- #!/bin/sh
- export MAKEFLAGS=""
- top_srcdir="$(make -s echo-topdir)"
- #
- # Check that the copyright information is valid
- #
- nfails=0
- nfiles=0
- for dir in $(make -s echo-dirs -C "${top_srcdir}"); do
- if [ ! -d "${top_srcdir}/${dir}" ]; then continue; fi
- for x in $(make -s echo-sources -C "${top_srcdir}/${dir}"); do
- case "$x" in
- *.c|*.cpp|*.h|*.m|*.php|*.cs|*.java|.py|.pl)
- nfiles=$(($nfiles + 1)) ;;
- *)
- continue ;;
- esac
- if ! grep 'Copyright *([cC])' "${top_srcdir}/${dir}/$x" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo "error: ${dir}/$x lacks proper copyright information"
- nfails=$(($nfails + 1))
- elif [ -d ../../.git ]; then
- Y="$(git log "${top_srcdir}/${dir}/$x" | head -n 3 | sed -ne 's/^Date.* \([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\) .*/\1/p')"
- if [ "$Y" != "" ]; then
- if ! grep "$Y.*@" "${top_srcdir}/${dir}/$x" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo "error: ${dir}/$x last modified in $Y, which is not in copyright"
- nfails=$(($nfails + 1))
- fi
- fi
- fi
- done
- done
- echo "$nfiles files, $nfails errors in copyright information"
- if test "$nfails" != "0"; then
- exit 1
- fi
- exit 0