tlf2a 3 3 8 1 20 0 0 0 =============================================================================== This is future.tlf, or “Future”, by Sam Hocevar. 2006/10/01 -- Sam Hocevar font creation still missing: # % ( ) * / < > \ ^ ~ 2006/10/02 -- Sam Hocevar added: % ( ) * / \ ~ fixed: & 2 5 X This font is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See for more details. Missing characters: # < > ^ This font is part of TOIlet’s official distribution. More information on the TOIlet website at =============================================================================== @ @ @@ ╻! ╹! ╹!! ╻╻" " "" @ @ #@@ ┏┳┓$ ┗╋┓$ ┗┻┛$$ ┏┓╻% ┏━┛% ╹┗┛%% ┏┓ & ┃╺╋╸& ┗━┛ && ╻' ' '' ┏╸( ┃ ( ┗╸(( ╺┓) ┃) ╺┛)) ╻ ╻* ╺╋╸* ╹ ╹** ╻ + ╺╋╸+ ╹ ++ , , ┛,, - ╺━╸- -- . . ╹.. ╻/ ┏┛/ ╹ // ┏━┓0 ┃┃┃0 ┗━┛00 ╺┓ 1 ┃ 1 ╺┻╸11 ┏━┓2 ┏━┛2 ┗━╸22 ┏━┓3 ╺━┫3 ┗━┛33 ╻ ╻4 ┗━┫4 ╹44 ┏━╸5 ┗━┓5 ┗━┛55 ┏━┓6 ┣━┓6 ┗━┛66 ┏━┓7 ┃7 ╹77 ┏━┓8 ┣━┫8 ┗━┛88 ┏━┓9 ┗━┫9 ┗━┛99 : ╹: ╹:: ; ╹; ┛;; @ @ <@@ = ╺━╸= ╺━╸== @ @ >@@ ┏━┓? ╺┛? ╹ ?? ┏━┓@ ┃┣┛@ ┗━╸@@ ┏━┓A ┣━┫A ╹ ╹AA ┏┓ B ┣┻┓B ┗━┛BB ┏━╸C ┃ C ┗━╸CC ╺┳┓D ┃┃D ╺┻┛DD ┏━╸E ┣╸ E ┗━╸EE ┏━╸F ┣╸ F ╹ FF ┏━╸G ┃╺┓G ┗━┛GG ╻ ╻H ┣━┫H ╹ ╹HH ╻I ┃I ╹II ┏┓J ┃J ┗━┛JJ ╻┏ K ┣┻┓K ╹ ╹KK ╻ L ┃ L ┗━╸LL ┏┳┓M ┃┃┃M ╹ ╹MM ┏┓╻N ┃┗┫N ╹ ╹NN ┏━┓O ┃ ┃O ┗━┛OO ┏━┓P ┣━┛P ╹ PP ┏━┓Q ┃┓┃Q ┗┻┛QQ ┏━┓R ┣┳┛R ╹┗╸RR ┏━┓S ┗━┓S ┗━┛SS ╺┳╸T ┃ T ╹ TT ╻ ╻U ┃ ┃U ┗━┛UU ╻ ╻V ┃┏┛V ┗┛ VV ╻ ╻W ┃╻┃W ┗┻┛WW ╻ ╻X ┏╋┛X ╹ ╹XX ╻ ╻Y ┗┳┛Y ╹ YY ╺━┓Z ┏━┛Z ┗━╸ZZ ┏━ [ ┃ [ ┗━ [[ ╻ \ ┗┓\ ╹\\ ━┓] ┃] ━┛]] @ @ ^@@ _ _ ╺━╸__ ┓` ` `` ┏━┓a ┣━┫a ╹ ╹aa ┏┓ b ┣┻┓b ┗━┛bb ┏━╸c ┃ c ┗━╸cc ╺┳┓d ┃┃d ╺┻┛dd ┏━╸e ┣╸ e ┗━╸ee ┏━╸f ┣╸ f ╹ ff ┏━╸g ┃╺┓g ┗━┛gg ╻ ╻h ┣━┫h ╹ ╹hh ╻i ┃i ╹ii ┏┓j ┃j ┗━┛jj ╻┏ k ┣┻┓k ╹ ╹kk ╻ l ┃ l ┗━╸ll ┏┳┓m ┃┃┃m ╹ ╹mm ┏┓╻n ┃┗┫n ╹ ╹nn ┏━┓o ┃ ┃o ┗━┛oo ┏━┓p ┣━┛p ╹ pp ┏━┓q ┃┓┃q ┗┻┛qq ┏━┓r ┣┳┛r ╹┗╸rr ┏━┓s ┗━┓s ┗━┛ss ╺┳╸t ┃ t ╹ tt ╻ ╻u ┃ ┃u ┗━┛uu ╻ ╻v ┃┏┛v ┗┛ vv ╻ ╻w ┃╻┃w ┗┻┛ww ╻╻x ┏╋┛x ╹╹ xx ╻ ╻y ┗┳┛y ╹ yy ╺━┓z ┏━┛z ┗━╸zz ┏╸{ ╺┫ { ┗╸{{ ╻| ┃| ╹|| ╺┓ } ┣╸} ╺┛ }} ~ ┏━┛~ ~~ ┏━┓┏━╸Ä ┣━┫┣╸ Ä ╹ ╹┗━╸ÄÄ ┏━┓┏━╸Ö ┃ ┃┣╸ Ö ┗━┛┗━╸ÖÖ ╻ ╻┏━╸Ü ┃ ┃┣╸ Ü ┗━┛┗━╸ÜÜ ┏━┓┏━╸ä ┣━┫┣╸ ä ╹ ╹┗━╸ää ┏━┓┏━╸ö ┃ ┃┣╸ ö ┗━┛┗━╸öö ╻ ╻┏━╸ü ┃ ┃┣╸ ü ┗━┛┗━╸üü ┏━┓┏━┓s ┗━┓┗━┓s ┗━┛┗━┛ss 0x5350 卐 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5350 ╻┏╸卐 ┗╋┓卐 ╺┛╹卐卐 0x534D 卍 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-534D ╺┓╻卍 ┏╋┛卍 ╹┗╸卍卍