/* * libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library * Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org> * 2007 Ben Wiley Sittler <bsittler@gmail.com> * All Rights Reserved * * $Id$ * * This library is free software. It comes without any warranty, to * the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want * To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See * http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. */ /* * This file contains the libcaca X11 input and output driver */ #include "config.h" #include "common.h" #if defined(USE_X11) #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/keysym.h> #if defined(HAVE_X11_XKBLIB_H) # include <X11/XKBlib.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> /* BUFSIZ */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "cucul.h" #include "caca.h" #include "caca_internals.h" /* * Local functions */ static int x11_error_handler(Display *, XErrorEvent *); static void x11_put_glyph(caca_display_t *, int, int, int, int, int, uint32_t, uint32_t); struct driver_private { Display *dpy; Window window; Pixmap pixmap; GC gc; long int event_mask; int font_width, font_height; int colors[4096]; Font font; XFontStruct *font_struct; int font_offset; Cursor pointer; Atom wm_protocols; Atom wm_delete_window; #if defined(HAVE_X11_XKBLIB_H) Bool autorepeat; #endif uint32_t max_char; int cursor_flags; }; #define UNICODE_XLFD_SUFFIX "-iso10646-1" #define LATIN_1_XLFD_SUFFIX "-iso8859-1" static int x11_init_graphics(caca_display_t *dp) { Colormap colormap; XSetWindowAttributes x11_winattr; int (*old_error_handler)(Display *, XErrorEvent *); char const *fonts[] = { NULL, "8x13bold", "fixed" }, **parser; char const *geometry; unsigned int width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv); unsigned int height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv); int i; dp->drv.p = malloc(sizeof(struct driver_private)); #if defined(HAVE_GETENV) geometry = getenv("CACA_GEOMETRY"); if(geometry && *geometry) sscanf(geometry, "%ux%u", &width, &height); #endif dp->resize.allow = 1; cucul_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, width ? width : 80, height ? height : 32); width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv); height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv); dp->resize.allow = 0; dp->drv.p->dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if(dp->drv.p->dpy == NULL) return -1; #if defined(HAVE_GETENV) fonts[0] = getenv("CACA_FONT"); if(fonts[0] && *fonts[0]) parser = fonts; else #endif parser = fonts + 1; /* Ignore font errors */ old_error_handler = XSetErrorHandler(x11_error_handler); /* Parse our font list */ for( ; ; parser++) { unsigned int font_max_char; if(!*parser) { XSetErrorHandler(old_error_handler); XCloseDisplay(dp->drv.p->dpy); return -1; } dp->drv.p->font = XLoadFont(dp->drv.p->dpy, *parser); if(!dp->drv.p->font) continue; dp->drv.p->font_struct = XQueryFont(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->font); if(!dp->drv.p->font_struct) { XUnloadFont(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->font); continue; } if((strlen(*parser) > sizeof(UNICODE_XLFD_SUFFIX)) && !strcasecmp(*parser + strlen(*parser) - strlen(UNICODE_XLFD_SUFFIX), UNICODE_XLFD_SUFFIX)) dp->drv.p->max_char = 0xffff; else if((strlen(*parser) > sizeof(LATIN_1_XLFD_SUFFIX)) && !strcasecmp(*parser + strlen(*parser) - strlen(LATIN_1_XLFD_SUFFIX), LATIN_1_XLFD_SUFFIX)) dp->drv.p->max_char = 0xff; else dp->drv.p->max_char = 0x7f; font_max_char = (((unsigned int)dp->drv.p->font_struct->max_byte1) << 8) | dp->drv.p->font_struct->max_char_or_byte2; if(font_max_char && (font_max_char < dp->drv.p->max_char)) dp->drv.p->max_char = font_max_char; break; } /* Reset the default X11 error handler */ XSetErrorHandler(old_error_handler); dp->drv.p->font_width = 0; if(dp->drv.p->font_struct->per_char && !dp->drv.p->font_struct->min_byte1 && dp->drv.p->font_struct->min_char_or_byte2 <= 0x21 && dp->drv.p->font_struct->max_char_or_byte2 >= 0x7e) { for(i = 0x21; i < 0x7f; i++) { int cw = dp->drv.p->font_struct->per_char[i - dp->drv.p->font_struct->min_char_or_byte2].width; if(cw > dp->drv.p->font_width) dp->drv.p->font_width = cw; } } if(!dp->drv.p->font_width) dp->drv.p->font_width = dp->drv.p->font_struct->max_bounds.width; dp->drv.p->font_height = dp->drv.p->font_struct->max_bounds.ascent + dp->drv.p->font_struct->max_bounds.descent; dp->drv.p->font_offset = dp->drv.p->font_struct->max_bounds.descent; colormap = DefaultColormap(dp->drv.p->dpy, DefaultScreen(dp->drv.p->dpy)); for(i = 0x000; i < 0x1000; i++) { XColor color; color.red = ((i & 0xf00) >> 8) * 0x1111; color.green = ((i & 0x0f0) >> 4) * 0x1111; color.blue = (i & 0x00f) * 0x1111; XAllocColor(dp->drv.p->dpy, colormap, &color); dp->drv.p->colors[i] = color.pixel; } x11_winattr.backing_store = Always; x11_winattr.background_pixel = dp->drv.p->colors[0x000]; x11_winattr.event_mask = ExposureMask | StructureNotifyMask; dp->drv.p->window = XCreateWindow(dp->drv.p->dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dp->drv.p->dpy), 0, 0, width * dp->drv.p->font_width, height * dp->drv.p->font_height, 0, 0, InputOutput, 0, CWBackingStore | CWBackPixel | CWEventMask, &x11_winattr); dp->drv.p->wm_protocols = XInternAtom(dp->drv.p->dpy, "WM_PROTOCOLS", True); dp->drv.p->wm_delete_window = XInternAtom(dp->drv.p->dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", True); if(dp->drv.p->wm_protocols != None && dp->drv.p->wm_delete_window != None) XSetWMProtocols(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->window, &dp->drv.p->wm_delete_window, 1); XStoreName(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->window, "caca for X"); XSelectInput(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->window, StructureNotifyMask); XMapWindow(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->window); dp->drv.p->gc = XCreateGC(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->window, 0, NULL); XSetForeground(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->gc, dp->drv.p->colors[0x888]); XSetFont(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->gc, dp->drv.p->font); for(;;) { XEvent xevent; XNextEvent(dp->drv.p->dpy, &xevent); if(xevent.type == MapNotify) break; } #if defined(HAVE_X11_XKBLIB_H) /* Disable autorepeat */ XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat(dp->drv.p->dpy, True, &dp->drv.p->autorepeat); if(!dp->drv.p->autorepeat) XAutoRepeatOff(dp->drv.p->dpy); #endif dp->drv.p->event_mask = KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask; XSelectInput(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->window, dp->drv.p->event_mask); XSync(dp->drv.p->dpy, False); dp->drv.p->pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->window, width * dp->drv.p->font_width, height * dp->drv.p->font_height, DefaultDepth(dp->drv.p->dpy, DefaultScreen(dp->drv.p->dpy))); dp->drv.p->pointer = None; dp->drv.p->cursor_flags = 0; return 0; } static int x11_end_graphics(caca_display_t *dp) { XSync(dp->drv.p->dpy, False); #if defined(HAVE_X11_XKBLIB_H) if(!dp->drv.p->autorepeat) XAutoRepeatOn(dp->drv.p->dpy); #endif XFreePixmap(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->pixmap); XFreeFont(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->font_struct); XFreeGC(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->gc); XUnmapWindow(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->window); XDestroyWindow(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->window); XCloseDisplay(dp->drv.p->dpy); free(dp->drv.p); return 0; } static int x11_set_display_title(caca_display_t *dp, char const *title) { XStoreName(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->window, title); return 0; } static unsigned int x11_get_display_width(caca_display_t const *dp) { return cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) * dp->drv.p->font_width; } static unsigned int x11_get_display_height(caca_display_t const *dp) { return cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) * dp->drv.p->font_height; } static void x11_display(caca_display_t *dp) { uint32_t const *cvchars = (uint32_t const *)cucul_get_canvas_chars(dp->cv); uint32_t const *cvattrs = (uint32_t const *)cucul_get_canvas_attrs(dp->cv); unsigned int width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv); unsigned int height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv); unsigned int x, y, len; /* First draw the background colours. Splitting the process in two * loops like this is actually slightly faster. */ for(y = 0; y < height; y++) { for(x = 0; x < width; x += len) { uint32_t const *attrs = cvattrs + x + y * width; uint16_t bg = cucul_attr_to_rgb12_bg(*attrs); len = 1; while(x + len < width && cucul_attr_to_rgb12_bg(attrs[len]) == bg) len++; XSetForeground(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->gc, dp->drv.p->colors[bg]); XFillRectangle(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->pixmap, dp->drv.p->gc, x * dp->drv.p->font_width, y * dp->drv.p->font_height, len * dp->drv.p->font_width, dp->drv.p->font_height); } } /* Then print the foreground characters */ for(y = 0; y < height; y++) { unsigned int yoff = (y + 1) * dp->drv.p->font_height - dp->drv.p->font_offset; uint32_t const *chars = cvchars + y * width; uint32_t const *attrs = cvattrs + y * width; for(x = 0; x < width; x++, chars++, attrs++) { XSetForeground(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->gc, dp->drv.p->colors[cucul_attr_to_rgb12_fg(*attrs)]); x11_put_glyph(dp, x * dp->drv.p->font_width, y * dp->drv.p->font_height, yoff, dp->drv.p->font_width, dp->drv.p->font_height, *attrs, *chars); } } /* Print the cursor if necessary */ if(dp->drv.p->cursor_flags) { XSetForeground(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->gc, dp->drv.p->colors[0xfff]); x = cucul_get_cursor_x(dp->cv); y = cucul_get_cursor_y(dp->cv); XFillRectangle(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->pixmap, dp->drv.p->gc, x * dp->drv.p->font_width, y * dp->drv.p->font_height, dp->drv.p->font_width, dp->drv.p->font_height); } XCopyArea(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->pixmap, dp->drv.p->window, dp->drv.p->gc, 0, 0, width * dp->drv.p->font_width, height * dp->drv.p->font_height, 0, 0); XFlush(dp->drv.p->dpy); } static void x11_handle_resize(caca_display_t *dp) { Pixmap new_pixmap; new_pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->window, dp->resize.w * dp->drv.p->font_width, dp->resize.h * dp->drv.p->font_height, DefaultDepth(dp->drv.p->dpy, DefaultScreen(dp->drv.p->dpy))); XCopyArea(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->pixmap, new_pixmap, dp->drv.p->gc, 0, 0, dp->resize.w * dp->drv.p->font_width, dp->resize.h * dp->drv.p->font_height, 0, 0); XFreePixmap(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->pixmap); dp->drv.p->pixmap = new_pixmap; } static int x11_get_event(caca_display_t *dp, caca_privevent_t *ev) { unsigned int width = cucul_get_canvas_width(dp->cv); unsigned int height = cucul_get_canvas_height(dp->cv); XEvent xevent; char key; while(XCheckWindowEvent(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->window, dp->drv.p->event_mask, &xevent) == True) { KeySym keysym; /* Expose event */ if(xevent.type == Expose) { XCopyArea(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->pixmap, dp->drv.p->window, dp->drv.p->gc, 0, 0, width * dp->drv.p->font_width, height * dp->drv.p->font_height, 0, 0); continue; } /* Resize event */ if(xevent.type == ConfigureNotify) { unsigned int w, h; w = (xevent.xconfigure.width + dp->drv.p->font_width / 3) / dp->drv.p->font_width; h = (xevent.xconfigure.height + dp->drv.p->font_height / 3) / dp->drv.p->font_height; if(!w || !h || (w == width && h == height)) continue; dp->resize.w = w; dp->resize.h = h; dp->resize.resized = 1; continue; } /* Check for mouse motion events */ if(xevent.type == MotionNotify) { unsigned int newx = xevent.xmotion.x / dp->drv.p->font_width; unsigned int newy = xevent.xmotion.y / dp->drv.p->font_height; if(newx >= width) newx = width - 1; if(newy >= height) newy = height - 1; if(dp->mouse.x == newx && dp->mouse.y == newy) continue; dp->mouse.x = newx; dp->mouse.y = newy; ev->type = CACA_EVENT_MOUSE_MOTION; ev->data.mouse.x = dp->mouse.x; ev->data.mouse.y = dp->mouse.y; return 1; } /* Check for mouse press and release events */ if(xevent.type == ButtonPress) { ev->type = CACA_EVENT_MOUSE_PRESS; ev->data.mouse.button = ((XButtonEvent *)&xevent)->button; return 1; } if(xevent.type == ButtonRelease) { ev->type = CACA_EVENT_MOUSE_RELEASE; ev->data.mouse.button = ((XButtonEvent *)&xevent)->button; return 1; } /* Check for key press and release events */ if(xevent.type == KeyPress) ev->type = CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS; else if(xevent.type == KeyRelease) ev->type = CACA_EVENT_KEY_RELEASE; else continue; if(XLookupString(&xevent.xkey, &key, 1, NULL, NULL)) { ev->data.key.ch = key; ev->data.key.utf32 = key; ev->data.key.utf8[0] = key; ev->data.key.utf8[1] = '\0'; return 1; } keysym = XKeycodeToKeysym(dp->drv.p->dpy, xevent.xkey.keycode, 0); switch(keysym) { case XK_F1: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F1; break; case XK_F2: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F2; break; case XK_F3: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F3; break; case XK_F4: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F4; break; case XK_F5: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F5; break; case XK_F6: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F6; break; case XK_F7: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F7; break; case XK_F8: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F8; break; case XK_F9: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F9; break; case XK_F10: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F10; break; case XK_F11: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F11; break; case XK_F12: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F12; break; case XK_F13: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F13; break; case XK_F14: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F14; break; case XK_F15: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F15; break; case XK_Left: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_LEFT; break; case XK_Right: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_RIGHT; break; case XK_Up: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_UP; break; case XK_Down: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_DOWN; break; case XK_KP_Page_Up: case XK_Page_Up: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_PAGEUP; break; case XK_KP_Page_Down: case XK_Page_Down: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_PAGEDOWN; break; case XK_KP_Home: case XK_Home: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_HOME; break; case XK_KP_End: case XK_End: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_END; break; default: ev->type = CACA_EVENT_NONE; return 0; } ev->data.key.utf32 = 0; ev->data.key.utf8[0] = '\0'; return 1; } while(XCheckTypedEvent(dp->drv.p->dpy, ClientMessage, &xevent)) { if(xevent.xclient.message_type != dp->drv.p->wm_protocols) continue; if((Atom)xevent.xclient.data.l[0] == dp->drv.p->wm_delete_window) { ev->type = CACA_EVENT_QUIT; return 1; } } ev->type = CACA_EVENT_NONE; return 0; } static void x11_set_mouse(caca_display_t *dp, int flags) { Cursor no_ptr; Pixmap bm_no; XColor black, dummy; Colormap colormap; static char const empty[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; if(flags) { XDefineCursor(dp->drv.p->dpy,dp->drv.p->window, 0); return; } colormap = DefaultColormap(dp->drv.p->dpy, DefaultScreen(dp->drv.p->dpy)); if(!XAllocNamedColor(dp->drv.p->dpy, colormap, "black", &black, &dummy)) { return; } bm_no = XCreateBitmapFromData(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->window, empty, 8, 8); no_ptr = XCreatePixmapCursor(dp->drv.p->dpy, bm_no, bm_no, &black, &black, 0, 0); XDefineCursor(dp->drv.p->dpy, dp->drv.p->window, no_ptr); XFreeCursor(dp->drv.p->dpy, no_ptr); if(bm_no != None) XFreePixmap(dp->drv.p->dpy, bm_no); XFreeColors(dp->drv.p->dpy, colormap, &black.pixel, 1, 0); XSync(dp->drv.p->dpy, False); } static void x11_set_cursor(caca_display_t *dp, int flags) { dp->drv.p->cursor_flags = flags; } /* * XXX: following functions are local */ static int x11_error_handler(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *xevent) { /* Ignore the error */ return 0; } static void x11_put_glyph(caca_display_t *dp, int x, int y, int yoff, int w, int h, uint32_t attr, uint32_t ch) { static uint8_t const udlr[] = { /* 0x2500 - 0x250f: ─ . │ . . . . . . . . . ┌ . . . */ 0x05, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x2510 - 0x251f: ┐ . . . └ . . . ┘ . . . ├ . . . */ 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x41, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x44, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x51, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x2520 - 0x252f: . . . . ┤ . . . . . . . ┬ . . . */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x54, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x15, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x2530 - 0x253f: . . . . ┴ . . . . . . . ┼ . . . */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x45, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x55, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x2540 - 0x254f: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* 0x2550 - 0x255f: ═ ║ ╒ ╓ ╔ ╕ ╖ ╗ ╘ ╙ ╚ ╛ ╜ ╝ ╞ ╟ */ 0x0a, 0xa0, 0x12, 0x21, 0x22, 0x18, 0x24, 0x28, 0x42, 0x81, 0x82, 0x48, 0x84, 0x88, 0x52, 0xa1, /* 0x2560 - 0x256c: ╠ ╡ ╢ ╣ ╤ ╥ ╦ ╧ ╨ ╩ ╪ ╫ ╬ */ 0xa2, 0x58, 0xa4, 0xa8, 0x1a, 0x25, 0x2a, 0x4a, 0x85, 0x8a, 0x5a, 0xa5, 0xaa, }; Display *dpy = dp->drv.p->dpy; Pixmap px = dp->drv.p->pixmap; GC gc = dp->drv.p->gc; int fw; XChar2b ch16; /* Underline */ if(attr & CUCUL_UNDERLINE) XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x, y + h - 1, w, 1); /* Skip spaces and magic stuff */ if(ch <= 0x00000020) return; if(ch == CUCUL_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH) return; fw = w; if(cucul_utf32_is_fullwidth(ch)) fw *= 2; /* We want to be able to print a few special Unicode characters * such as the CP437 gradients and half blocks. For unknown * characters, print what cucul_utf32_to_ascii() returns. */ if(ch >= 0x2500 && ch <= 0x256c && udlr[ch - 0x2500]) { uint16_t D = udlr[ch - 0x2500]; if(D & 0x04) XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x, y + h / 2, fw / 2 + 1, 1); if(D & 0x01) XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x + fw / 2, y + h / 2, (fw + 1) / 2, 1); if(D & 0x40) XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x + fw / 2, y, 1, h / 2 + 1); if(D & 0x10) XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x + fw / 2, y + h / 2, 1, (h + 1) / 2); #define STEPIF(a,b) (D&(a)?-1:(D&(b))?1:0) if(D & 0x08) { XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x, y - 1 + h / 2, fw / 2 + 1 + STEPIF(0xc0,0x20), 1); XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x, y + 1 + h / 2, fw / 2 + 1 + STEPIF(0x30,0x80), 1); } if(D & 0x02) { XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x - STEPIF(0xc0,0x20) + fw / 2, y - 1 + h / 2, (fw + 1) / 2 + STEPIF(0xc0,0x20), 1); XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x - STEPIF(0x30,0x80) + fw / 2, y + 1 + h / 2, (fw + 1) / 2 + STEPIF(0x30,0x80), 1); } if(D & 0x80) { XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x - 1 + fw / 2, y, 1, h / 2 + 1 + STEPIF(0x0c,0x02)); XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x + 1 + fw / 2, y, 1, h / 2 + 1 + STEPIF(0x03,0x08)); } if(D & 0x20) { XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x - 1 + fw / 2, y - STEPIF(0x0c,0x02) + h / 2, 1, (h + 1) / 2 + STEPIF(0x0c,0x02)); XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x + 1 + fw / 2, y - STEPIF(0x03,0x08) + h / 2, 1, (h + 1) / 2 + STEPIF(0x03,0x08)); } return; } switch(ch) { case 0x000000b7: /* · */ case 0x00002219: /* ∙ */ case 0x000030fb: /* ・ */ XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x + fw / 2 - 1, y + h / 2 - 1, 2, 2); return; case 0x00002261: /* ≡ */ XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x + 1, y - 2 + h / 2, fw - 1, 1); XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x + 1, y + h / 2, fw - 1, 1); XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x + 1, y + 2 + h / 2, fw - 1, 1); return; case 0x00002580: /* ▀ */ XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x, y, fw, h / 2); return; case 0x00002584: /* ▄ */ XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x, y + h - h / 2, fw, h / 2); return; case 0x00002588: /* █ */ case 0x000025ae: /* ▮ */ XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x, y, fw, h); return; case 0x0000258c: /* ▌ */ XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x, y, fw / 2, h); return; case 0x00002590: /* ▐ */ XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x + fw - fw / 2, y, fw / 2, h); return; case 0x000025a0: /* ■ */ case 0x000025ac: /* ▬ */ XFillRectangle(dpy, px, gc, x, y + h / 4, fw, h / 2); return; case 0x00002593: /* ▓ */ case 0x00002592: /* ▒ */ case 0x00002591: /* ░ */ { /* FIXME: this sucks utterly */ int i, j, k = ch - 0x00002591; for(j = h; j--; ) for(i = fw; i--; ) { if(((i + 2 * (j & 1)) & 3) > k) continue; XDrawPoint(dpy, px, gc, x + i, y + j); } return; } case 0x000025cb: /* ○ */ case 0x00002022: /* • */ case 0x000025cf: /* ● */ { int d, xo, yo; d = fw >> (~ch & 0x1); /* XXX: hack */ if(h < fw) d = h; if(d < 1) d = 1; xo = (fw - d) / 2; yo = (h - d) / 2; if(ch == 0x000025cb) XDrawArc(dpy, px, gc, x + xo, y + yo, d, d, 0, 64 * 360); else XFillArc(dpy, px, gc, x + xo, y + yo, d, d, 0, 64 * 360); return; } } if(ch >= 0x00000020 && ch <= dp->drv.p->max_char) { /* ascii, latin-1 or unicode font (might draw a blank square) */ ch16.byte1 = (ch) >> 8; ch16.byte2 = (ch) & 0xff; } else { ch16.byte1 = 0; ch16.byte2 = cucul_utf32_to_ascii(ch); } XDrawString16(dpy, px, gc, x + (ch16.byte1 ? 0 : (fw - w) / 2), yoff, &ch16, 1); } /* * Driver initialisation */ int x11_install(caca_display_t *dp) { #if defined(HAVE_GETENV) if(!getenv("DISPLAY") || !*(getenv("DISPLAY"))) return -1; #endif dp->drv.driver = CACA_DRIVER_X11; dp->drv.init_graphics = x11_init_graphics; dp->drv.end_graphics = x11_end_graphics; dp->drv.set_display_title = x11_set_display_title; dp->drv.get_display_width = x11_get_display_width; dp->drv.get_display_height = x11_get_display_height; dp->drv.display = x11_display; dp->drv.handle_resize = x11_handle_resize; dp->drv.get_event = x11_get_event; dp->drv.set_mouse = x11_set_mouse; dp->drv.set_cursor = x11_set_cursor; return 0; } #endif /* USE_X11 */