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326 line
3.8 KiB

  1. tlf2a 3 3 8 -1 17 0 0 0
  2. ===============================================================================
  3. This is emboss.tlf, or “Emboss”, by Sam Hocevar <>. It was
  4. created on September 30th, 2006.
  5. This font is free software. It commes without any warranty, to the extent
  6. permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under
  7. the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2,
  8. as published by Sam Hocevar. See for more
  9. details.
  10. Missing characters: # $ % , ; < >
  11. To create emboss2.tlf, use the following command:
  12. $ sed '/@@/,$y/━┃┏┓┗┛/═║╔╗╚╝/' < emboss.tlf > emboss2.tlf
  13. This font is part of TOIlet’s official distribution. More information
  14. on the TOIlet website at
  15. ===============================================================================
  16. @
  17. @
  18. @@
  19. ┃!
  20. ┛!
  21. ┛!!
  22. ┛┛"
  23. "
  24. ""
  25. @
  26. @
  27. #@@
  28. @
  29. @
  30. $@@
  31. @
  32. @
  33. %@@
  34. ┏┛┃ &
  35. ┃━┏┛&
  36. ━━┛ &&
  37. ┛'
  38. '
  39. ''
  40. ┛(
  41. ┃ (
  42. ┛((
  43. ━ )
  44. ┃)
  45. ━ ))
  46. ┛ ┛*
  47. ━┏┛*
  48. ┛ ┛**
  49. ┃ +
  50. ━┏┛+
  51. ┛ ++
  52. @
  53. @
  54. ,@@
  55. -
  56. ━┛-
  57. --
  58. .
  59. .
  60. ┛..
  61. ┛/
  62. ┛ /
  63. ┛ //
  64. ┏━┃0
  65. ┃┛┃0
  66. ━━┛00
  67. ━┃ 1
  68. ┃ 1
  69. ━━┛11
  70. ━━┃2
  71. ┏━┛2
  72. ━━┛22
  73. ━━┃3
  74. ━━┃3
  75. ━━┛33
  76. ┃ ┃4
  77. ━━┃4
  78. ┛44
  79. ┏━┛5
  80. ━━┃5
  81. ━━┛55
  82. ┏━┛6
  83. ┏━┃6
  84. ━━┛66
  85. ┏━┃7
  86. ┃7
  87. ┛77
  88. ┏━┃8
  89. ┏━┃8
  90. ━━┛88
  91. ┏━┃9
  92. ━━┃9
  93. ━━┛99
  94. :
  95. ┛:
  96. ┛::
  97. @
  98. @
  99. ;@@
  100. @
  101. @
  102. <@@
  103. =
  104. ━━┛=
  105. ━━┛==
  106. @
  107. @
  108. >@@
  109. ┏━┃?
  110. ┛?
  111. ┛ ??
  112. ┏━┃@
  113. ┃┛┛@
  114. ━━┛@@
  115. ┏━┃A
  116. ┏━┃A
  117. ┛ ┛AA
  118. ┏━ B
  119. ┏━┃B
  120. ━━ BB
  121. ┏━┛C
  122. ┃ C
  123. ━━┛CC
  124. ┏━ D
  125. ┃ ┃D
  126. ━━ DD
  127. ┏━┛E
  128. ┏━┛E
  129. ━━┛EE
  130. ┏━┛F
  131. ┏━┛F
  132. ┛ FF
  133. ┏━┛G
  134. ┃ ┃G
  135. ━━┛GG
  136. ┃ ┃H
  137. ┏━┃H
  138. ┛ ┛HH
  139. ┛I
  140. ┃I
  141. ┛II
  142. ┛J
  143. ┃J
  144. ━┛JJ
  145. ┃ ┃K
  146. ┏┛ K
  147. ┛ ┛KK
  148. ┃ L
  149. ┃ L
  150. ━━┛LL
  151. ┏┏ M
  152. ┃┃┃M
  153. ┛┛┛MM
  154. ┏━ N
  155. ┃ ┃N
  156. ┛ ┛NN
  157. ┏━┃O
  158. ┃ ┃O
  159. ━━┛OO
  160. ┏━┃p
  161. ┏━┛P
  162. ┛ PP
  163. ┏━┃ Q
  164. ┃ ┃ Q
  165. ━━━┛QQ
  166. ┏━┃R
  167. ┏┏┛R
  168. ┛ ┛RR
  169. ┏━┛S
  170. ━━┃S
  171. ━━┛SS
  172. ━┏┛T
  173. ┃ T
  174. ┛ TT
  175. ┃ ┃U
  176. ┃ ┃U
  177. ━━┛UU
  178. ┃ ┃V
  179. ┃ ┃V
  180. ┛ VV
  181. ┃┃┃W
  182. ┃┃┃W
  183. ━━┛WW
  184. ┃ ┃X
  185. ┛ X
  186. ┛ ┛XX
  187. ┃ ┃Y
  188. ━┏┛Y
  189. ┛ YY
  190. ━━┃Z
  191. ┏┛ Z
  192. ━━┛ZZ
  193. ┏┛[
  194. ┃ [
  195. ━┛[[
  196. ┛ \
  197. ┛ \
  198. ┛\\
  199. ━┃]
  200. ┃]
  201. ━┛]]
  202. ┛ ^
  203. ┛ ┛^
  204. ^^
  205. _
  206. _
  207. ━━┛__
  208. ┛ `
  209. ┛`
  210. ``
  211. ┏━┃a
  212. ┏━┃a
  213. ┛ ┛aa
  214. ┏━ b
  215. ┏━┃b
  216. ━━ bb
  217. ┏━┛c
  218. ┃ c
  219. ━━┛cc
  220. ┏━ d
  221. ┃ ┃d
  222. ━━ dd
  223. ┏━┛e
  224. ┏━┛e
  225. ━━┛ee
  226. ┏━┛f
  227. ┏━┛f
  228. ┛ ff
  229. ┏━┛g
  230. ┃ ┃g
  231. ━━┛gg
  232. ┃ ┃h
  233. ┏━┃h
  234. ┛ ┛hh
  235. ┛i
  236. ┃i
  237. ┛ii
  238. ┛j
  239. ┃j
  240. ━┛jj
  241. ┃ ┃k
  242. ┏┛ k
  243. ┛ ┛kk
  244. ┃ l
  245. ┃ l
  246. ━━┛ll
  247. ┏┏ m
  248. ┃┃┃m
  249. ┛┛┛mm
  250. ┏━ n
  251. ┃ ┃n
  252. ┛ ┛nn
  253. ┏━┃o
  254. ┃ ┃o
  255. ━━┛oo
  256. ┏━┃p
  257. ┏━┛p
  258. ┛ pp
  259. ┏━┃ q
  260. ┃ ┃ q
  261. ━━━┛qq
  262. ┏━┃r
  263. ┏┏┛r
  264. ┛ ┛rr
  265. ┏━┛s
  266. ━━┃s
  267. ━━┛ss
  268. ━┏┛t
  269. ┃ t
  270. ┛ tt
  271. ┃ ┃u
  272. ┃ ┃u
  273. ━━┛uu
  274. ┃ ┃v
  275. ┃ ┃v
  276. ┛ vv
  277. ┃┃┃w
  278. ┃┃┃w
  279. ━━┛ww
  280. ┃ ┃x
  281. ┛ x
  282. ┛ ┛xx
  283. ┃ ┃y
  284. ━┏┛y
  285. ┛ yy
  286. ━━┃z
  287. ┏┛ z
  288. ━━┛zz
  289. ┏┛{
  290. ━┃ {
  291. ━┛{{
  292. ┃|
  293. ┃|
  294. ┛||
  295. ━┃ }
  296. ┏┛}
  297. ━┛ }}
  298. ┛ ┛~
  299. ┛ ┛ ~
  300. ~~
  301. ┏━┃┏━┛Ä
  302. ┏━┃┏━┛Ä
  303. ┛ ┛━━┛ÄÄ
  304. ┏━┃┏━┛Ö
  305. ┃ ┃┏━┛Ö
  306. ━━┛━━┛ÖÖ
  307. ┃ ┃┏━┛Ü
  308. ┃ ┃┏━┛Ü
  309. ━━┛━━┛ÜÜ
  310. ┏━┃┏━┛ä
  311. ┏━┃┏━┛ä
  312. ┛ ┛━━┛ää
  313. ┏━┃┏━┛ö
  314. ┃ ┃┏━┛ö
  315. ━━┛━━┛öö
  316. ┃ ┃┏━┛ü
  317. ┃ ┃┏━┛ü
  318. ━━┛━━┛üü
  319. ┏━┛┏━┛ß
  320. ━━┃━━┃ß
  321. ━━┛━━┛ßß