$Id$ Low level stuff o Write a Linux console output for the drawing library o Better keyboard driver in an X terminal, see http://groups.yahoo.com/group/zepp/message/381 o DONE 13 Jan 2004: Write a window resize handler. o DONE 12 Nov 2003: Port to conio.h High level stuff o Sprite library. Maybe use ANSI as the format, perhaps with UTF-8 extensions (though they'll probably collide with CP437). o 256 colour sprites instead of 16 o Alpha layer for sprites o Fix the thin ellipse rendering (currently it's only |s and -s, we could make them smoother by using ' ` , etc. o DONE 26 Nov 2003: Support more colour depths, more bitmask orderings o DONE 15 Nov 2003: Clip all graphics primitives Unicode features o Unicode support for X11 o Unicode support for ncurses o DONE 15 Mar 2006: Translation functions for output drivers that don't support it (for instance, use CP437 in DOS) o DONE 15 Mar 2006: Use &#xxx; for the HTML output o Unicode support in bitmap.c: add support for halftoning (░ ▒ ▓ █) and quarter blocks (▀ ▄ ▌ ▐ █ ▖ ▗ ▘ ▝ ▚ ▞ ▙ ▛ ▜ ▟). o Support double width glyphs (mostly for kana and cyrillic art) Misc o Draw a nicer logo sprite o Text edit widget Documentation o Most functions are documented. Maybe write a tutorial. cacaview o DONE 21 Jan 2004: Aspect ratio o File browser o DONE 11 Dec 2003: Handle GIF and PNG transparency with checkered background