb)];
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, points[nearb], points[neara]);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, points[nearb], points[neara]);

cucul_put_char(cv, x * cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) / 100,
(100 - y) * cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) / 100, ch);
caca_put_char(cv, x * caca_get_canvas_width(cv) / 100,
(100 - y) * caca_get_canvas_height(cv) / 100, ch);

@@ -140,7 +139,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
caca_get_event(dp, CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS, NULL, -1);


return 0;

+ 6
- 7
examples/driver.c 파일 보기

@@ -19,14 +19,13 @@
# include <stdio.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char const * const *list;
caca_display_t *dp;
cucul_canvas_t *cv;
caca_canvas_t *cv;

list = caca_get_display_driver_list();

@@ -38,14 +37,14 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])

cv = caca_get_canvas(dp);
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLACK);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLACK);

char const *driver;
int i, cur = 0;

cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 0, "Available drivers:");
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 0, "Available drivers:");

driver = caca_get_display_driver(dp);

@@ -55,12 +54,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])

cur = i;
cucul_draw_line(cv, 0, i + 2, 9999, i + 2, ' ');
cucul_printf(cv, 2, i + 2, "%c %s (%s)",
caca_draw_line(cv, 0, i + 2, 9999, i + 2, ' ');
caca_printf(cv, 2, i + 2, "%c %s (%s)",
match ? '*' : ' ', list[i], list[i + 1]);

cucul_put_str(cv, 1, i + 2, "Switching driver in 5 seconds");
caca_put_str(cv, 1, i + 2, "Switching driver in 5 seconds");


+ 24
- 25
examples/event.c 파일 보기

@@ -20,10 +20,9 @@
# include <stdlib.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

static cucul_canvas_t *cv;
static caca_canvas_t *cv;
static caca_display_t *dp;

static void print_event(int, int, caca_event_t *);
@@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
caca_event_t *events;
int i, h, quit;

cv = cucul_create_canvas(80, 24);
cv = caca_create_canvas(80, 24);
if(cv == NULL)
printf("Failed to create canvas\n");
@@ -47,13 +46,13 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
return 1;

h = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) - 1;
h = caca_get_canvas_height(cv) - 1;

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLUE);
cucul_draw_line(cv, 0, 0, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) - 1, 0, ' ');
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE);
caca_draw_line(cv, 0, 0, caca_get_canvas_width(cv) - 1, 0, ' ');

cucul_draw_line(cv, 0, h, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) - 1, h, ' ');
cucul_put_str(cv, 0, h, "type \"quit\" to exit");
caca_draw_line(cv, 0, h, caca_get_canvas_width(cv) - 1, h, ' ');
caca_put_str(cv, 0, h, "type \"quit\" to exit");


@@ -91,19 +90,19 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY, CUCUL_BLACK);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_LIGHTGRAY, CACA_BLACK);

/* Print current event */
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLUE);
cucul_draw_line(cv, 0, 0, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) - 1, 0, ' ');
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE);
caca_draw_line(cv, 0, 0, caca_get_canvas_width(cv) - 1, 0, ' ');
print_event(0, 0, events);

cucul_draw_line(cv, 0, h, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) - 1, h, ' ');
cucul_printf(cv, 0, h, "type \"quit\" to exit: %s", quit_string[quit]);
caca_draw_line(cv, 0, h, caca_get_canvas_width(cv) - 1, h, ' ');
caca_printf(cv, 0, h, "type \"quit\" to exit: %s", quit_string[quit]);

/* Print previous events */
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLACK);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLACK);
for(i = 1; i < h && caca_get_event_type(&events[i]); i++)
print_event(0, i, events + i);

@@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* Clean up */

return 0;
@@ -125,40 +124,40 @@ static void print_event(int x, int y, caca_event_t *ev)
cucul_printf(cv, x, y, "CACA_EVENT_NONE");
caca_printf(cv, x, y, "CACA_EVENT_NONE");
character = caca_get_event_key_ch(ev);
cucul_printf(cv, x, y, "CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS 0x%02x (%c)", character,
caca_printf(cv, x, y, "CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS 0x%02x (%c)", character,
(character > 0x1f && character < 0x80) ? character : '?');
character = caca_get_event_key_ch(ev);
cucul_printf(cv, x, y, "CACA_EVENT_KEY_RELEASE 0x%02x (%c)", character,
caca_printf(cv, x, y, "CACA_EVENT_KEY_RELEASE 0x%02x (%c)", character,
(character > 0x1f && character < 0x80) ? character : '?');
cucul_printf(cv, x, y, "CACA_EVENT_MOUSE_MOTION %u %u",
caca_printf(cv, x, y, "CACA_EVENT_MOUSE_MOTION %u %u",
caca_get_event_mouse_x(ev), caca_get_event_mouse_y(ev));
cucul_printf(cv, x, y, "CACA_EVENT_MOUSE_PRESS %u",
caca_printf(cv, x, y, "CACA_EVENT_MOUSE_PRESS %u",
cucul_printf(cv, x, y, "CACA_EVENT_MOUSE_RELEASE %u",
caca_printf(cv, x, y, "CACA_EVENT_MOUSE_RELEASE %u",
cucul_printf(cv, x, y, "CACA_EVENT_RESIZE %u %u",
caca_printf(cv, x, y, "CACA_EVENT_RESIZE %u %u",
cucul_printf(cv, x, y, "CACA_EVENT_QUIT");
caca_printf(cv, x, y, "CACA_EVENT_QUIT");
cucul_printf(cv, x, y, "CACA_EVENT_UNKNOWN");
caca_printf(cv, x, y, "CACA_EVENT_UNKNOWN");

+ 45
- 45
examples/export.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* export libcucul export test program
* export libcaca export test program
* Copyright (c) 2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
# include <string.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

#define WIDTH 80
#define HEIGHT 32
@@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ uint32_t pixels[256*256];

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cucul_canvas_t *cv;
cucul_dither_t *dither;
caca_canvas_t *cv;
caca_dither_t *dither;
void *buffer;
char *file, *format;
char const * const * exports, * const * p;
size_t len;
int x, y;

exports = cucul_get_export_list();
exports = caca_get_export_list();

if(argc < 2 || argc > 3)
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])

cv = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
if(cucul_import_file(cv, file, "") < 0)
cv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
if(caca_import_file(cv, file, "") < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: `%s' has unknown format\n", argv[0], file);
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cv = cucul_create_canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
cv = caca_create_canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

for(y = 0; y < 256; y++)
@@ -97,62 +97,62 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])

dither = cucul_create_dither(32, 256, 256, 4 * 256,
dither = caca_create_dither(32, 256, 256, 4 * 256,
0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0x0);
if(!strcmp(format, "ansi") || !strcmp(format, "utf8"))
cucul_set_dither_charset(dither, "shades");
cucul_dither_bitmap(cv, 0, 0, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv),
cucul_get_canvas_height(cv), dither, pixels);
caca_set_dither_charset(dither, "shades");
caca_dither_bitmap(cv, 0, 0, caca_get_canvas_width(cv),
caca_get_canvas_height(cv), dither, pixels);

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_draw_thin_box(cv, 0, 0, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLACK);
caca_draw_thin_box(cv, 0, 0, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1);

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_BLACK, CUCUL_WHITE);
cucul_fill_ellipse(cv, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2,
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_BLACK, CACA_WHITE);
caca_fill_ellipse(cv, WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2,
WIDTH / 4, HEIGHT / 4, ' ');

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 12, HEIGHT / 2 - 6,
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_LIGHTGRAY, CACA_BLACK);
caca_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 12, HEIGHT / 2 - 6,
" lightgray on black ");
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_DEFAULT, CUCUL_TRANSPARENT);
cucul_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 12, HEIGHT / 2 - 5,
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_DEFAULT, CACA_TRANSPARENT);
caca_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 12, HEIGHT / 2 - 5,
" default on transparent ");
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_BLACK, CUCUL_WHITE);
cucul_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 12, HEIGHT / 2 - 4,
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_BLACK, CACA_WHITE);
caca_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 12, HEIGHT / 2 - 4,
" black on white ");

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_BLACK, CUCUL_WHITE);
cucul_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 8, HEIGHT / 2 - 3, "[<><><><> <>--<>]");
cucul_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 8, HEIGHT / 2 - 2, "[ドラゴン ボーレ]");
cucul_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 7, HEIGHT / 2 + 2, "äβç ░▒▓█▓▒░ ΔЗҒ");
cucul_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 5, HEIGHT / 2 + 4, "(\") \\o/ <&>");
cucul_set_attr(cv, CUCUL_BOLD);
cucul_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 16, HEIGHT / 2 + 3, "Bold");
cucul_set_attr(cv, CUCUL_BLINK);
cucul_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 9, HEIGHT / 2 + 3, "Blink");
cucul_set_attr(cv, CUCUL_ITALICS);
cucul_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 1, HEIGHT / 2 + 3, "Italics");
cucul_set_attr(cv, CUCUL_UNDERLINE);
cucul_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 + 8, HEIGHT / 2 + 3, "Underline");
cucul_set_attr(cv, 0);
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_LIGHTBLUE);
cucul_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 7, HEIGHT / 2, " LIBCACA ");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_BLACK, CACA_WHITE);
caca_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 8, HEIGHT / 2 - 3, "[<><><><> <>--<>]");
caca_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 8, HEIGHT / 2 - 2, "[ドラゴン ボーレ]");
caca_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 7, HEIGHT / 2 + 2, "äβç ░▒▓█▓▒░ ΔЗҒ");
caca_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 5, HEIGHT / 2 + 4, "(\") \\o/ <&>");
caca_set_attr(cv, CACA_BOLD);
caca_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 16, HEIGHT / 2 + 3, "Bold");
caca_set_attr(cv, CACA_BLINK);
caca_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 9, HEIGHT / 2 + 3, "Blink");
caca_set_attr(cv, CACA_ITALICS);
caca_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 1, HEIGHT / 2 + 3, "Italics");
caca_set_attr(cv, CACA_UNDERLINE);
caca_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 + 8, HEIGHT / 2 + 3, "Underline");
caca_set_attr(cv, 0);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_LIGHTBLUE);
caca_put_str(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 7, HEIGHT / 2, " LIBCACA ");

for(x = 0; x < 16; x++)
cucul_set_color_argb(cv, 0xff00 | x, 0xf00f | (x << 4));
cucul_put_char(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 7 + x, HEIGHT / 2 + 6, '#');
caca_set_color_argb(cv, 0xff00 | x, 0xf00f | (x << 4));
caca_put_char(cv, WIDTH / 2 - 7 + x, HEIGHT / 2 + 6, '#');

buffer = cucul_export_memory(cv, format, &len);
buffer = caca_export_memory(cv, format, &len);
fwrite(buffer, len, 1, stdout);


return 0;

+ 9
- 9
examples/figfont.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* figfont libcucul FIGfont test program
* figfont libcaca FIGfont test program
* Copyright (c) 2007 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
# include <stdlib.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cucul_canvas_t *cv;
caca_canvas_t *cv;
void *buffer;
size_t len;
uint8_t color = 0;
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
return -1;

cv = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
if(cucul_canvas_set_figfont(cv, argv[1]))
cv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
if(caca_canvas_set_figfont(cv, argv[1]))
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open font\n");
return -1;
@@ -43,15 +43,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, 1 + ((color += 4) % 15), CUCUL_TRANSPARENT);
cucul_put_figchar(cv, argv[2]++[0]);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, 1 + ((color += 4) % 15), CACA_TRANSPARENT);
caca_put_figchar(cv, argv[2]++[0]);

buffer = cucul_export_memory(cv, "utf8", &len);
buffer = caca_export_memory(cv, "utf8", &len);
fwrite(buffer, len, 1, stdout);


return 0;

+ 27
- 28
examples/font.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* font libcucul font test program
* font libcaca font test program
* Copyright (c) 2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -24,21 +24,20 @@
# include <string.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cucul_canvas_t *cv;
caca_canvas_t *cv;
caca_display_t *dp;
cucul_font_t *f;
cucul_dither_t *d;
caca_font_t *f;
caca_dither_t *d;
uint8_t *buf;
unsigned int w, h;
char const * const * fonts;

/* Create a canvas */
cv = cucul_create_canvas(8, 2);
cv = caca_create_canvas(8, 2);
if(cv == NULL)
printf("Can't create canvas\n");
@@ -47,21 +46,21 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])

/* Draw stuff on our canvas */
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_put_str(cv, 0, 0, "ABcde");
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_LIGHTRED, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_put_str(cv, 5, 0, "\\o/");
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLUE);
cucul_put_str(cv, 0, 1, "&$âøÿØ?!");
/* Load a libcucul internal font */
fonts = cucul_get_font_list();
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLACK);
caca_put_str(cv, 0, 0, "ABcde");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_LIGHTRED, CACA_BLACK);
caca_put_str(cv, 5, 0, "\\o/");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE);
caca_put_str(cv, 0, 1, "&$âøÿØ?!");
/* Load a libcaca internal font */
fonts = caca_get_font_list();
if(fonts[0] == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "error: libcucul was compiled without any fonts\n");
fprintf(stderr, "error: libcaca was compiled without any fonts\n");
return -1;
f = cucul_load_font(fonts[0], 0);
f = caca_load_font(fonts[0], 0);
if(f == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "error: could not load font \"%s\"\n", fonts[0]);
@@ -69,15 +68,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])

/* Create our bitmap buffer (32-bit ARGB) */
w = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) * cucul_get_font_width(f);
h = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) * cucul_get_font_height(f);
w = caca_get_canvas_width(cv) * caca_get_font_width(f);
h = caca_get_canvas_height(cv) * caca_get_font_height(f);
buf = malloc(4 * w * h);

/* Render the canvas onto our image buffer */
cucul_render_canvas(cv, f, buf, w, h, 4 * w);
caca_render_canvas(cv, f, buf, w, h, 4 * w);

/* Just for fun, render the image using libcaca */
cucul_set_canvas_size(cv, 80, 32);
caca_set_canvas_size(cv, 80, 32);
dp = caca_create_display(cv);

@@ -88,15 +87,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
uint32_t const tmp = 0x12345678;
if(*(uint8_t const *)&tmp == 0x12)
d = cucul_create_dither(32, w, h, 4 * w,
d = caca_create_dither(32, w, h, 4 * w,
0xff0000, 0xff00, 0xff, 0xff000000);
d = cucul_create_dither(32, w, h, 4 * w,
d = caca_create_dither(32, w, h, 4 * w,
0xff00, 0xff0000, 0xff000000, 0xff);

cucul_dither_bitmap(cv, 0, 0, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv),
cucul_get_canvas_height(cv), d, buf);
caca_dither_bitmap(cv, 0, 0, caca_get_canvas_width(cv),
caca_get_canvas_height(cv), d, buf);

caca_get_event(dp, CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS, NULL, -1);
@@ -104,9 +103,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Free everything */

return 0;

+ 17
- 17
examples/font2tga.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* font2tga libcucul font test program
* font2tga libcaca font test program
* Copyright (c) 2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -19,27 +19,27 @@
# include <stdlib.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
uint32_t const *blocks;
cucul_font_t *f;
caca_font_t *f;
char const * const * fonts;
cucul_canvas_t *cv;
caca_canvas_t *cv;
void *buffer;
size_t len;
unsigned int i, j, x, y, cells, width;

fonts = cucul_get_font_list();
f = cucul_load_font(fonts[0], 0);
blocks = cucul_get_font_blocks(f);
fonts = caca_get_font_list();
f = caca_load_font(fonts[0], 0);
blocks = caca_get_font_blocks(f);

for(i = 0, cells = 0; blocks[i + 1]; i += 2)
cells += blocks[i + 1] - blocks[i];
for(j = blocks[i]; j < blocks[i + 1]; j++)

@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])

/* Create a canvas */
cv = cucul_create_canvas(width, (cells + width - 1) / (width - 1));
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_RED, CUCUL_RED);
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_BLACK, CUCUL_WHITE);
cv = caca_create_canvas(width, (cells + width - 1) / (width - 1));
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_RED, CACA_RED);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_BLACK, CACA_WHITE);

/* Put all glyphs on the canvas */
x = y = 0;
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
for(j = blocks[i]; j < blocks[i + 1]; j++)
cucul_put_char(cv, x, y, j);
caca_put_char(cv, x, y, j);


if(++x >= width - 1)
@@ -72,14 +72,14 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])


buffer = cucul_export_memory(cv, "tga", &len);
buffer = caca_export_memory(cv, "tga", &len);
fwrite(buffer, len, 1, stdout);

/* Free everything */

return 0;

+ 17
- 18
examples/frames.c 파일 보기

@@ -18,18 +18,17 @@
# include <stdio.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cucul_canvas_t *cv;
caca_canvas_t *cv;
caca_display_t *dp;

int n, frame;

/* Create a canvas with 200 frames */
cv = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
cv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
if(cv == NULL)
printf("Can't create canvas\n");
@@ -37,44 +36,44 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])

for(frame = 1; frame < 200; frame++)
cucul_create_frame(cv, frame);
caca_create_frame(cv, frame);

fprintf(stderr, "canvas created, size is %ix%i\n",
cucul_get_canvas_width(cv), cucul_get_canvas_height(cv));
caca_get_canvas_width(cv), caca_get_canvas_height(cv));

/* Resize it to 150 x 80 (around 19MB) */
cucul_set_canvas_size(cv, 150, 80);
caca_set_canvas_size(cv, 150, 80);

fprintf(stderr, "canvas expanded, size is %ix%i\n",
cucul_get_canvas_width(cv), cucul_get_canvas_height(cv));
caca_get_canvas_width(cv), caca_get_canvas_height(cv));

/* Fill the first 16 frames with a different colour */
for(frame = 0; frame < 16; frame++)
cucul_set_frame(cv, frame);
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, frame);
cucul_fill_box(cv, 0, 0, 40, 15, ':');
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLUE);
cucul_put_str(cv, frame * 5 / 2, frame, "カカ");
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_DEFAULT, CUCUL_TRANSPARENT);
caca_set_frame(cv, frame);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, frame);
caca_fill_box(cv, 0, 0, 40, 15, ':');
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE);
caca_put_str(cv, frame * 5 / 2, frame, "カカ");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_DEFAULT, CACA_TRANSPARENT);

/* Resize it to a more decent size */
cucul_set_canvas_size(cv, 41, 16);
caca_set_canvas_size(cv, 41, 16);

fprintf(stderr, "canvas shrinked, size is %ix%i\n",
cucul_get_canvas_width(cv), cucul_get_canvas_height(cv));
caca_get_canvas_width(cv), caca_get_canvas_height(cv));

dp = caca_create_display(cv);
caca_set_display_time(dp, 50000);

fprintf(stderr, "display attached, size is %ix%i\n",
cucul_get_canvas_width(cv), cucul_get_canvas_height(cv));
caca_get_canvas_width(cv), caca_get_canvas_height(cv));

n = 0;
while(!caca_get_event(dp, CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS, NULL, 0))
cucul_set_frame(cv, n % 16);
caca_set_frame(cv, n % 16);
@@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])

/* It is possible, though not necessary, to free all additional frames
* separately. */

return 0;

+ 23
- 24
examples/fullwidth.c 파일 보기

@@ -18,19 +18,18 @@
# include <stdio.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

#define CACA "쫊쫊쫊쫊쫊쫊쫊쫊쫊쫊쫊쫊쫊쫊쫊"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cucul_canvas_t *cv, *caca, *line;
caca_canvas_t *cv, *caca, *line;
caca_display_t *dp;

unsigned int i;

cv = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
cv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
if(cv == NULL)
printf("Can't created canvas\n");
@@ -43,42 +42,42 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
return -1;

caca = cucul_create_canvas(6, 10);
line = cucul_create_canvas(2, 1);
caca = caca_create_canvas(6, 10);
line = caca_create_canvas(2, 1);

/* Line of x's */
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cucul_set_color_ansi(caca, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLUE);
cucul_put_str(caca, 0, i, CACA);
cucul_set_color_ansi(caca, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_RED);
cucul_put_char(caca, i - 2, i, 'x');
caca_set_color_ansi(caca, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE);
caca_put_str(caca, 0, i, CACA);
caca_set_color_ansi(caca, CACA_WHITE, CACA_RED);
caca_put_char(caca, i - 2, i, 'x');

cucul_blit(cv, 1, 1, caca, NULL);
caca_blit(cv, 1, 1, caca, NULL);

/* Line of ホ's */
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cucul_set_color_ansi(caca, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLUE);
cucul_put_str(caca, 0, i, CACA);
cucul_set_color_ansi(caca, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_GREEN);
cucul_put_str(caca, i - 2, i, "ホ");
caca_set_color_ansi(caca, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE);
caca_put_str(caca, 0, i, CACA);
caca_set_color_ansi(caca, CACA_WHITE, CACA_GREEN);
caca_put_str(caca, i - 2, i, "ホ");

cucul_blit(cv, 15, 1, caca, NULL);
caca_blit(cv, 15, 1, caca, NULL);

/* Line of canvas */
cucul_set_color_ansi(line, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_MAGENTA);
cucul_put_str(line, 0, 0, "ほ");
caca_set_color_ansi(line, CACA_WHITE, CACA_MAGENTA);
caca_put_str(line, 0, 0, "ほ");
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cucul_set_color_ansi(caca, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLUE);
cucul_put_str(caca, 0, i, CACA);
cucul_blit(caca, i - 2, i, line, NULL);
caca_set_color_ansi(caca, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE);
caca_put_str(caca, 0, i, CACA);
caca_blit(caca, i - 2, i, line, NULL);

cucul_blit(cv, 29, 1, caca, NULL);
caca_blit(cv, 29, 1, caca, NULL);


@@ -86,9 +85,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])



return 0;

+ 32
- 33
examples/gamma.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* gamma libcucul gamma test program
* gamma libcaca gamma test program
* Copyright (c) 2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
# include <math.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

uint32_t buffer[256 * 4];
@@ -27,13 +26,13 @@ uint32_t buffer[256 * 4];
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
caca_event_t ev;
cucul_canvas_t *cv, *cw, *mask;
caca_canvas_t *cv, *cw, *mask;
caca_display_t *dp;
cucul_dither_t *left, *right;
caca_dither_t *left, *right;
float gam;
int x;

cv = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
cv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
if(cv == NULL)
printf("Can't created canvas\n");
@@ -46,8 +45,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
return -1;

cw = cucul_create_canvas(cucul_get_canvas_width(cv), cucul_get_canvas_height(cv));
mask = cucul_create_canvas(cucul_get_canvas_width(cv), cucul_get_canvas_height(cv));
cw = caca_create_canvas(caca_get_canvas_width(cv), caca_get_canvas_height(cv));
mask = caca_create_canvas(caca_get_canvas_width(cv), caca_get_canvas_height(cv));

for(x = 0; x < 256; x++)
@@ -57,11 +56,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
buffer[x + 768] = (x << 16) | (0x00 << 8) | (0xff << 0);

left = cucul_create_dither(32, 256, 4, 4 * 256,
left = caca_create_dither(32, 256, 4, 4 * 256,
0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0x0);
right = cucul_create_dither(32, 256, 4, 4 * 256,
right = caca_create_dither(32, 256, 4, 4 * 256,
0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0x0);
gam = cucul_get_dither_gamma(right);
gam = caca_get_dither_gamma(right);
caca_set_display_time(dp, 20000);

for(x = 0; ; x++)
@@ -81,46 +80,46 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])

/* Resize the spare canvas, just in case the main one changed */
cucul_set_canvas_size(cw, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv), cucul_get_canvas_height(cv));
cucul_set_canvas_size(mask, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv), cucul_get_canvas_height(cv));
caca_set_canvas_size(cw, caca_get_canvas_width(cv), caca_get_canvas_height(cv));
caca_set_canvas_size(mask, caca_get_canvas_width(cv), caca_get_canvas_height(cv));

/* Draw the regular dither on the main canvas */
cucul_dither_bitmap(cv, 0, 0, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv),
cucul_get_canvas_height(cv), left, buffer);
caca_dither_bitmap(cv, 0, 0, caca_get_canvas_width(cv),
caca_get_canvas_height(cv), left, buffer);

/* Draw the gamma-modified dither on the spare canvas */
cucul_set_dither_gamma(right, gam);
cucul_dither_bitmap(cw, 0, 0, cucul_get_canvas_width(cw),
cucul_get_canvas_height(cw), right, buffer);
caca_set_dither_gamma(right, gam);
caca_dither_bitmap(cw, 0, 0, caca_get_canvas_width(cw),
caca_get_canvas_height(cw), right, buffer);

/* Draw something on the mask */
cucul_set_color_ansi(mask, CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_set_color_ansi(mask, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_WHITE);
cucul_fill_ellipse(mask, (1.0 + sin(0.05 * (float)x))
* 0.5 * cucul_get_canvas_width(mask),
caca_set_color_ansi(mask, CACA_LIGHTGRAY, CACA_BLACK);
caca_set_color_ansi(mask, CACA_WHITE, CACA_WHITE);
caca_fill_ellipse(mask, (1.0 + sin(0.05 * (float)x))
* 0.5 * caca_get_canvas_width(mask),
(1.0 + cos(0.05 * (float)x))
* 0.5 * cucul_get_canvas_height(mask),
cucul_get_canvas_width(mask) / 2,
cucul_get_canvas_height(mask) / 2, '#');
* 0.5 * caca_get_canvas_height(mask),
caca_get_canvas_width(mask) / 2,
caca_get_canvas_height(mask) / 2, '#');

/* Blit the spare canvas onto the first one */
cucul_blit(cv, 0, 0, cw, mask);
caca_blit(cv, 0, 0, cw, mask);

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLUE);
cucul_printf(cv, 2, 1,
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE);
caca_printf(cv, 2, 1,
"gamma=%g - use arrows to change, Esc to quit", gam);




return 0;

+ 6
- 7
examples/hsv.c 파일 보기

@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
# include <stdio.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

uint32_t buffer[256*256];
@@ -26,9 +25,9 @@ uint32_t buffer[256*256];
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
caca_display_t *dp;
cucul_canvas_t *cv;
caca_canvas_t *cv;

cucul_dither_t *dither;
caca_dither_t *dither;
int x, y;

dp = caca_create_display(NULL);
@@ -46,11 +45,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
buffer[y * 256 + x] = ((y * x / 256) << 16) | ((y * x / 256) << 8) | (x<< 0);

dither = cucul_create_dither(32, 256, 256, 4 * 256,
dither = caca_create_dither(32, 256, 256, 4 * 256,
0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0x0);
cucul_dither_bitmap(caca_get_canvas(dp), 0, 0, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv),
cucul_get_canvas_height(cv), dither, buffer);
caca_dither_bitmap(caca_get_canvas(dp), 0, 0, caca_get_canvas_width(cv),
caca_get_canvas_height(cv), dither, buffer);


+ 5
- 6
examples/import.c 파일 보기

@@ -19,12 +19,11 @@
# include <stdlib.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cucul_canvas_t *cv;
caca_canvas_t *cv;
caca_display_t *dp;

if(argc < 2)
@@ -34,17 +33,17 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
return 1;

cv = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
cv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
if(cv == NULL)
printf("Can't create canvas\n");
return -1;

if(cucul_import_file(cv, argv[1], argc >= 3 ? argv[2] : "") < 0)
if(caca_import_file(cv, argv[1], argc >= 3 ? argv[2] : "") < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not open `%s'.\n", argv[0], argv[1]);
return 1;

@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
caca_get_event(dp, CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS, NULL, -1);


return 0;

+ 9
- 10
examples/input.c 파일 보기

@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
# include <stdio.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

#define BUFFER_SIZE 75
@@ -34,11 +33,11 @@ typedef struct textentry
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
textentry entries[TEXT_ENTRIES];
cucul_canvas_t *cv;
caca_canvas_t *cv;
caca_display_t *dp;
unsigned int i, e = 0, running = 1;

cv = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
cv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
if(cv == NULL)
printf("Can't create canvas\n");
@@ -52,8 +51,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
caca_set_cursor(dp, 1);

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLUE);
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 1, "Text entries - press tab to cycle");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE);
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 1, "Text entries - press tab to cycle");

for(i = 0; i < TEXT_ENTRIES; i++)
@@ -70,21 +69,21 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
unsigned int j, start, size;

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_BLACK, CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY);
cucul_fill_box(cv, 2, 3 * i + 4, 2 + BUFFER_SIZE, 3 * i + 4, ' ');
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_BLACK, CACA_LIGHTGRAY);
caca_fill_box(cv, 2, 3 * i + 4, 2 + BUFFER_SIZE, 3 * i + 4, ' ');

start = 0;
size = entries[i].size;

for(j = 0; j < size; j++)
cucul_put_char(cv, 2 + j, 3 * i + 4,
caca_put_char(cv, 2 + j, 3 * i + 4,
entries[i].buffer[start + j]);

/* Put the cursor on the active textentry */
cucul_gotoxy(cv, 2 + entries[e].cursor, 3 * e + 4);
caca_gotoxy(cv, 2 + entries[e].cursor, 3 * e + 4);


@@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])


return 0;

+ 12
- 13
examples/spritedit.c 파일 보기

@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
# include <stdlib.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

/* Courtesy of Zashi */
@@ -48,46 +47,46 @@ char *guy[] = {

int main(int argc, char **argv)
cucul_canvas_t *sprite;
caca_canvas_t *sprite;
size_t len;
void *buffer;
int i;

/* Create a canvas with 4 frames */
sprite = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
sprite = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cucul_create_frame(sprite, 0);
caca_create_frame(sprite, 0);

/* Load stuff in all 4 frames */
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
cucul_set_frame(sprite, i);
cucul_import_memory(sprite, guy[i], strlen(guy[i]), "utf8");
caca_set_frame(sprite, i);
caca_import_memory(sprite, guy[i], strlen(guy[i]), "utf8");

/* Export our sprite in a memory buffer. We could save this to
* disk afterwards. */
buffer = cucul_export_memory(sprite, "caca", &len);
buffer = caca_export_memory(sprite, "caca", &len);

/* Free our sprite and reload it from the memory buffer. We could
* load this from disk, too. */
sprite = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
cucul_import_memory(sprite, buffer, len, "caca");
sprite = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
caca_import_memory(sprite, buffer, len, "caca");

/* Print each sprite frame to stdout */
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
cucul_set_frame(sprite, i);
caca_set_frame(sprite, i);
printf("Frame #%i\n", i);
buffer = cucul_export_memory(sprite, "utf8", &len);
buffer = caca_export_memory(sprite, "utf8", &len);
fwrite(buffer, len, 1, stdout);

/* Free our sprite */

return 0;

+ 13
- 14
examples/swallow.c 파일 보기

@@ -20,13 +20,12 @@
# include <stdlib.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
char cmd[BUFSIZ];
static cucul_canvas_t *cv, *app;
static caca_canvas_t *cv, *app;
static caca_display_t *dp;
uint8_t *buf[4];
long int bytes[4], total[4];
@@ -39,8 +38,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
return 1;

cv = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
app = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
cv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
app = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
dp = caca_create_display(cv);

if(cv == NULL || app == NULL )
@@ -54,15 +53,15 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
return -1;

w = (cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) - 4) / 2;
h = (cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) - 6) / 2;
w = (caca_get_canvas_width(cv) - 4) / 2;
h = (caca_get_canvas_height(cv) - 6) / 2;

if(w < 0 || h < 0)
return 1;

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLUE);
cucul_draw_line(cv, 0, 0, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) - 1, 0, ' ');
cucul_printf(cv, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) / 2 - 10, 0,
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE);
caca_draw_line(cv, 0, 0, caca_get_canvas_width(cv) - 1, 0, ' ');
caca_printf(cv, caca_get_canvas_width(cv) / 2 - 10, 0,
"libcaca multiplexer");

for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
@@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
f[i] = popen(cmd, "r");
return 1;
cucul_printf(cv, (w + 2) * (i / 2) + 1,
caca_printf(cv, (w + 2) * (i / 2) + 1,
(h + 2) * ((i % 2) + 1), "%s", argv[i + 1]);

@@ -88,14 +87,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)

for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
bytes[i] = cucul_import_memory(app, buf[i], total[i], "caca");
bytes[i] = caca_import_memory(app, buf[i], total[i], "caca");

if(bytes[i] > 0)
total[i] -= bytes[i];
memmove(buf[i], buf[i] + bytes[i], total[i]);

cucul_blit(cv, (w + 2) * (i / 2) + 1,
caca_blit(cv, (w + 2) * (i / 2) + 1,
(h + 2) * (i % 2) + 2, app, NULL);
@@ -115,8 +114,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)

/* Clean up */

return 0;

+ 28
- 28
examples/text.c 파일 보기

@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
# include <stdlib.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

#define STRING \
" |_| \n" \
@@ -35,16 +35,16 @@

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cucul_canvas_t *cv, *pig;
caca_canvas_t *cv, *pig;
void *buffer;
size_t len;
int i, j;

pig = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
cucul_import_memory(pig, STRING, strlen(STRING), "text");
pig = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
caca_import_memory(pig, STRING, strlen(STRING), "text");

cv = cucul_create_canvas(cucul_get_canvas_width(pig) * 2,
cucul_get_canvas_height(pig) * 2);
cv = caca_create_canvas(caca_get_canvas_width(pig) * 2,
caca_get_canvas_height(pig) * 2);

if(cv == NULL || pig == NULL)
@@ -52,41 +52,41 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
return -1;

cucul_blit(cv, 0, 0, pig, NULL);
cucul_blit(cv, cucul_get_canvas_width(pig), 0, pig, NULL);
cucul_blit(cv, 0, cucul_get_canvas_height(pig), pig, NULL);
cucul_blit(cv, cucul_get_canvas_width(pig),
cucul_get_canvas_height(pig), pig, NULL);
caca_blit(cv, 0, 0, pig, NULL);
caca_blit(cv, caca_get_canvas_width(pig), 0, pig, NULL);
caca_blit(cv, 0, caca_get_canvas_height(pig), pig, NULL);
caca_blit(cv, caca_get_canvas_width(pig),
caca_get_canvas_height(pig), pig, NULL);

for(j = 0; j < cucul_get_canvas_height(cv); j++)
for(j = 0; j < caca_get_canvas_height(cv); j++)
for(i = 0; i < cucul_get_canvas_width(cv); i += 2)
for(i = 0; i < caca_get_canvas_width(cv); i += 2)
unsigned long int a;
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_LIGHTBLUE + (i + j) % 6,
a = cucul_get_attr(cv, -1, -1);
cucul_put_attr(cv, i, j, a);
cucul_put_attr(cv, i + 1, j, a);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_LIGHTBLUE + (i + j) % 6,
a = caca_get_attr(cv, -1, -1);
caca_put_attr(cv, i, j, a);
caca_put_attr(cv, i + 1, j, a);

buffer = cucul_export_memory(cv, "utf8", &len);
buffer = caca_export_memory(cv, "utf8", &len);
fwrite(buffer, len, 1, stdout);

buffer = cucul_export_memory(cv, "utf8", &len);
buffer = caca_export_memory(cv, "utf8", &len);
fwrite(buffer, len, 1, stdout);


return 0;

+ 44
- 45
examples/transform.c 파일 보기

@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
# include <string.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

static char const pig[] =
@@ -39,10 +38,10 @@ static char const duck[] =

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cucul_canvas_t *cv, *image, *tmp, *sprite;
caca_canvas_t *cv, *image, *tmp, *sprite;
caca_display_t *dp;

cv = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
cv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
if(cv == NULL)
printf("Can't created canvas\n");
@@ -55,64 +54,64 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
return -1;

image = cucul_create_canvas(70, 6);
tmp = cucul_create_canvas(70, 6);
sprite = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
image = caca_create_canvas(70, 6);
tmp = caca_create_canvas(70, 6);
sprite = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);

cucul_set_color_ansi(sprite, CUCUL_LIGHTMAGENTA, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_import_memory(sprite, pig, strlen(pig), "text");
cucul_blit(image, 55, 0, sprite, NULL);
caca_set_color_ansi(sprite, CACA_LIGHTMAGENTA, CACA_BLACK);
caca_import_memory(sprite, pig, strlen(pig), "text");
caca_blit(image, 55, 0, sprite, NULL);

cucul_set_color_ansi(sprite, CUCUL_LIGHTGREEN, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_import_memory(sprite, duck, strlen(duck), "text");
cucul_blit(image, 30, 1, sprite, NULL);
caca_set_color_ansi(sprite, CACA_LIGHTGREEN, CACA_BLACK);
caca_import_memory(sprite, duck, strlen(duck), "text");
caca_blit(image, 30, 1, sprite, NULL);

cucul_set_color_ansi(image, CUCUL_LIGHTCYAN, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_put_str(image, 1, 1, "hahaha mais vieux porc immonde !! [⽼ ⾗]");
cucul_set_color_ansi(image, CUCUL_LIGHTRED, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_put_char(image, 38, 1, '|');
caca_set_color_ansi(image, CACA_LIGHTCYAN, CACA_BLACK);
caca_put_str(image, 1, 1, "hahaha mais vieux porc immonde !! [⽼ ⾗]");
caca_set_color_ansi(image, CACA_LIGHTRED, CACA_BLACK);
caca_put_char(image, 38, 1, '|');

cucul_set_color_ansi(image, CUCUL_YELLOW, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_put_str(image, 4, 2, "\\o\\ \\o| _o/ \\o_ |o/ /o/");
caca_set_color_ansi(image, CACA_YELLOW, CACA_BLACK);
caca_put_str(image, 4, 2, "\\o\\ \\o| _o/ \\o_ |o/ /o/");

cucul_set_color_ansi(image, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_LIGHTRED);
cucul_put_str(image, 7, 3, "▙▘▌▙▘▞▖▞▖▌ ▞▖▌ ▌▌");
cucul_put_str(image, 7, 4, "▛▖▌▛▖▚▘▚▘▚▖▚▘▚▖▖▖");
cucul_set_color_ansi(image, CUCUL_BLACK, CUCUL_LIGHTRED);
cucul_put_str(image, 4, 3, "▓▒░");
cucul_put_str(image, 4, 4, "▓▒░");
cucul_put_str(image, 24, 3, "░▒▓");
cucul_put_str(image, 24, 4, "░▒▓");
caca_set_color_ansi(image, CACA_WHITE, CACA_LIGHTRED);
caca_put_str(image, 7, 3, "▙▘▌▙▘▞▖▞▖▌ ▞▖▌ ▌▌");
caca_put_str(image, 7, 4, "▛▖▌▛▖▚▘▚▘▚▖▚▘▚▖▖▖");
caca_set_color_ansi(image, CACA_BLACK, CACA_LIGHTRED);
caca_put_str(image, 4, 3, "▓▒░");
caca_put_str(image, 4, 4, "▓▒░");
caca_put_str(image, 24, 3, "░▒▓");
caca_put_str(image, 24, 4, "░▒▓");

/* Blit the transformed canvas onto the main canvas */
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLUE);
cucul_put_str(cv, 0, 0, "normal");
cucul_blit(cv, 10, 0, image, NULL);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE);
caca_put_str(cv, 0, 0, "normal");
caca_blit(cv, 10, 0, image, NULL);

cucul_put_str(cv, 0, 6, "flip");
cucul_blit(tmp, 0, 0, image, NULL);
cucul_blit(cv, 10, 6, tmp, NULL);
caca_put_str(cv, 0, 6, "flip");
caca_blit(tmp, 0, 0, image, NULL);
caca_blit(cv, 10, 6, tmp, NULL);

cucul_put_str(cv, 0, 12, "flop");
cucul_blit(tmp, 0, 0, image, NULL);
cucul_blit(cv, 10, 12, tmp, NULL);
caca_put_str(cv, 0, 12, "flop");
caca_blit(tmp, 0, 0, image, NULL);
caca_blit(cv, 10, 12, tmp, NULL);

cucul_put_str(cv, 0, 18, "rotate");
cucul_blit(tmp, 0, 0, image, NULL);
cucul_blit(cv, 10, 18, tmp, NULL);
caca_put_str(cv, 0, 18, "rotate");
caca_blit(tmp, 0, 0, image, NULL);
caca_blit(cv, 10, 18, tmp, NULL);


caca_get_event(dp, CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS, NULL, -1);


return 0;

+ 7
- 8
examples/truecolor.c 파일 보기

@@ -18,17 +18,16 @@
# include <stdio.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cucul_canvas_t *cv;
caca_canvas_t *cv;
caca_display_t *dp;

int x, y;

cv = cucul_create_canvas(32, 16);
cv = caca_create_canvas(32, 16);
if(cv == NULL)
printf("Failed to create canvas\n");
@@ -48,19 +47,19 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
uint16_t bgcolor = 0xff00 | (y << 4) | x;
uint16_t fgcolor = 0xf000 | ((15 - y) << 4) | ((15 - x) << 8);

cucul_set_color_argb(cv, fgcolor, bgcolor);
cucul_put_str(cv, x * 2, y, "CA");
caca_set_color_argb(cv, fgcolor, bgcolor);
caca_put_str(cv, x * 2, y, "CA");

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_LIGHTBLUE);
cucul_put_str(cv, 2, 1, " truecolor libcaca ");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_LIGHTBLUE);
caca_put_str(cv, 2, 1, " truecolor libcaca ");


caca_get_event(dp, CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS, NULL, -1);


return 0;

+ 56
- 57
examples/unicode.c 파일 보기

@@ -18,15 +18,14 @@
# include <stdio.h>

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cucul_canvas_t *cv;
caca_canvas_t *cv;
caca_display_t *dp;

cv = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
cv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
if(cv == NULL)
printf("Can't created canvas\n");
@@ -38,66 +37,66 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("Can't create display\n");
return -1;
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLUE);
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 1, "Basic Unicode support");
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_DEFAULT, CUCUL_TRANSPARENT);
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 2, "This is ASCII: | abc DEF 123 !@# |");
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 3, "This is Unicode: | äßç δεφ ☺♥♀ ╞╬╗ |");
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 4, "And this is, too: | ἀβϛ ΔЗҒ ᚴᛒᛯ ♩♔✈ |");
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 5, "If the three lines do not have the same length, there is a bug somewhere.");
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLUE);
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 7, "Gradient glyphs");
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_DEFAULT, CUCUL_TRANSPARENT);
cucul_put_str(cv, 31, 8, " 0%");
cucul_put_str(cv, 31, 9, " 25%");
cucul_put_str(cv, 31, 10, " 50%");
cucul_put_str(cv, 31, 11, " 75%");
cucul_put_str(cv, 31, 12, "100%");
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_LIGHTRED, CUCUL_LIGHTGREEN);
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 8, " ");
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 9, "░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░");
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 10, "▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒");
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 11, "▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓");
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 12, "█████████████████████████████");
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_LIGHTGREEN, CUCUL_LIGHTRED);
cucul_put_str(cv, 36, 8, "█████████████████████████████");
cucul_put_str(cv, 36, 9, "▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓");
cucul_put_str(cv, 36, 10, "▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒");
cucul_put_str(cv, 36, 11, "░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░");
cucul_put_str(cv, 36, 12, " ");
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLUE);
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 14, "Double width characters");
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_LIGHTRED, CUCUL_TRANSPARENT);
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 15, "| ドラゴン ボーレ |");
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_DEFAULT, CUCUL_TRANSPARENT);
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 16, "| ()()()() ()()() |");
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_YELLOW, CUCUL_TRANSPARENT);
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 17, "| ドラゴン");
cucul_put_str(cv, 12, 17, "ボーレ |");
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_DEFAULT, CUCUL_TRANSPARENT);
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 18, "If the three lines do not have the same length, there is a bug somewhere.");
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 20, "CP437 glyphs: ☺ ☻ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ • ◘ ○ ◙ ♂ ♀ ♪ ♫ ☼ ► ◄ ↕ ‼ ¶ § ▬ ↨ ↑ ↓ → ← ∟ ↔ ▲ ▼");
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 21, "more CP437: α ß Γ π Σ σ µ τ Φ Θ Ω δ ∞ φ ε ∩ ≡ ± ≥ ≤ ⌠ ⌡ ÷ ≈ ° ∙ · √ ⁿ ² ■");
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 22, "drawing blocks: ███ ▓▓▓ ▒▒▒ ░░░ ▀ ▄ ▌ ▐ █ ▖ ▗ ▘ ▝ ▚ ▞ ▙ ▛ ▜ ▟ ─ │ ┌ ┐ └ ┘ ├ ┤");
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 23, "more drawing: ┬ ┴ ┼ ═ ║ ╒ ╓ ╔ ╕ ╖ ╗ ╘ ╙ ╚ ╛ ╜ ╝ ╞ ╟ ╠ ╡ ╢ ╣ ╤ ╥ ╦ ╧ ╨ ╩ ╪ ╫ ╬");
cucul_put_str(cv, 1, 24, "misc Unicode: ● ☭ ☮ ☯ ♔ ♛ ♙ ♞ ⚒ ⚓ ⚠");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE);
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 1, "Basic Unicode support");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_DEFAULT, CACA_TRANSPARENT);
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 2, "This is ASCII: | abc DEF 123 !@# |");
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 3, "This is Unicode: | äßç δεφ ☺♥♀ ╞╬╗ |");
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 4, "And this is, too: | ἀβϛ ΔЗҒ ᚴᛒᛯ ♩♔✈ |");
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 5, "If the three lines do not have the same length, there is a bug somewhere.");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE);
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 7, "Gradient glyphs");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_DEFAULT, CACA_TRANSPARENT);
caca_put_str(cv, 31, 8, " 0%");
caca_put_str(cv, 31, 9, " 25%");
caca_put_str(cv, 31, 10, " 50%");
caca_put_str(cv, 31, 11, " 75%");
caca_put_str(cv, 31, 12, "100%");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_LIGHTRED, CACA_LIGHTGREEN);
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 8, " ");
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 9, "░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░");
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 10, "▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒");
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 11, "▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓");
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 12, "█████████████████████████████");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_LIGHTGREEN, CACA_LIGHTRED);
caca_put_str(cv, 36, 8, "█████████████████████████████");
caca_put_str(cv, 36, 9, "▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓");
caca_put_str(cv, 36, 10, "▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒");
caca_put_str(cv, 36, 11, "░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░");
caca_put_str(cv, 36, 12, " ");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE);
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 14, "Double width characters");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_LIGHTRED, CACA_TRANSPARENT);
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 15, "| ドラゴン ボーレ |");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_DEFAULT, CACA_TRANSPARENT);
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 16, "| ()()()() ()()() |");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_YELLOW, CACA_TRANSPARENT);
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 17, "| ドラゴン");
caca_put_str(cv, 12, 17, "ボーレ |");
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_DEFAULT, CACA_TRANSPARENT);
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 18, "If the three lines do not have the same length, there is a bug somewhere.");
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 20, "CP437 glyphs: ☺ ☻ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ • ◘ ○ ◙ ♂ ♀ ♪ ♫ ☼ ► ◄ ↕ ‼ ¶ § ▬ ↨ ↑ ↓ → ← ∟ ↔ ▲ ▼");
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 21, "more CP437: α ß Γ π Σ σ µ τ Φ Θ Ω δ ∞ φ ε ∩ ≡ ± ≥ ≤ ⌠ ⌡ ÷ ≈ ° ∙ · √ ⁿ ² ■");
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 22, "drawing blocks: ███ ▓▓▓ ▒▒▒ ░░░ ▀ ▄ ▌ ▐ █ ▖ ▗ ▘ ▝ ▚ ▞ ▙ ▛ ▜ ▟ ─ │ ┌ ┐ └ ┘ ├ ┤");
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 23, "more drawing: ┬ ┴ ┼ ═ ║ ╒ ╓ ╔ ╕ ╖ ╗ ╘ ╙ ╚ ╛ ╜ ╝ ╞ ╟ ╠ ╡ ╢ ╣ ╤ ╥ ╦ ╧ ╨ ╩ ╪ ╫ ╬");
caca_put_str(cv, 1, 24, "misc Unicode: ● ☭ ☮ ☯ ♔ ♛ ♙ ♞ ⚒ ⚓ ⚠");


caca_get_event(dp, CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS, NULL, -1);


return 0;

+ 3
- 3
kernel/kernel.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* 2006 Jean-Yves Lamoureux <jylam@lnxscene.org>
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@

* This file contains replacement functions for the standard C library
* that must be used when building libcucul and libcaca into a kernel.
* that must be used when building libcaca and libcaca into a kernel.

#include "config.h"

#include "cucul_types.h"
#include "caca_types.h"

#ifdef __KERNEL__

+ 2
- 2
kernel/kernel.h 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters
* libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library
* Copyright (c) 2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* All Rights Reserved
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@

* This file contains replacement functions for the standard C library
* that must be used when building libcucul and libcaca into a kernel.
* that must be used when building libcaca and libcaca into a kernel.

/* Various defines */

+ 3
- 3
msvc/Makefile.am 파일 보기

@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ NULL =

EXTRA_DIST = libcaca.sln \
config.h \
cucul_types.h \
libcucul.vcproj \
caca_types.h \
libcaca.vcproj \
libcaca.vcproj \
cacafire.vcproj \
cacademo.vcproj \
cucul-sharp.csproj \
caca-sharp.csproj \
caca-sharp.csproj \
test-csharp.csproj \

+ 2
- 2
msvc/cucul_types.h 파일 보기

@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
#define CUCUL_TYPES 3
#include "../cucul/cucul_types.h.in"
#define CACA_TYPES 3
#include "../caca/caca_types.h.in"

+ 8
- 16
ruby/Makefile.am 파일 보기

@@ -4,30 +4,22 @@ rubylibdir = $(RUBY_SITEARCHDIR)
rubysitedir = $(RUBY_SITELIBDIR)

rubylib_LTLIBRARIES = caca.la cucul.la
rubylib_LTLIBRARIES = caca.la
rubysite_DATA = lib/caca.rb
TESTS = test

CFLAGS += -Wno-strict-prototypes -Wno-missing-prototypes

cucul_la_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/cucul -I../cucul $(RUBY_CFLAGS)
cucul_la_SOURCES = cucul.c \
common.h \
cucul-canvas.c \
cucul-canvas.h \
cucul-dither.c \
cucul-dither.h \
cucul-font.c \
cucul-font.h \
cucul_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version -shared $(RUBY_LIBS)
cucul_la_LIBADD = ../cucul/libcucul.la

caca_la_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/caca -I$(top_srcdir)/cucul -I../cucul \
caca_la_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/caca -I../caca $(RUBY_CFLAGS)
caca_la_SOURCES = caca.c \
common.h \
caca-canvas.c \
caca-canvas.h \
caca-dither.c \
caca-dither.h \
caca-font.c \
caca-font.h \
caca-display.c \
caca-display.h \
caca-event.c \

ruby/cucul-canvas.c → ruby/caca-canvas.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Ruby bindings
* libcaca Ruby bindings
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal Terjan <pterjan@linuxfr.org>
* This library is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@

#include <ruby.h>
#include <cucul.h>
#include <caca.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "cucul-dither.h"
#include "cucul-font.h"
#include "caca-dither.h"
#include "caca-font.h"
#include "common.h"

VALUE cCanvas;
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ VALUE cCanvas;
#define simple_func(x) \
static VALUE x (VALUE self) \
{ \
if( cucul_##x (_SELF) <0) \
if( caca_##x (_SELF) <0) \
rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, strerror(errno)); \
return self; \
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ static VALUE x (VALUE self) \
#define get_int(x) \
static VALUE get_##x (VALUE self) \
{ \
return INT2NUM(cucul_get_##x (_SELF)); \
return INT2NUM(caca_get_##x (_SELF)); \

static void canvas_free(void * p)
cucul_free_canvas((cucul_canvas_t *)p);
caca_free_canvas((caca_canvas_t *)p);

static VALUE canvas_alloc(VALUE klass)
@@ -45,16 +45,16 @@ static VALUE canvas_alloc(VALUE klass)
return obj;

VALUE canvas_create(cucul_canvas_t *canvas)
VALUE canvas_create(caca_canvas_t *canvas)
return Data_Wrap_Struct(cCanvas, NULL, NULL, canvas);

static VALUE canvas_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE width, VALUE height)
cucul_canvas_t *canvas;
caca_canvas_t *canvas;

canvas = cucul_create_canvas(NUM2INT(width), NUM2INT(height));
canvas = caca_create_canvas(NUM2INT(width), NUM2INT(height));

if(canvas == NULL)
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ get_int(canvas_width)

static VALUE set_canvas_width(VALUE self, VALUE width)
cucul_set_canvas_size(_SELF, NUM2INT(width), cucul_get_canvas_height(_SELF));
caca_set_canvas_size(_SELF, NUM2INT(width), caca_get_canvas_height(_SELF));
return width;

@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ static VALUE set_canvas_width2(VALUE self, VALUE width)

static VALUE set_canvas_height(VALUE self, VALUE height)
cucul_set_canvas_size(_SELF, cucul_get_canvas_width(_SELF), NUM2INT(height));
caca_set_canvas_size(_SELF, caca_get_canvas_width(_SELF), NUM2INT(height));
return height;

@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ static VALUE set_canvas_height2(VALUE self, VALUE height)

static VALUE set_canvas_size(VALUE self, VALUE height, VALUE width)
cucul_set_canvas_size(_SELF, NUM2INT(width), NUM2INT(height));
caca_set_canvas_size(_SELF, NUM2INT(width), NUM2INT(height));
return self;

@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ static VALUE set_canvas_size(VALUE self, VALUE height, VALUE width)

static VALUE gotoxy(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y)
if( cucul_gotoxy(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y)) <0) {
if( caca_gotoxy(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y)) <0) {
rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, strerror(errno));
return self;
@@ -116,33 +116,33 @@ simple_func(clear_canvas)

static VALUE put_char(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE ch)
cucul_put_char(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2ULONG(ch));
caca_put_char(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2ULONG(ch));
return self;

static VALUE get_char(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y)
unsigned long int ch;
ch = cucul_get_char(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y));
ch = caca_get_char(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y));
return INT2NUM(ch);

static VALUE put_str(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE str)
cucul_put_str(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), StringValuePtr(str));
caca_put_str(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), StringValuePtr(str));
return self;

static VALUE get_attr(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y)
unsigned long int ch;
ch = cucul_get_attr(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y));
ch = caca_get_attr(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y));
return INT2NUM(ch);

static VALUE set_attr(VALUE self, VALUE attr)
if(cucul_set_attr(_SELF, NUM2ULONG(attr)) <0)
if(caca_set_attr(_SELF, NUM2ULONG(attr)) <0)
rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, strerror(errno));

return self;
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ static VALUE set_attr2(VALUE self, VALUE attr)

static VALUE put_attr(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE attr)
if(cucul_put_attr(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2ULONG(attr)) <0)
if(caca_put_attr(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2ULONG(attr)) <0)
rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, strerror(errno));

return self;
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ static VALUE put_attr(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE attr)

static VALUE set_color_ansi(VALUE self, VALUE fg, VALUE bg)
if(cucul_set_color_ansi(_SELF, NUM2INT(fg), NUM2INT(bg)) <0)
if(caca_set_color_ansi(_SELF, NUM2INT(fg), NUM2INT(bg)) <0)
rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, strerror(errno));

return self;
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ static VALUE set_color_ansi(VALUE self, VALUE fg, VALUE bg)

static VALUE set_color_argb(VALUE self, VALUE fg, VALUE bg)
if(cucul_set_color_argb(_SELF, NUM2UINT(fg), NUM2UINT(bg)) <0) {
if(caca_set_color_argb(_SELF, NUM2UINT(fg), NUM2UINT(bg)) <0) {
rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, strerror(errno));
return self;
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ static VALUE cprintf(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self)
x = NUM2INT(rx);
y = NUM2INT(ry);
string = rb_funcall2(rb_mKernel, rb_intern("sprintf"), argc-2, argv+2);
cucul_put_str(_SELF, x, y, StringValuePtr(string));
caca_put_str(_SELF, x, y, StringValuePtr(string));
return self;

@@ -196,13 +196,13 @@ get_int(canvas_handle_y)

static VALUE set_canvas_handle(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y)
cucul_set_canvas_handle(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y));
caca_set_canvas_handle(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y));
return self;

static VALUE blit(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self) {
VALUE x, y, src, mask;
cucul_canvas_t *csrc, *cmask;
caca_canvas_t *csrc, *cmask;

rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "31", &x, &y, &src, &mask);

@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ static VALUE blit(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self) {
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "src is not a Cucul::Canvas");
Data_Get_Struct(src, cucul_canvas_t, csrc);
Data_Get_Struct(src, caca_canvas_t, csrc);

@@ -221,12 +221,12 @@ static VALUE blit(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self) {
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "mask is not a Cucul::Canvas");
Data_Get_Struct(mask, cucul_canvas_t, cmask);
Data_Get_Struct(mask, caca_canvas_t, cmask);
cmask = NULL;
if(cucul_blit(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), csrc, cmask)<0)
if(caca_blit(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), csrc, cmask)<0)
rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, strerror(errno));

return self;
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ static VALUE blit(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self) {

static VALUE set_canvas_boundaries(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE w, VALUE h)
if(cucul_set_canvas_boundaries(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2UINT(w), NUM2UINT(h))<0)
if(caca_set_canvas_boundaries(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2UINT(w), NUM2UINT(h))<0)
rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, strerror(errno));
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ simple_func(stretch_right)

static VALUE draw_line(VALUE self, VALUE x1, VALUE y1, VALUE x2, VALUE y2, VALUE ch)
cucul_draw_line(_SELF, NUM2INT(x1), NUM2INT(y1), NUM2INT(x2), NUM2INT(y2),NUM2ULONG(ch));
caca_draw_line(_SELF, NUM2INT(x1), NUM2INT(y1), NUM2INT(x2), NUM2INT(y2),NUM2ULONG(ch));
return self;

@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ static VALUE draw_polyline(VALUE self, VALUE points, VALUE ch)


cucul_draw_polyline(_SELF, ax, ay, n, NUM2ULONG(ch));
caca_draw_polyline(_SELF, ax, ay, n, NUM2ULONG(ch));

@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ static VALUE draw_polyline(VALUE self, VALUE points, VALUE ch)

static VALUE draw_thin_line(VALUE self, VALUE x1, VALUE y1, VALUE x2, VALUE y2)
cucul_draw_thin_line(_SELF, NUM2INT(x1), NUM2INT(y1), NUM2INT(x2), NUM2INT(y2));
caca_draw_thin_line(_SELF, NUM2INT(x1), NUM2INT(y1), NUM2INT(x2), NUM2INT(y2));
return self;

@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ static VALUE draw_thin_polyline(VALUE self, VALUE points)


cucul_draw_thin_polyline(_SELF, ax, ay, n);
caca_draw_thin_polyline(_SELF, ax, ay, n);

@@ -380,67 +380,67 @@ static VALUE draw_thin_polyline(VALUE self, VALUE points)

static VALUE draw_circle(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE r, VALUE ch)
cucul_draw_circle(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2INT(r), NUM2ULONG(ch));
caca_draw_circle(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2INT(r), NUM2ULONG(ch));
return self;

static VALUE draw_ellipse(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE a, VALUE b, VALUE ch)
cucul_draw_ellipse(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2INT(a), NUM2INT(b), NUM2ULONG(ch));
caca_draw_ellipse(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2INT(a), NUM2INT(b), NUM2ULONG(ch));
return self;

static VALUE draw_thin_ellipse(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE a, VALUE b)
cucul_draw_thin_ellipse(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2INT(a), NUM2INT(b));
caca_draw_thin_ellipse(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2INT(a), NUM2INT(b));
return self;

static VALUE fill_ellipse(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE a, VALUE b, VALUE ch)
cucul_fill_ellipse(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2INT(a), NUM2INT(b), NUM2ULONG(ch));
caca_fill_ellipse(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2INT(a), NUM2INT(b), NUM2ULONG(ch));
return self;

static VALUE draw_box(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE w, VALUE h, VALUE ch)
cucul_draw_box(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2INT(w), NUM2INT(h), NUM2ULONG(ch));
caca_draw_box(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2INT(w), NUM2INT(h), NUM2ULONG(ch));
return self;

static VALUE draw_thin_box(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE w, VALUE h)
cucul_draw_thin_box(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2INT(w), NUM2INT(h));
caca_draw_thin_box(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2INT(w), NUM2INT(h));
return self;

static VALUE draw_cp437_box(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE w, VALUE h)
cucul_draw_cp437_box(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2INT(w), NUM2INT(h));
caca_draw_cp437_box(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2INT(w), NUM2INT(h));
return self;

static VALUE fill_box(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE w, VALUE h, VALUE ch)
cucul_fill_box(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2INT(w), NUM2INT(h), NUM2ULONG(ch));
caca_fill_box(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2INT(w), NUM2INT(h), NUM2ULONG(ch));
return self;

static VALUE draw_triangle(VALUE self, VALUE x1, VALUE y1, VALUE x2, VALUE y2, VALUE x3, VALUE y3, VALUE ch)
cucul_draw_triangle(_SELF, NUM2INT(x1), NUM2INT(y1), NUM2INT(x2), NUM2INT(y2), NUM2INT(x3), NUM2INT(y3), NUM2ULONG(ch));
caca_draw_triangle(_SELF, NUM2INT(x1), NUM2INT(y1), NUM2INT(x2), NUM2INT(y2), NUM2INT(x3), NUM2INT(y3), NUM2ULONG(ch));
return self;

static VALUE draw_thin_triangle(VALUE self, VALUE x1, VALUE y1, VALUE x2, VALUE y2, VALUE x3, VALUE y3)
cucul_draw_thin_triangle(_SELF, NUM2INT(x1), NUM2INT(y1), NUM2INT(x2), NUM2INT(y2), NUM2INT(x3), NUM2INT(y3));
caca_draw_thin_triangle(_SELF, NUM2INT(x1), NUM2INT(y1), NUM2INT(x2), NUM2INT(y2), NUM2INT(x3), NUM2INT(y3));
return self;

static VALUE fill_triangle(VALUE self, VALUE x1, VALUE y1, VALUE x2, VALUE y2, VALUE x3, VALUE y3, VALUE ch)
cucul_fill_triangle(_SELF, NUM2INT(x1), NUM2INT(y1), NUM2INT(x2), NUM2INT(y2), NUM2INT(x3), NUM2INT(y3), NUM2ULONG(ch));
caca_fill_triangle(_SELF, NUM2INT(x1), NUM2INT(y1), NUM2INT(x2), NUM2INT(y2), NUM2INT(x3), NUM2INT(y3), NUM2ULONG(ch));
return self;

@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ static VALUE dither_bitmap(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE w, VALUE h, VALUE
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "d is not a Cucul::Dither");
Check_Type(pixels, T_STRING);

cucul_dither_bitmap(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2INT(w), NUM2INT(h), DATA_PTR(d), StringValuePtr(pixels));
caca_dither_bitmap(_SELF, NUM2INT(x), NUM2INT(y), NUM2INT(w), NUM2INT(h), DATA_PTR(d), StringValuePtr(pixels));
return self;

@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ get_int(frame_count)

static VALUE set_frame(VALUE self, VALUE id)
if(cucul_set_frame(_SELF, NUM2INT(id))<0)
if(caca_set_frame(_SELF, NUM2INT(id))<0)
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, strerror(errno));

return self;
@@ -474,12 +474,12 @@ static VALUE set_frame2(VALUE self, VALUE id)

static VALUE get_frame_name(VALUE self)
return rb_str_new2(cucul_get_frame_name(_SELF));
return rb_str_new2(caca_get_frame_name(_SELF));

static VALUE set_frame_name(VALUE self, VALUE name)
if(cucul_set_frame_name(_SELF, StringValuePtr(name))<0)
if(caca_set_frame_name(_SELF, StringValuePtr(name))<0)
rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, strerror(errno));

return self;
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ static VALUE set_frame_name2(VALUE self, VALUE name)

static VALUE create_frame(VALUE self, VALUE id)
if(cucul_create_frame(_SELF, NUM2INT(id))<0) {
if(caca_create_frame(_SELF, NUM2INT(id))<0) {
rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, strerror(errno));
return self;
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ static VALUE create_frame(VALUE self, VALUE id)

static VALUE free_frame(VALUE self, VALUE id)
if(cucul_free_frame(_SELF, NUM2INT(id))<0) {
if(caca_free_frame(_SELF, NUM2INT(id))<0) {
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, strerror(errno));
return self;
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ static VALUE free_frame(VALUE self, VALUE id)
static VALUE render_canvas(VALUE self, VALUE font, VALUE width, VALUE height, VALUE pitch)
void *buf;
cucul_font_t *f;
caca_font_t *f;

if(CLASS_OF(font) != cFont)
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ static VALUE render_canvas(VALUE self, VALUE font, VALUE width, VALUE height, VA

f = DATA_PTR(font);
cucul_render_canvas(_SELF, f, buf, NUM2UINT(width), NUM2UINT(height), NUM2UINT(pitch));
caca_render_canvas(_SELF, f, buf, NUM2UINT(width), NUM2UINT(height), NUM2UINT(pitch));

b = rb_str_new(buf, width*height*4);
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ static VALUE render_canvas(VALUE self, VALUE font, VALUE width, VALUE height, VA
static VALUE import_memory(VALUE self, VALUE data, VALUE format)
long int bytes;
bytes = cucul_import_memory (_SELF, StringValuePtr(data), RSTRING(StringValue(data))->len, StringValuePtr(format));
bytes = caca_import_memory (_SELF, StringValuePtr(data), RSTRING(StringValue(data))->len, StringValuePtr(format));
if(bytes <= 0)
rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, strerror(errno));

@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ static VALUE import_memory(VALUE self, VALUE data, VALUE format)
static VALUE import_file(VALUE self, VALUE filename, VALUE format)
long int bytes;
bytes = cucul_import_file (_SELF, StringValuePtr(filename), StringValuePtr(format));
bytes = caca_import_file (_SELF, StringValuePtr(filename), StringValuePtr(format));
if(bytes <= 0)
rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, strerror(errno));

@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ static VALUE export_memory(VALUE self, VALUE format)
unsigned long int bytes;
void *result;
VALUE ret;
result = cucul_export_memory (_SELF, StringValuePtr(format), &bytes);
result = caca_export_memory (_SELF, StringValuePtr(format), &bytes);
ret = rb_str_new(result, bytes);
return ret;
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ get_singleton_double_list(import)


void Init_cucul_canvas(VALUE mCucul)
void Init_caca_canvas(VALUE mCucul)
cCanvas = rb_define_class_under(mCucul, "Canvas", rb_cObject);
rb_define_alloc_func(cCanvas, canvas_alloc);

+ 10
- 0
ruby/caca-canvas.h 파일 보기

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#ifndef __CACA_CANVAS_H__
#define __CACA_CANVAS_H__

#include <ruby.h>

extern VALUE cCanvas;
extern void Init_caca_canvas(VALUE);
extern VALUE canvas_create(caca_canvas_t *canvas);


+ 2
- 2
ruby/caca-display.c 파일 보기

@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
#include <caca.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "caca-event.h"
#include "cucul-canvas.h"
#include "caca-canvas.h"
#include "common.h"

VALUE cDisplay;
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ static VALUE display_alloc(VALUE klass)
static VALUE display_initialize(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self)
caca_display_t *display;
cucul_canvas_t *canvas = NULL;
caca_canvas_t *canvas = NULL;
const char *driver = NULL;
VALUE cv = Qnil;
VALUE arg1, arg2;

ruby/cucul-dither.c → ruby/caca-dither.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Ruby bindings
* libcaca Ruby bindings
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal Terjan <pterjan@linuxfr.org>
* This library is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@

#include <ruby.h>
#include <cucul.h>
#include <caca.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "common.h"

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ VALUE cDither;

void dither_free(void *dither)
cucul_free_dither((cucul_dither_t *)dither);
caca_free_dither((caca_dither_t *)dither);

static VALUE dither_alloc(VALUE klass)
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ static VALUE dither_alloc(VALUE klass)

static VALUE dither_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE bpp, VALUE w, VALUE h, VALUE pitch, VALUE rmask, VALUE gmask, VALUE bmask, VALUE amask)
cucul_dither_t *dither;
caca_dither_t *dither;

dither = cucul_create_dither(NUM2UINT(bpp), NUM2UINT(w), NUM2UINT(h), NUM2UINT(pitch), NUM2ULONG(rmask), NUM2ULONG(gmask), NUM2ULONG(bmask), NUM2ULONG(amask));
dither = caca_create_dither(NUM2UINT(bpp), NUM2UINT(w), NUM2UINT(h), NUM2UINT(pitch), NUM2ULONG(rmask), NUM2ULONG(gmask), NUM2ULONG(bmask), NUM2ULONG(amask));
if(dither == NULL)
rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, strerror(errno));
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ static VALUE set_dither_palette(VALUE self, VALUE palette)
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Invalid palette");

if(cucul_set_dither_palette(_SELF, red, green, blue, alpha)<0)
if(caca_set_dither_palette(_SELF, red, green, blue, alpha)<0)
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ static VALUE set_dither_palette2(VALUE self, VALUE palette)
#define set_float(x) \
static VALUE set_##x(VALUE self, VALUE x) \
{ \
if(cucul_set_dither_##x(_SELF, (float)NUM2DBL(x))<0)\
if(caca_set_dither_##x(_SELF, (float)NUM2DBL(x))<0)\
rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, strerror(errno)); \
return x; \
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ set_float(contrast)
get_double_list(dither_##x) \
static VALUE set_dither_##x(VALUE self, VALUE x) \
{ \
if(cucul_set_dither_##x(_SELF, StringValuePtr(x))<0) \
if(caca_set_dither_##x(_SELF, StringValuePtr(x))<0) \
{ \
rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, strerror(errno)); \
} \
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ get_set_str_from_list(color)

void Init_cucul_dither(VALUE mCucul)
void Init_caca_dither(VALUE mCucul)
cDither = rb_define_class_under(mCucul, "Dither", rb_cObject);
rb_define_alloc_func(cDither, dither_alloc);

+ 9
- 0
ruby/caca-dither.h 파일 보기

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#ifndef __CACA_DITHER_H__
#define __CACA_DITHER_H__

#include <ruby.h>

extern VALUE cDither;
extern void Init_caca_dither(VALUE);


ruby/cucul-font.c → ruby/caca-font.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* libcucul Ruby bindings
* libcaca Ruby bindings
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal Terjan <pterjan@linuxfr.org>
* This library is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@

#include <ruby.h>
#include <cucul.h>
#include <caca.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "common.h"

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ VALUE cFont;

void font_free(void *font)
cucul_free_font((cucul_font_t *)font);
caca_free_font((caca_font_t *)font);

static VALUE font_alloc(VALUE klass)
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ static VALUE font_alloc(VALUE klass)

static VALUE font_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE name)
cucul_font_t *font;
caca_font_t *font;

font = cucul_load_font(StringValuePtr(name), 0);
font = caca_load_font(StringValuePtr(name), 0);
if(font == NULL)
rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, strerror(errno));
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ static VALUE font_list(void)
VALUE ary;
char const* const* list;
list = cucul_get_font_list();
list = caca_get_font_list();
ary = rb_ary_new();
while (*list != NULL)
@@ -60,12 +60,12 @@ static VALUE font_list(void)

static VALUE get_font_width(VALUE self)
return UINT2NUM(cucul_get_font_width(_SELF));
return UINT2NUM(caca_get_font_width(_SELF));

static VALUE get_font_height(VALUE self)
return UINT2NUM(cucul_get_font_height(_SELF));
return UINT2NUM(caca_get_font_height(_SELF));

static VALUE get_font_blocks(VALUE self)
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ static VALUE get_font_blocks(VALUE self)
VALUE ary;
uint32_t const *list;
list = cucul_get_font_blocks(_SELF);
list = caca_get_font_blocks(_SELF);
ary = rb_ary_new();
while (*list != 0L)
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ static VALUE get_font_blocks(VALUE self)
return ary;

void Init_cucul_font(VALUE mCucul)
void Init_caca_font(VALUE mCucul)
cFont = rb_define_class_under(mCucul, "Font", rb_cObject);
rb_define_alloc_func(cFont, font_alloc);

+ 9
- 0
ruby/caca-font.h 파일 보기

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#ifndef __CACA_FONT_H__
#define __CACA_FONT_H__

#include <ruby.h>

extern VALUE cFont;
extern void Init_caca_font(VALUE);


+ 30
- 0
ruby/caca.c 파일 보기

@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
#include <ruby.h>
#include <caca.h>

#include "caca-canvas.h"
#include "caca-dither.h"
#include "caca-font.h"
#include "caca-display.h"
#include "caca-event.h"

@@ -26,6 +29,33 @@ void Init_caca()

rb_define_singleton_method(mCaca, "version", get_version, 0);

rb_define_const(mCaca, "BLACK", INT2FIX(CACA_BLACK));
rb_define_const(mCaca, "BLUE", INT2FIX(CACA_BLUE));
rb_define_const(mCaca, "GREEN", INT2FIX(CACA_GREEN));
rb_define_const(mCaca, "CYAN", INT2FIX(CACA_CYAN));
rb_define_const(mCaca, "RED", INT2FIX(CACA_RED));
rb_define_const(mCaca, "MAGENTA", INT2FIX(CACA_MAGENTA));
rb_define_const(mCaca, "BROWN", INT2FIX(CACA_BROWN));
rb_define_const(mCaca, "LIGHTGRAY", INT2FIX(CACA_LIGHTGRAY));
rb_define_const(mCaca, "DARKGRAY", INT2FIX(CACA_DARKGRAY));
rb_define_const(mCaca, "LIGHTBLUE", INT2FIX(CACA_LIGHTBLUE));
rb_define_const(mCaca, "LIGHTGREEN", INT2FIX(CACA_LIGHTGREEN));
rb_define_const(mCaca, "LIGHTCYAN", INT2FIX(CACA_LIGHTCYAN));
rb_define_const(mCaca, "LIGHTRED", INT2FIX(CACA_LIGHTRED));
rb_define_const(mCaca, "YELLOW", INT2FIX(CACA_YELLOW));
rb_define_const(mCaca, "WHITE", INT2FIX(CACA_WHITE));
rb_define_const(mCaca, "DEFAULT", INT2FIX(CACA_DEFAULT));

rb_define_const(mCaca, "BOLD", INT2FIX(CACA_BOLD));
rb_define_const(mCaca, "ITALICS", INT2FIX(CACA_ITALICS));
rb_define_const(mCaca, "UNDERLINE", INT2FIX(CACA_UNDERLINE));
rb_define_const(mCaca, "BLINK", INT2FIX(CACA_BLINK));


+ 2
- 2
ruby/common.h 파일 보기

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ static VALUE x##_list(void) \
VALUE ary, ary2; \
char const* const* list; \
list = cucul_get_##x##_list(); \
list = caca_get_##x##_list(); \
ary = rb_ary_new(); \
while (*list != NULL) \
{ \
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ static VALUE x##_list(VALUE self) \
VALUE ary, ary2; \
char const* const* list; \
list = cucul_get_##x##_list(_SELF); \
list = caca_get_##x##_list(_SELF); \
ary = rb_ary_new(); \
while (*list != NULL) \
{ \

+ 0
- 10
ruby/cucul-canvas.h 파일 보기

@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
#ifndef __CUCUL_CANVAS_H__
#define __CUCUL_CANVAS_H__

#include <ruby.h>

extern VALUE cCanvas;
extern void Init_cucul_canvas(VALUE);
extern VALUE canvas_create(cucul_canvas_t *canvas);


+ 0
- 9
ruby/cucul-dither.h 파일 보기

@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
#ifndef __CUCUL_DITHER_H__
#define __CUCUL_DITHER_H__

#include <ruby.h>

extern VALUE cDither;
extern void Init_cucul_dither(VALUE);


+ 0
- 9
ruby/cucul-font.h 파일 보기

@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
#ifndef __CUCUL_FONT_H__
#define __CUCUL_FONT_H__

#include <ruby.h>

extern VALUE cFont;
extern void Init_cucul_font(VALUE);


+ 0
- 57
ruby/cucul.c 파일 보기

@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
* libcucul Ruby bindings
* Copyright (c) 2007 Pascal Terjan <pterjan@linuxfr.org>
* This library is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
* the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
* To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
* http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.

#include <ruby.h>
#include <cucul.h>

#include "cucul-canvas.h"
#include "cucul-dither.h"
#include "cucul-font.h"

static VALUE get_version(VALUE self)
return rb_str_new2(cucul_get_version());

void Init_cucul()
VALUE mCucul = rb_define_module("Cucul");

rb_define_singleton_method(mCucul, "version", get_version, 0);

rb_define_const(mCucul, "BLACK", INT2FIX(CUCUL_BLACK));
rb_define_const(mCucul, "BLUE", INT2FIX(CUCUL_BLUE));
rb_define_const(mCucul, "GREEN", INT2FIX(CUCUL_GREEN));
rb_define_const(mCucul, "CYAN", INT2FIX(CUCUL_CYAN));
rb_define_const(mCucul, "RED", INT2FIX(CUCUL_RED));
rb_define_const(mCucul, "MAGENTA", INT2FIX(CUCUL_MAGENTA));
rb_define_const(mCucul, "BROWN", INT2FIX(CUCUL_BROWN));
rb_define_const(mCucul, "LIGHTGRAY", INT2FIX(CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY));
rb_define_const(mCucul, "DARKGRAY", INT2FIX(CUCUL_DARKGRAY));
rb_define_const(mCucul, "LIGHTBLUE", INT2FIX(CUCUL_LIGHTBLUE));
rb_define_const(mCucul, "LIGHTGREEN", INT2FIX(CUCUL_LIGHTGREEN));
rb_define_const(mCucul, "LIGHTCYAN", INT2FIX(CUCUL_LIGHTCYAN));
rb_define_const(mCucul, "LIGHTRED", INT2FIX(CUCUL_LIGHTRED));
rb_define_const(mCucul, "YELLOW", INT2FIX(CUCUL_YELLOW));
rb_define_const(mCucul, "WHITE", INT2FIX(CUCUL_WHITE));
rb_define_const(mCucul, "DEFAULT", INT2FIX(CUCUL_DEFAULT));

rb_define_const(mCucul, "BOLD", INT2FIX(CUCUL_BOLD));
rb_define_const(mCucul, "ITALICS", INT2FIX(CUCUL_ITALICS));
rb_define_const(mCucul, "UNDERLINE", INT2FIX(CUCUL_UNDERLINE));
rb_define_const(mCucul, "BLINK", INT2FIX(CUCUL_BLINK));


+ 8
- 8
src/Makefile.am 파일 보기

@@ -3,35 +3,35 @@
pkgdata_DATA = caca.txt

EXTRA_DIST = caca.txt
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/cucul -I../cucul \
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/caca -I../caca \
-I$(top_srcdir)/caca -DLIBCACA=1 -DX_DISPLAY_MISSING=1

bin_PROGRAMS = cacademo cacafire cacaplay cacaview img2txt $(fcntl_programs)
noinst_PROGRAMS = cacadraw

cacademo_SOURCES = cacademo.c texture.h
cacademo_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
cacademo_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../caca/libcaca.la
cacademo_LDFLAGS = @MATH_LIBS@

cacafire_SOURCES = aafire.c
cacafire_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
cacafire_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../caca/libcaca.la

cacaview_SOURCES = cacaview.c common-image.c common-image.h
cacaview_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
cacaview_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../caca/libcaca.la
cacaview_CFLAGS = $(IMLIB2_CFLAGS)
cacaview_LDFLAGS = $(IMLIB2_LIBS)

cacadraw_SOURCES = cacadraw.c
cacadraw_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
cacadraw_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../caca/libcaca.la

cacaplay_SOURCES = cacaplay.c
cacaplay_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../cucul/libcucul.la
cacaplay_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la ../caca/libcaca.la

cacaserver_SOURCES = cacaserver.c
cacaserver_LDADD = ../cucul/libcucul.la
cacaserver_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

img2txt_SOURCES = img2txt.c $(GETOPT) common-image.c common-image.h
img2txt_LDADD = ../cucul/libcucul.la
img2txt_LDADD = ../caca/libcaca.la

+ 18
- 19
src/aafire.c 파일 보기

@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"
#include <stdio.h>
@@ -40,10 +39,10 @@
#define MAXTABLE (256*5)
#ifdef LIBCACA
static cucul_canvas_t *cv;
static caca_canvas_t *cv;
static caca_display_t *dp;
static int XSIZ, YSIZ;
static cucul_dither_t *cucul_dither;
static caca_dither_t *caca_dither;
static char *bitmap;
static int paused = 0;
@@ -101,10 +100,10 @@ initialize (void)

#ifdef LIBCACA
cv = cucul_create_canvas(80, 32);
cv = caca_create_canvas(80, 32);
if (!cv)
printf ("Failed to initialize libcucul\n");
printf ("Failed to initialize libcaca\n");
exit (1);
dp = caca_create_display(cv);
@@ -114,8 +113,8 @@ initialize (void)
exit (1);
caca_set_display_time(dp, 10000);
XSIZ = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) * 2;
YSIZ = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) * 2 - 4;
XSIZ = caca_get_canvas_width(cv) * 2;
YSIZ = caca_get_canvas_height(cv) * 2 - 4;
context = aa_autoinit (&aa_defparams);
if (context == NULL)
@@ -141,12 +140,12 @@ initialize (void)

#ifdef LIBCACA
cucul_dither = cucul_create_dither(8, XSIZ, YSIZ - 2, XSIZ, 0, 0, 0, 0);
cucul_set_dither_palette(cucul_dither, r, g, b, a);
bitmap = malloc(4 * cucul_get_canvas_width(cv)
* cucul_get_canvas_height(cv));
memset(bitmap, 0, 4 * cucul_get_canvas_width(cv)
* cucul_get_canvas_height(cv));
caca_dither = caca_create_dither(8, XSIZ, YSIZ - 2, XSIZ, 0, 0, 0, 0);
caca_set_dither_palette(caca_dither, r, g, b, a);
bitmap = malloc(4 * caca_get_canvas_width(cv)
* caca_get_canvas_height(cv));
memset(bitmap, 0, 4 * caca_get_canvas_width(cv)
* caca_get_canvas_height(cv));
aa_hidecursor (context);
@@ -156,7 +155,7 @@ uninitialize (void)
#ifdef LIBCACA
aa_close (context);
@@ -238,12 +237,12 @@ drawfire (void)
firemain ();
#ifdef LIBCACA
cucul_dither_bitmap(cv, 0, 0, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv),
cucul_get_canvas_height(cv), cucul_dither, bitmap);
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLUE);
caca_dither_bitmap(cv, 0, 0, caca_get_canvas_width(cv),
caca_get_canvas_height(cv), caca_dither, bitmap);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE);
if (sloop < 100)
cucul_put_str(cv, cucul_get_canvas_width(cv) - 30,
cucul_get_canvas_height(cv) - 2,
caca_put_str(cv, caca_get_canvas_width(cv) - 30,
caca_get_canvas_height(cv) - 2,
" -=[ Powered by libcaca ]=- ");

+ 117
- 118
src/cacademo.c 파일 보기

@@ -26,20 +26,19 @@
# endif

#include "cucul.h"
#include "caca.h"


void transition(cucul_canvas_t *, int, int);
void plasma(enum action, cucul_canvas_t *);
void metaballs(enum action, cucul_canvas_t *);
void moire(enum action, cucul_canvas_t *);
void langton(enum action, cucul_canvas_t *);
void matrix(enum action, cucul_canvas_t *);
void rotozoom(enum action, cucul_canvas_t *);
void transition(caca_canvas_t *, int, int);
void plasma(enum action, caca_canvas_t *);
void metaballs(enum action, caca_canvas_t *);
void moire(enum action, caca_canvas_t *);
void langton(enum action, caca_canvas_t *);
void matrix(enum action, caca_canvas_t *);
void rotozoom(enum action, caca_canvas_t *);

void (*fn[])(enum action, cucul_canvas_t *) =
void (*fn[])(enum action, caca_canvas_t *) =
@@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ void (*fn[])(enum action, cucul_canvas_t *) =
#define DEMOS (sizeof(fn)/sizeof(*fn))

#define DEMO_FRAMES cucul_rand(500, 1000)
#define DEMO_FRAMES caca_rand(500, 1000)

@@ -70,25 +69,25 @@ static int frame = 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
static caca_display_t *dp;
static cucul_canvas_t *frontcv, *backcv, *mask;
static caca_canvas_t *frontcv, *backcv, *mask;

int demo, next = -1, paused = 0, next_transition = DEMO_FRAMES;
unsigned int i;
int tmode = cucul_rand(0, TRANSITION_COUNT);
int tmode = caca_rand(0, TRANSITION_COUNT);

/* Set up two canvases, a mask, and attach a display to the front one */
frontcv = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
backcv = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
mask = cucul_create_canvas(0, 0);
frontcv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
backcv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);
mask = caca_create_canvas(0, 0);

dp = caca_create_display(frontcv);
return 1;

cucul_set_canvas_size(backcv, cucul_get_canvas_width(frontcv),
cucul_set_canvas_size(mask, cucul_get_canvas_width(frontcv),
caca_set_canvas_size(backcv, caca_get_canvas_width(frontcv),
caca_set_canvas_size(mask, caca_get_canvas_width(frontcv),

caca_set_display_time(dp, 20000);

@@ -97,7 +96,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
fn[i](PREPARE, frontcv);

/* Choose a demo at random */
demo = cucul_rand(0, DEMOS);
demo = caca_rand(0, DEMOS);
fn[demo](INIT, frontcv);

@@ -127,10 +126,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)

/* Resize the spare canvas, just in case the main one changed */
cucul_set_canvas_size(backcv, cucul_get_canvas_width(frontcv),
cucul_set_canvas_size(mask, cucul_get_canvas_width(frontcv),
caca_set_canvas_size(backcv, caca_get_canvas_width(frontcv),
caca_set_canvas_size(mask, caca_get_canvas_width(frontcv),

goto _paused;
@@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* Handle transitions */
if(frame == next_transition)
next = cucul_rand(0, DEMOS);
next = caca_rand(0, DEMOS);
if(next == demo)
next = (next + 1) % DEMOS;
fn[next](INIT, backcv);
@@ -152,7 +151,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
demo = next;
next = -1;
next_transition = frame + DEMO_FRAMES;
tmode = cucul_rand(0, TRANSITION_COUNT);
tmode = caca_rand(0, TRANSITION_COUNT);

if(next != -1)
@@ -167,18 +166,18 @@ _paused:
if(next != -1)
fn[next](RENDER, backcv);
cucul_set_color_ansi(mask, CUCUL_LIGHTGRAY, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_set_color_ansi(mask, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_WHITE);
caca_set_color_ansi(mask, CACA_LIGHTGRAY, CACA_BLACK);
caca_set_color_ansi(mask, CACA_WHITE, CACA_WHITE);
transition(mask, tmode,
100 * (frame - next_transition) / TRANSITION_FRAMES);
cucul_blit(frontcv, 0, 0, backcv, mask);
caca_blit(frontcv, 0, 0, backcv, mask);

cucul_set_color_ansi(frontcv, CUCUL_WHITE, CUCUL_BLUE);
caca_set_color_ansi(frontcv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE);
if(frame < 100)
cucul_put_str(frontcv, cucul_get_canvas_width(frontcv) - 30,
cucul_get_canvas_height(frontcv) - 2,
caca_put_str(frontcv, caca_get_canvas_width(frontcv) - 30,
caca_get_canvas_height(frontcv) - 2,
" -=[ Powered by libcaca ]=- ");
@@ -188,15 +187,15 @@ end:
fn[demo](FREE, frontcv);


return 0;

/* Transitions */
void transition(cucul_canvas_t *mask, int tmode, int completed)
void transition(caca_canvas_t *mask, int tmode, int completed)
static float const star[] =
@@ -223,14 +222,14 @@ void transition(cucul_canvas_t *mask, int tmode, int completed)
static float square_rot[sizeof(square)/sizeof(*square)];

float mulx = 0.0075f * completed * cucul_get_canvas_width(mask);
float muly = 0.0075f * completed * cucul_get_canvas_height(mask);
int w2 = cucul_get_canvas_width(mask) / 2;
int h2 = cucul_get_canvas_height(mask) / 2;
float mulx = 0.0075f * completed * caca_get_canvas_width(mask);
float muly = 0.0075f * completed * caca_get_canvas_height(mask);
int w2 = caca_get_canvas_width(mask) / 2;
int h2 = caca_get_canvas_height(mask) / 2;
float angle = (0.0075f * completed * 360) * 3.14 / 180, x, y;
unsigned int i;
int w = cucul_get_canvas_width(mask);
int h = cucul_get_canvas_height(mask);
int w = caca_get_canvas_width(mask);
int h = caca_get_canvas_height(mask);

@@ -247,11 +246,11 @@ void transition(cucul_canvas_t *mask, int tmode, int completed)

mulx *= 1.8;
muly *= 1.8;
square_rot[0*2] * mulx + w2, square_rot[0*2+1] * muly + h2, \
square_rot[1*2] * mulx + w2, square_rot[1*2+1] * muly + h2, \
square_rot[2*2] * mulx + w2, square_rot[2*2+1] * muly + h2, '#');
square_rot[0*2] * mulx + w2, square_rot[0*2+1] * muly + h2, \
square_rot[2*2] * mulx + w2, square_rot[2*2+1] * muly + h2, \
square_rot[3*2] * mulx + w2, square_rot[3*2+1] * muly + h2, '#');
@@ -273,7 +272,7 @@ void transition(cucul_canvas_t *mask, int tmode, int completed)
muly *= 1.8;

#define DO_TRI(a, b, c) \
cucul_fill_triangle(mask, \
caca_fill_triangle(mask, \
star_rot[(a)*2] * mulx + w2, star_rot[(a)*2+1] * muly + h2, \
star_rot[(b)*2] * mulx + w2, star_rot[(b)*2+1] * muly + h2, \
star_rot[(c)*2] * mulx + w2, star_rot[(c)*2+1] * muly + h2, '#')
@@ -288,14 +287,14 @@ void transition(cucul_canvas_t *mask, int tmode, int completed)

cucul_fill_ellipse(mask, w2, h2, mulx, muly, '#');
caca_fill_ellipse(mask, w2, h2, mulx, muly, '#');

for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
int z = ((i & 1) ? w : (-w)/2) * (100 - completed) / 100;
cucul_fill_box(mask, i * w / 8, z , (w / 8) + 1, z + h, '#');
caca_fill_box(mask, i * w / 8, z , (w / 8) + 1, z + h, '#');

@@ -304,7 +303,7 @@ void transition(cucul_canvas_t *mask, int tmode, int completed)
for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
int z = ((i & 1) ? w : (-w)/2) * (100 - completed) / 100;
cucul_fill_box(mask, z, i * h / 6, z + w, (h / 6) + 1, '#');
caca_fill_box(mask, z, i * h / 6, z + w, (h / 6) + 1, '#');
@@ -318,9 +317,9 @@ static uint8_t table[TABLEX * TABLEY];
static void do_plasma(uint8_t *,
double, double, double, double, double, double);

void plasma(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)
void plasma(enum action action, caca_canvas_t *cv)
static cucul_dither_t *dither;
static caca_dither_t *dither;
static uint8_t *screen;
static uint32_t red[256], green[256], blue[256], alpha[256];
static double r[3], R[6];
@@ -335,10 +334,10 @@ void plasma(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)
red[i] = green[i] = blue[i] = alpha[i] = 0;

for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
r[i] = (double)(cucul_rand(1, 1000)) / 60000 * M_PI;
r[i] = (double)(caca_rand(1, 1000)) / 60000 * M_PI;

for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
R[i] = (double)(cucul_rand(1, 1000)) / 10000;
R[i] = (double)(caca_rand(1, 1000)) / 10000;

for(y = 0 ; y < TABLEY ; y++)
for(x = 0 ; x < TABLEX ; x++)
@@ -353,7 +352,7 @@ void plasma(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)

case INIT:
screen = malloc(XSIZ * YSIZ * sizeof(uint8_t));
dither = cucul_create_dither(8, XSIZ, YSIZ, XSIZ, 0, 0, 0, 0);
dither = caca_create_dither(8, XSIZ, YSIZ, XSIZ, 0, 0, 0, 0);

case UPDATE:
@@ -367,7 +366,7 @@ void plasma(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)

/* Set the palette */
cucul_set_dither_palette(dither, red, green, blue, alpha);
caca_set_dither_palette(dither, red, green, blue, alpha);

(1.0 + sin(((double)frame) * R[0])) / 2,
@@ -379,15 +378,15 @@ void plasma(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)

case RENDER:
cucul_dither_bitmap(cv, 0, 0,
caca_dither_bitmap(cv, 0, 0,
dither, screen);

case FREE:
@@ -425,9 +424,9 @@ static uint8_t metaball[METASIZE * METASIZE];
static void create_ball(void);
static void draw_ball(uint8_t *, unsigned int, unsigned int);

void metaballs(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)
void metaballs(enum action action, caca_canvas_t *cv)
static cucul_dither_t *cucul_dither;
static caca_dither_t *caca_dither;
static uint8_t *screen;
static uint32_t r[256], g[256], b[256], a[256];
static float dd[METABALLS], di[METABALLS], dj[METABALLS], dk[METABALLS];
@@ -451,13 +450,13 @@ void metaballs(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)

for(n = 0; n < METABALLS; n++)
dd[n] = cucul_rand(0, 100);
di[n] = (float)cucul_rand(500, 4000) / 6000.0;
dj[n] = (float)cucul_rand(500, 4000) / 6000.0;
dk[n] = (float)cucul_rand(500, 4000) / 6000.0;
dd[n] = caca_rand(0, 100);
di[n] = (float)caca_rand(500, 4000) / 6000.0;
dj[n] = (float)caca_rand(500, 4000) / 6000.0;
dk[n] = (float)caca_rand(500, 4000) / 6000.0;

angleoff = cucul_rand(0, 360);
angleoff = caca_rand(0, 360);

for(n = 0; n < 360 + 80; n++)
offset[n] = 1.0 + sin((double)(n * M_PI / 60));
@@ -465,9 +464,9 @@ void metaballs(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)

case INIT:
screen = malloc(XSIZ * YSIZ * sizeof(uint8_t));
/* Create a libcucul dither smaller than our pixel buffer, so that we
/* Create a libcaca dither smaller than our pixel buffer, so that we
* display only the interesting part of it */
cucul_dither = cucul_create_dither(8, XSIZ - METASIZE, YSIZ - METASIZE,
caca_dither = caca_create_dither(8, XSIZ - METASIZE, YSIZ - METASIZE,
XSIZ, 0, 0, 0, 0);

@@ -492,7 +491,7 @@ void metaballs(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)

/* Set the palette */
cucul_set_dither_palette(cucul_dither, r, g, b, a);
caca_set_dither_palette(caca_dither, r, g, b, a);

/* Silly paths for our balls */
for(n = 0; n < METABALLS; n++)
@@ -516,15 +515,15 @@ void metaballs(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)

case RENDER:
cucul_dither_bitmap(cv, 0, 0,
cucul_dither, screen + (METASIZE / 2) * (1 + XSIZ));
caca_dither_bitmap(cv, 0, 0,
caca_dither, screen + (METASIZE / 2) * (1 + XSIZ));

case FREE:
@@ -576,9 +575,9 @@ static uint8_t disc[DISCSIZ * DISCSIZ];
static void put_disc(uint8_t *, int, int);
static void draw_line(int, int, char);

void moire(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)
void moire(enum action action, caca_canvas_t *cv)
static cucul_dither_t *dither;
static caca_dither_t *dither;
static uint8_t *screen;
static float d[6];
static uint32_t red[256], green[256], blue[256], alpha[256];
@@ -593,7 +592,7 @@ void moire(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)
red[i] = green[i] = blue[i] = alpha[i] = 0;

for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
d[i] = ((float)cucul_rand(50, 70)) / 1000.0;
d[i] = ((float)caca_rand(50, 70)) / 1000.0;

red[0] = green[0] = blue[0] = 0x777;
red[1] = green[1] = blue[1] = 0xfff;
@@ -616,7 +615,7 @@ void moire(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)

case INIT:
screen = malloc(XSIZ * YSIZ * sizeof(uint8_t));
dither = cucul_create_dither(8, XSIZ, YSIZ, XSIZ, 0, 0, 0, 0);
dither = caca_create_dither(8, XSIZ, YSIZ, XSIZ, 0, 0, 0, 0);

case UPDATE:
@@ -631,7 +630,7 @@ void moire(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)
green[1] = 0.5 * (1 + cos(d[4] * frame + 5.0)) * 0xfff;
blue[1] = 0.5 * (1 + cos(d[5] * (frame + 4000))) * 0xfff;

cucul_set_dither_palette(dither, red, green, blue, alpha);
caca_set_dither_palette(dither, red, green, blue, alpha);

/* Draw circles */
x = cos(d[0] * (frame + 1000)) * 128.0 + (XSIZ / 2);
@@ -644,15 +643,15 @@ void moire(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)

case RENDER:
cucul_dither_bitmap(cv, 0, 0,
caca_dither_bitmap(cv, 0, 0,
dither, screen);

case FREE:
@@ -687,7 +686,7 @@ static void draw_line(int x, int y, char color)
#define ANTS 15
#define ITER 2

void langton(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)
void langton(enum action action, caca_canvas_t *cv)
static char gradient[] =
@@ -704,13 +703,13 @@ void langton(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)
width = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv);
height = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv);
width = caca_get_canvas_width(cv);
height = caca_get_canvas_height(cv);
for(i = 0; i < ANTS; i++)
ax[i] = cucul_rand(0, width);
ay[i] = cucul_rand(0, height);
dir[i] = cucul_rand(0, 4);
ax[i] = caca_rand(0, width);
ay[i] = caca_rand(0, height);
dir[i] = caca_rand(0, 4);

@@ -757,10 +756,10 @@ void langton(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)
uint8_t p = screen[x + width * y];

if(p & 0x0f)
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_WHITE, p >> 4);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, p >> 4);
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_BLACK, CUCUL_BLACK);
cucul_put_char(cv, x, y, gradient[p & 0x0f]);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_BLACK, CACA_BLACK);
caca_put_char(cv, x, y, gradient[p & 0x0f]);
@@ -776,7 +775,7 @@ void langton(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)
#define MINLEN 15
#define MAXLEN 30

void matrix(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)
void matrix(enum action action, caca_canvas_t *cv)
static struct drop
@@ -792,12 +791,12 @@ void matrix(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)
for(i = 0; i < MAXDROPS; i++)
drop[i].x = cucul_rand(0, 1000);
drop[i].y = cucul_rand(0, 1000);
drop[i].speed = 5 + cucul_rand(0, 30);
drop[i].len = MINLEN + cucul_rand(0, (MAXLEN - MINLEN));
drop[i].x = caca_rand(0, 1000);
drop[i].y = caca_rand(0, 1000);
drop[i].speed = 5 + caca_rand(0, 30);
drop[i].len = MINLEN + caca_rand(0, (MAXLEN - MINLEN));
for(j = 0; j < MAXLEN; j++)
drop[i].str[j] = cucul_rand('0', 'z');
drop[i].str[j] = caca_rand('0', 'z');

@@ -805,8 +804,8 @@ void matrix(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)

case UPDATE:
w = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv);
h = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv);
w = caca_get_canvas_width(cv);
h = caca_get_canvas_height(cv);

for(i = 0; i < MAXDROPS && i < (w * h / 32); i++)
@@ -814,17 +813,17 @@ void matrix(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)
if(drop[i].y > 1000)
drop[i].y -= 1000;
drop[i].x = cucul_rand(0, 1000);
drop[i].x = caca_rand(0, 1000);

case RENDER:
w = cucul_get_canvas_width(cv);
h = cucul_get_canvas_height(cv);
w = caca_get_canvas_width(cv);
h = caca_get_canvas_height(cv);

cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, CUCUL_BLACK, CUCUL_BLACK);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_BLACK, CACA_BLACK);

for(i = 0; i < MAXDROPS && i < (w * h / 32); i++)
@@ -838,16 +837,16 @@ void matrix(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)
unsigned int fg;

if(j < 2)
else if(j < drop[i].len / 4)
else if(j < drop[i].len * 4 / 5)
cucul_set_color_ansi(cv, fg, CUCUL_BLACK);
caca_set_color_ansi(cv, fg, CACA_BLACK);

cucul_put_char(cv, x, y - j,
caca_put_char(cv, x, y - j,
drop[i].str[(y - j) % drop[i].len]);
@@ -871,13 +870,13 @@ void matrix(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *cv)

#include "texture.h"

void rotozoom(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *canvas)
void rotozoom(enum action action, caca_canvas_t *canvas)
static uint32_t screen[XSIZ * YSIZ];
static int cos_tab[TABLE_SIZE], sin_tab[TABLE_SIZE];
static int y_tab[TEXTURE_SIZE];

static cucul_dither_t *dither;
static caca_dither_t *dither;
static uint32_t *texture;
uint32_t *p;
static int alphaF, tF;
@@ -903,7 +902,7 @@ void rotozoom(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *canvas)

case INIT:
dither = cucul_create_dither(32, XSIZ, YSIZ, XSIZ * 4,
dither = caca_create_dither(32, XSIZ, YSIZ, XSIZ * 4,
@@ -941,14 +940,14 @@ void rotozoom(enum action action, cucul_canvas_t *canvas)

case RENDER:
cucul_dither_bitmap(canvas, 0, 0,
caca_dither_bitmap(canvas, 0, 0,
dither, screen);

case FREE:

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