diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/Gdiplus.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/Gdiplus.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82393e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/Gdiplus.h
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   Gdiplus.h
+* Abstract:
+*   GDI+ Native C++ public header file
+#ifndef _GDIPLUS_H
+#define _GDIPLUS_H
+struct IDirectDrawSurface7;
+typedef signed   short   INT16;
+typedef unsigned short  UINT16;
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_105760
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_105760
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_127084
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_127084
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_135429
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_135429
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_140782
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_140782
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_140855
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_140855
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_140857
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_140857
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_140861
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_140861
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_145135
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_145135
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_145138
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_145138
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_145139
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_145139
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_145804
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_145804
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_146933
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_146933
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_152154
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_152154
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_175866
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_175866
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_188922
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_188922
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_137252
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_137252
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_202903
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_202903
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_197819
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_197819
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_186091
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_186091
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_125467
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_125467
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_168772
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_168772
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_186764 
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_186764 
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_174340
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_174340
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_186151
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_186151
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_235072
+ #define DCR_USE_NEW_235072
+namespace Gdiplus
+    namespace DllExports
+    {
+        #include "GdiplusMem.h"
+    };
+    #include "GdiplusBase.h"
+    // The following headers are used internally as well
+    #include "GdiplusEnums.h"
+    #include "GdiplusTypes.h"
+    #include "GdiplusInit.h"
+    #include "GdiplusPixelFormats.h"
+    #include "GdiplusColor.h"
+    #include "GdiplusMetaHeader.h"
+    #include "GdiplusImaging.h"
+    #include "GdiplusColorMatrix.h"
+    // The rest of these are used only by the application
+    #include "GdiplusGpStubs.h"
+    #include "GdiplusHeaders.h"
+    namespace DllExports
+    {
+        #include "GdiplusFlat.h"
+    };
+    #include "GdiplusImageAttributes.h"
+    #include "GdiplusMatrix.h"
+    #include "GdiplusBrush.h"
+    #include "GdiplusPen.h"
+    #include "GdiplusStringFormat.h"
+    #include "GdiplusPath.h"
+    #include "GdiplusLineCaps.h"
+    #include "GdiplusMetafile.h"
+    #include "GdiplusGraphics.h"
+    #include "GdiplusCachedBitmap.h"
+    #include "GdiplusRegion.h"
+    #include "GdiplusFontCollection.h"
+    #include "GdiplusFontFamily.h"
+    #include "GdiplusFont.h"
+    #include "GdiplusBitmap.h"
+    #include "GdiplusImageCodec.h"
+}; // namespace Gdiplus
+#endif // !_GDIPLUS_HPP
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusBase.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusBase.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40a977d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusBase.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusBase.h
+* Abstract:
+*   Represents the base class for GDIPlus memory allocation. 
+class GdiplusBase
+    void (operator delete)(void* in_pVoid)
+    {
+       DllExports::GdipFree(in_pVoid);
+    }
+    void* (operator new)(size_t in_size)
+    {
+       return DllExports::GdipAlloc(in_size);
+    }
+    void (operator delete[])(void* in_pVoid)
+    {
+       DllExports::GdipFree(in_pVoid);
+    }
+    void* (operator new[])(size_t in_size)
+    {
+       return DllExports::GdipAlloc(in_size);
+    }
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusBitmap.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusBitmap.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbe0061
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusBitmap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1004 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusBitmap.h
+* Abstract:
+*   Bitmap related declarations
+// NOTE:
+//  Our current choice for the public API is to use constructors
+//  instead of static load functions to create image objects.
+//  I've kept the static load functions here for now so that
+//  existing test programs are not broken. But they should
+//  eventually be taken out.
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_140782
+    IN const WCHAR* filename
+    )
+    nativeImage = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipLoadImageFromFile(filename, &nativeImage);
+    IN IStream* stream
+    )
+    nativeImage = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipLoadImageFromStream(stream, &nativeImage);
+inline Image* 
+    IN const WCHAR* filename
+    )
+    return new Image(filename);
+inline Image*
+    IN IStream* stream
+    )
+    return new Image(stream);
+    IN const WCHAR* filename,
+    IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement
+    )
+    nativeImage = NULL;
+    if(useEmbeddedColorManagement)
+    {
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipLoadImageFromFileICM(
+            filename, 
+            &nativeImage
+        );
+    }
+    else
+    {      
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipLoadImageFromFile(
+            filename, 
+            &nativeImage
+        );
+    }
+    IN IStream* stream,
+    IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement
+    )
+    nativeImage = NULL;
+    if(useEmbeddedColorManagement)
+    {
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipLoadImageFromStreamICM(
+            stream, 
+            &nativeImage
+        );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipLoadImageFromStream(
+            stream, 
+            &nativeImage
+        );
+    }
+inline Image* 
+    IN const WCHAR* filename,
+    IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement
+    )
+    return new Image(
+        filename, 
+        useEmbeddedColorManagement
+    );
+inline Image*
+    IN IStream* stream,
+    IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement
+    )
+    return new Image(
+        stream,
+        useEmbeddedColorManagement
+    );
+    DllExports::GdipDisposeImage(nativeImage);
+inline Image* 
+    GpImage *cloneimage = NULL;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCloneImage(nativeImage, &cloneimage));
+    return new Image(cloneimage, lastResult);
+// Encorder Parameter
+inline UINT
+    IN const CLSID* clsidEncoder
+    ) 
+    UINT size = 0;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetEncoderParameterListSize(nativeImage,
+                                                          clsidEncoder,
+                                                          &size));
+    return size;
+inline Status
+    IN const CLSID* clsidEncoder,
+    IN UINT size,
+    OUT EncoderParameters* buffer
+    )
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetEncoderParameterList(nativeImage,
+                                                             clsidEncoder,
+                                                             size,
+                                                             buffer));
+// Save images
+inline Status
+    IN const WCHAR* filename,
+    IN const CLSID* clsidEncoder,
+    IN const EncoderParameters *encoderParams
+    )
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSaveImageToFile(nativeImage,
+                                                     filename,
+                                                     clsidEncoder,
+                                                     encoderParams));
+inline Status
+    IN IStream* stream,
+    IN const CLSID* clsidEncoder,
+    IN const EncoderParameters *encoderParams
+    )
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSaveImageToStream(nativeImage,
+                                                       stream,
+                                                       clsidEncoder,
+                                                       encoderParams));
+inline Status
+    IN const EncoderParameters *encoderParams
+    )
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSaveAdd(nativeImage,
+                                             encoderParams));
+inline Status
+    IN Image* newImage,
+    IN const EncoderParameters *encoderParams
+    )
+    if ( newImage == NULL )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+    }
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSaveAddImage(nativeImage,
+                                                  newImage->nativeImage,
+                                                  encoderParams));
+// Get size and type information
+inline ImageType 
+Image::GetType() const
+    ImageType type = ImageTypeUnknown;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetImageType(nativeImage, &type));
+    return type;
+inline Status 
+    OUT SizeF* size
+    ) 
+    if (size == NULL) 
+    {
+        return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+    }
+    REAL width, height;
+    Status status;
+    status = SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetImageDimension(nativeImage,
+                                                         &width, &height));
+    size->Width  = width;
+    size->Height = height;
+    return status;
+inline Status 
+    OUT RectF *srcRect, 
+    OUT Unit *srcUnit
+    )
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetImageBounds(nativeImage,
+                                                    srcRect, srcUnit));
+inline UINT 
+    UINT width = 0;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetImageWidth(nativeImage, &width));
+    return width;
+inline UINT 
+    UINT height = 0;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetImageHeight(nativeImage, &height));
+    return height;
+inline REAL 
+    REAL resolution = 0.0f;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetImageHorizontalResolution(nativeImage, &resolution));
+    return resolution;
+inline REAL 
+    REAL resolution = 0.0f;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetImageVerticalResolution(nativeImage, &resolution));
+    return resolution;
+inline UINT 
+    UINT flags = 0;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetImageFlags(nativeImage, &flags));
+    return flags;
+inline Status 
+Image::GetRawFormat(OUT GUID *format)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetImageRawFormat(nativeImage, format));
+inline PixelFormat 
+    PixelFormat format;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetImagePixelFormat(nativeImage, &format));
+    return format;
+inline INT 
+    INT size = 0;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetImagePaletteSize(nativeImage, &size));
+    return size;
+inline Status 
+    OUT ColorPalette *palette,
+    IN INT size
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetImagePalette(nativeImage, palette, size));
+inline Status 
+    IN const ColorPalette *palette
+    )
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImagePalette(nativeImage, palette));
+// Thumbnail support
+inline Image* 
+    IN UINT thumbWidth,
+    IN UINT thumbHeight,
+    IN GetThumbnailImageAbort callback,
+    IN VOID* callbackData
+    )
+    GpImage *thumbimage = NULL;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetImageThumbnail(nativeImage,
+                                                thumbWidth, thumbHeight,
+                                                &thumbimage,
+                                                callback, callbackData));
+    Image *newImage = new Image(thumbimage, lastResult);
+    if (newImage == NULL) 
+    {
+        DllExports::GdipDisposeImage(thumbimage);
+    }
+    return newImage;
+// Multi-frame support
+inline UINT 
+    UINT count = 0;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsCount(nativeImage,
+                                                                  &count));
+    return count;
+inline Status 
+    OUT GUID* dimensionIDs, 
+    IN UINT count
+    )
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsList(nativeImage,
+                                                                 dimensionIDs,
+                                                                 count));
+inline UINT 
+    IN const GUID* dimensionID
+    )
+    UINT count = 0;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipImageGetFrameCount(nativeImage,
+                                                        dimensionID,
+                                                        &count));
+    return count;
+inline Status 
+    IN const GUID *dimensionID, 
+    IN UINT frameIndex
+    )
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipImageSelectActiveFrame(nativeImage,
+                                                            dimensionID,
+                                                            frameIndex));
+inline Status
+    IN RotateFlipType rotateFlipType
+    )
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipImageRotateFlip(nativeImage,
+                                                     rotateFlipType));
+// Image property related functions
+inline UINT 
+    UINT numProperty = 0;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPropertyCount(nativeImage,
+                                               &numProperty));
+    return numProperty;
+inline Status 
+    IN UINT numOfProperty, 
+    OUT PROPID* list
+    )
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPropertyIdList(nativeImage,
+                                                       numOfProperty, list));
+inline UINT 
+    IN PROPID propId
+    )
+    UINT size = 0;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPropertyItemSize(nativeImage,
+                                                  propId,
+                                                  &size));
+    return size;
+inline Status 
+    IN PROPID propId, 
+    IN UINT propSize,
+    OUT PropertyItem* buffer
+    )
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPropertyItem(nativeImage,
+                                                     propId, propSize, buffer));
+inline Status 
+    OUT UINT* totalBufferSize, 
+    OUT UINT* numProperties
+    )
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPropertySize(nativeImage,
+                                                     totalBufferSize,
+                                                     numProperties));
+inline Status 
+    IN UINT totalBufferSize,
+    IN UINT numProperties,
+    OUT PropertyItem* allItems
+    )
+    if (allItems == NULL) 
+    {
+        return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+    }
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetAllPropertyItems(nativeImage,
+                                                         totalBufferSize,
+                                                         numProperties,
+                                                         allItems));
+inline Status 
+    IN PROPID propId
+    )
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipRemovePropertyItem(nativeImage, propId));
+inline Status 
+    IN const PropertyItem* item
+    )
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPropertyItem(nativeImage, item));
+// Get/SetLayout
+// Support for Middle East localization (right-to-left mirroring)
+inline ImageLayout
+Image::GetLayout() const
+    ImageLayout layout;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetImageLayout(nativeImage, &layout));
+    return layout;
+inline Status
+Image::SetLayout(IN const ImageLayout layout)
+    return SetStatus(
+        DllExports::GdipSetImageLayout(nativeImage, layout)
+    );
+inline Status
+Image::GetLastStatus() const
+    Status lastStatus = lastResult;
+    lastResult = Ok;
+    return lastStatus;
+Image::Image(GpImage *nativeImage, Status status)
+    SetNativeImage(nativeImage);
+    lastResult = status;
+inline VOID 
+Image::SetNativeImage(GpImage *nativeImage)
+    this->nativeImage = nativeImage;
+    IN const WCHAR *filename, 
+    IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement
+    )
+    GpBitmap *bitmap = NULL;
+    if(useEmbeddedColorManagement) 
+    {
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateBitmapFromFileICM(filename, &bitmap);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateBitmapFromFile(filename, &bitmap);
+    }
+    SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+    IN IStream *stream, 
+    IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement
+    )
+    GpBitmap *bitmap = NULL;
+    if(useEmbeddedColorManagement)
+    {
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM(stream, &bitmap);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateBitmapFromStream(stream, &bitmap);
+    }
+    SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+    IN INT width,
+    IN INT height,
+    IN INT stride,
+    IN PixelFormat format,
+    IN BYTE *scan0
+    )
+    GpBitmap *bitmap = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0(width,
+                                                       height,
+                                                       stride,
+                                                       format,
+                                                       scan0,
+                                                       &bitmap);
+    SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+    IN INT width,
+    IN INT height,
+    IN PixelFormat format
+    )
+    GpBitmap *bitmap = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0(width,
+                                                       height,
+                                                       0,
+                                                       format,
+                                                       NULL,
+                                                       &bitmap);
+    SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+    IN INT width, 
+    IN INT height, 
+    IN Graphics* target)
+    GpBitmap *bitmap = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateBitmapFromGraphics(width,
+                                                          height,
+                                                          target->nativeGraphics,
+                                                          &bitmap);
+    SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+    IN IDirectDrawSurface7 * surface
+    )
+    GpBitmap *bitmap = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateBitmapFromDirectDrawSurface(surface,
+                                                       &bitmap);
+    SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+    IN const BITMAPINFO* gdiBitmapInfo, 
+    IN VOID* gdiBitmapData
+    )
+    GpBitmap *bitmap = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateBitmapFromGdiDib(gdiBitmapInfo,
+                                                        gdiBitmapData,
+                                                        &bitmap);
+    SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+    IN HBITMAP hbm, 
+    IN HPALETTE hpal
+    )
+    GpBitmap *bitmap = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(hbm, hpal, &bitmap);
+    SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+    IN HICON hicon
+    )
+    GpBitmap *bitmap = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateBitmapFromHICON(hicon, &bitmap);
+    SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+    IN HINSTANCE hInstance, 
+    IN const WCHAR *bitmapName
+    )
+    GpBitmap *bitmap = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateBitmapFromResource(hInstance,
+                                                          bitmapName,
+                                                          &bitmap);
+    SetNativeImage(bitmap);
+inline Bitmap* 
+    IN const WCHAR *filename,
+    IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement
+    )
+    return new Bitmap(
+        filename, 
+        useEmbeddedColorManagement
+    );
+inline Bitmap* 
+    IN IStream *stream,
+    IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement
+    )
+    return new Bitmap(
+        stream, 
+        useEmbeddedColorManagement
+    );
+inline Bitmap* 
+    IN IDirectDrawSurface7* surface
+    )
+    return new Bitmap(surface);
+inline Bitmap* 
+    IN const BITMAPINFO* gdiBitmapInfo, 
+    IN VOID* gdiBitmapData)
+    return new Bitmap(gdiBitmapInfo, gdiBitmapData);
+inline Bitmap* 
+    IN HBITMAP hbm, 
+    IN HPALETTE hpal
+    )
+    return new Bitmap(hbm, hpal);
+inline Bitmap* 
+    IN HICON hicon
+    )
+    return new Bitmap(hicon);
+inline Bitmap* 
+    IN HINSTANCE hInstance, 
+    IN const WCHAR *bitmapName)
+    return new Bitmap(hInstance, bitmapName);
+inline Status 
+    IN const Color& colorBackground,
+    OUT HBITMAP* hbmReturn
+    )
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(
+                                        static_cast<GpBitmap*>(nativeImage),
+                                        hbmReturn,
+                                        colorBackground.GetValue()));
+inline Status 
+    OUT HICON* hiconReturn
+    )
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCreateHICONFromBitmap(
+                                        static_cast<GpBitmap*>(nativeImage),
+                                        hiconReturn));
+inline Bitmap* 
+    IN const Rect& rect,
+    IN PixelFormat format
+    )
+    return Clone(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, format);
+inline Bitmap* 
+    IN INT x,
+    IN INT y,
+    IN INT width,
+    IN INT height,
+    IN PixelFormat format
+    )
+   GpBitmap* gpdstBitmap = NULL;
+   Bitmap* bitmap;
+   lastResult = DllExports::GdipCloneBitmapAreaI(
+                               x,
+                               y,
+                               width,
+                               height,
+                               format,
+                               (GpBitmap *)nativeImage,
+                               &gpdstBitmap);
+   if (lastResult == Ok)
+   {
+       bitmap = new Bitmap(gpdstBitmap);
+       if (bitmap == NULL) 
+       {
+           DllExports::GdipDisposeImage(gpdstBitmap);
+       }
+       return bitmap;
+   }
+   else
+       return NULL;
+inline Bitmap* 
+    IN const RectF& rect,
+    IN PixelFormat format
+    )
+    return Clone(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, format);
+inline Bitmap*
+    IN REAL x,
+    IN REAL y,
+    IN REAL width,
+    IN REAL height,
+    IN PixelFormat format
+    )
+   GpBitmap* gpdstBitmap = NULL;
+   Bitmap* bitmap;
+   SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCloneBitmapArea(
+                               x,
+                               y,
+                               width,
+                               height,
+                               format,
+                               (GpBitmap *)nativeImage,
+                               &gpdstBitmap));
+   if (lastResult == Ok)
+   {
+       bitmap = new Bitmap(gpdstBitmap);
+       if (bitmap == NULL) 
+       {
+           DllExports::GdipDisposeImage(gpdstBitmap);
+       }
+       return bitmap;
+   }
+   else
+       return NULL;
+inline Bitmap::Bitmap(GpBitmap *nativeBitmap)
+    lastResult = Ok;
+    SetNativeImage(nativeBitmap);
+inline Status
+    IN const Rect& rect,
+    IN UINT flags,
+    IN PixelFormat format,
+    OUT BitmapData* lockedBitmapData
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipBitmapLockBits(
+                                    static_cast<GpBitmap*>(nativeImage),
+                                    &rect,
+                                    flags,
+                                    format,
+                                    lockedBitmapData));
+inline Status 
+    IN BitmapData* lockedBitmapData
+    )
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipBitmapUnlockBits(
+                                    static_cast<GpBitmap*>(nativeImage),
+                                    lockedBitmapData));
+inline Status 
+    IN INT x, 
+    IN INT y, 
+    OUT Color *color) 
+    ARGB argb;
+    Status status = SetStatus(DllExports::GdipBitmapGetPixel(
+        static_cast<GpBitmap *>(nativeImage),
+        x, y,        
+        &argb));
+    if (status == Ok) 
+    {
+        color->SetValue(argb);
+    }
+    return  status;
+inline Status 
+    IN INT x, 
+    IN INT y, 
+    IN const Color& color) 
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipBitmapSetPixel(
+        static_cast<GpBitmap *>(nativeImage),
+        x, y,
+        color.GetValue()));
+inline Status 
+    IN REAL xdpi, 
+    IN REAL ydpi)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipBitmapSetResolution(
+        static_cast<GpBitmap *>(nativeImage),
+        xdpi, ydpi));
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusBrush.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusBrush.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a506f87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusBrush.h
@@ -0,0 +1,951 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusBrush.h
+* Abstract:
+*   Brush API related declarations
+// Abstract base class for various brush types
+class GraphicsPath;
+class Brush : public GdiplusBase
+    friend class Pen;
+    friend class Graphics;
+    virtual ~Brush()
+    {
+        DllExports::GdipDeleteBrush(nativeBrush);
+    }
+    virtual Brush* Clone() const
+    {
+        GpBrush *brush = NULL;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCloneBrush(nativeBrush, &brush));
+        Brush *newBrush = new Brush(brush, lastResult);
+        if (newBrush == NULL) 
+        {
+            DllExports::GdipDeleteBrush(brush);
+        }
+        return newBrush;
+    }
+    BrushType GetType() const
+    {
+        BrushType type = static_cast<BrushType>(-1);
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetBrushType(nativeBrush, &type));
+        return type;
+    }
+    Status GetLastStatus() const
+    {
+        Status lastStatus = lastResult;
+        lastResult = Ok;
+        return lastStatus;
+    }
+    Brush()
+    {
+        SetStatus(NotImplemented);
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    Brush(const Brush& brush);
+    Brush& operator=(const Brush& brush);
+    Brush(const Brush& brush)
+    {
+        brush;
+        SetStatus(NotImplemented);
+    }
+    Brush& operator=(const Brush& brush)
+    {
+        brush;
+        SetStatus(NotImplemented);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    Brush(GpBrush* nativeBrush, Status status)
+    {
+        lastResult = status;
+        SetNativeBrush(nativeBrush);
+    }
+    VOID SetNativeBrush(GpBrush* nativeBrush)
+    {
+        this->nativeBrush = nativeBrush;
+    }
+    Status SetStatus(Status status) const
+    {
+        if (status != Ok)
+            return (lastResult = status);
+        else
+            return status;
+    }
+    GpBrush* nativeBrush;
+    mutable Status lastResult;
+// Represent solid fill brush object
+class SolidBrush : public Brush
+    friend class Pen;
+    SolidBrush(IN const Color& color)
+    {
+        GpSolidFill *brush = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateSolidFill(color.GetValue(), &brush);
+        SetNativeBrush(brush);
+    }
+    Status GetColor(OUT Color* color) const
+    {
+        ARGB argb;
+        if (color == NULL) 
+        {
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        }
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetSolidFillColor((GpSolidFill*)nativeBrush,
+                                                    &argb));
+        *color = Color(argb);
+        return lastResult;
+    }
+    Status SetColor(IN const Color& color)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetSolidFillColor((GpSolidFill*)nativeBrush, 
+                                                           color.GetValue()));
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    SolidBrush(const SolidBrush &);
+    SolidBrush& operator=(const SolidBrush &);
+    SolidBrush()
+    {
+    }
+class TextureBrush : public Brush
+    friend class Pen;
+    TextureBrush(IN Image* image, 
+                 IN WrapMode wrapMode = WrapModeTile)
+    {
+        GpTexture *texture = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateTexture(
+                                                  image->nativeImage,
+                                                  wrapMode, &texture);
+        SetNativeBrush(texture);
+    }
+    // When creating a texture brush from a metafile image, the dstRect
+    // is used to specify the size that the metafile image should be
+    // rendered at in the device units of the destination graphics.
+    // It is NOT used to crop the metafile image, so only the width 
+    // and height values matter for metafiles.
+    TextureBrush(IN Image* image, 
+                 IN WrapMode wrapMode,
+                 IN const RectF &dstRect)
+    {
+        GpTexture *texture = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateTexture2(
+                                                   image->nativeImage,
+                                                   wrapMode, 
+                                                   dstRect.X, 
+                                                   dstRect.Y, 
+                                                   dstRect.Width, 
+                                                   dstRect.Height,
+                                                   &texture);
+        SetNativeBrush(texture);
+    }
+    // When creating a texture brush from a metafile image, the dstRect
+    // is used to specify the size that the metafile image should be
+    // rendered at in the device units of the destination graphics.
+    // It is NOT used to crop the metafile image, so only the width 
+    // and height values matter for metafiles.
+    TextureBrush(IN Image *image, 
+                 IN const RectF &dstRect,
+                 IN const ImageAttributes *imageAttributes = NULL)
+    {
+        GpTexture *texture = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateTextureIA(
+            image->nativeImage,
+            (imageAttributes)?imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr:NULL,
+            dstRect.X, 
+            dstRect.Y, 
+            dstRect.Width, 
+            dstRect.Height,
+            &texture
+        );
+        SetNativeBrush(texture);
+    }
+    #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_145138
+    TextureBrush(IN Image *image, 
+                 IN const Rect &dstRect,
+                 IN const ImageAttributes *imageAttributes = NULL)
+    {
+        GpTexture *texture = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateTextureIAI(
+            image->nativeImage,
+            (imageAttributes)?imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr:NULL,
+            dstRect.X, 
+            dstRect.Y, 
+            dstRect.Width, 
+            dstRect.Height,
+            &texture
+        );
+        SetNativeBrush(texture);
+    }
+    #endif
+    // When creating a texture brush from a metafile image, the dstRect
+    // is used to specify the size that the metafile image should be
+    // rendered at in the device units of the destination graphics.
+    // It is NOT used to crop the metafile image, so only the width 
+    // and height values matter for metafiles.
+    TextureBrush(
+        IN Image* image,
+        IN WrapMode wrapMode,
+        #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_145138       
+        const IN Rect &dstRect
+        #else
+        IN Rect &dstRect
+        #endif
+    )
+    {
+        GpTexture *texture = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateTexture2I(
+                                                    image->nativeImage,
+                                                    wrapMode, 
+                                                    dstRect.X, 
+                                                    dstRect.Y, 
+                                                    dstRect.Width, 
+                                                    dstRect.Height,
+                                                    &texture);
+        SetNativeBrush(texture);
+    }
+    // When creating a texture brush from a metafile image, the dstRect
+    // is used to specify the size that the metafile image should be
+    // rendered at in the device units of the destination graphics.
+    // It is NOT used to crop the metafile image, so only the width 
+    // and height values matter for metafiles.
+    TextureBrush(IN Image* image, 
+                 IN WrapMode wrapMode, 
+                 IN REAL dstX, 
+                 IN REAL dstY, 
+                 IN REAL dstWidth, 
+                 IN REAL dstHeight)
+    {
+        GpTexture *texture = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateTexture2(
+                                                   image->nativeImage,
+                                                   wrapMode, 
+                                                   dstX, 
+                                                   dstY, 
+                                                   dstWidth, 
+                                                   dstHeight,
+                                                   &texture);
+        SetNativeBrush(texture);
+    }
+    // When creating a texture brush from a metafile image, the dstRect
+    // is used to specify the size that the metafile image should be
+    // rendered at in the device units of the destination graphics.
+    // It is NOT used to crop the metafile image, so only the width 
+    // and height values matter for metafiles.
+    TextureBrush(IN Image* image, 
+                 IN WrapMode wrapMode, 
+                 IN INT dstX, 
+                 IN INT dstY, 
+                 IN INT dstWidth, 
+                 IN INT dstHeight)
+    {
+        GpTexture *texture = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateTexture2I(
+                                                    image->nativeImage,
+                                                    wrapMode, 
+                                                    dstX, 
+                                                    dstY, 
+                                                    dstWidth, 
+                                                    dstHeight,
+                                                    &texture);
+        SetNativeBrush(texture);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set/get brush transform
+     */
+    Status SetTransform(IN const Matrix* matrix)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetTextureTransform((GpTexture*)nativeBrush, 
+                                                             matrix->nativeMatrix));
+    }
+    Status GetTransform(OUT Matrix* matrix) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetTextureTransform((GpTexture*)nativeBrush, 
+                                                             matrix->nativeMatrix));
+    }
+    Status ResetTransform()
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipResetTextureTransform((GpTexture*)nativeBrush));
+    }
+    Status MultiplyTransform(IN const Matrix* matrix,
+                             IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipMultiplyTextureTransform((GpTexture*)nativeBrush,
+                                                                matrix->nativeMatrix,
+                                                                order));
+    }
+    Status TranslateTransform(IN REAL dx,
+                              IN REAL dy,
+                              IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslateTextureTransform((GpTexture*)nativeBrush,
+                                                               dx, dy, order));
+    }
+    Status ScaleTransform(IN REAL sx, 
+                          IN REAL sy,
+                          IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipScaleTextureTransform((GpTexture*)nativeBrush,
+                                                             sx, sy, order));
+    }
+    Status RotateTransform(IN REAL angle, 
+                           IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipRotateTextureTransform((GpTexture*)nativeBrush,
+                                                              angle, order));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set/get brush wrapping mode
+     */
+    Status SetWrapMode(IN WrapMode wrapMode)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetTextureWrapMode((GpTexture*)nativeBrush, 
+                                                            wrapMode));
+    }
+    WrapMode GetWrapMode() const
+    {
+        WrapMode wrapMode;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetTextureWrapMode((GpTexture*)nativeBrush, 
+                                                     &wrapMode));
+        return wrapMode;
+    }
+    // Get texture brush attributes
+    Image *GetImage() const
+    {
+        GpImage *image;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetTextureImage((GpTexture *)nativeBrush,
+                                                  &image));
+        Image *retimage = new Image(image, lastResult);
+        if (retimage == NULL) 
+        {
+            DllExports::GdipDisposeImage(image);
+        }
+        return retimage;
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    TextureBrush(const TextureBrush &);
+    TextureBrush& operator=(const TextureBrush &);
+    TextureBrush()
+    {
+    }
+// Represent line gradient brush object
+class LinearGradientBrush : public Brush
+    friend class Pen;
+    LinearGradientBrush(IN const PointF& point1,
+                        IN const PointF& point2,
+                        IN const Color& color1,
+                        IN const Color& color2)
+    {
+        GpLineGradient *brush = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateLineBrush(&point1,
+                                                     &point2,
+                                                     color1.GetValue(),
+                                                     color2.GetValue(),
+                                                     WrapModeTile,
+                                                     &brush);
+        SetNativeBrush(brush);
+    }
+    LinearGradientBrush(IN const Point& point1,
+                        IN const Point& point2,
+                        IN const Color& color1,
+                        IN const Color& color2)
+    {
+        GpLineGradient *brush = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateLineBrushI(&point1,
+                                                      &point2,
+                                                      color1.GetValue(),
+                                                      color2.GetValue(),
+                                                      WrapModeTile,
+                                                      &brush);
+        SetNativeBrush(brush);
+    }
+    LinearGradientBrush(IN const RectF& rect,
+                        IN const Color& color1,
+                        IN const Color& color2,
+                        IN LinearGradientMode mode)
+    {
+        GpLineGradient *brush = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateLineBrushFromRect(&rect,
+                                                             color1.GetValue(),
+                                                             color2.GetValue(),
+                                                             mode,
+                                                             WrapModeTile,
+                                                             &brush);
+        SetNativeBrush(brush);
+    }
+    LinearGradientBrush(IN const Rect& rect,
+                        IN const Color& color1,
+                        IN const Color& color2,
+                        IN LinearGradientMode mode)
+    {
+        GpLineGradient *brush = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectI(&rect,
+                                                              color1.GetValue(),
+                                                              color2.GetValue(),
+                                                              mode,
+                                                              WrapModeTile,
+                                                              &brush);
+        SetNativeBrush(brush);
+    }
+    LinearGradientBrush(IN const RectF& rect,
+                        IN const Color& color1,
+                        IN const Color& color2,
+                        IN REAL angle,
+                        IN BOOL isAngleScalable = FALSE)
+    {
+        GpLineGradient *brush = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectWithAngle(&rect,
+                                                                      color1.GetValue(),
+                                                                      color2.GetValue(),
+                                                                      angle,
+                                                                      isAngleScalable,
+                                                                      WrapModeTile,
+                                                                      &brush);
+        SetNativeBrush(brush);
+    }
+    LinearGradientBrush(IN const Rect& rect,
+                        IN const Color& color1,
+                        IN const Color& color2,
+                        IN REAL angle,
+                        IN BOOL isAngleScalable = FALSE)
+    {
+        GpLineGradient *brush = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectWithAngleI(&rect,
+                                                                       color1.GetValue(),
+                                                                       color2.GetValue(),
+                                                                       angle,
+                                                                       isAngleScalable,
+                                                                       WrapModeTile,
+                                                                       &brush);
+        SetNativeBrush(brush);
+    }
+    // Get/set point attributes
+    Status SetLinearPoints(IN const PointF& point1, 
+                           IN const PointF& point2)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLinePoints((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                                                       &point1, &point2));
+    }
+    Status GetLinearPoints(OUT PointF* points) const 
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLinePoints((GpLineGradient*) nativeBrush,
+                                                       points));
+    }
+    Status SetLinearPoints(IN const Point& point1, 
+                           IN const Point& point2)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLinePointsI((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                                                        &point1, &point2));
+    }
+    Status GetLinearPoints(OUT Point* points) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLinePointsI((GpLineGradient*) nativeBrush,
+                                                        points));
+    }
+    // Get/set color attributes
+    Status SetLinearColors(IN const Color& color1, 
+                           IN const Color& color2)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLineColors((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                                                       color1.GetValue(),
+                                                       color2.GetValue()));
+    }
+    Status GetLinearColors(OUT Color* colors) const
+    {
+        ARGB argb[2];
+        if (colors == NULL) 
+        {
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        }
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLineColors((GpLineGradient*) nativeBrush, argb));
+        if (lastResult == Ok)
+        {
+            // use bitwise copy operator for Color copy
+            colors[0] = Color(argb[0]);
+            colors[1] = Color(argb[1]);
+        }
+        return lastResult;
+    }
+    Status GetRectangle(OUT RectF* rect) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLineRect((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush, rect));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status GetRectangle(OUT Rect* rect) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLineRectI((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush, rect));
+    }
+    // Gamma correction in interporlation.
+    Status SetGammaCorrection(IN BOOL useGammaCorrection)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLineGammaCorrection((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                    useGammaCorrection));
+    }
+    BOOL GetGammaCorrection() const
+    {
+        BOOL useGammaCorrection;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLineGammaCorrection((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                    &useGammaCorrection));
+        return useGammaCorrection;
+    }
+    INT GetBlendCount() const
+    {
+        INT count = 0;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLineBlendCount((GpLineGradient*)
+                                                    nativeBrush,
+                                                    &count));
+        return count;
+    }
+    Status SetBlend(IN const REAL* blendFactors, 
+                    IN const REAL* blendPositions,
+                    IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLineBlend((GpLineGradient*)
+                                                      nativeBrush,
+                                                      blendFactors,
+                                                      blendPositions,
+                                                      count));
+    }
+    Status GetBlend(OUT REAL* blendFactors, 
+                    OUT REAL* blendPositions, 
+                    IN INT count) const 
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLineBlend((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                                                      blendFactors,
+                                                      blendPositions,
+                                                      count));
+    }
+    INT GetInterpolationColorCount() const
+    {
+        INT count = 0;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLinePresetBlendCount((GpLineGradient*)
+                                                          nativeBrush,
+                                                          &count));
+        return count;
+    }
+    Status SetInterpolationColors(IN const Color* presetColors,
+                                  IN const REAL* blendPositions, 
+                                  IN INT count)
+    {
+        if ((count <= 0) || !presetColors)
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        ARGB *argbs = (ARGB*) new BYTE[count*sizeof(ARGB)];
+        if (argbs)
+        {
+            for (INT i = 0; i < count; i++)
+            {
+                argbs[i] = presetColors[i].GetValue();
+            }
+            Status status = SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLinePresetBlend(
+                                                                        (GpLineGradient*) nativeBrush,
+                                                                        argbs,
+                                                                        blendPositions,
+                                                                        count));
+            delete [] argbs;
+            return status;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return SetStatus(OutOfMemory);
+        }
+    }
+    Status GetInterpolationColors(OUT Color* presetColors, 
+                                  OUT REAL* blendPositions, 
+                                  IN INT count) const 
+    {
+        if ((count <= 0) || !presetColors)
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        ARGB* argbs = (ARGB*) new BYTE[count*sizeof(ARGB)];
+        if (!argbs)
+        {
+            return SetStatus(OutOfMemory);
+        }
+        Status status = SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLinePresetBlend((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                                                                     argbs,
+                                                                     blendPositions,
+                                                                     count));
+        if (status == Ok) 
+        {
+            for (INT i = 0; i < count; i++)
+            { 
+                presetColors[i] = Color(argbs[i]);
+            }
+        }
+        delete [] argbs;
+        return status;
+    }
+    Status SetBlendBellShape(IN REAL focus, 
+                             IN REAL scale = 1.0)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLineSigmaBlend((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush, focus, scale));
+    }
+    #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_145135
+    Status SetBlendTriangularShape(
+        IN REAL focus,
+        IN REAL scale = 1.0
+    )
+    #else
+    Status SetBlendTrianglarShape(IN REAL focus,
+                                  IN REAL scale = 1.0)
+    #endif                              
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLineLinearBlend((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush, focus, scale));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set/get brush transform
+     */
+    Status SetTransform(IN const Matrix* matrix)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLineTransform((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush, 
+                                                          matrix->nativeMatrix));
+    }
+    Status GetTransform(OUT Matrix *matrix) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLineTransform((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush, 
+                                                          matrix->nativeMatrix));
+    }
+    Status ResetTransform()
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipResetLineTransform((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush));
+    }
+    Status MultiplyTransform(IN const Matrix* matrix,
+                             IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipMultiplyLineTransform((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                                                                matrix->nativeMatrix,
+                                                                order));
+    }
+    Status TranslateTransform(IN REAL dx, 
+                              IN REAL dy,
+                              IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslateLineTransform((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                                                               dx, dy, order));
+    }
+    Status ScaleTransform(IN REAL sx, 
+                          IN REAL sy,
+                          IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipScaleLineTransform((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                                                             sx, sy, order));
+    }
+    Status RotateTransform(IN REAL angle, 
+                           IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipRotateLineTransform((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                                                              angle, order));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set/get brush wrapping mode
+     */
+    Status SetWrapMode(IN WrapMode wrapMode)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetLineWrapMode((GpLineGradient*)nativeBrush, 
+                                                         wrapMode));
+    }
+    WrapMode GetWrapMode() const
+    {
+        WrapMode wrapMode;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLineWrapMode((GpLineGradient*)
+                                                  nativeBrush, 
+                                                  &wrapMode));
+        return wrapMode;
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    LinearGradientBrush(const LinearGradientBrush &);
+    LinearGradientBrush& operator=(const LinearGradientBrush &);
+    LinearGradientBrush()
+    {
+    }
+// PathGradientBrush object is defined
+// in gdipluspath.h.
+// Represent hatch brush object
+class HatchBrush : public Brush
+    friend class Pen;
+    // Constructors
+    HatchBrush(IN HatchStyle hatchStyle, 
+               IN const Color& foreColor,
+               IN const Color& backColor = Color())
+    {
+        GpHatch *brush = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateHatchBrush(hatchStyle, 
+                                                      foreColor.GetValue(), 
+                                                      backColor.GetValue(),
+                                                      &brush);
+        SetNativeBrush(brush);
+    }
+    HatchStyle GetHatchStyle() const
+    {
+        HatchStyle hatchStyle;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetHatchStyle((GpHatch*)nativeBrush, 
+                                                &hatchStyle));
+        return hatchStyle;
+    }
+    Status GetForegroundColor(OUT Color* color) const
+    {
+        ARGB argb;
+        if (color == NULL) 
+        {
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        }
+        Status status = SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetHatchForegroundColor(
+                                                        (GpHatch*)nativeBrush, 
+                                                        &argb));
+        color->SetValue(argb);
+        return status;
+    }
+    Status GetBackgroundColor(OUT Color *color) const
+    {
+        ARGB argb;
+        if (color == NULL) 
+        {
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        }
+        Status status = SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetHatchBackgroundColor(
+                                                        (GpHatch*)nativeBrush,
+                                                        &argb));
+        color->SetValue(argb);
+        return status;
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    HatchBrush(const HatchBrush &);
+    HatchBrush& operator=(const HatchBrush &);
+    HatchBrush()
+    {
+    }
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusCachedBitmap.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusCachedBitmap.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28fd8ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusCachedBitmap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
+* Module Name:
+*   CachedBitmap class definition
+* Abstract:
+*   CachedBitmap is a representation of an accelerated drawing
+*   that has restrictions on what operations are allowed in order
+*   to accelerate the drawing to the destination.
+* Class Name:
+*   CachedBitmap
+* Abstract:
+*   An object to store a bitmap prepared for rendering on a particular
+*   Graphics object. The memory storage for the CachedBitmap is opaque
+*   to the other Engine code, so the only operations supported are
+*   initializing the data (with a bitmap) and using the graphics to
+*   draw it on the screen with an integer offset.
+*   Look for the class definition in GdiplusHeaders.h
+* Created:
+*   04/23/2000 asecchia
+*      Created it.
+    IN Bitmap *bitmap, 
+    IN Graphics *graphics)
+    nativeCachedBitmap = NULL;    
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateCachedBitmap(
+        (GpBitmap *)bitmap->nativeImage,
+        graphics->nativeGraphics,
+        &nativeCachedBitmap
+    );
+    DllExports::GdipDeleteCachedBitmap(nativeCachedBitmap);
+inline Status 
+CachedBitmap::GetLastStatus() const 
+    Status lastStatus = lastResult;
+    lastResult = Ok;    
+    return (lastStatus);
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusColor.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusColor.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72c21c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusColor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusColor.h
+* Abstract:
+*   Represents a GDI+ color.
+// Color mode
+enum ColorMode
+    ColorModeARGB32 = 0,
+    ColorModeARGB64 = 1
+// Color Channel flags
+enum ColorChannelFlags
+    ColorChannelFlagsC = 0,
+    ColorChannelFlagsM,
+    ColorChannelFlagsY,
+    ColorChannelFlagsK,
+    ColorChannelFlagsLast
+// Color
+class Color
+    Color()
+    {
+        Argb = (ARGB)Color::Black;
+    }
+    // Construct an opaque Color object with
+    // the specified R, G, B values.
+    Color(IN BYTE r,
+          IN BYTE g,
+          IN BYTE b)
+    {
+        Argb = MakeARGB(255, r, g, b);
+    }
+    // Construct a Color object with
+    // the specified A, R, G, B values.
+    //
+    // NOTE: R, G, B color values are not premultiplied.
+    Color(IN BYTE a,
+          IN BYTE r,
+          IN BYTE g,
+          IN BYTE b)
+    {
+        Argb = MakeARGB(a, r, g, b);
+    }
+    // Construct a Color object with
+    // the specified ARGB values.
+    //
+    // NOTE: R, G, B color components are not premultiplied.
+    Color(IN ARGB argb)
+    {
+        Argb = argb;
+    }
+    // Extract A, R, G, B components
+    BYTE GetAlpha() const
+    {
+        return (BYTE) (Argb >> AlphaShift);
+    }
+    BYTE GetA() const
+    {
+        return GetAlpha();
+    }
+    BYTE GetRed() const
+    {
+        return (BYTE) (Argb >> RedShift);
+    }
+    BYTE GetR() const
+    {
+        return GetRed();
+    }
+    BYTE GetGreen() const
+    {
+        return (BYTE) (Argb >> GreenShift);
+    }
+    BYTE GetG() const
+    {
+        return GetGreen();
+    }
+    BYTE GetBlue() const
+    {
+        return (BYTE) (Argb >> BlueShift);
+    }
+    BYTE GetB() const
+    {
+        return GetBlue();
+    }
+    // Retrieve ARGB values
+    ARGB GetValue() const
+    {
+        return Argb;
+    }
+    VOID SetValue(IN ARGB argb)
+    {
+        Argb = argb;
+    }
+    {
+        Argb = MakeARGB(255, GetRValue(rgb), GetGValue(rgb), GetBValue(rgb));
+    }
+    {
+        return RGB(GetRed(), GetGreen(), GetBlue());
+    }
+    // Standard color constants
+    enum
+    {
+       Black = 0xff000000,
+       Silver = 0xffc0c0c0,
+       Gray = 0xff808080,
+       White = 0xffffffff,
+       Maroon = 0xff800000,
+       Red = 0xffff0000,
+       Purple = 0xff800080,
+       Fuchsia = 0xffff00ff,
+       Green = 0xff008000,
+       Lime = 0xff00ff00,
+       Olive = 0xff808000,
+       Yellow = 0xffffff00,
+       Navy = 0xff000080,
+       Blue = 0xff0000ff,
+       Teal = 0xff008080,
+       Aqua = 0xff00ffff
+    };
+    // Shift count and bit mask for A, R, G, B components
+    enum
+    {
+        AlphaShift  = 24,
+        RedShift    = 16,
+        GreenShift  = 8,
+        BlueShift   = 0
+    };
+    enum
+    {
+        AlphaMask   = 0xff000000,
+        RedMask     = 0x00ff0000,
+        GreenMask   = 0x0000ff00,
+        BlueMask    = 0x000000ff
+    };
+    // Assemble A, R, G, B values into a 32-bit integer
+    static ARGB MakeARGB(IN BYTE a,
+                         IN BYTE r,
+                         IN BYTE g,
+                         IN BYTE b)
+    {
+        return (((ARGB) (b) <<  BlueShift) |
+                ((ARGB) (g) << GreenShift) |
+                ((ARGB) (r) <<   RedShift) |
+                ((ARGB) (a) << AlphaShift));
+    }
+    ARGB Argb;
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusColorMatrix.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusColorMatrix.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1d9ebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusColorMatrix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusColorMatrix.h
+* Abstract:
+*   Class for color adjustment object passed to Graphics.DrawImage
+// Color matrix
+struct ColorMatrix
+    REAL m[5][5];
+// Color Matrix flags
+enum ColorMatrixFlags
+    ColorMatrixFlagsDefault   = 0,
+    ColorMatrixFlagsSkipGrays = 1,
+    ColorMatrixFlagsAltGray   = 2
+// Color Adjust Type
+enum ColorAdjustType
+    ColorAdjustTypeDefault,
+    ColorAdjustTypeBitmap,
+    ColorAdjustTypeBrush,
+    ColorAdjustTypePen,
+    ColorAdjustTypeText,
+    ColorAdjustTypeCount,   // must be immediately after all the individual ones
+    ColorAdjustTypeAny      // internal use: for querying if any type has recoloring
+// Color Map
+struct ColorMap
+    Color oldColor;
+    Color newColor;
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusEnums.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusEnums.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42b620c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusEnums.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1252 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusEnums.h
+* Abstract:
+*   Various enumeration types
+// Default bezier flattening tolerance in device pixels.
+const float FlatnessDefault = 1.0f/4.0f;
+// Graphics and Container State cookies
+typedef UINT     GraphicsState;
+typedef UINT     GraphicsContainer;
+// Fill mode constants
+enum FillMode
+    FillModeAlternate,        // 0
+    FillModeWinding           // 1
+// Quality mode constants
+enum QualityMode
+    QualityModeInvalid   = -1,
+    QualityModeDefault   = 0,
+    QualityModeLow       = 1, // for apps that need the best performance
+    QualityModeHigh      = 2  // for apps that need the best rendering quality
+// Alpha compositing mode constants
+enum CompositingMode
+    CompositingModeSourceOver,    // 0
+    CompositingModeSourceCopy     // 1
+// Alpha compositing quality constants
+enum CompositingQuality
+    CompositingQualityInvalid          = QualityModeInvalid,
+    CompositingQualityDefault          = QualityModeDefault,
+    CompositingQualityHighSpeed        = QualityModeLow,
+    CompositingQualityHighQuality      = QualityModeHigh,
+    CompositingQualityGammaCorrected,
+    CompositingQualityAssumeLinear
+// Unit constants
+enum Unit
+    UnitWorld,      // 0 -- World coordinate (non-physical unit)
+    UnitDisplay,    // 1 -- Variable -- for PageTransform only
+    UnitPixel,      // 2 -- Each unit is one device pixel.
+    UnitPoint,      // 3 -- Each unit is a printer's point, or 1/72 inch.
+    UnitInch,       // 4 -- Each unit is 1 inch.
+    UnitDocument,   // 5 -- Each unit is 1/300 inch.
+    UnitMillimeter  // 6 -- Each unit is 1 millimeter.
+// MetafileFrameUnit
+// The frameRect for creating a metafile can be specified in any of these
+// units.  There is an extra frame unit value (MetafileFrameUnitGdi) so
+// that units can be supplied in the same units that GDI expects for
+// frame rects -- these units are in .01 (1/100ths) millimeter units
+// as defined by GDI.
+enum MetafileFrameUnit
+    MetafileFrameUnitPixel      = UnitPixel,
+    MetafileFrameUnitPoint      = UnitPoint,
+    MetafileFrameUnitInch       = UnitInch,
+    MetafileFrameUnitDocument   = UnitDocument,
+    MetafileFrameUnitMillimeter = UnitMillimeter,
+    MetafileFrameUnitGdi                        // GDI compatible .01 MM units
+// Coordinate space identifiers
+enum CoordinateSpace
+    CoordinateSpaceWorld,     // 0
+    CoordinateSpacePage,      // 1
+    CoordinateSpaceDevice     // 2
+// Various wrap modes for brushes
+enum WrapMode
+    WrapModeTile,        // 0
+    WrapModeTileFlipX,   // 1
+    WrapModeTileFlipY,   // 2
+    WrapModeTileFlipXY,  // 3
+    WrapModeClamp        // 4
+// Various hatch styles
+enum HatchStyle
+    HatchStyleHorizontal,                   // 0
+    HatchStyleVertical,                     // 1
+    HatchStyleForwardDiagonal,              // 2
+    HatchStyleBackwardDiagonal,             // 3
+    HatchStyleCross,                        // 4
+    HatchStyleDiagonalCross,                // 5
+    HatchStyle05Percent,                    // 6
+    HatchStyle10Percent,                    // 7
+    HatchStyle20Percent,                    // 8
+    HatchStyle25Percent,                    // 9
+    HatchStyle30Percent,                    // 10
+    HatchStyle40Percent,                    // 11
+    HatchStyle50Percent,                    // 12
+    HatchStyle60Percent,                    // 13
+    HatchStyle70Percent,                    // 14
+    HatchStyle75Percent,                    // 15
+    HatchStyle80Percent,                    // 16
+    HatchStyle90Percent,                    // 17
+    HatchStyleLightDownwardDiagonal,        // 18
+    HatchStyleLightUpwardDiagonal,          // 19
+    HatchStyleDarkDownwardDiagonal,         // 20
+    HatchStyleDarkUpwardDiagonal,           // 21
+    HatchStyleWideDownwardDiagonal,         // 22
+    HatchStyleWideUpwardDiagonal,           // 23
+    HatchStyleLightVertical,                // 24
+    HatchStyleLightHorizontal,              // 25
+    HatchStyleNarrowVertical,               // 26
+    HatchStyleNarrowHorizontal,             // 27
+    HatchStyleDarkVertical,                 // 28
+    HatchStyleDarkHorizontal,               // 29
+    HatchStyleDashedDownwardDiagonal,       // 30
+    HatchStyleDashedUpwardDiagonal,         // 31
+    HatchStyleDashedHorizontal,             // 32
+    HatchStyleDashedVertical,               // 33
+    HatchStyleSmallConfetti,                // 34
+    HatchStyleLargeConfetti,                // 35
+    HatchStyleZigZag,                       // 36
+    HatchStyleWave,                         // 37
+    HatchStyleDiagonalBrick,                // 38
+    HatchStyleHorizontalBrick,              // 39
+    HatchStyleWeave,                        // 40
+    HatchStylePlaid,                        // 41
+    HatchStyleDivot,                        // 42
+    HatchStyleDottedGrid,                   // 43
+    HatchStyleDottedDiamond,                // 44
+    HatchStyleShingle,                      // 45
+    HatchStyleTrellis,                      // 46
+    HatchStyleSphere,                       // 47
+    HatchStyleSmallGrid,                    // 48
+    HatchStyleSmallCheckerBoard,            // 49
+    HatchStyleLargeCheckerBoard,            // 50
+    HatchStyleOutlinedDiamond,              // 51
+    HatchStyleSolidDiamond,                 // 52
+    HatchStyleTotal,    // must be after all unique hatch styles
+    HatchStyleLargeGrid = HatchStyleCross,  // 4  an alias for the cross style
+    HatchStyleMin       = HatchStyleHorizontal,
+    HatchStyleMax       = HatchStyleTotal - 1,
+// Dash style constants
+enum DashStyle
+    DashStyleSolid,          // 0
+    DashStyleDash,           // 1
+    DashStyleDot,            // 2
+    DashStyleDashDot,        // 3
+    DashStyleDashDotDot,     // 4
+    DashStyleCustom          // 5
+// Dash cap constants
+enum DashCap
+    DashCapFlat             = 0,
+    DashCapRound            = 2,
+    DashCapTriangle         = 3
+// Line cap constants (only the lowest 8 bits are used).
+enum LineCap
+    LineCapFlat             = 0,
+    LineCapSquare           = 1,
+    LineCapRound            = 2,
+    LineCapTriangle         = 3,
+    LineCapNoAnchor         = 0x10, // corresponds to flat cap
+    LineCapSquareAnchor     = 0x11, // corresponds to square cap
+    LineCapRoundAnchor      = 0x12, // corresponds to round cap
+    LineCapDiamondAnchor    = 0x13, // corresponds to triangle cap
+    LineCapArrowAnchor      = 0x14, // no correspondence
+    LineCapCustom           = 0xff, // custom cap
+    LineCapAnchorMask       = 0xf0  // mask to check for anchor or not.
+// Custom Line cap type constants
+enum CustomLineCapType
+    CustomLineCapTypeDefault         = 0,
+    CustomLineCapTypeAdjustableArrow = 1
+// Line join constants
+enum LineJoin
+    LineJoinMiter        = 0,
+    LineJoinBevel        = 1,
+    LineJoinRound        = 2,
+    LineJoinMiterClipped = 3
+// Path point types (only the lowest 8 bits are used.)
+//  The lowest 3 bits are interpreted as point type
+//  The higher 5 bits are reserved for flags.
+enum PathPointType
+    PathPointTypeStart           = 0,    // move
+    PathPointTypeLine            = 1,    // line
+    PathPointTypeBezier          = 3,    // default Beizer (= cubic Bezier)
+    PathPointTypePathTypeMask    = 0x07, // type mask (lowest 3 bits).
+    PathPointTypeDashMode        = 0x10, // currently in dash mode.
+    PathPointTypePathMarker      = 0x20, // a marker for the path.
+    PathPointTypeCloseSubpath    = 0x80, // closed flag
+    // Path types used for advanced path.
+    PathPointTypeBezier2    = 2,    // quadratic Beizer
+    PathPointTypeBezier3    = 3,    // cubic Bezier
+    PathPointTypeBezier4    = 4,    // quartic (4th order) Beizer
+    PathPointTypeBezier5    = 5,    // quintic (5th order) Bezier
+    PathPointTypeBezier6    = 6     // hexaic (6th order) Bezier
+// WarpMode constants
+enum WarpMode
+    WarpModePerspective,    // 0
+    WarpModeBilinear        // 1
+// LineGradient Mode
+enum LinearGradientMode
+    LinearGradientModeHorizontal,         // 0
+    LinearGradientModeVertical,           // 1
+    LinearGradientModeForwardDiagonal,    // 2
+    LinearGradientModeBackwardDiagonal    // 3
+// Region Comine Modes
+enum CombineMode
+    CombineModeReplace,     // 0
+    CombineModeIntersect,   // 1
+    CombineModeUnion,       // 2
+    CombineModeXor,         // 3
+    CombineModeExclude,     // 4
+    CombineModeComplement   // 5 (does exclude from)
+ // Image types
+enum ImageType
+    ImageTypeUnknown,   // 0
+    ImageTypeBitmap,    // 1
+    ImageTypeMetafile   // 2
+// Interpolation modes
+enum InterpolationMode
+    InterpolationModeInvalid          = QualityModeInvalid,
+    InterpolationModeDefault          = QualityModeDefault,
+    InterpolationModeLowQuality       = QualityModeLow,
+    InterpolationModeHighQuality      = QualityModeHigh,
+    InterpolationModeBilinear,
+    InterpolationModeBicubic,
+    InterpolationModeNearestNeighbor,
+    InterpolationModeHighQualityBilinear,
+    InterpolationModeHighQualityBicubic
+// Pen types
+enum PenAlignment
+    PenAlignmentCenter       = 0,
+    PenAlignmentInset        = 1,
+    PenAlignmentOutset       = 2,
+    PenAlignmentLeft         = 3,
+    PenAlignmentRight        = 4
+// Brush types
+enum BrushType
+   BrushTypeSolidColor       = 0,
+   BrushTypeHatchFill        = 1,
+   BrushTypeTextureFill      = 2,
+   BrushTypePathGradient     = 3,
+   BrushTypeLinearGradient   = 4
+// Pen's Fill types
+enum PenType
+   PenTypeSolidColor       = BrushTypeSolidColor,
+   PenTypeHatchFill        = BrushTypeHatchFill,
+   PenTypeTextureFill      = BrushTypeTextureFill,
+   PenTypePathGradient     = BrushTypePathGradient,
+   PenTypeLinearGradient   = BrushTypeLinearGradient,
+   PenTypeUnknown          = -1
+// Matrix Order
+enum MatrixOrder
+    MatrixOrderPrepend    = 0,
+    MatrixOrderAppend     = 1
+// Generic font families
+enum GenericFontFamily
+    GenericFontFamilySerif,
+    GenericFontFamilySansSerif,
+    GenericFontFamilyMonospace
+// FontStyle: face types and common styles
+//  These should probably be flags
+//  Must have:
+//      Regular = 0
+//      Bold = 1
+//      Italic = 2
+//      BoldItalic = 3
+enum FontStyle
+    FontStyleRegular    = 0,
+    FontStyleBold       = 1,
+    FontStyleItalic     = 2,
+    FontStyleBoldItalic = 3,
+    FontStyleUnderline  = 4,
+    FontStyleStrikeout  = 8
+// Smoothing Mode
+enum SmoothingMode
+    SmoothingModeInvalid     = QualityModeInvalid,
+    SmoothingModeDefault     = QualityModeDefault,
+    SmoothingModeHighSpeed   = QualityModeLow,
+    SmoothingModeHighQuality = QualityModeHigh,
+    SmoothingModeNone,
+    SmoothingModeAntiAlias
+// Pixel Format Mode
+enum PixelOffsetMode
+    PixelOffsetModeInvalid     = QualityModeInvalid,
+    PixelOffsetModeDefault     = QualityModeDefault,
+    PixelOffsetModeHighSpeed   = QualityModeLow,
+    PixelOffsetModeHighQuality = QualityModeHigh,
+    PixelOffsetModeNone,    // no pixel offset
+    PixelOffsetModeHalf     // offset by -0.5, -0.5 for fast anti-alias perf
+// Text Rendering Hint
+enum TextRenderingHint
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_186764
+    TextRenderingHintSystemDefault = 0,            // Glyph with system default rendering hint
+    TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixelGridFit,     // Glyph bitmap with hinting
+    TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixelGridFit = 0, // Glyph bitmap with hinting
+#endif // DCR_USE_NEW_186764
+    TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixel,            // Glyph bitmap without hinting
+    TextRenderingHintAntiAliasGridFit,             // Glyph anti-alias bitmap with hinting
+    TextRenderingHintAntiAlias,                    // Glyph anti-alias bitmap without hinting
+    TextRenderingHintClearTypeGridFit              // Glyph CT bitmap with hinting
+// Metafile Types
+enum MetafileType
+    MetafileTypeInvalid,            // Invalid metafile
+    MetafileTypeWmf,                // Standard WMF
+    MetafileTypeWmfAldus,           // Aldus Placeable Metafile format
+    MetafileTypeEmf,                // EMF (not EMF+)
+    MetafileTypeEmfPlusOnly,        // EMF+ without dual, down-level records
+    MetafileTypeEmfPlusDual         // EMF+ with dual, down-level records
+// Specifies the type of EMF to record
+enum EmfType
+    EmfTypeEmfOnly     = MetafileTypeEmf,          // no EMF+, only EMF
+    EmfTypeEmfPlusOnly = MetafileTypeEmfPlusOnly,  // no EMF, only EMF+
+    EmfTypeEmfPlusDual = MetafileTypeEmfPlusDual   // both EMF+ and EMF
+// All persistent objects must have a type listed here
+enum ObjectType
+    ObjectTypeInvalid,
+    ObjectTypeBrush,
+    ObjectTypePen,
+    ObjectTypePath,
+    ObjectTypeRegion,
+    ObjectTypeImage,
+    ObjectTypeFont,
+    ObjectTypeStringFormat,
+    ObjectTypeImageAttributes,
+    ObjectTypeCustomLineCap,
+    ObjectTypeMax = ObjectTypeCustomLineCap,
+    ObjectTypeMin = ObjectTypeBrush
+inline BOOL
+    ObjectType      type
+    )
+    return ((type >= ObjectTypeMin) && (type <= ObjectTypeMax));
+// EMF+ Records
+// We have to change the WMF record numbers so that they don't conflict with
+// the EMF and EMF+ record numbers.
+/*enum EmfPlusRecordType;*/
+#define GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE        0x00004000
+#define GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE            0x00010000
+#define GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(n)   (/*(EmfPlusRecordType)*/((n) | GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE))
+#define GDIP_IS_WMF_RECORDTYPE(n)       (((n) & GDIP_WMF_RECORD_BASE) != 0)
+enum EmfPlusRecordType
+   // Since we have to enumerate GDI records right along with GDI+ records,
+   // we list all the GDI records here so that they can be part of the
+   // same enumeration type which is used in the enumeration callback.
+    WmfRecordTypeSetBkColor              = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_SETBKCOLOR),
+    WmfRecordTypeSetBkMode               = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_SETBKMODE),
+    WmfRecordTypeSetMapMode              = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_SETMAPMODE),
+    WmfRecordTypeSetROP2                 = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_SETROP2),
+    WmfRecordTypeSetRelAbs               = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_SETRELABS),
+    WmfRecordTypeSetTextColor            = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_SETTEXTCOLOR),
+    WmfRecordTypeSetWindowOrg            = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_SETWINDOWORG),
+    WmfRecordTypeSetWindowExt            = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_SETWINDOWEXT),
+    WmfRecordTypeSetViewportOrg          = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_SETVIEWPORTORG),
+    WmfRecordTypeSetViewportExt          = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_SETVIEWPORTEXT),
+    WmfRecordTypeScaleWindowExt          = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_SCALEWINDOWEXT),
+    WmfRecordTypeLineTo                  = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_LINETO),
+    WmfRecordTypeMoveTo                  = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_MOVETO),
+    WmfRecordTypeArc                     = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_ARC),
+    WmfRecordTypeEllipse                 = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_ELLIPSE),
+    WmfRecordTypeFloodFill               = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_FLOODFILL),
+    WmfRecordTypePie                     = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_PIE),
+    WmfRecordTypeRectangle               = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_RECTANGLE),
+    WmfRecordTypeRoundRect               = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_ROUNDRECT),
+    WmfRecordTypePatBlt                  = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_PATBLT),
+    WmfRecordTypeSaveDC                  = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_SAVEDC),
+    WmfRecordTypeSetPixel                = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_SETPIXEL),
+    WmfRecordTypeOffsetClipRgn           = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_OFFSETCLIPRGN),
+    WmfRecordTypeTextOut                 = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_TEXTOUT),
+    WmfRecordTypeBitBlt                  = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_BITBLT),
+    WmfRecordTypeStretchBlt              = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_STRETCHBLT),
+    WmfRecordTypePolygon                 = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_POLYGON),
+    WmfRecordTypePolyline                = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_POLYLINE),
+    WmfRecordTypeEscape                  = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_ESCAPE),
+    WmfRecordTypeRestoreDC               = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_RESTOREDC),
+    WmfRecordTypeFillRegion              = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_FILLREGION),
+    WmfRecordTypeFrameRegion             = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_FRAMEREGION),
+    WmfRecordTypeInvertRegion            = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_INVERTREGION),
+    WmfRecordTypePaintRegion             = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_PAINTREGION),
+    WmfRecordTypeSelectObject            = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_SELECTOBJECT),
+    WmfRecordTypeSetTextAlign            = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_SETTEXTALIGN),
+    WmfRecordTypeDrawText                = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(0x062F),  // META_DRAWTEXT
+    WmfRecordTypeChord                   = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_CHORD),
+    WmfRecordTypeSetMapperFlags          = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_SETMAPPERFLAGS),
+    WmfRecordTypeExtTextOut              = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_EXTTEXTOUT),
+    WmfRecordTypeSelectPalette           = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_SELECTPALETTE),
+    WmfRecordTypeRealizePalette          = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_REALIZEPALETTE),
+    WmfRecordTypeAnimatePalette          = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_ANIMATEPALETTE),
+    WmfRecordTypeSetPalEntries           = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_SETPALENTRIES),
+    WmfRecordTypePolyPolygon             = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_POLYPOLYGON),
+    WmfRecordTypeResizePalette           = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_RESIZEPALETTE),
+    WmfRecordTypeDIBBitBlt               = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_DIBBITBLT),
+    WmfRecordTypeStretchDIB              = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_STRETCHDIB),
+    WmfRecordTypeExtFloodFill            = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_EXTFLOODFILL),
+    WmfRecordTypeSetLayout               = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(0x0149),  // META_SETLAYOUT
+    WmfRecordTypeResetDC                 = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(0x014C),  // META_RESETDC
+    WmfRecordTypeStartDoc                = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(0x014D),  // META_STARTDOC
+    WmfRecordTypeStartPage               = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(0x004F),  // META_STARTPAGE
+    WmfRecordTypeEndPage                 = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(0x0050),  // META_ENDPAGE
+    WmfRecordTypeAbortDoc                = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(0x0052),  // META_ABORTDOC
+    WmfRecordTypeEndDoc                  = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(0x005E),  // META_ENDDOC
+    WmfRecordTypeDeleteObject            = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_DELETEOBJECT),
+    WmfRecordTypeCreatePalette           = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_CREATEPALETTE),
+    WmfRecordTypeCreateBrush             = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(0x00F8),  // META_CREATEBRUSH
+    WmfRecordTypeCreateBitmapIndirect    = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(0x02FD),  // META_CREATEBITMAPINDIRECT
+    WmfRecordTypeCreateBitmap            = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(0x06FE),  // META_CREATEBITMAP
+    WmfRecordTypeCreateRegion            = GDIP_WMF_RECORD_TO_EMFPLUS(META_CREATEREGION),
+    EmfRecordTypeHeader                  = EMR_HEADER,
+    EmfRecordTypePolyBezier              = EMR_POLYBEZIER,
+    EmfRecordTypePolygon                 = EMR_POLYGON,
+    EmfRecordTypePolyline                = EMR_POLYLINE,
+    EmfRecordTypePolyBezierTo            = EMR_POLYBEZIERTO,
+    EmfRecordTypePolyLineTo              = EMR_POLYLINETO,
+    EmfRecordTypePolyPolyline            = EMR_POLYPOLYLINE,
+    EmfRecordTypePolyPolygon             = EMR_POLYPOLYGON,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetWindowExtEx          = EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetWindowOrgEx          = EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetViewportExtEx        = EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetViewportOrgEx        = EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetBrushOrgEx           = EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX,
+    EmfRecordTypeEOF                     = EMR_EOF,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetPixelV               = EMR_SETPIXELV,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetMapperFlags          = EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetMapMode              = EMR_SETMAPMODE,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetBkMode               = EMR_SETBKMODE,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetPolyFillMode         = EMR_SETPOLYFILLMODE,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetROP2                 = EMR_SETROP2,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetStretchBltMode       = EMR_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetTextAlign            = EMR_SETTEXTALIGN,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetColorAdjustment      = EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetTextColor            = EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetBkColor              = EMR_SETBKCOLOR,
+    EmfRecordTypeOffsetClipRgn           = EMR_OFFSETCLIPRGN,
+    EmfRecordTypeMoveToEx                = EMR_MOVETOEX,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetMetaRgn              = EMR_SETMETARGN,
+    EmfRecordTypeExcludeClipRect         = EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT,
+    EmfRecordTypeIntersectClipRect       = EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT,
+    EmfRecordTypeScaleViewportExtEx      = EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX,
+    EmfRecordTypeScaleWindowExtEx        = EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX,
+    EmfRecordTypeSaveDC                  = EMR_SAVEDC,
+    EmfRecordTypeRestoreDC               = EMR_RESTOREDC,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetWorldTransform       = EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM,
+    EmfRecordTypeModifyWorldTransform    = EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM,
+    EmfRecordTypeSelectObject            = EMR_SELECTOBJECT,
+    EmfRecordTypeCreatePen               = EMR_CREATEPEN,
+    EmfRecordTypeCreateBrushIndirect     = EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT,
+    EmfRecordTypeDeleteObject            = EMR_DELETEOBJECT,
+    EmfRecordTypeAngleArc                = EMR_ANGLEARC,
+    EmfRecordTypeEllipse                 = EMR_ELLIPSE,
+    EmfRecordTypeRectangle               = EMR_RECTANGLE,
+    EmfRecordTypeRoundRect               = EMR_ROUNDRECT,
+    EmfRecordTypeArc                     = EMR_ARC,
+    EmfRecordTypeChord                   = EMR_CHORD,
+    EmfRecordTypePie                     = EMR_PIE,
+    EmfRecordTypeSelectPalette           = EMR_SELECTPALETTE,
+    EmfRecordTypeCreatePalette           = EMR_CREATEPALETTE,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetPaletteEntries       = EMR_SETPALETTEENTRIES,
+    EmfRecordTypeResizePalette           = EMR_RESIZEPALETTE,
+    EmfRecordTypeRealizePalette          = EMR_REALIZEPALETTE,
+    EmfRecordTypeExtFloodFill            = EMR_EXTFLOODFILL,
+    EmfRecordTypeLineTo                  = EMR_LINETO,
+    EmfRecordTypeArcTo                   = EMR_ARCTO,
+    EmfRecordTypePolyDraw                = EMR_POLYDRAW,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetArcDirection         = EMR_SETARCDIRECTION,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetMiterLimit           = EMR_SETMITERLIMIT,
+    EmfRecordTypeBeginPath               = EMR_BEGINPATH,
+    EmfRecordTypeEndPath                 = EMR_ENDPATH,
+    EmfRecordTypeCloseFigure             = EMR_CLOSEFIGURE,
+    EmfRecordTypeFillPath                = EMR_FILLPATH,
+    EmfRecordTypeStrokeAndFillPath       = EMR_STROKEANDFILLPATH,
+    EmfRecordTypeStrokePath              = EMR_STROKEPATH,
+    EmfRecordTypeFlattenPath             = EMR_FLATTENPATH,
+    EmfRecordTypeWidenPath               = EMR_WIDENPATH,
+    EmfRecordTypeSelectClipPath          = EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH,
+    EmfRecordTypeAbortPath               = EMR_ABORTPATH,
+    EmfRecordTypeReserved_069            = 69,  // Not Used
+    EmfRecordTypeGdiComment              = EMR_GDICOMMENT,
+    EmfRecordTypeFillRgn                 = EMR_FILLRGN,
+    EmfRecordTypeFrameRgn                = EMR_FRAMERGN,
+    EmfRecordTypeInvertRgn               = EMR_INVERTRGN,
+    EmfRecordTypePaintRgn                = EMR_PAINTRGN,
+    EmfRecordTypeExtSelectClipRgn        = EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN,
+    EmfRecordTypeBitBlt                  = EMR_BITBLT,
+    EmfRecordTypeStretchBlt              = EMR_STRETCHBLT,
+    EmfRecordTypeMaskBlt                 = EMR_MASKBLT,
+    EmfRecordTypePlgBlt                  = EMR_PLGBLT,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetDIBitsToDevice       = EMR_SETDIBITSTODEVICE,
+    EmfRecordTypeStretchDIBits           = EMR_STRETCHDIBITS,
+    EmfRecordTypeExtCreateFontIndirect   = EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW,
+    EmfRecordTypeExtTextOutA             = EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA,
+    EmfRecordTypeExtTextOutW             = EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW,
+    EmfRecordTypePolyBezier16            = EMR_POLYBEZIER16,
+    EmfRecordTypePolygon16               = EMR_POLYGON16,
+    EmfRecordTypePolyline16              = EMR_POLYLINE16,
+    EmfRecordTypePolyBezierTo16          = EMR_POLYBEZIERTO16,
+    EmfRecordTypePolylineTo16            = EMR_POLYLINETO16,
+    EmfRecordTypePolyPolyline16          = EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16,
+    EmfRecordTypePolyPolygon16           = EMR_POLYPOLYGON16,
+    EmfRecordTypePolyDraw16              = EMR_POLYDRAW16,
+    EmfRecordTypeCreateMonoBrush         = EMR_CREATEMONOBRUSH,
+    EmfRecordTypeCreateDIBPatternBrushPt = EMR_CREATEDIBPATTERNBRUSHPT,
+    EmfRecordTypeExtCreatePen            = EMR_EXTCREATEPEN,
+    EmfRecordTypePolyTextOutA            = EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA,
+    EmfRecordTypePolyTextOutW            = EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetICMMode              = 98,  // EMR_SETICMMODE,
+    EmfRecordTypeCreateColorSpace        = 99,  // EMR_CREATECOLORSPACE,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetColorSpace           = 100, // EMR_SETCOLORSPACE,
+    EmfRecordTypeDeleteColorSpace        = 101, // EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE,
+    EmfRecordTypeGLSRecord               = 102, // EMR_GLSRECORD,
+    EmfRecordTypeGLSBoundedRecord        = 103, // EMR_GLSBOUNDEDRECORD,
+    EmfRecordTypePixelFormat             = 104, // EMR_PIXELFORMAT,
+    EmfRecordTypeDrawEscape              = 105, // EMR_RESERVED_105,
+    EmfRecordTypeExtEscape               = 106, // EMR_RESERVED_106,
+    EmfRecordTypeStartDoc                = 107, // EMR_RESERVED_107,
+    EmfRecordTypeSmallTextOut            = 108, // EMR_RESERVED_108,
+    EmfRecordTypeForceUFIMapping         = 109, // EMR_RESERVED_109,
+    EmfRecordTypeNamedEscape             = 110, // EMR_RESERVED_110,
+    EmfRecordTypeColorCorrectPalette     = 111, // EMR_COLORCORRECTPALETTE,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetICMProfileA          = 112, // EMR_SETICMPROFILEA,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetICMProfileW          = 113, // EMR_SETICMPROFILEW,
+    EmfRecordTypeAlphaBlend              = 114, // EMR_ALPHABLEND,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetLayout               = 115, // EMR_SETLAYOUT,
+    EmfRecordTypeTransparentBlt          = 116, // EMR_TRANSPARENTBLT,
+    EmfRecordTypeReserved_117            = 117, // Not Used
+    EmfRecordTypeGradientFill            = 118, // EMR_GRADIENTFILL,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetLinkedUFIs           = 119, // EMR_RESERVED_119,
+    EmfRecordTypeSetTextJustification    = 120, // EMR_RESERVED_120,
+    EmfRecordTypeColorMatchToTargetW     = 121, // EMR_COLORMATCHTOTARGETW,
+    EmfRecordTypeCreateColorSpaceW       = 122, // EMR_CREATECOLORSPACEW,
+    EmfRecordTypeMax                     = 122,
+    EmfRecordTypeMin                     = 1,
+    // That is the END of the GDI EMF records.
+    // Now we start the list of EMF+ records.  We leave quite
+    // a bit of room here for the addition of any new GDI
+    // records that may be added later.
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeInvalid = GDIP_EMFPLUS_RECORD_BASE,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeHeader,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeEndOfFile,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeComment,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeGetDC,    // the application grabbed the metafile dc
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeMultiFormatStart,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeMultiFormatSection,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeMultiFormatEnd,
+    // For all persistent objects
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeObject, // brush,pen,path,region,image,font,string-format
+    // Drawing Records
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeClear,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeFillRects,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawRects,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPolygon,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawLines,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeFillEllipse,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawEllipse,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPie,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawPie,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawArc,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeFillRegion,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPath,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawPath,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeFillClosedCurve,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawClosedCurve,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawCurve,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawBeziers,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImage,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImagePoints,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawString,
+    // Graphics State Records
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeSetRenderingOrigin,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeSetAntiAliasMode,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeSetTextRenderingHint,
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_188922
+   EmfPlusRecordTypeSetTextContrast,
+   EmfPlusRecordTypeSetGammaValue,
+#endif // DCR_USE_NEW_188922
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeSetInterpolationMode,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeSetPixelOffsetMode,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeSetCompositingMode,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeSetCompositingQuality,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeSave,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeRestore,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeBeginContainer,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeBeginContainerNoParams,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeEndContainer,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeSetWorldTransform,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeResetWorldTransform,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeMultiplyWorldTransform,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeTranslateWorldTransform,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeScaleWorldTransform,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeRotateWorldTransform,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeSetPageTransform,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeResetClip,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipRect,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipPath,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipRegion,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeOffsetClip,
+    // New record types must be added here (at the end) -- do not add above,
+    // since that will invalidate previous metafiles!
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawDriverString,
+    // Have this here so you don't need to keep changing the value of
+    // EmfPlusRecordTypeMax every time you add a new record.
+    EmfPlusRecordTotal,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeMax = EmfPlusRecordTotal-1,
+    EmfPlusRecordTypeMin = EmfPlusRecordTypeHeader,
+// StringFormatFlags
+// String format flags
+//  DirectionRightToLeft          - For horizontal text, the reading order is
+//                                  right to left. This value is called
+//                                  the base embedding level by the Unicode
+//                                  bidirectional engine.
+//                                  For vertical text, columns are read from
+//                                  right to left.
+//                                  By default, horizontal or vertical text is
+//                                  read from left to right.
+//  DirectionVertical             - Individual lines of text are vertical. In
+//                                  each line, characters progress from top to
+//                                  bottom.
+//                                  By default, lines of text are horizontal,
+//                                  each new line below the previous line.
+//  NoFitBlackBox                 - Allows parts of glyphs to overhang the
+//                                  bounding rectangle.
+//                                  By default glyphs are first aligned
+//                                  inside the margines, then any glyphs which
+//                                  still overhang the bounding box are
+//                                  repositioned to avoid any overhang.
+//                                  For example when an italic
+//                                  lower case letter f in a font such as
+//                                  Garamond is aligned at the far left of a
+//                                  rectangle, the lower part of the f will
+//                                  reach slightly further left than the left
+//                                  edge of the rectangle. Setting this flag
+//                                  will ensure the character aligns visually
+//                                  with the lines above and below, but may
+//                                  cause some pixels outside the formatting
+//                                  rectangle to be clipped or painted.
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_137252
+//  NumberContextArabic           - Causes any initial numeric in the string to
+//                                  be analysed for bidirection layout as if
+//                                  it was preceeded by Arabic text.
+//  DisableKashidaJustification   - Arabic text will not be justified by the
+//                                  insertion of kashidas (i.e. extending the
+//                                  joining line between characters). Instead
+//                                  Arabic script will be justified by the
+//                                  widening of the whitespace between words.
+//  DisplayFormatControl          - Causes control characters such as the
+//                                  left-to-right mark to be shown in the
+//                                  output with a representative glyph.
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_137252
+//  DisableKerning                - Disables Truetype and OpenType kerning.
+//  DisableLigatures              - Disables Truetype and OpenType ligatures.
+//  LayoutLegacyBidi              - Causes the bidirection algorithm to use
+//                                  slightly different classifications for
+//                                  '+', '-' and '/' that make their layout
+//                                  much closer to that expected by files
+//                                  generated in Windows or by Windows
+//                                  applications.
+//  NoChanges                     - A text imager created with this flag set
+//                                  does not support those APIs that change
+//                                  it's contents or formatting, but for most
+//                                  simple text will be significantly faster in
+//                                  performing measurement and drawing
+//                                  functions.
+//  NoFontFallback                - Disables fallback to alternate fonts for
+//                                  characters not supported in the requested
+//                                  font. Any missing characters will be
+//                                  be displayed with the fonts missing glyph,
+//                                  usually an open square.
+//  NoWrap                        - Disables wrapping of text between lines
+//                                  when formatting within a rectangle.
+//                                  NoWrap is implied when a point is passed
+//                                  instead of a rectangle, or when the
+//                                  specified rectangle has a zero line length.
+//  NoClip                        - By default text is clipped to the
+//                                  formatting rectangle. Setting NoClip
+//                                  allows overhanging pixels to affect the
+//                                  device outside the formatting rectangle.
+//                                  Pixels at the end of the line may be
+//                                  affected if the glyphs overhang their
+//                                  cells, and either the NoFitBlackBox flag
+//                                  has been set, or the glyph extends to far
+//                                  to be fitted.
+//                                  Pixels above/before the first line or
+//                                  below/after the last line may be affected
+//                                  if the glyphs extend beyond their cell
+//                                  ascent / descent. This can occur rarely
+//                                  with unusual diacritic mark combinations.
+enum StringFormatFlags
+    StringFormatFlagsDirectionRightToLeft        = 0x00000001,
+    StringFormatFlagsDirectionVertical           = 0x00000002,
+    StringFormatFlagsNoFitBlackBox               = 0x00000004,
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_137252
+    StringFormatFlagsNumberContextArabic         = 0x00000008,
+    StringFormatFlagsDisableKashidaJustification = 0x00000010,
+    StringFormatFlagsDisplayFormatControl        = 0x00000020,
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_137252
+    StringFormatFlagsDisableKerning              = 0x00000040,
+    StringFormatFlagsDisableLigatures            = 0x00000080,
+    StringFormatFlagsLayoutLegacyBidi            = 0x00000100,
+    StringFormatFlagsNoChanges                   = 0x00000200,
+    StringFormatFlagsNoFontFallback              = 0x00000400,
+    StringFormatFlagsMeasureTrailingSpaces       = 0x00000800,
+    StringFormatFlagsNoWrap                      = 0x00001000,
+    StringFormatFlagsLineLimit                   = 0x00002000,
+    StringFormatFlagsNoClip                      = 0x00004000
+// StringTrimming
+enum StringTrimming {
+    StringTrimmingNone              = 0,
+    StringTrimmingCharacter         = 1,
+    StringTrimmingWord              = 2,
+    StringTrimmingEllipsisCharacter = 3,
+    StringTrimmingEllipsisWord      = 4,
+    StringTrimmingEllipsisPath      = 5
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_137252
+// String units
+// String units are like length units in CSS, they may be absolute, or
+// they may be relative to a font size.
+enum StringUnit {
+    StringUnitWorld        = UnitWorld,
+    StringUnitDisplay      = UnitDisplay,
+    StringUnitPixel        = UnitPixel,
+    StringUnitPoint        = UnitPoint,
+    StringUnitInch         = UnitInch,
+    StringUnitDocument     = UnitDocument,
+    StringUnitMillimeter   = UnitMillimeter,
+    StringUnitEm           = 32
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_152154
+// Line spacing flags
+enum LineSpacing {
+    LineSpacingWorld                = UnitWorld,
+    LineSpacingDisplay              = UnitDisplay,
+    LineSpacingPixel                = UnitPixel,
+    LineSpacingPoint                = UnitPoint,
+    LineSpacingInch                 = UnitInch,
+    LineSpacingDocument             = UnitDocument,
+    LineSpacingMillimeter           = UnitMillimeter,
+    LineSpacingRecommended          = 32,
+    LineSpacingAtLeast              = 33,
+    LineSpacingAtLeastMultiple      = 34,
+    LineSpacingCell                 = 35,
+    LineSpacingCellAtLeast          = 36,
+    LineSpacingCellAtLeastMultiple  = 37
+/// The following methods of linespacing are relative to the font size
+// =========== Method ===========  =============== Relative to ===============
+// LineSpacingRecommended          recommended line spacing specified by font
+// LineSpacingAtLeast              max(recommended, tallest glyph cell)
+// LineSpacingAtLeastMultiple      smallest multiple of recommended big enough
+//                                 for all glyph cells on the line
+// LineSpacingCell                 cell height
+// LineSpacingCellAtLeast          max(font cell height, tallest glyph cell)
+// LineSpacingCellAtLeastMultiple  smallest multiple of cell height big enough
+//                                 for all glyph cells on the line
+// National language digit substitution
+enum StringDigitSubstitute
+    StringDigitSubstituteUser        = 0,  // As NLS setting
+    StringDigitSubstituteNone        = 1,
+    StringDigitSubstituteNational    = 2,
+    StringDigitSubstituteTraditional = 3
+// Hotkey prefix interpretation
+enum HotkeyPrefix
+    HotkeyPrefixNone        = 0,
+    HotkeyPrefixShow        = 1,
+    HotkeyPrefixHide        = 2
+// Text alignment flags
+enum StringAlignment
+    // Left edge for left-to-right text,
+    // right for right-to-left text,
+    // and top for vertical
+    StringAlignmentNear   = 0,
+    StringAlignmentCenter = 1,
+    StringAlignmentFar    = 2
+// DriverStringOptions
+enum DriverStringOptions
+    DriverStringOptionsCmapLookup             = 1,
+    DriverStringOptionsVertical               = 2,
+    DriverStringOptionsRealizedAdvance        = 4,
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_137252
+    DriverStringOptionsCompensateResolution   = 8
+// Flush Intention flags
+enum FlushIntention
+    FlushIntentionFlush = 0,        // Flush all batched rendering operations
+    FlushIntentionSync = 1          // Flush all batched rendering operations
+                                    // and wait for them to complete
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_175866
+// Window Change Notification types
+enum WindowNotifyEnum
+   WindowNotifyEnumEnable = 0,
+   WindowNotifyEnumDisable,
+   WindowNotifyEnumPalette,
+   WindowNotifyEnumDisplay,
+   WindowNotifyEnumSysColor
+// Image encoder parameter related types
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_145804
+enum EncoderParameterValueType
+    EncoderParameterValueTypeByte           = 1,    // 8-bit unsigned int
+    EncoderParameterValueTypeASCII          = 2,    // 8-bit byte containing one 7-bit ASCII
+                                                    // code. NULL terminated.
+    EncoderParameterValueTypeShort          = 3,    // 16-bit unsigned int
+    EncoderParameterValueTypeLong           = 4,    // 32-bit unsigned int
+    EncoderParameterValueTypeRational       = 5,    // Two Longs. The first Long is the
+                                                    // numerator, the second Long expresses the
+                                                    // denomintor.
+    EncoderParameterValueTypeLongRange      = 6,    // Two longs which specify a range of
+                                                    // integer values. The first Long specifies
+                                                    // the lower end and the second one
+                                                    // specifies the higher end. All values
+                                                    // are inclusive at both ends
+    EncoderParameterValueTypeUndefined      = 7,    // 8-bit byte that can take any value
+                                                    // depending on field definition
+    EncoderParameterValueTypeRationalRange  = 8     // Two Rationals. The first Rational
+                                                    // specifies the lower end and the second
+                                                    // specifies the higher end. All values
+                                                    // are inclusive at both ends
+enum ValueType
+    ValueTypeByte           = 1,    // 8-bit unsigned int
+    ValueTypeASCII          = 2,    // 8-bit byte containing one 7-bit ASCII
+                                    // code. NULL terminated.
+    ValueTypeShort          = 3,    // 16-bit unsigned int
+    ValueTypeLong           = 4,    // 32-bit unsigned int
+    ValueTypeRational       = 5,    // Two Longs. The first Long is the
+                                    // numerator, the second Long expresses the
+                                    // denomintor.
+    ValueTypeLongRange      = 6,    // Two longs which specify a range of
+                                    // integer values. The first Long specifies
+                                    // the lower end and the second one
+                                    // specifies the higher end. All values
+                                    // are inclusive at both ends
+    ValueTypeUndefined      = 7,    // 8-bit byte that can take any value
+                                    // depending on field definition
+    ValueTypeRationalRange  = 8     // Two Rationals. The first Rational
+                                    // specifies the lower end and the second
+                                    // specifies the higher end. All values
+                                    // are inclusive at both ends
+// Image encoder value types
+enum EncoderValue
+    EncoderValueColorTypeCMYK,
+    EncoderValueColorTypeYCCK,
+    EncoderValueCompressionLZW,
+    EncoderValueCompressionCCITT3,
+    EncoderValueCompressionCCITT4,
+    EncoderValueCompressionRle,
+    EncoderValueCompressionNone,
+    EncoderValueScanMethodInterlaced,
+    EncoderValueScanMethodNonInterlaced,
+    EncoderValueVersionGif87,
+    EncoderValueVersionGif89,
+    EncoderValueRenderProgressive,
+    EncoderValueRenderNonProgressive,
+    EncoderValueTransformRotate90,
+    EncoderValueTransformRotate180,
+    EncoderValueTransformRotate270,
+    EncoderValueTransformFlipHorizontal,
+    EncoderValueTransformFlipVertical,
+    #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_140861
+    EncoderValueMultiFrame,
+    #else
+    EncodeValueMultiFrame,
+    #endif
+    EncoderValueLastFrame,
+    EncoderValueFlush,
+    #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_140861
+    EncoderValueFrameDimensionTime,
+    EncoderValueFrameDimensionResolution,
+    EncoderValueFrameDimensionPage
+    #else
+    EncodeValueFrameDimensionTime,
+    EncodeValueFrameDimensionResolution,
+    EncodeValueFrameDimensionPage
+    #endif
+// Graphics layout values (support for Middle East localization)
+enum GraphicsLayout
+    GraphicsLayoutNormal,
+    GraphicsLayoutMirrored,
+    GraphicsLayoutMirroredIgnoreImages,
+    GraphicsLayoutMirroredForceImages
+// Image layout values (support for Middle East localization)
+enum ImageLayout
+    ImageLayoutNormal,
+    ImageLayoutIgnoreMirrored
+enum EmfToWmfBitsFlags
+    EmfToWmfBitsFlagsDefault    = 0x00000000,
+    EmfToWmfBitsFlagsEmbedEmf   = 0x00000001,
+    EmfToWmfBitsFlagsIncludeAPM = 0x00000002,
+    EmfToWmfBitsFlagsNoXORClip  = 0x00000004
+#endif // !_GDIPLUSENUMS_H
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusFlat.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusFlat.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b5369e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusFlat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2740 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusFlat.h
+* Abstract:
+*   Flat GDI+ API wrappers - header file
+// TODO: this file style needs to be made internally consistent with the way
+//       it handles breaking the long argument lists across multiple lines
+#ifndef _FLATAPI_H
+#define _FLATAPI_H
+#define WINGDIPAPI __stdcall
+// currently, only C++ wrapper API's force const.
+#define GDIPCONST const
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_175866
+GdipDisplayPaletteWindowNotify(WindowNotifyEnum notify);
+// GraphicsPath methods
+GdipCreatePath(GpFillMode brushMode, GpPath **path);
+GdipCreatePath2(GDIPCONST GpPointF*, GDIPCONST BYTE*, INT, GpFillMode,
+                                    GpPath **path);
+GdipCreatePath2I(GDIPCONST GpPoint*, GDIPCONST BYTE*, INT, GpFillMode,
+                                     GpPath **path);
+GdipClonePath(GpPath* path, GpPath **clonePath);
+GdipDeletePath(GpPath* path);
+GdipResetPath(GpPath* path);
+GdipGetPointCount(GpPath* path, INT* count);
+GdipGetPathTypes(GpPath* path, BYTE* types, INT count);
+GdipGetPathPoints(GpPath*, GpPointF* points, INT count);
+GdipGetPathPointsI(GpPath*, GpPoint* points, INT count);
+GdipGetPathFillMode(GpPath *path, GpFillMode *fillmode);
+GdipSetPathFillMode(GpPath *path, GpFillMode fillmode);
+GdipGetPathData(GpPath *path, GpPathData* pathData);
+GdipStartPathFigure(GpPath *path);
+GdipClosePathFigure(GpPath *path);
+GdipClosePathFigures(GpPath *path);
+GdipSetPathMarker(GpPath* path);
+GdipClearPathMarkers(GpPath* path);
+GdipReversePath(GpPath* path);
+GdipGetPathLastPoint(GpPath* path, GpPointF* lastPoint);
+GdipAddPathLine(GpPath *path, REAL x1, REAL y1, REAL x2, REAL y2);
+GdipAddPathLine2(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST GpPointF *points, INT count);
+GdipAddPathArc(GpPath *path, REAL x, REAL y, REAL width, REAL height,
+                        REAL startAngle, REAL sweepAngle);
+GdipAddPathBezier(GpPath *path, REAL x1, REAL y1, REAL x2, REAL y2,
+                           REAL x3, REAL y3, REAL x4, REAL y4);
+GdipAddPathBeziers(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST GpPointF *points, INT count);
+GdipAddPathCurve(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST GpPointF *points, INT count);
+GdipAddPathCurve2(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST GpPointF *points, INT count,
+                           REAL tension);
+GdipAddPathCurve3(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST GpPointF *points, INT count,
+                           INT offset, INT numberOfSegments, REAL tension);
+GdipAddPathClosedCurve(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST GpPointF *points, INT count);
+GdipAddPathClosedCurve2(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST GpPointF *points, INT count,
+                                 REAL tension);
+GdipAddPathRectangle(GpPath *path, REAL x, REAL y, REAL width, REAL height);
+GdipAddPathRectangles(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST GpRectF *rects, INT count);
+GdipAddPathEllipse(GpPath *path, REAL x, REAL y, REAL width,
+                            REAL height);
+GdipAddPathPie(GpPath *path, REAL x, REAL y, REAL width, REAL height,
+                        REAL startAngle, REAL sweepAngle);
+GdipAddPathPolygon(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST GpPointF *points, INT count);
+GdipAddPathPath(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST GpPath* addingPath, BOOL connect);
+GdipAddPathString(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST WCHAR *string,
+                        INT length, GDIPCONST GpFontFamily *family, INT style,
+                        REAL emSize, GDIPCONST RectF *layoutRect,
+                        GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *format);
+GdipAddPathStringI(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST WCHAR *string,
+                        INT length, GDIPCONST GpFontFamily *family, INT style,
+                        REAL emSize, GDIPCONST Rect *layoutRect,
+                        GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *format);
+GdipAddPathLineI(GpPath *path, INT x1, INT y1, INT x2, INT y2);
+GdipAddPathLine2I(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST GpPoint *points, INT count);
+GdipAddPathArcI(GpPath *path, INT x, INT y, INT width, INT height,
+                        REAL startAngle, REAL sweepAngle);
+GdipAddPathBezierI(GpPath *path, INT x1, INT y1, INT x2, INT y2,
+                           INT x3, INT y3, INT x4, INT y4);
+GdipAddPathBeziersI(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST GpPoint *points, INT count);
+GdipAddPathCurveI(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST GpPoint *points, INT count);
+GdipAddPathCurve2I(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST GpPoint *points, INT count,
+                           REAL tension);
+GdipAddPathCurve3I(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST GpPoint *points, INT count,
+                           INT offset, INT numberOfSegments, REAL tension);
+GdipAddPathClosedCurveI(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST GpPoint *points, INT count);
+GdipAddPathClosedCurve2I(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST GpPoint *points, INT count,
+                                 REAL tension);
+GdipAddPathRectangleI(GpPath *path, INT x, INT y, INT width, INT height);
+GdipAddPathRectanglesI(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST GpRect *rects, INT count);
+GdipAddPathEllipseI(GpPath *path, INT x, INT y, INT width, INT height);
+GdipAddPathPieI(GpPath *path, INT x, INT y, INT width, INT height,
+                        REAL startAngle, REAL sweepAngle);
+GdipAddPathPolygonI(GpPath *path, GDIPCONST GpPoint *points, INT count);
+GdipFlattenPath(GpPath *path, GpMatrix* matrix, REAL flatness);
+    GpPath *path,
+    GpMatrix *matrix,
+    REAL flatness
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_202903
+    GpPath *nativePath,
+    GpPen *pen,
+    GpMatrix *matrix,
+    REAL flatness
+GdipWidenPathWithMinimumResolutions(GpPath *path, GpPen *pen, REAL minXres,
+            REAL minYres, GpMatrix *matrix, BOOL removeSelftIntersects);
+GdipWarpPath(GpPath *path, GpMatrix* matrix,
+            GDIPCONST GpPointF *points, INT count,
+            REAL srcx, REAL srcy, REAL srcwidth, REAL srcheight,
+            WarpMode warpMode, REAL flatness);
+GdipTransformPath(GpPath* path, GpMatrix* matrix);
+GdipGetPathWorldBounds(GpPath* path, GpRectF* bounds, GDIPCONST GpMatrix *matrix,
+                  GDIPCONST GpPen *pen);
+GdipGetPathWorldBoundsI(GpPath* path, GpRect* bounds, GDIPCONST GpMatrix *matrix,
+                   GDIPCONST GpPen *pen);
+GdipIsVisiblePathPoint(GpPath* path, REAL x, REAL y,
+                       GpGraphics *graphics, BOOL *result);
+GdipIsVisiblePathPointI(GpPath* path, INT x, INT y,
+                        GpGraphics *graphics, BOOL *result);
+GdipIsOutlineVisiblePathPoint(GpPath* path, REAL x, REAL y, GpPen *pen,
+                              GpGraphics *graphics, BOOL *result);
+GdipIsOutlineVisiblePathPointI(GpPath* path, INT x, INT y, GpPen *pen,
+                               GpGraphics *graphics, BOOL *result);
+// Path Enumeration methods
+GdipCreatePathIter(GpPathIterator **iterator, GpPath* path);
+GdipDeletePathIter(GpPathIterator *iterator);
+GdipPathIterNextSubpath(GpPathIterator* iterator, INT *resultCount,
+        INT* startIndex, INT* endIndex, BOOL* isClosed);
+GdipPathIterNextSubpathPath(GpPathIterator* iterator, INT* resultCount,
+        GpPath* path, BOOL* isClosed);
+GdipPathIterNextPathType(GpPathIterator* iterator, INT* resultCount,
+        BYTE* pathType, INT* startIndex, INT* endIndex);
+GdipPathIterNextMarker(GpPathIterator* iterator, INT *resultCount,
+        INT* startIndex, INT* endIndex);
+GdipPathIterNextMarkerPath(GpPathIterator* iterator, INT* resultCount,
+        GpPath* path);
+GdipPathIterGetCount(GpPathIterator* iterator, INT* count);
+GdipPathIterGetSubpathCount(GpPathIterator* iterator, INT* count);
+GdipPathIterIsValid(GpPathIterator* iterator, BOOL* valid);
+GdipPathIterHasCurve(GpPathIterator* iterator, BOOL* hasCurve);
+GdipPathIterRewind(GpPathIterator* iterator);
+GdipPathIterEnumerate(GpPathIterator* iterator, INT* resultCount,
+    GpPointF *points, BYTE *types, INT count);
+GdipPathIterCopyData(GpPathIterator* iterator, INT* resultCount,
+    GpPointF* points, BYTE* types, INT startIndex, INT endIndex);
+// Matrix methods
+GdipCreateMatrix(GpMatrix **matrix);
+GdipCreateMatrix2(REAL m11, REAL m12, REAL m21, REAL m22, REAL dx,
+                                      REAL dy, GpMatrix **matrix);
+GdipCreateMatrix3(GDIPCONST GpRectF *rect, GDIPCONST GpPointF *dstplg,
+                                      GpMatrix **matrix);
+GdipCreateMatrix3I(GDIPCONST GpRect *rect, GDIPCONST GpPoint *dstplg,
+                                       GpMatrix **matrix);
+GdipCloneMatrix(GpMatrix *matrix, GpMatrix **cloneMatrix);
+GdipDeleteMatrix(GpMatrix *matrix);
+GdipSetMatrixElements(GpMatrix *matrix, REAL m11, REAL m12, REAL m21, REAL m22,
+                      REAL dx, REAL dy);
+GdipMultiplyMatrix(GpMatrix *matrix, GpMatrix* matrix2,
+                            GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipTranslateMatrix(GpMatrix *matrix, REAL offsetX, REAL offsetY,
+                    GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipScaleMatrix(GpMatrix *matrix, REAL scaleX, REAL scaleY,
+                GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipRotateMatrix(GpMatrix *matrix, REAL angle, GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipShearMatrix(GpMatrix *matrix, REAL shearX, REAL shearY,
+                GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipInvertMatrix(GpMatrix *matrix);
+GdipTransformMatrixPoints(GpMatrix *matrix, GpPointF *pts, INT count);
+GdipTransformMatrixPointsI(GpMatrix *matrix, GpPoint *pts, INT count);
+GdipVectorTransformMatrixPoints(GpMatrix *matrix, GpPointF *pts,
+                                         INT count);
+GdipVectorTransformMatrixPointsI(GpMatrix *matrix, GpPoint *pts,
+                                         INT count);
+GdipGetMatrixElements(GDIPCONST GpMatrix *matrix, REAL *matrixOut);
+GdipIsMatrixInvertible(GDIPCONST GpMatrix *matrix, BOOL *result);
+GdipIsMatrixIdentity(GDIPCONST GpMatrix *matrix, BOOL *result);
+GdipIsMatrixEqual(GDIPCONST GpMatrix *matrix, GDIPCONST GpMatrix *matrix2, BOOL *result);
+// Region methods
+GdipCreateRegion(GpRegion **region);
+GdipCreateRegionRect(GDIPCONST GpRectF *rect, GpRegion **region);
+GdipCreateRegionRectI(GDIPCONST GpRect *rect, GpRegion **region);
+GdipCreateRegionPath(GpPath *path, GpRegion **region);
+GdipCreateRegionRgnData(GDIPCONST BYTE *regionData, INT size, GpRegion **region);
+GdipCreateRegionHrgn(HRGN hRgn, GpRegion **region);
+GdipCloneRegion(GpRegion *region, GpRegion **cloneRegion);
+GdipDeleteRegion(GpRegion *region);
+GdipSetInfinite(GpRegion *region);
+GdipSetEmpty(GpRegion *region);
+GdipCombineRegionRect(GpRegion *region, GDIPCONST GpRectF *rect,
+                      CombineMode combineMode);
+GdipCombineRegionRectI(GpRegion *region, GDIPCONST GpRect *rect,
+                       CombineMode combineMode);
+GdipCombineRegionPath(GpRegion *region, GpPath *path, CombineMode combineMode);
+GdipCombineRegionRegion(GpRegion *region,  GpRegion *region2,
+                        CombineMode combineMode);
+GdipTranslateRegion(GpRegion *region, REAL dx, REAL dy);
+GdipTranslateRegionI(GpRegion *region, INT dx, INT dy);
+GdipTransformRegion(GpRegion *region, GpMatrix *matrix);
+GdipGetRegionBounds(GpRegion *region, GpGraphics *graphics,
+                             GpRectF *rect);
+GdipGetRegionBoundsI(GpRegion *region, GpGraphics *graphics,
+                             GpRect *rect);
+GdipGetRegionHRgn(GpRegion *region, GpGraphics *graphics, HRGN *hRgn);
+GdipIsEmptyRegion(GpRegion *region, GpGraphics *graphics,
+                           BOOL *result);
+GdipIsInfiniteRegion(GpRegion *region, GpGraphics *graphics,
+                              BOOL *result);
+GdipIsEqualRegion(GpRegion *region, GpRegion *region2,
+                           GpGraphics *graphics, BOOL *result);
+GdipGetRegionDataSize(GpRegion *region, UINT * bufferSize);
+GdipGetRegionData(GpRegion *region, BYTE * buffer, UINT bufferSize, UINT * sizeFilled);
+GdipIsVisibleRegionPoint(GpRegion *region, REAL x, REAL y,
+                                  GpGraphics *graphics, BOOL *result);
+GdipIsVisibleRegionPointI(GpRegion *region, INT x, INT y,
+                                  GpGraphics *graphics, BOOL *result);
+GdipIsVisibleRegionRect(GpRegion *region, REAL x, REAL y, REAL width,
+                        REAL height, GpGraphics *graphics, BOOL *result);
+GdipIsVisibleRegionRectI(GpRegion *region, INT x, INT y, INT width,
+                         INT height, GpGraphics *graphics, BOOL *result);
+GdipGetRegionScansCount(GpRegion *region, UINT* count, GpMatrix* matrix);
+GdipGetRegionScans(GpRegion *region, GpRectF* rects, INT* count, GpMatrix* matrix);
+GdipGetRegionScansI(GpRegion *region, GpRect* rects, INT* count, GpMatrix* matrix);
+// Brush methods
+GdipCloneBrush(GpBrush *brush, GpBrush **cloneBrush);
+GdipDeleteBrush(GpBrush *brush);
+GdipGetBrushType(GpBrush *brush, GpBrushType *type);
+// Hatch Brush methods
+GdipCreateHatchBrush(GpHatchStyle hatchstyle, ARGB forecol,
+                              ARGB backcol, GpHatch **brush);
+GdipGetHatchStyle(GpHatch *brush, GpHatchStyle *hatchstyle);
+GdipGetHatchForegroundColor(GpHatch *brush, ARGB* forecol);
+GdipGetHatchBackgroundColor(GpHatch *brush, ARGB* backcol);
+// Texture Brush methods
+GdipCreateTexture(GpImage *image, GpWrapMode wrapmode,
+                           GpTexture **texture);
+GdipCreateTexture2(GpImage *image, GpWrapMode wrapmode, REAL x,
+                   REAL y, REAL width, REAL height, GpTexture **texture);
+GdipCreateTextureIA(GpImage *image, GDIPCONST GpImageAttributes *imageAttributes,
+                    REAL x, REAL y, REAL width, REAL height,
+                    GpTexture **texture);
+GdipCreateTexture2I(GpImage *image, GpWrapMode wrapmode, INT x,
+                    INT y, INT width, INT height, GpTexture **texture);
+GdipCreateTextureIAI(GpImage *image, GDIPCONST GpImageAttributes *imageAttributes,
+                     INT x, INT y, INT width, INT height,
+                     GpTexture **texture);
+GdipGetTextureTransform(GpTexture *brush, GpMatrix *matrix);
+GdipSetTextureTransform(GpTexture *brush, GDIPCONST GpMatrix *matrix);
+GdipResetTextureTransform(GpTexture* brush);
+GdipMultiplyTextureTransform(GpTexture* brush, GDIPCONST GpMatrix *matrix,
+                            GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipTranslateTextureTransform(GpTexture* brush, REAL dx, REAL dy,
+                            GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipScaleTextureTransform(GpTexture* brush, REAL sx, REAL sy,
+                            GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipRotateTextureTransform(GpTexture* brush, REAL angle, GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipSetTextureWrapMode(GpTexture *brush, GpWrapMode wrapmode);
+GdipGetTextureWrapMode(GpTexture *brush, GpWrapMode *wrapmode);
+GdipGetTextureImage(GpTexture *brush, GpImage **image);
+// Solid Brush methods
+GdipCreateSolidFill(ARGB color, GpSolidFill **brush);
+GdipSetSolidFillColor(GpSolidFill *brush, ARGB color);
+GdipGetSolidFillColor(GpSolidFill *brush, ARGB *color);
+// LineBrush methods
+GdipCreateLineBrush(GDIPCONST GpPointF* point1,
+                    GDIPCONST GpPointF* point2,
+                    ARGB color1, ARGB color2,
+                    GpWrapMode wrapMode,
+                    GpLineGradient **lineGradient);
+GdipCreateLineBrushI(GDIPCONST GpPoint* point1,
+                     GDIPCONST GpPoint* point2,
+                     ARGB color1, ARGB color2,
+                     GpWrapMode wrapMode,
+                     GpLineGradient **lineGradient);
+GdipCreateLineBrushFromRect(GDIPCONST GpRectF* rect,
+                            ARGB color1, ARGB color2,
+                            LinearGradientMode mode,
+                            GpWrapMode wrapMode,
+                            GpLineGradient **lineGradient);
+GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectI(GDIPCONST GpRect* rect,
+                             ARGB color1, ARGB color2,
+                             LinearGradientMode mode,
+                             GpWrapMode wrapMode,
+                             GpLineGradient **lineGradient);
+GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectWithAngle(GDIPCONST GpRectF* rect,
+                                     ARGB color1, ARGB color2,
+                                     REAL angle,
+                                     BOOL isAngleScalable,
+                                     GpWrapMode wrapMode,
+                                     GpLineGradient **lineGradient);
+GdipCreateLineBrushFromRectWithAngleI(GDIPCONST GpRect* rect,
+                                     ARGB color1, ARGB color2,
+                                     REAL angle,
+                                     BOOL isAngleScalable,
+                                     GpWrapMode wrapMode,
+                                     GpLineGradient **lineGradient);
+GdipSetLinePoints(GpLineGradient *brush,
+                  GDIPCONST GpPointF* point1,
+                  GDIPCONST GpPointF* point2);
+GdipSetLinePointsI(GpLineGradient *brush,
+                   GDIPCONST GpPoint* point1,
+                   GDIPCONST GpPoint* point2);
+GdipGetLinePoints(GpLineGradient *brush, GpPointF* points);
+GdipGetLinePointsI(GpLineGradient *brush, GpPoint* points);
+GdipSetLineColors(GpLineGradient *brush, ARGB color1, ARGB color2);
+GdipGetLineColors(GpLineGradient *brush, ARGB* colors);
+GdipGetLineRect(GpLineGradient *brush, GpRectF *rect);
+GdipGetLineRectI(GpLineGradient *brush, GpRect *rect);
+GdipSetLineGammaCorrection(GpLineGradient *brush, BOOL useGammaCorrection);
+GdipGetLineGammaCorrection(GpLineGradient *brush, BOOL *useGammaCorrection);
+GdipGetLineBlendCount(GpLineGradient *brush, INT *count);
+GdipGetLineBlend(GpLineGradient *brush, REAL *blend, REAL* positions,
+                 INT count);
+GdipSetLineBlend(GpLineGradient *brush, GDIPCONST REAL *blend,
+                 GDIPCONST REAL* positions, INT count);
+GdipGetLinePresetBlendCount(GpLineGradient *brush, INT *count);
+GdipGetLinePresetBlend(GpLineGradient *brush, ARGB *blend,
+                                           REAL* positions, INT count);
+GdipSetLinePresetBlend(GpLineGradient *brush, GDIPCONST ARGB *blend,
+                       GDIPCONST REAL* positions, INT count);
+GdipSetLineSigmaBlend(GpLineGradient *brush, REAL focus, REAL scale);
+GdipSetLineLinearBlend(GpLineGradient *brush, REAL focus, REAL scale);
+GdipSetLineWrapMode(GpLineGradient *brush, GpWrapMode wrapmode);
+GdipGetLineWrapMode(GpLineGradient *brush, GpWrapMode *wrapmode);
+GdipGetLineTransform(GpLineGradient *brush, GpMatrix *matrix);
+GdipSetLineTransform(GpLineGradient *brush, GDIPCONST GpMatrix *matrix);
+GdipResetLineTransform(GpLineGradient* brush);
+GdipMultiplyLineTransform(GpLineGradient* brush, GDIPCONST GpMatrix *matrix,
+                            GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipTranslateLineTransform(GpLineGradient* brush, REAL dx, REAL dy,
+                            GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipScaleLineTransform(GpLineGradient* brush, REAL sx, REAL sy,
+                            GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipRotateLineTransform(GpLineGradient* brush, REAL angle, GpMatrixOrder order);
+// PathGradient Brush
+GdipCreatePathGradient(GDIPCONST GpPointF* points,
+                                    INT count,
+                                    GpWrapMode wrapMode,
+                                    GpPathGradient **polyGradient);
+GdipCreatePathGradientI(GDIPCONST GpPoint* points,
+                                    INT count,
+                                    GpWrapMode wrapMode,
+                                    GpPathGradient **polyGradient);
+GdipCreatePathGradientFromPath(GDIPCONST GpPath* path,
+                                    GpPathGradient **polyGradient);
+                        GpPathGradient *brush, ARGB* colors);
+                        GpPathGradient *brush, ARGB colors);
+                        GpPathGradient *brush, ARGB* color, INT* count);
+                        GpPathGradient *brush,
+                        GDIPCONST ARGB* color, INT* count);
+GdipGetPathGradientPath(GpPathGradient *brush, GpPath *path);
+GdipSetPathGradientPath(GpPathGradient *brush, GDIPCONST GpPath *path);
+                        GpPathGradient *brush, GpPointF* points);
+                        GpPathGradient *brush, GpPoint* points);
+                        GpPathGradient *brush, GDIPCONST GpPointF* points);
+                        GpPathGradient *brush, GDIPCONST GpPoint* points);
+GdipGetPathGradientRect(GpPathGradient *brush, GpRectF *rect);
+GdipGetPathGradientRectI(GpPathGradient *brush, GpRect *rect);
+GdipGetPathGradientPointCount(GpPathGradient *brush, INT* count);
+GdipGetPathGradientSurroundColorCount(GpPathGradient *brush, INT* count);
+GdipSetPathGradientGammaCorrection(GpPathGradient *brush, BOOL useGammaCorrection);
+GdipGetPathGradientGammaCorrection(GpPathGradient *brush, BOOL *useGammaCorrection);
+GdipGetPathGradientBlendCount(GpPathGradient *brush,
+                                             INT *count);
+GdipGetPathGradientBlend(GpPathGradient *brush,
+                                    REAL *blend, REAL *positions, INT count);
+GdipSetPathGradientBlend(GpPathGradient *brush,
+                GDIPCONST REAL *blend, GDIPCONST REAL *positions, INT count);
+GdipGetPathGradientPresetBlendCount(GpPathGradient *brush, INT *count);
+GdipGetPathGradientPresetBlend(GpPathGradient *brush, ARGB *blend,
+                                                REAL* positions, INT count);
+GdipSetPathGradientPresetBlend(GpPathGradient *brush, GDIPCONST ARGB *blend,
+                                        GDIPCONST REAL* positions, INT count);
+GdipSetPathGradientSigmaBlend(GpPathGradient *brush, REAL focus, REAL scale);
+GdipSetPathGradientLinearBlend(GpPathGradient *brush, REAL focus, REAL scale);
+GdipGetPathGradientWrapMode(GpPathGradient *brush,
+                                         GpWrapMode *wrapmode);
+GdipSetPathGradientWrapMode(GpPathGradient *brush,
+                                         GpWrapMode wrapmode);
+GdipGetPathGradientTransform(GpPathGradient *brush,
+                                          GpMatrix *matrix);
+GdipSetPathGradientTransform(GpPathGradient *brush,
+                                          GpMatrix *matrix);
+GdipResetPathGradientTransform(GpPathGradient* brush);
+GdipMultiplyPathGradientTransform(GpPathGradient* brush, GDIPCONST GpMatrix *matrix,
+                            GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipTranslatePathGradientTransform(GpPathGradient* brush, REAL dx, REAL dy,
+                            GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipScalePathGradientTransform(GpPathGradient* brush, REAL sx, REAL sy,
+                            GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipRotatePathGradientTransform(GpPathGradient* brush, REAL angle,
+                            GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipGetPathGradientFocusScales(GpPathGradient *brush, REAL* xScale, REAL* yScale);
+GdipSetPathGradientFocusScales(GpPathGradient *brush, REAL xScale, REAL yScale);
+// Pen methods
+GdipCreatePen1(ARGB color, REAL width, GpUnit unit, GpPen **pen);
+GdipCreatePen2(GpBrush *brush, REAL width, GpUnit unit,
+                        GpPen **pen);
+GdipClonePen(GpPen *pen, GpPen **clonepen);
+GdipDeletePen(GpPen *pen);
+GdipSetPenWidth(GpPen *pen, REAL width);
+GdipGetPenWidth(GpPen *pen, REAL *width);
+GdipSetPenUnit(GpPen *pen, GpUnit unit);
+GdipGetPenUnit(GpPen *pen, GpUnit *unit);
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_197819
+GdipSetPenLineCap197819(GpPen *pen, GpLineCap startCap, GpLineCap endCap,
+                  GpDashCap dashCap);
+GdipSetPenLineCap(GpPen *pen, GpLineCap startCap, GpLineCap endCap,
+                  GpLineCap dashCap);
+#endif // DCR_USE_NEW_197819
+GdipSetPenStartCap(GpPen *pen, GpLineCap startCap);
+GdipSetPenEndCap(GpPen *pen, GpLineCap endCap);
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_197819
+GdipSetPenDashCap197819(GpPen *pen, GpDashCap dashCap);
+GdipSetPenDashCap(GpPen *pen, GpLineCap dashCap);
+#endif // DCR_USE_NEW_197819
+GdipGetPenStartCap(GpPen *pen, GpLineCap *startCap);
+GdipGetPenEndCap(GpPen *pen, GpLineCap *endCap);
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_197819
+GdipGetPenDashCap197819(GpPen *pen, GpDashCap *dashCap);
+GdipGetPenDashCap(GpPen *pen, GpLineCap *dashCap);
+#endif // DCR_USE_NEW_197819
+GdipSetPenLineJoin(GpPen *pen, GpLineJoin lineJoin);
+GdipGetPenLineJoin(GpPen *pen, GpLineJoin *lineJoin);
+GdipSetPenCustomStartCap(GpPen *pen, GpCustomLineCap* customCap);
+GdipGetPenCustomStartCap(GpPen *pen, GpCustomLineCap** customCap);
+GdipSetPenCustomEndCap(GpPen *pen, GpCustomLineCap* customCap);
+GdipGetPenCustomEndCap(GpPen *pen, GpCustomLineCap** customCap);
+GdipSetPenMiterLimit(GpPen *pen, REAL miterLimit);
+GdipGetPenMiterLimit(GpPen *pen, REAL *miterLimit);
+GdipSetPenMode(GpPen *pen, GpPenAlignment penMode);
+GdipGetPenMode(GpPen *pen, GpPenAlignment *penMode);
+GdipSetPenTransform(GpPen *pen, GpMatrix *matrix);
+GdipGetPenTransform(GpPen *pen, GpMatrix *matrix);
+GdipResetPenTransform(GpPen *pen);
+GdipMultiplyPenTransform(GpPen *pen, GDIPCONST GpMatrix *matrix,
+                           GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipTranslatePenTransform(GpPen *pen, REAL dx, REAL dy,
+                            GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipScalePenTransform(GpPen *pen, REAL sx, REAL sy,
+                            GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipRotatePenTransform(GpPen *pen, REAL angle, GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipSetPenColor(GpPen *pen, ARGB argb);
+GdipGetPenColor(GpPen *pen, ARGB *argb);
+GdipSetPenBrushFill(GpPen *pen, GpBrush *brush);
+GdipGetPenBrushFill(GpPen *pen, GpBrush **brush);
+GdipGetPenFillType(GpPen *pen, GpPenType* type);
+GdipGetPenDashStyle(GpPen *pen, GpDashStyle *dashstyle);
+GdipSetPenDashStyle(GpPen *pen, GpDashStyle dashstyle);
+GdipGetPenDashOffset(GpPen *pen, REAL *offset);
+GdipSetPenDashOffset(GpPen *pen, REAL offset);
+GdipGetPenDashCount(GpPen *pen, INT *count);
+GdipSetPenDashArray(GpPen *pen, GDIPCONST REAL *dash, INT count);
+GdipGetPenDashArray(GpPen *pen, REAL *dash, INT count);
+GdipGetPenCompoundCount(GpPen *pen, INT *count);
+GdipSetPenCompoundArray(GpPen *pen, GDIPCONST REAL *dash, INT count);
+GdipGetPenCompoundArray(GpPen *pen, REAL *dash, INT count);
+// CustomLineCap methods
+GdipCreateCustomLineCap(GpPath* fillPath, GpPath* strokePath,
+   GpLineCap baseCap, REAL baseInset, GpCustomLineCap **customCap);
+GdipDeleteCustomLineCap(GpCustomLineCap* customCap);
+GdipCloneCustomLineCap(GpCustomLineCap* customCap,
+                       GpCustomLineCap** clonedCap);
+GdipGetCustomLineCapType(GpCustomLineCap* customCap,
+                       CustomLineCapType* capType);
+GdipSetCustomLineCapStrokeCaps(GpCustomLineCap* customCap,
+                               GpLineCap startCap, GpLineCap endCap);
+GdipGetCustomLineCapStrokeCaps(GpCustomLineCap* customCap,
+                               GpLineCap* startCap, GpLineCap* endCap);
+GdipSetCustomLineCapStrokeJoin(GpCustomLineCap* customCap, GpLineJoin lineJoin);
+GdipGetCustomLineCapStrokeJoin(GpCustomLineCap* customCap, GpLineJoin* lineJoin);
+GdipSetCustomLineCapBaseCap(GpCustomLineCap* customCap, GpLineCap baseCap);
+GdipGetCustomLineCapBaseCap(GpCustomLineCap* customCap, GpLineCap* baseCap);
+GdipSetCustomLineCapBaseInset(GpCustomLineCap* customCap, REAL inset);
+GdipGetCustomLineCapBaseInset(GpCustomLineCap* customCap, REAL* inset);
+GdipSetCustomLineCapWidthScale(GpCustomLineCap* customCap, REAL widthScale);
+GdipGetCustomLineCapWidthScale(GpCustomLineCap* customCap, REAL* widthScale);
+// AdjustableArrowCap methods
+GdipCreateAdjustableArrowCap(REAL height, REAL width, BOOL isFilled,
+                             GpAdjustableArrowCap **cap);
+GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapHeight(GpAdjustableArrowCap* cap, REAL height);
+GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapHeight(GpAdjustableArrowCap* cap, REAL* height);
+GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapWidth(GpAdjustableArrowCap* cap, REAL width);
+GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapWidth(GpAdjustableArrowCap* cap, REAL* width);
+GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapMiddleInset(GpAdjustableArrowCap* cap, REAL middleInset);
+GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapMiddleInset(GpAdjustableArrowCap* cap, REAL* middleInset);
+GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapFillState(GpAdjustableArrowCap* cap, BOOL fillState);
+GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapFillState(GpAdjustableArrowCap* cap, BOOL* fillState);
+// Image methods
+GdipLoadImageFromStream(IStream* stream, GpImage **image);
+GdipLoadImageFromFile(GDIPCONST WCHAR* filename, GpImage **image);
+GdipLoadImageFromStreamICM(IStream* stream, GpImage **image);
+GdipLoadImageFromFileICM(GDIPCONST WCHAR* filename, GpImage **image);
+GdipCloneImage(GpImage *image, GpImage **cloneImage);
+GdipDisposeImage(GpImage *image);
+GdipSaveImageToFile(GpImage *image, GDIPCONST WCHAR* filename,
+                    GDIPCONST CLSID* clsidEncoder, GDIPCONST EncoderParameters* encoderParams);
+GdipSaveImageToStream(GpImage *image, IStream* stream,
+                      GDIPCONST CLSID* clsidEncoder, GDIPCONST EncoderParameters* encoderParams);
+GdipSaveAdd(GpImage *image, GDIPCONST EncoderParameters* encoderParams);
+GdipSaveAddImage(GpImage *image, GpImage* newImage,
+                 GDIPCONST EncoderParameters* encoderParams);
+GdipGetImageGraphicsContext(GpImage *image, GpGraphics **graphics);
+GdipGetImageBounds(GpImage *image, GpRectF *srcRect, GpUnit *srcUnit);
+GdipGetImageDimension(GpImage *image, REAL *width, REAL *height);
+GdipGetImageType(GpImage *image, ImageType *type);
+GdipGetImageWidth(GpImage *image, UINT *width);
+GdipGetImageHeight(GpImage *image, UINT *height);
+GdipGetImageHorizontalResolution(GpImage *image, REAL *resolution);
+GdipGetImageVerticalResolution(GpImage *image, REAL *resolution);
+GdipGetImageFlags(GpImage *image, UINT *flags);
+GdipGetImageRawFormat(GpImage *image, GUID *format);
+GdipGetImagePixelFormat(GpImage *image, PixelFormat *format);
+GdipGetImageThumbnail(GpImage *image, UINT thumbWidth, UINT thumbHeight,
+                      GpImage **thumbImage,
+                      GetThumbnailImageAbort callback, VOID * callbackData);
+GdipGetEncoderParameterListSize(GpImage *image, GDIPCONST CLSID* clsidEncoder,
+                                UINT* size);
+GdipGetEncoderParameterList(GpImage *image, GDIPCONST CLSID* clsidEncoder,
+                            UINT size, EncoderParameters* buffer);
+GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsCount(GpImage* image, UINT* count);
+GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsList(GpImage* image, GUID* dimensionIDs, UINT count);
+GdipImageGetFrameCount(GpImage *image, GDIPCONST GUID* dimensionID, UINT* count);
+GdipImageSelectActiveFrame(GpImage *image, GDIPCONST GUID* dimensionID,
+                           UINT frameIndex);
+GdipImageRotateFlip(GpImage *image, RotateFlipType rfType);
+GdipGetImagePalette(GpImage *image, ColorPalette *palette, INT size);
+GdipSetImagePalette(GpImage *image, GDIPCONST ColorPalette *palette);
+GdipGetImagePaletteSize(GpImage *image, INT *size);
+GdipGetPropertyCount(GpImage *image, UINT* numOfProperty);
+GdipGetPropertyIdList(GpImage *image, UINT numOfProperty, PROPID* list);
+GdipGetPropertyItemSize(GpImage *image, PROPID propId, UINT* size);
+GdipGetPropertyItem(GpImage *image, PROPID propId,UINT propSize,
+                    PropertyItem* buffer);
+GdipGetPropertySize(GpImage *image, UINT* totalBufferSize, UINT* numProperties);
+GdipGetAllPropertyItems(GpImage *image, UINT totalBufferSize,
+                        UINT numProperties, PropertyItem* allItems);
+GdipRemovePropertyItem(GpImage *image, PROPID propId);
+GdipSetPropertyItem(GpImage *image, GDIPCONST PropertyItem* item);
+GdipImageForceValidation(GpImage *image);
+GdipGetImageLayout(GpImage *image, ImageLayout* layout);
+GdipSetImageLayout(GpImage *image, GDIPCONST ImageLayout layout);
+// Bitmap methods
+GdipCreateBitmapFromStream(IStream* stream, GpBitmap **bitmap);
+GdipCreateBitmapFromFile(GDIPCONST WCHAR* filename, GpBitmap **bitmap);
+GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM(IStream* stream, GpBitmap **bitmap);
+GdipCreateBitmapFromFileICM(GDIPCONST WCHAR* filename, GpBitmap **bitmap);
+GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0(INT width,
+                          INT height,
+                          INT stride,
+                          PixelFormat format,
+                          BYTE* scan0,
+                          GpBitmap** bitmap);
+GdipCreateBitmapFromGraphics(INT width,
+                             INT height,
+                             GpGraphics* target,
+                             GpBitmap** bitmap);
+GdipCreateBitmapFromDirectDrawSurface(IDirectDrawSurface7* surface,
+                                      GpBitmap** bitmap);
+GdipCreateBitmapFromGdiDib(GDIPCONST BITMAPINFO* gdiBitmapInfo,
+                           VOID* gdiBitmapData,
+                           GpBitmap** bitmap);
+GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(HBITMAP hbm,
+                            HPALETTE hpal,
+                            GpBitmap** bitmap);
+GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(GpBitmap* bitmap,
+                            HBITMAP* hbmReturn,
+                            ARGB background);
+GdipCreateBitmapFromHICON(HICON hicon,
+                          GpBitmap** bitmap);
+GdipCreateHICONFromBitmap(GpBitmap* bitmap,
+                          HICON* hbmReturn);
+GdipCreateBitmapFromResource(HINSTANCE hInstance,
+                             GDIPCONST WCHAR* lpBitmapName,
+                             GpBitmap** bitmap);
+GdipCloneBitmapArea(REAL x, REAL y, REAL width, REAL height,
+                            PixelFormat format,
+                            GpBitmap *srcBitmap,
+                            GpBitmap **dstBitmap);
+GdipCloneBitmapAreaI(INT x,
+                     INT y,
+                     INT width,
+                     INT height,
+                     PixelFormat format,
+                     GpBitmap *srcBitmap,
+                     GpBitmap **dstBitmap);
+GdipBitmapLockBits(GpBitmap* bitmap,
+                   GDIPCONST GpRect* rect,
+                   UINT flags,
+                   PixelFormat format,
+                   BitmapData* lockedBitmapData);
+GdipBitmapUnlockBits(GpBitmap* bitmap,
+                     BitmapData* lockedBitmapData);
+GdipBitmapGetPixel(GpBitmap* bitmap, INT x, INT y, ARGB *color);
+GdipBitmapSetPixel(GpBitmap* bitmap, INT x, INT y, ARGB color);
+GdipBitmapSetResolution(GpBitmap* bitmap, REAL xdpi, REAL ydpi);
+// ImageAttributes methods
+GdipCreateImageAttributes(GpImageAttributes **imageattr);
+GdipCloneImageAttributes(GDIPCONST GpImageAttributes *imageattr,
+                         GpImageAttributes **cloneImageattr);
+GdipDisposeImageAttributes(GpImageAttributes *imageattr);
+GdipSetImageAttributesToIdentity(GpImageAttributes *imageattr,
+                                 ColorAdjustType type);
+GdipResetImageAttributes(GpImageAttributes *imageattr,
+                         ColorAdjustType type);
+GdipSetImageAttributesColorMatrix(GpImageAttributes *imageattr,
+                               ColorAdjustType type,
+                               BOOL enableFlag,
+                               GDIPCONST ColorMatrix* colorMatrix,
+                               GDIPCONST ColorMatrix* grayMatrix,
+                               ColorMatrixFlags flags);
+GdipSetImageAttributesThreshold(GpImageAttributes *imageattr,
+                                ColorAdjustType type,
+                                BOOL enableFlag,
+                                REAL threshold);
+GdipSetImageAttributesGamma(GpImageAttributes *imageattr,
+                            ColorAdjustType type,
+                            BOOL enableFlag,
+                            REAL gamma);
+GdipSetImageAttributesNoOp(GpImageAttributes *imageattr,
+                           ColorAdjustType type,
+                           BOOL enableFlag);
+GdipSetImageAttributesColorKeys(GpImageAttributes *imageattr,
+                                ColorAdjustType type,
+                                BOOL enableFlag,
+                                ARGB colorLow,
+                                ARGB colorHigh);
+GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannel(GpImageAttributes *imageattr,
+                                    ColorAdjustType type,
+                                    BOOL enableFlag,
+                                    ColorChannelFlags channelFlags);
+GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannelColorProfile(GpImageAttributes *imageattr,
+                                                ColorAdjustType type,
+                                                BOOL enableFlag,
+                                                GDIPCONST WCHAR *colorProfileFilename);
+GdipSetImageAttributesRemapTable(GpImageAttributes *imageattr,
+                                 ColorAdjustType type,
+                                 BOOL enableFlag,
+                                 UINT mapSize,
+                                 GDIPCONST ColorMap *map);
+    GpImageAttributes *imageAttr,
+    WrapMode wrap,
+    ARGB argb,
+    BOOL clamp
+    GpImageAttributes *imageAttr,
+    BOOL on
+    GpImageAttributes *imageAttr,
+    ColorPalette * colorPalette,
+    ColorAdjustType colorAdjustType
+// Graphics methods
+GdipFlush(GpGraphics *graphics, GpFlushIntention intention);
+GdipCreateFromHDC(HDC hdc, GpGraphics **graphics);
+GdipCreateFromHDC2(HDC hdc, HANDLE hDevice, GpGraphics **graphics);
+GdipCreateFromHWND(HWND hwnd, GpGraphics **graphics);
+GdipCreateFromHWNDICM(HWND hwnd, GpGraphics **graphics);
+GdipDeleteGraphics(GpGraphics *graphics);
+GdipGetDC(GpGraphics* graphics, HDC * hdc);
+GdipReleaseDC(GpGraphics* graphics, HDC hdc);
+GdipSetCompositingMode(GpGraphics *graphics, CompositingMode compositingMode);
+GdipGetCompositingMode(GpGraphics *graphics, CompositingMode *compositingMode);
+GdipSetRenderingOrigin(GpGraphics *graphics, INT x, INT y);
+GdipGetRenderingOrigin(GpGraphics *graphics, INT *x, INT *y);
+GdipSetCompositingQuality(GpGraphics *graphics, CompositingQuality compositingQuality);
+GdipGetCompositingQuality(GpGraphics *graphics, CompositingQuality *compositingQuality);
+GdipSetSmoothingMode(GpGraphics *graphics, SmoothingMode smoothingMode);
+GdipGetSmoothingMode(GpGraphics *graphics, SmoothingMode *smoothingMode);
+GdipSetPixelOffsetMode(GpGraphics* graphics, PixelOffsetMode pixelOffsetMode);
+GdipGetPixelOffsetMode(GpGraphics *graphics, PixelOffsetMode *pixelOffsetMode);
+GdipSetTextRenderingHint(GpGraphics *graphics, TextRenderingHint mode);
+GdipGetTextRenderingHint(GpGraphics *graphics, TextRenderingHint *mode);
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_188922
+GdipSetTextContrast(GpGraphics *graphics, UINT contrast);
+GdipGetTextContrast(GpGraphics *graphics, UINT * contrast);
+GdipSetTextGammaValue(GpGraphics *graphics, UINT gammaValue);
+GdipGetTextGammaValue(GpGraphics *graphics, UINT * gammaValue);
+#endif // DCR_USE_NEW_188922
+GdipSetInterpolationMode(GpGraphics *graphics, InterpolationMode interpolationMode);
+GdipGetInterpolationMode(GpGraphics *graphics, InterpolationMode *interpolationMode);
+GdipSetWorldTransform(GpGraphics *graphics, GpMatrix *matrix);
+GdipResetWorldTransform(GpGraphics *graphics);
+GdipMultiplyWorldTransform(GpGraphics *graphics, GDIPCONST GpMatrix *matrix,
+                           GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipTranslateWorldTransform(GpGraphics *graphics, REAL dx, REAL dy,
+                            GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipScaleWorldTransform(GpGraphics *graphics, REAL sx, REAL sy,
+                        GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipRotateWorldTransform(GpGraphics *graphics, REAL angle, GpMatrixOrder order);
+GdipGetWorldTransform(GpGraphics *graphics, GpMatrix *matrix);
+GdipResetPageTransform(GpGraphics *graphics);
+GdipGetPageUnit(GpGraphics *graphics, GpUnit *unit);
+GdipGetPageScale(GpGraphics *graphics, REAL *scale);
+GdipSetPageUnit(GpGraphics *graphics, GpUnit unit);
+GdipSetPageScale(GpGraphics *graphics, REAL scale);
+GdipGetDpiX(GpGraphics *graphics, REAL* dpi);
+GdipGetDpiY(GpGraphics *graphics, REAL* dpi);
+GdipTransformPoints(GpGraphics *graphics, GpCoordinateSpace destSpace,
+                             GpCoordinateSpace srcSpace, GpPointF *points,
+                             INT count);
+GdipTransformPointsI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpCoordinateSpace destSpace,
+                             GpCoordinateSpace srcSpace, GpPoint *points,
+                             INT count);
+GdipGetNearestColor(GpGraphics *graphics, ARGB* argb);
+// Create the Win9x Halftone Palette (even on NT) with correct Desktop colors
+GdipDrawLine(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, REAL x1, REAL y1,
+                      REAL x2, REAL y2);
+GdipDrawLineI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, INT x1, INT y1,
+                      INT x2, INT y2);
+GdipDrawLines(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, GDIPCONST GpPointF *points,
+                       INT count);
+GdipDrawLinesI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, GDIPCONST GpPoint *points,
+                       INT count);
+GdipDrawArc(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, REAL x, REAL y,
+            REAL width, REAL height, REAL startAngle, REAL sweepAngle);
+GdipDrawArcI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, INT x, INT y,
+                     INT width, INT height, REAL startAngle, REAL sweepAngle);
+GdipDrawBezier(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, REAL x1, REAL y1,
+                        REAL x2, REAL y2, REAL x3, REAL y3, REAL x4, REAL y4);
+GdipDrawBezierI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, INT x1, INT y1,
+                        INT x2, INT y2, INT x3, INT y3, INT x4, INT y4);
+GdipDrawBeziers(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, GDIPCONST GpPointF *points,
+                         INT count);
+GdipDrawBeziersI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, GDIPCONST GpPoint *points,
+                         INT count);
+GdipDrawRectangle(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, REAL x, REAL y,
+                      REAL width, REAL height);
+GdipDrawRectangleI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, INT x, INT y,
+                      INT width, INT height);
+GdipDrawRectangles(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, GDIPCONST GpRectF *rects,
+                       INT count);
+GdipDrawRectanglesI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, GDIPCONST GpRect *rects,
+                       INT count);
+GdipDrawEllipse(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, REAL x, REAL y,
+                         REAL width, REAL height);
+GdipDrawEllipseI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, INT x, INT y,
+                         INT width, INT height);
+GdipDrawPie(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, REAL x, REAL y,
+                     REAL width, REAL height, REAL startAngle, REAL sweepAngle);
+GdipDrawPieI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, INT x, INT y,
+                     INT width, INT height, REAL startAngle, REAL sweepAngle);
+GdipDrawPolygon(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, GDIPCONST GpPointF *points,
+                         INT count);
+GdipDrawPolygonI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, GDIPCONST GpPoint *points,
+                         INT count);
+GdipDrawPath(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, GpPath *path);
+GdipDrawCurve(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, GDIPCONST GpPointF *points,
+                       INT count);
+GdipDrawCurveI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, GDIPCONST GpPoint *points,
+                       INT count);
+GdipDrawCurve2(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, GDIPCONST GpPointF *points,
+                       INT count, REAL tension);
+GdipDrawCurve2I(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, GDIPCONST GpPoint *points,
+                       INT count, REAL tension);
+GdipDrawCurve3(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, GDIPCONST GpPointF *points,
+               INT count, INT offset, INT numberOfSegments, REAL tension);
+GdipDrawCurve3I(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen, GDIPCONST GpPoint *points,
+                INT count, INT offset, INT numberOfSegments, REAL tension);
+GdipDrawClosedCurve(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen,
+                    GDIPCONST GpPointF *points, INT count);
+GdipDrawClosedCurveI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen,
+                     GDIPCONST GpPoint *points, INT count);
+GdipDrawClosedCurve2(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen,
+                     GDIPCONST GpPointF *points, INT count, REAL tension);
+GdipDrawClosedCurve2I(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPen *pen,
+                      GDIPCONST GpPoint *points, INT count, REAL tension);
+GdipGraphicsClear(GpGraphics *graphics, ARGB color);
+GdipFillRectangle(GpGraphics *graphics, GpBrush *brush, REAL x, REAL y,
+                  REAL width, REAL height);
+GdipFillRectangleI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpBrush *brush, INT x, INT y,
+                   INT width, INT height);
+GdipFillRectangles(GpGraphics *graphics, GpBrush *brush,
+                   GDIPCONST GpRectF *rects, INT count);
+GdipFillRectanglesI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpBrush *brush,
+                    GDIPCONST GpRect *rects, INT count);
+GdipFillPolygon(GpGraphics *graphics, GpBrush *brush,
+                GDIPCONST GpPointF *points, INT count, GpFillMode fillMode);
+GdipFillPolygonI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpBrush *brush,
+                 GDIPCONST GpPoint *points, INT count, GpFillMode fillMode);
+GdipFillPolygon2(GpGraphics *graphics, GpBrush *brush,
+                 GDIPCONST GpPointF *points, INT count);
+GdipFillPolygon2I(GpGraphics *graphics, GpBrush *brush,
+                  GDIPCONST GpPoint *points, INT count);
+GdipFillEllipse(GpGraphics *graphics, GpBrush *brush, REAL x, REAL y,
+                REAL width, REAL height);
+GdipFillEllipseI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpBrush *brush, INT x, INT y,
+                 INT width, INT height);
+GdipFillPie(GpGraphics *graphics, GpBrush *brush, REAL x, REAL y,
+            REAL width, REAL height, REAL startAngle, REAL sweepAngle);
+GdipFillPieI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpBrush *brush, INT x, INT y,
+             INT width, INT height, REAL startAngle, REAL sweepAngle);
+GdipFillPath(GpGraphics *graphics, GpBrush *brush, GpPath *path);
+GdipFillClosedCurve(GpGraphics *graphics, GpBrush *brush,
+                              GDIPCONST GpPointF *points, INT count);
+GdipFillClosedCurveI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpBrush *brush,
+                              GDIPCONST GpPoint *points, INT count);
+GdipFillClosedCurve2(GpGraphics *graphics, GpBrush *brush,
+                              GDIPCONST GpPointF *points, INT count,
+                              REAL tension, GpFillMode fillMode);
+GdipFillClosedCurve2I(GpGraphics *graphics, GpBrush *brush,
+                              GDIPCONST GpPoint *points, INT count,
+                              REAL tension, GpFillMode fillMode);
+GdipFillRegion(GpGraphics *graphics, GpBrush *brush,
+                        GpRegion *region);
+GdipDrawImage(GpGraphics *graphics, GpImage *image, REAL x, REAL y);
+GdipDrawImageI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpImage *image, INT x, INT y);
+GdipDrawImageRect(GpGraphics *graphics, GpImage *image, REAL x, REAL y,
+                           REAL width, REAL height);
+GdipDrawImageRectI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpImage *image, INT x, INT y,
+                           INT width, INT height);
+GdipDrawImagePoints(GpGraphics *graphics, GpImage *image,
+                             GDIPCONST GpPointF *dstpoints, INT count);
+GdipDrawImagePointsI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpImage *image,
+                             GDIPCONST GpPoint *dstpoints, INT count);
+GdipDrawImagePointRect(GpGraphics *graphics, GpImage *image, REAL x,
+                                REAL y, REAL srcx, REAL srcy, REAL srcwidth,
+                                REAL srcheight, GpUnit srcUnit);
+GdipDrawImagePointRectI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpImage *image, INT x,
+                                INT y, INT srcx, INT srcy, INT srcwidth,
+                                INT srcheight, GpUnit srcUnit);
+GdipDrawImageRectRect(GpGraphics *graphics, GpImage *image, REAL dstx,
+                      REAL dsty, REAL dstwidth, REAL dstheight,
+                      REAL srcx, REAL srcy, REAL srcwidth, REAL srcheight,
+                      GpUnit srcUnit,
+                      GDIPCONST GpImageAttributes* imageAttributes,
+                      DrawImageAbort callback, VOID * callbackData);
+GdipDrawImageRectRectI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpImage *image, INT dstx,
+                       INT dsty, INT dstwidth, INT dstheight,
+                       INT srcx, INT srcy, INT srcwidth, INT srcheight,
+                       GpUnit srcUnit,
+                       GDIPCONST GpImageAttributes* imageAttributes,
+                       DrawImageAbort callback, VOID * callbackData);
+GdipDrawImagePointsRect(GpGraphics *graphics, GpImage *image,
+                        GDIPCONST GpPointF *points, INT count, REAL srcx,
+                        REAL srcy, REAL srcwidth, REAL srcheight,
+                        GpUnit srcUnit,
+                        GDIPCONST GpImageAttributes* imageAttributes,
+                        DrawImageAbort callback, VOID * callbackData);
+GdipDrawImagePointsRectI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpImage *image,
+                         GDIPCONST GpPoint *points, INT count, INT srcx,
+                         INT srcy, INT srcwidth, INT srcheight,
+                         GpUnit srcUnit,
+                         GDIPCONST GpImageAttributes* imageAttributes,
+                         DrawImageAbort callback, VOID * callbackData);
+    GpGraphics *            graphics,
+    GDIPCONST GpMetafile *  metafile,
+    GDIPCONST PointF &      destPoint,
+    EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+    VOID *                  callbackData,
+    GDIPCONST GpImageAttributes *     imageAttributes
+    );
+    GpGraphics *            graphics,
+    GDIPCONST GpMetafile *  metafile,
+    GDIPCONST Point &       destPoint,
+    EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+    VOID *                  callbackData,
+    GDIPCONST GpImageAttributes *     imageAttributes
+    );
+    GpGraphics *            graphics,
+    GDIPCONST GpMetafile *  metafile,
+    GDIPCONST RectF &       destRect,
+    EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+    VOID *                  callbackData,
+    GDIPCONST GpImageAttributes *     imageAttributes
+    );
+    GpGraphics *            graphics,
+    GDIPCONST GpMetafile *  metafile,
+    GDIPCONST Rect &        destRect,
+    EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+    VOID *                  callbackData,
+    GDIPCONST GpImageAttributes *     imageAttributes
+    );
+    GpGraphics *            graphics,
+    GDIPCONST GpMetafile *  metafile,
+    GDIPCONST PointF *      destPoints,
+    INT                     count,
+    EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+    VOID *                  callbackData,
+    GDIPCONST GpImageAttributes *     imageAttributes
+    );
+    GpGraphics *            graphics,
+    GDIPCONST GpMetafile *  metafile,
+    GDIPCONST Point *       destPoints,
+    INT                     count,
+    EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+    VOID *                  callbackData,
+    GDIPCONST GpImageAttributes *     imageAttributes
+    );
+    GpGraphics *            graphics,
+    GDIPCONST GpMetafile *  metafile,
+    GDIPCONST PointF &      destPoint,
+    GDIPCONST RectF &       srcRect,
+    Unit                    srcUnit,
+    EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+    VOID *                  callbackData,
+    GDIPCONST GpImageAttributes *     imageAttributes
+    );
+    GpGraphics *            graphics,
+    GDIPCONST GpMetafile *  metafile,
+    GDIPCONST Point &       destPoint,
+    GDIPCONST Rect &        srcRect,
+    Unit                    srcUnit,
+    EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+    VOID *                  callbackData,
+    GDIPCONST GpImageAttributes *     imageAttributes
+    );
+    GpGraphics *            graphics,
+    GDIPCONST GpMetafile *  metafile,
+    GDIPCONST RectF &       destRect,
+    GDIPCONST RectF &       srcRect,
+    Unit                    srcUnit,
+    EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+    VOID *                  callbackData,
+    GDIPCONST GpImageAttributes *     imageAttributes
+    );
+    GpGraphics *            graphics,
+    GDIPCONST GpMetafile *  metafile,
+    GDIPCONST Rect &        destRect,
+    GDIPCONST Rect &        srcRect,
+    Unit                    srcUnit,
+    EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+    VOID *                  callbackData,
+    GDIPCONST GpImageAttributes *     imageAttributes
+    );
+    GpGraphics *            graphics,
+    GDIPCONST GpMetafile *  metafile,
+    GDIPCONST PointF *      destPoints,
+    INT                     count,
+    GDIPCONST RectF &       srcRect,
+    Unit                    srcUnit,
+    EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+    VOID *                  callbackData,
+    GDIPCONST GpImageAttributes *     imageAttributes
+    );
+    GpGraphics *            graphics,
+    GDIPCONST GpMetafile *  metafile,
+    GDIPCONST Point *       destPoints,
+    INT                     count,
+    GDIPCONST Rect &        srcRect,
+    Unit                    srcUnit,
+    EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+    VOID *                  callbackData,
+    GDIPCONST GpImageAttributes *     imageAttributes
+    );
+    GDIPCONST GpMetafile *  metafile,
+    EmfPlusRecordType       recordType,
+    UINT                    flags,
+    UINT                    dataSize,
+    GDIPCONST BYTE *        data
+    );
+GdipSetClipGraphics(GpGraphics *graphics, GpGraphics *srcgraphics,
+                    CombineMode combineMode);
+GdipSetClipRect(GpGraphics *graphics, REAL x, REAL y,
+                         REAL width, REAL height, CombineMode combineMode);
+GdipSetClipRectI(GpGraphics *graphics, INT x, INT y,
+                         INT width, INT height, CombineMode combineMode);
+GdipSetClipPath(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPath *path, CombineMode combineMode);
+GdipSetClipRegion(GpGraphics *graphics, GpRegion *region,
+                  CombineMode combineMode);
+GdipSetClipHrgn(GpGraphics *graphics, HRGN hRgn, CombineMode combineMode);
+GdipResetClip(GpGraphics *graphics);
+GdipTranslateClip(GpGraphics *graphics, REAL dx, REAL dy);
+GdipTranslateClipI(GpGraphics *graphics, INT dx, INT dy);
+GdipGetClip(GpGraphics *graphics, GpRegion *region);
+GdipGetClipBounds(GpGraphics *graphics, GpRectF *rect);
+GdipGetClipBoundsI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpRect *rect);
+GdipIsClipEmpty(GpGraphics *graphics, BOOL *result);
+GdipGetVisibleClipBounds(GpGraphics *graphics, GpRectF *rect);
+GdipGetVisibleClipBoundsI(GpGraphics *graphics, GpRect *rect);
+GdipIsVisibleClipEmpty(GpGraphics *graphics, BOOL *result);
+GdipIsVisiblePoint(GpGraphics *graphics, REAL x, REAL y,
+                           BOOL *result);
+GdipIsVisiblePointI(GpGraphics *graphics, INT x, INT y,
+                           BOOL *result);
+GdipIsVisibleRect(GpGraphics *graphics, REAL x, REAL y,
+                           REAL width, REAL height, BOOL *result);
+GdipIsVisibleRectI(GpGraphics *graphics, INT x, INT y,
+                           INT width, INT height, BOOL *result);
+GdipSaveGraphics(GpGraphics *graphics, GraphicsState *state);
+GdipRestoreGraphics(GpGraphics *graphics, GraphicsState state);
+GdipBeginContainer(GpGraphics *graphics, GDIPCONST GpRectF* dstrect,
+                   GDIPCONST GpRectF *srcrect, GpUnit unit, GraphicsContainer *state);
+GdipBeginContainerI(GpGraphics *graphics, GDIPCONST GpRect* dstrect,
+                    GDIPCONST GpRect *srcrect, GpUnit unit, GraphicsContainer *state);
+GdipBeginContainer2(GpGraphics *graphics, GraphicsContainer* state);
+GdipEndContainer(GpGraphics *graphics, GraphicsContainer state);
+    HMETAFILE           hWmf,
+    GDIPCONST APMFileHeader *     apmFileHeader,
+    MetafileHeader *    header
+    );
+    HENHMETAFILE        hEmf,
+    MetafileHeader *    header
+    );
+    GDIPCONST WCHAR*        filename,
+    MetafileHeader *    header
+    );
+    IStream *           stream,
+    MetafileHeader *    header
+    );
+    GpMetafile *        metafile,
+    MetafileHeader *    header
+    );
+    GpMetafile *        metafile,
+    HENHMETAFILE *      hEmf
+    );
+GdipCreateStreamOnFile(GDIPCONST WCHAR * filename, UINT access, IStream **stream);
+GdipCreateMetafileFromWmf(HMETAFILE hWmf, BOOL deleteWmf,
+                          GDIPCONST APMFileHeader * apmFileHeader, GpMetafile **metafile);
+GdipCreateMetafileFromEmf(HENHMETAFILE hEmf, BOOL deleteEmf,
+                          GpMetafile **metafile);
+GdipCreateMetafileFromFile(GDIPCONST WCHAR* file, GpMetafile **metafile);
+GdipCreateMetafileFromWmfFile(GDIPCONST WCHAR* file, GDIPCONST APMFileHeader * apmFileHeader, GpMetafile **metafile);
+GdipCreateMetafileFromStream(IStream * stream, GpMetafile **metafile);
+    HDC                 referenceHdc,
+    EmfType             type,
+    GDIPCONST GpRectF * frameRect,
+    MetafileFrameUnit   frameUnit,
+    GDIPCONST WCHAR *   description,
+    GpMetafile **       metafile
+    );
+    HDC                 referenceHdc,
+    EmfType             type,
+    GDIPCONST GpRect *  frameRect,
+    MetafileFrameUnit   frameUnit,
+    GDIPCONST WCHAR *   description,
+    GpMetafile **       metafile
+    );
+    GDIPCONST WCHAR*    fileName,
+    HDC                 referenceHdc,
+    EmfType             type,
+    GDIPCONST GpRectF * frameRect,
+    MetafileFrameUnit   frameUnit,
+    GDIPCONST WCHAR *   description,
+    GpMetafile **       metafile
+    );
+    GDIPCONST WCHAR*    fileName,
+    HDC                 referenceHdc,
+    EmfType             type,
+    GDIPCONST GpRect *  frameRect,
+    MetafileFrameUnit   frameUnit,
+    GDIPCONST WCHAR *   description,
+    GpMetafile **       metafile
+    );
+    IStream *           stream,
+    HDC                 referenceHdc,
+    EmfType             type,
+    GDIPCONST GpRectF * frameRect,
+    MetafileFrameUnit   frameUnit,
+    GDIPCONST WCHAR *   description,
+    GpMetafile **       metafile
+    );
+    IStream *           stream,
+    HDC                 referenceHdc,
+    EmfType             type,
+    GDIPCONST GpRect *  frameRect,
+    MetafileFrameUnit   frameUnit,
+    GDIPCONST WCHAR *   description,
+    GpMetafile **       metafile
+    );
+    GpMetafile *            metafile,
+    UINT                    metafileRasterizationLimitDpi
+    );
+    GDIPCONST GpMetafile *  metafile,
+    UINT *                  metafileRasterizationLimitDpi
+    );
+GdipGetImageDecodersSize(UINT *numDecoders, UINT *size);
+GdipGetImageDecoders(UINT numDecoders,
+                     UINT size,
+                     ImageCodecInfo *decoders);
+GdipGetImageEncodersSize(UINT *numEncoders, UINT *size);
+GdipGetImageEncoders(UINT numEncoders,
+                     UINT size,
+                     ImageCodecInfo *encoders);
+GdipAddImageCodec(GDIPCONST ImageCodecInfo *codec);
+GdipRemoveImageCodec(GDIPCONST ImageCodecInfo *codec);
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_186091
+GdipGetGraphicsPixel(GpGraphics* graphics, REAL x, REAL y, ARGB* argb);
+GdipComment(GpGraphics* graphics, UINT sizeData, GDIPCONST BYTE * data);
+GdipGetGraphicsLayout(GpGraphics* graphics, GraphicsLayout* layout);
+GdipSetGraphicsLayout(GpGraphics* graphics, GDIPCONST GraphicsLayout layout);
+// FontFamily
+GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(GDIPCONST WCHAR *name,
+                             GpFontCollection *fontCollection,
+                             GpFontFamily **FontFamily);
+GdipDeleteFontFamily(GpFontFamily *FontFamily);
+GdipCloneFontFamily(GpFontFamily *FontFamily, GpFontFamily **clonedFontFamily);
+GdipGetGenericFontFamilySansSerif(GpFontFamily **nativeFamily);
+GdipGetGenericFontFamilySerif(GpFontFamily **nativeFamily);
+GdipGetGenericFontFamilyMonospace(GpFontFamily **nativeFamily);
+    GDIPCONST GpFontFamily  *family,
+    WCHAR                name[LF_FACESIZE],
+    LANGID               language
+GdipIsStyleAvailable(GDIPCONST GpFontFamily *family, INT style, BOOL * IsStyleAvailable);
+    GpFontCollection* fontCollection,
+    GpGraphics* graphics,
+    INT *       numFound
+GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipFontCollectionEnumerate(
+    GpFontCollection* fontCollection,
+    INT             numSought,
+    GpFontFamily*   gpfamilies[],
+    INT*            numFound,
+    GpGraphics*     graphics
+// New API
+GdipGetEmHeight(GDIPCONST GpFontFamily *family, INT style, UINT16 * EmHeight);
+GdipGetCellAscent(GDIPCONST GpFontFamily *family, INT style, UINT16 * CellAscent);
+GdipGetCellDescent(GDIPCONST GpFontFamily *family, INT style, UINT16 * CellDescent);
+GdipGetLineSpacing(GDIPCONST GpFontFamily *family, INT style, UINT16 * LineSpacing);
+// Font
+    HDC        hdc,
+    GpFont   **font
+    HDC        hdc,
+    GDIPCONST LOGFONTA  *logfont,
+    GpFont   **font
+    HDC        hdc,
+    GDIPCONST LOGFONTW  *logfont,
+    GpFont   **font
+    GDIPCONST GpFontFamily  *fontFamily,
+    REAL                 emSize,
+    INT                  style,
+    Unit                 unit,
+    GpFont             **font
+GdipCloneFont(GpFont* font, GpFont** cloneFont);
+GdipDeleteFont(GpFont* font);
+GdipGetFamily(GpFont *font, GpFontFamily **family);
+GdipGetFontStyle(GpFont *font, INT *style);
+GdipGetFontSize(GpFont *font, REAL *size);
+GdipGetFontUnit(GpFont *font, Unit *unit);
+GdipGetFontHeight(GDIPCONST GpFont *font, GDIPCONST GpGraphics *graphics, REAL *height);
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_125467
+GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI(GDIPCONST GpFont *font, REAL dpi, REAL *height);
+GdipGetLogFontA(GpFont * font, GpGraphics *graphics, LOGFONTA * logfontA);
+GdipGetLogFontW(GpFont * font, GpGraphics *graphics, LOGFONTW * logfontW);
+// FontCollection
+GdipNewInstalledFontCollection(GpFontCollection** fontCollection);
+GdipNewPrivateFontCollection(GpFontCollection** fontCollection);
+GdipDeletePrivateFontCollection(GpFontCollection** fontCollection);
+    GpFontCollection* fontCollection,
+    INT *       numFound
+    GpFontCollection* fontCollection,
+    INT             numSought,
+    GpFontFamily*   gpfamilies[],
+    INT*            numFound
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_235072
+    GpFontCollection* fontCollection,
+    GDIPCONST WCHAR* filename
+    GpFontCollection* fontCollection,
+    GDIPCONST WCHAR* filename
+    GpFontCollection* fontCollection,
+    GDIPCONST WCHAR* filename
+    GpFontCollection* fontCollection,
+    GDIPCONST void* memory,
+    INT length
+// Text
+    GpGraphics               *graphics,
+    GDIPCONST WCHAR          *string,
+    INT                       length,
+    GDIPCONST GpFont         *font,
+    GDIPCONST RectF          *layoutRect,
+    GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *stringFormat,
+    GDIPCONST GpBrush        *brush
+    GpGraphics               *graphics,
+    GDIPCONST WCHAR          *string,
+    INT                       length,
+    GDIPCONST GpFont         *font,
+    GDIPCONST RectF          *layoutRect,
+    GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *stringFormat,
+    RectF                    *boundingBox,
+    INT                      *codepointsFitted,
+    INT                      *linesFilled
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_174340
+    GpGraphics               *graphics,
+    GDIPCONST WCHAR          *string,
+    INT                       length,
+    GDIPCONST GpFont         *font,
+    GDIPCONST RectF          &layoutRect,
+    GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *stringFormat,
+    INT                       firstCharacterIndex,
+    INT                       characterCount,
+    GpRegion                 *region
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_174340
+    GpGraphics               *graphics,
+    GDIPCONST WCHAR          *string,
+    INT                       length,
+    GDIPCONST GpFont         *font,
+    GDIPCONST RectF          &layoutRect,
+    GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *stringFormat,
+    INT                       regionCount,
+    GpRegion                **regions
+    GpGraphics *graphics,
+    GDIPCONST UINT16 *text,
+    INT length,
+    GDIPCONST GpFont *font,
+    GDIPCONST GpBrush *brush,
+    GDIPCONST PointF *positions,
+    INT flags,
+    GDIPCONST GpMatrix *matrix
+    GpGraphics *graphics,
+    GDIPCONST UINT16 *text,
+    INT length,
+    GDIPCONST GpFont *font,
+    GDIPCONST PointF *positions,
+    INT flags,
+    GDIPCONST GpMatrix *matrix,
+    RectF *boundingBox
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_168772
+    GpGraphics *graphics,
+    GDIPCONST UINT16 *text,
+    INT length,
+    GDIPCONST GpFont *font,
+    GDIPCONST PointF *positions,
+    INT flags,
+    GpMatrix *matrix,
+    GDIPCONST PointF *hit,
+    INT *index,
+    BOOL *rightEdge,
+    REAL *distance
+// String format APIs
+    INT               formatAttributes,
+    LANGID            language,
+    GpStringFormat  **format
+GdipStringFormatGetGenericDefault(GpStringFormat **format);
+GdipStringFormatGetGenericTypographic(GpStringFormat **format);
+GdipDeleteStringFormat(GpStringFormat *format);
+GdipCloneStringFormat(GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *format, GpStringFormat **newFormat);
+GdipSetStringFormatFlags(GpStringFormat *format, INT flags);
+GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetStringFormatFlags(GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *format, INT *flags);
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_152154
+GdipSetStringFormatLineSpacing(GpStringFormat *format, REAL amount,
+                               LineSpacing method);
+GdipGetStringFormatLineSpacingAmount(GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *format, REAL *amount);
+GdipGetStringFormatLineSpacingMethod(GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *format, LineSpacing *method);
+GdipSetStringFormatAlign(GpStringFormat *format, StringAlignment align);
+GdipGetStringFormatAlign(GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *format, StringAlignment *align);
+GdipSetStringFormatLineAlign(GpStringFormat *format,
+                             StringAlignment align);
+GdipGetStringFormatLineAlign(GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *format,
+                             StringAlignment *align);
+    GpStringFormat  *format,
+    StringTrimming   trimming
+    GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *format,
+    StringTrimming       *trimming
+GdipSetStringFormatHotkeyPrefix(GpStringFormat *format, INT hotkeyPrefix);
+GdipGetStringFormatHotkeyPrefix(GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *format, INT *hotkeyPrefix);
+GdipSetStringFormatTabStops(GpStringFormat *format, REAL firstTabOffset, INT count, GDIPCONST REAL *tabStops);
+GdipGetStringFormatTabStops(GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *format, INT count, REAL *firstTabOffset, REAL *tabStops);
+GdipGetStringFormatTabStopCount(GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *format, INT * count);
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_146933
+GdipSetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(GpStringFormat *format, LANGID language,
+                                     StringDigitSubstitute substitute);
+GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *format, LANGID *language,
+                                     StringDigitSubstitute *substitute);
+#endif // DCR_USE_NEW_146933
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_174340
+    GDIPCONST GpStringFormat    *format,
+    INT                         *count
+    GpStringFormat              *format,
+    INT                         rangeCount,
+    GDIPCONST CharacterRange    *ranges
+// Cached Bitmap APIs
+    GpBitmap *bitmap,
+    GpGraphics *graphics,
+    GpCachedBitmap **cachedBitmap
+GdipDeleteCachedBitmap(GpCachedBitmap *cachedBitmap);
+    GpGraphics *graphics,
+    GpCachedBitmap *cachedBitmap,
+    INT x,
+    INT y
+    UINT         cbData16,
+    LPBYTE       pData16,
+    INT          iMapMode,
+    INT          eFlags
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // !_FLATAPI_H
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusFont.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusFont.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9ff050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusFont.h
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusFont.h
+* Abstract:
+*   Font related declarations
+Font::Font(IN HDC hdc)
+    GpFont *font = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateFontFromDC(hdc, &font);
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_135429
+    if ((INT) lastResult >= 10)
+        lastResult = NotFound;
+    SetNativeFont(font);
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_127084
+Font::Font(IN HDC hdc,
+           IN const HFONT hfont)
+    GpFont *font = NULL;
+    if (hfont)
+    {
+        LOGFONTA lf;
+        if(GetObjectA(hfont, sizeof(LOGFONTA), &lf))
+            lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA(hdc, &lf, &font);
+        else
+            lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateFontFromDC(hdc, &font);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateFontFromDC(hdc, &font);
+    }
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_135429
+    if ((INT) lastResult >= 10)
+        lastResult = NotFound;
+    SetNativeFont(font);
+Font::Font(IN HDC hdc,
+           IN const LOGFONTW* logfont)
+    GpFont *font = NULL;
+    if (logfont)
+    {
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateFontFromLogfontW(hdc, logfont, &font);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateFontFromDC(hdc, &font);
+    }
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_135429
+    if ((INT) lastResult >= 10)
+        lastResult = NotFound;
+    SetNativeFont(font);
+Font::Font(IN HDC hdc,
+           IN const LOGFONTA* logfont)
+    GpFont *font = NULL;
+    if (logfont)
+    {
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA(hdc, logfont, &font);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateFontFromDC(hdc, &font);
+    }
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_135429
+    if ((INT) lastResult >= 10)
+        lastResult = NotFound;
+    SetNativeFont(font);
+     IN const FontFamily * family,
+     IN REAL         emSize,
+     IN INT          style,
+     IN Unit         unit
+    GpFont *font = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateFont(family ? family->nativeFamily : NULL,
+                    emSize,
+                    style,
+                    unit,
+                    &font);
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_135429
+    if ((INT) lastResult >= 10)
+        lastResult = NotFound;
+    SetNativeFont(font);
+     IN const WCHAR *          familyName,
+     IN REAL                   emSize,
+     IN INT                    style,
+     IN Unit                   unit,
+     IN const FontCollection * fontCollection
+    FontFamily family(familyName, fontCollection);
+    GpFont * font = NULL;
+    lastResult = family.GetLastStatus();
+    if (lastResult == Ok)
+    {
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateFont(family.nativeFamily,
+                                emSize,
+                                style,
+                                unit,
+                                &font);
+    }
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_135429
+    if ((INT) lastResult >= 10)
+        lastResult = NotFound;
+    SetNativeFont(font);
+inline Status
+Font::GetLogFontA(IN const Graphics *g,
+                  OUT LOGFONTA *logfontA) const
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLogFontA(nativeFont, g ? g->nativeGraphics : NULL, logfontA));
+inline Status
+Font::GetLogFontW(IN const Graphics *g,
+                  OUT LOGFONTW *logfontW) const
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLogFontW(nativeFont, g ? g->nativeGraphics : NULL, logfontW));
+inline Font*
+Font::Clone() const
+    GpFont *cloneFont = NULL;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCloneFont(nativeFont, &cloneFont));
+    return new Font(cloneFont, lastResult);
+    DllExports::GdipDeleteFont(nativeFont);
+// Operations
+inline BOOL
+Font::IsAvailable() const
+    return (nativeFont ? TRUE : FALSE);
+inline Status
+Font::GetFamily(OUT FontFamily *family) const
+    if (family == NULL)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+    }
+    Status status = DllExports::GdipGetFamily(nativeFont, &(family->nativeFamily));
+    family->SetStatus(status);
+    return SetStatus(status);
+inline INT
+Font::GetStyle() const
+    INT style;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetFontStyle(nativeFont, &style));
+    return style;
+inline REAL
+Font::GetSize() const
+    REAL size;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetFontSize(nativeFont, &size));
+    return size;
+inline Unit
+Font::GetUnit() const
+    Unit unit;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetFontUnit(nativeFont, &unit));
+    return unit;
+inline REAL
+Font::GetHeight(IN const Graphics *graphics) const
+    REAL height;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetFontHeight(
+        nativeFont,
+        graphics ? graphics->nativeGraphics : NULL,
+        &height
+    ));
+    return height;
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_125467
+inline REAL
+Font::GetHeight(IN REAL dpi = 0) const
+    REAL height;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI(nativeFont, dpi, &height));
+    return height;
+// protected method
+Font::Font(IN GpFont* font,
+           IN Status status)
+    lastResult = status;
+    SetNativeFont(font);
+// protected method
+inline VOID
+Font::SetNativeFont(GpFont *Font)
+    nativeFont = Font;
+inline Status
+Font::GetLastStatus(void) const
+    return lastResult;
+// protected method
+inline Status
+Font::SetStatus(IN Status status) const
+    if (status != Ok)
+        return (lastResult = status);
+    else
+        return status;
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusFontCollection.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusFontCollection.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2257ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusFontCollection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusFontCollection.h
+* Abstract:
+*   Font collections (Installed and Private)
+    nativeFontCollection = NULL;
+inline INT
+FontCollection::GetFamilyCount() const
+    INT numFound = 0;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipGetFontCollectionFamilyCount(
+                             nativeFontCollection, &numFound);
+    return numFound;
+inline Status
+    IN INT           numSought,
+    OUT FontFamily * gpfamilies,
+    OUT INT *        numFound
+) const
+    if (numSought <= 0 || gpfamilies == NULL || numFound == NULL)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+    }
+    *numFound = 0;
+    GpFontFamily **nativeFamilyList = new GpFontFamily*[numSought];
+    if (nativeFamilyList == NULL)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(OutOfMemory);
+    }
+    Status status = SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetFontCollectionFamilyList(
+        nativeFontCollection,
+        numSought,
+        nativeFamilyList,
+        numFound
+    ));
+    if (status == Ok)
+    {
+        for (INT i = 0; i < *numFound; i++)
+        {
+            DllExports::GdipCloneFontFamily(nativeFamilyList[i],
+                                            &gpfamilies[i].nativeFamily);
+        }
+    }
+    delete [] nativeFamilyList;
+    return status;
+inline Status FontCollection::GetLastStatus () const
+    return lastResult;
+// protected method
+inline Status
+FontCollection::SetStatus(IN Status status) const
+    lastResult = status;
+    return lastResult;
+    nativeFontCollection = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipNewInstalledFontCollection(&nativeFontCollection);
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_235072
+inline Status
+InstalledFontCollection::InstallFontFile(IN const WCHAR* filename)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipInstallFontFile(nativeFontCollection, filename));
+inline Status
+InstalledFontCollection::UninstallFontFile(IN const WCHAR* filename)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipUninstallFontFile(nativeFontCollection, filename));
+    nativeFontCollection = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipNewPrivateFontCollection(&nativeFontCollection);
+    DllExports::GdipDeletePrivateFontCollection(&nativeFontCollection);
+inline Status
+PrivateFontCollection::AddFontFile(IN const WCHAR* filename)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipPrivateAddFontFile(nativeFontCollection, filename));
+inline Status
+PrivateFontCollection::AddMemoryFont(IN const void* memory,
+                                     IN INT length)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipPrivateAddMemoryFont(
+        nativeFontCollection,
+        memory,
+        length));
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusFontFamily.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusFontFamily.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef2f3dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusFontFamily.h
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusFontFamily.h
+* Abstract:
+*   Font family API related declarations
+FontFamily::FontFamily() :
+    nativeFamily (NULL),
+    lastResult    (Ok)
+    IN const WCHAR*          name,
+    IN const FontCollection* fontCollection
+    nativeFamily = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(
+        name,
+        fontCollection ? fontCollection->nativeFontCollection : NULL,
+        &nativeFamily
+    );
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_135429
+    if ((INT) lastResult >= 10)
+        lastResult = NotFound;
+// private method
+    IN GpFontFamily *nativeOrig,
+    IN Status status
+    lastResult    = status;
+    nativeFamily = nativeOrig;
+// Generic font family access
+inline const FontFamily *
+    if (GenericSansSerifFontFamily != NULL)
+    {
+        return GenericSansSerifFontFamily;
+    }
+    GenericSansSerifFontFamily =
+        (FontFamily*) GenericSansSerifFontFamilyBuffer;
+    GenericSansSerifFontFamily->lastResult =
+        DllExports::GdipGetGenericFontFamilySansSerif(
+            &(GenericSansSerifFontFamily->nativeFamily)
+        );
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_135429
+    if ((INT) GenericSansSerifFontFamily->lastResult >= 10)
+        GenericSansSerifFontFamily->lastResult = NotFound;
+    return GenericSansSerifFontFamily;
+inline const FontFamily *
+    if (GenericSerifFontFamily != NULL)
+    {
+        return GenericSerifFontFamily;
+    }
+    GenericSerifFontFamily =
+        (FontFamily*) GenericSerifFontFamilyBuffer;
+    GenericSerifFontFamily->lastResult =
+        DllExports::GdipGetGenericFontFamilySerif(
+            &(GenericSerifFontFamily->nativeFamily)
+        );
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_135429
+    if ((INT) GenericSerifFontFamily->lastResult >= 10)
+        GenericSerifFontFamily->lastResult = NotFound;
+    return GenericSerifFontFamily;
+inline const FontFamily *
+    if (GenericMonospaceFontFamily != NULL)
+    {
+        return GenericMonospaceFontFamily;
+    }
+    GenericMonospaceFontFamily =
+        (FontFamily*) GenericMonospaceFontFamilyBuffer;
+    GenericMonospaceFontFamily->lastResult =
+        DllExports::GdipGetGenericFontFamilyMonospace(
+            &(GenericMonospaceFontFamily->nativeFamily)
+        );
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_135429
+    if ((INT) GenericMonospaceFontFamily->lastResult >= 10)
+        GenericMonospaceFontFamily->lastResult = NotFound;
+    return GenericMonospaceFontFamily;
+inline FontFamily::~FontFamily()
+    DllExports::GdipDeleteFontFamily (nativeFamily);
+inline FontFamily *
+FontFamily::Clone() const
+    GpFontFamily * clonedFamily = NULL;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCloneFontFamily (nativeFamily, &clonedFamily));
+    return new FontFamily(clonedFamily, lastResult);
+inline Status 
+    IN LANGID language
+) const
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetFamilyName(nativeFamily, 
+                                                   name, 
+                                                   language));
+inline BOOL 
+FontFamily::IsStyleAvailable(IN INT style) const
+    BOOL    StyleAvailable;
+    Status  status;
+    status = SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsStyleAvailable(nativeFamily, style, &StyleAvailable));
+    if (status != Ok)
+        StyleAvailable = FALSE;
+    return StyleAvailable;
+inline UINT16 
+FontFamily::GetEmHeight(IN INT style) const
+    UINT16  EmHeight;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetEmHeight(nativeFamily, style, &EmHeight));
+    return EmHeight;
+inline UINT16 
+FontFamily::GetCellAscent(IN INT style) const
+    UINT16  CellAscent;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetCellAscent(nativeFamily, style, &CellAscent));
+    return CellAscent;
+inline UINT16 
+FontFamily::GetCellDescent(IN INT style) const
+    UINT16  CellDescent;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetCellDescent(nativeFamily, style, &CellDescent));
+    return CellDescent;
+inline UINT16 
+FontFamily::GetLineSpacing(IN INT style) const
+    UINT16  LineSpacing;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetLineSpacing(nativeFamily, style, &LineSpacing));
+    return LineSpacing;
+#ifdef TEXTV2
+// The following APIs return data from the font OS/2 table
+inline INT16 
+FontFamily::GetTypographicAscent(IN INT style) const
+    INT16  TypographicAscent;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetTypographicAscent(nativeFamily, style, &TypographicAscent));
+    return TypographicAscent;
+inline INT16 
+FontFamily::GetTypographicDescent(IN INT style) const
+    INT16   TypographicDescent;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetTypographicDescent(nativeFamily, style, &TypographicDescent));
+    return TypographicDescent;
+inline INT16 
+FontFamily::GetTypographicLineGap(IN INT style) const
+    INT16   TypographicLineGap;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetTypographicLineGap(nativeFamily, style, &TypographicLineGap));
+    return TypographicLineGap;
+// GetLastStatus - return last error code and clear error code
+inline Status 
+FontFamily::GetLastStatus() const
+    Status lastStatus = lastResult;
+    lastResult = Ok;
+    return lastStatus;
+// protected method
+inline Status
+FontFamily::SetStatus(Status status) const 
+    if (status != Ok)
+        return (lastResult = status);
+    else
+        return status;
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusGpStubs.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusGpStubs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..121288d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusGpStubs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusGpStubs.h
+* Abstract:
+*   GDI+ Native C++ public header file
+// GDI+ classes for forward reference
+class Graphics;
+class Pen;
+class Brush;
+class Matrix;
+class Bitmap;
+class Metafile;
+class GraphicsPath;
+class PathIterator;
+class Region;
+class Image;
+class TextureBrush;
+class HatchBrush;
+class SolidBrush;
+class LinearGradientBrush;
+class PathGradientBrush;
+class Font;
+class FontFamily;
+class FontCollection;
+class InstalledFontCollection;
+class PrivateFontCollection;
+class ImageAttributes;
+class CachedBitmap;
+// Internal GDI+ classes for internal type checking
+class GpGraphics {};
+class GpBrush {};
+class GpTexture : public GpBrush {};
+class GpSolidFill : public GpBrush {};
+class GpLineGradient : public GpBrush {};
+class GpPathGradient : public GpBrush {};
+class GpHatch : public GpBrush {};
+class GpPen {};
+class GpCustomLineCap {};
+class GpAdjustableArrowCap : public GpCustomLineCap {};
+class GpImage {};
+class GpBitmap : public GpImage {};
+class GpMetafile : public GpImage {};
+class GpImageAttributes {};
+class GpPath {};
+class GpRegion {};
+class GpPathIterator {};
+class GpFontFamily {};
+class GpFont {};
+class GpStringFormat {};
+class GpFontCollection {};
+class GpInstalledFontCollection : public GpFontCollection {};
+class GpPrivateFontCollection : public GpFontCollection {};
+class GpCachedBitmap;
+typedef Status GpStatus;
+typedef FillMode GpFillMode;
+typedef WrapMode GpWrapMode;
+typedef Unit GpUnit;
+typedef CoordinateSpace GpCoordinateSpace;
+typedef PointF GpPointF;
+typedef Point GpPoint;
+typedef RectF GpRectF;
+typedef Rect GpRect;
+typedef SizeF GpSizeF;
+typedef HatchStyle GpHatchStyle;
+typedef DashStyle GpDashStyle;
+typedef LineCap GpLineCap;
+typedef DashCap GpDashCap;
+typedef PenAlignment GpPenAlignment;
+typedef LineJoin GpLineJoin;
+typedef PenType GpPenType;
+typedef Matrix GpMatrix;
+typedef BrushType GpBrushType;
+typedef MatrixOrder GpMatrixOrder;
+typedef FlushIntention GpFlushIntention;
+typedef PathData GpPathData;
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusGraphics.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusGraphics.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b39a6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusGraphics.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2726 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusGraphics.h
+* Abstract:
+*   Declarations for Graphics class
+ * Represent a graphics context
+ */
+class Graphics : public GdiplusBase
+    friend class Region;
+    friend class GraphicsPath;
+    friend class Image;
+    friend class Bitmap;
+    friend class Metafile;
+    friend class Font;
+    friend class FontFamily;
+    friend class FontCollection;
+    friend class CachedBitmap;
+    // Get a graphics context from an existing Win32 HDC or HWND
+    static Graphics* FromHDC(IN HDC hdc)
+    {
+        return new Graphics(hdc);
+    }
+    static Graphics* FromHDC(IN HDC hdc,
+                             IN HANDLE hdevice)
+    {
+        return new Graphics(hdc, hdevice);
+    }
+    static Graphics* FromHWND(IN HWND hwnd,
+                              IN BOOL icm = FALSE)
+    {
+        return new Graphics(hwnd, icm);
+    }
+    static Graphics* FromImage(IN Image *image)
+    {
+        return new Graphics(image);
+    }
+    Graphics(IN HDC hdc)
+    {
+        GpGraphics *graphics = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateFromHDC(hdc, &graphics);
+        SetNativeGraphics(graphics);
+    }
+    Graphics(IN HDC hdc,
+             IN HANDLE hdevice)
+    {
+        GpGraphics *graphics = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateFromHDC2(hdc, hdevice, &graphics);
+        SetNativeGraphics(graphics);
+    }
+    Graphics(IN HWND hwnd,
+             IN BOOL icm = FALSE)
+    {
+        GpGraphics *graphics = NULL;
+        if (icm)
+        {
+            lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateFromHWNDICM(hwnd, &graphics);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateFromHWND(hwnd, &graphics);
+        }
+        SetNativeGraphics(graphics);
+    }
+    Graphics(IN Image* image)
+    {
+        GpGraphics *graphics = NULL;
+        if (image != NULL)
+        {
+            lastResult = DllExports::GdipGetImageGraphicsContext(
+                                                                image->nativeImage, &graphics);
+        }
+        SetNativeGraphics(graphics);
+    }
+    ~Graphics()
+    {
+        DllExports::GdipDeleteGraphics(nativeGraphics);
+    }
+    VOID Flush(IN FlushIntention intention = FlushIntentionFlush)
+    {
+        DllExports::GdipFlush(nativeGraphics, intention);
+    }
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Interop methods
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Locks the graphics until ReleaseDC is called
+    HDC GetHDC()
+    {
+        HDC     hdc = NULL;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetDC(nativeGraphics, &hdc));
+        return hdc;
+    }
+    VOID ReleaseHDC(IN HDC hdc)
+    {
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipReleaseDC(nativeGraphics, hdc));
+    }
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Rendering modes
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Status SetRenderingOrigin(IN INT x, IN INT y)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(
+            DllExports::GdipSetRenderingOrigin(
+                nativeGraphics, x, y
+            )
+        );
+    }
+    Status GetRenderingOrigin(OUT INT *x, OUT INT *y) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(
+            DllExports::GdipGetRenderingOrigin(
+                nativeGraphics, x, y
+            )
+        );
+    }
+    Status SetCompositingMode(IN CompositingMode compositingMode)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetCompositingMode(nativeGraphics,
+                                                            compositingMode));
+    }
+    CompositingMode GetCompositingMode() const
+    {
+        CompositingMode mode;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetCompositingMode(nativeGraphics,
+                                                     &mode));
+        return mode;
+    }
+    Status SetCompositingQuality(IN CompositingQuality compositingQuality)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetCompositingQuality(
+            nativeGraphics,
+            compositingQuality));
+    }
+    CompositingQuality GetCompositingQuality() const
+    {
+        CompositingQuality quality;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetCompositingQuality(
+            nativeGraphics,
+            &quality));
+        return quality;
+    }
+    Status SetTextRenderingHint(IN TextRenderingHint newMode)
+    {
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_186764
+		/* temporarly set the high bit to warn that we are using the new definition for the flag */
+		newMode = (TextRenderingHint) (newMode | 0x0f000);
+#endif // DCR_USE_NEW_186764
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetTextRenderingHint(nativeGraphics,
+                                                          newMode));
+    }
+    TextRenderingHint GetTextRenderingHint() const
+    {
+        TextRenderingHint hint;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetTextRenderingHint(nativeGraphics,
+                                                   &hint));
+        return hint;
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_188922
+    Status SetTextContrast(IN UINT contrast)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetTextContrast(nativeGraphics,
+                                                          contrast));
+    }
+    UINT GetTextContrast() const
+    {
+        UINT contrast;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetTextContrast(nativeGraphics,
+                                                    &contrast));
+        return contrast;
+    }
+    Status SetTextGammaValue(IN UINT gammaValue)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetTextGammaValue(nativeGraphics,
+                                                          gammaValue));
+    }
+    UINT GetTextGammaValue() const
+    {
+        UINT gammaValue;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetTextGammaValue(nativeGraphics,
+                                                    &gammaValue));
+        return gammaValue;
+    }
+#endif // DCR_USE_NEW_188922
+    InterpolationMode GetInterpolationMode() const
+    {
+        InterpolationMode mode = InterpolationModeInvalid;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetInterpolationMode(nativeGraphics,
+                                                           &mode));
+        return mode;
+    }
+    Status SetInterpolationMode(IN InterpolationMode interpolationMode)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetInterpolationMode(nativeGraphics,
+                                                           interpolationMode));
+    }
+    SmoothingMode GetSmoothingMode() const
+    {
+        SmoothingMode smoothingMode = SmoothingModeInvalid;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetSmoothingMode(nativeGraphics,
+                                                   &smoothingMode));
+        return smoothingMode;
+    }
+    Status SetSmoothingMode(IN SmoothingMode smoothingMode)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetSmoothingMode(nativeGraphics,
+                                                          smoothingMode));
+    }
+    PixelOffsetMode GetPixelOffsetMode() const
+    {
+        PixelOffsetMode pixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetModeInvalid;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPixelOffsetMode(nativeGraphics,
+                                                     &pixelOffsetMode));
+        return pixelOffsetMode;
+    }
+    Status SetPixelOffsetMode(IN PixelOffsetMode pixelOffsetMode)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPixelOffsetMode(nativeGraphics,
+                                                            pixelOffsetMode));
+    }
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Manipulate the current world transform
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Status SetTransform(IN const Matrix* matrix)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetWorldTransform(nativeGraphics,
+                                                        matrix->nativeMatrix));
+    }
+    Status ResetTransform()
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipResetWorldTransform(nativeGraphics));
+    }
+    Status MultiplyTransform(IN const Matrix* matrix,
+                             IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipMultiplyWorldTransform(nativeGraphics,
+                                                                matrix->nativeMatrix,
+                                                                order));
+    }
+    Status TranslateTransform(IN REAL dx,
+                              IN REAL dy,
+                              IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslateWorldTransform(nativeGraphics,
+                                                               dx, dy, order));
+    }
+    Status ScaleTransform(IN REAL sx,
+                          IN REAL sy,
+                          IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipScaleWorldTransform(nativeGraphics,
+                                                             sx, sy, order));
+    }
+    Status RotateTransform(IN REAL angle,
+                           IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipRotateWorldTransform(nativeGraphics,
+                                                              angle, order));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the current world transform
+     */
+    Status GetTransform(OUT Matrix* matrix) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetWorldTransform(nativeGraphics,
+                                                           matrix->nativeMatrix));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Manipulate the current page transform
+     */
+    Status SetPageUnit(IN Unit unit)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPageUnit(nativeGraphics,
+                                                     unit));
+    }
+    Status SetPageScale(IN REAL scale)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPageScale(nativeGraphics,
+                                                      scale));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieve the current page transform information
+     * notes @ these are atomic
+     */
+    Unit GetPageUnit() const
+    {
+        Unit unit;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPageUnit(nativeGraphics, &unit));
+        return unit;
+    }
+    REAL GetPageScale() const
+    {
+        REAL scale;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPageScale(nativeGraphics, &scale));
+        return scale;
+    }
+    REAL GetDpiX() const
+    {
+        REAL dpi;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetDpiX(nativeGraphics, &dpi));
+        return dpi;
+    }
+    REAL GetDpiY() const
+    {
+        REAL dpi;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetDpiY(nativeGraphics, &dpi));
+        return dpi;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Transform points in the current graphics context
+     */
+    // float version
+    Status TransformPoints(IN CoordinateSpace destSpace,
+                           IN CoordinateSpace srcSpace,
+                           IN OUT PointF* pts,
+                           IN INT count) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTransformPoints(nativeGraphics,
+                                                         destSpace,
+                                                         srcSpace,
+                                                         pts,
+                                                         count));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status TransformPoints(IN CoordinateSpace destSpace,
+                           IN CoordinateSpace srcSpace,
+                           IN OUT Point* pts,
+                           IN INT count) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTransformPointsI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                          destSpace,
+                                                          srcSpace,
+                                                          pts,
+                                                          count));
+    }
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // GetNearestColor (for <= 8bpp surfaces)
+    // Note: alpha is ignored
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    Status GetNearestColor(IN OUT Color* color) const
+    {
+        if (color == NULL)
+        {
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        }
+        ARGB argb = color->GetValue();
+        Status status = SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetNearestColor(nativeGraphics, &argb));
+        color->SetValue(argb);
+        return status;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Vector drawing methods
+     *
+     * @notes Do we need a set of methods that take
+     *  integer coordinate parameters?
+     */
+    // float version
+    Status DrawLine(IN const Pen* pen,
+                    IN REAL x1,
+                    IN REAL y1,
+                    IN REAL x2,
+                    IN REAL y2)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawLine(nativeGraphics,
+                                                  pen->nativePen, x1, y1, x2,
+                                                  y2));
+    }
+    Status DrawLine(IN const Pen* pen,
+                    IN const PointF& pt1,
+                    IN const PointF& pt2)
+    {
+        return DrawLine(pen, pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y);
+    }
+    Status DrawLines(IN const Pen* pen,
+                     IN const PointF* points,
+                     IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawLines(nativeGraphics,
+                                                   pen->nativePen,
+                                                   points, count));
+    }
+    // int version
+    Status DrawLine(IN const Pen* pen,
+                    IN INT x1,
+                    IN INT y1,
+                    IN INT x2,
+                    IN INT y2)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawLineI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                   pen->nativePen,
+                                                   x1,
+                                                   y1,
+                                                   x2,
+                                                   y2));
+    }
+    Status DrawLine(IN const Pen* pen,
+                    IN const Point& pt1,
+                    IN const Point& pt2)
+    {
+        return DrawLine(pen,
+                        pt1.X,
+                        pt1.Y,
+                        pt2.X,
+                        pt2.Y);
+    }
+    Status DrawLines(IN const Pen* pen,
+                     IN const Point* points,
+                     IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawLinesI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                    pen->nativePen,
+                                                    points,
+                                                    count));
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status DrawArc(IN const Pen* pen,
+                   IN REAL x,
+                   IN REAL y,
+                   IN REAL width,
+                   IN REAL height,
+                   IN REAL startAngle,
+                   IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawArc(nativeGraphics,
+                                                 pen->nativePen,
+                                                 x,
+                                                 y,
+                                                 width,
+                                                 height,
+                                                 startAngle,
+                                                 sweepAngle));
+    }
+    Status DrawArc(IN const Pen* pen,
+                   IN const RectF& rect,
+                   IN REAL startAngle,
+                   IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return DrawArc(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height,
+                       startAngle, sweepAngle);
+    }
+    // int version
+    Status DrawArc(IN const Pen* pen,
+                   IN INT x,
+                   IN INT y,
+                   IN INT width,
+                   IN INT height,
+                   IN REAL startAngle,
+                   IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawArcI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                  pen->nativePen,
+                                                  x,
+                                                  y,
+                                                  width,
+                                                  height,
+                                                  startAngle,
+                                                  sweepAngle));
+    }
+    Status DrawArc(IN const Pen* pen,
+                   IN const Rect& rect,
+                   IN REAL startAngle,
+                   IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return DrawArc(pen,
+                       rect.X,
+                       rect.Y,
+                       rect.Width,
+                       rect.Height,
+                       startAngle,
+                       sweepAngle);
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status DrawBezier(IN const Pen* pen,
+                      IN REAL x1,
+                      IN REAL y1,
+                      IN REAL x2,
+                      IN REAL y2,
+                      IN REAL x3,
+                      IN REAL y3,
+                      IN REAL x4,
+                      IN REAL y4)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawBezier(nativeGraphics,
+                                                    pen->nativePen, x1, y1,
+                                                    x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4));
+    }
+    Status DrawBezier(IN const Pen* pen,
+                      IN const PointF& pt1,
+                      IN const PointF& pt2,
+                      IN const PointF& pt3,
+                      IN const PointF& pt4)
+    {
+        return DrawBezier(pen,
+                          pt1.X,
+                          pt1.Y,
+                          pt2.X,
+                          pt2.Y,
+                          pt3.X,
+                          pt3.Y,
+                          pt4.X,
+                          pt4.Y);
+    }
+    Status DrawBeziers(IN const Pen* pen,
+                       IN const PointF* points,
+                       IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawBeziers(nativeGraphics,
+                                                     pen->nativePen,
+                                                     points,
+                                                     count));
+    }
+    // int version
+    Status DrawBezier(IN const Pen* pen,
+                      IN INT x1,
+                      IN INT y1,
+                      IN INT x2,
+                      IN INT y2,
+                      IN INT x3,
+                      IN INT y3,
+                      IN INT x4,
+                      IN INT y4)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawBezierI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                     pen->nativePen,
+                                                     x1,
+                                                     y1,
+                                                     x2,
+                                                     y2,
+                                                     x3,
+                                                     y3,
+                                                     x4,
+                                                     y4));
+    }
+    Status DrawBezier(IN const Pen* pen,
+                      IN const Point& pt1,
+                      IN const Point& pt2,
+                      IN const Point& pt3,
+                      IN const Point& pt4)
+    {
+        return DrawBezier(pen,
+                          pt1.X,
+                          pt1.Y,
+                          pt2.X,
+                          pt2.Y,
+                          pt3.X,
+                          pt3.Y,
+                          pt4.X,
+                          pt4.Y);
+    }
+    Status DrawBeziers(IN const Pen* pen,
+                       IN const Point* points,
+                       IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawBeziersI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                      pen->nativePen,
+                                                      points,
+                                                      count));
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status DrawRectangle(IN const Pen* pen,
+                         IN const RectF& rect)
+    {
+        return DrawRectangle(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
+    }
+    Status DrawRectangle(IN const Pen* pen,
+                         IN REAL x,
+                         IN REAL y,
+                         IN REAL width,
+                         IN REAL height)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawRectangle(nativeGraphics,
+                                                       pen->nativePen, x, y,
+                                                       width, height));
+    }
+    Status DrawRectangles(IN const Pen* pen,
+                          IN const RectF* rects,
+                          IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawRectangles(nativeGraphics,
+                                                        pen->nativePen,
+                                                        rects, count));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status DrawRectangle(IN const Pen* pen,
+                         IN const Rect& rect)
+    {
+        return DrawRectangle(pen,
+                             rect.X,
+                             rect.Y,
+                             rect.Width,
+                             rect.Height);
+    }
+    Status DrawRectangle(IN const Pen* pen,
+                         IN INT x,
+                         IN INT y,
+                         IN INT width,
+                         IN INT height)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawRectangleI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                        pen->nativePen,
+                                                        x,
+                                                        y,
+                                                        width,
+                                                        height));
+    }
+    Status DrawRectangles(IN const Pen* pen,
+                          IN const Rect* rects,
+                          IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawRectanglesI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                         pen->nativePen,
+                                                         rects,
+                                                         count));
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status DrawEllipse(IN const Pen* pen,
+                       IN const RectF& rect)
+    {
+        return DrawEllipse(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
+    }
+    Status DrawEllipse(IN const Pen* pen,
+                       IN REAL x,
+                       IN REAL y,
+                       IN REAL width,
+                       IN REAL height)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawEllipse(nativeGraphics,
+                                                     pen->nativePen,
+                                                     x,
+                                                     y,
+                                                     width,
+                                                     height));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status DrawEllipse(IN const Pen* pen,
+                       IN const Rect& rect)
+    {
+        return DrawEllipse(pen,
+                           rect.X,
+                           rect.Y,
+                           rect.Width,
+                           rect.Height);
+    }
+    Status DrawEllipse(IN const Pen* pen,
+                       IN INT x,
+                       IN INT y,
+                       IN INT width,
+                       IN INT height)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawEllipseI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                      pen->nativePen,
+                                                      x,
+                                                      y,
+                                                      width,
+                                                      height));
+    }
+    // floating point version
+    Status DrawPie(IN const Pen* pen,
+                   IN const RectF& rect,
+                   IN REAL startAngle,
+                   IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return DrawPie(pen,
+                       rect.X,
+                       rect.Y,
+                       rect.Width,
+                       rect.Height,
+                       startAngle,
+                       sweepAngle);
+    }
+    Status DrawPie(IN const Pen* pen,
+                   IN REAL x,
+                   IN REAL y,
+                   IN REAL width,
+                   IN REAL height,
+                   IN REAL startAngle,
+                   IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawPie(nativeGraphics,
+                                                 pen->nativePen,
+                                                 x,
+                                                 y,
+                                                 width,
+                                                 height,
+                                                 startAngle,
+                                                 sweepAngle));
+    }
+    // integer point version
+    Status DrawPie(IN const Pen* pen,
+                   IN const Rect& rect,
+                   IN REAL startAngle,
+                   IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return DrawPie(pen,
+                       rect.X,
+                       rect.Y,
+                       rect.Width,
+                       rect.Height,
+                       startAngle,
+                       sweepAngle);
+    }
+    Status DrawPie(IN const Pen* pen,
+                   IN INT x,
+                   IN INT y,
+                   IN INT width,
+                   IN INT height,
+                   IN REAL startAngle,
+                   IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawPieI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                  pen->nativePen,
+                                                  x,
+                                                  y,
+                                                  width,
+                                                  height,
+                                                  startAngle,
+                                                  sweepAngle));
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status DrawPolygon(IN const Pen* pen,
+                       IN const PointF* points,
+                       IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawPolygon(nativeGraphics,
+                                                     pen->nativePen,
+                                                     points,
+                                                     count));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status DrawPolygon(IN const Pen* pen,
+                       IN const Point* points,
+                       IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawPolygonI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                      pen->nativePen,
+                                                      points,
+                                                      count));
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status DrawPath(IN const Pen* pen,
+                    IN const GraphicsPath* path)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawPath(nativeGraphics,
+                                                  pen ? pen->nativePen : NULL,
+                                                  path ? path->nativePath : NULL));
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status DrawCurve(IN const Pen* pen,
+                     IN const PointF* points,
+                     IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawCurve(nativeGraphics,
+                                                   pen->nativePen, points,
+                                                   count));
+    }
+    Status DrawCurve(IN const Pen* pen,
+                     IN const PointF* points,
+                     IN INT count,
+                     IN REAL tension)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawCurve2(nativeGraphics,
+                                                    pen->nativePen, points,
+                                                    count, tension));
+    }
+    Status DrawCurve(IN const Pen* pen,
+                     IN const PointF* points,
+                     IN INT count,
+                     IN INT offset,
+                     IN INT numberOfSegments,
+                     IN REAL tension = 0.5f)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawCurve3(nativeGraphics,
+                                                    pen->nativePen, points,
+                                                    count, offset,
+                                                    numberOfSegments, tension));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status DrawCurve(IN const Pen* pen,
+                     IN const Point* points,
+                     IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawCurveI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                    pen->nativePen,
+                                                    points,
+                                                    count));
+    }
+    Status DrawCurve(IN const Pen* pen,
+                     IN const Point* points,
+                     IN INT count,
+                     IN REAL tension)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawCurve2I(nativeGraphics,
+                                                     pen->nativePen,
+                                                     points,
+                                                     count,
+                                                     tension));
+    }
+    Status DrawCurve(IN const Pen* pen,
+                     IN const Point* points,
+                     IN INT count,
+                     IN INT offset,
+                     IN INT numberOfSegments,
+                     IN REAL tension = 0.5f)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawCurve3I(nativeGraphics,
+                                                     pen->nativePen,
+                                                     points,
+                                                     count,
+                                                     offset,
+                                                     numberOfSegments,
+                                                     tension));
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status DrawClosedCurve(IN const Pen* pen,
+                           IN const PointF* points,
+                           IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawClosedCurve(nativeGraphics,
+                                                         pen->nativePen,
+                                                         points, count));
+    }
+    Status DrawClosedCurve(IN const Pen *pen,
+                           IN const PointF* points,
+                           IN INT count,
+                           IN REAL tension)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawClosedCurve2(nativeGraphics,
+                                                          pen->nativePen,
+                                                          points, count,
+                                                          tension));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status DrawClosedCurve(IN const Pen* pen,
+                           IN const Point* points,
+                           IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawClosedCurveI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                          pen->nativePen,
+                                                          points,
+                                                          count));
+    }
+    Status DrawClosedCurve(IN const Pen *pen,
+                           IN const Point* points,
+                           IN INT count,
+                           IN REAL tension)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawClosedCurve2I(nativeGraphics,
+                                                           pen->nativePen,
+                                                           points,
+                                                           count,
+                                                           tension));
+    }
+    Status Clear(IN const Color &color)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGraphicsClear(
+            nativeGraphics,
+            color.GetValue()));
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status FillRectangle(IN const Brush* brush,
+                         IN const RectF& rect)
+    {
+        return FillRectangle(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
+    }
+    Status FillRectangle(IN const Brush* brush,
+                         IN REAL x,
+                         IN REAL y,
+                         IN REAL width,
+                         IN REAL height)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipFillRectangle(nativeGraphics,
+                                                       brush->nativeBrush, x, y,
+                                                       width, height));
+    }
+    Status FillRectangles(IN const Brush* brush,
+                          IN const RectF* rects,
+                          IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipFillRectangles(nativeGraphics,
+                                                        brush->nativeBrush,
+                                                        rects, count));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status FillRectangle(IN const Brush* brush,
+                         IN const Rect& rect)
+    {
+        return FillRectangle(brush,
+                             rect.X,
+                             rect.Y,
+                             rect.Width,
+                             rect.Height);
+    }
+    Status FillRectangle(IN const Brush* brush,
+                         IN INT x,
+                         IN INT y,
+                         IN INT width,
+                         IN INT height)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipFillRectangleI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                        brush->nativeBrush,
+                                                        x,
+                                                        y,
+                                                        width,
+                                                        height));
+    }
+    Status FillRectangles(IN const Brush* brush,
+                          IN const Rect* rects,
+                          IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipFillRectanglesI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                         brush->nativeBrush,
+                                                         rects,
+                                                         count));
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status FillPolygon(IN const Brush* brush,
+                       IN const PointF* points,
+                       IN INT count)
+    {
+        return FillPolygon(brush, points, count, FillModeAlternate);
+    }
+    Status FillPolygon(IN const Brush* brush,
+                       IN const PointF* points,
+                       IN INT count,
+                       IN FillMode fillMode)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipFillPolygon(nativeGraphics,
+                                                     brush->nativeBrush,
+                                                     points, count, fillMode));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status FillPolygon(IN const Brush* brush,
+                       IN const Point* points,
+                       IN INT count)
+    {
+        return FillPolygon(brush, points, count, FillModeAlternate);
+    }
+    Status FillPolygon(IN const Brush* brush,
+                       IN const Point* points,
+                       IN INT count,
+                       IN FillMode fillMode)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipFillPolygonI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                      brush->nativeBrush,
+                                                      points, count,
+                                                      fillMode));
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status FillEllipse(IN const Brush* brush,
+                       IN const RectF& rect)
+    {
+        return FillEllipse(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
+    }
+    Status FillEllipse(IN const Brush* brush,
+                       IN REAL x,
+                       IN REAL y,
+                       IN REAL width,
+                       IN REAL height)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipFillEllipse(nativeGraphics,
+                                                     brush->nativeBrush, x, y,
+                                                     width, height));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status FillEllipse(IN const Brush* brush,
+                       IN const Rect& rect)
+    {
+        return FillEllipse(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
+    }
+    Status FillEllipse(IN const Brush* brush,
+                       IN INT x,
+                       IN INT y,
+                       IN INT width,
+                       IN INT height)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipFillEllipseI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                      brush->nativeBrush,
+                                                      x,
+                                                      y,
+                                                      width,
+                                                      height));
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status FillPie(IN const Brush* brush,
+                   IN const RectF& rect,
+                   IN REAL startAngle,
+                   IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return FillPie(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height,
+                       startAngle, sweepAngle);
+    }
+    Status FillPie(IN const Brush* brush,
+                   IN REAL x,
+                   IN REAL y,
+                   IN REAL width,
+                   IN REAL height,
+                   IN REAL startAngle,
+                   IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipFillPie(nativeGraphics,
+                                                 brush->nativeBrush, x, y,
+                                                 width, height, startAngle,
+                                                 sweepAngle));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status FillPie(IN const Brush* brush,
+                   IN const Rect& rect,
+                   IN REAL startAngle,
+                   IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return FillPie(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height,
+                       startAngle, sweepAngle);
+    }
+    Status FillPie(IN const Brush* brush,
+                   IN INT x,
+                   IN INT y,
+                   IN INT width,
+                   IN INT height,
+                   IN REAL startAngle,
+                   IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipFillPieI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                  brush->nativeBrush,
+                                                  x,
+                                                  y,
+                                                  width,
+                                                  height,
+                                                  startAngle,
+                                                  sweepAngle));
+    }
+    Status FillPath(IN const Brush* brush,
+                    IN const GraphicsPath* path)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipFillPath(nativeGraphics,
+                                                  brush->nativeBrush,
+                                                  path->nativePath));
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status FillClosedCurve(IN const Brush* brush,
+                           IN const PointF* points,
+                           IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipFillClosedCurve(nativeGraphics,
+                                                         brush->nativeBrush,
+                                                         points, count));
+    }
+    Status FillClosedCurve(IN const Brush* brush,
+                           IN const PointF* points,
+                           IN INT count,
+                           IN FillMode fillMode,
+                           IN REAL tension = 0.5f)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipFillClosedCurve2(nativeGraphics,
+                                                          brush->nativeBrush,
+                                                          points, count,
+                                                          tension, fillMode));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status FillClosedCurve(IN const Brush* brush,
+                           IN const Point* points,
+                           IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipFillClosedCurveI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                          brush->nativeBrush,
+                                                          points,
+                                                          count));
+    }
+    Status FillClosedCurve(IN const Brush* brush,
+                           IN const Point* points,
+                           IN INT count,
+                           IN FillMode fillMode,
+                           IN REAL tension = 0.5f)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipFillClosedCurve2I(nativeGraphics,
+                                                           brush->nativeBrush,
+                                                           points, count,
+                                                           tension, fillMode));
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status FillRegion(IN const Brush* brush,
+                      IN const Region* region)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipFillRegion(nativeGraphics,
+                                                    brush->nativeBrush,
+                                                    region->nativeRegion));
+    }
+    // DrawString and MeasureString
+    Status
+    DrawString(
+        IN const WCHAR        *string,
+        IN INT                 length,
+        IN const Font         *font,
+        IN const RectF        &layoutRect,
+        IN const StringFormat *stringFormat,
+        IN const Brush        *brush
+    )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawString(
+            nativeGraphics,
+            string,
+            length,
+            font ? font->nativeFont : NULL,
+            &layoutRect,
+            stringFormat ? stringFormat->nativeFormat : NULL,
+            brush ? brush->nativeBrush : NULL
+        ));
+    }
+    Status
+    DrawString(
+        const WCHAR        *string,
+        INT                 length,
+        const Font         *font,
+        const PointF       &origin,
+        const Brush        *brush
+    )
+    {
+        RectF rect(origin.X, origin.Y, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawString(
+            nativeGraphics,
+            string,
+            length,
+            font ? font->nativeFont : NULL,
+            &rect,
+            NULL,
+            brush ? brush->nativeBrush : NULL
+        ));
+    }
+    Status
+    DrawString(
+        const WCHAR        *string,
+        INT                 length,
+        const Font         *font,
+        const PointF       &origin,
+        const StringFormat *stringFormat,
+        const Brush        *brush
+    )
+    {
+        RectF rect(origin.X, origin.Y, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawString(
+            nativeGraphics,
+            string,
+            length,
+            font ? font->nativeFont : NULL,
+            &rect,
+            stringFormat ? stringFormat->nativeFormat : NULL,
+            brush ? brush->nativeBrush : NULL
+        ));
+    }
+    Status
+    MeasureString(
+        IN const WCHAR        *string,
+        IN INT                 length,
+        IN const Font         *font,
+        IN const RectF        &layoutRect,
+        IN const StringFormat *stringFormat,
+        OUT RectF             *boundingBox,
+        OUT INT               *codepointsFitted = 0,
+        OUT INT               *linesFilled      = 0
+    ) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipMeasureString(
+            nativeGraphics,
+            string,
+            length,
+            font ? font->nativeFont : NULL,
+            &layoutRect,
+            stringFormat ? stringFormat->nativeFormat : NULL,
+            boundingBox,
+            codepointsFitted,
+            linesFilled
+        ));
+    }
+    Status
+    MeasureString(
+        IN const WCHAR        *string,
+        IN INT                 length,
+        IN const Font         *font,
+        IN const SizeF        &layoutRectSize,
+        IN const StringFormat *stringFormat,
+        OUT SizeF             *size,
+        OUT INT               *codepointsFitted = 0,
+        OUT INT               *linesFilled      = 0
+    ) const
+    {
+        RectF   layoutRect(0, 0, layoutRectSize.Width, layoutRectSize.Height);
+        RectF   boundingBox;
+        Status  status;
+        if (size == NULL)
+        {
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        }
+        status = SetStatus(DllExports::GdipMeasureString(
+            nativeGraphics,
+            string,
+            length,
+            font ? font->nativeFont : NULL,
+            &layoutRect,
+            stringFormat ? stringFormat->nativeFormat : NULL,
+            size ? &boundingBox : NULL,
+            codepointsFitted,
+            linesFilled
+        ));
+        if (size && status == Ok)
+        {
+            size->Width  = boundingBox.Width;
+            size->Height = boundingBox.Height;
+        }
+        return status;
+    }
+    Status
+    MeasureString(
+        IN const WCHAR        *string,
+        IN INT                 length,
+        IN const Font         *font,
+        IN const PointF       &origin,
+        IN const StringFormat *stringFormat,
+        OUT RectF             *boundingBox
+    ) const
+    {
+        RectF rect(origin.X, origin.Y, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipMeasureString(
+            nativeGraphics,
+            string,
+            length,
+            font ? font->nativeFont : NULL,
+            &rect,
+            stringFormat ? stringFormat->nativeFormat : NULL,
+            boundingBox,
+            NULL,
+            NULL
+        ));
+    }
+    Status
+    MeasureString(
+        IN const WCHAR  *string,
+        IN INT           length,
+        IN const Font   *font,
+        IN const RectF  &layoutRect,
+        OUT RectF       *boundingBox
+    ) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipMeasureString(
+            nativeGraphics,
+            string,
+            length,
+            font ? font->nativeFont : NULL,
+            &layoutRect,
+            NULL,
+            boundingBox,
+            NULL,
+            NULL
+        ));
+    }
+    Status
+    MeasureString(
+        IN const WCHAR  *string,
+        IN INT           length,
+        IN const Font   *font,
+        IN const PointF &origin,
+        OUT RectF       *boundingBox
+    ) const
+    {
+        RectF rect(origin.X, origin.Y, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipMeasureString(
+            nativeGraphics,
+            string,
+            length,
+            font ? font->nativeFont : NULL,
+            &rect,
+            NULL,
+            boundingBox,
+            NULL,
+            NULL
+        ));
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_174340
+    Status
+    MeasureCharacterRanges(
+        IN const WCHAR        *string,
+        IN INT                 length,
+        IN const Font         *font,
+        IN const RectF        &layoutRect,
+        IN const StringFormat *stringFormat,
+        IN INT                 regionCount,
+        OUT Region            *regions
+    ) const
+    {
+        if (!regions || regionCount <= 0)
+        {
+            return InvalidParameter;
+        }
+        GpRegion **nativeRegions = new GpRegion* [regionCount];
+        if (!nativeRegions)
+        {
+            return OutOfMemory;
+        }
+        for (INT i = 0; i < regionCount; i++)
+        {
+            nativeRegions[i] = regions[i].nativeRegion;
+        }
+        Status status = SetStatus(DllExports::GdipMeasureCharacterRanges(
+            nativeGraphics,
+            string,
+            length,
+            font ? font->nativeFont : NULL,
+            layoutRect,
+            stringFormat ? stringFormat->nativeFormat : NULL,
+            regionCount,
+            nativeRegions
+        ));
+        delete [] nativeRegions;
+        return status;
+    }
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_174340
+    Status
+    MeasureStringRegion(
+        IN const WCHAR        *string,
+        IN INT                 length,
+        IN const Font         *font,
+        IN const RectF        &layoutRect,
+        IN const StringFormat *stringFormat,
+        IN INT                 firstCharacterIndex,
+        IN INT                 characterCount,
+        OUT Region            *region
+    ) const
+    {
+        if (region == NULL)
+        {
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        }
+        return (SetStatus(DllExports::GdipMeasureStringRegion(
+            nativeGraphics,
+            string,
+            length,
+            font ? font->nativeFont : NULL,
+            layoutRect,
+            stringFormat ? stringFormat->nativeFormat : NULL,
+            firstCharacterIndex,
+            characterCount,
+            region->nativeRegion)));
+    }
+    Status DrawDriverString(
+        IN const UINT16  *text,
+        IN INT            length,
+        IN const Font    *font,
+        IN const Brush   *brush,
+        IN const PointF  *positions,
+        IN INT            flags,
+        IN const Matrix        *matrix
+    )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawDriverString(
+            nativeGraphics,
+            text,
+            length,
+            font ? font->nativeFont : NULL,
+            brush ? brush->nativeBrush : NULL,
+            positions,
+            flags,
+            matrix ? matrix->nativeMatrix : NULL
+        ));
+    }
+    Status MeasureDriverString(
+        IN const UINT16  *text,
+        IN INT            length,
+        IN const Font    *font,
+        IN const PointF  *positions,
+        IN INT            flags,
+        IN const Matrix        *matrix,
+        OUT RectF        *boundingBox
+    ) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipMeasureDriverString(
+            nativeGraphics,
+            text,
+            length,
+            font ? font->nativeFont : NULL,
+            positions,
+            flags,
+            matrix ? matrix->nativeMatrix : NULL,
+            boundingBox
+        ));
+    }
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_168772
+    Status DriverStringPointToCodepoint(
+        IN const UINT16  *text,
+        IN INT            length,
+        IN const Font    *font,
+        IN const PointF  *positions,
+        IN INT            flags,
+        IN const Matrix  *matrix,
+        IN const PointF  &hit,
+        OUT INT          *index,
+        OUT BOOL         *rightEdge,
+        OUT REAL         *distance
+    )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDriverStringPointToCodepoint(
+            nativeGraphics,
+            text,
+            length,
+            font ? font->nativeFont : NULL,
+            positions,
+            flags,
+            matrix ? matrix->nativeMatrix : NULL,
+            &hit,
+            index,
+            rightEdge,
+            distance
+        ));
+    }
+    // Draw a cached bitmap on this graphics destination offset by
+    // x, y. Note this will fail with WrongState if the CachedBitmap
+    // native format differs from this Graphics.
+    Status DrawCachedBitmap(IN CachedBitmap *cb,
+                            IN INT x,
+                            IN INT y)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawCachedBitmap(
+            nativeGraphics,
+            cb->nativeCachedBitmap,
+            x, y
+        ));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Draw images (both bitmap and vector)
+     */
+    // float version
+    Status DrawImage(IN Image* image,
+                     IN const PointF& point)
+    {
+        return DrawImage(image, point.X, point.Y);
+    }
+    Status DrawImage(IN Image* image,
+                     IN REAL x,
+                     IN REAL y)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawImage(nativeGraphics,
+                                                   image ? image->nativeImage
+                                                         : NULL,
+                                                   x,
+                                                   y));
+    }
+    Status DrawImage(IN Image* image, 
+                     IN const RectF& rect)
+    {
+        return DrawImage(image, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
+    }
+    Status DrawImage(IN Image* image,
+                     IN REAL x,
+                     IN REAL y,
+                     IN REAL width,
+                     IN REAL height)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawImageRect(nativeGraphics,
+                                                       image ? image->nativeImage
+                                                             : NULL,
+                                                       x,
+                                                       y,
+                                                       width,
+                                                       height));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status DrawImage(IN Image* image,
+                     IN const Point& point)
+    {
+        return DrawImage(image, point.X, point.Y);
+    }
+    Status DrawImage(IN Image* image,
+                     IN INT x,
+                     IN INT y)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawImageI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                    image ? image->nativeImage
+                                                          : NULL,
+                                                    x,
+                                                    y));
+    }
+    Status DrawImage(IN Image* image,
+                     IN const Rect& rect)
+    {
+        return DrawImage(image,
+                         rect.X,
+                         rect.Y,
+                         rect.Width,
+                         rect.Height);
+    }
+    Status DrawImage(IN Image* image,
+                     IN INT x,
+                     IN INT y,
+                     IN INT width,
+                     IN INT height) {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawImageRectI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                        image ? image->nativeImage
+                                                              : NULL,
+                                                        x,
+                                                        y,
+                                                        width,
+                                                        height));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Affine or perspective blt
+     *  destPoints.length = 3: rect => parallelogram
+     *      destPoints[0] <=> top-left corner of the source rectangle
+     *      destPoints[1] <=> top-right corner
+     *      destPoints[2] <=> bottom-left corner
+     *  destPoints.length = 4: rect => quad
+     *      destPoints[3] <=> bottom-right corner
+     *
+     *  @notes Perspective blt only works for bitmap images.
+     */
+    Status DrawImage(IN Image* image,
+                     IN const PointF* destPoints,
+                     IN INT count)
+    {
+        if (count != 3 && count != 4)
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawImagePoints(nativeGraphics,
+                                                         image ? image->nativeImage
+                                                               : NULL,
+                                                         destPoints, count));
+    }
+    Status DrawImage(IN Image* image,
+                     IN const Point* destPoints,
+                     IN INT count)
+    {
+        if (count != 3 && count != 4)
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawImagePointsI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                          image ? image->nativeImage
+                                                                : NULL,
+                                                          destPoints,
+                                                          count));
+    }
+    /**
+     * We need another set of methods similar to the ones above
+     * that take an additional Rect parameter to specify the
+     * portion of the source image to be drawn.
+     */
+    // float version
+    Status DrawImage(IN Image* image,
+                     IN REAL x,
+                     IN REAL y,
+                     IN REAL srcx,
+                     IN REAL srcy,
+                     IN REAL srcwidth,
+                     IN REAL srcheight,
+                     IN Unit srcUnit)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawImagePointRect(nativeGraphics,
+                                                            image ? image->nativeImage
+                                                                  : NULL,
+                                                            x, y,
+                                                            srcx, srcy,
+                                                            srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit));
+    }
+    Status DrawImage(IN Image* image,
+                     IN const RectF& destRect,
+                     IN REAL srcx,
+                     IN REAL srcy,
+                     IN REAL srcwidth,
+                     IN REAL srcheight,
+                     IN Unit srcUnit,
+                     IN const ImageAttributes* imageAttributes = NULL,
+                     IN DrawImageAbort callback = NULL,
+                     IN VOID* callbackData = NULL)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawImageRectRect(nativeGraphics,
+                                                           image ? image->nativeImage
+                                                                 : NULL,
+                                                           destRect.X,
+                                                           destRect.Y,
+                                                           destRect.Width,
+                                                           destRect.Height,
+                                                           srcx, srcy,
+                                                           srcwidth, srcheight,
+                                                           srcUnit,
+                                                           imageAttributes
+                                                            ? imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr
+                                                            : NULL,
+                                                           callback,
+                                                           callbackData));
+    }
+    Status DrawImage(IN Image* image,
+                     IN const PointF* destPoints,
+                     IN INT count,
+                     IN REAL srcx,
+                     IN REAL srcy,
+                     IN REAL srcwidth,
+                     IN REAL srcheight,
+                     IN Unit srcUnit,
+                     IN const ImageAttributes* imageAttributes = NULL,
+                     IN DrawImageAbort callback = NULL,
+                     IN VOID* callbackData = NULL)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawImagePointsRect(nativeGraphics,
+                                                             image ? image->nativeImage
+                                                                   : NULL,
+                                                             destPoints, count,
+                                                             srcx, srcy,
+                                                             srcwidth,
+                                                             srcheight,
+                                                             srcUnit,
+                                                             imageAttributes
+                                                              ? imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr
+                                                              : NULL,
+                                                             callback,
+                                                             callbackData));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status DrawImage(IN Image* image,
+                     IN INT x,
+                     IN INT y,
+                     IN INT srcx,
+                     IN INT srcy,
+                     IN INT srcwidth,
+                     IN INT srcheight,
+                     IN Unit srcUnit)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawImagePointRectI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                             image ? image->nativeImage
+                                                                   : NULL,
+                                                             x,
+                                                             y,
+                                                             srcx,
+                                                             srcy,
+                                                             srcwidth,
+                                                             srcheight,
+                                                             srcUnit));
+    }
+    Status DrawImage(IN Image* image,
+                     IN const Rect& destRect,
+                     IN INT srcx,
+                     IN INT srcy,
+                     IN INT srcwidth,
+                     IN INT srcheight,
+                     IN Unit srcUnit,
+                     IN const ImageAttributes* imageAttributes = NULL,
+                     IN DrawImageAbort callback = NULL,
+                     IN VOID* callbackData = NULL)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawImageRectRectI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                            image ? image->nativeImage
+                                                                  : NULL,
+                                                            destRect.X,
+                                                            destRect.Y,
+                                                            destRect.Width,
+                                                            destRect.Height,
+                                                            srcx,
+                                                            srcy,
+                                                            srcwidth,
+                                                            srcheight,
+                                                            srcUnit,
+                                                            imageAttributes
+                                                            ? imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr
+                                                            : NULL,
+                                                            callback,
+                                                            callbackData));
+    }
+    Status DrawImage(IN Image* image,
+                     IN const Point* destPoints,
+                     IN INT count,
+                     IN INT srcx,
+                     IN INT srcy,
+                     IN INT srcwidth,
+                     IN INT srcheight,
+                     IN Unit srcUnit,
+                     IN const ImageAttributes* imageAttributes = NULL,
+                     IN DrawImageAbort callback = NULL,
+                     IN VOID* callbackData = NULL)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDrawImagePointsRectI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                              image ? image->nativeImage
+                                                                    : NULL,
+                                                              destPoints,
+                                                              count,
+                                                              srcx,
+                                                              srcy,
+                                                              srcwidth,
+                                                              srcheight,
+                                                              srcUnit,
+                                                              imageAttributes
+                                                               ? imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr
+                                                               : NULL,
+                                                              callback,
+                                                              callbackData));
+    }
+    // The following methods are for playing an EMF+ to a graphics
+    // via the enumeration interface.  Each record of the EMF+ is
+    // sent to the callback (along with the callbackData).  Then
+    // the callback can invoke the Metafile::PlayRecord method
+    // to play the particular record.
+    Status
+    EnumerateMetafile(
+        IN const Metafile *        metafile,
+        IN const PointF &          destPoint,
+        IN EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+        IN VOID *                  callbackData    = NULL,
+        IN const ImageAttributes *       imageAttributes = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoint(
+                    nativeGraphics,
+                    (const GpMetafile *)(metafile ? metafile->nativeImage:NULL),
+                    destPoint,
+                    callback,
+                    callbackData,
+                    imageAttributes ? imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr : NULL));
+    }
+    Status
+    EnumerateMetafile(
+        IN const Metafile *        metafile,
+        IN const Point &           destPoint,
+        IN EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+        IN VOID *                  callbackData    = NULL,
+        IN const ImageAttributes *       imageAttributes = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointI(
+                    nativeGraphics,
+                    (const GpMetafile *)(metafile ? metafile->nativeImage:NULL),
+                    destPoint,
+                    callback,
+                    callbackData,
+                    imageAttributes ? imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr : NULL));
+    }
+    Status
+    EnumerateMetafile(
+        IN const Metafile *        metafile,
+        IN const RectF &           destRect,
+        IN EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+        IN VOID *                  callbackData    = NULL,
+        IN const ImageAttributes *       imageAttributes = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRect(
+                    nativeGraphics,
+                    (const GpMetafile *)(metafile ? metafile->nativeImage:NULL),
+                    destRect,
+                    callback,
+                    callbackData,
+                    imageAttributes ? imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr : NULL));
+    }
+    Status
+    EnumerateMetafile(
+        IN const Metafile *        metafile,
+        IN const Rect &            destRect,
+        IN EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+        IN VOID *                  callbackData    = NULL,
+        IN const ImageAttributes *       imageAttributes = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipEnumerateMetafileDestRectI(
+                    nativeGraphics,
+                    (const GpMetafile *)(metafile ? metafile->nativeImage:NULL),
+                    destRect,
+                    callback,
+                    callbackData,
+                    imageAttributes ? imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr : NULL));
+    }
+    Status
+    EnumerateMetafile(
+        IN const Metafile *        metafile,
+        IN const PointF *          destPoints,
+        IN INT                     count,
+        IN EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+        IN VOID *                  callbackData    = NULL,
+        IN const ImageAttributes *       imageAttributes = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPoints(
+                    nativeGraphics,
+                    (const GpMetafile *)(metafile ? metafile->nativeImage:NULL),
+                    destPoints,
+                    count,
+                    callback,
+                    callbackData,
+                    imageAttributes ? imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr : NULL));
+    }
+    Status
+    EnumerateMetafile(
+        IN const Metafile *        metafile,
+        IN const Point *           destPoints,
+        IN INT                     count,
+        IN EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+        IN VOID *                  callbackData    = NULL,
+        IN const ImageAttributes *       imageAttributes = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipEnumerateMetafileDestPointsI(
+                    nativeGraphics,
+                    (const GpMetafile *)(metafile ? metafile->nativeImage:NULL),
+                    destPoints,
+                    count,
+                    callback,
+                    callbackData,
+                    imageAttributes ? imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr : NULL));
+    }
+    Status
+    EnumerateMetafile(
+        IN const Metafile *        metafile,
+        IN const PointF &          destPoint,
+        IN const RectF &           srcRect,
+        IN Unit                    srcUnit,
+        IN EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+        IN VOID *                  callbackData    = NULL,
+        IN const ImageAttributes *       imageAttributes = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoint(
+                    nativeGraphics,
+                    (const GpMetafile *)(metafile ? metafile->nativeImage:NULL),
+                    destPoint,
+                    srcRect,
+                    srcUnit,
+                    callback,
+                    callbackData,
+                    imageAttributes ? imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr : NULL));
+    }
+    Status
+    EnumerateMetafile(
+        IN const Metafile *        metafile,
+        IN const Point &           destPoint,
+        IN const Rect &            srcRect,
+        IN Unit                    srcUnit,
+        IN EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+        IN VOID *                  callbackData    = NULL,
+        IN const ImageAttributes *       imageAttributes = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointI(
+                    nativeGraphics,
+                    (const GpMetafile *)(metafile ? metafile->nativeImage:NULL),
+                    destPoint,
+                    srcRect,
+                    srcUnit,
+                    callback,
+                    callbackData,
+                    imageAttributes ? imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr : NULL));
+    }
+    Status
+    EnumerateMetafile(
+        IN const Metafile *        metafile,
+        IN const RectF &           destRect,
+        IN const RectF &           srcRect,
+        IN Unit                    srcUnit,
+        IN EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+        IN VOID *                  callbackData    = NULL,
+        IN const ImageAttributes *       imageAttributes = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRect(
+                    nativeGraphics,
+                    (const GpMetafile *)(metafile ? metafile->nativeImage:NULL),
+                    destRect,
+                    srcRect,
+                    srcUnit,
+                    callback,
+                    callbackData,
+                    imageAttributes ? imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr : NULL));
+    }
+    Status
+    EnumerateMetafile(
+        IN const Metafile *        metafile,
+        IN const Rect &            destRect,
+        IN const Rect &            srcRect,
+        IN Unit                    srcUnit,
+        IN EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+        IN VOID *                  callbackData    = NULL,
+        IN const ImageAttributes *       imageAttributes = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestRectI(
+                    nativeGraphics,
+                    (const GpMetafile *)(metafile ? metafile->nativeImage:NULL),
+                    destRect,
+                    srcRect,
+                    srcUnit,
+                    callback,
+                    callbackData,
+                    imageAttributes ? imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr : NULL));
+    }
+    Status
+    EnumerateMetafile(
+        IN const Metafile *        metafile,
+        IN const PointF *          destPoints,
+        IN INT                     count,
+        IN const RectF &           srcRect,
+        IN Unit                    srcUnit,
+        IN EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+        IN VOID *                  callbackData    = NULL,
+        IN const ImageAttributes *       imageAttributes = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPoints(
+                    nativeGraphics,
+                    (const GpMetafile *)(metafile ? metafile->nativeImage:NULL),
+                    destPoints,
+                    count,
+                    srcRect,
+                    srcUnit,
+                    callback,
+                    callbackData,
+                    imageAttributes ? imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr : NULL));
+    }
+    Status
+    EnumerateMetafile(
+        IN const Metafile *        metafile,
+        IN const Point *           destPoints,
+        IN INT                     count,
+        IN const Rect &            srcRect,
+        IN Unit                    srcUnit,
+        IN EnumerateMetafileProc   callback,
+        IN VOID *                  callbackData    = NULL,
+        IN const ImageAttributes *       imageAttributes = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipEnumerateMetafileSrcRectDestPointsI(
+                    nativeGraphics,
+                    (const GpMetafile *)(metafile ? metafile->nativeImage:NULL),
+                    destPoints,
+                    count,
+                    srcRect,
+                    srcUnit,
+                    callback,
+                    callbackData,
+                    imageAttributes ? imageAttributes->nativeImageAttr : NULL));
+    }
+    /**
+      * Clipping region operations
+      *
+      * @notes Simply incredible redundancy here.
+      */
+    Status SetClip(IN const Graphics* g,
+                   IN CombineMode combineMode = CombineModeReplace)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetClipGraphics(nativeGraphics,
+                                                         g->nativeGraphics,
+                                                         combineMode));
+    }
+    Status SetClip(IN const RectF& rect,
+                   IN CombineMode combineMode = CombineModeReplace)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetClipRect(nativeGraphics,
+                                                     rect.X, rect.Y,
+                                                     rect.Width, rect.Height,
+                                                     combineMode));
+    }
+    Status SetClip(IN const Rect& rect,
+                   IN CombineMode combineMode = CombineModeReplace)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetClipRectI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                      rect.X, rect.Y,
+                                                      rect.Width, rect.Height,
+                                                      combineMode));
+    }
+    Status SetClip(IN const GraphicsPath* path,
+                   IN CombineMode combineMode = CombineModeReplace)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetClipPath(nativeGraphics,
+                                                     path->nativePath,
+                                                     combineMode));
+    }
+    Status SetClip(IN const Region* region,
+                   IN CombineMode combineMode = CombineModeReplace)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetClipRegion(nativeGraphics,
+                                                       region->nativeRegion,
+                                                       combineMode));
+    }
+    // This is different than the other SetClip methods because it assumes
+    // that the HRGN is already in device units, so it doesn't transform
+    // the coordinates in the HRGN.
+    Status SetClip(IN HRGN hRgn,
+                   IN CombineMode combineMode = CombineModeReplace)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetClipHrgn(nativeGraphics, hRgn,
+                                                     combineMode));
+    }
+    Status IntersectClip(IN const RectF& rect)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetClipRect(nativeGraphics,
+                                                     rect.X, rect.Y,
+                                                     rect.Width, rect.Height,
+                                                     CombineModeIntersect));
+    }
+    Status IntersectClip(IN const Rect& rect)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetClipRectI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                      rect.X, rect.Y,
+                                                      rect.Width, rect.Height,
+                                                      CombineModeIntersect));
+    }
+    Status IntersectClip(IN const Region* region)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetClipRegion(nativeGraphics,
+                                                       region->nativeRegion,
+                                                       CombineModeIntersect));
+    }
+    Status ExcludeClip(IN const RectF& rect)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetClipRect(nativeGraphics,
+                                                     rect.X, rect.Y,
+                                                     rect.Width, rect.Height,
+                                                     CombineModeExclude));
+    }
+    Status ExcludeClip(IN const Rect& rect)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetClipRectI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                      rect.X, rect.Y,
+                                                      rect.Width, rect.Height,
+                                                      CombineModeExclude));
+    }
+    Status ExcludeClip(IN const Region* region)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetClipRegion(nativeGraphics,
+                                                       region->nativeRegion,
+                                                       CombineModeExclude));
+    }
+    Status ResetClip()
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipResetClip(nativeGraphics));
+    }
+    Status TranslateClip(IN REAL dx,
+                         IN REAL dy)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslateClip(nativeGraphics, dx, dy));
+    }
+    Status TranslateClip(IN INT dx,
+                         IN INT dy)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslateClipI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                        dx, dy));
+    }
+    /**
+     *  GetClip region from graphics context
+     */
+    Status GetClip(OUT Region* region) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetClip(nativeGraphics,
+                                                 region->nativeRegion));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Hit testing operations
+     */
+    Status GetClipBounds(OUT RectF* rect) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetClipBounds(nativeGraphics, rect));
+    }
+    Status GetClipBounds(OUT Rect* rect) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetClipBoundsI(nativeGraphics, rect));
+    }
+    BOOL IsClipEmpty() const
+    {
+        BOOL booln = FALSE;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsClipEmpty(nativeGraphics, &booln));
+        return booln;
+    }
+    Status GetVisibleClipBounds(OUT RectF *rect) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetVisibleClipBounds(nativeGraphics,
+                                                              rect));
+    }
+    Status GetVisibleClipBounds(OUT Rect *rect) const
+    {
+       return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetVisibleClipBoundsI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                              rect));
+    }
+    BOOL IsVisibleClipEmpty() const
+    {
+        BOOL booln = FALSE;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsVisibleClipEmpty(nativeGraphics, &booln));
+        return booln;
+    }
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN INT x,
+                   IN INT y) const
+    {
+        return IsVisible(Point(x,y));
+    }
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN const Point& point) const
+    {
+        BOOL booln = FALSE;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsVisiblePointI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                  point.X,
+                                                  point.Y,
+                                                  &booln));
+        return booln;
+    }
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN INT x,
+                   IN INT y,
+                   IN INT width,
+                   IN INT height) const
+    {
+        return IsVisible(Rect(x, y, width, height));
+    }
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN const Rect& rect) const
+    {
+        BOOL booln = TRUE;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsVisibleRectI(nativeGraphics,
+                                                 rect.X,
+                                                 rect.Y,
+                                                 rect.Width,
+                                                 rect.Height,
+                                                 &booln));
+        return booln;
+    }
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN REAL x,
+                   IN REAL y) const
+    {
+        return IsVisible(PointF(x, y));
+    }
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN const PointF& point) const
+    {
+        BOOL booln = FALSE;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsVisiblePoint(nativeGraphics,
+                                                 point.X,
+                                                 point.Y,
+                                                 &booln));
+        return booln;
+    }
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN REAL x,
+                   IN REAL y,
+                   IN REAL width,
+                   IN REAL height) const
+    {
+        return IsVisible(RectF(x, y, width, height));
+    }
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN const RectF& rect) const
+    {
+        BOOL booln = TRUE;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsVisibleRect(nativeGraphics,
+                                                rect.X,
+                                                rect.Y,
+                                                rect.Width,
+                                                rect.Height,
+                                                &booln));
+        return booln;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Save/restore graphics state
+     */
+    GraphicsState Save() const
+    {
+        GraphicsState gstate;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSaveGraphics(nativeGraphics, &gstate));
+        return gstate;
+    }
+    Status Restore(IN GraphicsState gstate)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipRestoreGraphics(nativeGraphics,
+                                                         gstate));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Begin and end container drawing
+     */
+    GraphicsContainer BeginContainer(IN const RectF &dstrect,
+                                     IN const RectF &srcrect,
+                                     IN Unit         unit)
+    {
+        GraphicsContainer state;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipBeginContainer(nativeGraphics, &dstrect,
+                                                 &srcrect, unit, &state));
+        return state;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Begin and end container drawing
+     */
+    GraphicsContainer BeginContainer(IN const Rect    &dstrect,
+                                     IN const Rect    &srcrect,
+                                     IN Unit           unit)
+    {
+        GraphicsContainer state;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipBeginContainerI(nativeGraphics, &dstrect,
+                                                  &srcrect, unit, &state));
+        return state;
+    }
+    GraphicsContainer BeginContainer()
+    {
+        GraphicsContainer state;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipBeginContainer2(nativeGraphics, &state));
+        return state;
+    }
+    Status EndContainer(IN GraphicsContainer state)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipEndContainer(nativeGraphics, state));
+    }
+    // only valid when recording metafiles
+    Status AddMetafileComment(IN const BYTE * data,
+                              IN UINT sizeData)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipComment(nativeGraphics, sizeData, data));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get/SetLayout
+     * Support for Middle East localization (right-to-left mirroring)
+     */
+    GraphicsLayout GetLayout() const
+    {
+        GraphicsLayout layout;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetGraphicsLayout(nativeGraphics, &layout));
+        return layout;
+    }
+    Status SetLayout(IN const GraphicsLayout layout)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(
+            DllExports::GdipSetGraphicsLayout(nativeGraphics, layout)
+        );
+    }
+    static HPALETTE GetHalftonePalette()
+    {
+        return DllExports::GdipCreateHalftonePalette();
+    }
+    Status GetLastStatus() const
+    {
+        Status lastStatus = lastResult;
+        lastResult = Ok;
+        return lastStatus;
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    Graphics(const Graphics &);
+    Graphics& operator=(const Graphics &);
+    Graphics(const Graphics& graphics)
+    {
+        graphics;
+        SetStatus(NotImplemented);
+    }
+    Graphics& operator=(const Graphics& graphics)
+    {
+        graphics;
+        SetStatus(NotImplemented);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    Graphics(GpGraphics* graphics)
+    {
+        lastResult = Ok;
+        SetNativeGraphics(graphics);
+    }
+    VOID SetNativeGraphics(GpGraphics *graphics)
+    {
+        this->nativeGraphics = graphics;
+    }
+    Status SetStatus(Status status) const
+    {
+        if (status != Ok)
+            return (lastResult = status);
+        else
+            return status;
+    }
+    // Methods necessary to subclass Graphics for extension test.
+    GpGraphics* GetNativeGraphics() const
+    {
+        return this->nativeGraphics;
+    }
+    GpPen* GetNativePen(const Pen* pen)
+    {
+        return pen->nativePen;
+    }
+    GpGraphics* nativeGraphics;
+    mutable Status lastResult;
+// Extra implementation of GraphicsPath methods that use Graphics
+ * Get the bounds of the path object with the given transform.
+ * This is not always the tightest bounds.
+ */
+inline Status
+    OUT RectF* bounds,
+    IN const Matrix* matrix,
+    IN const Pen* pen) const
+    GpMatrix* nativeMatrix = NULL;
+    GpPen* nativePen = NULL;
+    if (matrix)
+        nativeMatrix = matrix->nativeMatrix;
+    if (pen)
+        nativePen = pen->nativePen;
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathWorldBounds(nativePath, bounds,
+                                                   nativeMatrix, nativePen));
+// integer version
+inline Status
+    OUT Rect* bounds,
+    IN const Matrix* matrix,
+    IN const Pen* pen
+) const
+    GpMatrix* nativeMatrix = NULL;
+    GpPen* nativePen = NULL;
+    if (matrix)
+        nativeMatrix = matrix->nativeMatrix;
+    if (pen)
+        nativePen = pen->nativePen;
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathWorldBoundsI(nativePath, bounds,
+                                                    nativeMatrix, nativePen));
+// Hit testing operations
+inline BOOL
+    IN REAL x,
+    IN REAL y,
+    IN const Graphics* g) const
+   BOOL booln = FALSE;
+   GpGraphics* nativeGraphics = NULL;
+   if (g)
+       nativeGraphics = g->nativeGraphics;
+   SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsVisiblePathPoint(nativePath,
+                                                x, y, nativeGraphics,
+                                                &booln));
+   return booln;
+inline BOOL
+    IN INT x,
+    IN INT y,
+    IN const Graphics* g) const
+   BOOL booln = FALSE;
+   GpGraphics* nativeGraphics = NULL;
+   if (g)
+       nativeGraphics = g->nativeGraphics;
+   SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsVisiblePathPointI(nativePath,
+                                                 x, y, nativeGraphics,
+                                                 &booln));
+   return booln;
+inline BOOL
+    IN REAL x,
+    IN REAL y,
+    IN const Pen* pen,
+    IN const Graphics* g) const
+    BOOL booln = FALSE;
+    GpGraphics* nativeGraphics = NULL;
+    GpPen* nativePen = NULL;
+    if(g)
+        nativeGraphics = g->nativeGraphics;
+    if(pen)
+        nativePen = pen->nativePen;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsOutlineVisiblePathPoint(nativePath,
+                                                        x, y, nativePen, nativeGraphics,
+                                                        &booln));
+    return booln;
+inline BOOL
+    IN INT x,
+    IN INT y,
+    IN const Pen* pen,
+    IN const Graphics* g) const
+    BOOL booln = FALSE;
+    GpGraphics* nativeGraphics = NULL;
+    GpPen* nativePen = NULL;
+    if(g)
+        nativeGraphics = g->nativeGraphics;
+    if(pen)
+        nativePen = pen->nativePen;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsOutlineVisiblePathPointI(nativePath,
+                                                         x, y, nativePen, nativeGraphics,
+                                                         &booln));
+    return booln;
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusHeaders.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusHeaders.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f80205d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusHeaders.h
@@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusHeaders.h
+* Abstract:
+*   GDI+ Native C++ public header file
+// Abstract base class for regions
+//  Include the class declarations here and have inline class implementation
+//  in separate file to avoid circular references.
+class Region : public GdiplusBase
+    friend class Graphics;
+    Region();
+    Region(IN const RectF& rect);
+    Region(IN const Rect& rect);
+    Region(IN const GraphicsPath* path);
+    Region(IN const BYTE* regionData, IN INT size);
+    Region(IN HRGN hRgn);
+    static Region* FromHRGN(IN HRGN hRgn);
+    ~Region();
+    Region* Clone() const;
+    Status MakeInfinite();
+    Status MakeEmpty();
+    // Get the size of the buffer needed for the GetData method
+    UINT GetDataSize() const;
+    // buffer     - where to put the data
+    // bufferSize - how big the buffer is (should be at least as big as GetDataSize())
+    // sizeFilled - if not NULL, this is an OUT param that says how many bytes
+    //              of data were written to the buffer.
+    Status GetData(OUT BYTE* buffer,
+                   IN UINT bufferSize,
+                   OUT UINT* sizeFilled = NULL) const;
+    Status Intersect(IN const Rect& rect);
+    Status Intersect(IN const RectF& rect);
+    Status Intersect(IN const GraphicsPath* path);
+    Status Intersect(IN const Region* region);
+    Status Union(IN const Rect& rect);
+    Status Union(IN const RectF& rect);
+    Status Union(IN const GraphicsPath* path);
+    Status Union(IN const Region* region);
+    Status Xor(IN const Rect& rect);
+    Status Xor(IN const RectF& rect);
+    Status Xor(IN const GraphicsPath* path);
+    Status Xor(IN const Region* region);
+    Status Exclude(IN const Rect& rect);
+    Status Exclude(IN const RectF& rect);
+    Status Exclude(IN const GraphicsPath* path);
+    Status Exclude(IN const Region* region);
+    Status Complement(IN const Rect& rect);
+    Status Complement(IN const RectF& rect);
+    Status Complement(IN const GraphicsPath* path);
+    Status Complement(IN const Region* region);
+    Status Translate(IN REAL dx,
+                     IN REAL dy);
+    Status Translate(IN INT dx,
+                     IN INT dy);
+    Status Transform(IN const Matrix* matrix);
+    Status GetBounds(OUT Rect* rect,
+                     IN const Graphics* g) const;
+    Status GetBounds(OUT RectF* rect,
+                     IN const Graphics* g) const;
+    HRGN   GetHRGN  (IN const Graphics * g) const;
+    BOOL IsEmpty(IN const Graphics *g) const;
+    BOOL IsInfinite(IN const Graphics *g) const;
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN INT x,
+                   IN INT y,
+                   IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const
+    {
+        return IsVisible(Point(x, y), g);
+    }
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN const Point& point,
+                   IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const;
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN REAL x,
+                   IN REAL y,
+                   IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const
+    {
+        return IsVisible(PointF(x, y), g);
+    }
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN const PointF& point,
+                   IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const;
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN INT x,
+                   IN INT y,
+                   IN INT width,
+                   IN INT height,
+                   IN const Graphics* g) const
+    {
+        return IsVisible(Rect(x, y, width, height), g);
+    }
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN const Rect& rect,
+                   IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const;
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN REAL x,
+                   IN REAL y,
+                   IN REAL width,
+                   IN REAL height,
+                   IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const
+    {
+        return IsVisible(RectF(x, y, width, height), g);
+    }
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN const RectF& rect,
+                   IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const;
+    BOOL Equals(IN const Region* region,
+                IN const Graphics* g) const;
+    UINT GetRegionScansCount(IN const Matrix* matrix) const;
+    Status GetRegionScans(IN const Matrix* matrix,
+                          OUT RectF* rects,
+                          OUT INT* count) const;
+    Status GetRegionScans(IN const Matrix* matrix,
+                          OUT Rect*  rects,
+                          OUT INT* count) const;
+    Status GetLastStatus() const;
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    Region(const Region &region);
+    Region& operator=(const Region &region);
+    Region(const Region &region)
+    {
+        region; // reference parameter
+        SetStatus(NotImplemented);
+    }
+    Region& operator=(const Region &region)
+    {
+       region;  // reference parameter
+       SetStatus(NotImplemented);
+       return *this;
+    }
+    Status SetStatus(Status status) const
+    {
+        if (status != Ok)
+            return (lastResult = status);
+        else
+            return status;
+    }
+    Region(GpRegion* nativeRegion);
+    VOID SetNativeRegion(GpRegion* nativeRegion);
+    GpRegion* nativeRegion;
+    mutable Status lastResult;
+// Abstract base class for FontFamily
+class FontFamily : public GdiplusBase
+    friend class Font;
+    friend class Graphics;
+    friend class GraphicsPath;
+    friend class FontCollection;
+    FontFamily();
+    FontFamily(
+        IN const WCHAR          *name,
+        IN const FontCollection *fontCollection = NULL
+    );
+    ~FontFamily();
+    static const FontFamily *GenericSansSerif();
+    static const FontFamily *GenericSerif();
+    static const FontFamily *GenericMonospace();
+    Status GetFamilyName(
+        OUT WCHAR        name[LF_FACESIZE],
+        IN LANGID        language = 0
+    ) const;
+//  Copy operator
+    FontFamily * Clone() const;
+    BOOL    IsAvailable() const
+    {
+        return (nativeFamily != NULL);
+    };
+    BOOL    IsStyleAvailable(IN INT style) const;
+    UINT16  GetEmHeight     (IN INT style) const;
+    UINT16  GetCellAscent   (IN INT style) const;
+    UINT16  GetCellDescent  (IN INT style) const;
+    UINT16  GetLineSpacing  (IN INT style) const;
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    Status GetLastStatus() const;
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    FontFamily(const FontFamily &);
+    FontFamily& operator=(const FontFamily &);
+    Status SetStatus(Status status) const;
+    // private constructor for copy
+    FontFamily(GpFontFamily * nativeFamily, Status status);
+//  Data members
+    GpFontFamily    *nativeFamily;
+    mutable Status   lastResult;
+static FontFamily *GenericSansSerifFontFamily = NULL;
+static FontFamily *GenericSerifFontFamily     = NULL;
+static FontFamily *GenericMonospaceFontFamily = NULL;
+static BYTE GenericSansSerifFontFamilyBuffer[sizeof(FontFamily)] = {0};
+static BYTE GenericSerifFontFamilyBuffer    [sizeof(FontFamily)] = {0};
+static BYTE GenericMonospaceFontFamilyBuffer[sizeof(FontFamily)] = {0};
+// Abstract base class for fonts
+class Font : public GdiplusBase
+    friend class Graphics;
+    Font(IN HDC hdc);
+    Font(IN HDC hdc,
+         IN const LOGFONTA* logfont);
+    Font(IN HDC hdc,
+         IN const LOGFONTW* logfont);
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_127084
+    Font(IN HDC hdc,
+         IN const HFONT hfont);
+    Font(
+        IN const FontFamily * family,
+        IN REAL         emSize,
+        IN INT          style   = FontStyleRegular,
+        IN Unit         unit    = UnitPoint
+    );
+    Font(
+        IN const WCHAR *           familyName,
+        IN REAL                    emSize,
+        IN INT                     style   = FontStyleRegular,
+        IN Unit                    unit    = UnitPoint,
+        IN const FontCollection *  fontCollection = NULL
+    );
+    Status GetLogFontA(IN const Graphics* g,
+                       OUT  LOGFONTA * logfontA) const;
+    Status GetLogFontW(IN const Graphics* g,
+                       OUT LOGFONTW * logfontW) const;
+    Font* Clone() const;
+    ~Font();
+    BOOL        IsAvailable()   const;
+    INT         GetStyle()      const;
+    REAL        GetSize()       const;
+    Unit        GetUnit()       const;
+    Status      GetLastStatus() const;
+    REAL        GetHeight(IN const Graphics *graphics = NULL) const;
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_125467
+    REAL        GetHeight(IN REAL dpi) const;
+    Status GetFamily(OUT FontFamily *family) const;
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    Font(const Font &);
+    Font& operator=(const Font &);
+    Font(GpFont* font, Status status);
+    VOID SetNativeFont(GpFont *Font);
+    Status SetStatus(Status status) const;
+    /*
+     * handle to native line texture object
+     */
+    GpFont* nativeFont;
+    mutable Status lastResult;
+// Abstract base classes for font collections
+class FontCollection : public GdiplusBase
+    friend class FontFamily;
+    FontCollection();
+    virtual ~FontCollection();
+    INT GetFamilyCount() const;     // number of enumerable families in the collection
+    Status GetFamilies(             // enumerate the fonts in a collection
+        IN INT           numSought,
+        OUT FontFamily * gpfamilies,
+        OUT INT        * numFound
+    ) const;
+    Status GetLastStatus() const;
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    FontCollection(const FontCollection &);
+    FontCollection& operator=(const FontCollection &);
+    Status SetStatus(Status status) const ;
+    GpFontCollection *nativeFontCollection;
+    mutable Status    lastResult;
+class InstalledFontCollection : public FontCollection
+    InstalledFontCollection();
+    ~InstalledFontCollection();
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    InstalledFontCollection(const InstalledFontCollection &);
+    InstalledFontCollection& operator=(const InstalledFontCollection &);
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_235072
+    Status InstallFontFile(IN const WCHAR* filename);
+    Status UninstallFontFile(IN const WCHAR* filename);
+    Status SetStatus(Status status) const ;
+class PrivateFontCollection : public FontCollection
+    PrivateFontCollection();
+    ~PrivateFontCollection();
+    Status AddFontFile(IN const WCHAR* filename);
+    Status AddMemoryFont(IN const VOID* memory,
+                         IN INT length);
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    PrivateFontCollection(const PrivateFontCollection &);
+    PrivateFontCollection& operator=(const PrivateFontCollection &);
+// Abstract base class for bitmap image and metafile
+// !!! Note:
+//  Include the class declarations here and have the inline class
+//  implementation in a separate file.  This is done to resolve a
+//  circular dependency since one of the Bitmap methods needs to
+//  access the private member nativeGraphics of the Graphics object.
+class Image : public GdiplusBase
+    friend class Brush;
+    friend class TextureBrush;
+    friend class Graphics;
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_140782
+    Image(
+        IN const WCHAR* filename
+    );
+    Image(
+        IN IStream* stream
+    );
+    static Image* FromFile(
+        IN const WCHAR* filename
+    );
+    static Image* FromStream(
+        IN IStream* stream
+    );
+    Image(
+        IN const WCHAR* filename,
+        IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement = FALSE
+    );
+    Image(
+        IN IStream* stream,
+        IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement = FALSE
+    );
+    static Image* FromFile(
+        IN const WCHAR* filename,
+        IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement = FALSE
+    );
+    static Image* FromStream(
+        IN IStream* stream,
+        IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement = FALSE
+    );
+    virtual ~Image();
+    virtual Image* Clone();
+    Status Save(IN const WCHAR* filename,
+                IN const CLSID* clsidEncoder,
+                IN const EncoderParameters *encoderParams = NULL);
+    Status Save(IN IStream* stream,
+                IN const CLSID* clsidEncoder,
+                IN const EncoderParameters *encoderParams = NULL);
+    Status SaveAdd(IN const EncoderParameters* encoderParams);
+    Status SaveAdd(IN Image* newImage,
+                   IN const EncoderParameters* encoderParams);
+    ImageType GetType() const;
+    Status GetPhysicalDimension(OUT SizeF* size);
+    Status GetBounds(OUT RectF* srcRect,
+                     OUT Unit* srcUnit);
+    UINT GetWidth();
+    UINT GetHeight();
+    REAL GetHorizontalResolution();
+    REAL GetVerticalResolution();
+    UINT GetFlags();
+    Status GetRawFormat(OUT GUID *format);
+    PixelFormat GetPixelFormat();
+    INT GetPaletteSize();
+    Status GetPalette(OUT ColorPalette* palette,
+                      IN INT size);
+    Status SetPalette(IN const ColorPalette* palette);
+    Image* GetThumbnailImage(IN UINT thumbWidth,
+                             IN UINT thumbHeight,
+                             IN GetThumbnailImageAbort callback = NULL,
+                             IN VOID* callbackData = NULL);
+    UINT GetFrameDimensionsCount();
+    Status GetFrameDimensionsList(OUT GUID* dimensionIDs,
+                                  IN UINT count);
+    UINT GetFrameCount(IN const GUID* dimensionID);
+    Status SelectActiveFrame(IN const GUID* dimensionID,
+                             IN UINT frameIndex);
+    Status RotateFlip(IN RotateFlipType rotateFlipType);
+    UINT GetPropertyCount();
+    Status GetPropertyIdList(IN UINT numOfProperty,
+                             OUT PROPID* list);
+    UINT GetPropertyItemSize(IN PROPID propId);
+    Status GetPropertyItem(IN PROPID propId,
+                           IN UINT propSize,
+                           OUT PropertyItem* buffer);
+    Status GetPropertySize(OUT UINT* totalBufferSize,
+                           OUT UINT* numProperties);
+    Status GetAllPropertyItems(IN UINT totalBufferSize,
+                               IN UINT numProperties,
+                               OUT PropertyItem* allItems);
+    Status RemovePropertyItem(IN PROPID propId);
+    Status SetPropertyItem(IN const PropertyItem* item);
+    UINT  GetEncoderParameterListSize(IN const CLSID* clsidEncoder);
+    Status GetEncoderParameterList(IN const CLSID* clsidEncoder,
+                                   IN UINT size,
+                                   OUT EncoderParameters* buffer);
+    // Support for Middle East localization (right-to-left mirroring)
+    ImageLayout GetLayout() const;
+    Status SetLayout(IN const ImageLayout layout);
+    Status GetLastStatus() const;
+    Image() {}
+    Image(GpImage *nativeImage, Status status);
+    VOID SetNativeImage(GpImage* nativeImage);
+    Status SetStatus(Status status) const
+    {
+        if (status != Ok)
+            return (lastResult = status);
+        else
+            return status;
+    }
+    GpImage* nativeImage;
+    mutable Status lastResult;
+    mutable Status loadStatus;
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    // Disable copy constructor and assignment operator
+    Image(IN const Image& C);
+    Image& operator=(IN const Image& C);
+class Bitmap : public Image
+    friend class Image;
+    friend class CachedBitmap;
+    Bitmap(
+        IN const WCHAR *filename,
+        IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement = FALSE
+    );
+    Bitmap(
+        IN IStream *stream,
+        IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement = FALSE
+    );
+    static Bitmap* FromFile(
+        IN const WCHAR *filename,
+        IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement = FALSE
+    );
+    static Bitmap* FromStream(
+        IN IStream *stream,
+        IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement = FALSE
+    );
+    Bitmap(IN INT width,
+           IN INT height,
+           IN INT stride, PixelFormat format,
+           IN BYTE* scan0);
+    Bitmap(IN INT width,
+           IN INT height,
+           IN PixelFormat format = PixelFormat32bppARGB);
+    Bitmap(IN INT width,
+           IN INT height,
+           IN  Graphics* target);
+    Bitmap* Clone(IN const Rect& rect,
+                  IN PixelFormat format);
+    Bitmap* Clone(IN INT x,
+                  IN INT y,
+                  IN INT width,
+                  IN INT height,
+                  IN PixelFormat format);
+    Bitmap* Clone(IN const RectF& rect,
+                  IN PixelFormat format);
+    Bitmap* Clone(IN REAL x,
+                  IN REAL y,
+                  IN REAL width,
+                  IN REAL height,
+                  IN PixelFormat format);
+    Status LockBits(IN const Rect& rect,
+                    IN UINT flags,
+                    IN PixelFormat format,
+                    OUT BitmapData* lockedBitmapData);
+    Status UnlockBits(IN BitmapData* lockedBitmapData);
+    Status GetPixel(IN INT x,
+                    IN INT y,
+                    OUT Color *color);
+    Status SetPixel(IN INT x,
+                    IN INT y,
+                    IN const Color &color);
+    Status SetResolution(IN REAL xdpi,
+                         IN REAL ydpi);
+    // GDI interop:
+    Bitmap(IN IDirectDrawSurface7* surface);
+    Bitmap(IN const BITMAPINFO* gdiBitmapInfo,
+           IN VOID* gdiBitmapData);
+    Bitmap(IN HBITMAP hbm,
+           IN HPALETTE hpal);
+    Bitmap(IN HICON hicon);
+    Bitmap(IN HINSTANCE hInstance,
+           IN const WCHAR * bitmapName);
+    static Bitmap* FromDirectDrawSurface7(IN IDirectDrawSurface7* surface);
+    static Bitmap* FromBITMAPINFO(IN const BITMAPINFO* gdiBitmapInfo,
+                                  IN VOID* gdiBitmapData);
+    static Bitmap* FromHBITMAP(IN HBITMAP hbm,
+                               IN HPALETTE hpal);
+    static Bitmap* FromHICON(IN HICON hicon);
+    static Bitmap* FromResource(IN HINSTANCE hInstance,
+                                IN const WCHAR * bitmapName);
+    Status GetHBITMAP(IN const Color& colorBackground,
+                      OUT HBITMAP *hbmReturn);
+    Status GetHICON(HICON *hicon);
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    Bitmap(const Bitmap &);
+    Bitmap& operator=(const Bitmap &);
+    Bitmap(GpBitmap *nativeBitmap);
+class CustomLineCap : public GdiplusBase
+    friend class Pen;
+    CustomLineCap(
+        IN const GraphicsPath* fillPath,
+        IN const GraphicsPath* strokePath,
+        IN LineCap baseCap = LineCapFlat,
+        IN REAL baseInset = 0
+        );
+    virtual ~CustomLineCap();
+    CustomLineCap* Clone() const;
+    Status SetStrokeCap(IN LineCap strokeCap)
+    {
+        // This changes both start and and caps.
+        return SetStrokeCaps(strokeCap, strokeCap);
+    }
+    Status SetStrokeCaps(IN LineCap startCap,
+                         IN LineCap endCap);
+    Status GetStrokeCaps(OUT LineCap* startCap,
+                         OUT LineCap* endCap) const;
+    Status SetStrokeJoin(IN LineJoin lineJoin);
+    LineJoin GetStrokeJoin() const;
+    Status SetBaseCap(IN LineCap baseCap);
+    LineCap GetBaseCap() const;
+    Status SetBaseInset(IN REAL inset);
+    REAL GetBaseInset() const;
+    Status SetWidthScale(IN REAL widthScale);
+    REAL GetWidthScale() const;
+    CustomLineCap();
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    CustomLineCap(const CustomLineCap &);
+    CustomLineCap& operator=(const CustomLineCap &);
+    CustomLineCap(const CustomLineCap& customLineCap)
+    {
+        customLineCap;
+        SetStatus(NotImplemented);
+    }
+    CustomLineCap& operator=(const CustomLineCap& customLineCap)
+    {
+        customLineCap;
+        SetStatus(NotImplemented);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    CustomLineCap(GpCustomLineCap* nativeCap, Status status)
+    {
+        lastResult = status;
+        SetNativeCap(nativeCap);
+    }
+    VOID SetNativeCap(GpCustomLineCap* nativeCap)
+    {
+        this->nativeCap = nativeCap;
+    }
+    Status SetStatus(Status status) const
+    {
+        if (status != Ok)
+            return (lastResult = status);
+        else
+            return status;
+    }
+    GpCustomLineCap* nativeCap;
+    mutable Status lastResult;
+class CachedBitmap : public GdiplusBase
+    friend class Graphics;
+    CachedBitmap(IN Bitmap *bitmap,
+                 IN Graphics *graphics);
+    virtual ~CachedBitmap();
+    Status GetLastStatus() const;
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    CachedBitmap(const CachedBitmap &);
+    CachedBitmap& operator=(const CachedBitmap &);
+    GpCachedBitmap *nativeCachedBitmap;
+    mutable Status lastResult;
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusImageAttributes.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusImageAttributes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a51477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusImageAttributes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   Image Attributes
+* Abstract:
+*   Class for color adjustment object passed to Graphics.DrawImage
+class GpImageAttributes;
+// There are 5 possible sets of color adjustments:
+//          ColorAdjustDefault,
+//          ColorAdjustBitmap,
+//          ColorAdjustBrush,
+//          ColorAdjustPen,
+//          ColorAdjustText,
+// Bitmaps, Brushes, Pens, and Text will all use any color adjustments
+// that have been set into the default ImageAttributes until their own
+// color adjustments have been set.  So as soon as any "Set" method is
+// called for Bitmaps, Brushes, Pens, or Text, then they start from
+// scratch with only the color adjustments that have been set for them.
+// Calling Reset removes any individual color adjustments for a type
+// and makes it revert back to using all the default color adjustments
+// (if any).  The SetToIdentity method is a way to force a type to
+// have no color adjustments at all, regardless of what previous adjustments
+// have been set for the defaults or for that type.
+class ImageAttributes : public GdiplusBase
+    friend class Graphics;
+    friend class TextureBrush;
+    ImageAttributes()
+    {
+        nativeImageAttr = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateImageAttributes(&nativeImageAttr);
+    }
+    ~ImageAttributes()
+    {
+        DllExports::GdipDisposeImageAttributes(nativeImageAttr);
+    }
+    ImageAttributes* Clone() const
+    {
+        GpImageAttributes* clone;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCloneImageAttributes(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            &clone));
+        return new ImageAttributes(clone, lastResult);
+    }
+    // Set to identity, regardless of what the default color adjustment is.
+    Status
+    SetToIdentity(
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesToIdentity(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type));
+    }
+    // Remove any individual color adjustments, and go back to using the default
+    Status
+    Reset(
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipResetImageAttributes(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type));
+    }
+    Status
+    SetColorMatrix(
+        IN const ColorMatrix *colorMatrix,
+        IN ColorMatrixFlags mode = ColorMatrixFlagsDefault,
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesColorMatrix(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type,
+                                            TRUE,
+                                            colorMatrix,
+                                            NULL,
+                                            mode));
+    }
+    Status ClearColorMatrix(
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesColorMatrix(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type,
+                                            FALSE,
+                                            NULL,
+                                            NULL,
+                                            ColorMatrixFlagsDefault));
+    }
+    Status
+    SetColorMatrices(
+        IN const ColorMatrix *colorMatrix,
+        IN const ColorMatrix *grayMatrix,
+        IN ColorMatrixFlags mode = ColorMatrixFlagsDefault,
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesColorMatrix(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type,
+                                            TRUE,
+                                            colorMatrix,
+                                            grayMatrix,
+                                            mode));
+    }
+    Status ClearColorMatrices(
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesColorMatrix(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type,
+                                            FALSE,
+                                            NULL,
+                                            NULL,
+                                            ColorMatrixFlagsDefault));
+    }
+    Status SetThreshold(
+        IN REAL threshold,
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesThreshold(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type,
+                                            TRUE,
+                                            threshold));
+    }
+    Status ClearThreshold(
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesThreshold(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type,
+                                            FALSE,
+                                            0.0));
+    }
+    Status SetGamma(
+        IN REAL gamma,
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesGamma(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type,
+                                            TRUE,
+                                            gamma));
+    }
+    Status ClearGamma(
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesGamma(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type,
+                                            FALSE,
+                                            0.0));
+    }
+    Status SetNoOp(
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesNoOp(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type,
+                                            TRUE));
+    }
+    Status ClearNoOp(
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesNoOp(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type,
+                                            FALSE));
+    }
+    Status SetColorKey(
+        IN const Color& colorLow, 
+        IN const Color& colorHigh,
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesColorKeys(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type,
+                                            TRUE,
+                                            colorLow.GetValue(),
+                                            colorHigh.GetValue()));
+    }
+    Status ClearColorKey(
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesColorKeys(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type,
+                                            FALSE,
+                                            NULL,
+                                            NULL));
+    }
+    Status SetOutputChannel(
+        IN ColorChannelFlags channelFlags,
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannel(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type,
+                                            TRUE,
+                                            channelFlags));
+    }
+    Status ClearOutputChannel(
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannel(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type,
+                                            FALSE,
+                                            ColorChannelFlagsLast));
+    }
+    Status SetOutputChannelColorProfile(
+        IN const WCHAR *colorProfileFilename,
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannelColorProfile(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type,
+                                            TRUE,
+                                            colorProfileFilename));
+    }
+    Status ClearOutputChannelColorProfile(
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesOutputChannelColorProfile(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type,
+                                            FALSE,
+                                            NULL));
+    }
+    Status SetRemapTable(
+        IN UINT mapSize, 
+        IN const ColorMap *map,
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesRemapTable(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type,
+                                            TRUE,
+                                            mapSize,
+                                            map));
+    }
+    Status ClearRemapTable(
+        IN ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesRemapTable(
+                                            nativeImageAttr,
+                                            type,
+                                            FALSE,
+                                            0,
+                                            NULL));
+    }
+    Status SetBrushRemapTable(IN UINT mapSize, 
+                              IN const ColorMap *map)
+    {
+        return this->SetRemapTable(mapSize, map, ColorAdjustTypeBrush);
+    }
+    Status ClearBrushRemapTable()
+    {
+        return this->ClearRemapTable(ColorAdjustTypeBrush);
+    }
+    Status SetWrapMode(IN WrapMode wrap, 
+                       IN const Color& color = Color(), 
+                       IN BOOL clamp = FALSE) 
+    {
+        ARGB argb = color.GetValue();
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesWrapMode(
+                           nativeImageAttr, wrap, argb, clamp));
+    }
+    #ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_145139
+    Status SetICMMode(IN BOOL on)
+    {
+        on;
+        // This is not implemented.
+        // The supported method for doing ICM conversion from the embedded 
+        // ICC profile is to use the Bitmap constructor from a file or stream
+        // and specify TRUE for the useIcm parameter. This will cause the 
+        // image to be ICM converted when it's loaded from the file/stream
+        // if the profile exists.
+        return SetStatus(NotImplemented);
+//          DllExports::GdipSetImageAttributesICMMode(nativeImageAttr, on)
+    }
+    #endif
+    // The flags of the palette are ignored.
+    Status GetAdjustedPalette(IN OUT ColorPalette* colorPalette,
+                              IN ColorAdjustType colorAdjustType) const 
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetImageAttributesAdjustedPalette(
+                           nativeImageAttr, colorPalette, colorAdjustType));
+    }
+    Status GetLastStatus() const
+    {
+        Status lastStatus = lastResult;
+        lastResult = Ok;
+        return lastStatus;
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    ImageAttributes(const ImageAttributes &);
+    ImageAttributes& operator=(const ImageAttributes &);
+    ImageAttributes(GpImageAttributes* imageAttr, Status status)
+    {
+        SetNativeImageAttr(imageAttr);
+        lastResult = status;
+    }
+    VOID SetNativeImageAttr(GpImageAttributes* nativeImageAttr)
+    {
+        this->nativeImageAttr = nativeImageAttr;
+    }
+    Status SetStatus(Status status) const
+    {
+        if (status != Ok)
+            return (lastResult = status);
+        else 
+            return status;
+    }
+    GpImageAttributes* nativeImageAttr;
+    mutable Status lastResult;
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusImageCodec.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusImageCodec.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9c02de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusImageCodec.h
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusImageCodec.h
+* Abstract:
+*   APIs for imaging codecs.
+// Codec Management APIs
+inline Status 
+    OUT UINT *numDecoders,
+    OUT UINT *size)
+    return DllExports::GdipGetImageDecodersSize(numDecoders, size);
+inline Status 
+    IN UINT numDecoders,
+    IN UINT size,
+    OUT ImageCodecInfo *decoders)
+    return DllExports::GdipGetImageDecoders(numDecoders, size, decoders);
+inline Status 
+    OUT UINT *numEncoders, 
+    OUT UINT *size)
+    return DllExports::GdipGetImageEncodersSize(numEncoders, size);
+inline Status 
+    IN UINT numEncoders,
+    IN UINT size,
+    OUT ImageCodecInfo *encoders)
+    return DllExports::GdipGetImageEncoders(numEncoders, size, encoders);
+inline Status 
+    IN const ImageCodecInfo* codec)
+    return DllExports::GdipAddImageCodec(codec);
+inline Status 
+    IN const ImageCodecInfo* codec)
+    return DllExports::GdipRemoveImageCodec(codec);
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusImaging.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusImaging.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..022d224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusImaging.h
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1999-2000  Microsoft Corporation
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusImaging.h
+* Abstract:
+*   GUIDs defined and used by the imaging library
+// Image file format identifiers
+DEFINE_GUID(ImageFormatUndefined, 0xb96b3ca9,0x0728,0x11d3,0x9d,0x7b,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x1e,0xf3,0x2e);
+DEFINE_GUID(ImageFormatMemoryBMP, 0xb96b3caa,0x0728,0x11d3,0x9d,0x7b,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x1e,0xf3,0x2e);
+DEFINE_GUID(ImageFormatBMP, 0xb96b3cab,0x0728,0x11d3,0x9d,0x7b,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x1e,0xf3,0x2e);
+DEFINE_GUID(ImageFormatEMF, 0xb96b3cac,0x0728,0x11d3,0x9d,0x7b,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x1e,0xf3,0x2e);
+DEFINE_GUID(ImageFormatWMF, 0xb96b3cad,0x0728,0x11d3,0x9d,0x7b,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x1e,0xf3,0x2e);
+DEFINE_GUID(ImageFormatJPEG, 0xb96b3cae,0x0728,0x11d3,0x9d,0x7b,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x1e,0xf3,0x2e);
+DEFINE_GUID(ImageFormatPNG, 0xb96b3caf,0x0728,0x11d3,0x9d,0x7b,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x1e,0xf3,0x2e);
+DEFINE_GUID(ImageFormatGIF, 0xb96b3cb0,0x0728,0x11d3,0x9d,0x7b,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x1e,0xf3,0x2e);
+DEFINE_GUID(ImageFormatTIFF, 0xb96b3cb1,0x0728,0x11d3,0x9d,0x7b,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x1e,0xf3,0x2e);
+DEFINE_GUID(ImageFormatEXIF, 0xb96b3cb2,0x0728,0x11d3,0x9d,0x7b,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x1e,0xf3,0x2e);
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_140855
+DEFINE_GUID(ImageFormatPhotoCD, 0xb96b3cb3,0x0728,0x11d3,0x9d,0x7b,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x1e,0xf3,0x2e);
+DEFINE_GUID(ImageFormatFlashPIX, 0xb96b3cb4,0x0728,0x11d3,0x9d,0x7b,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x1e,0xf3,0x2e);
+DEFINE_GUID(ImageFormatIcon, 0xb96b3cb5,0x0728,0x11d3,0x9d,0x7b,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x1e,0xf3,0x2e);
+// Predefined multi-frame dimension IDs
+DEFINE_GUID(FrameDimensionTime, 0x6aedbd6d,0x3fb5,0x418a,0x83,0xa6,0x7f,0x45,0x22,0x9d,0xc8,0x72);
+DEFINE_GUID(FrameDimensionResolution, 0x84236f7b,0x3bd3,0x428f,0x8d,0xab,0x4e,0xa1,0x43,0x9c,0xa3,0x15);
+DEFINE_GUID(FrameDimensionPage, 0x7462dc86,0x6180,0x4c7e,0x8e,0x3f,0xee,0x73,0x33,0xa7,0xa4,0x83);
+// Property sets
+DEFINE_GUID(FormatIDImageInformation, 0xe5836cbe,0x5eef,0x4f1d,0xac,0xde,0xae,0x4c,0x43,0xb6,0x08,0xce);
+DEFINE_GUID(FormatIDJpegAppHeaders, 0x1c4afdcd,0x6177,0x43cf,0xab,0xc7,0x5f,0x51,0xaf,0x39,0xee,0x85);
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_140855
+// Decoder parameter sets
+DEFINE_GUID(DecoderTransColor, 0xb7a98c8f,0xdce7,0x457d,0xbf,0xa5,0xce,0xa7,0x1b,0xd1,0x4d,0xd6);
+DEFINE_GUID(DecoderTransRange, 0xabeed189,0xd988,0x4d03,0xb4,0x25,0x57,0x10,0x55,0xc7,0x6a,0xd1);
+DEFINE_GUID(DecoderOutputChannel, 0x2ff8f51e,0x724d,0x45fe,0x86,0xce,0x17,0x77,0xa0,0x56,0xda,0x60);
+DEFINE_GUID(DecoderIconRes, 0x5c656eec,0xe94f,0x45ba,0xa6,0xf6,0x10,0x62,0xe8,0x5f,0x4a,0x7f);
+// Encoder parameter sets
+DEFINE_GUID(EncoderCompression, 0xe09d739d,0xccd4,0x44ee,0x8e,0xba,0x3f,0xbf,0x8b,0xe4,0xfc,0x58);
+DEFINE_GUID(EncoderColorDepth, 0x66087055,0xad66,0x4c7c,0x9a,0x18,0x38,0xa2,0x31,0x0b,0x83,0x37);
+DEFINE_GUID(EncoderScanMethod, 0x3a4e2661,0x3109,0x4e56,0x85,0x36,0x42,0xc1,0x56,0xe7,0xdc,0xfa);
+DEFINE_GUID(EncoderVersion, 0x24d18c76,0x814a,0x41a4,0xbf,0x53,0x1c,0x21,0x9c,0xcc,0xf7,0x97);
+DEFINE_GUID(EncoderRenderMethod, 0x6d42c53a,0x229a,0x4825,0x8b,0xb7,0x5c,0x99,0xe2,0xb9,0xa8,0xb8);
+DEFINE_GUID(EncoderQuality, 0x1d5be4b5,0xfa4a,0x452d,0x9c,0xdd,0x5d,0xb3,0x51,0x05,0xe7,0xeb);
+DEFINE_GUID(EncoderSaveFlag,0x292266fc,0xac40,0x47bf,0x8c, 0xfc, 0xa8, 0x5b, 0x89, 0xa6, 0x55, 0xde);
+DEFINE_GUID(CodecIImageBytes,0x025d1823,0x6c7d,0x447b,0xbb, 0xdb, 0xa3, 0xcb, 0xc3, 0xdf, 0xa2, 0xfc);
+IImageBytes : public IUnknown
+    // Return total number of bytes in the IStream
+    STDMETHOD(CountBytes)(
+        OUT UINT *pcb
+        ) = 0;
+    // Locks "cb" bytes, starting from "ulOffset" in the stream, and returns the
+    // pointer to the beginning of the locked memory chunk in "ppvBytes"
+    STDMETHOD(LockBytes)(
+        IN UINT cb,
+        IN ULONG ulOffset,
+        OUT const VOID ** ppvBytes
+        ) = 0;
+    // Unlocks "cb" bytes, pointed by "pvBytes", starting from "ulOffset" in the
+    // stream
+    STDMETHOD(UnlockBytes)(
+        IN const VOID *pvBytes,
+        IN UINT cb,
+        IN ULONG ulOffset
+        ) = 0;
+// ImageCodecInfo structure
+class ImageCodecInfo
+    CLSID Clsid;
+    GUID  FormatID;
+    const WCHAR* CodecName;
+    const WCHAR* DllName;
+    const WCHAR* FormatDescription;
+    const WCHAR* FilenameExtension;
+    const WCHAR* MimeType;
+    DWORD Flags;
+    DWORD Version;
+    DWORD SigCount;
+    DWORD SigSize;
+    const BYTE* SigPattern;
+    const BYTE* SigMask;
+// Information flags about image codecs
+enum ImageCodecFlags
+    ImageCodecFlagsEncoder            = 0x00000001,
+    ImageCodecFlagsDecoder            = 0x00000002,
+    ImageCodecFlagsSupportBitmap      = 0x00000004,
+    ImageCodecFlagsSupportVector      = 0x00000008,
+    ImageCodecFlagsSeekableEncode     = 0x00000010,
+    ImageCodecFlagsBlockingDecode     = 0x00000020,
+    ImageCodecFlagsBuiltin            = 0x00010000,
+    ImageCodecFlagsSystem             = 0x00020000,
+    ImageCodecFlagsUser               = 0x00040000
+// Access modes used when calling Image::LockBits
+enum ImageLockMode
+    ImageLockModeRead        = 0x0001,
+    ImageLockModeWrite       = 0x0002,
+    ImageLockModeUserInputBuf= 0x0004
+// Information about image pixel data
+class BitmapData
+    UINT Width;
+    UINT Height;
+    INT Stride;
+    PixelFormat PixelFormat1;
+    VOID* Scan0;
+    UINT_PTR Reserved;
+// Image flags
+enum ImageFlags
+    ImageFlagsNone                = 0,
+    // Low-word: shared with SINKFLAG_x
+    ImageFlagsScalable            = 0x0001,
+    ImageFlagsHasAlpha            = 0x0002,
+    ImageFlagsHasTranslucent      = 0x0004,
+    ImageFlagsPartiallyScalable   = 0x0008,
+    // Low-word: color space definition
+    ImageFlagsColorSpaceRGB       = 0x0010,
+    ImageFlagsColorSpaceCMYK      = 0x0020,
+    ImageFlagsColorSpaceGRAY      = 0x0040,
+    ImageFlagsColorSpaceYCBCR     = 0x0080,
+    ImageFlagsColorSpaceYCCK      = 0x0100,
+    // Low-word: image size info
+    ImageFlagsHasRealDPI          = 0x1000,
+    ImageFlagsHasRealPixelSize    = 0x2000,
+    // High-word
+    ImageFlagsReadOnly            = 0x00010000,
+    ImageFlagsCaching             = 0x00020000
+enum RotateFlipType
+    RotateNoneFlipNone = 0,
+    Rotate90FlipNone   = 1,
+    Rotate180FlipNone  = 2,
+    Rotate270FlipNone  = 3,
+    RotateNoneFlipX    = 4,
+    Rotate90FlipX      = 5,
+    Rotate180FlipX     = 6,
+    Rotate270FlipX     = 7,
+    RotateNoneFlipY    = Rotate180FlipX,
+    Rotate90FlipY      = Rotate270FlipX,
+    Rotate180FlipY     = RotateNoneFlipX,
+    Rotate270FlipY     = Rotate90FlipX,
+    RotateNoneFlipXY   = Rotate180FlipNone,
+    Rotate90FlipXY     = Rotate270FlipNone,
+    Rotate180FlipXY    = RotateNoneFlipNone,
+    Rotate270FlipXY    = Rotate90FlipNone
+// Encoder Parameter structure
+class EncoderParameter
+    GUID    Guid;               // GUID of the parameter
+    ULONG   NumberOfValues;     // Number of the parameter values
+    ULONG   Type;               // Value type, like ValueTypeLONG  etc.
+    VOID*   Value;              // A pointer to the parameter values
+// Encoder Parameters structure
+class EncoderParameters
+    UINT Count;                      // Number of parameters in this structure
+    EncoderParameter Parameter[1];   // Parameter values
+// Property Item
+class PropertyItem
+    PROPID  id;                 // ID of this property
+    ULONG   length;             // Length of the property value, in bytes
+    WORD    type;               // Type of the value, as one of TAG_TYPE_XXX
+                                // defined above
+    VOID*   value;              // property value
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_140857
+// Image property types 
+#define PropertyTagTypeByte        1
+#define PropertyTagTypeASCII       2
+#define PropertyTagTypeShort       3
+#define PropertyTagTypeLong        4
+#define PropertyTagTypeRational    5
+#define PropertyTagTypeUndefined   7
+#define PropertyTagTypeSLONG       9
+#define PropertyTagTypeSRational  10
+// Image property ID tags
+#define PropertyTagExifIFD             0x8769
+#define PropertyTagGpsIFD              0x8825
+#define PropertyTagNewSubfileType      0x00FE
+#define PropertyTagSubfileType         0x00FF
+#define PropertyTagImageWidth          0x0100
+#define PropertyTagImageHeight         0x0101
+#define PropertyTagBitsPerSample       0x0102
+#define PropertyTagCompression         0x0103
+#define PropertyTagPhotometricInterp   0x0106
+#define PropertyTagThreshHolding       0x0107
+#define PropertyTagCellWidth           0x0108
+#define PropertyTagCellHeight          0x0109
+#define PropertyTagFillOrder           0x010A
+#define PropertyTagDocumentName        0x010D
+#define PropertyTagImageDescription    0x010E
+#define PropertyTagEquipMake           0x010F
+#define PropertyTagEquipModel          0x0110
+#define PropertyTagStripOffsets        0x0111
+#define PropertyTagOrientation         0x0112
+#define PropertyTagSamplesPerPixel     0x0115
+#define PropertyTagRowsPerStrip        0x0116
+#define PropertyTagStripBytesCount     0x0117
+#define PropertyTagMinSampleValue      0x0118
+#define PropertyTagMaxSampleValue      0x0119
+#define PropertyTagXResolution         0x011A   // Image resolution in width direction
+#define PropertyTagYResolution         0x011B   // Image resolution in height direction
+#define PropertyTagPlanarConfig        0x011C   // Image data arrangement
+#define PropertyTagPageName            0x011D
+#define PropertyTagXPosition           0x011E
+#define PropertyTagYPosition           0x011F
+#define PropertyTagFreeOffset          0x0120
+#define PropertyTagFreeByteCounts      0x0121
+#define PropertyTagGrayResponseUnit    0x0122
+#define PropertyTagGrayResponseCurve   0x0123
+#define PropertyTagT4Option            0x0124
+#define PropertyTagT6Option            0x0125
+#define PropertyTagResolutionUnit      0x0128   // Unit of X and Y resolution
+#define PropertyTagPageNumber          0x0129
+#define PropertyTagTransferFuncition   0x012D
+#define PropertyTagSoftwareUsed        0x0131
+#define PropertyTagDateTime            0x0132
+#define PropertyTagArtist              0x013B
+#define PropertyTagHostComputer        0x013C
+#define PropertyTagPredictor           0x013D
+#define PropertyTagWhitePoint          0x013E
+#define PropertyTagPrimaryChromaticities 0x013F
+#define PropertyTagColorMap            0x0140
+#define PropertyTagHalftoneHints       0x0141
+#define PropertyTagTileWidth           0x0142
+#define PropertyTagTileLength          0x0143
+#define PropertyTagTileOffset          0x0144
+#define PropertyTagTileByteCounts      0x0145
+#define PropertyTagInkSet              0x014C
+#define PropertyTagInkNames            0x014D
+#define PropertyTagNumberOfInks        0x014E
+#define PropertyTagDotRange            0x0150
+#define PropertyTagTargetPrinter       0x0151
+#define PropertyTagExtraSamples        0x0152
+#define PropertyTagSampleFormat        0x0153
+#define PropertyTagSMinSampleValue     0x0154
+#define PropertyTagSMaxSampleValue     0x0155
+#define PropertyTagTransferRange       0x0156
+#define PropertyTagJPEGProc            0x0200
+#define PropertyTagJPEGInterFormat     0x0201
+#define PropertyTagJPEGInterLength     0x0202
+#define PropertyTagJPEGRestartInterval 0x0203
+#define PropertyTagJPEGLosslessPredictors  0x0205
+#define PropertyTagJPEGPointTransforms     0x0206
+#define PropertyTagJPEGQTables         0x0207
+#define PropertyTagJPEGDCTables        0x0208
+#define PropertyTagJPEGACTables        0x0209
+#define PropertyTagYCbCrCoefficients   0x0211
+#define PropertyTagYCbCrSubsampling    0x0212
+#define PropertyTagYCbCrPositioning    0x0213
+#define PropertyTagREFBlackWhite       0x0214
+#define PropertyTagICCProfile          0x8773   // This TAG is defined by ICC
+                                                // for embedded ICC in TIFF
+#define PropertyTagGamma               0x0301
+#define PropertyTagICCProfileDescriptor 0x0302
+#define PropertyTagSRGBRenderingIntent 0x0303
+#define PropertyTagImageTitle          0x0320
+#define PropertyTagCopyright           0x8298
+// Extra TAGs (Like Adobe Image Information tags etc.)
+#define PropertyTagResolutionXUnit           0x5001
+#define PropertyTagResolutionYUnit           0x5002
+#define PropertyTagResolutionXLengthUnit     0x5003
+#define PropertyTagResolutionYLengthUnit     0x5004
+#define PropertyTagPrintFlags                0x5005
+#define PropertyTagPrintFlagsVersion         0x5006
+#define PropertyTagPrintFlagsCrop            0x5007
+#define PropertyTagPrintFlagsBleedWidth      0x5008
+#define PropertyTagPrintFlagsBleedWidthScale 0x5009
+#define PropertyTagHalftoneLPI               0x500A
+#define PropertyTagHalftoneLPIUnit           0x500B
+#define PropertyTagHalftoneDegree            0x500C
+#define PropertyTagHalftoneShape             0x500D
+#define PropertyTagHalftoneMisc              0x500E
+#define PropertyTagHalftoneScreen            0x500F
+#define PropertyTagJPEGQuality               0x5010
+#define PropertyTagGridSize                  0x5011
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailFormat           0x5012  // 1 = JPEG, 0 = RAW RGB
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailWidth            0x5013
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailHeight           0x5014
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailColorDepth       0x5015
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailPlanes           0x5016
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailRawBytes         0x5017
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailSize             0x5018
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailCompressedSize   0x5019
+#define PropertyTagColorTransferFunction     0x501A
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailData             0x501B// RAW thumbnail bits in
+                                                   // JPEG format or RGB format
+                                                   // depends on
+                                                   // PropertyTagThumbnailFormat
+// Thumbnail related TAGs
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailImageWidth       0x5020  // Thumbnail width
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailImageHeight      0x5021  // Thumbnail height
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailBitsPerSample    0x5022  // Number of bits per
+                                                     // component
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailCompression      0x5023  // Compression Scheme
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailPhotometricInterp 0x5024 // Pixel composition
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailImageDescription 0x5025  // Image Tile
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailEquipMake        0x5026  // Manufacturer of Image
+                                                     // Input equipment
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailEquipModel       0x5027  // Model of Image input
+                                                     // equipment
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailStripOffsets     0x5028  // Image data location
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailOrientation      0x5029  // Orientation of image
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailSamplesPerPixel  0x502A  // Number of components
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailRowsPerStrip     0x502B  // Number of rows per strip
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailStripBytesCount  0x502C  // Bytes per compressed
+                                                     // strip
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailResolutionX      0x502D  // Resolution in width
+                                                     // direction
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailResolutionY      0x502E  // Resolution in height
+                                                     // direction
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailPlanarConfig     0x502F  // Image data arrangement
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailResolutionUnit   0x5030  // Unit of X and Y
+                                                     // Resolution
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailTransferFunction 0x5031  // Transfer function
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailSoftwareUsed     0x5032  // Software used
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailDateTime         0x5033  // File change date and
+                                                     // time
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailArtist           0x5034  // Person who created the
+                                                     // image
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailWhitePoint       0x5035  // White point chromaticity
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailPrimaryChromaticities 0x5036 
+                                                     // Chromaticities of
+                                                     // primaries
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailYCbCrCoefficients 0x5037 // Color space transforma-
+                                                     // tion coefficients
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailYCbCrSubsampling 0x5038  // Subsampling ratio of Y
+                                                     // to C
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailYCbCrPositioning 0x5039  // Y and C position
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailRefBlackWhite    0x503A  // Pair of black and white
+                                                     // reference values
+#define PropertyTagThumbnailCopyRight        0x503B  // CopyRight holder
+#define PropertyTagLuminanceTable            0x5090
+#define PropertyTagChrominanceTable          0x5091
+#define PropertyTagFrameDelay                0x5100
+#define PropertyTagLoopCount                 0x5101
+#define PropertyTagPixelUnit         0x5110  // Unit specifier for pixel/unit
+#define PropertyTagPixelPerUnitX     0x5111  // Pixels per unit in X
+#define PropertyTagPixelPerUnitY     0x5112  // Pixels per unit in Y
+#define PropertyTagPaletteHistogram  0x5113  // Palette histogram
+// EXIF specific tag
+#define PropertyTagExifExposureTime  0x829A
+#define PropertyTagExifFNumber       0x829D
+#define PropertyTagExifExposureProg  0x8822
+#define PropertyTagExifSpectralSense 0x8824
+#define PropertyTagExifISOSpeed      0x8827
+#define PropertyTagExifOECF          0x8828
+#define PropertyTagExifVer            0x9000
+#define PropertyTagExifDTOrig         0x9003 // Date & time of original
+#define PropertyTagExifDTDigitized    0x9004 // Date & time of digital data generation
+#define PropertyTagExifCompConfig     0x9101
+#define PropertyTagExifCompBPP        0x9102
+#define PropertyTagExifShutterSpeed   0x9201
+#define PropertyTagExifAperture       0x9202
+#define PropertyTagExifBrightness     0x9203
+#define PropertyTagExifExposureBias   0x9204
+#define PropertyTagExifMaxAperture    0x9205
+#define PropertyTagExifSubjectDist    0x9206
+#define PropertyTagExifMeteringMode   0x9207
+#define PropertyTagExifLightSource    0x9208
+#define PropertyTagExifFlash          0x9209
+#define PropertyTagExifFocalLength    0x920A
+#define PropertyTagExifMakerNote      0x927C
+#define PropertyTagExifUserComment    0x9286
+#define PropertyTagExifDTSubsec       0x9290  // Date & Time subseconds
+#define PropertyTagExifDTOrigSS       0x9291  // Date & Time original subseconds
+#define PropertyTagExifDTDigSS        0x9292  // Date & TIme digitized subseconds
+#define PropertyTagExifFPXVer         0xA000
+#define PropertyTagExifColorSpace     0xA001
+#define PropertyTagExifPixXDim        0xA002
+#define PropertyTagExifPixYDim        0xA003
+#define PropertyTagExifRelatedWav     0xA004  // related sound file
+#define PropertyTagExifInterop        0xA005
+#define PropertyTagExifFlashEnergy    0xA20B
+#define PropertyTagExifSpatialFR      0xA20C  // Spatial Frequency Response
+#define PropertyTagExifFocalXRes      0xA20E  // Focal Plane X Resolution
+#define PropertyTagExifFocalYRes      0xA20F  // Focal Plane Y Resolution
+#define PropertyTagExifFocalResUnit   0xA210  // Focal Plane Resolution Unit
+#define PropertyTagExifSubjectLoc     0xA214
+#define PropertyTagExifExposureIndex  0xA215
+#define PropertyTagExifSensingMethod  0xA217
+#define PropertyTagExifFileSource     0xA300
+#define PropertyTagExifSceneType      0xA301
+#define PropertyTagExifCfaPattern     0xA302
+#define PropertyTagGpsVer             0x0000
+#define PropertyTagGpsLatitudeRef     0x0001
+#define PropertyTagGpsLatitude        0x0002
+#define PropertyTagGpsLongitudeRef    0x0003
+#define PropertyTagGpsLongitude       0x0004
+#define PropertyTagGpsAltitudeRef     0x0005
+#define PropertyTagGpsAltitude        0x0006
+#define PropertyTagGpsGpsTime         0x0007
+#define PropertyTagGpsGpsSatellites   0x0008
+#define PropertyTagGpsGpsStatus       0x0009
+#define PropertyTagGpsGpsMeasureMode  0x00A
+#define PropertyTagGpsGpsDop          0x000B  // Measurement precision
+#define PropertyTagGpsSpeedRef        0x000C
+#define PropertyTagGpsSpeed           0x000D
+#define PropertyTagGpsTrackRef        0x000E
+#define PropertyTagGpsTrack           0x000F
+#define PropertyTagGpsImgDirRef       0x0010
+#define PropertyTagGpsImgDir          0x0011
+#define PropertyTagGpsMapDatum        0x0012
+#define PropertyTagGpsDestLatRef      0x0013
+#define PropertyTagGpsDestLat         0x0014
+#define PropertyTagGpsDestLongRef     0x0015
+#define PropertyTagGpsDestLong        0x0016
+#define PropertyTagGpsDestBearRef     0x0017
+#define PropertyTagGpsDestBear        0x0018
+#define PropertyTagGpsDestDistRef     0x0019
+#define PropertyTagGpsDestDist        0x001A
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusInit.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusInit.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac4c6f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusInit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
+* Module Name:
+*   Gdiplus init
+* Abstract:
+*   GDI+ startup/shutdown API's
+* Created:
+*   09/02/2000 agodfrey
+*      Created it.
+// Used for debug event notification (debug builds only)
+enum DebugEventLevel
+    DebugEventLevelFatal,
+    DebugEventLevelWarning
+// Callback function that GDI+ can call, on debug builds, for assertions
+// and warnings.
+typedef VOID (WINAPI *DebugEventProc)(DebugEventLevel level, CHAR *message);
+// Notification functions which the user must call appropriately if
+// "SuppressBackgroundThread" (below) is set.
+typedef Status (WINAPI *NotificationHookProc)(OUT ULONG_PTR *token);
+typedef VOID (WINAPI *NotificationUnhookProc)(ULONG_PTR token);
+// Input structure for GdiplusStartup()
+struct GdiplusStartupInput
+    UINT32 GdiplusVersion;             // Must be 1
+    DebugEventProc DebugEventCallback; // Ignored on free builds
+    BOOL SuppressBackgroundThread;     // FALSE unless you're prepared to call 
+                                       // the hook/unhook functions properly
+    BOOL SuppressExternalCodecs;       // FALSE unless you want GDI+ only to use
+                                       // its internal image codecs.
+    GdiplusStartupInput(
+        DebugEventProc debugEventCallback = NULL,
+        BOOL suppressBackgroundThread = FALSE,
+        BOOL suppressExternalCodecs = FALSE)
+    {
+        GdiplusVersion = 1;
+        DebugEventCallback = debugEventCallback;
+        SuppressBackgroundThread = suppressBackgroundThread;
+        SuppressExternalCodecs = suppressExternalCodecs;
+    }
+// Output structure for GdiplusStartup()
+struct GdiplusStartupOutput
+    // The following 2 fields are NULL if SuppressBackgroundThread is FALSE.
+    // Otherwise, they are functions which must be called appropriately to
+    // replace the background thread.
+    //
+    // These should be called on the application's main message loop - i.e.
+    // a message loop which is active for the lifetime of GDI+.
+    // "NotificationHook" should be called before starting the loop,
+    // and "NotificationUnhook" should be called after the loop ends.
+    NotificationHookProc NotificationHook;
+    NotificationUnhookProc NotificationUnhook;
+// GDI+ initialization. Must be called before GDI+ API's are used.
+// token  - may not be NULL - accepts a token to be passed in the corresponding
+//          GdiplusShutdown call.
+// input  - may not be NULL
+// output - may be NULL only if input->SuppressBackgroundThread is FALSE.
+extern "C" Status WINAPI GdiplusStartup(
+    OUT ULONG_PTR *token,
+    const GdiplusStartupInput *input,
+    OUT GdiplusStartupOutput *output);
+// GDI+ termination. Must be called before GDI+ is unloaded. GDI+ API's may not
+// be called after this.
+extern "C" VOID WINAPI GdiplusShutdown(ULONG_PTR token);
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusLineCaps.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusLineCaps.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8a2951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusLineCaps.h
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*    GdiplusLineCaps.h
+* Abstract:
+*   APIs for Custom Line Caps
+    IN const GraphicsPath* fillPath,
+    IN const GraphicsPath* strokePath,
+    IN LineCap baseCap,
+    IN REAL baseInset
+    )
+    nativeCap = NULL;
+    GpPath* nativeFillPath = NULL;
+    GpPath* nativeStrokePath = NULL;
+    if(fillPath)
+        nativeFillPath = fillPath->nativePath;
+    if(strokePath)
+        nativeStrokePath = strokePath->nativePath;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateCustomLineCap(
+                    nativeFillPath, nativeStrokePath,
+                    baseCap, baseInset, &nativeCap);
+    // This is used for default constructor for subclasses.
+    // So don't create a nativeCap.
+    nativeCap = NULL;
+    lastResult = Ok;
+    DllExports::GdipDeleteCustomLineCap(nativeCap);
+inline Status 
+    IN LineCap startCap, 
+    IN LineCap endCap)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetCustomLineCapStrokeCaps(nativeCap,
+                startCap, endCap));
+inline Status 
+    OUT LineCap* startCap, 
+    OUT LineCap* endCap) const
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetCustomLineCapStrokeCaps(nativeCap,
+                 startCap, endCap));
+inline Status 
+    IN LineJoin lineJoin)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetCustomLineCapStrokeJoin(nativeCap, lineJoin));
+inline LineJoin 
+CustomLineCap::GetStrokeJoin() const
+    LineJoin lineJoin;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetCustomLineCapStrokeJoin(nativeCap, &lineJoin));
+    return lineJoin;
+inline Status 
+CustomLineCap::SetBaseCap(IN LineCap baseCap)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetCustomLineCapBaseCap(nativeCap, baseCap));
+inline LineCap 
+CustomLineCap::GetBaseCap() const
+    LineCap baseCap;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetCustomLineCapBaseCap(nativeCap, &baseCap));
+    return baseCap;
+inline Status 
+CustomLineCap::SetBaseInset(IN REAL inset)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetCustomLineCapBaseInset(nativeCap, inset));
+inline REAL 
+CustomLineCap::GetBaseInset() const
+    REAL inset;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetCustomLineCapBaseInset(nativeCap, &inset));
+    return inset;
+inline Status 
+CustomLineCap::SetWidthScale(IN REAL widthScale)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetCustomLineCapWidthScale(nativeCap, widthScale));
+inline REAL 
+CustomLineCap::GetWidthScale() const
+    REAL widthScale;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetCustomLineCapWidthScale(nativeCap, &widthScale));
+    return widthScale;
+inline CustomLineCap* 
+CustomLineCap::Clone() const
+    GpCustomLineCap *newNativeLineCap = NULL;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCloneCustomLineCap(nativeCap, &newNativeLineCap));
+    if (lastResult == Ok) 
+    {
+        CustomLineCap *newLineCap = new CustomLineCap(newNativeLineCap, lastResult);
+        if (newLineCap == NULL) 
+        {
+            SetStatus(DllExports::GdipDeleteCustomLineCap(newNativeLineCap));
+        }
+        return newLineCap;
+    }
+    return NULL;
+class AdjustableArrowCap : public CustomLineCap
+    AdjustableArrowCap(
+        IN REAL height,
+        IN REAL width,
+        IN BOOL isFilled = TRUE
+        )
+    {
+        GpAdjustableArrowCap* cap = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateAdjustableArrowCap(
+                        height, width, isFilled, &cap);
+        SetNativeCap(cap);
+    }
+    Status SetHeight(IN REAL height)
+    {
+        GpAdjustableArrowCap* cap = (GpAdjustableArrowCap*) nativeCap;
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapHeight(
+                            cap, height));
+    }
+    REAL GetHeight() const
+    {
+        GpAdjustableArrowCap* cap = (GpAdjustableArrowCap*) nativeCap;
+        REAL height;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapHeight(
+                            cap, &height));
+        return height;
+    }
+    Status SetWidth(IN REAL width)
+    {
+        GpAdjustableArrowCap* cap = (GpAdjustableArrowCap*) nativeCap;
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapWidth(
+                            cap, width));
+    }
+    REAL GetWidth() const
+    {
+        GpAdjustableArrowCap* cap = (GpAdjustableArrowCap*) nativeCap;
+        REAL width;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapWidth(
+                            cap, &width));
+        return width;
+    }
+    Status SetMiddleInset(IN REAL middleInset)
+    {
+        GpAdjustableArrowCap* cap = (GpAdjustableArrowCap*) nativeCap;
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapMiddleInset(
+                            cap, middleInset));
+    }
+    REAL GetMiddleInset() const
+    {
+        GpAdjustableArrowCap* cap = (GpAdjustableArrowCap*) nativeCap;
+        REAL middleInset;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapMiddleInset(
+                            cap, &middleInset));
+        return middleInset;
+    }
+    Status SetFillState(IN BOOL isFilled)
+    {
+        GpAdjustableArrowCap* cap = (GpAdjustableArrowCap*) nativeCap;
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetAdjustableArrowCapFillState(
+                            cap, isFilled));
+    }
+    BOOL IsFilled() const
+    {
+        GpAdjustableArrowCap* cap = (GpAdjustableArrowCap*) nativeCap;
+        BOOL isFilled;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetAdjustableArrowCapFillState(
+                            cap, &isFilled));
+        return isFilled;
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    AdjustableArrowCap(const AdjustableArrowCap &);
+    AdjustableArrowCap& operator=(const AdjustableArrowCap &);
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusMatrix.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusMatrix.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fa3df8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusMatrix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusMatrix.h
+* Abstract:
+*   GDI+ Matrix class
+class Matrix : public GdiplusBase
+    friend class Graphics;
+    friend class GraphicsPath;
+    friend class TextureBrush;
+    friend class LinearGradientBrush;
+    friend class PathGradientBrush;
+    friend class Pen;
+    friend class Region;
+    // Default constructor - set to identity matrix
+    Matrix()
+    {
+        GpMatrix *matrix = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateMatrix(&matrix);
+        SetNativeMatrix(matrix);
+    }
+    Matrix(IN REAL m11, 
+           IN REAL m12,
+           IN REAL m21, 
+           IN REAL m22,
+           IN REAL dx, 
+           IN REAL dy)
+    {
+        GpMatrix *matrix = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateMatrix2(m11, m12, m21, m22, 
+                                                      dx, dy, &matrix);
+        SetNativeMatrix(matrix);
+    }
+    Matrix(IN const RectF& rect, 
+           IN const PointF* dstplg)
+    {
+        GpMatrix *matrix = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateMatrix3(&rect, 
+                                                   dstplg,
+                                                   &matrix);
+        SetNativeMatrix(matrix);
+    }
+    Matrix(IN const Rect& rect, 
+           IN const Point* dstplg)
+    {
+        GpMatrix *matrix = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateMatrix3I(&rect, 
+                                                    dstplg,
+                                                    &matrix);
+        SetNativeMatrix(matrix);
+    }
+    ~Matrix()
+    {
+        DllExports::GdipDeleteMatrix(nativeMatrix);
+    }
+    Matrix *Clone() const
+    {
+        GpMatrix *cloneMatrix = NULL;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCloneMatrix(nativeMatrix,
+                                                  &cloneMatrix));
+        if (lastResult != Ok)
+            return NULL;
+        return new Matrix(cloneMatrix);
+    }
+    Status GetElements(OUT REAL *m) const 
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetMatrixElements(nativeMatrix, m));
+    }
+    Status SetElements(IN REAL m11, 
+                       IN REAL m12, 
+                       IN REAL m21, 
+                       IN REAL m22, 
+                       IN REAL dx, 
+                       IN REAL dy)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetMatrixElements(nativeMatrix,
+                            m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy));
+    }
+    REAL OffsetX() const
+    {
+        REAL elements[6];
+        if (GetElements(&elements[0]) == Ok)
+            return elements[4];
+        else 
+            return 0.0f;
+    }
+    REAL OffsetY() const
+    {
+       REAL elements[6];
+       if (GetElements(&elements[0]) == Ok)
+           return elements[5];
+       else 
+           return 0.0f;
+    }
+    Status Reset()
+    {
+        // set identity matrix elements 
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetMatrixElements(nativeMatrix,
+                                             1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
+    }
+    Status Multiply(IN const Matrix *matrix, 
+                    IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipMultiplyMatrix(nativeMatrix, 
+                                          matrix->nativeMatrix,
+                                          order));
+    }
+    Status Translate(IN REAL offsetX, 
+                     IN REAL offsetY, 
+                     IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslateMatrix(nativeMatrix, offsetX, offsetY, order));
+    }
+    Status Scale(IN REAL scaleX, 
+                 IN REAL scaleY, 
+                 IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipScaleMatrix(nativeMatrix, scaleX, scaleY, order));
+    }
+    Status Rotate(IN REAL angle, 
+                  IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipRotateMatrix(nativeMatrix, angle, order));
+    }
+    Status RotateAt(IN REAL angle, 
+                    IN const PointF& center, 
+                    IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        if(order == MatrixOrderPrepend)
+        {
+            SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslateMatrix(nativeMatrix, center.X, center.Y, order));
+            SetStatus(DllExports::GdipRotateMatrix(nativeMatrix, angle, order));
+            return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslateMatrix(nativeMatrix, - center.X, - center.Y, order));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslateMatrix(nativeMatrix, - center.X, - center.Y, order));
+            SetStatus(DllExports::GdipRotateMatrix(nativeMatrix, angle, order));
+            return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslateMatrix(nativeMatrix, center.X, center.Y, order));
+        }
+    }
+    Status Shear(IN REAL shearX, 
+                 IN REAL shearY,
+                 IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipShearMatrix(nativeMatrix, shearX, shearY, order));
+    }
+    Status Invert()
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipInvertMatrix(nativeMatrix));
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status TransformPoints(IN OUT PointF* pts, 
+                           IN INT count = 1) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTransformMatrixPoints(nativeMatrix, pts, count));
+    }
+    Status TransformPoints(IN OUT Point* pts, 
+                           IN INT count = 1) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTransformMatrixPointsI(nativeMatrix, 
+                                                                pts, 
+                                                                count));
+    }
+    Status TransformVectors(IN OUT PointF* pts, 
+                            IN INT count = 1) const
+    { 
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipVectorTransformMatrixPoints(nativeMatrix, pts, count));
+    }
+    Status TransformVectors(IN OUT Point* pts, 
+                            IN INT count = 1) const
+    { 
+       return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipVectorTransformMatrixPointsI(nativeMatrix, 
+                                                                    pts, 
+                                                                    count));
+    }
+    BOOL IsInvertible() const
+    {
+        BOOL result = FALSE;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsMatrixInvertible(nativeMatrix, &result));
+        return result;
+    }
+    BOOL IsIdentity() const
+    {
+       BOOL result = FALSE;
+       SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsMatrixIdentity(nativeMatrix, &result));
+       return result;
+    }
+    BOOL Equals(IN const Matrix *matrix) const
+    {
+       BOOL result = FALSE;
+       SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsMatrixEqual(nativeMatrix,
+                                                 matrix->nativeMatrix, &result));
+       return result;
+    }
+    Status GetLastStatus() const
+    {
+        Status lastStatus = lastResult;
+        lastResult = Ok;
+        return lastStatus;
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    Matrix(const Matrix &);
+    Matrix& operator=(const Matrix &);
+    Matrix(const Matrix& matrix)
+    {
+        matrix;
+        SetStatus(NotImplemented);
+        SetNativeMatrix(NULL);
+    }
+    Matrix& operator=(const Matrix& matrix)
+    {
+        matrix;
+        SetStatus(NotImplemented);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    Matrix(GpMatrix *nativeMatrix)
+    {
+        lastResult = Ok;
+        SetNativeMatrix(nativeMatrix);
+    }
+    VOID SetNativeMatrix(GpMatrix *nativeMatrix)
+    {
+        this->nativeMatrix = nativeMatrix;
+    }
+    Status SetStatus(Status status) const
+    {
+        if (status != Ok)
+            return (lastResult = status);
+        else
+            return status;
+    }
+    GpMatrix *nativeMatrix;
+    mutable Status lastResult;
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusMem.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusMem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f92c1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusMem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusMem.h
+* Abstract:
+*   Flat GDI+ Memory Allocators - header file
+// TODO: this file style needs to be made internally consistent with the way
+//       it handles breaking the long argument lists across multiple lines
+#ifndef _GDIPLUSMEM_H
+#define _GDIPLUSMEM_H
+#define WINGDIPAPI __stdcall
+// currently, only C++ wrapper API's force const.
+#ifdef _GDIPLUS_H
+#define GDIPCONST const
+#define GDIPCONST
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+// Memory Allocation APIs
+GdipAlloc(size_t size);
+GdipFree(void* ptr);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // !_GDIPLUSMEM_H
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusMetaHeader.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusMetaHeader.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79b5bc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusMetaHeader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   Metafile headers
+* Abstract:
+*   Declarations for various metafile header structures.
+typedef struct
+    DWORD   iType;              // Record type EMR_HEADER
+    DWORD   nSize;              // Record size in bytes.  This may be greater
+                                // than the sizeof(ENHMETAHEADER).
+    RECTL   rclBounds;          // Inclusive-inclusive bounds in device units
+    RECTL   rclFrame;           // Inclusive-inclusive Picture Frame of metafile in .01 mm units
+    DWORD   dSignature;         // Signature.  Must be ENHMETA_SIGNATURE.
+    DWORD   nVersion;           // Version number
+    DWORD   nBytes;             // Size of the metafile in bytes
+    DWORD   nRecords;           // Number of records in the metafile
+    WORD    nHandles;           // Number of handles in the handle table
+                                // Handle index zero is reserved.
+    WORD    sReserved;          // Reserved.  Must be zero.
+    DWORD   nDescription;       // Number of chars in the unicode description string
+                                // This is 0 if there is no description string
+    DWORD   offDescription;     // Offset to the metafile description record.
+                                // This is 0 if there is no description string
+    DWORD   nPalEntries;        // Number of entries in the metafile palette.
+    SIZEL   szlDevice;          // Size of the reference device in pels
+    SIZEL   szlMillimeters;     // Size of the reference device in millimeters
+// Aldus Placeable Metafiles
+// Placeable Metafiles were created by Aldus Corporation as a non-standard
+// way of specifying how a metafile is mapped and scaled on an output device.
+// Placeable metafiles are quite wide-spread, but not directly supported by
+// the Windows API. To playback a placeable metafile using the Windows API,
+// you will first need to strip the placeable metafile header from the file.
+// This is typically performed by copying the metafile to a temporary file
+// starting at file offset 22 (0x16). The contents of the temporary file may
+// then be used as input to the Windows GetMetaFile(), PlayMetaFile(),
+// CopyMetaFile(), etc. GDI functions.
+// Each placeable metafile begins with a 22-byte header,
+//  followed by a standard metafile:
+#include <pshpack2.h>   // set structure packing to 2
+typedef struct
+    INT16           Left;
+    INT16           Top;
+    INT16           Right;
+    INT16           Bottom;
+} APMRect16;
+typedef struct
+    UINT32          Key;            // GDIP_WMF_ALDUSKEY
+    INT16           Hmf;            // Metafile HANDLE number (always 0)
+    APMRect16       BoundingBox;    // Coordinates in metafile units
+    INT16           Inch;           // Number of metafile units per inch
+    UINT32          Reserved;       // Reserved (always 0)
+    INT16           Checksum;       // Checksum value for previous 10 WORDs
+} APMFileHeader;
+#include <poppack.h>
+// Key contains a special identification value that indicates the presence
+// of a placeable metafile header and is always 0x9AC6CDD7.
+// Handle is used to stored the handle of the metafile in memory. When written
+// to disk, this field is not used and will always contains the value 0.
+// Left, Top, Right, and Bottom contain the coordinates of the upper-left
+// and lower-right corners of the image on the output device. These are
+// measured in twips.
+// A twip (meaning "twentieth of a point") is the logical unit of measurement
+// used in Windows Metafiles. A twip is equal to 1/1440 of an inch. Thus 720
+// twips equal 1/2 inch, while 32,768 twips is 22.75 inches.
+// Inch contains the number of twips per inch used to represent the image.
+// Normally, there are 1440 twips per inch; however, this number may be
+// changed to scale the image. A value of 720 indicates that the image is
+// double its normal size, or scaled to a factor of 2:1. A value of 360
+// indicates a scale of 4:1, while a value of 2880 indicates that the image
+// is scaled down in size by a factor of two. A value of 1440 indicates
+// a 1:1 scale ratio.
+// Reserved is not used and is always set to 0.
+// Checksum contains a checksum value for the previous 10 WORDs in the header.
+// This value can be used in an attempt to detect if the metafile has become
+// corrupted. The checksum is calculated by XORing each WORD value to an
+// initial value of 0.
+// If the metafile was recorded with a reference Hdc that was a display.
+#define GDIP_EMFPLUSFLAGS_DISPLAY       0x00000001
+class MetafileHeader
+    MetafileType        Type;
+    UINT                Size;               // Size of the metafile (in bytes)
+    UINT                Version;            // EMF+, EMF, or WMF version
+    UINT                EmfPlusFlags;
+    REAL                DpiX;
+    REAL                DpiY;
+    INT                 X;                  // Bounds in device units
+    INT                 Y;
+    INT                 Width;
+    INT                 Height;
+    union
+    {
+        METAHEADER      WmfHeader;
+        ENHMETAHEADER3  EmfHeader;
+    };
+    INT                 EmfPlusHeaderSize;  // size of the EMF+ header in file
+    INT                 LogicalDpiX;        // Logical Dpi of reference Hdc
+    INT                 LogicalDpiY;        // usually valid only for EMF+ files
+    // Get the metafile type
+    MetafileType GetType() const { return Type; }
+    // Get the size of the metafile in BYTEs
+    UINT GetMetafileSize() const { return Size; }
+    // If IsEmfPlus, this is the EMF+ version; else it is the WMF or EMF version
+    UINT GetVersion() const { return Version; }
+    // Get the EMF+ flags associated with the metafile
+    UINT GetEmfPlusFlags() const { return EmfPlusFlags; }
+    // Get the X Dpi of the metafile
+    REAL GetDpiX() const { return DpiX; }
+    // Get the Y Dpi of the metafile
+    REAL GetDpiY() const { return DpiY; }
+    // Get the bounds of the metafile in device units
+    VOID GetBounds (OUT Rect *rect) const
+    {
+        rect->X = X;
+        rect->Y = Y;
+        rect->Width = Width;
+        rect->Height = Height;
+    }
+    // Is it any type of WMF (standard or Aldus Placeable Metafile)?
+    BOOL IsWmf() const
+    {
+       return ((Type == MetafileTypeWmf) || (Type == MetafileTypeWmfAldus));
+    }
+    // Is this an Aldus Placeable Metafile?
+    BOOL IsWmfAldus() const { return (Type == MetafileTypeWmf); }
+    // Is this an EMF (not an EMF+)?
+    BOOL IsEmf() const { return (Type == MetafileTypeEmf); }
+    // Is this an EMF or EMF+ file?
+    BOOL IsEmfOrEmfPlus() const { return (Type >= MetafileTypeEmf); }
+    // Is this an EMF+ file?
+    BOOL IsEmfPlus() const { return (Type >= MetafileTypeEmfPlusOnly); }
+    // Is this an EMF+ dual (has dual, down-level records) file?
+    BOOL IsEmfPlusDual() const { return (Type == MetafileTypeEmfPlusDual); }
+    // Is this an EMF+ only (no dual records) file?
+    BOOL IsEmfPlusOnly() const { return (Type == MetafileTypeEmfPlusOnly); }
+    // If it's an EMF+ file, was it recorded against a display Hdc?
+    BOOL IsDisplay() const
+    {
+        return (IsEmfPlus() &&
+                ((EmfPlusFlags & GDIP_EMFPLUSFLAGS_DISPLAY) != 0));
+    }
+    // Get the WMF header of the metafile (if it is a WMF)
+    const METAHEADER * GetWmfHeader() const
+    {
+        if (IsWmf())
+        {
+            return &WmfHeader;
+        }
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // Get the EMF header of the metafile (if it is an EMF)
+    const ENHMETAHEADER3 * GetEmfHeader() const
+    {
+        if (IsEmfOrEmfPlus())
+        {
+            return &EmfHeader;
+        }
+        return NULL;
+    }
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusMetafile.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusMetafile.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7efa1d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusMetafile.h
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusMetafile.h
+* Abstract:
+*   Metafile related declarations
+class Metafile : public Image
+    friend class Image;
+    // Read a metafile
+    Metafile()
+    {
+        SetNativeImage(NULL);
+        lastResult = Ok;
+    }
+    // Playback a metafile from a HMETAFILE
+    // If deleteWmf is TRUE, then when the metafile is deleted,
+    // the hWmf will also be deleted.  Otherwise, it won't be.
+    Metafile(IN HMETAFILE hWmf,
+             IN const APMFileHeader * apmFileHeader,
+             IN BOOL deleteWmf = FALSE)
+    {
+        GpMetafile *    metafile = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateMetafileFromWmf(hWmf, deleteWmf, apmFileHeader, &metafile);
+        SetNativeImage(metafile);
+    }
+    // Playback a metafile from a HENHMETAFILE
+    // If deleteEmf is TRUE, then when the metafile is deleted,
+    // the hEmf will also be deleted.  Otherwise, it won't be.
+    Metafile(IN HENHMETAFILE hEmf,
+             IN BOOL deleteEmf = FALSE)
+    {
+        GpMetafile *    metafile = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateMetafileFromEmf(hEmf, deleteEmf, &metafile);
+        SetNativeImage(metafile);
+    }
+    // Playback a metafile from a file
+    Metafile(IN const WCHAR* filename)
+    {
+        GpMetafile *    metafile = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateMetafileFromFile(filename, &metafile);
+        SetNativeImage(metafile);
+    }
+    // Playback a WMF metafile from a file
+    Metafile(IN const WCHAR* filename,
+             IN const APMFileHeader * apmFileHeader
+            )
+    {
+        GpMetafile *    metafile = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateMetafileFromWmfFile(filename, apmFileHeader, &metafile);
+        SetNativeImage(metafile);
+    }
+    // Playback a metafile from a stream
+    Metafile(IN IStream* stream)
+    {
+        GpMetafile *    metafile = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateMetafileFromStream(stream, &metafile);
+        SetNativeImage(metafile);
+    }
+    // Record a metafile to memory
+    Metafile(
+        IN HDC                 referenceHdc,
+        IN EmfType             type        = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual,
+        IN const WCHAR *       description = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        GpMetafile *    metafile = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipRecordMetafile(
+                        referenceHdc, type, NULL, MetafileFrameUnitGdi,
+                        description, &metafile);
+        SetNativeImage(metafile);
+    }
+    // Record a metafile to memory
+    Metafile(
+        IN HDC                 referenceHdc,
+        IN const RectF &       frameRect,
+        IN MetafileFrameUnit   frameUnit   = MetafileFrameUnitGdi,
+        IN EmfType             type        = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual,
+        IN const WCHAR *       description = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        GpMetafile *    metafile = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipRecordMetafile(
+                        referenceHdc, type, &frameRect, frameUnit,
+                        description, &metafile);
+        SetNativeImage(metafile);
+    }
+    // Record a metafile to memory
+    Metafile(
+        IN HDC                 referenceHdc,
+        IN const Rect &        frameRect,
+        IN MetafileFrameUnit   frameUnit   = MetafileFrameUnitGdi,
+        IN EmfType             type        = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual,
+        IN const WCHAR *       description = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        GpMetafile *    metafile = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipRecordMetafileI(
+                        referenceHdc, type, &frameRect, frameUnit,
+                        description, &metafile);
+        SetNativeImage(metafile);
+    }
+    // Record a metafile to a file
+    Metafile(
+        IN const WCHAR*        fileName,
+        IN HDC                 referenceHdc,
+        IN EmfType             type        = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual,
+        IN const WCHAR *       description = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        GpMetafile *    metafile = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipRecordMetafileFileName(fileName,
+                        referenceHdc, type, NULL, MetafileFrameUnitGdi,
+                        description, &metafile);
+        SetNativeImage(metafile);
+    }
+    // Record a metafile to a file
+    Metafile(
+        IN const WCHAR*        fileName,
+        IN HDC                 referenceHdc,
+        IN const RectF &       frameRect,
+        IN MetafileFrameUnit   frameUnit   = MetafileFrameUnitGdi,
+        IN EmfType             type        = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual,
+        IN const WCHAR *       description = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        GpMetafile *    metafile = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipRecordMetafileFileName(fileName,
+                        referenceHdc, type, &frameRect, frameUnit,
+                        description, &metafile);
+        SetNativeImage(metafile);
+    }
+    // Record a metafile to a file
+    Metafile(
+        IN const WCHAR*        fileName,
+        IN HDC                 referenceHdc,
+        IN const Rect &        frameRect,
+        IN MetafileFrameUnit   frameUnit   = MetafileFrameUnitGdi,
+        IN EmfType             type        = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual,
+        IN const WCHAR *       description = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        GpMetafile *    metafile = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipRecordMetafileFileNameI(fileName,
+                        referenceHdc, type, &frameRect, frameUnit,
+                        description, &metafile);
+        SetNativeImage(metafile);
+    }
+    // Record a metafile to a stream
+    Metafile(
+        IN IStream *           stream,
+        IN HDC                 referenceHdc,
+        IN EmfType             type        = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual,
+        IN const WCHAR *       description = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        GpMetafile *    metafile = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipRecordMetafileStream(stream,
+                        referenceHdc, type, NULL, MetafileFrameUnitGdi,
+                        description, &metafile);
+        SetNativeImage(metafile);
+    }
+    // Record a metafile to a stream
+    Metafile(
+        IN IStream *           stream,
+        IN HDC                 referenceHdc,
+        IN const RectF &       frameRect,
+        IN MetafileFrameUnit   frameUnit   = MetafileFrameUnitGdi,
+        IN EmfType             type        = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual,
+        IN const WCHAR *       description = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        GpMetafile *    metafile = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipRecordMetafileStream(stream,
+                        referenceHdc, type, &frameRect, frameUnit,
+                        description, &metafile);
+        SetNativeImage(metafile);
+    }
+    // Write a metafile to a stream with down-level GDI records
+    Metafile(
+        IN IStream *           stream,
+        IN HDC                 referenceHdc,
+        IN const Rect &        frameRect,
+        IN MetafileFrameUnit   frameUnit   = MetafileFrameUnitGdi,
+        IN EmfType             type        = EmfTypeEmfPlusDual,
+        IN const WCHAR *       description = NULL
+        )
+    {
+        GpMetafile *    metafile = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipRecordMetafileStreamI(stream,
+                        referenceHdc, type, &frameRect, frameUnit,
+                        description, &metafile);
+        SetNativeImage(metafile);
+    }
+    static Status GetMetafileHeader(
+        IN HMETAFILE           hWmf,
+        IN const APMFileHeader *     apmFileHeader,
+        OUT MetafileHeader *   header
+        )
+    {
+        return DllExports::GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromWmf(hWmf, apmFileHeader, header);
+    }
+    static Status GetMetafileHeader(
+        IN HENHMETAFILE        hEmf,
+        OUT MetafileHeader *   header
+        )
+    {
+        return DllExports::GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromEmf(hEmf, header);
+    }
+    static Status GetMetafileHeader(
+        IN const WCHAR*        filename,
+        OUT MetafileHeader *   header
+        )
+    {
+        return DllExports::GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromFile(filename, header);
+    }
+    static Status GetMetafileHeader(
+        IN IStream *           stream,
+        OUT MetafileHeader *   header
+        )
+    {
+        return DllExports::GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromStream(stream, header);
+    }
+    Status GetMetafileHeader(
+        OUT MetafileHeader *    header
+        ) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromMetafile(
+                                              (GpMetafile *)nativeImage,
+                                              header));
+    }
+    // Once this method is called, the Metafile object is in an invalid state
+    // and can no longer be used.  It is the responsiblity of the caller to
+    // invoke DeleteEnhMetaFile to delete this hEmf.
+    {
+        HENHMETAFILE hEmf;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetHemfFromMetafile((GpMetafile *)nativeImage, &hEmf));
+        return hEmf;
+    }
+    // Used in conjuction with Graphics::EnumerateMetafile to play an EMF+
+    // The data must be DWORD aligned if it's an EMF or EMF+.  It must be
+    // WORD aligned if it's a WMF.
+    Status
+    PlayRecord(
+        IN EmfPlusRecordType   recordType,
+        IN UINT                flags,
+        IN UINT                dataSize,
+        IN const BYTE *        data
+        ) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipPlayMetafileRecord(
+                                (GpMetafile *)nativeImage,
+                                recordType,
+                                flags,
+                                dataSize,
+                                data));
+    }
+    // If you're using a printer HDC for the metafile, but you want the
+    // metafile rasterized at screen resolution, then use this API to set
+    // the rasterization dpi of the metafile to the screen resolution,
+    // e.g. 96 dpi or 120 dpi.
+    Status SetDownLevelRasterizationLimit(
+        IN UINT     metafileRasterizationLimitDpi
+        )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetMetafileDownLevelRasterizationLimit(
+                                (GpMetafile *)nativeImage,
+                                metafileRasterizationLimitDpi));
+    }
+    UINT GetDownLevelRasterizationLimit() const
+    {
+        UINT    metafileRasterizationLimitDpi = 0;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetMetafileDownLevelRasterizationLimit(
+                                (GpMetafile *)nativeImage,
+                                &metafileRasterizationLimitDpi));
+        return metafileRasterizationLimitDpi;
+    }
+    static UINT EmfToWmfBits(
+        IN HENHMETAFILE       hemf,
+        IN UINT               cbData16,
+        IN LPBYTE             pData16,
+        IN INT                iMapMode = MM_ANISOTROPIC,
+        IN EmfToWmfBitsFlags  eFlags = EmfToWmfBitsFlagsDefault
+    )
+    {
+        return DllExports::GdipEmfToWmfBits(
+            hemf,
+            cbData16,
+            pData16,
+            iMapMode,
+            eFlags);
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    Metafile(const Metafile &);
+    Metafile& operator=(const Metafile &);
+#endif // !_METAFILE_H
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusPath.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusPath.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cff0e1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusPath.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1686 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusPath.h
+* Abstract:
+*   Path related declarations
+class GraphicsPath : public GdiplusBase
+    friend class Graphics;
+    friend class Region;
+    friend class PathGradientBrush;
+    friend class GraphicsPathIterator;
+    friend class CustomLineCap;
+    // Path constructors
+    GraphicsPath(IN FillMode fillMode = FillModeAlternate)
+    {
+        nativePath = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreatePath(fillMode, &nativePath);
+    }
+    GraphicsPath(IN const PointF* points,
+                 IN const BYTE* types,
+                 IN INT count,
+                 IN FillMode fillMode = FillModeAlternate)
+    {
+        nativePath = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreatePath2(points,
+                                                 types,
+                                                 count,
+                                                 fillMode,
+                                                 &nativePath);
+    }
+    GraphicsPath(IN const Point* points,
+                 IN const BYTE* types,
+                 IN INT count,
+                 IN FillMode fillMode = FillModeAlternate)
+    {
+        nativePath = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreatePath2I(points,
+                                                  types,
+                                                  count,
+                                                  fillMode,
+                                                  &nativePath);
+    }
+    ~GraphicsPath()
+    {
+        DllExports::GdipDeletePath(nativePath);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Make a copy of the current path object
+     */
+    GraphicsPath* Clone() const
+    {
+        GpPath *clonepath = NULL;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipClonePath(nativePath, &clonepath));
+        return new GraphicsPath(clonepath);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Reset the path object to empty (and fill mode to FillModeAlternate)
+     */
+    Status Reset()
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipResetPath(nativePath));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get path fill mode information
+     */
+    FillMode GetFillMode() const
+    {
+        FillMode fillmode = FillModeAlternate;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathFillMode(nativePath, &fillmode));
+        return fillmode;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set path fill mode information
+     */
+    Status SetFillMode(IN FillMode fillmode)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPathFillMode(nativePath, fillmode));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set/get path data
+     */
+    Status GetPathData(OUT PathData* pathData) const
+    {
+        if (pathData == NULL) 
+        {
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        }
+        INT count = GetPointCount();
+        if ((count <= 0) || (pathData->Count>0 && pathData->Count<count))
+        {
+            pathData->Count = 0;
+            if (pathData->Points)
+            {
+                delete pathData->Points;
+                pathData->Points = NULL;
+            }
+            if (pathData->Types) 
+            {
+                delete pathData->Types;
+                pathData->Types = NULL;
+            }
+            if (count <= 0)
+            {
+                return lastResult;
+            }
+        }
+        if (pathData->Count == 0) 
+        {
+            pathData->Points = new PointF[count];
+            if (pathData->Points == NULL) 
+            {
+                return SetStatus(OutOfMemory);
+            }
+            pathData->Types = new byte[count];
+            if (pathData->Types == NULL) 
+            {
+                delete pathData->Points;
+                pathData->Points = NULL;
+                return SetStatus(OutOfMemory);
+            }
+            pathData->Count = count;
+        }
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathData(nativePath, pathData));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Start/end a subpath
+     */
+    Status StartFigure()
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipStartPathFigure(nativePath));
+    }
+    Status CloseFigure()
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipClosePathFigure(nativePath));
+    }
+    Status CloseAllFigures()
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipClosePathFigures(nativePath));
+    }
+    Status SetMarker()
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPathMarker(nativePath));
+    }
+    Status ClearMarkers()
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipClearPathMarkers(nativePath));
+    }
+    Status Reverse()
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipReversePath(nativePath));
+    }
+    Status GetLastPoint(OUT PointF* lastPoint) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathLastPoint(nativePath, lastPoint));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add lines to the path object
+     */
+    // float version
+    Status AddLine(IN const PointF& pt1, 
+                   IN const PointF& pt2)
+    {
+        return AddLine(pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y);
+    }
+    Status AddLine(IN REAL x1,
+                   IN REAL y1, 
+                   IN REAL x2, 
+                   IN REAL y2)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathLine(nativePath, x1, y1, x2, y2));
+    }
+    Status AddLines(IN const PointF* points, 
+                    IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathLine2(nativePath, points, count));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status AddLine(IN const Point& pt1, 
+                   IN const Point& pt2)
+    {
+        return AddLine(pt1.X,
+                       pt1.Y,
+                       pt2.X,
+                       pt2.Y);
+    }
+    Status AddLine(IN INT x1, 
+                   IN INT y1, 
+                   IN INT x2, 
+                   IN INT y2)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathLineI(nativePath,
+                                                     x1,
+                                                     y1,
+                                                     x2,
+                                                     y2));
+    }
+    Status AddLines(IN const Point* points, 
+                    IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathLine2I(nativePath,
+                                                       points,
+                                                       count));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add an arc to the path object
+     */
+    // float version
+    Status AddArc(IN const RectF& rect, 
+                  IN REAL startAngle, 
+                  IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return AddArc(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height,
+                      startAngle, sweepAngle);
+    }
+    Status AddArc(IN REAL x, 
+                  IN REAL y, 
+                  IN REAL width, 
+                  IN REAL height,
+                  IN REAL startAngle, 
+                  IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathArc(nativePath, x, y, width, height,
+                                      startAngle, sweepAngle));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status AddArc(IN const Rect& rect, 
+                  IN REAL startAngle, 
+                  IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return AddArc(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height,
+                      startAngle, sweepAngle);
+    }
+    Status AddArc(IN INT x, 
+                  IN INT y, 
+                  IN INT width, 
+                  IN INT height,
+                  IN REAL startAngle, 
+                  IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathArcI(nativePath,
+                                                    x,
+                                                    y,
+                                                    width,
+                                                    height,
+                                                    startAngle,
+                                                    sweepAngle));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add Bezier curves to the path object
+     */
+    // float version
+    Status AddBezier(IN const PointF& pt1, 
+                     IN const PointF& pt2,
+                     IN const PointF& pt3, 
+                     IN const PointF& pt4)
+    {
+        return AddBezier(pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y, pt3.X, pt3.Y, pt4.X,
+                         pt4.Y);
+    }
+    Status AddBezier(IN REAL x1, 
+                     IN REAL y1, 
+                     IN REAL x2, 
+                     IN REAL y2,
+                     IN REAL x3, 
+                     IN REAL y3, 
+                     IN REAL x4, 
+                     IN REAL y4)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathBezier(nativePath, x1, y1, x2, y2,
+                                     x3, y3, x4, y4));
+    }
+    Status AddBeziers(IN const PointF* points, 
+                      IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathBeziers(nativePath, points, count));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status AddBezier(IN const Point& pt1, 
+                     IN const Point& pt2,
+                     IN const Point& pt3, 
+                     IN const Point& pt4)
+    {
+       return AddBezier(pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y, pt3.X, pt3.Y, pt4.X,
+                        pt4.Y);
+    }
+    Status AddBezier(IN INT x1, 
+                     IN INT y1, 
+                     IN INT x2, 
+                     IN INT y2,
+                     IN INT x3,
+                     IN INT y3, 
+                     IN INT x4, 
+                     IN INT y4)
+    {
+       return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathBezierI(nativePath,
+                                                      x1,
+                                                      y1,
+                                                      x2,
+                                                      y2,
+                                                      x3,
+                                                      y3,
+                                                      x4,
+                                                      y4));
+    }
+    Status AddBeziers(IN const Point* points,
+                      IN INT count)
+    {
+       return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathBeziersI(nativePath,
+                                                        points,
+                                                        count));
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status AddCurve(IN const PointF* points, 
+                    IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathCurve(nativePath,
+                                                      points,
+                                                      count));
+    }
+    Status AddCurve(IN const PointF* points, 
+                    IN INT count,
+                    IN REAL tension)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathCurve2(nativePath,
+                                                       points,
+                                                       count,
+                                                       tension));
+    }
+    Status AddCurve(IN const PointF* points, 
+                    IN INT count, 
+                    IN INT offset,
+                    IN INT numberOfSegments, 
+                    IN REAL tension)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathCurve3(nativePath,
+                                                       points,
+                                                       count,
+                                                       offset,
+                                                       numberOfSegments,
+                                                       tension));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status AddCurve(IN const Point* points, 
+                    IN INT count)
+    {
+       return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathCurveI(nativePath,
+                                                     points,
+                                                     count));
+    }
+    Status AddCurve(IN const Point* points, 
+                    IN INT count, 
+                    IN REAL tension)
+    {
+       return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathCurve2I(nativePath,
+                                                      points,
+                                                      count,
+                                                      tension));
+    }
+    Status AddCurve(IN const Point* points, 
+                    IN INT count, 
+                    IN INT offset,
+                    IN INT numberOfSegments, 
+                    IN REAL tension)
+    {
+       return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathCurve3I(nativePath,
+                                                      points,
+                                                      count,
+                                                      offset,
+                                                      numberOfSegments,
+                                                      tension));
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status AddClosedCurve(IN const PointF* points, 
+                          IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathClosedCurve(nativePath,
+                                                            points,
+                                                            count));
+    }
+    Status AddClosedCurve(IN const PointF* points, 
+                          IN INT count, 
+                          IN REAL tension)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathClosedCurve2(nativePath,
+                                                             points,
+                                                             count,
+                                                             tension));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status AddClosedCurve(IN const Point* points, 
+                          IN INT count)
+    {
+       return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathClosedCurveI(nativePath,
+                                                            points,
+                                                            count));
+    }
+    Status AddClosedCurve(IN const Point* points, 
+                          IN INT count,
+                          IN REAL tension)
+    {
+       return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathClosedCurve2I(nativePath,
+                                                             points,
+                                                             count,
+                                                             tension));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add closed shapes to the path object
+     */
+    // float version
+    Status AddRectangle(IN const RectF& rect)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathRectangle(nativePath,
+                                                          rect.X,
+                                                          rect.Y,
+                                                          rect.Width,
+                                                          rect.Height));
+    }
+    Status AddRectangles(IN const RectF* rects, 
+                         IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathRectangles(nativePath,
+                                                           rects,
+                                                           count));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status AddRectangle(IN const Rect& rect)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathRectangleI(nativePath,
+                                                          rect.X,
+                                                          rect.Y,
+                                                          rect.Width,
+                                                          rect.Height));
+    }
+    Status AddRectangles(IN const Rect* rects, INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathRectanglesI(nativePath,
+                                                           rects,
+                                                           count));
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status AddEllipse(IN const RectF& rect)
+    {
+        return AddEllipse(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
+    }
+    Status AddEllipse(IN REAL x, 
+                      IN REAL y, 
+                      IN REAL width, 
+                      IN REAL height)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathEllipse(nativePath,
+                                                        x,
+                                                        y,
+                                                        width,
+                                                        height));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status AddEllipse(IN const Rect& rect)
+    {
+        return AddEllipse(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
+    }
+    Status AddEllipse(IN INT x, 
+                      IN INT y, 
+                      IN INT width, 
+                      IN INT height)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathEllipseI(nativePath,
+                                                        x,
+                                                        y,
+                                                        width,
+                                                        height));
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status AddPie(IN const RectF& rect, 
+                  IN REAL startAngle, 
+                  IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return AddPie(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, startAngle,
+                      sweepAngle);
+    }
+    Status AddPie(IN REAL x, 
+                  IN REAL y, 
+                  IN REAL width, 
+                  IN REAL height, 
+                  IN REAL startAngle,
+                  IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathPie(nativePath, x, y, width, height,
+                                      startAngle, sweepAngle));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status AddPie(IN const Rect& rect, 
+                  IN REAL startAngle, 
+                  IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return AddPie(rect.X,
+                      rect.Y,
+                      rect.Width,
+                      rect.Height,
+                      startAngle,
+                      sweepAngle);
+    }
+    Status AddPie(IN INT x, 
+                  IN INT y, 
+                  IN INT width, 
+                  IN INT height, 
+                  IN REAL startAngle,
+                  IN REAL sweepAngle)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathPieI(nativePath,
+                                                    x,
+                                                    y,
+                                                    width,
+                                                    height,
+                                                    startAngle,
+                                                    sweepAngle));
+    }
+    // float version
+    Status AddPolygon(IN const PointF* points, 
+                      IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathPolygon(nativePath, points, count));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status AddPolygon(IN const Point* points, 
+                      IN INT count)
+    {
+       return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathPolygonI(nativePath, points, count));
+    }
+    Status AddPath(IN const GraphicsPath* addingPath, 
+                   IN BOOL connect)
+    {
+        GpPath* nativePath2 = NULL;
+        if(addingPath)
+            nativePath2 = addingPath->nativePath;
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathPath(nativePath, nativePath2, connect));
+    }
+    // AddString point version
+    Status AddString(
+        IN const WCHAR         *string,
+        IN INT                  length,
+        IN const FontFamily    *family,
+        IN INT                  style,
+        IN REAL                 emSize,  // In world units
+        IN const PointF        &origin,
+        IN const StringFormat  *format
+    )
+    {
+        RectF rect(origin.X, origin.Y, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathString(
+            nativePath,
+            string,
+            length,
+            family ? family->nativeFamily : NULL,
+            style,
+            emSize,
+            &rect,
+            format ? format->nativeFormat : NULL
+        ));
+    }
+    // AddString rectangle version
+    Status AddString(
+        IN const WCHAR         *string,
+        IN INT                  length,
+        IN const FontFamily    *family,
+        IN INT                  style,
+        IN REAL                 emSize,  // In world units
+        IN const RectF         &layoutRect,
+        IN const StringFormat  *format
+    )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathString(
+            nativePath,
+            string,
+            length,
+            family ? family->nativeFamily : NULL,
+            style,
+            emSize,
+            &layoutRect,
+            format ? format->nativeFormat : NULL
+        ));
+    }
+    Status AddString(
+        IN const WCHAR         *string,
+        IN INT                  length,
+        IN const FontFamily    *family,
+        IN INT                  style,
+        IN REAL                 emSize,  // In world units
+        IN const Point         &origin,
+        IN const StringFormat  *format
+    )
+    {
+        Rect rect(origin.X, origin.Y, 0, 0);
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathStringI(
+            nativePath,
+            string,
+            length,
+            family ? family->nativeFamily : NULL,
+            style,
+            emSize,
+            &rect,
+            format ? format->nativeFormat : NULL
+        ));
+    }
+    // AddString rectangle version
+    Status AddString(
+        IN const WCHAR         *string,
+        IN INT                  length,
+        IN const FontFamily    *family,
+        IN INT                  style,
+        IN REAL                 emSize,  // In world units
+        IN const Rect          &layoutRect,
+        IN const StringFormat  *format
+    )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipAddPathStringI(
+            nativePath,
+            string,
+            length,
+            family ? family->nativeFamily : NULL,
+            style,
+            emSize,
+            &layoutRect,
+            format ? format->nativeFormat : NULL
+        ));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Transforms the path object
+     */
+    Status Transform(IN const Matrix* matrix)
+    {
+        if(matrix)
+            return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTransformPath(nativePath, matrix->nativeMatrix));
+        else
+            return Ok;  // No need to transform.
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the bounds of the path object with the given transform.
+     * This is not always the tightest bounds.
+     *
+     * Defined in GdiplusGraphics.h.
+     */
+    Status GetBounds(OUT RectF* bounds, 
+                     IN const Matrix* matrix = NULL, 
+                     IN const Pen* pen = NULL) const;
+    // integer version (defined in GdiplusGraphics.h)
+    Status GetBounds(OUT Rect* bounds,
+                     IN const Matrix* matrix = NULL, 
+                     IN const Pen* pen = NULL) const;
+    /**
+     * Flatten the path object
+     * Once this is called, the resultant path is made of line segments and
+     * the original path information is lost.
+     * When matrix = NULL, the identity matrix is assumed.
+     */
+    Status Flatten(IN const Matrix* matrix = NULL, 
+                   IN REAL flatness = FlatnessDefault)
+    {
+        GpMatrix* nativeMatrix = NULL;
+        if(matrix)
+        {
+            nativeMatrix = matrix->nativeMatrix;
+        }
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipFlattenPath(
+            nativePath, 
+            nativeMatrix, 
+            flatness
+        ));
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_202903
+    Status Widen(
+        IN const Pen* pen, 
+        IN const Matrix* matrix = NULL,
+        IN REAL flatness = FlatnessDefault
+    )
+    {
+        GpMatrix* nativeMatrix = NULL;
+        if(matrix)
+            nativeMatrix = matrix->nativeMatrix;
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipWidenPath(
+            nativePath, 
+            pen->nativePen,
+            nativeMatrix, 
+            flatness
+        ));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Widen the path object
+     * When removeSelfIntersects is TRUE, this returns the widened path
+     * without self intersections.
+     * When it is FALSE, it returns the widened path with selfintersections.
+     * The latter is faster and is usually safficient for filling.
+     */
+    Status Widen(IN const Pen* pen, 
+                 IN const Matrix* matrix = NULL,
+                 IN BOOL removeSelfIntersects = TRUE)
+    {
+        GpMatrix* nativeMatrix = NULL;
+        if(matrix)
+            nativeMatrix = matrix->nativeMatrix;
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipWidenPathWithMinimumResolutions(nativePath, pen->nativePen,
+            0, 0, nativeMatrix, removeSelfIntersects));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Widen the path object
+     * This is equivalent to Widen() method except that
+     * The widths of the widened path are larger than the given
+     * minimum resolutions in x and y coordinates after the transform.
+     * This is usefull when widening a path with the limited device resolutions.
+     */
+    Status Widen(IN const Pen* pen, 
+                 IN REAL minXres, 
+                 IN REAL minYres, 
+                 IN const Matrix* matrix = NULL,
+                 IN BOOL removeSelfIntersects = TRUE)
+    {
+        GpMatrix* nativeMatrix = NULL;
+        if(matrix)
+            nativeMatrix = matrix->nativeMatrix;
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipWidenPathWithMinimumResolutions(nativePath, pen->nativePen,
+            minXres, minYres, nativeMatrix, removeSelfIntersects));
+    }
+#endif // DCR_USE_NEW_202903
+    Status Outline(
+        IN const Matrix *matrix = NULL,
+        IN REAL flatness = FlatnessDefault
+    )
+    {
+        GpMatrix* nativeMatrix = NULL;
+        if(matrix)
+        {
+            nativeMatrix = matrix->nativeMatrix;
+        }
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipWindingModeOutline(
+            nativePath, nativeMatrix, flatness
+        ));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Warp the path object
+     * Once this is called, the resultant path is made of line segments and
+     * the original path information is lost.
+     * When matrix = NULL, the identity matrix is assumed.
+     */
+    Status Warp(IN const PointF* destPoints, 
+                IN INT count,
+                IN const RectF& srcRect, 
+                IN const Matrix* matrix = NULL,
+                IN WarpMode warpMode = WarpModePerspective,
+                IN REAL flatness = FlatnessDefault)
+    {
+        GpMatrix* nativeMatrix = NULL;
+        if(matrix)
+            nativeMatrix = matrix->nativeMatrix;
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipWarpPath(
+                                        nativePath,
+                                        nativeMatrix,
+                                        destPoints,
+                                        count,
+                                        srcRect.X,
+                                        srcRect.Y,
+                                        srcRect.Width,
+                                        srcRect.Height,
+                                        warpMode,
+                                        flatness));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the number of points in the current path
+     */
+    INT GetPointCount() const
+    {
+        INT count = 0;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPointCount(nativePath, &count));
+        return count;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the path point type information
+     */
+    Status GetPathTypes(OUT BYTE* types, 
+                        IN INT count) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathTypes(nativePath, types, count));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the path point coordinate information
+     * @notes Should there be PathData that contains types[] and points[]
+     *        for get & set purposes.
+     */
+    Status GetPathPoints(OUT PointF* points, 
+                         IN INT count) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathPoints(nativePath, points, count));
+    }
+    // integer version
+    Status GetPathPoints(OUT Point* points, 
+                         IN INT count) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathPointsI(nativePath, points, count));
+    }
+    Status GetLastStatus() const
+    {
+        Status lastStatus = lastResult;
+        lastResult = Ok;
+        return lastStatus;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Hit testing operations
+     *
+     * inline implementation is in gdiplusgraphics.h.
+     */
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN const PointF& point, 
+                   IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const
+    {
+        return IsVisible(point.X, point.Y, g);
+    }
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN REAL x, 
+                   IN REAL y, 
+                   IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const;
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN const Point& point,
+                   IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const
+    {
+        return IsVisible(point.X, point.Y, g);
+    }
+    BOOL IsVisible(IN INT x, 
+                   IN INT y, 
+                   IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const;
+    BOOL IsOutlineVisible(IN const PointF& point,
+                          IN const Pen* pen, 
+                          IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const
+    {
+        return IsOutlineVisible(point.X, point.Y, pen, g);
+    }
+    BOOL IsOutlineVisible(IN REAL x, 
+                          IN REAL y, 
+                          IN const Pen* pen, 
+                          IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const;
+    BOOL IsOutlineVisible(IN const Point& point,
+                          IN const Pen* pen, 
+                          IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const
+    {
+        return IsOutlineVisible(point.X, point.Y, pen, g);
+    }
+    BOOL IsOutlineVisible(IN INT x, 
+                          IN INT y, 
+                          IN const Pen* pen, 
+                          IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const;
+    GraphicsPath(const GraphicsPath& path)
+    {
+        GpPath *clonepath = NULL;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipClonePath(path.nativePath, &clonepath));
+        SetNativePath(clonepath);
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    GraphicsPath& operator=(const GraphicsPath &);
+    GraphicsPath& operator=(const GraphicsPath& path)
+    {
+        path;
+        SetStatus(NotImplemented);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    GraphicsPath(GpPath* nativePath)
+    {
+        lastResult = Ok;
+        SetNativePath(nativePath);
+    }
+    VOID SetNativePath(GpPath *nativePath)
+    {
+        this->nativePath = nativePath;
+    }
+    Status SetStatus(Status status) const
+    {
+        if (status != Ok)
+            return (lastResult = status);
+        else
+            return status;
+    }
+    GpPath* nativePath;
+    mutable Status lastResult;
+// GraphisPathIterator class
+class GraphicsPathIterator : public GdiplusBase
+    GraphicsPathIterator(IN const GraphicsPath* path)
+    {
+        GpPath* nativePath = NULL;
+        if(path)
+            nativePath = path->nativePath;
+        GpPathIterator *iter = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreatePathIter(&iter, nativePath);
+        SetNativeIterator(iter);
+    }
+    ~GraphicsPathIterator()
+    {
+        DllExports::GdipDeletePathIter(nativeIterator);
+    }
+    INT NextSubpath(OUT INT* startIndex,
+                    OUT INT* endIndex,
+                    OUT BOOL* isClosed)
+    {
+        INT resultCount;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipPathIterNextSubpath(nativeIterator,
+            &resultCount, startIndex, endIndex, isClosed));
+        return resultCount;
+    }
+    INT NextSubpath(IN const GraphicsPath* path, 
+                    OUT BOOL* isClosed)
+    {
+        GpPath* nativePath = NULL;
+        INT resultCount;
+        if(path)
+            nativePath= path->nativePath;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipPathIterNextSubpathPath(nativeIterator,
+            &resultCount, nativePath, isClosed));
+        return resultCount;
+    }
+    INT NextPathType(OUT BYTE* pathType, 
+                     OUT INT* startIndex, 
+                     OUT INT* endIndex)
+    {
+        INT resultCount;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipPathIterNextPathType(nativeIterator,
+            &resultCount, pathType, startIndex, endIndex));
+        return resultCount;
+    }
+    INT NextMarker(OUT INT* startIndex, 
+                   OUT INT* endIndex)
+    {
+        INT resultCount;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipPathIterNextMarker(nativeIterator,
+            &resultCount, startIndex, endIndex));
+        return resultCount;
+    }
+    INT NextMarker(IN const GraphicsPath* path)
+    {
+        GpPath* nativePath = NULL;
+        INT resultCount;
+        if(path)
+            nativePath= path->nativePath;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipPathIterNextMarkerPath(nativeIterator,
+            &resultCount, nativePath));
+        return resultCount;
+    }
+    INT GetCount() const
+    {
+        INT resultCount;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipPathIterGetCount(nativeIterator, &resultCount));
+        return resultCount;
+    }
+    INT GetSubpathCount() const
+    {
+        INT resultCount;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipPathIterGetSubpathCount(nativeIterator, &resultCount));
+        return resultCount;
+    }
+    BOOL HasCurve() const
+    {
+        BOOL hasCurve;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipPathIterHasCurve(nativeIterator, &hasCurve));
+        return hasCurve;
+    }
+    VOID Rewind()
+    {
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipPathIterRewind(nativeIterator));
+    }
+    INT Enumerate(OUT PointF *points,
+                  OUT BYTE *types, 
+                  IN INT count)
+    {
+        INT resultCount;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipPathIterEnumerate(nativeIterator,
+            &resultCount, points, types, count));
+        return resultCount;
+    }
+    INT CopyData(OUT PointF* points, 
+                 OUT BYTE* types,
+                 IN INT startIndex, 
+                 IN INT endIndex)
+    {
+        INT resultCount;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipPathIterCopyData(nativeIterator,
+            &resultCount, points, types, startIndex, endIndex));
+        return resultCount;
+    }
+    Status GetLastStatus() const
+    {
+        Status lastStatus = lastResult;
+        lastResult = Ok;
+        return lastStatus;
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    GraphicsPathIterator(const GraphicsPathIterator &);
+    GraphicsPathIterator& operator=(const GraphicsPathIterator &);
+    VOID SetNativeIterator(GpPathIterator *nativeIterator)
+    {
+        this->nativeIterator = nativeIterator;
+    }
+    Status SetStatus(Status status) const
+    {
+        if (status != Ok)
+            return (lastResult = status);
+        else
+            return status;
+    }
+    GpPathIterator* nativeIterator;
+    mutable Status lastResult;
+// Represent polygon gradient brush object
+class PathGradientBrush : public Brush
+    friend class Pen;
+    PathGradientBrush(
+        IN const PointF* points,
+        IN INT count,
+        IN WrapMode wrapMode = WrapModeClamp)
+    {
+        GpPathGradient *brush = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreatePathGradient(
+                                        points, count,
+                                        wrapMode, &brush);
+        SetNativeBrush(brush);
+    }
+    PathGradientBrush(
+        IN const Point* points,
+        IN INT count,
+        IN WrapMode wrapMode = WrapModeClamp)
+    {
+        GpPathGradient *brush = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreatePathGradientI(
+                                        points, count,
+                                        wrapMode, &brush);
+        SetNativeBrush(brush);
+    }
+    PathGradientBrush(
+        IN const GraphicsPath* path
+        )
+    {
+        GpPathGradient *brush = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreatePathGradientFromPath(
+                                        path->nativePath, &brush);
+        SetNativeBrush(brush);
+    }
+    // Get/set colors
+    Status GetCenterColor(OUT Color* color) const
+    {
+        ARGB argb;
+        if (color == NULL) 
+        {
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        }
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathGradientCenterColor(
+                       (GpPathGradient*) nativeBrush, &argb));
+        color->SetValue(argb);
+        return lastResult;
+    }
+    Status SetCenterColor(IN const Color& color)
+    {
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPathGradientCenterColor(
+                       (GpPathGradient*) nativeBrush,
+                       color.GetValue()));
+        return lastResult;
+    }
+    INT GetPointCount() const
+    {
+        INT count;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathGradientPointCount(
+                       (GpPathGradient*) nativeBrush, &count));
+        return count;
+    }
+    INT GetSurroundColorCount() const
+    {
+        INT count;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathGradientSurroundColorCount(
+                       (GpPathGradient*) nativeBrush, &count));
+        return count;
+    }
+    Status GetSurroundColors(OUT Color* colors, 
+                             IN OUT INT* count) const
+    {
+        if(colors == NULL || count == NULL)
+        {
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        }
+        INT count1;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathGradientSurroundColorCount(
+                        (GpPathGradient*) nativeBrush, &count1));
+        if(lastResult != Ok)
+            return lastResult;
+        if((*count < count1) || (count1 <= 0))
+            return SetStatus(InsufficientBuffer);
+        ARGB* argbs = (ARGB*) new ARGB[count1];
+        if(argbs == NULL)
+            return SetStatus(OutOfMemory);
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathGradientSurroundColorsWithCount(
+                    (GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush, argbs, &count1));
+        if(lastResult == Ok)
+        {
+            for(INT i = 0; i < count1; i++)
+            {
+                colors[i].SetValue(argbs[i]);
+            }        
+            *count = count1;
+        }
+        delete [] argbs;
+        return lastResult;
+    }
+    Status SetSurroundColors(IN const Color* colors, 
+                             IN OUT INT* count)
+    {
+        if(colors == NULL || count == NULL)
+        {
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        }
+        INT count1 = GetPointCount();
+        if((*count > count1) || (count1 <= 0))
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        count1 = *count;
+        ARGB* argbs = (ARGB*) new ARGB[count1];
+        if(argbs == NULL)
+            return SetStatus(OutOfMemory);
+        for(INT i = 0; i < count1; i++)
+        {
+            argbs[i] = colors[i].GetValue();
+        }
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPathGradientSurroundColorsWithCount(
+                    (GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush, argbs, &count1));
+        if(lastResult == Ok)
+            *count = count1;
+        delete [] argbs;
+        return lastResult;
+    }
+    Status GetGraphicsPath(OUT GraphicsPath* path) const
+    {
+        if(path == NULL)
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathGradientPath(
+                    (GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush, path->nativePath));
+    }
+    Status SetGraphicsPath(IN const GraphicsPath* path)
+    {
+        if(path == NULL)
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPathGradientPath(
+                    (GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush, path->nativePath));
+    }
+    Status GetCenterPoint(OUT PointF* point) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathGradientCenterPoint(
+                                (GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                                point));
+    }
+    Status GetCenterPoint(OUT Point* point) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathGradientCenterPointI(
+                                (GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                                point));
+    }
+    Status SetCenterPoint(IN const PointF& point)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPathGradientCenterPoint(
+                                (GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                                &point));
+    }
+    Status SetCenterPoint(IN const Point& point)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPathGradientCenterPointI(
+                                (GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                                &point));
+    }
+    Status GetRectangle(OUT RectF* rect) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathGradientRect(
+                            (GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush, rect));
+    }
+    Status GetRectangle(OUT Rect* rect) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathGradientRectI(
+                            (GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush, rect));
+    }
+    // Gamma correction.
+    Status SetGammaCorrection(IN BOOL useGammaCorrection)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPathGradientGammaCorrection(
+            (GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush, useGammaCorrection));
+    }
+    BOOL GetGammaCorrection() const
+    {
+        BOOL useGammaCorrection;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathGradientGammaCorrection(
+            (GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush, &useGammaCorrection));
+        return useGammaCorrection;
+    }
+    INT GetBlendCount() const
+    {
+       INT count = 0;
+       SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathGradientBlendCount(
+                           (GpPathGradient*) nativeBrush, &count));
+       return count;
+    }
+    Status GetBlend(OUT REAL* blendFactors,
+                    OUT REAL* blendPositions,
+                    IN INT count) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathGradientBlend(
+                            (GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                            blendFactors, blendPositions, count));
+    }
+    Status SetBlend(IN const REAL* blendFactors, 
+                    IN const REAL* blendPositions, 
+                    IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPathGradientBlend(
+                            (GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                            blendFactors, blendPositions, count));
+    }
+    INT GetInterpolationColorCount() const
+    {
+       INT count = 0;
+       SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathGradientPresetBlendCount(
+                        (GpPathGradient*) nativeBrush, &count));
+       return count;
+    }
+    Status SetInterpolationColors(IN const Color* presetColors,
+                                  IN const REAL* blendPositions, 
+                                  IN INT count)
+    {
+        if ((count <= 0) || !presetColors) 
+        {
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        }
+        ARGB* argbs = (ARGB*) new ARGB[count];
+        if(argbs)
+        {
+            for(INT i = 0; i < count; i++)
+            {
+                argbs[i] = presetColors[i].GetValue();
+            }
+            Status status = SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPathGradientPresetBlend(
+                                    (GpPathGradient*) nativeBrush,
+                                    argbs,
+                                    blendPositions,
+                                    count));
+            delete[] argbs;
+            return status;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return SetStatus(OutOfMemory);
+        }
+    }
+    Status GetInterpolationColors(OUT Color* presetColors,
+                                  OUT REAL* blendPositions, 
+                                  IN INT count) const
+    {
+        if ((count <= 0) || !presetColors) 
+        {
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        }
+        ARGB* argbs = (ARGB*) new ARGB[count];
+        if (!argbs)
+        {
+            return SetStatus(OutOfMemory);
+        }
+        GpStatus status = SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathGradientPresetBlend(
+                                (GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                                argbs,
+                                blendPositions,
+                                count));
+        for(INT i = 0; i < count; i++)
+        {
+            presetColors[i] = Color(argbs[i]);
+        }
+        delete [] argbs;
+        return status;
+    }
+    Status SetBlendBellShape(IN REAL focus, 
+                             IN REAL scale = 1.0)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPathGradientSigmaBlend(
+                            (GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush, focus, scale));
+    }
+    #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_145135
+    Status SetBlendTriangularShape(
+        IN REAL focus,
+        IN REAL scale = 1.0
+    )
+    #else
+    Status SetBlendTrianglarShape(IN REAL focus,
+                                  IN REAL scale = 1.0)
+    #endif                              
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPathGradientLinearBlend(
+                            (GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush, focus, scale));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get/set brush transform
+     */
+    Status GetTransform(OUT Matrix *matrix) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathGradientTransform(
+                            (GpPathGradient*) nativeBrush, matrix->nativeMatrix));
+    }
+    Status SetTransform(IN const Matrix* matrix)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPathGradientTransform(
+                            (GpPathGradient*) nativeBrush, matrix->nativeMatrix));
+    }
+    Status ResetTransform()
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipResetPathGradientTransform((GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush));
+    }
+    Status MultiplyTransform(IN const Matrix* matrix,
+                             IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipMultiplyPathGradientTransform((GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                                                                matrix->nativeMatrix,
+                                                                order));
+    }
+    Status TranslateTransform(IN REAL dx, 
+                              IN REAL dy,
+                              IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslatePathGradientTransform((GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                                                               dx, dy, order));
+    }
+    Status ScaleTransform(IN REAL sx, 
+                          IN REAL sy,
+                          IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipScalePathGradientTransform((GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                                                             sx, sy, order));
+    }
+    Status RotateTransform(IN REAL angle, 
+                           IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipRotatePathGradientTransform((GpPathGradient*)nativeBrush,
+                                                              angle, order));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get/set brush focus scales
+     */
+    Status GetFocusScales(OUT REAL* xScale, 
+                          OUT REAL* yScale) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathGradientFocusScales(
+                            (GpPathGradient*) nativeBrush, xScale, yScale));
+    }
+    Status SetFocusScales(IN REAL xScale,
+                          IN REAL yScale)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPathGradientFocusScales(
+                            (GpPathGradient*) nativeBrush, xScale, yScale));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get/set brush wrapping mode
+     */
+    WrapMode GetWrapMode() const
+    {
+        WrapMode wrapMode;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPathGradientWrapMode(
+                     (GpPathGradient*) nativeBrush, &wrapMode));
+        return wrapMode;
+    }
+    Status SetWrapMode(IN WrapMode wrapMode)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPathGradientWrapMode(
+                            (GpPathGradient*) nativeBrush, wrapMode));
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    PathGradientBrush(const PathGradientBrush &);
+    PathGradientBrush& operator=(const PathGradientBrush &);
+    PathGradientBrush()
+    {
+    }
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusPen.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusPen.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20653db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusPen.h
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusPen.h
+* Abstract:
+*   Pen API related declarations
+#ifndef _GDIPLUSPEN_H
+#define _GDIPLUSPEN_H
+// class for various pen types
+class Pen : public GdiplusBase
+    friend class GraphicsPath;
+    friend class Graphics;
+    // abstract Clone() can't be implemented here because it can't
+    // new an object with pure virtual functions
+    // Constructors
+    Pen(IN const Color& color, 
+        IN REAL width = 1.0f)
+    {
+        Unit unit = UnitWorld;
+        nativePen = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreatePen1(color.GetValue(),
+                                    width, unit, &nativePen);
+    }
+    Pen(IN const Brush* brush, 
+        IN REAL width = 1.0f)
+    {
+        Unit unit = UnitWorld;
+        nativePen = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreatePen2(brush->nativeBrush,
+                                    width, unit, &nativePen);
+    }
+    ~Pen()
+    {
+        DllExports::GdipDeletePen(nativePen);
+    }
+    Pen* Clone() const
+    {
+        GpPen *clonePen = NULL;
+        lastResult = DllExports::GdipClonePen(nativePen, &clonePen);
+        return new Pen(clonePen, lastResult);
+    }
+    Status SetWidth(IN REAL width)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPenWidth(nativePen, width));
+    }
+    REAL GetWidth() const
+    {
+        REAL width;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenWidth(nativePen, &width));
+        return width;
+    }
+    // Set/get line caps: start, end, and dash
+    // Line cap and join APIs by using LineCap and LineJoin enums.
+    #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_197819
+    Status SetLineCap(IN LineCap startCap, 
+                      IN LineCap endCap, 
+                      IN DashCap dashCap)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPenLineCap197819(nativePen, 
+                                   startCap, endCap, dashCap));
+    }
+    #else
+    Status SetLineCap(IN LineCap startCap, 
+                      IN LineCap endCap, 
+                      IN LineCap dashCap)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPenLineCap(nativePen, 
+                                   startCap, endCap, dashCap));
+    }
+    #endif // DCR_USE_NEW_197819
+    Status SetStartCap(IN LineCap startCap)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPenStartCap(nativePen, startCap));
+    }
+    Status SetEndCap(IN LineCap endCap)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPenEndCap(nativePen, endCap));
+    }
+    #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_197819
+    Status SetDashCap(IN DashCap dashCap)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPenDashCap197819(nativePen,
+                                   dashCap));
+    }
+    #else
+    Status SetDashCap(IN LineCap dashCap)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPenDashCap(nativePen, dashCap));
+    }
+    #endif // DCR_USE_NEW_197819
+    LineCap GetStartCap() const
+    {
+        LineCap startCap;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenStartCap(nativePen, &startCap));
+        return startCap;
+    }
+    LineCap GetEndCap() const
+    {
+        LineCap endCap;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenEndCap(nativePen, &endCap));
+        return endCap;
+    }
+    #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_197819
+    DashCap GetDashCap() const
+    {
+        DashCap dashCap;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenDashCap197819(nativePen,
+                            &dashCap));
+        return dashCap;
+    }
+    #else
+    LineCap GetDashCap() const
+    {
+        LineCap dashCap;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenDashCap(nativePen, &dashCap));
+        return dashCap;
+    }
+    #endif // DCR_USE_NEW_197819
+    // Set/get line join
+    Status SetLineJoin(IN LineJoin lineJoin)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPenLineJoin(nativePen, lineJoin));
+    }
+    LineJoin GetLineJoin() const
+    {
+        LineJoin lineJoin;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenLineJoin(nativePen, &lineJoin));
+        return lineJoin;
+    }
+    Status SetCustomStartCap(IN const CustomLineCap* customCap)
+    {
+        GpCustomLineCap* nativeCap = NULL;
+        if(customCap)
+            nativeCap = customCap->nativeCap;
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPenCustomStartCap(nativePen, nativeCap));
+    }
+    Status GetCustomStartCap(OUT CustomLineCap* customCap) const
+    {
+        if(!customCap)
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenCustomStartCap(nativePen, &(customCap->nativeCap)));
+    }
+    Status SetCustomEndCap(IN const CustomLineCap* customCap)
+    {
+        GpCustomLineCap* nativeCap = NULL;
+        if(customCap)
+            nativeCap = customCap->nativeCap;
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPenCustomEndCap(nativePen, nativeCap));
+    }
+    Status GetCustomEndCap(OUT CustomLineCap* customCap) const
+    {
+        if(!customCap)
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenCustomEndCap(nativePen, &(customCap->nativeCap)));
+    }
+    Status SetMiterLimit(IN REAL miterLimit)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPenMiterLimit(nativePen, miterLimit));
+    }
+    REAL GetMiterLimit() const
+    {
+        REAL miterLimit;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenMiterLimit(nativePen, &miterLimit));
+        return miterLimit;
+    }
+    // Set/get pen mode
+    Status SetAlignment(IN PenAlignment penAlignment)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPenMode(nativePen, penAlignment));
+    }
+    PenAlignment GetAlignment() const
+    {
+        PenAlignment penAlignment;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenMode(nativePen, &penAlignment));
+        return penAlignment;
+    }
+    // Set/get pen transform
+    Status SetTransform(IN const Matrix* matrix)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPenTransform(nativePen, 
+                                                         matrix->nativeMatrix));
+    }
+    Status GetTransform(OUT Matrix* matrix) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenTransform(nativePen, matrix->nativeMatrix));
+    }
+    Status ResetTransform()
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipResetPenTransform(nativePen));
+    }
+    Status MultiplyTransform(IN const Matrix* matrix,
+                             IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipMultiplyPenTransform(nativePen,
+                                                              matrix->nativeMatrix,
+                                                              order));
+    }
+    Status TranslateTransform(IN REAL dx, 
+                              IN REAL dy,
+                              IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslatePenTransform(nativePen,
+                                                               dx, dy, order));
+    }
+    Status ScaleTransform(IN REAL sx, 
+                          IN REAL sy,
+                          IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipScalePenTransform(nativePen,
+                                                             sx, sy, order));
+    }
+    Status RotateTransform(IN REAL angle, 
+                           IN MatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipRotatePenTransform(nativePen,
+                                                              angle, order));
+    }
+    PenType GetPenType() const
+    {
+       PenType type;
+       SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenFillType(nativePen, &type));
+       return type;
+    }
+    Status SetColor(IN const Color& color)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPenColor(nativePen,
+                                                     color.GetValue()));
+    }
+    Status SetBrush(IN const Brush* brush)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPenBrushFill(nativePen, 
+                                       brush->nativeBrush));
+    }
+    Status GetColor(OUT Color* color) const
+    {
+        if (color == NULL) 
+        {
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter);
+        }
+        PenType type = GetPenType();
+        if (type != PenTypeSolidColor) 
+        {
+            return WrongState;
+        }
+        ARGB argb;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenColor(nativePen,
+                                              &argb));
+        if (lastResult == Ok)
+        {
+            color->SetValue(argb);
+        }
+        return lastResult;
+    }
+    Brush* GetBrush() const
+    {
+       PenType type = GetPenType();
+       Brush* brush = NULL;
+       switch(type)
+       {
+       case PenTypeSolidColor:
+           brush = new SolidBrush();
+           break;
+       case PenTypeHatchFill:
+           brush = new HatchBrush();
+           break;
+       case PenTypeTextureFill:
+           brush = new TextureBrush();
+           break;
+       case PenTypePathGradient:
+           brush = new Brush();
+           break;
+       case PenTypeLinearGradient:
+           brush = new LinearGradientBrush();
+           break;
+       default:
+           break;
+       }
+       if(brush)
+       {
+           GpBrush* nativeBrush;
+           SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenBrushFill(nativePen, &nativeBrush));
+           brush->SetNativeBrush(nativeBrush);
+       }
+       return brush;
+    }
+    DashStyle GetDashStyle() const
+    {
+        DashStyle dashStyle;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenDashStyle(nativePen, &dashStyle));
+        return dashStyle;
+    }
+    Status SetDashStyle(IN DashStyle dashStyle)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPenDashStyle(nativePen, dashStyle));
+    }
+    REAL GetDashOffset() const
+    {
+        REAL dashOffset;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenDashOffset(nativePen, &dashOffset));
+        return dashOffset;
+    }
+    Status SetDashOffset(IN REAL dashOffset)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPenDashOffset(nativePen, dashOffset));
+    }
+    Status SetDashPattern(IN const REAL* dashArray, IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPenDashArray(nativePen, dashArray, 
+                                                    count));
+    }
+    INT GetDashPatternCount() const
+    {
+        INT count = 0;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenDashCount(nativePen, &count));
+        return count;
+    }
+    Status GetDashPattern(OUT REAL* dashArray, 
+                          IN INT count) const
+    {
+        if (dashArray == NULL || count <= 0)
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter); 
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenDashArray(nativePen, 
+                                                         dashArray, 
+                                                         count));
+    }
+    Status SetCompoundArray(IN const REAL* compoundArray,
+                            IN INT count)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetPenCompoundArray(nativePen, compoundArray, 
+                                                    count));
+    }
+    INT GetCompoundArrayCount() const
+    {
+        INT count = 0;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenCompoundCount(nativePen, &count));
+        return count;
+    }
+    Status GetCompoundArray(OUT REAL* compoundArray, 
+                            IN INT count) const
+    {
+        if (compoundArray == NULL || count <= 0)
+            return SetStatus(InvalidParameter); 
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetPenCompoundArray(nativePen, 
+                                                             compoundArray, 
+                                                             count));
+    }
+    Status GetLastStatus() const
+    {
+        Status lastStatus = lastResult;
+        lastResult = Ok;
+        return lastStatus;
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    Pen(const Pen &);
+    Pen& operator=(const Pen &);
+    Pen(const Pen& pen)
+    {
+        pen;
+        SetStatus(NotImplemented);
+        SetNativePen(NULL);
+    }
+    Pen& operator=(const Pen& pen)
+    {
+        pen;
+        SetStatus(NotImplemented);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    Pen(GpPen* nativePen, Status status)
+    {
+        lastResult = status;
+        SetNativePen(nativePen);
+    }
+    VOID SetNativePen(GpPen* nativePen)
+    {
+        this->nativePen = nativePen;
+    }
+    Status SetStatus(Status status) const
+    {
+        if (status != Ok)
+            return (lastResult = status);
+        else 
+            return status;
+    }
+    GpPen* nativePen;
+    mutable Status lastResult;
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusPixelFormats.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusPixelFormats.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9dc599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusPixelFormats.h
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   Gdiplus pixel formats
+* Abstract:
+*   Definitions for color types, palettes, pixel format IDs.
+ * 32-bit and 64-bit ARGB pixel value
+ */
+typedef DWORD ARGB;
+typedef DWORDLONG ARGB64;
+#define ALPHA_SHIFT 24
+#define RED_SHIFT   16
+#define GREEN_SHIFT 8
+#define BLUE_SHIFT  0
+#define ALPHA_MASK  ((ARGB) 0xff << ALPHA_SHIFT)
+ * In-memory pixel data formats:
+ * bits 0-7 = format index
+ * bits 8-15 = pixel size (in bits)
+ * bits 16-23 = flags
+ * bits 24-31 = reserved
+ */
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_105760
+enum PixelFormat
+    PixelFormatIndexed      = 0x00010000, // Indexes into a palette
+    PixelFormatGDI          = 0x00020000, // Is a GDI-supported format
+    PixelFormatAlpha        = 0x00040000, // Has an alpha component
+    PixelFormatPAlpha       = 0x00080000, // Uses pre-multiplied alpha
+    PixelFormatExtended     = 0x00100000, // Uses extended color (16 bits per channel)
+    PixelFormatCanonical    = 0x00200000, // ?
+    PixelFormatUndefined       =  0,
+    PixelFormatDontCare       =  0,
+    PixelFormat1bppIndexed     =  1 | ( 1 << 8) | PixelFormatIndexed
+                                                | PixelFormatGDI,
+    PixelFormat4bppIndexed     =  2 | ( 4 << 8) | PixelFormatIndexed
+                                                | PixelFormatGDI,
+    PixelFormat8bppIndexed     =  3 | ( 8 << 8) | PixelFormatIndexed
+                                                | PixelFormatGDI,
+    PixelFormat16bppGrayScale  =  4 | (16 << 8) | PixelFormatExtended,
+    PixelFormat16bppRGB555     =  5 | (16 << 8) | PixelFormatGDI,
+    PixelFormat16bppRGB565     =  6 | (16 << 8) | PixelFormatGDI,
+    PixelFormat16bppARGB1555   =  7 | (16 << 8) | PixelFormatAlpha
+                                                | PixelFormatGDI,
+    PixelFormat24bppRGB        =  8 | (24 << 8) | PixelFormatGDI,
+    PixelFormat32bppRGB        =  9 | (32 << 8) | PixelFormatGDI,
+    PixelFormat32bppARGB       = 10 | (32 << 8) | PixelFormatAlpha
+                                                | PixelFormatGDI
+                                                | PixelFormatCanonical,
+    PixelFormat32bppPARGB      = 11 | (32 << 8) | PixelFormatAlpha
+                                                | PixelFormatPAlpha
+                                                | PixelFormatGDI,
+    PixelFormat48bppRGB        = 12 | (48 << 8) | PixelFormatExtended,
+    PixelFormat64bppARGB       = 13 | (64 << 8) | PixelFormatAlpha
+                                                | PixelFormatCanonical
+                                                | PixelFormatExtended,
+    PixelFormat64bppPARGB      = 14 | (64 << 8) | PixelFormatAlpha
+                                                | PixelFormatPAlpha
+                                                | PixelFormatExtended,
+    PixelFormat24bppBGR        = 15 | (24 << 8) | PixelFormatGDI, 
+    PixelFormatMax             = 16
+typedef INT PixelFormat;
+#define    PixelFormatIndexed      0x00010000 // Indexes into a palette
+#define    PixelFormatGDI          0x00020000 // Is a GDI-supported format
+#define    PixelFormatAlpha        0x00040000 // Has an alpha component
+#define    PixelFormatPAlpha       0x00080000 // Uses pre-multiplied alpha
+#define    PixelFormatExtended     0x00100000 // Uses extended color (16 bits per channel)
+#define    PixelFormatCanonical    0x00200000 // ?
+#define    PixelFormatUndefined       0
+#define    PixelFormatDontCare        0
+#define    PixelFormat1bppIndexed     (1 | ( 1 << 8) | PixelFormatIndexed | PixelFormatGDI)
+#define    PixelFormat4bppIndexed     (2 | ( 4 << 8) | PixelFormatIndexed | PixelFormatGDI)
+#define    PixelFormat8bppIndexed     (3 | ( 8 << 8) | PixelFormatIndexed | PixelFormatGDI)
+#define    PixelFormat16bppGrayScale  (4 | (16 << 8) | PixelFormatExtended)
+#define    PixelFormat16bppRGB555     (5 | (16 << 8) | PixelFormatGDI)
+#define    PixelFormat16bppRGB565     (6 | (16 << 8) | PixelFormatGDI)
+#define    PixelFormat16bppARGB1555   (7 | (16 << 8) | PixelFormatAlpha | PixelFormatGDI)
+#define    PixelFormat24bppRGB        (8 | (24 << 8) | PixelFormatGDI)
+#define    PixelFormat32bppRGB        (9 | (32 << 8) | PixelFormatGDI)
+#define    PixelFormat32bppARGB       (10 | (32 << 8) | PixelFormatAlpha | PixelFormatGDI | PixelFormatCanonical)
+#define    PixelFormat32bppPARGB      (11 | (32 << 8) | PixelFormatAlpha | PixelFormatPAlpha | PixelFormatGDI)
+#define    PixelFormat48bppRGB        (12 | (48 << 8) | PixelFormatExtended)
+#define    PixelFormat64bppARGB       (13 | (64 << 8) | PixelFormatAlpha  | PixelFormatCanonical | PixelFormatExtended)
+#define    PixelFormat64bppPARGB      (14 | (64 << 8) | PixelFormatAlpha  | PixelFormatPAlpha | PixelFormatExtended)
+#define    PixelFormatMax             15
+ * Return the pixel size for the specified format (in bits)
+ */
+inline UINT
+                   PixelFormat pixfmt
+    )
+    return (pixfmt >> 8) & 0xff;
+ * Determine if the specified pixel format is an indexed color format
+ */
+inline BOOL
+                     PixelFormat pixfmt
+    )
+    return (pixfmt & PixelFormatIndexed) != 0;
+ * Determine if the pixel format can have alpha channel
+ */
+inline BOOL
+                     PixelFormat pixfmt
+   return (pixfmt & PixelFormatAlpha) != 0;
+ * Determine if the pixel format is an extended format,
+ * i.e. supports 16-bit per channel
+ */
+inline BOOL
+                     PixelFormat pixfmt
+    )
+   return (pixfmt & PixelFormatExtended) != 0;
+ * Determine if the pixel format is canonical format:
+ *   PixelFormat32bppARGB
+ *   PixelFormat32bppPARGB
+ *   PixelFormat64bppARGB
+ *   PixelFormat64bppPARGB
+ */
+inline BOOL
+                     PixelFormat pixfmt
+    )
+   return (pixfmt & PixelFormatCanonical) != 0;
+ * Color palette
+ * palette entries are limited to 32bpp ARGB pixel format
+ */ 
+enum PaletteFlags
+    PaletteFlagsHasAlpha    = 0x0001,
+    PaletteFlagsGrayScale   = 0x0002,
+    PaletteFlagsHalftone    = 0x0004
+struct ColorPalette
+    UINT Flags;             // palette flags
+    UINT Count;             // number of color entries
+    ARGB Entries[1];        // palette color entries
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusRegion.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusRegion.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd1d20e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusRegion.h
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusRegion.h
+* Abstract:
+*   Region API related declarations
+ * Construct a new region object
+ */
+    GpRegion *region = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateRegion(&region);
+    SetNativeRegion(region);
+Region::Region(IN const RectF& rect)
+    GpRegion *region = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateRegionRect(&rect, &region);
+    SetNativeRegion(region);
+Region::Region(IN const Rect& rect)
+    GpRegion *region = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateRegionRectI(&rect, &region);
+    SetNativeRegion(region);
+Region::Region(IN const GraphicsPath* path)
+    GpRegion *region = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateRegionPath(path->nativePath, &region);
+    SetNativeRegion(region);
+Region::Region(IN const BYTE* regionData, IN INT size)
+    GpRegion *region = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateRegionRgnData(regionData, size, &region);
+    SetNativeRegion(region);
+Region::Region(IN HRGN hRgn)
+    GpRegion *region = NULL;
+    lastResult = DllExports::GdipCreateRegionHrgn(hRgn, &region);
+    SetNativeRegion(region);
+Region* Region::FromHRGN(IN HRGN hRgn)
+    GpRegion *region = NULL;
+    if (DllExports::GdipCreateRegionHrgn(hRgn, &region) == Ok)
+    {
+        Region* newRegion = new Region(region);
+        if (newRegion == NULL) 
+        {
+            DllExports::GdipDeleteRegion(region);
+        }
+        return newRegion;
+    }
+    else
+        return NULL;
+    DllExports::GdipDeleteRegion(nativeRegion);
+ * Make a copy of the region object
+ */
+inline Region* 
+Region::Clone() const
+    GpRegion *region = NULL;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCloneRegion(nativeRegion, &region));
+    return new Region(region);
+inline Status 
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetInfinite(nativeRegion));
+inline Status 
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetEmpty(nativeRegion));
+ * Region operations
+ */
+inline Status 
+Region::Intersect(IN const RectF& rect)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionRect(nativeRegion, &rect, CombineModeIntersect));
+inline Status 
+Region::Intersect(IN const Rect& rect)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionRectI(nativeRegion, &rect, CombineModeIntersect));
+inline Status 
+Region::Intersect(IN const GraphicsPath* path)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionPath(nativeRegion, path->nativePath, CombineModeIntersect));
+inline Status 
+Region::Intersect(IN const Region* region)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionRegion(nativeRegion, region->nativeRegion, CombineModeIntersect));
+inline Status 
+Region::Union(IN const RectF& rect)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionRect(nativeRegion, &rect, CombineModeUnion));
+inline Status 
+Region::Union(IN const Rect& rect)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionRectI(nativeRegion, &rect, CombineModeUnion));
+inline Status 
+Region::Union(IN const GraphicsPath* path)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionPath(nativeRegion, path->nativePath, CombineModeUnion));
+inline Status 
+Region::Union(IN const Region* region)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionRegion(nativeRegion, region->nativeRegion, CombineModeUnion));
+inline Status 
+Region::Xor(IN const RectF& rect)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionRect(nativeRegion, &rect, CombineModeXor));
+inline Status 
+Region::Xor(IN const Rect& rect)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionRectI(nativeRegion, &rect, CombineModeXor));
+inline Status 
+Region::Xor(IN const GraphicsPath* path)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionPath(nativeRegion, path->nativePath, CombineModeXor));
+inline Status 
+Region::Xor(IN const Region* region)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionRegion(nativeRegion, region->nativeRegion, CombineModeXor));
+inline Status 
+Region::Exclude(IN const RectF& rect)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionRect(nativeRegion, &rect, CombineModeExclude));
+inline Status 
+Region::Exclude(IN const Rect& rect)
+     return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionRectI(nativeRegion, &rect, CombineModeExclude));
+inline Status 
+Region::Exclude(IN const GraphicsPath* path)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionPath(nativeRegion, path->nativePath, CombineModeExclude));
+inline Status
+Region::Exclude(IN const Region* region)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionRegion(nativeRegion,
+                                               region->nativeRegion, CombineModeExclude));
+inline Status 
+Region::Complement(IN const RectF& rect)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionRect(nativeRegion, &rect, CombineModeComplement));
+inline Status 
+Region::Complement(IN const Rect& rect)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionRectI(nativeRegion, &rect, CombineModeComplement));
+inline Status 
+Region::Complement(IN const GraphicsPath* path)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionPath(nativeRegion,
+                                                path->nativePath, CombineModeComplement));
+inline Status 
+Region::Complement(IN const Region* region)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipCombineRegionRegion(nativeRegion,
+                                                  region->nativeRegion, CombineModeComplement));
+ * Transform operations
+ */
+inline Status 
+Region::Translate(IN REAL dx, 
+                  IN REAL dy)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslateRegion(nativeRegion, dx, dy));
+inline Status 
+Region::Translate(IN INT dx, 
+                  IN INT dy)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTranslateRegionI(nativeRegion, dx, dy));
+inline Status 
+Region::Transform(IN const Matrix* matrix)
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipTransformRegion(nativeRegion, matrix->nativeMatrix));
+ * Get region attributes
+ */
+inline Status 
+Region::GetBounds(OUT RectF* rect,
+                  IN const Graphics* g) const
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetRegionBounds(nativeRegion,
+                                                g->nativeGraphics,
+                                                rect));
+inline Status 
+Region::GetBounds(OUT Rect* rect,
+                  IN const Graphics* g) const
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetRegionBoundsI(nativeRegion,
+                                                g->nativeGraphics,
+                                                rect));
+inline HRGN
+Region::GetHRGN(IN const Graphics* g) const
+    HRGN hrgn;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetRegionHRgn(nativeRegion,
+                                            g->nativeGraphics,
+                                            &hrgn));
+    return hrgn;
+inline BOOL 
+Region::IsEmpty(IN const Graphics *g) const
+    BOOL booln = FALSE;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsEmptyRegion(nativeRegion,
+                                            g->nativeGraphics,
+                                            &booln));
+    return booln;
+inline BOOL 
+Region::IsInfinite(IN const Graphics *g) const
+    BOOL booln = FALSE;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsInfiniteRegion(nativeRegion,
+                                                 g->nativeGraphics,
+                                                 &booln));
+    return booln;
+inline BOOL 
+Region::Equals(IN const Region* region, 
+               IN const Graphics* g) const
+    BOOL booln = FALSE;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsEqualRegion(nativeRegion,
+                                              region->nativeRegion,
+                                              g->nativeGraphics,
+                                              &booln));
+    return booln;
+// Get the size of the buffer needed for the GetData method
+inline UINT 
+Region::GetDataSize() const
+    UINT     bufferSize = 0;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetRegionDataSize(nativeRegion, &bufferSize));
+    return bufferSize;
+// buffer     - where to put the data
+// bufferSize - how big the buffer is (should be at least as big as GetDataSize())
+// sizeFilled - if not NULL, this is an OUT param that says how many bytes
+//              of data were written to the buffer.
+inline Status 
+Region::GetData(OUT BYTE* buffer, 
+                IN UINT bufferSize, 
+                OUT UINT* sizeFilled) const
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetRegionData(nativeRegion, buffer, bufferSize, sizeFilled));
+ * Hit testing operations
+ */
+inline BOOL 
+Region::IsVisible(IN const PointF& point, 
+                  IN const Graphics* g) const
+    BOOL booln = FALSE;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsVisibleRegionPoint(nativeRegion,
+                                     point.X, point.Y, 
+                                     (g == NULL) ? NULL : g->nativeGraphics,
+                                     &booln));
+    return booln;
+inline BOOL 
+Region::IsVisible(IN const RectF& rect, 
+                  IN const Graphics* g) const
+    BOOL booln = FALSE;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsVisibleRegionRect(nativeRegion, rect.X,
+                                                    rect.Y, rect.Width,
+                                                    rect.Height,
+                                                    (g == NULL) ? NULL : g->nativeGraphics,
+                                                    &booln));
+    return booln;
+inline BOOL 
+Region::IsVisible(IN const Point& point, 
+                  IN const Graphics* g) const
+    BOOL booln = FALSE;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsVisibleRegionPointI(nativeRegion,
+                                                   point.X,
+                                                   point.Y,
+                                                   (g == NULL) ? NULL : g->nativeGraphics,
+                                                   &booln));
+    return booln;
+inline BOOL 
+Region::IsVisible(IN const Rect& rect, 
+                  IN const Graphics* g) const
+    BOOL booln = FALSE;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipIsVisibleRegionRectI(nativeRegion,
+                                                  rect.X,
+                                                  rect.Y,
+                                                  rect.Width,
+                                                  rect.Height,
+                                                  (g == NULL) ? NULL : g->nativeGraphics,
+                                                  &booln));
+    return booln;
+inline UINT 
+Region::GetRegionScansCount(IN const Matrix* matrix) const
+    UINT count = 0;
+    SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetRegionScansCount(nativeRegion,
+                                                  &count,
+                                                  matrix->nativeMatrix));
+    return count;
+inline Status 
+    IN const Matrix* matrix,
+    OUT RectF* rects,
+    IN OUT INT* count) const
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetRegionScans(nativeRegion,
+                                          rects,
+                                          count,
+                                          matrix->nativeMatrix));
+// If rects is NULL, return the count of rects in the region.
+// Otherwise, assume rects is big enough to hold all the region rects
+// and fill them in and return the number of rects filled in.
+// The rects are returned in the units specified by the matrix
+// (which is typically a world-to-device transform).
+// Note that the number of rects returned can vary, depending on the
+// matrix that is used.
+inline Status 
+    IN const Matrix* matrix,
+    OUT Rect* rects,       // NULL to just get the count
+    IN OUT INT* count) const
+    return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetRegionScansI(nativeRegion,
+                                          rects,
+                                          count,
+                                          matrix->nativeMatrix));
+// protected method
+inline Region::Region(GpRegion* nativeRegion)
+    SetNativeRegion(nativeRegion);
+// protected method
+inline VOID Region::SetNativeRegion(GpRegion* nativeRegion)
+    this->nativeRegion = nativeRegion;
+inline Status Region::GetLastStatus() const
+    Status lastStatus = lastResult;
+    lastResult = Ok;
+    return lastStatus;
+#endif // !_GDIPLUSREGION_H
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusStringFormat.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusStringFormat.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6a4518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusStringFormat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusStringFormat.h
+* Abstract:
+*   String format specification for DrawString and text APIs
+class StringFormat : public GdiplusBase
+    friend class Graphics;
+    friend class GraphicsPath;
+    StringFormat(
+        IN INT     formatFlags = 0,
+        IN LANGID  language = LANG_NEUTRAL
+    )
+    {
+        nativeFormat = NULL;
+        lastError = DllExports::GdipCreateStringFormat(
+            formatFlags,
+            language,
+            &nativeFormat
+        );
+    }
+    static const StringFormat *GenericDefault();
+    static const StringFormat *GenericTypographic();
+    // Constructor based on existing string format
+    StringFormat(
+        IN const StringFormat *format
+    )
+    {
+        nativeFormat = NULL;
+        lastError = DllExports::GdipCloneStringFormat(
+            format ? format->nativeFormat : NULL,
+            &nativeFormat
+        );
+    }
+    StringFormat *Clone() const
+    {
+        GpStringFormat *clonedStringFormat = NULL;
+        lastError = DllExports::GdipCloneStringFormat(
+            nativeFormat,
+            &clonedStringFormat
+        );
+        if (lastError == Ok)
+            return new StringFormat(clonedStringFormat, lastError);
+        else
+            return NULL;
+    }
+    ~StringFormat()
+    {
+        DllExports::GdipDeleteStringFormat(nativeFormat);
+    }
+    Status SetFormatFlags(IN INT flags)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetStringFormatFlags(
+            nativeFormat,
+            flags
+        ));
+    }
+    INT GetFormatFlags() const
+    {
+        INT flags;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetStringFormatFlags(nativeFormat, &flags));
+        return flags;
+    }
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_152154
+    Status SetLineSpacing(
+        IN REAL        amount = 1.0f,
+        IN LineSpacing method = LineSpacingRecommended
+    )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetStringFormatLineSpacing(
+            nativeFormat,
+            amount,
+            method
+        ));
+    }
+    Status SetAlignment(IN StringAlignment align)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetStringFormatAlign(
+            nativeFormat,
+            align
+        ));
+    }
+    StringAlignment GetAlignment() const
+    {
+        StringAlignment alignment;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetStringFormatAlign(
+            nativeFormat,
+            &alignment
+        ));
+        return alignment;
+    }
+    Status SetLineAlignment(IN StringAlignment align)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetStringFormatLineAlign(
+            nativeFormat,
+            align
+        ));
+    }
+    StringAlignment GetLineAlignment() const
+    {
+        StringAlignment alignment;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetStringFormatLineAlign(
+            nativeFormat,
+            &alignment
+        ));
+        return alignment;
+    }
+    Status SetHotkeyPrefix(IN HotkeyPrefix hotkeyPrefix)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetStringFormatHotkeyPrefix(
+            nativeFormat,
+            (INT)hotkeyPrefix
+        ));
+    }
+    HotkeyPrefix GetHotkeyPrefix() const
+    {
+        HotkeyPrefix hotkeyPrefix;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetStringFormatHotkeyPrefix(
+            nativeFormat,
+            (INT*)&hotkeyPrefix
+        ));
+        return hotkeyPrefix;
+    }
+    Status SetTabStops(
+        IN REAL    firstTabOffset,
+        IN INT     count,
+        IN const REAL    *tabStops
+    )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetStringFormatTabStops(
+            nativeFormat,
+            firstTabOffset,
+            count,
+            tabStops
+        ));
+    }
+    INT GetTabStopCount() const
+    {
+        INT count;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetStringFormatTabStopCount(nativeFormat, &count));
+        return count;
+    }
+    Status GetTabStops(
+        IN INT     count,
+        OUT REAL   *firstTabOffset,
+        OUT REAL   *tabStops
+    ) const
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetStringFormatTabStops(
+            nativeFormat,
+            count,
+            firstTabOffset,
+            tabStops
+        ));
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_146933
+    Status SetDigitSubstitution(
+        IN LANGID                language,
+        IN StringDigitSubstitute substitute
+    )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(
+            nativeFormat,
+            language,
+            substitute
+        ));
+    }
+    LANGID GetDigitSubstitutionLanguage(
+    ) const
+    {
+        LANGID language;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(
+            nativeFormat,
+            &language,
+            NULL
+        ));
+        return language;
+    }
+    StringDigitSubstitute GetDigitSubstitutionMethod(
+    ) const
+    {
+        StringDigitSubstitute substitute;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(
+            nativeFormat,
+            NULL,
+            &substitute
+        ));
+        return substitute;
+    }
+#endif // DCR_USE_NEW_146933
+    // String trimming. How to handle more text than can be displayed
+    // in the limits available.
+    Status SetTrimming(IN StringTrimming trimming)
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetStringFormatTrimming(
+            nativeFormat,
+            trimming
+        ));
+    }
+    StringTrimming GetTrimming() const
+    {
+        StringTrimming trimming;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetStringFormatTrimming(
+            nativeFormat,
+            &trimming
+        ));
+        return trimming;
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_174340
+    Status SetMeasurableCharacterRanges(
+        IN INT                  rangeCount,
+        IN const CharacterRange *ranges
+    )
+    {
+        return SetStatus(DllExports::GdipSetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRanges(
+            nativeFormat,
+            rangeCount,
+            ranges
+        ));
+    }
+    INT GetMeasurableCharacterRangeCount()
+    {
+        INT count;
+        SetStatus(DllExports::GdipGetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRangeCount(
+            nativeFormat,
+            &count
+        ));
+        return count;
+    }
+    // GetLastStatus - return last error code and clear error code
+    Status GetLastStatus() const
+    {
+        Status lastStatus = lastError;
+        lastError = Ok;
+        return lastStatus;
+    }
+    Status SetStatus(GpStatus newStatus) const
+    {
+        if (newStatus == Ok)
+        {
+            return Ok;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return lastError = newStatus;
+        }
+    }
+// Not allowed and move to private
+    StringFormat(const StringFormat &source)
+    {
+        nativeFormat = NULL;
+        lastError = DllExports::GdipCloneStringFormat(
+            source.nativeFormat,
+            &nativeFormat
+        );
+    }
+    StringFormat& operator=(const StringFormat &source)
+    {
+        DllExports::GdipDeleteStringFormat(nativeFormat);
+        lastError = DllExports::GdipCloneStringFormat(
+            source.nativeFormat,
+            &nativeFormat
+        );
+        return *this;
+    }
+    // private constructor for copy
+    StringFormat(GpStringFormat * clonedStringFormat, Status status)
+    {
+        lastError = status;
+        nativeFormat = clonedStringFormat;
+    }
+    GpStringFormat *nativeFormat;
+    mutable Status  lastError;
+// Generic constant string formats.
+static BYTE GenericTypographicStringFormatBuffer[sizeof(StringFormat)] = {0};
+static BYTE GenericDefaultStringFormatBuffer[sizeof(StringFormat)] = {0};
+static StringFormat *GenericTypographicStringFormat = NULL;
+static StringFormat *GenericDefaultStringFormat     = NULL;
+// Define the generic string formats
+inline const StringFormat *StringFormat::GenericDefault()
+    if (GenericDefaultStringFormat != NULL)
+    {
+        return GenericDefaultStringFormat;
+    }
+    GenericDefaultStringFormat =
+        (StringFormat*)GenericDefaultStringFormatBuffer;
+    GenericDefaultStringFormat->lastError =
+        DllExports::GdipStringFormatGetGenericDefault(
+            &(GenericDefaultStringFormat->nativeFormat)
+        );
+    return GenericDefaultStringFormat;
+inline const StringFormat *StringFormat::GenericTypographic()
+    if (GenericTypographicStringFormat != NULL)
+    {
+        return GenericTypographicStringFormat;
+    }
+    GenericTypographicStringFormat =
+        (StringFormat*)GenericTypographicStringFormatBuffer;
+    GenericTypographicStringFormat->lastError =
+        DllExports::GdipStringFormatGetGenericTypographic(
+            &GenericTypographicStringFormat->nativeFormat
+        );
+    return GenericTypographicStringFormat;
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusTypes.h b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusTypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58c584d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/gdiplus/include/GdiplusTypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,826 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp.  All Rights Reserved.
+* Module Name:
+*   GdiplusTypes.h
+* Abstract:
+*   Basic types used by GDI+
+#ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_175866
+// LIB version initialization functions
+typedef VOID (__cdecl *DEBUGEVENTFUNCTION)(INT level, CHAR *message);
+extern "C" BOOL __stdcall InitializeGdiplus(DEBUGEVENTFUNCTION);
+extern "C" VOID __stdcall UninitializeGdiplus();
+// Callback functions
+extern "C" {
+typedef BOOL (CALLBACK * ImageAbort)(VOID *);
+typedef ImageAbort DrawImageAbort;
+typedef ImageAbort GetThumbnailImageAbort;
+// Callback for EnumerateMetafile methods.  The parameters are:
+//      recordType      WMF, EMF, or EMF+ record type
+//      flags           (always 0 for WMF/EMF records)
+//      dataSize        size of the record data (in bytes), or 0 if no data
+//      data            pointer to the record data, or NULL if no data
+//      callbackData    pointer to callbackData, if any
+// This method can then call Metafile::PlayRecord to play the
+// record that was just enumerated.  If this method  returns
+// FALSE, the enumeration process is aborted.  Otherwise, it continues.
+extern "C" {
+typedef BOOL (CALLBACK * EnumerateMetafileProc)(EmfPlusRecordType,UINT,UINT,const BYTE*,VOID*);
+// Primitive data types
+// NOTE:
+//  Types already defined in standard header files:
+//      INT8
+//      UINT8
+//      INT16
+//      UINT16
+//      INT32
+//      UINT32
+//      INT64
+//      UINT64
+//  Avoid using the following types:
+//      LONG - use INT
+//      ULONG - use UINT
+//      DWORD - use UINT32
+typedef float REAL;
+#define REAL_MAX            FLT_MAX
+#define REAL_MIN            FLT_MIN
+#define REAL_TOLERANCE     (FLT_MIN * 100)
+#define REAL_EPSILON        1.192092896e-07F        /* FLT_EPSILON */
+// Forward declarations of various internal classes
+class Size;
+class SizeF;
+class Point;
+class PointF;
+class Rect;
+class RectF;
+class CharacterRange;
+// Return values from any GDI+ API
+enum Status
+    Ok = 0,
+    GenericError = 1,
+    InvalidParameter = 2,
+    OutOfMemory = 3,
+    ObjectBusy = 4,
+    InsufficientBuffer = 5,
+    NotImplemented = 6,
+    Win32Error = 7,
+    WrongState = 8,
+    Aborted = 9,
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_135429
+    FileNotFound = 10,
+    ValueOverflow = 11,
+    AccessDenied = 12,
+    UnknownImageFormat = 13,
+    FontFamilyNotFound = 14,
+    FontStyleNotFound = 15,
+    NotTrueTypeFont = 16,
+    NotFound = 10,
+    ValueOverflow = 11,
+    UnsupportedGdiplusVersion = 17,
+    GdiplusNotInitialized
+// Represents a dimension in a 2D coordinate system
+//  (floating-point coordinates)
+class SizeF
+   // Default constructor
+    SizeF()
+    {
+        Width = Height = 0.0f;
+    }
+    SizeF(IN const SizeF& size)
+    {
+        Width = size.Width;
+        Height = size.Height;
+    }
+    SizeF(IN REAL width,
+          IN REAL height)
+    {
+        Width = width;
+        Height = height;
+    }
+    SizeF operator+(IN const SizeF& sz) const
+    {
+        return SizeF(Width + sz.Width,
+                     Height + sz.Height);
+    }
+    SizeF operator-(IN const SizeF& sz) const
+    {
+        return SizeF(Width - sz.Width,
+                     Height - sz.Height);
+    }
+    BOOL Equals(IN const SizeF& sz) const
+    {
+        return (Width == sz.Width) && (Height == sz.Height);
+    }
+    BOOL Empty() const
+    {
+        return (Width == 0.0f && Height == 0.0f);
+    }
+    REAL Width;
+    REAL Height;
+// Represents a dimension in a 2D coordinate system
+//  (integer coordinates)
+class Size
+   // Default constructor
+    Size()
+    {
+        Width = Height = 0;
+    }
+    Size(IN const Size& size)
+    {
+        Width = size.Width;
+        Height = size.Height;
+    }
+    Size(IN INT width,
+         IN INT height)
+    {
+        Width = width;
+        Height = height;
+    }
+    Size operator+(IN const Size& sz) const
+    {
+        return Size(Width + sz.Width,
+                    Height + sz.Height);
+    }
+    Size operator-(IN const Size& sz) const
+    {
+        return Size(Width - sz.Width,
+                    Height - sz.Height);
+    }
+    BOOL Equals(IN const Size& sz) const
+    {
+        return (Width == sz.Width) && (Height == sz.Height);
+    }
+    BOOL Empty() const
+    {
+        return (Width == 0 && Height == 0);
+    }
+    INT Width;
+    INT Height;
+// Represents a location in a 2D coordinate system
+//  (floating-point coordinates)
+class PointF
+   PointF()
+   {
+       X = Y = 0.0f;
+   }
+   PointF(IN const PointF &point)
+   {
+       X = point.X;
+       Y = point.Y;
+   }
+   PointF(IN const SizeF &size)
+   {
+       X = size.Width;
+       Y = size.Height;
+   }
+   PointF(IN REAL x,
+          IN REAL y)
+   {
+       X = x;
+       Y = y;
+   }
+   PointF operator+(IN const PointF& point) const
+   {
+       return PointF(X + point.X,
+                     Y + point.Y);
+   }
+   PointF operator-(IN const PointF& point) const
+   {
+       return PointF(X - point.X,
+                     Y - point.Y);
+   }
+   BOOL Equals(IN const PointF& point)
+   {
+       return (X == point.X) && (Y == point.Y);
+   }
+    REAL X;
+    REAL Y;
+// Represents a location in a 2D coordinate system
+//  (integer coordinates)
+class Point
+   Point()
+   {
+       X = Y = 0;
+   }
+   Point(IN const Point &point)
+   {
+       X = point.X;
+       Y = point.Y;
+   }
+   Point(IN const Size &size)
+   {
+       X = size.Width;
+       Y = size.Height;
+   }
+   Point(IN INT x,
+         IN INT y)
+   {
+       X = x;
+       Y = y;
+   }
+   Point operator+(IN const Point& point) const
+   {
+       return Point(X + point.X,
+                    Y + point.Y);
+   }
+   Point operator-(IN const Point& point) const
+   {
+       return Point(X - point.X,
+                    Y - point.Y);
+   }
+   BOOL Equals(IN const Point& point)
+   {
+       return (X == point.X) && (Y == point.Y);
+   }
+    INT X;
+    INT Y;
+// Represents a rectangle in a 2D coordinate system
+//  (floating-point coordinates)
+class RectF
+    // Default constructor
+    RectF()
+    {
+        X = Y = Width = Height = 0.0f;
+    }
+    RectF(IN REAL x,
+          IN REAL y,
+          IN REAL width,
+          IN REAL height)
+    {
+        X = x;
+        Y = y;
+        Width = width;
+        Height = height;
+    }
+    RectF(IN const PointF& location,
+          IN const SizeF& size)
+    {
+        X = location.X;
+        Y = location.Y;
+        Width = size.Width;
+        Height = size.Height;
+    }
+    RectF* Clone() const
+    {
+        return new RectF(X, Y, Width, Height);
+    }
+    VOID GetLocation(OUT PointF* point) const
+    {
+        point->X = X;
+        point->Y = Y;
+    }
+    VOID GetSize(OUT SizeF* size) const
+    {
+        size->Width = Width;
+        size->Height = Height;
+    }
+    VOID GetBounds(OUT RectF* rect) const
+    {
+        rect->X = X;
+        rect->Y = Y;
+        rect->Width = Width;
+        rect->Height = Height;
+    }
+    // Return the left, top, right, and bottom
+    // coordinates of the rectangle
+    REAL GetLeft() const
+    {
+        return X;
+    }
+    REAL GetTop() const
+    {
+        return Y;
+    }
+    REAL GetRight() const
+    {
+        return X+Width;
+    }
+    REAL GetBottom() const
+    {
+        return Y+Height;
+    }
+    // Determine if the rectangle is empty
+    BOOL IsEmptyArea() const
+    {
+        return (Width <= REAL_EPSILON) || (Height <= REAL_EPSILON);
+    }
+    BOOL Equals(IN const RectF & rect) const
+    {
+        return X == rect.X &&
+               Y == rect.Y &&
+               Width == rect.Width &&
+               Height == rect.Height;
+    }
+    BOOL Contains(IN REAL x,
+                  IN REAL y) const
+    {
+        return x >= X && x < X+Width &&
+               y >= Y && y < Y+Height;
+    }
+    BOOL Contains(IN const PointF& pt) const
+    {
+        return Contains(pt.X, pt.Y);
+    }
+    BOOL Contains(IN const RectF& rect) const
+    {
+        return (X <= rect.X) && (rect.GetRight() <= GetRight()) &&
+               (Y <= rect.Y) && (rect.GetBottom() <= GetBottom());
+    }
+    VOID Inflate(IN REAL dx,
+                 IN REAL dy)
+    {
+        X -= dx;
+        Y -= dy;
+        Width += 2*dx;
+        Height += 2*dy;
+    }
+    VOID Inflate(IN const PointF& point)
+    {
+        Inflate(point.X, point.Y);
+    }
+    // Intersect the current rect with the specified object
+    BOOL Intersect(IN const RectF& rect)
+    {
+        return Intersect(*this, *this, rect);
+    }
+    // Intersect rect a and b and save the result into c
+    // Notice that c may be the same object as a or b.
+    static BOOL Intersect(OUT RectF& c,
+                          IN const RectF& a,
+                          IN const RectF& b)
+    {
+        REAL right = min(a.GetRight(), b.GetRight());
+        REAL bottom = min(a.GetBottom(), b.GetBottom());
+        REAL left = max(a.GetLeft(), b.GetLeft());
+        REAL top = max(a.GetTop(), b.GetTop());
+        c.X = left;
+        c.Y = top;
+        c.Width = right - left;
+        c.Height = bottom - top;
+        return !c.IsEmptyArea();
+    }
+    // Determine if the specified rect intersects with the
+    // current rect object.
+    BOOL IntersectsWith(IN const RectF& rect) const
+    {
+        return (GetLeft() < rect.GetRight() &&
+                GetTop() < rect.GetTop() &&
+                GetRight() > rect.GetLeft() &&
+                GetBottom() > rect.GetTop());
+    }
+    static BOOL Union(OUT RectF& c,
+                      IN const RectF& a,
+                      IN const RectF& b)
+    {
+        REAL right = max(a.GetRight(), b.GetRight());
+        REAL bottom = max(a.GetBottom(), b.GetBottom());
+        REAL left = min(a.GetLeft(), b.GetLeft());
+        REAL top = min(a.GetTop(), b.GetTop());
+        c.X = left;
+        c.Y = top;
+        c.Width = right - left;
+        c.Height = bottom - top;
+        return !c.IsEmptyArea();
+    }
+    VOID Offset(IN const PointF& point)
+    {
+        Offset(point.X, point.Y);
+    }
+    VOID Offset(IN REAL dx,
+                IN REAL dy)
+    {
+        X += dx;
+        Y += dy;
+    }
+    REAL X;
+    REAL Y;
+    REAL Width;
+    REAL Height;
+// Represents a rectangle in a 2D coordinate system
+//  (integer coordinates)
+class Rect
+    // Default constructor
+    Rect()
+    {
+        X = Y = Width = Height = 0;
+    }
+    Rect(IN INT x,
+         IN INT y,
+         IN INT width,
+         IN INT height)
+    {
+        X = x;
+        Y = y;
+        Width = width;
+        Height = height;
+    }
+    Rect(IN const Point& location,
+         IN const Size& size)
+    {
+        X = location.X;
+        Y = location.Y;
+        Width = size.Width;
+        Height = size.Height;
+    }
+    Rect* Clone() const
+    {
+        return new Rect(X, Y, Width, Height);
+    }
+    VOID GetLocation(OUT Point* point) const
+    {
+        point->X = X;
+        point->Y = Y;
+    }
+    VOID GetSize(OUT Size* size) const
+    {
+        size->Width = Width;
+        size->Height = Height;
+    }
+    VOID GetBounds(OUT Rect* rect) const
+    {
+        rect->X = X;
+        rect->Y = Y;
+        rect->Width = Width;
+        rect->Height = Height;
+    }
+    // Return the left, top, right, and bottom
+    // coordinates of the rectangle
+    INT GetLeft() const
+    {
+        return X;
+    }
+    INT GetTop() const
+    {
+        return Y;
+    }
+    INT GetRight() const
+    {
+        return X+Width;
+    }
+    INT GetBottom() const
+    {
+        return Y+Height;
+    }
+    // Determine if the rectangle is empty
+    BOOL IsEmptyArea() const
+    {
+        return (Width <= 0) || (Height <= 0);
+    }
+    BOOL Equals(IN const Rect & rect) const
+    {
+        return X == rect.X &&
+               Y == rect.Y &&
+               Width == rect.Width &&
+               Height == rect.Height;
+    }
+    BOOL Contains(IN INT x,
+                  IN INT y) const
+    {
+        return x >= X && x < X+Width &&
+               y >= Y && y < Y+Height;
+    }
+    BOOL Contains(IN const Point& pt) const
+    {
+        return Contains(pt.X, pt.Y);
+    }
+    BOOL Contains(IN Rect& rect) const
+    {
+        return (X <= rect.X) && (rect.GetRight() <= GetRight()) &&
+               (Y <= rect.Y) && (rect.GetBottom() <= GetBottom());
+    }
+    VOID Inflate(IN INT dx,
+                 IN INT dy)
+    {
+        X -= dx;
+        Y -= dy;
+        Width += 2*dx;
+        Height += 2*dy;
+    }
+    VOID Inflate(IN const Point& point)
+    {
+        Inflate(point.X, point.Y);
+    }
+    // Intersect the current rect with the specified object
+    BOOL Intersect(IN const Rect& rect)
+    {
+        return Intersect(*this, *this, rect);
+    }
+    // Intersect rect a and b and save the result into c
+    // Notice that c may be the same object as a or b.
+    static BOOL Intersect(OUT Rect& c,
+                          IN const Rect& a,
+                          IN const Rect& b)
+    {
+        INT right = min(a.GetRight(), b.GetRight());
+        INT bottom = min(a.GetBottom(), b.GetBottom());
+        INT left = max(a.GetLeft(), b.GetLeft());
+        INT top = max(a.GetTop(), b.GetTop());
+        c.X = left;
+        c.Y = top;
+        c.Width = right - left;
+        c.Height = bottom - top;
+        return !c.IsEmptyArea();
+    }
+    // Determine if the specified rect intersects with the
+    // current rect object.
+    BOOL IntersectsWith(IN const Rect& rect) const
+    {
+        return (GetLeft() < rect.GetRight() &&
+                GetTop() < rect.GetTop() &&
+                GetRight() > rect.GetLeft() &&
+                GetBottom() > rect.GetTop());
+    }
+    static BOOL Union(OUT Rect& c,
+                      IN const Rect& a,
+                      IN const Rect& b)
+    {
+        INT right = max(a.GetRight(), b.GetRight());
+        INT bottom = max(a.GetBottom(), b.GetBottom());
+        INT left = min(a.GetLeft(), b.GetLeft());
+        INT top = min(a.GetTop(), b.GetTop());
+        c.X = left;
+        c.Y = top;
+        c.Width = right - left;
+        c.Height = bottom - top;
+        return !c.IsEmptyArea();
+    }
+    VOID Offset(IN const Point& point)
+    {
+        Offset(point.X, point.Y);
+    }
+    VOID Offset(IN INT dx,
+                IN INT dy)
+    {
+        X += dx;
+        Y += dy;
+    }
+    INT X;
+    INT Y;
+    INT Width;
+    INT Height;
+// A user must mange memory for PathData.
+class PathData
+    PathData()
+    {
+        Count = 0;
+        Points = NULL;
+        Types = NULL;
+    }
+    ~PathData()
+    {
+        if (Points != NULL)
+        {
+            delete Points;
+        }
+        if (Types != NULL)
+        {
+            delete Types;
+        }
+    }
+#ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
+    PathData(const PathData &);
+    PathData& operator=(const PathData &);
+    INT Count;
+    PointF* Points;
+    BYTE* Types;
+// text character range
+class CharacterRange
+    CharacterRange(
+        INT first,
+        INT length
+    ) :
+        First   (first),
+        Length  (length)
+    {}
+    CharacterRange() : First(0), Length(0)
+    {}
+    CharacterRange & operator = (const CharacterRange &rhs)
+    {
+        First  = rhs.First;
+        Length = rhs.Length;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    INT First;
+    INT Length;
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/lib/gdiplus.dll b/win32/gdiplus/lib/gdiplus.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10deae6
Binary files /dev/null and b/win32/gdiplus/lib/gdiplus.dll differ
diff --git a/win32/gdiplus/lib/gdiplus.lib b/win32/gdiplus/lib/gdiplus.lib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71fff4a
Binary files /dev/null and b/win32/gdiplus/lib/gdiplus.lib differ