You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
sam 91d2a5f6a1 * Add simple raster FS displacement study. 17 vuotta sitten
.gitignore * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten
Makefile * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten
README * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten
direction.tex * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten
fs-histo.eps * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten
fs-histo.tex * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten
jajuni-histo.eps * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten
jajuni-histo.tex * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten
lena-min.eps * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten
lena-min.tex * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten
lena.eps * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten
llncs.cls * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten
main.c * Add simple raster FS displacement study. 17 vuotta sitten
optimum-histo.eps * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten
optimum-histo.tex * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten
ostro-histo.eps * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten
ostro-histo.tex * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten
paper.tex * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten
serpopt-histo.eps * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten
serpopt-histo.tex * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten
xy2d.c * Put the initial (Feb 08) version of the ED displacement paper into SVN, as 17 vuotta sitten


# Trouver des images au pif
% find ~/4chan/unsorted-4chan/http* -name '1[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].??g' | rev | sort -k2 -t. | rev | xargs -n 1 ./main | tee fs-4chan.txt
% find ~/4chan/unsorted-4chan/http* -name '1[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].??g' | rev | sort -k2 -t. | rev | xargs -n 1 ./main-jajuni | tee jajuni-4chan.txt
% cat /tmp/4chanlist.txt | xargs -n 1 ./main | tee -a fs-4chan.txt

# Lena
set hidden3d
set grid
unset colorbox
splot "lena-min.txt" with lines lc 7 notitle
set terminal epslatex color size 2.5,2 blacktext
set tmargin screen 0.75
set bmargin screen 0.25
set lmargin screen 0.05
set rmargin screen 0.95
set output "lena-min.tex"
splot "lena-min.txt" with lines lc 7 notitle
unset output
set term pop

# Dans gnuplot
set xrange [-.1:.4]
set yrange [.45:-.05]
set grid
plot "fs-4chan.txt" using 6:7 lc 1 pt 7 ps .08 title "4chan", \
"fs-tobefred.txt" using 6:7 lc 3 pt 7 ps .08 title "tobefred", \
"fs-uscsipi.txt" using 6:7 lc 2 pt 7 ps .08 title "USC-SIPI", \
"fs-jylam.txt" using 6:7 lc 4 pt 7 ps .08 title "Jylam", \
"merge.txt" using 5:6 lc 7 ps .2 with lines
#plot "fs-textures.txt" using 6:7 lc 3 pt 7 ps .2, "fs-aerials.txt" using 6:7 lc 3 pt 7 ps .2, "fs-misc.txt" using 6:7 lc 7 pt 7 ps .2, "fs-4chan.txt" using 6:7 lc 1 pt 7 ps .2

# Histogramme de la tache Floyd-Steinberg
sed -ne 's/.* for //p' fs-*txt | ./xy2d >| histo-fs.txt
# Et ensuite dans gnuplot:
set xrange [-.1:.4]
set yrange [.4:-.1]
set grid
set lmargin screen 0.05
set bmargin screen 0.15
set tmargin screen 0.95
set rmargin screen 0.95
unset colorbox
set pm3d explicit map interpolate 1.8,1.8
set palette model RGB defined(0 "white", 1 "blue", 2 "red", 3 "yellow")
unset key
#splot "histo-fs.txt" notitle
set terminal epslatex color size 1.8,1.8 blacktext
set output "fs-histo.tex"
splot "histo-fs.txt" notitle
unset output
set term pop

set xrange [-.1:.9]
set yrange [.95:-.05]
set grid
plot "jajuni-4chan.txt" using 6:7 lc 1 pt 7 ps .08 title "4chan", \
"jajuni-tobefred.txt" using 6:7 lc 3 pt 7 ps .08 title "tobefred", \
"jajuni-uscsipi.txt" using 6:7 lc 2 pt 7 ps .08 title "USC-SIPI"

# Histogramme de la tache JaJuNi
sed -ne 's/.* for //p' jajuni*txt | ./xy2d-jajuni >| histo-jajuni.txt
# Et ensuite dans gnuplot:
set xrange [-.1:.9]
set yrange [.9:-.1]
set grid
set lmargin screen 0.05
set bmargin screen 0.15
set tmargin screen 0.95
set rmargin screen 0.95
unset colorbox
set pm3d explicit map interpolate 1.8,1.8
set palette model RGB defined(0 "white", 1 "blue", 2 "red", 3 "yellow")
unset key
#splot "histo-jajuni.txt" notitle
set terminal epslatex color size 1.8,1.8 blacktext
set output "jajuni-histo.tex"
splot "histo-jajuni.txt" notitle
unset output
set term pop

# Test de merde
set xrange [0:5]
set yrange [0:5]
set grid
plot "fs-uscsipi.txt" using 2:4 lc 1 pt 7 ps .5, "fs-4chan.txt" using 2:4 lc 7 pt 7 ps .5, "fs-tobefred.txt" using 2:4 lc 3 pt 7 ps .5

# Ostromoukhov
set xrange [-.2:.2]
set yrange [.3:-.1]
set grid
plot "ostro-4chan.txt" using 6:7 lc 1 pt 7 ps .08 title "4chan", \
"ostro-tobefred.txt" using 6:7 lc 3 pt 7 ps .08 title "tobefred", \
"ostro-uscsipi.txt" using 6:7 lc 2 pt 7 ps .08 title "USC-SIPI"

# Histogramme de la tache Ostro
sed -ne 's/.* for //p' ostro*txt | ./xy2d-ostro >| histo-ostro.txt
# Et ensuite dans gnuplot:
set xrange [-.2:.2]
set yrange [.3:-.1]
set grid
set lmargin screen 0.05
set bmargin screen 0.15
set tmargin screen 0.95
set rmargin screen 0.95
unset colorbox
set pm3d explicit map interpolate 1.8,1.8
set palette model RGB defined(0 "white", 1 "blue", 2 "red", 3 "yellow")
unset key
splot "histo-ostro.txt" notitle
set terminal epslatex color size 1.8,1.8 blacktext
set output "ostro-histo.tex"
splot "histo-ostro.txt" notitle
unset output
set term pop

# Optimum
set xrange [-.5:.2]
set yrange [.6:-.1]
set grid
plot "optimum-4chan.txt" using 6:7 lc 1 pt 7 ps .08 title "4chan", \
"optimum-tobefred.txt" using 6:7 lc 3 pt 7 ps .08 title "tobefred", \
"optimum-uscsipi.txt" using 6:7 lc 2 pt 7 ps .08 title "USC-SIPI"

# Histogramme de la tache Optimum
sed -ne 's/.* for //p' optimum*txt | ./xy2d-optimum >| histo-optimum.txt
# Et ensuite dans gnuplot:
set xrange [-.5:.2]
set yrange [.6:-.1]
set grid
set lmargin screen 0.05
set bmargin screen 0.15
set tmargin screen 0.95
set rmargin screen 0.95
unset colorbox
set pm3d explicit map interpolate 1.8,1.8
set palette model RGB defined(0 "white", 1 "blue", 2 "red", 3 "yellow")
unset key
splot "histo-optimum.txt" notitle
set terminal epslatex color size 1.8,1.8 blacktext
set output "optimum-histo.tex"
splot "histo-optimum.txt" notitle
unset output
set term pop

# Serpentine Optimum
set xrange [-.3:.3]
set yrange [.5:-.1]
set grid
plot "serpopt-4chan.txt" using 6:7 lc 1 pt 7 ps .08 title "4chan", \
"serpopt-tobefred.txt" using 6:7 lc 3 pt 7 ps .08 title "tobefred", \
"serpopt-uscsipi.txt" using 6:7 lc 2 pt 7 ps .08 title "USC-SIPI"

# Histogramme de la tache Serpentine Optimum
sed -ne 's/.* for //p' serpopt*txt | ./xy2d-serpopt >| histo-serpopt.txt
# Et ensuite dans gnuplot:
set xrange [-.3:.3]
set yrange [.6:-.1]
set grid
set lmargin screen 0.05
set bmargin screen 0.15
set tmargin screen 0.95
set rmargin screen 0.95
unset colorbox
set pm3d explicit map interpolate 1.8,1.8
set palette model RGB defined(0 "white", 1 "blue", 2 "red", 3 "yellow")
unset key
splot "histo-serpopt.txt" notitle
set terminal epslatex color size 1.8,1.8 blacktext
set output "serpopt-histo.tex"
splot "histo-serpopt.txt" notitle
unset output
set term pop

# Combinaison jajuni / floyd-steinberg
set xrange [-.1:.4]
set yrange [.9:-.1]
set grid
plot "fs-4chan.txt" using 6:7 lc 2 pt 7 ps .1 title "Floyd-Steinberg", "jajuni-tobefred.txt" using 6:7 lc 1 pt 7 ps .1 title "Jarvis-Judice-Ninke"

######################## Trucs en cours ########################

# Lancés sur canard:
boat.png elaine.png texture[2345].png

# Lancés sur poulet :
./main /var/www/net/tobefred/www/htdocs/media/romane_bohringer.jpg | tee out-bohringer.txt ; ./main /var/www/net/tobefred/www/htdocs/media/juliette_binoche_05.jpg | tee out-binoche.txt ; ./main /var/www/net/tobefred/www/htdocs/media/kate_beckinsale02.jpg | tee out-beckinsale.txt

#### Pour les out-*
scp'*'.txt .
for x in out-*.txt; do sort -k7 $x | head -20 ; done | cut -f1 -d: | sort | uniq -c | sort -n