- /** \mainpage libcaca Documentation
- \section intro Introduction
- \e libcaca is a graphics library that outputs text instead of pixels,
- so that it can work on older video cards or text terminals. It is not
- unlike the famous AAlib library. \e libcaca can use almost any virtual
- terminal to work, thus it should work on all Unix systems (including
- Mac OS X) using either the S-Lang library or the ncurses library, on DOS
- using the conio library, and on Windows systems using the native Win32
- console, the conio library, or using S-Lang or ncurses (through Cygwin
- emulation). There is also a native X11 driver, and an OpenGL driver
- (through freeglut) that does not require a text terminal. For machines
- without a screen, the raw driver can be used to send the output to another
- machine, using for instance cacaserver.
- \e libcaca is free software, released under the Do What the Fuck You
- Want to Public License. This ensures that no one, not even the \e libcaca
- developers, will ever have anything to say about what you do with the
- software. It used to be licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public
- License, but that was not free enough.
- \section devel Developer's documentation
- The complete \e libcaca programming interface is
- available from the following header:
- - caca.h
- There is language-specific documentation for the various bindings:
- - \subpage libcaca-ruby
- Some other topics are covered by specific sections:
- - \subpage libcaca-tutorial
- - \subpage libcaca-migrating
- There is also information specially targeted at \e libcaca developers:
- - \subpage libcaca-font
- - \subpage libcaca-canvas
- - \subpage libcaca-style
- \section user User's documentation
- - \subpage libcaca-env
- \section misc Misc
- - \subpage libcaca-news
- - \subpage libcaca-authors
- - \subpage libcaca-thanks
- \section license License
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
- under the terms of the Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License, version
- 2 as published by Sam Hocevar. For details see http://www.wtfpl.net/ .
- */