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img2twit: prevent two points from having the same coordinates, since this

is forbidden by the image format; simplify operation computations by not
packing coordinates at runtime; add a version information in the file
format for future extension.

git-svn-id: file:///srv/caca.zoy.org/var/lib/svn/libpipi/trunk@3537 92316355-f0b4-4df1-b90c-862c8a59935f
sam hace 16 años
Se han modificado 1 ficheros con 155 adiciones y 148 borrados
  1. +155

+ 155
- 148
examples/img2twit.cpp Ver fichero

@@ -66,9 +66,10 @@ static const uint32_t unichars_symbols[] = { RANGE_SYMBOLS, RANGE_END };
/* The Unicode characters at disposal */
static const uint32_t *unichars;

/* The maximum image size we want to support */
#define RANGE_W 4000
#define RANGE_H 4000
/* The maximum image size we want to support, and the version range */
#define RANGE_W 2000
#define RANGE_H 2000
#define RANGE_V 10

/* How does the algorithm work: one point per cell, or two? XXX: changing
* this value breaks compatibility with other images. */
@@ -117,13 +118,9 @@ static int NUM_CHARACTERS;
static int MAX_ITERATIONS;
static unsigned int TOTAL_CELLS;


struct K : CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel {};
typedef CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2<K> Delaunay_triangulation;
@@ -132,8 +129,16 @@ typedef std::vector<std::pair<K::Point_2, K::FT> > Point_coordinate_vector;
/* Global aspect ratio */
static unsigned int dw, dh;

/* Algorithm version */
static unsigned int version;

/* Global point encoding */
static uint32_t points[4096]; /* FIXME: allocate this dynamically */
typedef struct point
uint8_t x, y, r, g, b, s;
static point_t points[4096]; /* FIXME: allocate this dynamically */
static int npoints = 0;

/* Global triangulation */
@@ -146,7 +151,7 @@ static Delaunay_triangulation dt;
void compute_ranges(int width, int height)
HEADER_BITS = logf(RANGE_W * RANGE_H) / logf(2);
HEADER_BITS = logf(RANGE_W * RANGE_H * RANGE_V) / logf(2);
CELL_BITS = (2 * logf(RANGE_SBGR) + logf(RANGE_XY2)) / logf(2);
@@ -507,47 +512,43 @@ static inline void set_point(int index, float x, float y, float r,
float fx = (x - dx * RANGE_X) / RANGE_X;
float fy = (y - dy * RANGE_Y) / RANGE_Y;

int iy = range2int(fy, RANGE_Y);
int ix = range2int(fx, RANGE_X);
points[index].x = range2int(fx, RANGE_X);
points[index].y = range2int(fy, RANGE_Y);

int ir = range2int(r, RANGE_R);
int ig = range2int(g, RANGE_G);
int ib = range2int(b, RANGE_B);
points[index].r = range2int(r, RANGE_R);
points[index].g = range2int(g, RANGE_G);
points[index].b = range2int(b, RANGE_B);

int is = range2int(s, RANGE_S);

points[index] = iy + RANGE_Y * (ix + RANGE_X * (ir + RANGE_R *
(ig + (RANGE_G * ib + (RANGE_B * is)))));
points[index].s = range2int(s, RANGE_S);

static inline void get_point(int index, float *x, float *y, float *r,
float *g, float *b, float *s, bool final = false)
uint32_t pt = points[index];
int dx, dy;

index2cell(index, &dx, &dy);

float fy = int2midrange(pt % RANGE_Y, RANGE_Y); pt /= RANGE_Y;
float fx = int2midrange(pt % RANGE_X, RANGE_X); pt /= RANGE_X;
float fx = int2midrange(points[index].x, RANGE_X);
float fy = int2midrange(points[index].y, RANGE_Y);

*y = (fy + dy) * RANGE_Y /*+ 0.5 * (index & 1)*/;
*x = (fx + dx) * RANGE_X /*+ 0.5 * (index & 1)*/;

*r = int2fullrange(pt % RANGE_R, RANGE_R); pt /= RANGE_R;
*g = int2fullrange(pt % RANGE_G, RANGE_G); pt /= RANGE_G;
*b = int2fullrange(pt % RANGE_B, RANGE_B); pt /= RANGE_B;
*r = int2fullrange(points[index].r, RANGE_R);
*g = int2fullrange(points[index].g, RANGE_G);
*b = int2fullrange(points[index].b, RANGE_B);
*r = int2midrange(pt % RANGE_R, RANGE_R); pt /= RANGE_R;
*g = int2midrange(pt % RANGE_G, RANGE_G); pt /= RANGE_G;
*b = int2midrange(pt % RANGE_B, RANGE_B); pt /= RANGE_B;
*r = int2midrange(points[index].r, RANGE_R);
*g = int2midrange(points[index].g, RANGE_G);
*b = int2midrange(points[index].b, RANGE_B);

*s = int2fullrange(pt % RANGE_S, RANGE_S); pt /= RANGE_S;
*s = int2fullrange(points[index].s, RANGE_S);

static void add_point(float x, float y, float r, float g, float b, float s)
@@ -589,7 +590,12 @@ static void unpack_coords(uint32_t pack, int *x1, int *y1, int *x2, int *y2)
static void add_random_point()
points[npoints] = det_rand(RANGE_SBGRXY);
points[npoints].x = det_rand(RANGE_X);
points[npoints].y = det_rand(RANGE_Y);
points[npoints].r = det_rand(RANGE_R);
points[npoints].g = det_rand(RANGE_G);
points[npoints].b = det_rand(RANGE_B);
points[npoints].s = det_rand(RANGE_S);
@@ -613,104 +619,75 @@ static uint8_t rand_op(void)
return x;

static uint32_t apply_op(uint8_t op, uint32_t val)
static void apply_op(uint8_t op, point_t *val)
uint32_t rem, ext;

case 0: /* Flip strength value */
case 1:
/* Statistics show that this helps often, but does not reduce
* the error significantly. */
rem = val % RANGE_BGRXY;
ext = val / RANGE_BGRXY;
ext ^= 1;
return ext * RANGE_BGRXY + rem;
val->s ^= 1; break;
case 2: /* Move up; if impossible, down */
ext = val % RANGE_Y;
ext = ext > 0 ? ext - 1 : ext + 1;
return val / RANGE_Y * RANGE_Y + ext;
val->y = val->y > 0 ? val->y - 1 : val->y + 1; break;
case 3: /* Move down; if impossible, up */
ext = val % RANGE_Y;
ext = ext < RANGE_Y - 1 ? ext + 1 : ext - 1;
return val / RANGE_Y * RANGE_Y + ext;
val->y = val->y + 1U < RANGE_Y ? val->y + 1 : val->y - 1; break;
case 4: /* Move left; if impossible, right */
rem = val % RANGE_Y;
ext = (val / RANGE_Y) % RANGE_X;
ext = ext > 0 ? ext - 1 : ext + 1;
return (val / RANGE_XY * RANGE_X + ext) * RANGE_Y + rem;
case 5: /* Move left; if impossible, right */
rem = val % RANGE_Y;
ext = (val / RANGE_Y) % RANGE_X;
ext = ext < RANGE_X - 1 ? ext + 1 : ext - 1;
return (val / RANGE_XY * RANGE_X + ext) * RANGE_Y + rem;
val->x = val->x > 0 ? val->x - 1 : val->x + 1; break;
case 5: /* Move right; if impossible, left */
val->x = val->x + 1U < RANGE_X ? val->x + 1 : val->x - 1; break;
case 6: /* Corner 1 */
return apply_op(2, apply_op(4, val));
val->y = val->y > 0 ? val->y - 1 : val->y + 1;
val->x = val->x > 0 ? val->x - 1 : val->x + 1; break;
case 7: /* Corner 2 */
return apply_op(2, apply_op(5, val));
val->y = val->y > 0 ? val->y - 1 : val->y + 1;
val->x = val->x + 1U < RANGE_X ? val->x + 1 : val->x - 1; break;
case 8: /* Corner 3 */
return apply_op(3, apply_op(5, val));
val->y = val->y + 1U < RANGE_Y ? val->y + 1 : val->y - 1;
val->x = val->x + 1U < RANGE_X ? val->x + 1 : val->x - 1; break;
case 9: /* Corner 4 */
return apply_op(3, apply_op(4, val));
val->y = val->y + 1U < RANGE_Y ? val->y + 1 : val->y - 1;
val->x = val->x > 0 ? val->x - 1 : val->x + 1; break;
case 16: /* Double up */
return apply_op(2, apply_op(2, val));
val->y = val->y > 1 ? val->y - 2 : val->y + 2; break;
case 17: /* Double down */
return apply_op(3, apply_op(3, val));
val->y = val->y + 2U < RANGE_Y ? val->y + 2 : val->y - 2; break;
case 18: /* Double left */
return apply_op(4, apply_op(4, val));
val->x = val->x > 1 ? val->x - 2 : val->x + 2; break;
case 19: /* Double right */
return apply_op(5, apply_op(5, val));
val->x = val->x + 2U < RANGE_X ? val->x + 2 : val->x - 2; break;
case 10: /* R-- (or R++) */
rem = val % RANGE_XY;
ext = (val / RANGE_XY) % RANGE_R;
ext = ext > 0 ? ext - 1 : ext + 1;
return (val / RANGE_RXY * RANGE_R + ext) * RANGE_XY + rem;
val->r = val->r > 0 ? val->r - 1 : val->r + 1; break;
case 11: /* R++ (or R--) */
rem = val % RANGE_XY;
ext = (val / RANGE_XY) % RANGE_R;
ext = ext < RANGE_R - 1 ? ext + 1 : ext - 1;
return (val / RANGE_RXY * RANGE_R + ext) * RANGE_XY + rem;
val->r = val->r + 1U < RANGE_R ? val->r + 1 : val->r - 1; break;
case 12: /* G-- (or G++) */
rem = val % RANGE_RXY;
ext = (val / RANGE_RXY) % RANGE_G;
ext = ext > 0 ? ext - 1 : ext + 1;
return (val / RANGE_GRXY * RANGE_G + ext) * RANGE_RXY + rem;
val->g = val->g > 0 ? val->g - 1 : val->g + 1; break;
case 13: /* G++ (or G--) */
rem = val % RANGE_RXY;
ext = (val / RANGE_RXY) % RANGE_G;
ext = ext < RANGE_G - 1 ? ext + 1 : ext - 1;
return (val / RANGE_GRXY * RANGE_G + ext) * RANGE_RXY + rem;
val->g = val->g + 1U < RANGE_G ? val->g + 1 : val->g - 1; break;
case 14: /* B-- (or B++) */
rem = val % RANGE_GRXY;
ext = (val / RANGE_GRXY) % RANGE_B;
ext = ext > 0 ? ext - 1 : ext + 1;
return (val / RANGE_BGRXY * RANGE_B + ext) * RANGE_GRXY + rem;
val->b = val->b > 0 ? val->g - 1 : val->b + 1; break;
case 15: /* B++ (or B--) */
rem = val % RANGE_GRXY;
ext = (val / RANGE_GRXY) % RANGE_B;
ext = ext < RANGE_B - 1 ? ext + 1 : ext - 1;
return (val / RANGE_BGRXY * RANGE_B + ext) * RANGE_GRXY + rem;
val->b = val->b + 1U < RANGE_B ? val->b + 1 : val->b - 1; break;
#if 0
case 15: /* Brightness-- */
return apply_op(9, apply_op(11, apply_op(13, val)));
apply_op(9, val); apply_op(11, val); apply_op(13, val); break;
case 16: /* Brightness++ */
return apply_op(10, apply_op(12, apply_op(14, val)));
apply_op(10, val); apply_op(12, val); apply_op(14, val); break;
case 17: /* RG-- */
return apply_op(9, apply_op(11, val));
apply_op(9, val); apply_op(11, val); break;
case 18: /* RG++ */
return apply_op(10, apply_op(12, val));
apply_op(10, val); apply_op(12, val); break;
case 19: /* GB-- */
return apply_op(11, apply_op(13, val));
apply_op(11, val); apply_op(13, val); break;
case 20: /* GB++ */
return apply_op(12, apply_op(14, val));
apply_op(12, val); apply_op(14, val); break;
case 21: /* RB-- */
return apply_op(9, apply_op(13, val));
apply_op(9, val); apply_op(13, val); break;
case 22: /* RB++ */
return apply_op(10, apply_op(14, val));
apply_op(10, val); apply_op(14, val); break;
return val;

@@ -1072,10 +1049,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
for(int i = MAX_MSG_LEN; i--; )
b.push(uni2index(unicode_data[i]), NUM_CHARACTERS);

/* The first thing we pop from the stream is the version information */
version = b.pop(RANGE_V);

/* Read width and height from bitstream */
src = NULL;
width = b.pop(RANGE_W) + 1;
height = b.pop(RANGE_H) + 1;
src = NULL;
@@ -1088,6 +1068,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])

version = 1;
width = pipi_get_image_width(src);
height = pipi_get_image_height(src);
@@ -1099,6 +1080,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])

if(version > 1)
fprintf(stderr, "Error: unsupported algorithm version %i\n", version);

compute_ranges(width, height);

/* Try to cram some more information into our points as long as it
@@ -1141,6 +1128,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
fprintf(stderr, "Available characters: %i\n", NUM_CHARACTERS);
fprintf(stderr, "Available bits: %f\n", TOTAL_BITS);
fprintf(stderr, "Width/Height ranges: %ix%i\n", RANGE_W, RANGE_H);
fprintf(stderr, "Algorithm version: %i\n", RANGE_V);
fprintf(stderr, "Image resolution: %ix%i\n", width, height);
fprintf(stderr, "Header bits: %f\n", HEADER_BITS);
fprintf(stderr, "Bits available for data: %f\n", DATA_BITS);
@@ -1194,7 +1182,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])

/* Choose a point at random */
int pt = det_rand(npoints);
uint32_t oldval = points[pt];
point_t oldpt = points[pt];

/* Compute the affected image zone */
float fx, fy, fr, fg, fb, fs;
@@ -1212,67 +1200,61 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
uint8_t op1 = rand_op();
//uint8_t op2 = rand_op();

uint32_t candidates[3];
double besterr = error + 1.0;
int bestop = -1;
candidates[0] = apply_op(op1, oldval);
//candidates[1] = apply_op(op2, oldval);
//candidates[2] = apply_op(op1, apply_op(op2, oldval));
apply_op(op1, &points[pt]);

for(int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
//for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
/* Check that two points don't fall at the same place */
while(points[pt].x == points[pt ^ 1].x
&& points[pt].y == points[pt ^ 1].y)
if(oldval == candidates[i])
points[pt] = oldpt;
op1 = rand_op();
apply_op(op1, &points[pt]);

points[pt] = candidates[i];
render(scrap, zonex * RANGE_X, zoney * RANGE_Y,
zonew * RANGE_X, zoneh * RANGE_Y, false);

render(scrap, zonex * RANGE_X, zoney * RANGE_Y,
zonew * RANGE_X, zoneh * RANGE_Y, false);

double newerr = pipi_measure_rmsd(src, scrap);
if(newerr < besterr)
besterr = newerr;
bestop = i;
double newerr = pipi_measure_rmsd(src, scrap);

opstats[op1 * 2]++;
//opstats[op2 * 2]++;

if(besterr < error)
if(newerr < error)
points[pt] = candidates[bestop];
/* Redraw image if the last check wasn't the best one */
if(bestop != 0)
render(scrap, zonex * RANGE_X, zoney * RANGE_Y,
zonew * RANGE_X, zoneh * RANGE_Y, false);


#if 0
/* Save image! */
if((success % 10) == 0)
char buf[128];
sprintf(buf, "twit%08i.bmp", success);
tmp = pipi_new(width, height);
render(tmp, 0, 0, width, height, true);
pipi_save(tmp, buf);

tmp = scrap;

fprintf(stderr, "%08i -.%08i %2.010g after op%i(%i)\n",
iter, (int)((error - besterr) * 100000000), error,
op1, pt);
fprintf(stderr, "%08i -0.%010i %2.010g after op%i(%i)\n",
iter, (int)((error - newerr) * 10000000000L),
error, op1, pt);

error = besterr;
error = newerr;
opstats[op1 * 2 + 1]++;
//opstats[op2 * 2 + 1]++;
failures = 0;

/* Save image! */
char buf[128];
sprintf(buf, "twit%08i.bmp", success);
if((success % 10) == 0)
pipi_save(tmp, buf);
points[pt] = oldval;
points[pt] = oldpt;
@@ -1298,7 +1280,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
fprintf(stderr, "\r \r");

#if 0
#if 1
dst = pipi_resize(tmp, width, height);

@@ -1312,23 +1294,35 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
x1 = (points[i] / RANGE_Y) % RANGE_X;
y1 = points[i] % RANGE_Y;
x2 = (points[i + 1] / RANGE_Y) % RANGE_X;
y2 = points[i + 1] % RANGE_Y;
x1 = points[i].x;
y1 = points[i].y;
x2 = points[i + 1].x;
y2 = points[i + 1].y;

bool swap;
uint32_t pack = pack_coords(x1, y1, x2, y2, &swap);

b.push(points[i + (swap ? 1 : 0)] / RANGE_XY, RANGE_SBGR);
b.push(points[i + (swap ? 0 : 1)] / RANGE_XY, RANGE_SBGR);
b.push(points[i + (swap ? 1 : 0)].s, RANGE_S);
b.push(points[i + (swap ? 1 : 0)].b, RANGE_B);
b.push(points[i + (swap ? 1 : 0)].g, RANGE_G);
b.push(points[i + (swap ? 1 : 0)].r, RANGE_R);
b.push(points[i + (swap ? 0 : 1)].s, RANGE_S);
b.push(points[i + (swap ? 0 : 1)].b, RANGE_B);
b.push(points[i + (swap ? 0 : 1)].g, RANGE_G);
b.push(points[i + (swap ? 0 : 1)].r, RANGE_R);
b.push(pack, RANGE_XY2);
b.push(points[i], RANGE_SBGRXY);
b.push(points[i].s, RANGE_S);
b.push(points[i].b, RANGE_B);
b.push(points[i].g, RANGE_G);
b.push(points[i].r, RANGE_R);
b.push(points[i].x, RANGE_X);
b.push(points[i].y, RANGE_Y);
b.push(height - 1, RANGE_H);
b.push(width - 1, RANGE_W);
b.push(version, RANGE_V);

/* Pop Unicode characters from the bitstream and print them */
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG_LEN; i++)
@@ -1342,15 +1336,28 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
uint32_t pack = b.pop(RANGE_XY2);
uint32_t p2 = b.pop(RANGE_SBGR);
uint32_t p1 = b.pop(RANGE_SBGR);
int x1, y1, x2, y2;

unpack_coords(pack, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
points[i * 2] = p1 * RANGE_XY + x1 * RANGE_Y + y1;
points[i * 2 + 1] = p2 * RANGE_XY + x2 * RANGE_Y + y2;

points[i * 2 + 1].y = y2;
points[i * 2 + 1].x = x2;
points[i * 2 + 1].r = b.pop(RANGE_R);
points[i * 2 + 1].g = b.pop(RANGE_G);
points[i * 2 + 1].b = b.pop(RANGE_B);
points[i * 2 + 1].s = b.pop(RANGE_S);
points[i * 2].y = y1;
points[i * 2].x = x1;
points[i * 2].r = b.pop(RANGE_R);
points[i * 2].g = b.pop(RANGE_G);
points[i * 2].b = b.pop(RANGE_B);
points[i * 2].s = b.pop(RANGE_S);
points[i] = b.pop(RANGE_SBGRXY);
points[i].y = b.pop(RANGE_Y);
points[i].x = b.pop(RANGE_X);
points[i].r = b.pop(RANGE_R);
points[i].g = b.pop(RANGE_G);
points[i].b = b.pop(RANGE_B);
points[i].s = b.pop(RANGE_S);
npoints = dw * dh * POINTS_PER_CELL;
