/* * libcucul Canvas for ultrafast compositing of Unicode letters * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Sam Hocevar * All Rights Reserved * * $Id$ * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To * Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See * http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. */ /* * This file contains various canvas handling functions such as character * and string drawing. */ #include "config.h" #include "common.h" #if !defined(__KERNEL__) # include /* BUFSIZ */ # include # include # include # if defined(HAVE_ERRNO_H) # include # endif # if defined(HAVE_UNISTD_H) # include # endif # if defined(HAVE_SIGNAL_H) # include # endif # if defined(HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H) # include # endif #endif #include "cucul.h" #include "cucul_internals.h" /** \brief Print an ASCII character. * * This function prints an ASCII character at the given coordinates, using * the default foreground and background values. If the coordinates are * outside the canvas boundaries, nothing is printed. If the character * value is a non-printable character or is outside the ASCII range, it is * replaced with a space. To print a sequence of bytes forming an UTF-8 * character, use cucul_putstr() instead. * * This function never fails. * * \param cv A handle to the libcucul canvas. * \param x X coordinate. * \param y Y coordinate. * \param ch The character to print. * \return This function always returns 0. */ void cucul_putchar(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, char ch) { if(x < 0 || x >= (int)cv->width || y < 0 || y >= (int)cv->height) return; if((unsigned char)ch < 0x20 || (unsigned char)ch > 0x7f) ch = 0x20; cv->chars[x + y * cv->width] = ch; cv->attr[x + y * cv->width] = (cv->bgcolor << 16) | cv->fgcolor; } /** \brief Print a string. * * This function prints an UTF-8 string at the given coordinates, using the * default foreground and background values. The coordinates may be outside * the canvas boundaries (eg. a negative Y coordinate) and the string will * be cropped accordingly if it is too long. * * This function never fails. * * \param cv A handle to the libcucul canvas. * \param x X coordinate. * \param y Y coordinate. * \param s The string to print. * \return This function always returns 0. */ void cucul_putstr(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, char const *s) { uint32_t *chars, *attr; unsigned int len; if(y < 0 || y >= (int)cv->height || x >= (int)cv->width) return; len = _cucul_strlen_utf8(s); if(x < 0) { if(len < (unsigned int)-x) return; len -= -x; s = _cucul_skip_utf8(s, -x); x = 0; } chars = cv->chars + x + y * cv->width; attr = cv->attr + x + y * cv->width; if(x + len >= cv->width) len = cv->width - x; while(len) { *chars++ = _cucul_utf8_to_utf32(s); *attr++ = (cv->bgcolor << 16) | cv->fgcolor; s = _cucul_skip_utf8(s, 1); len--; } } /** \brief Print a formated string. * * This function formats a string at the given coordinates, using the * default foreground and background values. The coordinates may be outside * the canvas boundaries (eg. a negative Y coordinate) and the string will * be cropped accordingly if it is too long. The syntax of the format * string is the same as for the C printf() function. * * This function never fails. * * \param cv A handle to the libcucul canvas. * \param x X coordinate. * \param y Y coordinate. * \param format The format string to print. * \param ... Arguments to the format string. * \return This function always returns 0. */ void cucul_printf(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, char const *format, ...) { char tmp[BUFSIZ]; char *buf = tmp; va_list args; if(y < 0 || y >= (int)cv->height || x >= (int)cv->width) return; if(cv->width - x + 1 > BUFSIZ) buf = malloc(cv->width - x + 1); va_start(args, format); #if defined(HAVE_VSNPRINTF) vsnprintf(buf, cv->width - x + 1, format, args); #else vsprintf(buf, format, args); #endif buf[cv->width - x] = '\0'; va_end(args); cucul_putstr(cv, x, y, buf); if(buf != tmp) free(buf); } /** \brief Clear the canvas. * * This function clears the canvas using the current background colour. * * This function never fails. * * \param cv The canvas to clear. * \return This function always returns 0. */ void cucul_clear_canvas(cucul_canvas_t *cv) { uint32_t color = (cv->bgcolor << 16) | cv->fgcolor; unsigned int n; /* We could use SLsmg_cls() etc., but drawing empty lines is much faster */ for(n = cv->width * cv->height; n--; ) { cv->chars[n] = (uint32_t)' '; cv->attr[n] = color; } } /** \brief Blit a canvas onto another one. * * This function blits a canvas onto another one at the given coordinates. * An optional mask canvas can be used. * * \param dst The destination canvas. * \param x X coordinate. * \param y Y coordinate. * \param src The source canvas. * \param mask The mask canvas. * \return 0 in case of success, -1 otherwise. */ int cucul_blit(cucul_canvas_t *dst, int x, int y, cucul_canvas_t const *src, cucul_canvas_t const *mask) { int i, j, starti, startj, endi, endj; if(mask && (src->width != mask->width || src->height != mask->height)) { #if defined(HAVE_ERRNO_H) errno = EINVAL; #endif return -1; } starti = x < 0 ? -x : 0; startj = y < 0 ? -y : 0; endi = (x + src->width >= dst->width) ? dst->width - x : src->width; endj = (y + src->height >= dst->height) ? dst->height - y : src->height; if(starti >= endi || startj >= endj) return 0; for(j = startj; j < endj; j++) { if(mask) { for(i = starti; i < endi; i++) { if(mask->chars[j * src->width + i] == (uint32_t)' ') continue; dst->chars[(j + y) * dst->width + (i + x)] = src->chars[j * src->width + i]; dst->attr[(j + y) * dst->width + (i + x)] = src->attr[j * src->width + i]; } } else { memcpy(dst->chars + (j + y) * dst->width + starti + x, src->chars + j * src->width + starti, (endi - starti) * 4); memcpy(dst->attr + (j + y) * dst->width + starti + x, src->attr + j * src->width + starti, (endi - starti) * 4); } } return 0; } /* * XXX: The following functions are not exported */ void _cucul_putchar32(cucul_canvas_t *cv, int x, int y, uint32_t ch) { if(x < 0 || x >= (int)cv->width || y < 0 || y >= (int)cv->height) return; cv->chars[x + y * cv->width] = ch; cv->attr[x + y * cv->width] = (cv->bgcolor << 16) | cv->fgcolor; }