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  1. Building ttyvaders
  2. ==================
  3. Run configure then make. Configure flags are:
  4. --enable-slang: use the SLang library (default)
  5. --enable-ncurses: use the ncurses library
  6. --enable-conio: use MS-DOS conio.h
  7. Cross-compilation example:
  8. ./configure --enable-conio --host=i386-pc-msdosdjgpp
  9. History of textmode games
  10. =========================
  11. http://www.textmodegames.com/
  12. Other terminal-based games
  13. ==========================
  14. * moon-buggy: http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/~wwwstoch/voss/comp/moon-buggy.html
  15. extremely simple, extremely addictive
  16. * 0verkill: http://artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~brain/0verkill/
  17. * nInvaders: http://dettus.dyndns.org/ninvaders/
  18. real space invaders clone
  19. * Stardork: http://www.seekrut.com/rk/stardork.html
  20. more strategy than arcade
  21. * Nethack: http://www.nethack.org/
  22. * Tetrinet: http://www.secret.com.au/games/tetrinet/
  23. * MyMan: http://geocities.com/bsittler/
  24. pacman clone
  25. * Tornado: http://home.kcore.de/~kiza/linux/tornado/
  26. * David's Perl games: http://davidsperlgames.sourceforge.net/
  27. * ascii-invaders: http://www.ip9.org/munro/invaders/index.html