# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library # Python language bindings # Copyright (c) 2010 Alex Foulon <alxf@lavabit.com> # All Rights Reserved # # This library is free software. It comes without any warranty, to # the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want # To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See # http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. # """ Libcaca Python bindings """ import ctypes from caca import _lib #color constants COLOR_BLACK = 0x00 COLOR_BLUE = 0x01 COLOR_GREEN = 0x02 COLOR_CYAN = 0x03 COLOR_RED = 0x04 COLOR_MAGENTA = 0x05 COLOR_BROWN = 0x06 COLOR_LIGHTGRAY = 0x07 COLOR_DARKGRAY = 0x08 COLOR_LIGHTBLUE = 0x09 COLOR_LIGHTGREEN = 0x0a COLOR_LIGHTCYAN = 0x0b COLOR_LIGHTRED = 0x0c COLOR_LIGHTMAGENTA = 0x0d COLOR_YELLOW = 0x0e COLOR_WHITE = 0x0f COLOR_DEFAULT = 0x10 COLOR_TRANSPARENT = 0x20 #styles constants STYLE_BOLD = 0x01 STYLE_ITALICS = 0x02 STYLE_UNDERLINE = 0x04 STYLE_BLINK = 0x08 #key constants EVENT_NONE = 0x0000 EVENT_KEY_PRESS = 0x0001 EVENT_KEY_RELEASE = 0x0002 EVENT_MOUSE_PRESS = 0x0004 EVENT_MOUSE_RELEASE = 0x0008 EVENT_MOUSE_MOTION = 0x0010 EVENT_RESIZE = 0x0020 EVENT_QUIT = 0x0040 EVENT_ANY = 0xffff #event constants KEY_UNKNOWN = 0x00 KEY_CTRL_A = 0x01 KEY_CTRL_B = 0x02 KEY_CTRL_C = 0x03 KEY_CTRL_D = 0x04 KEY_CTRL_E = 0x05 KEY_CTRL_F = 0x06 KEY_CTRL_G = 0x07 KEY_BACKSPACE = 0x08 KEY_TAB = 0x09 KEY_CTRL_J = 0x0a KEY_CTRL_K = 0x0b KEY_CTRL_L = 0x0c KEY_RETURN = 0x0d KEY_CTRL_N = 0x0e KEY_CTRL_O = 0x0f KEY_CTRL_P = 0x10 KEY_CTRL_Q = 0x11 KEY_CTRL_R = 0x12 KEY_PAUSE = 0x13 KEY_CTRL_T = 0x14 KEY_CTRL_U = 0x15 KEY_CTRL_V = 0x16 KEY_CTRL_W = 0x17 KEY_CTRL_X = 0x18 KEY_CTRL_Y = 0x19 KEY_CTRL_Z = 0x1a KEY_ESCAPE = 0x1b KEY_DELETE = 0x7f KEY_UP = 0x111 KEY_DOWN = 0x112 KEY_LEFT = 0x113 KEY_RIGHT = 0x114 KEY_INSERT = 0x115 KEY_HOME = 0x116 KEY_END = 0x117 KEY_PAGEUP = 0x118 KEY_PAGEDOWN = 0x119 KEY_F1 = 0x11a KEY_F2 = 0x11b KEY_F3 = 0x11c KEY_F4 = 0x11d KEY_F5 = 0x11e KEY_F6 = 0x11f KEY_F7 = 0x120 KEY_F8 = 0x121 KEY_F9 = 0x122 KEY_F10 = 0x123 KEY_F11 = 0x124 KEY_F12 = 0x125 KEY_F13 = 0x126 KEY_F14 = 0x127 KEY_F15 = 0x128 def get_version(): """ Return string with libcaca version information. """ _lib.caca_get_version.restype = ctypes.c_char_p return _lib.caca_get_version() def get_display_driver_list(): """ Return a list of available drivers as tuple (name, description). """ tmplst = [] retlst = [] _lib.caca_get_display_driver_list.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p) for item in _lib.caca_get_display_driver_list(): if item is not None and item != "": tmplst.append(item) else: #memory error occured otherwise break for i in xrange(0, len(tmplst)): if i % 2 == 0: retlst.append((tmplst[i], tmplst[i+1])) del tmplst return retlst def get_export_list(): """ Return list of available export formats as tuple (name, description). """ tmplst = [] retlst = [] _lib.caca_get_export_list.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p) for item in _lib.caca_get_export_list(): if item is not None and item != "": tmplst.append(item) else: #memory error occured otherwise break for i in xrange(0, len(tmplst)): if i % 2 == 0: retlst.append((tmplst[i], tmplst[i+1])) del tmplst return retlst def get_import_list(): """ Return list of available import formats as tuple (name, description). """ tmplst = [] retlst = [] _lib.caca_get_import_list.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p) autodetect = False for item in _lib.caca_get_import_list(): if item is not None: if item == "": if not autodetect: tmplst.append("\"\"") autodetect = True else: #memory error occured otherwise break else: tmplst.append(item) else: #memory error occured otherwise break for i in xrange(0, len(tmplst)): if i % 2 == 0: retlst.append((tmplst[i], tmplst[i+1])) del tmplst return retlst def get_font_list(): """ Return a list of available fonts. """ fl = [] _lib.caca_get_font_list.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p) for item in _lib.caca_get_font_list(): if item is not None and item != "": fl.append(item) else: #memory error occured otherwise break return fl def rand(range_min, range_max): """ Generate a random integer within a range. range_min -- the lower bound of the integer range range_max __ the upper bound of the integer range """ _lib.caca_rand.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int] _lib.caca_rand.restype = ctypes.c_int return _lib.caca_rand(range_min, range_max) def attr_to_ansi(attr): """ Get DOS ANSI information from attribute. attr -- the requested attribute value """ _lib.caca_attr_to_ansi.argtypes = [ctypes.c_uint32] _lib.caca_attr_to_ansi.restype = ctypes.c_uint8 return _lib.caca_attr_to_ansi(attr) def attr_to_ansi_fg(attr): """ Get ANSI foreground information from attribute. attr -- the requested attribute value """ _lib.caca_attr_to_ansi_fg.argtypes = [ctypes.c_uint32] _lib.caca_attr_to_ansi_fg.restype = ctypes.c_uint8 return _lib.caca_attr_to_ansi_fg(attr) def attr_to_ansi_bg(attr): """ Get ANSI background information from attribute. attr -- the requested attribute value """ _lib.caca_attr_to_ansi_bg.argtypes = [ctypes.c_uint32] _lib.caca_attr_to_ansi_bg.restype = ctypes.c_uint8 return _lib.caca_attr_to_ansi_bg(attr) def attr_to_rgb12_fg(attr): """ Get 12-bit RGB foreground information from attribute. attr -- the requested attribute value """ _lib.caca_attr_to_rgb12_fg.argtypes = [ctypes.c_uint32] _lib.caca_attr_to_rgb12_fg.restype = ctypes.c_uint16 return _lib.caca_attr_to_rgb12_fg(attr) def attr_to_rgb12_bg(attr): """ Get 12-bit RGB background information from attribute. attr -- the requested attribute value """ _lib.caca_attr_to_rgb12_bg.argtypes = [ctypes.c_uint32] _lib.caca_attr_to_rgb12_bg.restype = ctypes.c_uint16 return _lib.caca_attr_to_rgb12_bg(attr) def utf8_to_utf32(ch): """ Convert a UTF-8 character to UTF-32. ch -- the character to convert """ _lib.caca_utf8_to_utf32.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_size_t) ] _lib.caca_utf8_to_utf32.restype = ctypes.c_uint32 return _lib.caca_utf8_to_utf32(ch, ctypes.c_ulong(0)) def utf32_to_utf8(ch): """ Convert a UTF-32 character to UTF-8. ch -- the character to convert """ _lib.caca_utf32_to_utf8.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_uint32] _lib.caca_utf32_to_utf8.restype = ctypes.c_int buf = ctypes.c_buffer(7) _lib.caca_utf32_to_utf8(buf, ch) return buf.raw.rstrip('\x00') def utf32_to_cp437(ch): """ Convert a UTF-32 character to CP437. ch -- the character to convert """ _lib.caca_utf32_to_cp437.argtypes = [ctypes.c_uint32] _lib.caca_utf32_to_cp437.restype = ctypes.c_uint8 return _lib.caca_utf32_to_cp437(ch) def cp437_to_utf32(ch): """ Convert a CP437 character to UTF-32. ch -- the character to convert """ _lib.caca_cp437_to_utf8.argtypes = [ctypes.c_uint8] _lib.caca_cp437_to_utf8.restype = ctypes.c_uint32 return _lib.caca_cp437_to_utf8(ch) def utf32_to_ascii(ch): """ Convert a UTF-32 character to ASCII. ch -- the character to convert """ _lib.caca_utf32_to_ascii.argtypes = [ctypes.c_uint32] _lib.caca_utf32_to_ascii.restype = ctypes.c_uint8 return _lib.caca_utf32_to_ascii(ch) def utf32_is_fullwidth(ch): """ Tell whether a UTF-32 character is fullwidth. ch -- the UTF-32 character """ _lib.caca_utf32_is_fullwidth.argtypes = [ctypes.c_uint32] _lib.caca_utf32_is_fullwidth.restype = ctypes.c_int return _lib.caca_utf32_is_fullwidth(ch)