#! /bin/sh ## Kernel-mode libcaca compilation script -- Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net> set -x set -e MYCFLAGS="-fno-builtin -O0 -I. -I.. -I../caca/ -Wall -D__KERNEL__ -fno-stack-protector -m32" ./configure --enable-kernel --disable-doc --host i386 # Compile cacademo, leave it as an object cd caca && make && cd .. cd examples && make dithering.o && cd .. cd kernel # Bootsector nasm -f bin -o bootsect.bin boot/bootsect.asm # Interruption handlers nasm -f elf -o int.o boot/int.asm ##### Boot (x86) # Stage2, loads GDT, PIC, IDT, interrupts, then calls kmain() gcc $MYCFLAGS boot/stage2.c -c # GDT installation, called by stage2 gcc $MYCFLAGS boot/gdt.c -c # PIC installation, called by stage2 gcc $MYCFLAGS boot/pic.c -c # IDT installation, called by stage2 gcc $MYCFLAGS boot/idt.c -c # Interruptions installation, called by stage2 gcc $MYCFLAGS boot/interruptions.c -c ##### Drivers # Floppy driver gcc $MYCFLAGS drivers/floppy.c -c # Processor driver gcc $MYCFLAGS drivers/processor.c -c # Keyboard handler gcc $MYCFLAGS drivers/keyboard.c -c # Memory driver gcc $MYCFLAGS drivers/memory.c -c # Programmable Interval Timer driver gcc $MYCFLAGS drivers/timer.c -c # Minimalistic libc gcc $MYCFLAGS klibc.c -c # Kernel by itself, contains cmain() which calls main() gcc $MYCFLAGS kernel.c -c # Link everything but bootsector, kernel.o MUST be at the very end ld --oformat binary -Ttext 1000 stage2.o gdt.o pic.o int.o idt.o interruptions.o keyboard.o memory.o timer.o floppy.o processor.o klibc.o kernel.o ../caca/.libs/libcaca.a -Map kernel.map -o kern.bin ls -ail kern.bin cd .. # Copy bootsector at the very beginning of the floppy (first sector/512 bytes of the image), then kernel right after cat kernel/bootsect.bin kernel/kern.bin /dev/zero | dd of=cacademo.img bs=512 count=2500