- #include "config.h"
- #include "common.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <pipi.h>
- #define R 0
- #define G 1
- #define B 2
- #define X 3
- #define Y 4
- #define A 5
- //#define debug printf
- #define debug(...) /* */
- #define BRIGHT(x) (0.299*(x)[0] + 0.587*(x)[1] + 0.114*(x)[2])
- #define MAXCOLORS 16
- #define STEPS 256
- #define EPSILON (0.000001)
- typedef struct
- {
- double pts[STEPS + 1][MAXCOLORS * (MAXCOLORS - 1) / 2][6];
- int hullsize[STEPS + 1];
- double bary[STEPS + 1][3];
- }
- hull_t;
- static double const y[3] = { .299, .587, .114 };
- static double u[3], v[3];
- static int ylen;
- /*
- * Find two base vectors for the chrominance planes.
- */
- static void init_uv(void)
- {
- double tmp;
- ylen = sqrt(y[R] * y[R] + y[G] * y[G] + y[B] * y[B]);
- u[R] = y[1];
- u[G] = -y[0];
- u[B] = 0;
- tmp = sqrt(u[R] * u[R] + u[G] * u[G] + u[B] * u[B]);
- u[R] /= tmp; u[G] /= tmp; u[B] /= tmp;
- v[R] = y[G] * u[B] - y[B] * u[G];
- v[G] = y[B] * u[R] - y[R] * u[B];
- v[B] = y[R] * u[G] - y[G] * u[R];
- tmp = sqrt(v[R] * v[R] + v[G] * v[G] + v[B] * v[B]);
- v[R] /= tmp; v[G] /= tmp; v[B] /= tmp;
- }
- /*
- * Compute the convex hull of a given palette.
- */
- static hull_t *compute_hull(int ncolors, double const *palette)
- {
- hull_t *ret = malloc(sizeof(hull_t));
- double tmp;
- int i, j;
- debug("\n### NEW HULL ###\n\n");
- debug("Analysing %i colors\n", ncolors);
- double pal[ncolors][3];
- for(i = 0; i < ncolors; i++)
- {
- pal[i][R] = palette[i * 3];
- pal[i][G] = palette[i * 3 + 1];
- pal[i][B] = palette[i * 3 + 2];
- debug(" [%i] (%g,%g,%g)\n", i, pal[i][R], pal[i][G], pal[i][B]);
- }
- /*
- * 1. Find the darkest and lightest colours
- */
- double *dark = NULL, *light = NULL;
- double min = 1.0, max = 0.0;
- for(i = 0; i < ncolors; i++)
- {
- double p = BRIGHT(pal[i]);
- if(p < min)
- {
- dark = pal[i];
- min = p;
- }
- if(p > max)
- {
- light = pal[i];
- max = p;
- }
- }
- double gray[3];
- gray[R] = light[R] - dark[R];
- gray[G] = light[G] - dark[G];
- gray[B] = light[B] - dark[B];
- debug(" gray axis (%g,%g,%g) - (%g,%g,%g)\n",
- dark[R], dark[G], dark[B], light[R], light[G], light[B]);
- /*
- * 3. Browse the grey axis and do stuff
- */
- int n;
- for(n = 0; n <= STEPS; n++)
- {
- double pts[ncolors * (ncolors - 1) / 2][5];
- double ptmp[5];
- #define SWAP(p1,p2) do { memcpy(ptmp, p1, sizeof(ptmp)); \
- memcpy(p1, p2, sizeof(ptmp)); \
- memcpy(p2, ptmp, sizeof(ptmp)); } while(0)
- double t = n * 1.0 / STEPS;
- int npts = 0;
- debug("Slice %i/%i\n", n, STEPS);
- double p0[3];
- p0[R] = dark[R] + t * gray[R];
- p0[G] = dark[G] + t * gray[G];
- p0[B] = dark[B] + t * gray[B];
- debug(" 3D gray (%g,%g,%g)\n", p0[R], p0[G], p0[B]);
- /*
- * 3.1. Find all edges that intersect the t.y + (u,v) plane
- */
- for(i = 0; i < ncolors; i++)
- {
- double k1[3];
- k1[R] = pal[i][R] - p0[R];
- k1[G] = pal[i][G] - p0[G];
- k1[B] = pal[i][B] - p0[B];
- tmp = sqrt(k1[R] * k1[R] + k1[G] * k1[G] + k1[B] * k1[B]);
- /* If k1.y > t.y.y, we don't want this point */
- double yk1 = y[R] * k1[R] + y[G] * k1[G] + y[B] * k1[B];
- if(yk1 > t * ylen * ylen + EPSILON)
- continue;
- for(j = 0; j < ncolors; j++)
- {
- if(i == j)
- continue;
- double k2[3];
- k2[R] = pal[j][R] - p0[R];
- k2[G] = pal[j][G] - p0[G];
- k2[B] = pal[j][B] - p0[B];
- tmp = sqrt(k2[R] * k2[R] + k2[G] * k2[G] + k2[B] * k2[B]);
- /* If k2.y < t.y.y, we don't want this point */
- double yk2 = y[R] * k2[R] + y[G] * k2[G] + y[B] * k2[B];
- if(yk2 < t * ylen * ylen - EPSILON)
- continue;
- if(yk2 < yk1)
- continue;
- double s = yk1 == yk2 ?
- 0.5 : (t * ylen * ylen - yk1) / (yk2 - yk1);
- pts[npts][R] = p0[R] + k1[R] + s * (k2[R] - k1[R]);
- pts[npts][G] = p0[G] + k1[G] + s * (k2[G] - k1[G]);
- pts[npts][B] = p0[B] + k1[B] + s * (k2[B] - k1[B]);
- npts++;
- }
- }
- /*
- * 3.2. Find the barycentre of these points' convex hull. We use
- * the Graham Scan technique.
- */
- /* Make our problem a 2-D problem. */
- for(i = 0; i < npts; i++)
- {
- pts[i][X] = (pts[i][R] - p0[R]) * u[R]
- + (pts[i][G] - p0[G]) * u[G]
- + (pts[i][B] - p0[B]) * u[B];
- pts[i][Y] = (pts[i][R] - p0[R]) * v[R]
- + (pts[i][G] - p0[G]) * v[G]
- + (pts[i][B] - p0[B]) * v[B];
- }
- /* Find the leftmost point */
- int left = -1;
- tmp = 10.;
- for(i = 0; i < npts; i++)
- if(pts[i][X] < tmp)
- {
- left = i;
- tmp = pts[i][X];
- }
- SWAP(pts[0], pts[left]);
- /* Sort the remaining points radially around pts[0]. Bubble sort
- * is okay for small sizes, I don't care. */
- for(i = 1; i < npts; i++)
- for(j = 1; j < npts - i; j++)
- {
- double k1 = (pts[j][X] - pts[0][X])
- * (pts[j + 1][Y] - pts[0][Y]);
- double k2 = (pts[j + 1][X] - pts[0][X])
- * (pts[j][Y] - pts[0][Y]);
- if(k1 < k2 - EPSILON)
- SWAP(pts[j], pts[j + 1]);
- else if(k1 < k2 + EPSILON)
- {
- /* Aligned! keep the farthest point */
- double ax = pts[j][X] - pts[0][X];
- double ay = pts[j][Y] - pts[0][Y];
- double bx = pts[j + 1][X] - pts[0][X];
- double by = pts[j + 1][Y] - pts[0][Y];
- if(ax * ax + ay * ay > bx * bx + by * by)
- SWAP(pts[j], pts[j + 1]);
- }
- }
- /* Remove points not in the convex hull */
- for(i = 2; i < npts; /* */)
- {
- if(i < 2)
- {
- i++;
- continue;
- }
- double k1 = (pts[i - 1][X] - pts[i - 2][X])
- * (pts[i][Y] - pts[i - 2][Y]);
- double k2 = (pts[i][X] - pts[i - 2][X])
- * (pts[i - 1][Y] - pts[i - 2][Y]);
- if(k1 <= k2 + EPSILON)
- {
- for(j = i - 1; j < npts - 1; j++)
- SWAP(pts[j], pts[j + 1]);
- npts--;
- }
- else
- i++;
- }
- /* FIXME: check the last point */
- for(i = 0; i < npts; i++)
- debug(" 2D pt[%i] (%g,%g)\n", i, pts[i][X], pts[i][Y]);
- /* Compute the barycentre coordinates */
- double ctx = 0., cty = 0., weight = 0.;
- for(i = 2; i < npts; i++)
- {
- double abx = pts[i - 1][X] - pts[0][X];
- double aby = pts[i - 1][Y] - pts[0][Y];
- double acx = pts[i][X] - pts[0][X];
- double acy = pts[i][Y] - pts[0][Y];
- double sqarea = (abx * abx + aby * aby) * (acx * acx + acy * acy)
- - (abx * acx + aby * acy) * (abx * acx + aby * acy);
- if(sqarea <= 0.)
- continue;
- double area = sqrt(sqarea);
- ctx += area * (abx + acx) / 3;
- cty += area * (aby + acy) / 3;
- weight += area;
- }
- if(weight > EPSILON)
- {
- ctx = pts[0][X] + ctx / weight;
- cty = pts[0][Y] + cty / weight;
- }
- else
- {
- int right = -1;
- tmp = -10.;
- for(i = 0; i < npts; i++)
- if(pts[i][X] > tmp)
- {
- right = i;
- tmp = pts[i][X];
- }
- ctx = 0.5 * (pts[0][X] + pts[right][X]);
- cty = 0.5 * (pts[0][Y] + pts[right][Y]);
- }
- debug(" 2D bary (%g,%g)\n", ctx, cty);
- /*
- * 3.3. Store the barycentre and convex hull information.
- */
- ret->bary[n][R] = p0[R] + ctx * u[R] + cty * v[R];
- ret->bary[n][G] = p0[G] + ctx * u[G] + cty * v[G];
- ret->bary[n][B] = p0[B] + ctx * u[B] + cty * v[B];
- for(i = 0; i < npts; i++)
- {
- ret->pts[n][i][R] = pts[i][R];
- ret->pts[n][i][G] = pts[i][G];
- ret->pts[n][i][B] = pts[i][B];
- ret->pts[n][i][X] = pts[i][X] - ctx;
- ret->pts[n][i][Y] = pts[i][Y] - cty;
- ret->pts[n][i][A] = atan2(pts[i][Y] - cty, pts[i][X] - ctx);
- debug(" 3D pt[%i] (%g,%g,%g) angle %g\n",
- i, pts[i][R], pts[i][G], pts[i][B], ret->pts[n][i][A]);
- }
- ret->hullsize[n] = npts;
- debug(" 3D bary (%g,%g,%g)\n",
- ret->bary[n][R], ret->bary[n][G], ret->bary[n][B]);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- static double const rgbpal[] =
- {
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1,
- 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1,
- };
- static double const mypal[] =
- {
- 0.900, 0.001, 0.001, /* red */
- 0.001, 0.800, 0.001, /* green */
- 0.005, 0.001, 0.500, /* blue */
- 0.900, 0.900, 0.900, /* white */
- 0.900, 0.900, 0.001, /* yellow */
- 0.800, 0.400, 0.001, /* orange */
- };
- int i, j;
- init_uv();
- hull_t *rgbhull = compute_hull(8, rgbpal);
- hull_t *myhull = compute_hull(6, mypal);
- /*
- * 4. Load image and change its palette.
- */
- debug("\n### PROCESSING IMAGE ###\n\n");
- pipi_image_t *src = pipi_load(argv[1]);
- pipi_pixels_t *srcp = pipi_getpixels(src, PIPI_PIXELS_RGBA_F);
- float *srcdata = (float *)srcp->pixels;
- int w = srcp->w, h = srcp->h;
- pipi_image_t *dst = pipi_new(w, h);
- pipi_pixels_t *dstp = pipi_getpixels(dst, PIPI_PIXELS_RGBA_F);
- float *dstdata = (float *)dstp->pixels;
- for(j = 0; j < h; j++)
- for(i = 0; i < w; i++)
- {
- double p[3];
- /* FIXME: Imlib fucks up the RGB order. */
- p[B] = srcdata[4 * (j * w + i)];
- p[G] = srcdata[4 * (j * w + i) + 1];
- p[R] = srcdata[4 * (j * w + i) + 2];
- debug("Pixel +%i+%i (%g,%g,%g)\n", i, j, p[R], p[G], p[B]);
- int slice = (int)(BRIGHT(p) * STEPS + 0.5);
- debug(" slice %i\n", slice);
- /* Convert to 2D. The origin is the slice's barycentre. */
- double xp = (p[R] - rgbhull->bary[slice][R]) * u[R]
- + (p[G] - rgbhull->bary[slice][G]) * u[G]
- + (p[B] - rgbhull->bary[slice][B]) * u[B];
- double yp = (p[R] - rgbhull->bary[slice][R]) * v[R]
- + (p[G] - rgbhull->bary[slice][G]) * v[G]
- + (p[B] - rgbhull->bary[slice][B]) * v[B];
- debug(" 2D pt (%g,%g)\n", xp, yp);
- /* 1. find the excentricity in RGB space. There is an easier
- * way to do this, which is to find the intersection of our
- * line with the RGB cube itself, but we'd lose the possibility
- * of having an original colour space other than RGB. */
- /* First, find the relevant triangle. */
- int n, count = rgbhull->hullsize[slice];
- double angle = atan2(yp, xp);
- for(n = 0; n < count; n++)
- {
- double a1 = rgbhull->pts[slice][n][A];
- double a2 = rgbhull->pts[slice][(n + 1) % count][A];
- if(a1 > a2)
- {
- if(angle >= a1)
- a2 += 2 * M_PI;
- else
- a1 -= 2 * M_PI;
- }
- if(angle >= a1 && angle <= a2)
- break;
- }
- /* Now compute the distance to the triangle's edge. If the edge
- * intersection is M, then t is such as P = t.M (can be zero) */
- double xa = rgbhull->pts[slice][n % count][X];
- double ya = rgbhull->pts[slice][n % count][Y];
- double xb = rgbhull->pts[slice][(n + 1) % count][X];
- double yb = rgbhull->pts[slice][(n + 1) % count][Y];
- double t = (xp * (yb - ya) - yp * (xb - xa)) / (xa * yb - xb * ya);
- debug(" best RGB %g (%g,%g) (%g,%g)\n", t, xa, ya, xb, yb);
- /* 2. apply the excentricity in reduced space. */
- count = myhull->hullsize[slice];
- for(n = 0; n < count; n++)
- {
- double a1 = myhull->pts[slice][n][A];
- double a2 = myhull->pts[slice][(n + 1) % count][A];
- if(a1 > a2)
- {
- if(angle >= a1)
- a2 += 2 * M_PI;
- else
- a1 -= 2 * M_PI;
- }
- if(angle >= a1 && angle <= a2)
- break;
- }
- /* If the edge intersection is M', s is such as P = s.M'. We
- * want P' = t.M' = t.P/s */
- xa = myhull->pts[slice][n % count][X];
- ya = myhull->pts[slice][n % count][Y];
- xb = myhull->pts[slice][(n + 1) % count][X];
- yb = myhull->pts[slice][(n + 1) % count][Y];
- double s = (xp * (yb - ya) - yp * (xb - xa)) / (xa * yb - xb * ya);
- debug(" best custom %g (%g,%g) (%g,%g)\n", s, xa, ya, xb, yb);
- if(s > 0)
- {
- xp *= t / s;
- yp *= t / s;
- }
- p[R] = myhull->bary[slice][R] + xp * u[R] + yp * v[R];
- p[G] = myhull->bary[slice][G] + xp * u[G] + yp * v[G];
- p[B] = myhull->bary[slice][B] + xp * u[B] + yp * v[B];
- /* Clipping should not be necessary, but the above code
- * is unfortunately not perfect. */
- if(p[R] < 0.0) p[R] = 0.0; else if(p[R] > 1.0) p[R] = 1.0;
- if(p[G] < 0.0) p[G] = 0.0; else if(p[G] > 1.0) p[G] = 1.0;
- if(p[B] < 0.0) p[B] = 0.0; else if(p[B] > 1.0) p[B] = 1.0;
- dstdata[4 * (j * w + i)] = p[B];
- dstdata[4 * (j * w + i) + 1] = p[G];
- dstdata[4 * (j * w + i) + 2] = p[R];
- }
- free(rgbhull);
- free(myhull);
- pipi_save(dst, argv[2]);
- return 0;
- }