No puede seleccionar más de 25 temas Los temas deben comenzar con una letra o número, pueden incluir guiones ('-') y pueden tener hasta 35 caracteres de largo.

  1. # Trouver des images au pif
  2. % find ~/4chan/unsorted-4chan/http* -name '1[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].??g' | rev | sort -k2 -t. | rev | xargs -n 1 ./main | tee fs-4chan.txt
  3. % find ~/4chan/unsorted-4chan/http* -name '1[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].??g' | rev | sort -k2 -t. | rev | xargs -n 1 ./main-jajuni | tee jajuni-4chan.txt
  4. % cat /tmp/4chanlist.txt | xargs -n 1 ./main | tee -a fs-4chan.txt
  5. # Lena
  6. set hidden3d
  7. set grid
  8. unset colorbox
  9. splot "lena-min.txt" with lines lc 7 notitle
  10. set terminal epslatex color size 2.5,2 blacktext
  11. set tmargin screen 0.75
  12. set bmargin screen 0.25
  13. set lmargin screen 0.05
  14. set rmargin screen 0.95
  15. set output "lena-min.tex"
  16. splot "lena-min.txt" with lines lc 7 notitle
  17. unset output
  18. set term pop
  19. # Dans gnuplot
  20. set xrange [-.1:.4]
  21. set yrange [.45:-.05]
  22. set grid
  23. plot "fs-4chan.txt" using 6:7 lc 1 pt 7 ps .08 title "4chan", \
  24. "fs-tobefred.txt" using 6:7 lc 3 pt 7 ps .08 title "tobefred", \
  25. "fs-uscsipi.txt" using 6:7 lc 2 pt 7 ps .08 title "USC-SIPI", \
  26. "fs-jylam.txt" using 6:7 lc 4 pt 7 ps .08 title "Jylam", \
  27. "merge.txt" using 5:6 lc 7 ps .2 with lines
  28. #plot "fs-textures.txt" using 6:7 lc 3 pt 7 ps .2, "fs-aerials.txt" using 6:7 lc 3 pt 7 ps .2, "fs-misc.txt" using 6:7 lc 7 pt 7 ps .2, "fs-4chan.txt" using 6:7 lc 1 pt 7 ps .2
  29. # Histogramme de la tache Floyd-Steinberg
  30. sed -ne 's/.* for //p' fs-*txt | ./xy2d >| histo-fs.txt
  31. # Et ensuite dans gnuplot:
  32. set xrange [-.1:.4]
  33. set yrange [.4:-.1]
  34. set grid
  35. set lmargin screen 0.05
  36. set bmargin screen 0.15
  37. set tmargin screen 0.95
  38. set rmargin screen 0.95
  39. unset colorbox
  40. set pm3d explicit map interpolate 1.8,1.8
  41. set palette model RGB defined(0 "white", 1 "blue", 2 "red", 3 "yellow")
  42. unset key
  43. #splot "histo-fs.txt" notitle
  44. set terminal epslatex color size 1.8,1.8 blacktext
  45. set output "fs-histo.tex"
  46. splot "histo-fs.txt" notitle
  47. unset output
  48. set term pop
  49. set xrange [-.1:.9]
  50. set yrange [.95:-.05]
  51. set grid
  52. plot "jajuni-4chan.txt" using 6:7 lc 1 pt 7 ps .08 title "4chan", \
  53. "jajuni-tobefred.txt" using 6:7 lc 3 pt 7 ps .08 title "tobefred", \
  54. "jajuni-uscsipi.txt" using 6:7 lc 2 pt 7 ps .08 title "USC-SIPI"
  55. # Histogramme de la tache JaJuNi
  56. sed -ne 's/.* for //p' jajuni*txt | ./xy2d-jajuni >| histo-jajuni.txt
  57. # Et ensuite dans gnuplot:
  58. set xrange [-.1:.9]
  59. set yrange [.9:-.1]
  60. set grid
  61. set lmargin screen 0.05
  62. set bmargin screen 0.15
  63. set tmargin screen 0.95
  64. set rmargin screen 0.95
  65. unset colorbox
  66. set pm3d explicit map interpolate 1.8,1.8
  67. set palette model RGB defined(0 "white", 1 "blue", 2 "red", 3 "yellow")
  68. unset key
  69. #splot "histo-jajuni.txt" notitle
  70. set terminal epslatex color size 1.8,1.8 blacktext
  71. set output "jajuni-histo.tex"
  72. splot "histo-jajuni.txt" notitle
  73. unset output
  74. set term pop
  75. # Test de merde
  76. set xrange [0:5]
  77. set yrange [0:5]
  78. set grid
  79. plot "fs-uscsipi.txt" using 2:4 lc 1 pt 7 ps .5, "fs-4chan.txt" using 2:4 lc 7 pt 7 ps .5, "fs-tobefred.txt" using 2:4 lc 3 pt 7 ps .5
  80. # Ostromoukhov
  81. set xrange [-.2:.2]
  82. set yrange [.3:-.1]
  83. set grid
  84. plot "ostro-4chan.txt" using 6:7 lc 1 pt 7 ps .08 title "4chan", \
  85. "ostro-tobefred.txt" using 6:7 lc 3 pt 7 ps .08 title "tobefred", \
  86. "ostro-uscsipi.txt" using 6:7 lc 2 pt 7 ps .08 title "USC-SIPI"
  87. # Histogramme de la tache Ostro
  88. sed -ne 's/.* for //p' ostro*txt | ./xy2d-ostro >| histo-ostro.txt
  89. # Et ensuite dans gnuplot:
  90. set xrange [-.2:.2]
  91. set yrange [.3:-.1]
  92. set grid
  93. set lmargin screen 0.05
  94. set bmargin screen 0.15
  95. set tmargin screen 0.95
  96. set rmargin screen 0.95
  97. unset colorbox
  98. set pm3d explicit map interpolate 1.8,1.8
  99. set palette model RGB defined(0 "white", 1 "blue", 2 "red", 3 "yellow")
  100. unset key
  101. splot "histo-ostro.txt" notitle
  102. set terminal epslatex color size 1.8,1.8 blacktext
  103. set output "ostro-histo.tex"
  104. splot "histo-ostro.txt" notitle
  105. unset output
  106. set term pop
  107. # Optimum
  108. set xrange [-.5:.2]
  109. set yrange [.6:-.1]
  110. set grid
  111. plot "optimum-4chan.txt" using 6:7 lc 1 pt 7 ps .08 title "4chan", \
  112. "optimum-tobefred.txt" using 6:7 lc 3 pt 7 ps .08 title "tobefred", \
  113. "optimum-uscsipi.txt" using 6:7 lc 2 pt 7 ps .08 title "USC-SIPI"
  114. # Histogramme de la tache Optimum
  115. sed -ne 's/.* for //p' optimum*txt | ./xy2d-optimum >| histo-optimum.txt
  116. # Et ensuite dans gnuplot:
  117. set xrange [-.5:.2]
  118. set yrange [.6:-.1]
  119. set grid
  120. set lmargin screen 0.05
  121. set bmargin screen 0.15
  122. set tmargin screen 0.95
  123. set rmargin screen 0.95
  124. unset colorbox
  125. set pm3d explicit map interpolate 1.8,1.8
  126. set palette model RGB defined(0 "white", 1 "blue", 2 "red", 3 "yellow")
  127. unset key
  128. splot "histo-optimum.txt" notitle
  129. set terminal epslatex color size 1.8,1.8 blacktext
  130. set output "optimum-histo.tex"
  131. splot "histo-optimum.txt" notitle
  132. unset output
  133. set term pop
  134. # Serpentine Optimum
  135. set xrange [-.3:.3]
  136. set yrange [.5:-.1]
  137. set grid
  138. plot "serpopt-4chan.txt" using 6:7 lc 1 pt 7 ps .08 title "4chan", \
  139. "serpopt-tobefred.txt" using 6:7 lc 3 pt 7 ps .08 title "tobefred", \
  140. "serpopt-uscsipi.txt" using 6:7 lc 2 pt 7 ps .08 title "USC-SIPI"
  141. # Histogramme de la tache Serpentine Optimum
  142. sed -ne 's/.* for //p' serpopt*txt | ./xy2d-serpopt >| histo-serpopt.txt
  143. # Et ensuite dans gnuplot:
  144. set xrange [-.3:.3]
  145. set yrange [.6:-.1]
  146. set grid
  147. set lmargin screen 0.05
  148. set bmargin screen 0.15
  149. set tmargin screen 0.95
  150. set rmargin screen 0.95
  151. unset colorbox
  152. set pm3d explicit map interpolate 1.8,1.8
  153. set palette model RGB defined(0 "white", 1 "blue", 2 "red", 3 "yellow")
  154. unset key
  155. splot "histo-serpopt.txt" notitle
  156. set terminal epslatex color size 1.8,1.8 blacktext
  157. set output "serpopt-histo.tex"
  158. splot "histo-serpopt.txt" notitle
  159. unset output
  160. set term pop
  161. # Combinaison jajuni / floyd-steinberg
  162. set xrange [-.1:.4]
  163. set yrange [.9:-.1]
  164. set grid
  165. plot "fs-4chan.txt" using 6:7 lc 2 pt 7 ps .1 title "Floyd-Steinberg", "jajuni-tobefred.txt" using 6:7 lc 1 pt 7 ps .1 title "Jarvis-Judice-Ninke"
  166. ######################## Trucs en cours ########################
  167. # Lancés sur canard:
  168. boat.png elaine.png texture[2345].png
  169. # Lancés sur poulet :
  170. ./main /var/www/net/tobefred/www/htdocs/media/romane_bohringer.jpg | tee out-bohringer.txt ; ./main /var/www/net/tobefred/www/htdocs/media/juliette_binoche_05.jpg | tee out-binoche.txt ; ./main /var/www/net/tobefred/www/htdocs/media/kate_beckinsale02.jpg | tee out-beckinsale.txt
  171. #### Pour les out-*
  172. scp'*'.txt .
  173. for x in out-*.txt; do sort -k7 $x | head -20 ; done | cut -f1 -d: | sort | uniq -c | sort -n