/* * view image viewer for libcaca * Copyright (c) 2003 Sam Hocevar * All Rights Reserved * * $Id$ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307 USA */ #include "config.h" #include #include #define X_DISPLAY_MISSING 1 #include #include "caca.h" Imlib_Image image = NULL; char *pixels = NULL; struct caca_bitmap *bitmap = NULL; int dithering = 1; const enum caca_dithering dithering_list[] = { CACA_DITHER_NONE, CACA_DITHER_ORDERED, CACA_DITHER_RANDOM }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int quit = 0, update = 1, help = 0; int x, y, w, h, zoom = 0; if(argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s \n", argv[0]); return 1; } image = imlib_load_image(argv[1]); if(!image) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to open `%s'\n", argv[0], argv[1]); return 1; } imlib_context_set_image(image); pixels = (char *)imlib_image_get_data_for_reading_only(); w = imlib_image_get_width(); h = imlib_image_get_height(); x = w / 2; y = h / 2; if(caca_init()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to initialise libcaca\n", argv[0]); return 1; } /* Create the libcaca bitmap */ bitmap = caca_create_bitmap(32, w, h, 4 * w, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff); if(!image) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to create libcaca bitmap\n", argv[0]); caca_end(); return 1; } /* Go ! */ while(!quit) { int event; while((event = caca_get_event())) { switch(event) { case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | 'd': case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | 'D': dithering = (dithering + 1) % 3; update = 1; break; case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | '+': zoom++; update = 1; break; case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | '-': zoom--; update = 1; break; case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | 'x': case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | 'X': zoom = 0; update = 1; break; case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | 'k': case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | 'K': case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | CACA_KEY_UP: if(zoom > 0) y -= 1 + h / (2 + zoom) / 8; update = 1; break; case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | 'j': case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | 'J': case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | CACA_KEY_DOWN: if(zoom > 0) y += 1 + h / (2 + zoom) / 8; update = 1; break; case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | 'h': case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | 'H': case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | CACA_KEY_LEFT: if(zoom > 0) x -= 1 + w / (2 + zoom) / 8; update = 1; break; case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | 'l': case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | 'L': case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | CACA_KEY_RIGHT: if(zoom > 0) x += 1 + w / (2 + zoom) / 8; update = 1; break; case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | '?': help = !help; update = 1; break; case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | 'q': case CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | 'Q': quit = 1; break; } } if(update) { int ww = caca_get_width(); int wh = caca_get_height(); caca_clear(); caca_set_dithering(dithering_list[dithering]); if(zoom < 0) { int xo = (ww - 1) / 2; int yo = (wh - 1) / 2; int xn = (ww - 1) / (2 - zoom); int yn = (wh - 1) / (2 - zoom); caca_draw_bitmap(xo - xn, yo - yn, xo + xn, yo + yn, bitmap, pixels); } else if(zoom > 0) { struct caca_bitmap *newbitmap; int xn = w / (2 + zoom); int yn = h / (2 + zoom); if(x < xn) x = xn; if(y < yn) y = yn; if(xn + x > w) x = w - xn; if(yn + y > h) y = h - yn; newbitmap = caca_create_bitmap(32, 2 * xn, 2 * yn, 4 * w, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff); caca_draw_bitmap(0, 0, ww - 1, wh - 1, newbitmap, pixels + 4 * (x - xn) + 4 * w * (y - yn)); caca_free_bitmap(newbitmap); } else { caca_draw_bitmap(0, 0, ww - 1, wh - 1, bitmap, pixels); } caca_set_color(CACA_COLOR_WHITE, CACA_COLOR_BLUE); caca_draw_line(0, 0, ww - 1, 0, ' '); caca_printf(1, 0, "cacaview %s", VERSION); caca_putstr(ww - strlen("'?' for help") - 1, 0, "'?' for help"); if(help) { caca_putstr(2, 2, " +: zoom in "); caca_putstr(2, 3, " -: zoom out "); caca_putstr(2, 4, " x: reset zoom "); caca_putstr(2, 5, " ------------------- "); caca_putstr(2, 6, " hjkl: move view "); caca_putstr(2, 7, " arrows: move view "); caca_putstr(2, 8, " ------------------- "); caca_putstr(2, 9, " d: dithering method "); caca_putstr(2, 10, " ------------------- "); caca_putstr(2, 11, " ?: help "); caca_putstr(2, 12, " q: quit "); help = 0; } caca_refresh(); update = 0; } } caca_free_bitmap(bitmap); imlib_free_image(); /* Clean up */ caca_end(); return 0; }