/* * libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library * Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Sam Hocevar * All Rights Reserved * * $Id$ * * This library is free software. It comes without any warranty, to * the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want * To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See * http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. */ /* * This file contains a full conio.h reimplementation. More information * on conio.h can be found on http://poli.cs.vsb.cz/c/help/conio.htm */ #include "config.h" #if !defined(__KERNEL__) # include # include #endif #include "caca.h" #include "caca_internals.h" #include "caca_conio.h" static caca_canvas_t *cv; static caca_display_t *dp; static int unget_ch = -1; static int kbhit_ch = -1; static char pass_buffer[BUFSIZ]; static char cgets_buffer[BUFSIZ]; static void conio_init(void); static void conio_refresh(void); static void conio_fini(void); /** \brief DOS conio.h cgets() equivalent */ char * caca_conio_cgets(char *str) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ cgets_buffer[0] = '\0'; return cgets_buffer; } /** \brief DOS conio.h clreol() equivalent */ void caca_conio_clreol(void) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ } /** \brief DOS conio.h clrscr() equivalent */ void caca_conio_clrscr(void) { conio_init(); caca_clear_canvas(cv); conio_refresh(); } /** \brief DOS conio.h cprintf() equivalent */ int caca_conio_cprintf(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; conio_init(); va_start(args, format); caca_vprintf(cv, caca_wherex(cv), caca_wherey(cv), format, args); va_end(args); conio_refresh(); /* FIXME: we should fix caca_vprintf so that it returns the number of * characters that were printed. */ return 0; } /** \brief DOS conio.h cputs() equivalent */ int caca_conio_cputs(const char *str) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ return 0; } /** \brief DOS conio.h cscanf() equivalent */ int caca_conio_cscanf(char *format, ...) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ return 0; } /** \brief DOS conio.h delay() equivalent */ void caca_conio_delay(int i) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ } /** \brief DOS conio.h delline() equivalent */ void caca_conio_delline(void) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ } /** \brief DOS conio.h getch() equivalent */ int caca_conio_getch(void) { caca_event_t ev; conio_init(); if(unget_ch >= 0) { int tmp = unget_ch; unget_ch = -1; return tmp; } if(kbhit_ch >= 0) { int tmp = kbhit_ch; kbhit_ch = -1; return tmp; } caca_get_event(dp, CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS, &ev, -1); return caca_get_event_key_ch(&ev); } /** \brief DOS conio.h getche() equivalent */ int caca_conio_getche(void) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ return 0; } /** \brief DOS conio.h getpass() equivalent */ char * caca_conio_getpass(const char *prompt) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ pass_buffer[0] = '\0'; return pass_buffer; } /** \brief DOS conio.h gettext() equivalent */ int caca_conio_gettext(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, void *destin) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ return 0; } /** \brief DOS conio.h gettextinfo() equivalent */ void caca_conio_gettextinfo(struct caca_conio_text_info *r) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ } /** \brief DOS conio.h gotoxy() equivalent */ void caca_conio_gotoxy(int x, int y) { conio_init(); caca_gotoxy(cv, x - 1, y - 1); conio_refresh(); } /** \brief DOS conio.h highvideo() equivalent */ void caca_conio_highvideo(void) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ } /** \brief DOS conio.h insline() equivalent */ void caca_conio_insline(void) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ } /** \brief DOS conio.h kbhit() equivalent */ int caca_conio_kbhit(void) { caca_event_t ev; conio_init(); if(kbhit_ch >= 0) return 1; if(caca_get_event(dp, CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS, &ev, 0)) { kbhit_ch = caca_get_event_key_ch(&ev); return 1; } return 0; } /** \brief DOS conio.h lowvideo() equivalent */ void caca_conio_lowvideo(void) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ } /** \brief DOS conio.h movetext() equivalent */ int caca_conio_movetext(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int destleft, int desttop) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ return 0; } /** \brief DOS conio.h normvideo() equivalent */ void caca_conio_normvideo(void) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ } /** \brief DOS conio.h nosound() equivalent */ void caca_conio_nosound(void) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ } /** \brief DOS stdio.h printf() equivalent */ int caca_conio_printf(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; conio_init(); va_start(args, format); caca_vprintf(cv, caca_wherex(cv), caca_wherey(cv), format, args); va_end(args); conio_refresh(); /* FIXME: we should fix caca_vprintf so that it returns the number of * characters that were printed. */ return 0; } /** \brief DOS conio.h putch() equivalent */ int caca_conio_putch(int ch) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ return 0; } /** \brief DOS conio.h puttext() equivalent */ int caca_conio_puttext(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, void *destin) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ return 0; } /** \brief DOS conio.h _setcursortype() equivalent */ void caca_conio__setcursortype(int cur_t) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ } /** \brief DOS conio.h sound() equivalent */ void caca_conio_sound(int i) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ } /** \brief DOS conio.h textattr() equivalent */ void caca_conio_textattr(int newattr) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ } /** \brief DOS conio.h textbackground() equivalent */ void caca_conio_textbackground(int newcolor) { conio_init(); caca_set_color_ansi(cv, caca_attr_to_ansi_fg(caca_get_attr(cv, -1, -1)), newcolor); } /** \brief DOS conio.h textcolor() equivalent */ void caca_conio_textcolor(int newcolor) { conio_init(); caca_set_color_ansi(cv, newcolor, caca_attr_to_ansi_bg(caca_get_attr(cv, -1, -1))); } /** \brief DOS conio.h textmode() equivalent */ void caca_conio_textmode(int newmode) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ } /** \brief DOS conio.h ungetch() equivalent */ int caca_conio_ungetch(int ch) { conio_init(); if(unget_ch >= 0) return EOF; unget_ch = ch; return ch; } /** \brief DOS conio.h wherex() equivalent */ int caca_conio_wherex(void) { conio_init(); return caca_wherex(cv) + 1; } /** \brief DOS conio.h wherey() equivalent */ int caca_conio_wherey(void) { conio_init(); return caca_wherey(cv) + 1; } /** \brief DOS conio.h window() equivalent */ void caca_conio_window(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { conio_init(); /* TODO: implement this function */ } /* XXX: the following functions are local. */ static void conio_init(void) { if(!cv) cv = caca_create_canvas(80, 25); if(!dp) { dp = caca_create_display(cv); caca_set_cursor(dp, 1); #if defined HAVE_ATEXIT atexit(conio_fini); #endif } } static void conio_refresh(void) { caca_refresh_display(dp); } static void conio_fini(void) { caca_free_display(dp); dp = NULL; caca_free_canvas(cv); cv = NULL; }