/* * libcaca Colour ASCII-Art library * Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Sam Hocevar * 2007 Ben Wiley Sittler * All Rights Reserved * * This library is free software. It comes without any warranty, to * the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want * To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See * http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. */ /* * This file contains the libcaca Ncurses input and output driver */ #include "config.h" #if defined USE_NCURSES #if defined HAVE_NCURSESW_NCURSES_H # include #elif defined HAVE_NCURSES_NCURSES_H # include #elif defined HAVE_NCURSES_H # include #else # include #endif #include #include #if defined HAVE_UNISTD_H # include #endif #if defined HAVE_SIGNAL_H # include #endif #if defined HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H # include #endif #if defined HAVE_LOCALE_H # include #endif #if defined HAVE_TERMIOS_H # include #endif #include "caca.h" #include "caca_internals.h" /* * Emulation for missing ACS_* in older curses */ #ifndef ACS_BLOCK #define ACS_BLOCK '#' #endif #ifndef ACS_BOARD #define ACS_BOARD '#' #endif #ifndef ACS_BTEE #define ACS_BTEE '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_BULLET #define ACS_BULLET '.' #endif #ifndef ACS_CKBOARD #define ACS_CKBOARD ':' #endif #ifndef ACS_DARROW #define ACS_DARROW 'v' #endif #ifndef ACS_DEGREE #define ACS_DEGREE '\'' #endif #ifndef ACS_DIAMOND #define ACS_DIAMOND '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_GEQUAL #define ACS_GEQUAL '>' #endif #ifndef ACS_HLINE #define ACS_HLINE '-' #endif #ifndef ACS_LANTERN #define ACS_LANTERN '#' #endif #ifndef ACS_LARROW #define ACS_LARROW '<' #endif #ifndef ACS_LEQUAL #define ACS_LEQUAL '<' #endif #ifndef ACS_LLCORNER #define ACS_LLCORNER '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_LRCORNER #define ACS_LRCORNER '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_LTEE #define ACS_LTEE '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_NEQUAL #define ACS_NEQUAL '!' #endif #ifndef ACS_PI #define ACS_PI '*' #endif #ifndef ACS_STERLING #define ACS_STERLING 'f' #endif #ifndef ACS_PLMINUS #define ACS_PLMINUS '#' #endif #ifndef ACS_PLUS #define ACS_PLUS '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_RARROW #define ACS_RARROW '>' #endif #ifndef ACS_RTEE #define ACS_RTEE '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_S1 #define ACS_S1 '-' #endif #ifndef ACS_S3 #define ACS_S3 '-' #endif #ifndef ACS_S7 #define ACS_S7 '-' #endif #ifndef ACS_S9 #define ACS_S9 '-' #endif #ifndef ACS_TTEE #define ACS_TTEE '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_UARROW #define ACS_UARROW '^' #endif #ifndef ACS_ULCORNER #define ACS_ULCORNER '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_URCORNER #define ACS_URCORNER '+' #endif #ifndef ACS_VLINE #define ACS_VLINE '|' #endif /* * Local functions */ #if defined HAVE_SIGNAL static RETSIGTYPE sigwinch_handler(int); static caca_display_t *sigwinch_d; /* FIXME: we ought to get rid of this */ #endif #if defined HAVE_GETENV && defined HAVE_PUTENV static void ncurses_install_terminal(caca_display_t *); static void ncurses_uninstall_terminal(caca_display_t *); #endif static void ncurses_write_utf32(uint32_t); struct driver_private { int attr[16*16]; mmask_t oldmask; char *term; }; static int ncurses_init_graphics(caca_display_t *dp) { static int curses_colors[] = { /* Standard curses colours */ COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_RED, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_WHITE, /* Extra values for xterm-16color */ COLOR_BLACK + 8, COLOR_BLUE + 8, COLOR_GREEN + 8, COLOR_CYAN + 8, COLOR_RED + 8, COLOR_MAGENTA + 8, COLOR_YELLOW + 8, COLOR_WHITE + 8 }; mmask_t newmask; int fg, bg, max; dp->drv.p = malloc(sizeof(struct driver_private)); #if defined HAVE_GETENV && defined HAVE_PUTENV ncurses_install_terminal(dp); #endif #if defined HAVE_SIGNAL sigwinch_d = dp; signal(SIGWINCH, sigwinch_handler); #endif #if defined HAVE_LOCALE_H setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); #endif _caca_set_term_title("caca for ncurses"); initscr(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); nonl(); raw(); noecho(); nodelay(stdscr, TRUE); curs_set(0); /* Activate mouse */ newmask = REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION | ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS; mousemask(newmask, &dp->drv.p->oldmask); mouseinterval(-1); /* No click emulation */ /* Set the escape delay to a ridiculously low value */ ESCDELAY = 10; /* Activate colour */ start_color(); /* If COLORS == 16, it means the terminal supports full bright colours * using setab and setaf (will use \e[90m \e[91m etc. for colours >= 8), * we can build 16*16 colour pairs. * If COLORS == 8, it means the terminal does not know about bright * colours and we need to get them through A_BOLD and A_BLINK (\e[1m * and \e[5m). We can only build 8*8 colour pairs. */ max = COLORS >= 16 ? 16 : 8; for(bg = 0; bg < max; bg++) for(fg = 0; fg < max; fg++) { /* Use ((max + 7 - fg) % max) instead of fg so that colour 0 * is light gray on black. Some terminals don't like this * colour pair to be redefined. */ int col = ((max + 7 - fg) % max) + max * bg; init_pair(col, curses_colors[fg], curses_colors[bg]); dp->drv.p->attr[fg + 16 * bg] = COLOR_PAIR(col); if(max == 8) { /* Bright fg on simple bg */ dp->drv.p->attr[fg + 8 + 16 * bg] = A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(col); /* Simple fg on bright bg */ dp->drv.p->attr[fg + 16 * (bg + 8)] = A_BLINK | COLOR_PAIR(col); /* Bright fg on bright bg */ dp->drv.p->attr[fg + 8 + 16 * (bg + 8)] = A_BLINK | A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(col); } } caca_add_dirty_rect(dp->cv, 0, 0, dp->cv->width, dp->cv->height); dp->resize.allow = 1; caca_set_canvas_size(dp->cv, COLS, LINES); dp->resize.allow = 0; return 0; } static int ncurses_end_graphics(caca_display_t *dp) { _caca_set_term_title(""); mousemask(dp->drv.p->oldmask, NULL); curs_set(1); noraw(); endwin(); #if defined HAVE_GETENV && defined HAVE_PUTENV ncurses_uninstall_terminal(dp); #endif free(dp->drv.p); return 0; } static int ncurses_set_display_title(caca_display_t *dp, char const *title) { _caca_set_term_title(title); return 0; } static int ncurses_get_display_width(caca_display_t const *dp) { /* Fallback to a 6x10 font */ return caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv) * 6; } static int ncurses_get_display_height(caca_display_t const *dp) { /* Fallback to a 6x10 font */ return caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv) * 10; } static void ncurses_display(caca_display_t *dp) { int x, y, i; for(i = 0; i < caca_get_dirty_rect_count(dp->cv); i++) { uint32_t const *cvchars, *cvattrs; int dx, dy, dw, dh; caca_get_dirty_rect(dp->cv, i, &dx, &dy, &dw, &dh); cvchars = caca_get_canvas_chars(dp->cv) + dx + dy * dp->cv->width; cvattrs = caca_get_canvas_attrs(dp->cv) + dx + dy * dp->cv->width; for(y = dy; y < dy + dh; y++) { move(y, dx); for(x = dx; x < dx + dw; x++) { (void)attrset(dp->drv.p->attr[caca_attr_to_ansi(*cvattrs++)]); ncurses_write_utf32(*cvchars++); } cvchars += dp->cv->width - dw; cvattrs += dp->cv->width - dw; } } x = caca_wherex(dp->cv); y = caca_wherey(dp->cv); move(y, x); refresh(); } static void ncurses_handle_resize(caca_display_t *dp) { struct winsize size; #if defined HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H if(ioctl(fileno(stdout), TIOCGWINSZ, &size) == 0) { dp->resize.w = size.ws_col; dp->resize.h = size.ws_row; #if defined HAVE_RESIZE_TERM resize_term(dp->resize.h, dp->resize.w); #else resizeterm(dp->resize.h, dp->resize.w); #endif wrefresh(curscr); return; } #endif /* Fallback */ dp->resize.w = caca_get_canvas_width(dp->cv); dp->resize.h = caca_get_canvas_height(dp->cv); } static int ncurses_get_event(caca_display_t *dp, caca_privevent_t *ev) { int intkey; intkey = getch(); if(intkey == ERR) { ev->type = CACA_EVENT_NONE; return 0; } if(intkey < 0x7f) { ev->type = CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS; ev->data.key.ch = intkey; ev->data.key.utf32 = intkey; ev->data.key.utf8[0] = intkey; ev->data.key.utf8[1] = '\0'; return 1; } /* If the key was UTF-8, parse the whole sequence */ if(intkey >= 0x80 && intkey < 0x100) { int keys[7]; /* Necessary for ungetch(); */ char utf8[7]; uint32_t utf32; size_t i, bytes = 0; keys[0] = intkey; utf8[0] = intkey; for(i = 1; i < 6; i++) { keys[i] = getch(); utf8[i] = (unsigned char)keys[i]; } utf8[i] = '\0'; utf32 = caca_utf8_to_utf32(utf8, &bytes); while(i > bytes) ungetch(keys[--i]); if(bytes) { ev->type = CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS; ev->data.key.ch = 0; ev->data.key.utf32 = utf32; strcpy(ev->data.key.utf8, utf8); return 1; } } if(intkey == KEY_MOUSE) { MEVENT mevent; getmouse(&mevent); switch(mevent.bstate) { #define PRESS(x) ev->data.mouse.button = x; \ ev->type = CACA_EVENT_MOUSE_PRESS; _push_event(dp, ev) #define RELEASE(x) ev->data.mouse.button = x; \ ev->type = CACA_EVENT_MOUSE_RELEASE; _push_event(dp, ev) #define CLICK(x) PRESS(x); RELEASE(x) case BUTTON1_PRESSED: PRESS(1); break; case BUTTON1_RELEASED: RELEASE(1); break; case BUTTON1_CLICKED: CLICK(1); break; case BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED: CLICK(1); CLICK(1); break; case BUTTON1_TRIPLE_CLICKED: CLICK(1); CLICK(1); CLICK(1); break; case BUTTON1_RESERVED_EVENT: break; case BUTTON2_PRESSED: PRESS(2); break; case BUTTON2_RELEASED: RELEASE(2); break; case BUTTON2_CLICKED: CLICK(2); break; case BUTTON2_DOUBLE_CLICKED: CLICK(2); CLICK(2); break; case BUTTON2_TRIPLE_CLICKED: CLICK(2); CLICK(2); CLICK(2); break; case BUTTON2_RESERVED_EVENT: break; case BUTTON3_PRESSED: PRESS(3); break; case BUTTON3_RELEASED: RELEASE(3); break; case BUTTON3_CLICKED: CLICK(3); break; case BUTTON3_DOUBLE_CLICKED: CLICK(3); CLICK(3); break; case BUTTON3_TRIPLE_CLICKED: CLICK(3); CLICK(3); CLICK(3); break; case BUTTON3_RESERVED_EVENT: break; case BUTTON4_PRESSED: PRESS(4); break; case BUTTON4_RELEASED: RELEASE(4); break; case BUTTON4_CLICKED: CLICK(4); break; case BUTTON4_DOUBLE_CLICKED: CLICK(4); CLICK(4); break; case BUTTON4_TRIPLE_CLICKED: CLICK(4); CLICK(4); CLICK(4); break; case BUTTON4_RESERVED_EVENT: break; default: break; #undef PRESS #undef RELEASE #undef CLICK } if(dp->mouse.x == mevent.x && dp->mouse.y == mevent.y) return _pop_event(dp, ev); dp->mouse.x = mevent.x; dp->mouse.y = mevent.y; ev->type = CACA_EVENT_MOUSE_MOTION; ev->data.mouse.x = dp->mouse.x; ev->data.mouse.y = dp->mouse.y; return 1; } switch(intkey) { case KEY_UP: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_UP; break; case KEY_DOWN: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_DOWN; break; case KEY_LEFT: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_LEFT; break; case KEY_RIGHT: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_RIGHT; break; case KEY_IC: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_INSERT; break; case KEY_DC: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_DELETE; break; case 0x7f: case KEY_BACKSPACE: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_BACKSPACE; break; case KEY_HOME: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_HOME; break; case KEY_END: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_END; break; case KEY_PPAGE: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_PAGEUP; break; case KEY_NPAGE: ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_PAGEDOWN; break; case KEY_F(1): ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F1; break; case KEY_F(2): ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F2; break; case KEY_F(3): ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F3; break; case KEY_F(4): ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F4; break; case KEY_F(5): ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F5; break; case KEY_F(6): ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F6; break; case KEY_F(7): ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F7; break; case KEY_F(8): ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F8; break; case KEY_F(9): ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F9; break; case KEY_F(10): ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F10; break; case KEY_F(11): ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F11; break; case KEY_F(12): ev->data.key.ch = CACA_KEY_F12; break; default: /* Unknown key */ ev->type = CACA_EVENT_NONE; return 0; } ev->type = CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS; ev->data.key.utf32 = 0; ev->data.key.utf8[0] = '\0'; return 1; } static void ncurses_set_cursor(caca_display_t *dp, int flags) { curs_set(flags ? 2 : 0); } /* * XXX: following functions are local */ #if defined HAVE_SIGNAL static RETSIGTYPE sigwinch_handler(int sig) { sigwinch_d->resize.resized = 1; signal(SIGWINCH, sigwinch_handler); } #endif #if defined HAVE_GETENV && defined HAVE_PUTENV static void ncurses_install_terminal(caca_display_t *dp) { char *term, *colorterm; dp->drv.p->term = NULL; term = getenv("TERM"); colorterm = getenv("COLORTERM"); if(!term || strcmp(term, "xterm")) return; /* If we are using gnome-terminal, it's really a 16 colour terminal. * Ditto if we are using xfce4-terminal, or Konsole. */ if((colorterm && (!strcmp(colorterm, "gnome-terminal") || !strcmp(colorterm, "Terminal"))) || getenv("KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION")) { SCREEN *screen; screen = newterm("xterm-16color", stdout, stdin); if(screen == NULL) return; endwin(); (void)putenv("TERM=xterm-16color"); dp->drv.p->term = strdup(term); return; } } static void ncurses_uninstall_terminal(caca_display_t *dp) { /* Needs to be persistent because we use putenv() */ static char termenv[1024]; if(!dp->drv.p->term) return; snprintf(termenv, 1023, "TERM=%s", dp->drv.p->term); free(dp->drv.p->term); (void)putenv(termenv); } #endif static void ncurses_write_utf32(uint32_t ch) { #if defined HAVE_NCURSESW_NCURSES_H char buf[10]; int bytes; #endif if(ch == CACA_MAGIC_FULLWIDTH) return; #if defined HAVE_NCURSESW_NCURSES_H bytes = caca_utf32_to_utf8(buf, ch); buf[bytes] = '\0'; addstr(buf); #else if(ch < 0x80) { addch(ch); } else { chtype cch; chtype cch2; cch = '?'; cch2 = ' '; if ((ch > 0x0000ff00) && (ch < 0x0000ff5f)) { cch = ch - 0x0000ff00 + ' '; } switch (ch) { case 0x000000a0: /* */ case 0x00003000: /*   */ cch = ' '; break; case 0x000000a3: /* £ */ cch = ACS_STERLING; break; case 0x000000b0: /* ° */ cch = ACS_DEGREE; break; case 0x000000b1: /* ± */ cch = ACS_PLMINUS; break; case 0x000000b7: /* · */ case 0x00002219: /* ∙ */ case 0x000030fb: /* ・ */ cch = ACS_BULLET; break; case 0x000003c0: /* π */ cch = ACS_PI; break; case 0x00002018: /* ‘ */ case 0x00002019: /* ’ */ cch = '\''; break; case 0x0000201c: /* “ */ case 0x0000201d: /* ” */ cch = '"'; break; case 0x00002190: /* ← */ cch = ACS_LARROW; break; case 0x00002191: /* ↑ */ cch = ACS_UARROW; break; case 0x00002192: /* → */ cch = ACS_RARROW; break; case 0x00002193: /* ↓ */ cch = ACS_DARROW; break; case 0x00002260: /* ≠ */ cch = ACS_NEQUAL; break; case 0x00002261: /* ≡ */ cch = '='; break; case 0x00002264: /* ≤ */ cch = ACS_LEQUAL; break; case 0x00002265: /* ≥ */ cch = ACS_GEQUAL; break; case 0x000023ba: /* ⎺ */ cch = ACS_S1; cch2 = cch; break; case 0x000023bb: /* ⎻ */ cch = ACS_S3; cch2 = cch; break; case 0x000023bc: /* ⎼ */ cch = ACS_S7; cch2 = cch; break; case 0x000023bd: /* ⎽ */ cch = ACS_S9; cch2 = cch; break; case 0x00002500: /* ─ */ case 0x00002550: /* ═ */ cch = ACS_HLINE; cch2 = cch; break; case 0x00002502: /* │ */ case 0x00002551: /* ║ */ cch = ACS_VLINE; break; case 0x0000250c: /* ┌ */ case 0x00002552: /* ╒ */ case 0x00002553: /* ╓ */ case 0x00002554: /* ╔ */ cch = ACS_ULCORNER; cch2 = ACS_HLINE; break; case 0x00002510: /* ┐ */ case 0x00002555: /* ╕ */ case 0x00002556: /* ╖ */ case 0x00002557: /* ╗ */ cch = ACS_URCORNER; break; case 0x00002514: /* └ */ case 0x00002558: /* ╘ */ case 0x00002559: /* ╙ */ case 0x0000255a: /* ╚ */ cch = ACS_LLCORNER; cch2 = ACS_HLINE; break; case 0x00002518: /* ┘ */ case 0x0000255b: /* ╛ */ case 0x0000255c: /* ╜ */ case 0x0000255d: /* ╝ */ cch = ACS_LRCORNER; break; case 0x0000251c: /* ├ */ case 0x0000255e: /* ╞ */ case 0x0000255f: /* ╟ */ case 0x00002560: /* ╠ */ cch = ACS_LTEE; cch2 = ACS_HLINE; break; case 0x00002524: /* ┤ */ case 0x00002561: /* ╡ */ case 0x00002562: /* ╢ */ case 0x00002563: /* ╣ */ cch = ACS_RTEE; break; case 0x0000252c: /* ┬ */ case 0x00002564: /* ╤ */ case 0x00002565: /* ╥ */ case 0x00002566: /* ╦ */ cch = ACS_TTEE; cch2 = ACS_HLINE; break; case 0x00002534: /* ┴ */ case 0x00002567: /* ╧ */ case 0x00002568: /* ╨ */ case 0x00002569: /* ╩ */ cch = ACS_BTEE; cch2 = ACS_HLINE; break; case 0x0000253c: /* ┼ */ case 0x0000256a: /* ╪ */ case 0x0000256b: /* ╫ */ case 0x0000256c: /* ╬ */ cch = ACS_PLUS; cch2 = ACS_HLINE; break; case 0x00002591: /* ░ */ cch = ACS_BOARD; cch2 = cch; break; case 0x00002592: /* ▒ */ case 0x00002593: /* ▓ */ cch = ACS_CKBOARD; cch2 = cch; break; case 0x00002580: /* ▀ */ case 0x00002584: /* ▄ */ case 0x00002588: /* █ */ case 0x0000258c: /* ▌ */ case 0x00002590: /* ▐ */ case 0x000025a0: /* ■ */ case 0x000025ac: /* ▬ */ case 0x000025ae: /* ▮ */ cch = ACS_BLOCK; cch2 = cch; break; case 0x000025c6: /* ◆ */ case 0x00002666: /* ♦ */ cch = ACS_DIAMOND; break; case 0x00002022: /* • */ case 0x000025cb: /* ○ */ case 0x000025cf: /* ● */ case 0x00002603: /* ☃ */ case 0x0000263c: /* ☼ */ cch = ACS_LANTERN; break; case 0x0000301c: /* 〜 */ cch = '~'; break; } addch(cch); if(caca_utf32_is_fullwidth(ch)) { addch(cch2); } } #endif } /* * Driver initialisation */ int ncurses_install(caca_display_t *dp) { dp->drv.id = CACA_DRIVER_NCURSES; dp->drv.driver = "ncurses"; dp->drv.init_graphics = ncurses_init_graphics; dp->drv.end_graphics = ncurses_end_graphics; dp->drv.set_display_title = ncurses_set_display_title; dp->drv.get_display_width = ncurses_get_display_width; dp->drv.get_display_height = ncurses_get_display_height; dp->drv.display = ncurses_display; dp->drv.handle_resize = ncurses_handle_resize; dp->drv.get_event = ncurses_get_event; dp->drv.set_mouse = NULL; dp->drv.set_cursor = ncurses_set_cursor; return 0; } #endif /* USE_NCURSES */