+ Updated the package descriptions to include cacaball.
* doc/cacademo.1 doc/Makefile.am:
+ Use the cacademo manpage as the cacaball manpage.
* src/:
+ Added #ifdef _DOXYGEN_SKIP_ME here and there to prvent Doxygen from
documenting bizarre stuff.
+ Simple image viewer, cacaview, based on libcaca and imlib2.
+ Renamed caca-demo into cacademo.
* doc/:
+ Renamed doc/caca-demo.1 into doc/cacademo.1.
+ Wrote the changelog for the Debian release.
+ Wrote a copyright file.
* doc/:
+ Wrote manpages for caca-demo and caca-spritedit.
* examples/caca.txt:
+ Centered the sprite handle.
+ Added a second frame to the sprite.