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  1. /* $Id$ */
  2. /** \mainpage libcaca Documentation
  3. \section intro Introduction
  4. \e libcaca is a graphics library that outputs text instead of pixels,
  5. so that it can work on older video cards or text terminals. It is not
  6. unlike the famous AAlib library. \e libcaca can use almost any virtual
  7. terminal to work, thus it should work on all Unix systems (including
  8. Mac OS X) using either the S-Lang library or the ncurses library, on DOS
  9. using the conio library, and on Windows systems using the native Win32
  10. console, the conio library, or using S-Lang or ncurses (through Cygwin
  11. emulation). There is also a native X11 driver, and an OpenGL driver
  12. (through freeglut) that does not require a text terminal. For machines
  13. without a screen, the raw driver can be used to send the output to another
  14. machine, using for instance cacaserver.
  15. \e libcaca is free software, released under the Do What The Fuck You
  16. Want To Public License. This ensures that no one, not even the \e libcaca
  17. developers, will ever have anything to say about what you do with the
  18. software. It used to be licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public
  19. License, but that was not free enough.
  20. \section devel Developer's documentation
  21. \e libcaca relies on a low-level, device independent library, called
  22. \e libcucul. \e libcucul can be used alone as a simple ASCII and/or
  23. Unicode compositing canvas.
  24. The complete \e libcucul and \e libcaca programming interface is
  25. available from the following headers:
  26. - cucul.h
  27. - caca.h
  28. There is language-specific documentation for the various bindings:
  29. - \subpage libcaca-ruby
  30. Some other topics are covered by specific sections:
  31. - \subpage libcaca-tutorial
  32. - \subpage libcaca-migrating
  33. There is also information specially targeted at \e libcaca developers:
  34. - \subpage libcaca-font
  35. - \subpage libcaca-canvas
  36. - \subpage libcaca-style
  37. \section user User's documentation
  38. - \subpage libcaca-env
  39. \section misc Misc
  40. - \subpage libcaca-news
  41. - \subpage libcaca-authors
  42. - \subpage libcaca-thanks
  43. - \subpage libcaca-todo
  44. \section license License
  45. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
  46. under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, version
  47. 2 as published by Sam Hocevar. For details see http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ .
  48. */