/* * cacaview image viewer for libcaca * Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Sam Hocevar * All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to * the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want * To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See * http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. */ #include "config.h" #if !defined(__KERNEL__) # include # include # include #endif #if defined(HAVE_SLEEP) # include #endif #include "caca.h" #include "common-image.h" /* Local macros */ #define MODE_IMAGE 1 #define MODE_FILES 2 #define STATUS_DITHERING 1 #define STATUS_ANTIALIASING 2 #define STATUS_BACKGROUND 3 #define ZOOM_FACTOR 1.08f #define ZOOM_MAX 50 #define GAMMA_FACTOR 1.04f #define GAMMA_MAX 100 #define GAMMA(g) (((g) < 0) ? 1.0 / gammatab[-(g)] : gammatab[(g)]) #define PAD_STEP 0.15 /* libcaca/libcaca contexts */ caca_canvas_t *cv; caca_display_t *dp; /* Local functions */ static void print_status(void); static void print_help(int, int); static void set_zoom(int); static void set_gamma(int); static void draw_checkers(int, int, int, int); /* Local variables */ struct image *im = NULL; float zoomtab[ZOOM_MAX + 1]; float gammatab[GAMMA_MAX + 1]; float xfactor = 1.0, yfactor = 1.0, dx = 0.5, dy = 0.5; int zoom = 0, g = 0, fullscreen = 0, mode, ww, wh; int main(int argc, char **argv) { char const * const * algos = caca_get_dither_algorithm_list(NULL); int dither_algorithm = 0; int quit = 0, update = 1, help = 0, status = 0; int reload = 0; char **list = NULL; int current = 0, items = 0, opts = 1; int i; /* Initialise libcaca */ cv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0); if(!cv) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to initialise libcaca\n", argv[0]); return 1; } dp = caca_create_display(cv); if(!dp) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to initialise libcaca\n", argv[0]); return 1; } /* Set the window title */ caca_set_display_title(dp, "cacaview"); ww = caca_get_canvas_width(cv); wh = caca_get_canvas_height(cv); /* Fill the zoom table */ zoomtab[0] = 1.0; for(i = 0; i < ZOOM_MAX; i++) zoomtab[i + 1] = zoomtab[i] * ZOOM_FACTOR; /* Fill the gamma table */ gammatab[0] = 1.0; for(i = 0; i < GAMMA_MAX; i++) gammatab[i + 1] = gammatab[i] * GAMMA_FACTOR; /* Load items into playlist */ for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) { /* Skip options except after `--' */ if(opts && argv[i][0] == '-') { if(argv[i][1] == '-' && argv[i][2] == '\0') opts = 0; continue; } /* Add argv[i] to the list */ if(items) list = realloc(list, (items + 1) * sizeof(char *)); else list = malloc(sizeof(char *)); list[items] = argv[i]; items++; reload = 1; } /* Go ! */ while(!quit) { caca_event_t ev; unsigned int const event_mask = CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | CACA_EVENT_RESIZE | CACA_EVENT_MOUSE_PRESS | CACA_EVENT_QUIT; unsigned int new_status = 0, new_help = 0; int event; if(update) event = caca_get_event(dp, event_mask, &ev, 0); else event = caca_get_event(dp, event_mask, &ev, -1); while(event) { if(caca_get_event_type(&ev) & CACA_EVENT_MOUSE_PRESS) { if(caca_get_event_mouse_button(&ev) == 1) { if(items) current = (current + 1) % items; reload = 1; } if(caca_get_event_mouse_button(&ev) == 2) { if(items) current = (items + current - 1) % items; reload = 1; } } else if(caca_get_event_type(&ev) & CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS) switch(caca_get_event_key_ch(&ev)) { case 'n': case 'N': if(items) current = (current + 1) % items; reload = 1; break; case 'p': case 'P': if(items) current = (items + current - 1) % items; reload = 1; break; case 'f': case 'F': case CACA_KEY_F11: fullscreen = ~fullscreen; update = 1; set_zoom(zoom); break; #if 0 /* FIXME */ case 'b': i = 1 + caca_get_feature(cv, CACA_BACKGROUND); if(i > CACA_BACKGROUND_MAX) i = CACA_BACKGROUND_MIN; caca_set_feature(cv, i); new_status = STATUS_BACKGROUND; update = 1; break; case 'B': i = -1 + caca_get_feature(cv, CACA_BACKGROUND); if(i < CACA_BACKGROUND_MIN) i = CACA_BACKGROUND_MAX; caca_set_feature(cv, i); new_status = STATUS_BACKGROUND; update = 1; break; case 'a': i = 1 + caca_get_feature(cv, CACA_ANTIALIASING); if(i > CACA_ANTIALIASING_MAX) i = CACA_ANTIALIASING_MIN; caca_set_feature(cv, i); new_status = STATUS_ANTIALIASING; update = 1; break; case 'A': i = -1 + caca_get_feature(cv, CACA_ANTIALIASING); if(i < CACA_ANTIALIASING_MIN) i = CACA_ANTIALIASING_MAX; caca_set_feature(cv, i); new_status = STATUS_ANTIALIASING; update = 1; break; #endif case 'd': dither_algorithm++; if(algos[dither_algorithm * 2] == NULL) dither_algorithm = 0; caca_set_dither_algorithm(im->dither, algos[dither_algorithm * 2]); new_status = STATUS_DITHERING; update = 1; break; case 'D': dither_algorithm--; if(dither_algorithm < 0) while(algos[dither_algorithm * 2 + 2] != NULL) dither_algorithm++; caca_set_dither_algorithm(im->dither, algos[dither_algorithm * 2]); new_status = STATUS_DITHERING; update = 1; break; case '+': update = 1; set_zoom(zoom + 1); break; case '-': update = 1; set_zoom(zoom - 1); break; case 'G': update = 1; set_gamma(g + 1); break; case 'g': update = 1; set_gamma(g - 1); break; case 'x': case 'X': update = 1; set_zoom(0); set_gamma(0); break; case 'k': case 'K': case CACA_KEY_UP: if(yfactor > 1.0) dy -= PAD_STEP / yfactor; if(dy < 0.0) dy = 0.0; update = 1; break; case 'j': case 'J': case CACA_KEY_DOWN: if(yfactor > 1.0) dy += PAD_STEP / yfactor; if(dy > 1.0) dy = 1.0; update = 1; break; case 'h': case 'H': case CACA_KEY_LEFT: if(xfactor > 1.0) dx -= PAD_STEP / xfactor; if(dx < 0.0) dx = 0.0; update = 1; break; case 'l': case 'L': case CACA_KEY_RIGHT: if(xfactor > 1.0) dx += PAD_STEP / xfactor; if(dx > 1.0) dx = 1.0; update = 1; break; case '?': new_help = !help; update = 1; break; case 'q': case 'Q': case CACA_KEY_ESCAPE: quit = 1; break; } else if(caca_get_event_type(&ev) == CACA_EVENT_RESIZE) { caca_refresh_display(dp); ww = caca_get_event_resize_width(&ev); wh = caca_get_event_resize_height(&ev); update = 1; set_zoom(zoom); } else if(caca_get_event_type(&ev) & CACA_EVENT_QUIT) quit = 1; if(status || new_status) status = new_status; if(help || new_help) help = new_help; event = caca_get_event(dp, CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS, &ev, 0); } if(items && reload) { char *buffer; int len = strlen(" Loading `%s'... ") + strlen(list[current]); if(len < ww + 1) len = ww + 1; buffer = malloc(len); sprintf(buffer, " Loading `%s'... ", list[current]); buffer[ww] = '\0'; caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE); caca_put_str(cv, (ww - strlen(buffer)) / 2, wh / 2, buffer); caca_refresh_display(dp); ww = caca_get_canvas_width(cv); wh = caca_get_canvas_height(cv); if(im) unload_image(im); im = load_image(list[current]); reload = 0; /* Reset image-specific runtime variables */ dx = dy = 0.5; update = 1; set_zoom(0); set_gamma(0); free(buffer); } caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLACK); caca_clear_canvas(cv); if(!items) { caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE); caca_printf(cv, ww / 2 - 5, wh / 2, " No image. "); } else if(!im) { #if defined(USE_IMLIB2) # define ERROR_STRING " Error loading `%s'. " #else # define ERROR_STRING " Error loading `%s'. Only BMP is supported. " #endif char *buffer; int len = strlen(ERROR_STRING) + strlen(list[current]); if(len < ww + 1) len = ww + 1; buffer = malloc(len); sprintf(buffer, ERROR_STRING, list[current]); buffer[ww] = '\0'; caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE); caca_put_str(cv, (ww - strlen(buffer)) / 2, wh / 2, buffer); free(buffer); } else { float xdelta, ydelta; int y, height; y = fullscreen ? 0 : 1; height = fullscreen ? wh : wh - 3; xdelta = (xfactor > 1.0) ? dx : 0.5; ydelta = (yfactor > 1.0) ? dy : 0.5; draw_checkers(ww * (1.0 - xfactor) / 2, y + height * (1.0 - yfactor) / 2, ww * xfactor, height * yfactor); caca_dither_bitmap(cv, ww * (1.0 - xfactor) * xdelta, y + height * (1.0 - yfactor) * ydelta, ww * xfactor + 1, height * yfactor + 1, im->dither, im->pixels); } if(!fullscreen) { print_status(); caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_LIGHTGRAY, CACA_BLACK); switch(status) { case STATUS_DITHERING: caca_printf(cv, 0, wh - 1, "Dithering: %s", caca_get_dither_algorithm(im->dither)); break; #if 0 /* FIXME */ case STATUS_ANTIALIASING: caca_printf(cv, 0, wh - 1, "Antialiasing: %s", caca_get_feature_name(caca_get_feature(cv, CACA_ANTIALIASING))); break; case STATUS_BACKGROUND: caca_printf(cv, 0, wh - 1, "Background: %s", caca_get_feature_name(caca_get_feature(cv, CACA_BACKGROUND))); break; #endif } } if(help) { print_help(ww - 26, 2); } caca_refresh_display(dp); update = 0; } /* Clean up */ if(im) unload_image(im); caca_free_display(dp); caca_free_canvas(cv); return 0; } static void print_status(void) { caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE); caca_draw_line(cv, 0, 0, ww - 1, 0, ' '); caca_draw_line(cv, 0, wh - 2, ww - 1, wh - 2, '-'); caca_put_str(cv, 0, 0, "q:Quit np:Next/Prev +-x:Zoom gG:Gamma " "hjkl:Move d:Dither a:Antialias"); caca_put_str(cv, ww - strlen("?:Help"), 0, "?:Help"); caca_printf(cv, 3, wh - 2, "cacaview %s", PACKAGE_VERSION); caca_printf(cv, ww - 30, wh - 2, "(gamma: %#.3g)", GAMMA(g)); caca_printf(cv, ww - 14, wh - 2, "(zoom: %s%i)", zoom > 0 ? "+" : "", zoom); caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_LIGHTGRAY, CACA_BLACK); caca_draw_line(cv, 0, wh - 1, ww - 1, wh - 1, ' '); } static void print_help(int x, int y) { static char const *help[] = { " +: zoom in ", " -: zoom out ", " g: decrease gamma ", " G: increase gamma ", " x: reset zoom and gamma ", " ----------------------- ", " hjkl: move view ", " arrows: move view ", " ----------------------- ", " a: antialiasing method ", " d: dithering method ", " b: background mode ", " ----------------------- ", " ?: help ", " q: quit ", NULL }; int i; caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE); for(i = 0; help[i]; i++) caca_put_str(cv, x, y + i, help[i]); } static void set_zoom(int new_zoom) { int height; if(!im) return; zoom = new_zoom; if(zoom > ZOOM_MAX) zoom = ZOOM_MAX; if(zoom < -ZOOM_MAX) zoom = -ZOOM_MAX; ww = caca_get_canvas_width(cv); height = fullscreen ? wh : wh - 3; xfactor = (zoom < 0) ? 1.0 / zoomtab[-zoom] : zoomtab[zoom]; yfactor = xfactor * ww / height * im->h / im->w * caca_get_canvas_height(cv) / caca_get_canvas_width(cv) * caca_get_display_width(dp) / caca_get_display_height(dp); if(yfactor > xfactor) { float tmp = xfactor; xfactor = tmp * tmp / yfactor; yfactor = tmp; } } static void set_gamma(int new_gamma) { if(!im) return; g = new_gamma; if(g > GAMMA_MAX) g = GAMMA_MAX; if(g < -GAMMA_MAX) g = -GAMMA_MAX; caca_set_dither_gamma(im->dither, (g < 0) ? 1.0 / gammatab[-g] : gammatab[g]); } static void draw_checkers(int x, int y, int w, int h) { int xn, yn; if(x + w > (int)caca_get_canvas_width(cv)) w = caca_get_canvas_width(cv) - x; if(y + h > (int)caca_get_canvas_height(cv)) h = caca_get_canvas_height(cv) - y; for(yn = y > 0 ? y : 0; yn < y + h; yn++) for(xn = x > 0 ? x : 0; xn < x + w; xn++) { if((((xn - x) / 5) ^ ((yn - y) / 3)) & 1) caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_LIGHTGRAY, CACA_DARKGRAY); else caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_DARKGRAY, CACA_LIGHTGRAY); caca_put_char(cv, xn, yn, ' '); } }