- /*
- * neercs console-based window manager
- * Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net>
- * 2008-2010 Jean-Yves Lamoureux <jylam@lnxscene.org>
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
- * the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
- * and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
- * To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
- * http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details.
- */
- #pragma once
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <caca.h>
- #include "widgets.h"
- enum wm_types
- {
- };
- enum mouse_report
- {
- MOUSE_X10,
- MOUSE_VT200,
- };
- /* ISO-2022 Conversion State */
- struct iso2022_conv_state
- {
- /* cs = coding system/coding method: */
- /* (with standard return) */
- /* '@' = ISO-2022, */
- /* 'G' = UTF-8 without implementation level, */
- /* '8' = UTF-8 (Linux console and imitators), */
- /* and many others that are rarely used; */
- /* (without standard return) */
- /* '/G' = UTF-8 Level 1, */
- /* '/H' = UTF-8 Level 2, */
- /* '/I' = UTF-8 Level 3, */
- /* and many others that are rarely used */
- uint32_t cs;
- /* ctrl8bit = allow 8-bit controls */
- uint8_t ctrl8bit;
- /* cn[0] = C0 control charset (0x00 ... 0x1f):
- * '@' = ISO 646,
- * '~' = empty,
- * and many others that are rarely used */
- /* cn[1] = C1 control charset (0x80 ... 0x9f):
- * 'C' = ISO 6429-1983,
- * '~' = empty,
- * and many others that are rarely used */
- uint32_t cn[2];
- /* glr[0] = GL graphic charset (94-char. 0x21 ... 0x7e,
- * 94x94-char. 0x21/0x21 ... 0x7e/0x7e),
- * and
- * glr[1] = GR graphic charset (94-char. 0xa1 ... 0xfe,
- * 96-char. 0xa0 ... 0xff,
- * 94x94-char. 0xa1/0xa1 ... 0xfe/0xfe,
- * 96x96-char. 0xa0/0xa0 ... 0xff/0xff):
- * 0 = G0, 1 = G1, 2 = G2, 3 = G3 */
- uint8_t glr[2];
- /* gn[i] = G0/G1/G2/G3 graphic charset state:
- * (94-char. sets)
- * '0' = DEC ACS (VT100 and imitators),
- * 'B' = US-ASCII,
- * and many others that are rarely used for e.g. various national ASCII variations;
- * (96-char. sets)
- * '.A' = ISO 8859-1 "Latin 1" GR,
- * '.~' = empty 96-char. set,
- * and many others that are rarely used for e.g. ISO 8859-n GR;
- * (double-byte 94x94-charsets)
- * '$@' = Japanese Character Set ("old JIS") (JIS C 6226:1978),
- * '$A' = Chinese Character Set (GB 2312),
- * '$B' = Japanese Character Set (JIS X0208/JIS C 6226:1983),
- * '$C' = Korean Graphic Character Set (KSC 5601:1987),
- * '$D' = Supplementary Japanese Graphic Character Set (JIS X0212),
- * '$E' = CCITT Chinese Set (GB 2312 + GB 8565),
- * '$G' = CNS 11643 plane 1,
- * '$H' = CNS 11643 plane 2,
- * '$I' = CNS 11643 plane 3,
- * '$J' = CNS 11643 plane 4,
- * '$K' = CNS 11643 plane 5,
- * '$L' = CNS 11643 plane 6,
- * '$M' = CNS 11643 plane 7,
- * '$O' = JIS X 0213 plane 1,
- * '$P' = JIS X 0213 plane 2,
- * '$Q' = JIS X 0213-2004 Plane 1,
- * and many others that are rarely used for e.g. traditional
- * ideographic Vietnamese and BlissSymbolics;
- * (double-byte 96x96-charsets)
- * none standardized or in use on terminals AFAIK (Mule does use
- * some internally)
- */
- uint32_t gn[4];
- /* ss = single-shift state: 0 = GL, 2 = G2, 3 = G3 */
- uint8_t ss;
- };
- struct screen
- {
- /* Graphics stuff */
- int init;
- caca_canvas_t *cv;
- uint32_t clearattr;
- uint8_t fg, bg; /* ANSI-context fg/bg */
- uint8_t dfg, dbg; /* Default fg/bg */
- uint8_t bold, blink, italics, negative, concealed, underline;
- uint8_t faint, strike, proportional; /* unsupported */
- struct iso2022_conv_state conv_state; /* charset mess */
- /* Other stuff */
- int visible; /* Draw canvas and border flag */
- int fd; /* pty fd */
- unsigned char *buf; /* text buffer */
- long int total; /* buffer length */
- char *title; /* tty title */
- int bell; /* bell occuring */
- unsigned int scroll, s1, s2; /* FIXME, ANSI scroll properties */
- int pid; /* running program pid */
- int changed; /* content was updated */
- int x, y; /* Canvas position */
- int w, h; /* Canvas size */
- int orig_x, orig_y; /* Used by recurrents */
- int orig_w, orig_h; /* Used by recurrents */
- int report_mouse; /* ANSI */
- };
- enum socket_type
- {
- };
- struct cube_props
- {
- int in_switch;
- int side;
- long long unsigned int duration;
- };
- struct interpreter_props
- {
- /* Input box */
- struct input_box *box;
- };
- struct screensaver
- {
- /* ScreenSaver stuff */
- long long unsigned int timeout; /* Screensaver timeout in us */
- int in_screensaver;
- void *data;
- };
- struct comm
- {
- /* Detaching */
- int attached; /* Are we attached to a terminal or a server */
- int socket[2]; /* Sockets to write to the server / to the client */
- char *socket_path[2]; /* Sockets to write to the server / to the client */
- char *socket_dir; /* Where to create the socket */
- char *session_name; /* Name of the session */
- };
- struct lock
- {
- int locked;
- int lock_offset;
- int lock_on_detach;
- long long unsigned int autolock_timeout;
- char lockpass[1024];
- char lockmsg[1024];
- };
- struct modals
- {
- /* Add-ons*/
- int mini; /* Thumbnails */
- int status; /* Status bar */
- int help; /* Help */
- int python_command; /* Python command */
- int window_list; /* Window list */
- int cur_in_list; /* Window list */
- };
- struct sys
- {
- char *default_shell;
- char *user_path;
- int *to_grab;
- char **to_start;
- int nb_to_grab;
- int attach, forceattach;
- };
- struct screen_list
- {
- int outfd; /* Debug */
- int in_bell; /* Bell occuring in a window */
- int was_in_bell;
- int dont_update_coords; /* Used by recurrents */
- int changed; /* Global redraw (e.g. adding a screen) */
- int delay; /* Minimal time between two refresh (ms) */
- int requested_delay;
- int force_refresh;
- int need_refresh; /* If we skipped a refresh, do it next time */
- int command;
- int eyecandy; /* Eye Candy */
- long long unsigned int last_key_time;
- long long unsigned int last_refresh_time;
- struct comm comm; /* Client/Server communications */
- struct lock lock; /* Lock */
- struct modals modals; /* Modal windows */
- struct interpreter_props interpreter_props; /* Python interpreter */
- struct screensaver screensaver;/* Screensaver stuff */
- int pty, prevpty; /* Current and previous window */
- int count; /* Window count */
- int wm_type; /* Window manager type */
- int border_size; /* Borders */
- struct cube_props cube; /* Cube */
- long long unsigned int last_switch; /* Cube */
- struct screen **screen; /* Windows */
- struct option *config; /* Option parsing and configuration */
- struct sys sys; /* System stuff */
- struct recurrent_list *recurrent_list; /* Recurrents functions */
- char *title; /* Window title */
- int width, height; /* caca window size */
- int old_x, old_y; /* Mouse */
- int mouse_button;
- caca_canvas_t *cv;
- caca_display_t *dp;
- };
- /* Configuration */
- struct option
- {
- char *key;
- char *value;
- struct option *next;
- };
- struct config_line
- {
- const char name[32];
- int (*set) (const char *argv, struct screen_list * screen_list);
- char* (*get) (struct screen_list * screen_list);
- };
- /* Recurrents */
- struct recurrent
- {
- int (*function)(struct screen_list*, struct recurrent* rec, void *user, long long unsigned int t);
- void *user;
- long long unsigned int start_time;
- int kill_me;
- };
- struct recurrent_list
- {
- int count;
- struct recurrent **recurrent;
- };
- void version(void);
- void usage(int argc, char **argv);
- struct screen_list *init_neercs(int argc, char **argv);
- int handle_command_line(int argc, char *argv[], struct screen_list *screen_list);
- struct screen_list *create_screen_list(void);
- void free_screen_list(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- int start_client(struct screen_list * screen_list);
- /** \defgroup client neercs client
- * @{ */
- void mainloop(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- int mainloop_tick(char **pbuf, struct screen_list *screen_list);
- /** }@ */
- int create_pty(char *cmd, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int *cpid);
- int create_pty_grab(long pid, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int *cpid);
- int grab_process(long pid, char *ptyname, int ptyfd, int *newpid);
- long select_process(struct screen_list* screen_list);
- long int import_term(struct screen_list *screen_list, struct screen *sc, void const *data, unsigned int size);
- int set_tty_size(int fd, unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
- int update_terms(struct screen_list* screen_list);
- void refresh_screens(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- int update_screens_contents(struct screen_list* screen_list);
- int install_fds(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- long long get_us(void);
- void attach(struct screen_list* screen_list);
- int detach(struct screen_list* screen_list);
- int request_attach(struct screen_list* screen_list);
- char * build_socket_path(char *socket_dir, char *session_name, enum socket_type socktype);
- int create_socket(struct screen_list* screen_list, enum socket_type socktype);
- char * connect_socket(struct screen_list* screen_list, enum socket_type socktype);
- char ** list_sockets(char *socket_dir, char *session_name);
- int start_server(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- int send_event(caca_event_t ev, struct screen_list* screen_list);
- int send_delay(struct screen_list* screen_list);
- int send_ansi_sequence(struct screen_list *screen_list, char *str);
- /* Screens management */
- struct screen* create_screen(int w, int h, char *command);
- struct screen* create_screen_grab(int w, int h, int pid);
- int destroy_screen(struct screen *s);
- int add_screen(struct screen_list *list, struct screen *s);
- int remove_screen(struct screen_list *list, int n, int please_kill);
- void resize_screen(struct screen *s, int z, int h);
- /* Window managers */
- void update_windows_props(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void update_windows_props_cards(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void update_windows_props_hsplit(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void update_windows_props_full(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void update_windows_props_vsplit(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void update_windows_props_cube(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void wm_refresh(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void wm_refresh_card(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void wm_refresh_cube(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void wm_refresh_full(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void wm_refresh_hsplit(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void wm_refresh_vsplit(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- int switch_screen_recurrent(struct screen_list* screen_list, struct recurrent* rec, void *user, long long unsigned int t);
- /* Effects and addons */
- void draw_thumbnails(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void draw_status(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void draw_help(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- int help_handle_key(struct screen_list *screen_list, unsigned int c);
- int update_window_list(int c, struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void draw_list(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void draw_lock(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- int update_lock(int c, struct screen_list *screen_list);
- int validate_lock(struct screen_list *screen_list, char *user, char *pass);
- int close_screen_recurrent(struct screen_list*, struct recurrent* rec, void *user, long long unsigned int t);
- /* Input to ANSI */
- void *convert_input_ansi(unsigned int *c, int *size);
- int handle_command_input(struct screen_list*screen_list, unsigned int c);
- /* Screensavers */
- void screensaver_init(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void screensaver_kill(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void draw_screensaver(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void screensaver_flying_toasters(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void screensaver_flying_toasters_init(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- void screensaver_flying_toasters_kill(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- /* Actions */
- void dump_to_file(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- /* Recurrents */
- int handle_recurrents(struct screen_list* screen_list);
- int add_recurrent(struct recurrent_list *list,
- int (*function)(struct screen_list*, struct recurrent* rec, void *user, long long unsigned int t),
- void *user);
- int remove_recurrent(struct recurrent_list *list, int n);
- /* Configuration file */
- int read_configuration_file(char *filename, struct screen_list *screen_list);
- int parse_conf_line(char *buf, int size, struct screen_list *screen_list);
- int get_key_value(char *line, struct option *option);
- int fill_config(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- struct config_line *get_config(const char *name);
- struct config_line *get_config_option(void);
- /* Python interpreter */
- #ifdef USE_PYTHON
- int python_init(struct screen_list *sl);
- int python_close(struct screen_list *sl);
- int python_command_handle_key(struct screen_list *screen_list, unsigned int c);
- void draw_python_command(struct screen_list *screen_list);
- #endif
- #if defined DEBUG
- # include <stdio.h>
- # include <stdarg.h>
- static inline void debug(const char *format, ...)
- {
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, format);
- fprintf(stderr, "** neercs debug ** ");
- vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- va_end(args);
- }
- #else
- # define debug(format, ...) do {} while(0)
- #endif