/** * libcaca Java bindings for libcaca * Copyright (c) 2009 Adrien Grand <jpountz@dinauz.org> * * This library is free software. It comes without any warranty, to * the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What the Fuck You Want * to Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See * http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. */ package org.zoy.caca; public class Dither extends NativeObject { static { Caca.load(); } private native static long createDither(int bitmapDepth, int weight, int height, int pitch, int redMask, int greenMask, int blueMask, int alphaMask); public Dither(int bitmapDepth, int weight, int height, int pitch, int redMask, int greenMask, int blueMask, int alphaMask) { this.ptr = createDither(bitmapDepth, weight, height, pitch, redMask, greenMask, blueMask, alphaMask); } private static native void setDitherPalette(long ditherPtr, int[] red, int[] green, int[] blue, int[] alpha); public void setPalette(int[] red, int[] green, int[] blue, int[] alpha) { if (red.length != 256 || green.length != 256 || blue.length != 256 || alpha.length !=256) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Palette components must have 256 elements"); } setDitherPalette(ptr, red, green, blue, alpha); } private static native void setDitherBrightness(long ditherPtr, float brightness); public void setBrightness(float brightness) { setDitherBrightness(ptr, brightness); } private static native float getDitherBrightness(long ditherPtr); public float getBrightness() { return getDitherBrightness(ptr); } private static native void setDitherGamma(long ditherPtr, float gama); public void setGamma(float gama) { setDitherGamma(ptr, gama); } private static native float getDitherGamma(long ditherPtr); public float getGamma() { return getDitherGamma(ptr); } private static native void setDitherContrast(long ditherPtr, float contrast); public void setContrast(float contrast) { setDitherContrast(ptr, contrast); } private static native float getDitherContrast(long ditherPtr); public float getContrast() { return getDitherContrast(ptr); } public static class AntiAliasing extends CacaObject { public AntiAliasing(String code, String desc) { super(code, desc); } public static AntiAliasing forCode(Dither dither, String code) { for (AntiAliasing aa : dither.getAntiAliasingList()) { if (aa.code.equals(code)) { return aa; } } return null; } } private static native String[] getDitherAntiAliasingList(long ditherPtr); public AntiAliasing[] getAntiAliasingList() { String[] tmp = getDitherAntiAliasingList(ptr); AntiAliasing[] aas; aas = new AntiAliasing[tmp.length / 2]; for (int i = 0; 2*i < tmp.length; i++) { aas[i] = new AntiAliasing(tmp[2*i], tmp[2*i+1]); } return aas; } private static native void setDitherAntiAliasing(long ditherPtr, String antiAliasing); public void setAntiAliasing(AntiAliasing antiAliasing) { setDitherAntiAliasing(ptr, antiAliasing.code); } private static native String getDitherAntiAliasing(long ditherPtr); public AntiAliasing getAntiAliasing() { return AntiAliasing.forCode(this, getDitherAntiAliasing(ptr)); } public static class Color extends CacaObject { public Color(String code, String desc) { super(code, desc); } public static Color forCode(Dither dither, String code) { for (Color color : dither.getColorList()) { if (color.code.equals(code)) { return color; } } return null; } } private static native String[] getDitherColorList(long ditherPtr); public Color[] getColorList() { String[] tmp = getDitherColorList(ptr); Color[] colors = new Color[tmp.length / 2]; for (int i = 0; 2*i < tmp.length; i++) { colors[i] = new Color(tmp[2*i], tmp[2*i+1]); } return colors; } private static native void setDitherColor(long ditherPtr, String color); public void setColor(Color color) { setDitherColor(ptr, color.code); } private static native String getDitherColor(long ditherPtr); public Color getColor() { return Color.forCode(this, getDitherColor(ptr)); } public static class Charset extends CacaObject { public Charset(String code, String desc) { super(code, desc); } public static Charset forCode(Dither dither, String code) { for (Charset charset : dither.getCharsetList()) { if (charset.code.equals(code)) { return charset; } } return null; } } private static native String[] getDitherCharsetList(long charsetPtr); public Charset[] getCharsetList() { String[] tmp = getDitherCharsetList(ptr); Charset[] charsets = new Charset[tmp.length / 2]; for (int i = 0; 2*i < tmp.length; i++) { charsets[i] = new Charset(tmp[2*i], tmp[2*i+1]); } return charsets; } private static native void setDitherCharset(long ditherPtr, String charset); public void setCharset(Charset charset) { setDitherCharset(ptr, charset.code); } private static native String getDitherCharset(long ditherPtr); public Charset getCharset() { return Charset.forCode(this, getDitherCharset(ptr)); } public static class Algorithm extends CacaObject { public Algorithm(String code, String desc) { super(code, desc); } public static Algorithm forCode(Dither dither, String code) { for (Algorithm algorithm : dither.getAlgorithmList()) { if (algorithm.code.equals(code)) { return algorithm; } } return null; } } private static native String[] getDitherAlgorithmList(long ditherPtr); public Algorithm[] getAlgorithmList() { String[] tmp = getDitherAlgorithmList(ptr); Algorithm[] result = new Algorithm[tmp.length / 2]; for (int i = 0; 2*i < tmp.length; i++) { result[i] = new Algorithm(tmp[2*i], tmp[2*i+1]); } return result; } private static native void setDitherAlgorithm(long ditherPtr, String algorithm); public void setAlgorithm(Algorithm algorithm) { setDitherAlgorithm(ptr, algorithm.code); } private static native String getDitherAlgorithm(long ditherPtr); public Algorithm getAlgorithm() { return Algorithm.forCode(this, getDitherAlgorithm(ptr)); } private static native void freeDither(long ditherPtr); @Override public void finalize() throws Throwable { freeDither(ptr); super.finalize(); } }