пре 18 година
  1. tlf2a 1 1 2 -1 14 0 0 0
  2. ===============================================================================
  3. This is circle.tlf, or “Circle”, by Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>. It was
  4. created on October 1st, 2006.
  5. This font is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
  6. the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2,
  7. as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more
  8. details.
  9. Missing: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) , : ; < > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ Ä Ö Ü ä ö ü ß
  10. This font is part of TOIlet’s official distribution. More information
  11. on the TOIlet website at http://libcaca.zoy.org/toilet.html
  12. ===============================================================================
  13. @
  14. !@
  15. "@
  16. #@
  17. $@
  18. %@
  19. &@
  20. '@
  21. (@
  22. )@
  23. ⊛*
  24. ⊕+
  25. ,@
  26. ⊖-
  27. ⊙.
  28. ⊘/
  29. ⓪0
  30. ①1
  31. ②2
  32. ③3
  33. ④4
  34. ⑤5
  35. ⑥6
  36. ⑦7
  37. ⑧8
  38. ⑨9
  39. :@
  40. ;@
  41. <@
  42. ⊜=
  43. >@
  44. ?@
  45. @#
  46. ⒶA
  47. ⒷB
  48. ⒸC
  49. ⒹD
  50. ⒺE
  51. ⒻF
  52. ⒼG
  53. ⒽH
  54. ⒾI
  55. ⒿJ
  56. ⓀK
  57. ⓁL
  58. ⓂM
  59. ⓃN
  60. ⓄO
  61. ⓅP
  62. ⓆQ
  63. ⓇR
  64. ⓈS
  65. ⓉT
  66. ⓊU
  67. ⓋV
  68. ⓌW
  69. ⓍX
  70. ⓎY
  71. ⓏZ
  72. [@
  73. \@
  74. ]@
  75. ^@
  76. _@
  77. `@
  78. ⓐa
  79. ⓑb
  80. ⓒc
  81. ⓓd
  82. ⓔe
  83. ⓕf
  84. ⓖg
  85. ⓗh
  86. ⓘi
  87. ⓙj
  88. ⓚk
  89. ⓛl
  90. ⓜm
  91. ⓝn
  92. ⓞo
  93. ⓟp
  94. ⓠq
  95. ⓡr
  96. ⓢs
  97. ⓣt
  98. ⓤu
  99. ⓥv
  100. ⓦw
  101. ⓧx
  102. ⓨy
  103. ⓩz
  104. {@
  105. |@
  106. }@
  107. ~@
  108. Ä@
  109. Ö@
  110. Ü@
  111. ä@
  112. ö@
  113. ü@
  114. ß@