- /**************************************************************************\
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Microsoft Corp. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Module Name:
- *
- * GdiplusHeaders.h
- *
- * Abstract:
- *
- * GDI+ Native C++ public header file
- *
- \**************************************************************************/
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Abstract base class for regions
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Include the class declarations here and have inline class implementation
- // in separate file to avoid circular references.
- class Region : public GdiplusBase
- {
- public:
- friend class Graphics;
- Region();
- Region(IN const RectF& rect);
- Region(IN const Rect& rect);
- Region(IN const GraphicsPath* path);
- Region(IN const BYTE* regionData, IN INT size);
- Region(IN HRGN hRgn);
- static Region* FromHRGN(IN HRGN hRgn);
- ~Region();
- Region* Clone() const;
- Status MakeInfinite();
- Status MakeEmpty();
- // Get the size of the buffer needed for the GetData method
- UINT GetDataSize() const;
- // buffer - where to put the data
- // bufferSize - how big the buffer is (should be at least as big as GetDataSize())
- // sizeFilled - if not NULL, this is an OUT param that says how many bytes
- // of data were written to the buffer.
- Status GetData(OUT BYTE* buffer,
- IN UINT bufferSize,
- OUT UINT* sizeFilled = NULL) const;
- Status Intersect(IN const Rect& rect);
- Status Intersect(IN const RectF& rect);
- Status Intersect(IN const GraphicsPath* path);
- Status Intersect(IN const Region* region);
- Status Union(IN const Rect& rect);
- Status Union(IN const RectF& rect);
- Status Union(IN const GraphicsPath* path);
- Status Union(IN const Region* region);
- Status Xor(IN const Rect& rect);
- Status Xor(IN const RectF& rect);
- Status Xor(IN const GraphicsPath* path);
- Status Xor(IN const Region* region);
- Status Exclude(IN const Rect& rect);
- Status Exclude(IN const RectF& rect);
- Status Exclude(IN const GraphicsPath* path);
- Status Exclude(IN const Region* region);
- Status Complement(IN const Rect& rect);
- Status Complement(IN const RectF& rect);
- Status Complement(IN const GraphicsPath* path);
- Status Complement(IN const Region* region);
- Status Translate(IN REAL dx,
- IN REAL dy);
- Status Translate(IN INT dx,
- IN INT dy);
- Status Transform(IN const Matrix* matrix);
- Status GetBounds(OUT Rect* rect,
- IN const Graphics* g) const;
- Status GetBounds(OUT RectF* rect,
- IN const Graphics* g) const;
- HRGN GetHRGN (IN const Graphics * g) const;
- BOOL IsEmpty(IN const Graphics *g) const;
- BOOL IsInfinite(IN const Graphics *g) const;
- BOOL IsVisible(IN INT x,
- IN INT y,
- IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const
- {
- return IsVisible(Point(x, y), g);
- }
- BOOL IsVisible(IN const Point& point,
- IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const;
- BOOL IsVisible(IN REAL x,
- IN REAL y,
- IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const
- {
- return IsVisible(PointF(x, y), g);
- }
- BOOL IsVisible(IN const PointF& point,
- IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const;
- BOOL IsVisible(IN INT x,
- IN INT y,
- IN INT width,
- IN INT height,
- IN const Graphics* g) const
- {
- return IsVisible(Rect(x, y, width, height), g);
- }
- BOOL IsVisible(IN const Rect& rect,
- IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const;
- BOOL IsVisible(IN REAL x,
- IN REAL y,
- IN REAL width,
- IN REAL height,
- IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const
- {
- return IsVisible(RectF(x, y, width, height), g);
- }
- BOOL IsVisible(IN const RectF& rect,
- IN const Graphics* g = NULL) const;
- BOOL Equals(IN const Region* region,
- IN const Graphics* g) const;
- UINT GetRegionScansCount(IN const Matrix* matrix) const;
- Status GetRegionScans(IN const Matrix* matrix,
- OUT RectF* rects,
- OUT INT* count) const;
- Status GetRegionScans(IN const Matrix* matrix,
- OUT Rect* rects,
- OUT INT* count) const;
- Status GetLastStatus() const;
- protected:
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
- private:
- Region(const Region ®ion);
- Region& operator=(const Region ®ion);
- protected:
- #else
- Region(const Region ®ion)
- {
- region; // reference parameter
- SetStatus(NotImplemented);
- }
- Region& operator=(const Region ®ion)
- {
- region; // reference parameter
- SetStatus(NotImplemented);
- return *this;
- }
- #endif
- Status SetStatus(Status status) const
- {
- if (status != Ok)
- return (lastResult = status);
- else
- return status;
- }
- Region(GpRegion* nativeRegion);
- VOID SetNativeRegion(GpRegion* nativeRegion);
- protected:
- GpRegion* nativeRegion;
- mutable Status lastResult;
- };
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Abstract base class for FontFamily
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class FontFamily : public GdiplusBase
- {
- public:
- friend class Font;
- friend class Graphics;
- friend class GraphicsPath;
- friend class FontCollection;
- FontFamily();
- FontFamily(
- IN const WCHAR *name,
- IN const FontCollection *fontCollection = NULL
- );
- ~FontFamily();
- static const FontFamily *GenericSansSerif();
- static const FontFamily *GenericSerif();
- static const FontFamily *GenericMonospace();
- Status GetFamilyName(
- IN LANGID language = 0
- ) const;
- // Copy operator
- FontFamily * Clone() const;
- BOOL IsAvailable() const
- {
- return (nativeFamily != NULL);
- };
- BOOL IsStyleAvailable(IN INT style) const;
- UINT16 GetEmHeight (IN INT style) const;
- UINT16 GetCellAscent (IN INT style) const;
- UINT16 GetCellDescent (IN INT style) const;
- UINT16 GetLineSpacing (IN INT style) const;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Status GetLastStatus() const;
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
- private:
- FontFamily(const FontFamily &);
- FontFamily& operator=(const FontFamily &);
- #endif
- protected:
- Status SetStatus(Status status) const;
- // private constructor for copy
- FontFamily(GpFontFamily * nativeFamily, Status status);
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- // Data members
- protected:
- GpFontFamily *nativeFamily;
- mutable Status lastResult;
- };
- static FontFamily *GenericSansSerifFontFamily = NULL;
- static FontFamily *GenericSerifFontFamily = NULL;
- static FontFamily *GenericMonospaceFontFamily = NULL;
- static BYTE GenericSansSerifFontFamilyBuffer[sizeof(FontFamily)] = {0};
- static BYTE GenericSerifFontFamilyBuffer [sizeof(FontFamily)] = {0};
- static BYTE GenericMonospaceFontFamilyBuffer[sizeof(FontFamily)] = {0};
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Abstract base class for fonts
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class Font : public GdiplusBase
- {
- public:
- friend class Graphics;
- Font(IN HDC hdc);
- Font(IN HDC hdc,
- IN const LOGFONTA* logfont);
- Font(IN HDC hdc,
- IN const LOGFONTW* logfont);
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_127084
- Font(IN HDC hdc,
- IN const HFONT hfont);
- #endif
- Font(
- IN const FontFamily * family,
- IN REAL emSize,
- IN INT style = FontStyleRegular,
- IN Unit unit = UnitPoint
- );
- Font(
- IN const WCHAR * familyName,
- IN REAL emSize,
- IN INT style = FontStyleRegular,
- IN Unit unit = UnitPoint,
- IN const FontCollection * fontCollection = NULL
- );
- Status GetLogFontA(IN const Graphics* g,
- OUT LOGFONTA * logfontA) const;
- Status GetLogFontW(IN const Graphics* g,
- OUT LOGFONTW * logfontW) const;
- Font* Clone() const;
- ~Font();
- BOOL IsAvailable() const;
- INT GetStyle() const;
- REAL GetSize() const;
- Unit GetUnit() const;
- Status GetLastStatus() const;
- REAL GetHeight(IN const Graphics *graphics = NULL) const;
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_125467
- REAL GetHeight(IN REAL dpi) const;
- #endif
- Status GetFamily(OUT FontFamily *family) const;
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
- private:
- Font(const Font &);
- Font& operator=(const Font &);
- #endif
- protected:
- Font(GpFont* font, Status status);
- VOID SetNativeFont(GpFont *Font);
- Status SetStatus(Status status) const;
- protected:
- /*
- * handle to native line texture object
- */
- GpFont* nativeFont;
- mutable Status lastResult;
- };
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Abstract base classes for font collections
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class FontCollection : public GdiplusBase
- {
- public:
- friend class FontFamily;
- FontCollection();
- virtual ~FontCollection();
- INT GetFamilyCount() const; // number of enumerable families in the collection
- Status GetFamilies( // enumerate the fonts in a collection
- IN INT numSought,
- OUT FontFamily * gpfamilies,
- OUT INT * numFound
- ) const;
- Status GetLastStatus() const;
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
- private:
- FontCollection(const FontCollection &);
- FontCollection& operator=(const FontCollection &);
- #endif
- protected:
- Status SetStatus(Status status) const ;
- GpFontCollection *nativeFontCollection;
- mutable Status lastResult;
- };
- class InstalledFontCollection : public FontCollection
- {
- public:
- InstalledFontCollection();
- ~InstalledFontCollection();
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
- private:
- InstalledFontCollection(const InstalledFontCollection &);
- InstalledFontCollection& operator=(const InstalledFontCollection &);
- #endif
- protected:
- #ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_235072
- Status InstallFontFile(IN const WCHAR* filename);
- Status UninstallFontFile(IN const WCHAR* filename);
- #endif
- Status SetStatus(Status status) const ;
- };
- class PrivateFontCollection : public FontCollection
- {
- public:
- PrivateFontCollection();
- ~PrivateFontCollection();
- Status AddFontFile(IN const WCHAR* filename);
- Status AddMemoryFont(IN const VOID* memory,
- IN INT length);
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
- private:
- PrivateFontCollection(const PrivateFontCollection &);
- PrivateFontCollection& operator=(const PrivateFontCollection &);
- #endif
- };
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Abstract base class for bitmap image and metafile
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // !!! Note:
- // Include the class declarations here and have the inline class
- // implementation in a separate file. This is done to resolve a
- // circular dependency since one of the Bitmap methods needs to
- // access the private member nativeGraphics of the Graphics object.
- class Image : public GdiplusBase
- {
- public:
- friend class Brush;
- friend class TextureBrush;
- friend class Graphics;
- #ifndef DCR_USE_NEW_140782
- Image(
- IN const WCHAR* filename
- );
- Image(
- IN IStream* stream
- );
- static Image* FromFile(
- IN const WCHAR* filename
- );
- static Image* FromStream(
- IN IStream* stream
- );
- #else
- Image(
- IN const WCHAR* filename,
- IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement = FALSE
- );
- Image(
- IN IStream* stream,
- IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement = FALSE
- );
- static Image* FromFile(
- IN const WCHAR* filename,
- IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement = FALSE
- );
- static Image* FromStream(
- IN IStream* stream,
- IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement = FALSE
- );
- #endif
- virtual ~Image();
- virtual Image* Clone();
- Status Save(IN const WCHAR* filename,
- IN const CLSID* clsidEncoder,
- IN const EncoderParameters *encoderParams = NULL);
- Status Save(IN IStream* stream,
- IN const CLSID* clsidEncoder,
- IN const EncoderParameters *encoderParams = NULL);
- Status SaveAdd(IN const EncoderParameters* encoderParams);
- Status SaveAdd(IN Image* newImage,
- IN const EncoderParameters* encoderParams);
- ImageType GetType() const;
- Status GetPhysicalDimension(OUT SizeF* size);
- Status GetBounds(OUT RectF* srcRect,
- OUT Unit* srcUnit);
- UINT GetWidth();
- UINT GetHeight();
- REAL GetHorizontalResolution();
- REAL GetVerticalResolution();
- UINT GetFlags();
- Status GetRawFormat(OUT GUID *format);
- PixelFormat GetPixelFormat();
- INT GetPaletteSize();
- Status GetPalette(OUT ColorPalette* palette,
- IN INT size);
- Status SetPalette(IN const ColorPalette* palette);
- Image* GetThumbnailImage(IN UINT thumbWidth,
- IN UINT thumbHeight,
- IN GetThumbnailImageAbort callback = NULL,
- IN VOID* callbackData = NULL);
- UINT GetFrameDimensionsCount();
- Status GetFrameDimensionsList(OUT GUID* dimensionIDs,
- IN UINT count);
- UINT GetFrameCount(IN const GUID* dimensionID);
- Status SelectActiveFrame(IN const GUID* dimensionID,
- IN UINT frameIndex);
- Status RotateFlip(IN RotateFlipType rotateFlipType);
- UINT GetPropertyCount();
- Status GetPropertyIdList(IN UINT numOfProperty,
- OUT PROPID* list);
- UINT GetPropertyItemSize(IN PROPID propId);
- Status GetPropertyItem(IN PROPID propId,
- IN UINT propSize,
- OUT PropertyItem* buffer);
- Status GetPropertySize(OUT UINT* totalBufferSize,
- OUT UINT* numProperties);
- Status GetAllPropertyItems(IN UINT totalBufferSize,
- IN UINT numProperties,
- OUT PropertyItem* allItems);
- Status RemovePropertyItem(IN PROPID propId);
- Status SetPropertyItem(IN const PropertyItem* item);
- UINT GetEncoderParameterListSize(IN const CLSID* clsidEncoder);
- Status GetEncoderParameterList(IN const CLSID* clsidEncoder,
- IN UINT size,
- OUT EncoderParameters* buffer);
- // Support for Middle East localization (right-to-left mirroring)
- ImageLayout GetLayout() const;
- Status SetLayout(IN const ImageLayout layout);
- Status GetLastStatus() const;
- protected:
- Image() {}
- Image(GpImage *nativeImage, Status status);
- VOID SetNativeImage(GpImage* nativeImage);
- Status SetStatus(Status status) const
- {
- if (status != Ok)
- return (lastResult = status);
- else
- return status;
- }
- GpImage* nativeImage;
- mutable Status lastResult;
- mutable Status loadStatus;
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
- private:
- #else
- protected:
- #endif
- // Disable copy constructor and assignment operator
- Image(IN const Image& C);
- Image& operator=(IN const Image& C);
- };
- class Bitmap : public Image
- {
- public:
- friend class Image;
- friend class CachedBitmap;
- Bitmap(
- IN const WCHAR *filename,
- IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement = FALSE
- );
- Bitmap(
- IN IStream *stream,
- IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement = FALSE
- );
- static Bitmap* FromFile(
- IN const WCHAR *filename,
- IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement = FALSE
- );
- static Bitmap* FromStream(
- IN IStream *stream,
- IN BOOL useEmbeddedColorManagement = FALSE
- );
- Bitmap(IN INT width,
- IN INT height,
- IN INT stride, PixelFormat format,
- IN BYTE* scan0);
- Bitmap(IN INT width,
- IN INT height,
- IN PixelFormat format = PixelFormat32bppARGB);
- Bitmap(IN INT width,
- IN INT height,
- IN Graphics* target);
- Bitmap* Clone(IN const Rect& rect,
- IN PixelFormat format);
- Bitmap* Clone(IN INT x,
- IN INT y,
- IN INT width,
- IN INT height,
- IN PixelFormat format);
- Bitmap* Clone(IN const RectF& rect,
- IN PixelFormat format);
- Bitmap* Clone(IN REAL x,
- IN REAL y,
- IN REAL width,
- IN REAL height,
- IN PixelFormat format);
- Status LockBits(IN const Rect& rect,
- IN UINT flags,
- IN PixelFormat format,
- OUT BitmapData* lockedBitmapData);
- Status UnlockBits(IN BitmapData* lockedBitmapData);
- Status GetPixel(IN INT x,
- IN INT y,
- OUT Color *color);
- Status SetPixel(IN INT x,
- IN INT y,
- IN const Color &color);
- Status SetResolution(IN REAL xdpi,
- IN REAL ydpi);
- // GDI interop:
- Bitmap(IN IDirectDrawSurface7* surface);
- Bitmap(IN const BITMAPINFO* gdiBitmapInfo,
- IN VOID* gdiBitmapData);
- Bitmap(IN HBITMAP hbm,
- IN HPALETTE hpal);
- Bitmap(IN HICON hicon);
- Bitmap(IN HINSTANCE hInstance,
- IN const WCHAR * bitmapName);
- static Bitmap* FromDirectDrawSurface7(IN IDirectDrawSurface7* surface);
- static Bitmap* FromBITMAPINFO(IN const BITMAPINFO* gdiBitmapInfo,
- IN VOID* gdiBitmapData);
- static Bitmap* FromHBITMAP(IN HBITMAP hbm,
- IN HPALETTE hpal);
- static Bitmap* FromHICON(IN HICON hicon);
- static Bitmap* FromResource(IN HINSTANCE hInstance,
- IN const WCHAR * bitmapName);
- Status GetHBITMAP(IN const Color& colorBackground,
- OUT HBITMAP *hbmReturn);
- Status GetHICON(HICON *hicon);
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
- private:
- Bitmap(const Bitmap &);
- Bitmap& operator=(const Bitmap &);
- #endif
- protected:
- Bitmap(GpBitmap *nativeBitmap);
- };
- class CustomLineCap : public GdiplusBase
- {
- public:
- friend class Pen;
- CustomLineCap(
- IN const GraphicsPath* fillPath,
- IN const GraphicsPath* strokePath,
- IN LineCap baseCap = LineCapFlat,
- IN REAL baseInset = 0
- );
- virtual ~CustomLineCap();
- CustomLineCap* Clone() const;
- Status SetStrokeCap(IN LineCap strokeCap)
- {
- // This changes both start and and caps.
- return SetStrokeCaps(strokeCap, strokeCap);
- }
- Status SetStrokeCaps(IN LineCap startCap,
- IN LineCap endCap);
- Status GetStrokeCaps(OUT LineCap* startCap,
- OUT LineCap* endCap) const;
- Status SetStrokeJoin(IN LineJoin lineJoin);
- LineJoin GetStrokeJoin() const;
- Status SetBaseCap(IN LineCap baseCap);
- LineCap GetBaseCap() const;
- Status SetBaseInset(IN REAL inset);
- REAL GetBaseInset() const;
- Status SetWidthScale(IN REAL widthScale);
- REAL GetWidthScale() const;
- protected:
- CustomLineCap();
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
- private:
- CustomLineCap(const CustomLineCap &);
- CustomLineCap& operator=(const CustomLineCap &);
- protected:
- #else
- CustomLineCap(const CustomLineCap& customLineCap)
- {
- customLineCap;
- SetStatus(NotImplemented);
- }
- CustomLineCap& operator=(const CustomLineCap& customLineCap)
- {
- customLineCap;
- SetStatus(NotImplemented);
- return *this;
- }
- #endif
- CustomLineCap(GpCustomLineCap* nativeCap, Status status)
- {
- lastResult = status;
- SetNativeCap(nativeCap);
- }
- VOID SetNativeCap(GpCustomLineCap* nativeCap)
- {
- this->nativeCap = nativeCap;
- }
- Status SetStatus(Status status) const
- {
- if (status != Ok)
- return (lastResult = status);
- else
- return status;
- }
- protected:
- GpCustomLineCap* nativeCap;
- mutable Status lastResult;
- };
- class CachedBitmap : public GdiplusBase
- {
- friend class Graphics;
- public:
- CachedBitmap(IN Bitmap *bitmap,
- IN Graphics *graphics);
- virtual ~CachedBitmap();
- Status GetLastStatus() const;
- #ifdef DCR_USE_NEW_250932
- private:
- CachedBitmap(const CachedBitmap &);
- CachedBitmap& operator=(const CachedBitmap &);
- #endif
- protected:
- GpCachedBitmap *nativeCachedBitmap;
- mutable Status lastResult;
- };