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- \begin{document}
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- \mainmatter % start of the contributions
- %
- \title{Reinstating Floyd-Steinberg: Improved Metrics for Quality Assessment
- of Error Diffusion Algorithms}
- %
- \titlerunning{Adapting Qualitative Metrics to Common Error Diffusion Algorithms} % abbreviated title (for running head)
- % also used for the TOC unless
- % \toctitle is used
- %
- \author{Sam Hocevar\inst{1} \and Gary Niger\inst{2}}
- %
- \authorrunning{Sam Hocevar et al.} % abbreviated author list (for running head)
- %
- %%%% modified list of authors for the TOC (add the affiliations)
- \tocauthor{Sam Hocevar, Gary Niger (Laboratoire d'Imagerie Bureautique et de
- Conception Artistique)}
- %
- \institute{Laboratoire d'Imagerie Bureautique et de Conception Artistique\\
- 14 rue de Plaisance, Paris, France
- \and
- 143 Rolloffle Avenue, Tarzana, California 91356\\
- \email{sam@hocevar.net}, \email{gary\_niger@gnaa.us}}
- \maketitle % typeset the title of the contribution
- \begin{abstract}
- In this contribution we introduce a little-known property of error diffusion
- halftoning algorithms which we call {\it error diffusion displacement}.
- By accounting for the inherent sub-pixel displacement caused by the error
- propagation, we correct an important flaw in most metrics used to assess the
- quality of resulting halftones. We find these metrics to usually highly
- underestimate the quality of error diffusion in comparison to more modern
- algorithms such as direct binary search.
- Using empirical observation, we give a method for creating computationally
- efficient, image-independent, model-based metrics for this quality assessment.
- Finally, we use the properties of error diffusion displacement to justify
- Floyd and Steinberg's well-known choice of algorithm coefficients.
- {\bf Keywords}: halftoning, error diffusion, image quality, human visual
- system, color quantization
- \end{abstract}
- %
- \section{Introduction}
- Image dithering is the process of reducing continuous-tone images to images
- with a limited number of available colours. Applications vary tremendously,
- from laser and ink-jet printing to display on small devices such as cellphones,
- or even the design of banknotes.
- Countless methods have been published for the last 40 years that try to best
- address the problem of colour reduction. Comparing two algorithms in terms of
- speed or memory usage is often straightforward, but how exactly a halftoning
- algorithm performs quality-wise is a far more complex issue, as it highly
- depends on the display device and the inner workings of the human eye.
- Though this document focuses on the particular case of bilevel halftoning,
- most of our results can be directly adapted to the more generic problem of
- colour reduction.
- \section{Halftoning algorithms}
- The most ancient halftoning method is probably classical screening. This highly
- parallelisible algorithm consists in tiling a dither matrix over the image
- and using its elements as threshold values. Classical screening is known for
- its structural artifacts such as the cross-hatch patterns caused by Bayer
- ordered dither matrices \cite{bayer}. However, modern techniques such as the
- void-and-cluster method \cite{void1}, \cite{void2} allow to generate screens
- yielding visually pleasing results.
- \medskip Error diffusion dithering, introduced in 1976 by Floyd and Steinberg
- \cite{fstein}, tries to compensate for the thresholding error through the use
- of feedback. Typically applied in raster scan order, it uses an error diffusion
- matrix such as the following one, where $x$ denotes the pixel being processed:
- \[ \frac{1}{16} \left| \begin{array}{ccc}
- - & x & 7 \\
- 3 & 5 & 1 \end{array} \right| \]
- Though efforts have been made to make error diffusion parallelisable
- \cite{parfstein}, it is generally considered more computationally expensive
- than screening, but carefully chosen coefficients yield good visual results
- \cite{kite}.
- \medskip Model-based halftoning is the third important algorithm category. It
- relies on a model of the human visual system (HVS) and attempts to minimise
- an error value based on that model. One such algorithm is direct binary seach
- (DBS) \cite{allebach}, also referred to as least-squares model-based halftoning
- (LSMB) \cite{lsmb}.
- HVS models are usually low-pass filters. Nasanen \cite{nasanen}, Analoui
- and Allebach \cite{allebach} found that using Gaussian models gave visually
- pleasing results, an observation confirmed by independent visual perception
- studies \cite{mcnamara}.
- DBS yields halftones of impressive quality. However, despite efforts to make
- it more efficient \cite{bhatt}, it suffers from its large computational
- requirements and error diffusion remains a more widely used technique.
- \section{Error diffusion displacement}
- Most error diffusion implementations parse the image in raster scan order.
- Boustrophedonic (serpentine) scanning has been shown to cause fewer visual
- artifacts \cite{halftoning}, but other, more complex processing paths such as
- Hilbert curves \cite{spacefilling}, \cite{peano} are seldom used as they do not
- improve the image quality significantly.
- Intuitively, as the error is always propagated to the bottom-left or
- bottom-right of each pixel (Fig. \ref{fig:direction}), one may expect the
- resulting image to be slightly translated. This expectation is confirmed
- visually when rapidly switching between an error diffused image and the
- corresponding DBS halftone.
- \begin{figure}
- \begin{center}
- \input{direction}
- \caption{Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion direction in raster scan (left)
- and serpentine scan (right).}\label{fig:direction}
- \end{center}
- \end{figure}
- This small translation is visually innocuous but we found that it means a lot
- in terms of error computation. A common way to compute the error between an
- image $h_{i,j}$ and the corresponding binary halftone $b_{i,j}$ is to compute
- the mean square error between modified versions of the images, in the form:
- \begin{equation}
- E(h,b) = \frac{(||v * h_{i,j} - v * b_{i,j}||_2)^2}{wh}
- \end{equation}
- \noindent where $w$ and $h$ are the image dimensions, $*$ denotes the
- convolution and $v$ is a model for the human visual system.
- To compensate for the slight translation observed in the halftone, we use the
- following error metric instead:
- \begin{equation}
- E_{dx,dy}(h,b) = \frac{(||v * h_{i,j} - v * t_{dx,dy} * b_{i,j}||_2)^2}{wh}
- \end{equation}
- \noindent where $t_{dx,dy}$ is an operator which translates the image along the
- $(dx,dy)$ vector. By design, $E_{0,0} = E$.
- A simple example can be given using a Gaussian HVS model:
- \begin{equation}
- v(x,y) = e^{\frac{x^2+y^2}{2\sigma^2}}
- \end{equation}
- Finding the second filter is then straightforward:
- \begin{equation}
- (v * t_{dx,dy})(x,y) = e^{\frac{(x-dx)^2+(y-dy)^2}{2\sigma^2}}
- \end{equation}
- Experiments show that for a given image and a given corresponding halftone,
- $E_{dx,dy}$ has a local minimum almost always away from $(dx,dy) = (0,0)$ (Fig.
- \ref{fig:lena-min}). Let $E$ be an error metric where this remains true. We
- call the local minimum $E_{min}$:
- \begin{equation}
- E_{min}(h,b) = \min_{dx,dy}E_{dx,dy}(h,b)
- \end{equation}
- \begin{figure}
- \begin{center}
- \input{lena-min}
- \caption{Mean square error for the \textit{Lena} image. $v$ is a simple
- $11\times11$ Gaussian convolution kernel with $\sigma = 1.2$ and
- $(dx,dy)$ vary in $[-1,1]\times[-1,1]$.}
- \label{fig:lena-min}
- \end{center}
- \end{figure}
- For instance, a Floyd-Steinberg dither of \textit{Lena} with $\sigma = 1.2$
- yields a per-pixel mean square error of $3.67\times10^{-4}$. However, when
- taking the displacement into account, the error becomes $3.06\times10^{-4}$ for
- $(dx,dy) = (0.165,0.293)$. The new, corrected error is significantly smaller,
- with the exact same input and output images.
- Experiments show that the corrected error is always noticeably smaller except
- in the case of images that are already mostly pure black and white. The
- experiment was performed on a database of 10,000 images from common computer
- vision sets and from the image board \textit{4chan}, providing a representative
- sampling of the photographs, digital art and business graphics widely exchanged
- on the Internet nowadays \cite{4chan}.
- In addition to the classical Floyd-Steinberg and Jarvis-Judice-Ninke kernels,
- we tested two serpentine error diffusion algorithms: Ostromoukhov's simple
- error diffusion \cite{ostromoukhov}, which uses a variable coefficient kernel,
- and Wong and Allebach's optimum error diffusion kernel \cite{wong}.
- \begin{center}
- \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|}
- \hline
- &~ $E\times10^4$ ~&~ $E_{min}\times10^4$ ~\\ \hline
- ~raster Floyd-Steinberg ~&~ 3.7902 ~&~ 3.1914 ~\\ \hline
- ~raster Ja-Ju-Ni ~&~ 9.7013 ~&~ 6.6349 ~\\ \hline
- ~Ostromoukhov ~&~ 4.6892 ~&~ 4.4783 ~\\ \hline
- ~optimum kernel ~&~ 7.5209 ~&~ 6.5772 ~\\
- \hline
- \end{tabular}
- \end{center}
- We clearly see that usual metrics underestimate the quality of error-diffused
- halftones, especially in raster scan. Algorithms such as direct binary search,
- on the other hand, do not suffer from this bias since they are designed to
- minimise the very error induced by the HVS model.
- \section{An image-independent corrected quality metric for error-diffused
- halftones}
- We have seen that for a given image, $E_{min}(h,b)$ is a better and fairer
- visual error measurement than $E(h,b)$. However, its major drawback is that it
- is highly computationally expensive: for each image, the new $(dx,dy)$ values
- need to be calculated to minimise the error value.
- Fortunately, we found that for a given raster or serpentine scan
- error diffusion algorithm, there was often very little variation in
- the optimal $(dx,dy)$ values (Fig. \ref{fig:table-historaster} and
- \ref{fig:table-histoserp}).
- \begin{figure}
- \begin{center}
- \begin{minipage}[c]{0.50\textwidth}
- \input{fs-histo}
- \end{minipage}
- \begin{minipage}[c]{0.40\textwidth}
- \input{jajuni-histo}
- \end{minipage}
- \caption{error diffusion displacement histograms for the raster
- Floyd-Steinberg (left) and raster Jarvis, Judis and Ninke (right)
- algorithms applied to a corpus of 10,000 images}
- \label{fig:table-historaster}
- \end{center}
- \end{figure}
- \begin{figure}
- \begin{center}
- \begin{minipage}[c]{0.50\textwidth}
- \input{ostro-histo}
- \end{minipage}
- \begin{minipage}[c]{0.40\textwidth}
- \input{serpopt-histo}
- \end{minipage}
- \caption{error diffusion displacement histograms for the Ostromoukhov (left) and optimum kernel (right) algorithms applied to a corpus
- of 10,000 images}
- \label{fig:table-histoserp}
- \end{center}
- \end{figure}
- For each algorithm, we choose the $(dx,dy)$ values at the histogram peak and
- we refer to them as the \textit{algorithm's displacement}, as opposed to the
- \textit{image's displacement} for a given algorithm. We call $E_{fast}(h,b)$
- the error computed at $(dx,dy)$. As $E_{fast}$ does not depend on the image, it
- is a lot faster to compute than $E_{min}$, and as it is statistically closer to
- $E_{min}$, we can expect it to be a better error estimation than $E$.
- \begin{center}
- \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|c|}
- \hline
- &~ $E\times10^4$ ~&~ $dx$ ~&~ $dy$ ~&~ $E_{fast}\times10^4$ ~\\ \hline
- ~raster Floyd-Steinberg ~&~ 3.7902 ~&~ 0.16 ~&~ 0.28 ~&~ 3.3447 ~\\ \hline
- ~raster Ja-Ju-Ni ~&~ 9.7013 ~&~ 0.26 ~&~ 0.76 ~&~ 7.5891 ~\\ \hline
- ~Ostromoukhov ~&~ 4.6892 ~&~ 0.00 ~&~ 0.19 ~&~ 4.6117 ~\\ \hline
- ~optimum kernel ~&~ 7.5209 ~&~ 0.00 ~&~ 0.34 ~&~ 6.8233 ~\\
- \hline
- \end{tabular}
- \end{center}
- \section{Using error diffusion displacement for optimum kernel design}
- We believe that our higher quality $E_{min}$ error metric may be useful in
- kernel design, because it is the very same error that admittedly superior yet
- computationally expensive algorithms such as DBS try to minimise.
- Our first experiment was a study of the Floyd-Steinberg-like 4-block error
- diffusion kernels. According to the original authors, the coefficients were
- found "mostly by trial and error" \cite{fstein}. With our improved metric, we
- now have the tools to confirm or infirm Floyd and Steinberg's initial choice.
- We chose to do an exhaustive study of every $\frac{1}{16}\{a,b,c,d\}$ integer
- combination. We deliberately chose positive integers whose sum was 16: error
- diffusion coefficients smaller than zero or adding up to more than 1 are known
- to be unstable \cite{stability}, and diffusing less than 100\% of the error
- causes important loss of detail in the shadow and highlight areas of the image.
- We studied all possible coefficients on a pool of 3,000 images with an error
- metric $E$ based on a standard Gaussian HVS model. $E_{min}$ is only given here
- as an indication and only $E$ was used to elect the best coefficients:
- \begin{center}
- \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|}
- \hline
- ~ rank ~&~ coefficients ~&~ $E\times10^4$ ~&~ $E_{min}\times10^4$ ~\\ \hline
- ~ 1 ~&~ 7 3 6 0 ~&~ 4.65512 ~&~ 3.94217 ~\\ \hline
- ~ 2 ~&~ 8 3 5 0 ~&~ 4.65834 ~&~ 4.03699 ~\\ \hline
- ~ \dots ~&~ \dots ~&~ \dots ~&~ \dots ~\\ \hline
- ~ 5 ~&~ 7 3 5 1 ~&~ 4.68588 ~&~ 3.79556 ~\\ \hline
- ~ \dots ~&~ \dots ~&~ \dots ~&~ \dots ~\\ \hline
- ~ 18 ~&~ 6 3 5 2 ~&~ 4.91020 ~&~ 3.70465 ~\\ \hline
- ~ \dots ~&~ \dots ~&~ \dots ~&~ \dots ~\\
- \hline
- \end{tabular}
- \end{center}
- The exact same operation using $E_{min}$ as the decision variable yields very
- different results. Similarly, $E$ is only given here as an indication:
- \begin{center}
- \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|}
- \hline
- ~ rank ~&~ coefficients ~&~ $E_{min}\times10^4$ ~&~ $E\times10^4$ ~\\ \hline
- ~ 1 ~&~ 6 3 5 2 ~&~ 3.70465 ~&~ 4.91020 ~\\ \hline
- ~ 2 ~&~ 7 3 5 1 ~&~ 3.79556 ~&~ 4.68588 ~\\ \hline
- ~ \dots ~&~ \dots ~&~ \dots ~&~ \dots ~\\ \hline
- ~ 15 ~&~ 7 3 6 0 ~&~ 3.94217 ~&~ 4.65512 ~\\ \hline
- ~ \dots ~&~ \dots ~&~ \dots ~&~ \dots ~\\ \hline
- ~ 22 ~&~ 8 3 5 0 ~&~ 4.03699 ~&~ 4.65834 ~\\ \hline
- ~ \dots ~&~ \dots ~&~ \dots ~&~ \dots ~\\
- \hline
- \end{tabular}
- \end{center}
- Our improved metric allowed us to confirm that the original Floyd-Steinberg
- coefficients were indeed amongst the best possible for raster scan.
- More importantly, using $E$ as the decision variable may have elected
- $\frac{1}{16}\{8,4,4,0\}$, which is in fact a poor choice.
- For serpentine scan, however, our experiment suggests that
- $\frac{1}{16}\{7,4,5,0\}$ is a better choice than the Floyd-Steinberg
- coefficients that have nonetheless been widely in use so far (Fig.
- \ref{fig:lena7450}).
- \begin{figure}
- \begin{center}
- \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{lena.eps}
- \caption{halftone of \textit{Lena} using serpentine error diffusion and
- the optimum coefficients $\frac{1}{16}\{7,4,5,0\}$ that improve
- on the standard Floyd-Steinberg coefficients in terms of visual
- quality for the HVS model studied in section 3.}
- \label{fig:lena7450}
- \end{center}
- \end{figure}
- \section{Conclusion}
- We have disclosed an interesting property of error diffusion algorithms
- allowing to more precisely measure the quality of such halftoning methods.
- Having showed that such quality is often underestimated by usual metrics,
- we hope to see even more development in simple error diffusion methods.
- Confirming Floyd and Steinberg's 30-year old "trial-and-error" result with our
- work is only the beginning: future work may cover more complex HVS models,
- for instance by taking into account the angular dependance of the human eye
- \cite{sullivan}. We plan to use our new metric to improve all error diffusion
- methods that may require fine-tuning of their propagation coefficients.
- %
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- \end{document}