/* * libcaca ASCII-Art library * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org> * All Rights Reserved * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To * Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See * http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. */ /** \file driver_network.c * \version \$Id$ * \author Jean-Yves Lamoureux <jylam@lnxscene.org> * \brief Network driver * * This file contains the libcaca network input and output driver */ #include "config.h" #if defined(USE_NETWORK) #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <string.h> #include <signal.h> #include <errno.h> #if defined(HAVE_UNISTD_H) # include <unistd.h> #endif #include <stdarg.h> #include "caca.h" #include "caca_internals.h" #include "cucul.h" #include "cucul_internals.h" #define BACKLOG 1337 /* Number of pending connections */ #define INBUFFER 32 /* Size of per-client input buffer */ #define OUTBUFFER 300000 /* Size of per-client output buffer */ /* Following vars are static */ #define INIT_PREFIX \ "\xff\xfb\x01" /* WILL ECHO */ \ "\xff\xfb\x03" /* WILL SUPPRESS GO AHEAD */ \ "\xff\xfd\x31" /* DO NAWS */ \ "\xff\x1f\xfa____" /* SB NAWS */ \ "\xff\xf0" /* SE */ \ "\x1b]2;caca for the network\x07" /* Change window title */ \ "\x1b[H\x1b[J" /* Clear screen */ /*"\x1b[?25l"*/ /* Hide cursor */ #define ANSI_PREFIX \ "\x1b[1;1H" /* move(0,0) */ \ "\x1b[1;1H" /* move(0,0) again */ #define ANSI_RESET \ " " /* Garbage */ \ "\x1b[?1049h" /* Clear screen */ \ "\x1b[?1049h" /* Clear screen again */ static char const telnet_commands[16][5] = {"SE ", "NOP ", "DM ", "BRK ", "IP ", "AO ", "AYT ", "EC ", "EL ", "GA ", "SB ", "WILL", "WONT", "DO ", "DONT", "IAC "}; static char const telnet_options[37][5] = {"????", "ECHO", "????", "SUGH", "????", "STTS", "TIMK", "????", "????", "????", "????", "????", "????", "????", "????", "????", "????", "????", "????", "????", "????", "????", "????", "????", "TTYP", "????", "????", "????", "????", "????", "????", "NAWS", "TRSP", "RMFC", "LIMO", "????", "EVAR"}; #define COMMAND_NAME(x) (x>=240)?telnet_commands[x-240]:"????" #define OPTION_NAME(x) (x<=36)?telnet_options[x]:"????" struct client { int fd; int ready; uint8_t inbuf[INBUFFER]; int inbytes; uint8_t outbuf[OUTBUFFER]; int start, stop; }; struct driver_private { unsigned int width, height; unsigned int port; int sockfd; struct sockaddr_in my_addr; socklen_t sin_size; char prefix[sizeof(INIT_PREFIX)]; struct cucul_buffer *ex; int client_count; struct client *clients; RETSIGTYPE (*sigpipe_handler)(int); }; static void manage_connections(caca_t *kk); static int send_data(caca_t *kk, struct client *c); ssize_t nonblock_write(int fd, void *buf, size_t len); static int network_init_graphics(caca_t *kk) { int yes = 1, flags; int port = 0xCACA; /* 51914 */ unsigned int width = 0, height = 0; char *tmp; kk->drv.p = malloc(sizeof(struct driver_private)); if(kk->drv.p == NULL) return -1; #if defined(HAVE_GETENV) tmp = getenv("CACA_PORT"); if(tmp && *tmp) { int new_port = atoi(tmp); if(new_port) port = new_port; } tmp = getenv("CACA_GEOMETRY"); if(tmp && *tmp) sscanf(tmp, "%ux%u", &width, &height); #endif if(width && height) { kk->drv.p->width = width; kk->drv.p->height = height; } else { kk->drv.p->width = 80; kk->drv.p->height = 24; } kk->drv.p->client_count = 0; kk->drv.p->clients = NULL; kk->drv.p->port = port; _cucul_set_size(kk->qq, kk->drv.p->width, kk->drv.p->height); /* FIXME, handle >255 sizes */ memcpy(kk->drv.p->prefix, INIT_PREFIX, sizeof(INIT_PREFIX)); tmp = strstr(kk->drv.p->prefix, "____"); tmp[0] = (unsigned char) (kk->drv.p->width & 0xff00) >> 8; tmp[1] = (unsigned char) kk->drv.p->width & 0xff; tmp[2] = (unsigned char) (kk->drv.p->height & 0xff00) >> 8; tmp[3] = (unsigned char) kk->drv.p->height & 0xff; if ((kk->drv.p->sockfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { perror("socket"); return -1; } if (setsockopt(kk->drv.p->sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(int)) == -1) { perror("setsockopt SO_REUSEADDR"); return -1; } kk->drv.p->my_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; kk->drv.p-> my_addr.sin_port = htons(kk->drv.p->port); kk->drv.p->my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; memset(&(kk->drv.p->my_addr.sin_zero), '\0', 8); if (bind(kk->drv.p->sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&kk->drv.p->my_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1) { perror("bind"); return -1; } /* Non blocking socket */ flags = fcntl(kk->drv.p->sockfd, F_GETFL, 0); fcntl(kk->drv.p->sockfd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); if (listen(kk->drv.p->sockfd, BACKLOG) == -1) { perror("listen"); return -1; } kk->drv.p->ex = NULL; /* Ignore SIGPIPE */ kk->drv.p->sigpipe_handler = signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); fprintf(stderr, "initialised network, listening on port %i\n", kk->drv.p->port); return 0; } static int network_end_graphics(caca_t *kk) { int i; for(i = 0; i < kk->drv.p->client_count; i++) { close(kk->drv.p->clients[i].fd); kk->drv.p->clients[i].fd = -1; } if(kk->drv.p->ex) cucul_free(kk->drv.p->ex); /* Restore SIGPIPE handler */ signal(SIGPIPE, kk->drv.p->sigpipe_handler); free(kk->drv.p); return 0; } static int network_set_window_title(caca_t *kk, char const *title) { /* Not handled (yet) */ return 0; } static unsigned int network_get_window_width(caca_t *kk) { return kk->drv.p->width * 6; } static unsigned int network_get_window_height(caca_t *kk) { return kk->drv.p->height * 10; } static void network_display(caca_t *kk) { int i; /* Free the previous export buffer, if any */ if(kk->drv.p->ex) { cucul_free(kk->drv.p->ex); kk->drv.p->ex = NULL; } /* Get ANSI representation of the image and skip the end-of buffer * linefeed ("\r\n\0", 3 bytes) */ kk->drv.p->ex = cucul_export(kk->qq, CUCUL_FORMAT_ANSI); kk->drv.p->ex->size -= 3; for(i = 0; i < kk->drv.p->client_count; i++) { if(kk->drv.p->clients[i].fd == -1) continue; if(send_data(kk, &kk->drv.p->clients[i])) { fprintf(stderr, "client %i dropped connection\n", kk->drv.p->clients[i].fd); close(kk->drv.p->clients[i].fd); kk->drv.p->clients[i].fd = -1; } } manage_connections(kk); } static void network_handle_resize(caca_t *kk) { /* Not handled */ } static unsigned int network_get_event(caca_t *kk) { /* Manage new connections as this function will be called sometimes * more often than display */ manage_connections(kk); /* Event not handled */ return 0; } /* * XXX: The following functions are local */ static void manage_connections(caca_t *kk) { int fd, flags; struct sockaddr_in remote_addr; socklen_t len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); fd = accept(kk->drv.p->sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&remote_addr, &len); if(fd == -1) return; fprintf(stderr, "client %i connected from %s\n", fd, inet_ntoa(remote_addr.sin_addr)); /* Non blocking socket */ flags = fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, 0); fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); if(kk->drv.p->clients == NULL) { kk->drv.p->clients = malloc(sizeof(struct client)); if(kk->drv.p->clients == NULL) return; } else { kk->drv.p->clients = realloc(kk->drv.p->clients, (kk->drv.p->client_count+1) * sizeof(struct client)); } kk->drv.p->clients[kk->drv.p->client_count].fd = fd; kk->drv.p->clients[kk->drv.p->client_count].ready = 0; kk->drv.p->clients[kk->drv.p->client_count].inbytes = 0; kk->drv.p->clients[kk->drv.p->client_count].start = 0; kk->drv.p->clients[kk->drv.p->client_count].stop = 0; /* If we already have data to send, send it to the new client */ if(send_data(kk, &kk->drv.p->clients[kk->drv.p->client_count])) { fprintf(stderr, "client %i dropped connection\n", fd); close(fd); kk->drv.p->clients[kk->drv.p->client_count].fd = -1; return; } kk->drv.p->client_count++; } static int send_data(caca_t *kk, struct client *c) { ssize_t ret; /* Not for us */ if(c->fd < 0) return -1; /* Listen to incoming data */ for(;;) { ret = read(c->fd, c->inbuf + c->inbytes, 1); if(ret <= 0) break; c->inbytes++; /* Check for telnet sequences */ if(c->inbuf[0] == 0xff) { if(c->inbytes == 1) { ; } else if(c->inbuf[1] == 0xfd || c->inbuf[1] == 0xfc) { if(c->inbytes == 3) { fprintf(stderr, "client %i said: %.02x %.02x %.02x (%s %s %s)\n", c->fd, c->inbuf[0], c->inbuf[1], c->inbuf[2], COMMAND_NAME(c->inbuf[0]), COMMAND_NAME(c->inbuf[1]), OPTION_NAME(c->inbuf[2])); /* Just ignore, lol */ c->inbytes = 0; } } else c->inbytes = 0; } else if(c->inbytes == 1) { if(c->inbuf[0] == 0x03) { fprintf(stderr, "client %i pressed C-c\n", c->fd); return -1; /* User requested to quit */ } c->inbytes = 0; } } /* Send the telnet initialisation commands */ if(!c->ready) { ret = nonblock_write(c->fd, kk->drv.p->prefix, sizeof(INIT_PREFIX)); if(ret == -1) return (errno == EAGAIN) ? 0 : -1; if(ret < (ssize_t)sizeof(INIT_PREFIX)) return 0; c->ready = 1; } /* No error, there's just nothing to send yet */ if(!kk->drv.p->ex) return 0; /* If we have backlog, send the backlog */ if(c->stop) { ret = nonblock_write(c->fd, c->outbuf + c->start, c->stop - c->start); if(ret == -1) { if(errno == EAGAIN) ret = 0; else return -1; } if(ret == c->stop - c->start) { /* We got rid of the backlog! */ c->start = c->stop = 0; } else { c->start += ret; if(c->stop - c->start + strlen(ANSI_PREFIX) + kk->drv.p->ex->size > OUTBUFFER) { /* Overflow! Empty buffer and start again */ memcpy(c->outbuf, ANSI_RESET, strlen(ANSI_RESET)); c->start = 0; c->stop = strlen(ANSI_RESET); return 0; } /* Need to move? */ if(c->stop + strlen(ANSI_PREFIX) + kk->drv.p->ex->size > OUTBUFFER) { memmove(c->outbuf, c->outbuf + c->start, c->stop - c->start); c->stop -= c->start; c->start = 0; } memcpy(c->outbuf + c->stop, ANSI_PREFIX, strlen(ANSI_PREFIX)); c->stop += strlen(ANSI_PREFIX); memcpy(c->outbuf + c->stop, kk->drv.p->ex->buffer, kk->drv.p->ex->size); c->stop += kk->drv.p->ex->size; return 0; } } /* We no longer have backlog, send our new data */ /* Send ANSI prefix */ ret = nonblock_write(c->fd, ANSI_PREFIX, strlen(ANSI_PREFIX)); if(ret == -1) { if(errno == EAGAIN) ret = 0; else return -1; } if(ret < (ssize_t)strlen(ANSI_PREFIX)) { if(strlen(ANSI_PREFIX) + kk->drv.p->ex->size > OUTBUFFER) { /* Overflow! Empty buffer and start again */ memcpy(c->outbuf, ANSI_RESET, strlen(ANSI_RESET)); c->start = 0; c->stop = strlen(ANSI_RESET); return 0; } memcpy(c->outbuf, ANSI_PREFIX, strlen(ANSI_PREFIX) - ret); c->stop = strlen(ANSI_PREFIX) - ret; memcpy(c->outbuf + c->stop, kk->drv.p->ex->buffer, kk->drv.p->ex->size); c->stop += kk->drv.p->ex->size; return 0; } /* Send actual data */ ret = nonblock_write(c->fd, kk->drv.p->ex->buffer, kk->drv.p->ex->size); if(ret == -1) { if(errno == EAGAIN) ret = 0; else return -1; } if(ret < (int)kk->drv.p->ex->size) { if(kk->drv.p->ex->size > OUTBUFFER) { /* Overflow! Empty buffer and start again */ memcpy(c->outbuf, ANSI_RESET, strlen(ANSI_RESET)); c->start = 0; c->stop = strlen(ANSI_RESET); return 0; } memcpy(c->outbuf, kk->drv.p->ex->buffer, kk->drv.p->ex->size - ret); c->stop = kk->drv.p->ex->size - ret; return 0; } return 0; } ssize_t nonblock_write(int fd, void *buf, size_t len) { size_t total = 0; ssize_t ret; while(total < len) { do { ret = write(fd, buf, len); } while(ret < 0 && errno == EINTR); if(ret < 0) return ret; else if(ret == 0) return total; total += len; buf = (void *)((uintptr_t)buf + len); } return total; } /* * Driver initialisation */ void network_init_driver(caca_t *kk) { kk->drv.driver = CACA_DRIVER_NETWORK; kk->drv.init_graphics = network_init_graphics; kk->drv.end_graphics = network_end_graphics; kk->drv.set_window_title = network_set_window_title; kk->drv.get_window_width = network_get_window_width; kk->drv.get_window_height = network_get_window_height; kk->drv.display = network_display; kk->drv.handle_resize = network_handle_resize; kk->drv.get_event = network_get_event; } #endif /* USE_NETWORK */