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   <meta name="Author" content="sam@zoy.org (Sam Hocevar)" />
   <meta name="Description" content="libcaca - cacatris" />
   <meta name="Keywords" content="libcaca, ASCII, ASCII ART, console, text mode, ncurses, slang, AAlib" />
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<h2> cacatris </h2>

<p> Cacatris aims to create a graphical Tetris(c) clone, but in text mode. Main concerns focus on gameplay, and graphical quality (althought current screenshot doesn't really show this).</p>
<p> It is currently under heavy developement, thus no downloads are available yet.</p>

<h2> Screenshot </h2>

<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="cacatris-sample.png" width="648"
height="436" alt="ttyvaders sample 2" /></p>

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