+ Added ee_color_names[] containing our 16 color names.
* libee/ee.c:
+ Extended our color set to the full 16 instead of 10.
+ Precalculate ncurses attributes.
* libee/graphics.c:
+ Clip color value in ee_set_color().
+ Clip characters in ee_putchar().
+ Partially clip characters in ee_putstr(), overflows aren't checked yet.
* libee/ee_internals.h:
+ New file to share extern variables within libee.
* test/demo.c:
+ Added a simple demo_color() to output all colors.
+ Replaced four ee_draw_line() with ee_draw_thin_box().
+ Replaced x1, y1, x2 etc. with xa, ya, xb etc. because <math.h> already
defines y1.
+ Randomized colours from 0 to 15 instead of 1 to 10.
* src/Makefiles.am:
+ Added -lm to the ttyvaders linking flags because of the intro.
+ Updated.
+ Moved ee_putstr() and ee_putchar() in here.
* libee/ee.h:
+ Got rid of ee_goto().
+ Moved <slang.h> or <curses.h> into libee.
* Replaced ee_goto()/ee_putstr() pairs with ee_putstr().
* Ditto for ee_putchar().
+ Moved ee_get_key() here.
* libee/math.c:
+ Moved r00t() here and renamed it to ee_sqrt().
+ Moved GET_RAND() here and renamed it to ee_rand().
* src/math.c:
+ Removed this deprecated file.