/* * libcucul Unicode canvas library * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Sam Hocevar * All Rights Reserved * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To * Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See * http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. */ /** \file export.c * \version \$Id: export.c 361 2006-03-09 13:24:06Z jylam $ * \author Sam Hocevar * \author Jean-Yves Lamoureux * \brief Export function * * This file contains export functions for ANSI */ #include "config.h" #if !defined(__KERNEL__) # include # include # include #endif #include "cucul.h" #include "cucul_internals.h" /** \brief Generate ANSI representation of current image. * * This function generates and returns an ANSI representation of * the current image. * \param trailing if 0, raw ANSI will be generated. Otherwise, you'll be * able to cut/paste the result to a function like printf * \return buffer containing generated ANSI codes as a big string */ char * cucul_get_ansi(cucul_t *qq, int trailing, int *size) { static int const palette[] = { 30, 34, 32, 36, 31, 35, 33, 37, /* Both lines (light and dark) are the same, */ 30, 34, 32, 36, 31, 35, 33, 37, /* light colors handling is done later */ }; char *cur; unsigned int x, y; /* 20 bytes assumed for max length per pixel. * Add height*9 to that (zeroes color at the end and jump to next line) */ if(qq->ansi_buffer) free(qq->ansi_buffer); qq->ansi_buffer = malloc(((qq->height*9) + (qq->width * qq->height * 20)) * sizeof(char)); if(qq->ansi_buffer == NULL) return NULL; cur = qq->ansi_buffer; // *cur++ = ''; for(y = 0; y < qq->height; y++) { uint8_t *lineattr = qq->attr + y * qq->width; uint32_t *linechar = qq->chars + y * qq->width; uint8_t prevfg = -1; uint8_t prevbg = -1; for(x = 0; x < qq->width; x++) { uint8_t fg = palette[lineattr[x] & 0x0f]; uint8_t bg = (palette[lineattr[x] >> 4])+10; uint32_t c = linechar[x]; if(!trailing) cur += sprintf(cur, "\033["); else cur += sprintf(cur, "\\033["); if(fg > 7) cur += sprintf(cur, "1;%d;%dm",fg,bg); else cur += sprintf(cur, "0;%d;%dm",fg,bg); *cur++ = c & 0x7f; if((c == '%') && trailing) *cur++ = c & 0x7f; prevfg = fg; prevbg = bg; } if(!trailing) cur += sprintf(cur, "\033[0m\n\r"); else cur += sprintf(cur, "\\033[0m\\n\n"); } /* Crop to really used size */ *size = (strlen(qq->ansi_buffer) + 1)* sizeof(char); qq->ansi_buffer = realloc(qq->ansi_buffer, *size); return qq->ansi_buffer; }