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<h2> Bibliography </h2>


  <li> [1] Victor Ostromoukhov. <i>A Simple and Efficient Error-Diffusion
  Algorithm</i>. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2001, in ACM Computer Graphics,
  Annual Conference Series, pp. 567–572, 2001 </li>

  <li> [2] Jamie Hutchinson. <i>Culture, Communication, and an Information Age
  Madonna</i>. IEEE Professional Communication Society Newsletter, Volume 45,
  Number 3, pp. 1, 5–7, 2001 </li>

  <li> [3] V. Ostromoukhov, <i>Reproduction couleur par trames irrégulières
  et semi-régulières</i>, Ph.D. Thesis No.1330, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland,
  1995 </li>

  <li> [4] J. Allebach and Q. Lin, <i>FM screen design using DBS algorithm</i>,
  in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP ’96), vol.
  1, pp. 549–552, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 1996 </li>

  <li> [5] R.W. Floyd, L. Steinberg, <i>An adaptive algorithm for spatial grey
  scale</i>. Proceedings of the Society of Information Display 17, 75–77
  (1976) </li>

  <li> [6] P. Stucki, <i>MECCA - a multiple error correcting computation
  algorithm for bi-level image hard copy reproduction</i>. Research report
  RZ1060, IBM Research Laboratory, Zurich, Switzerland, 1981 </li>

  <li> [7] J. F. Jarvis, C. N. Judice and W. H. Ninke, <i>A Survey of
  Techniques for the Display of Continuous Tone Pictures on Bi-level
  Displays</i>. Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 5 13–40, 1976 </li>

  <li> [8] J. Shiau and Z. Fan, <i>Method for Quantization Gray Level Pixel
  Data with Extended Distribution Set</i>, U.S. patent 5,353,127, 1994 </li>

  <li> [9] R. Silvers. <i>Digital composition of a mosaic image</i>, U.S.
  patent 6,137,498, Oct. 2000 </li>

  <li> [10] Daniel Burkes, <i>Presentation of the Burkes error filter for use
  in preparing continuous-tone images for presentation on bi-level devices</i>,
  in LIB 15 (Publications), CIS Graphics Support Forum, September 15, 1988
  (unpublished) </li>

  <li> [11] Frankie Sierra, in LIB 17 (Developer’s Den), CIS Graphics Support
  Forum (unpublished) </li>

  <li> [12] Bill Atkinson, private correspondence with John Balestrieri,
  January 2003 (unpublished) </li>

  <li> [13] Robert Ulichney, <i>Digital Halftoning</i>, The MIT Press,
  Cambridge, Mass. (1987) </li>

  <li> [14] D.E. Knuth, <i>Digital Halftones by Dot Diffusion</i>, ACM
  Transcripts on Graphics, 6(4), 1987, 245-273 </li>

  <li> [15] T.C. Chan, K.S. Chen (Apple Computer, Inc.), <i>Method and system
  for halftoning by tiling subsets of a threshold array over portions of an
  image</i>, U.S. patent 5,761,347, 1998 </li>

  <li> [16] Éric Brasseur, <i>Gamma error in picture scaling</i>, World Wide
  Web, <code>http://www.4p8.com/eric.brasseur/gamma.html</code>, August 2007

  <li> [17] B. Bayer, <i>Color imaging array</i>, in U.S. patent 3,971,065,
  1976 </li>

  <li> [18] R.A. Ulichney (Digital Equipment Corporation), <i>Void and cluster
  apparatus and method for generating dither templates</i>, in U.S. patent
  5,535,020, 1992 </li>

  <li> [19] H. Ancin, A. Bhattacharjya and J. Shu (Seiko Epson Corporation),
  <i>Void-and-cluster dither-matrix generation for better half-tone
  uniformity</i>, in U.S. patent 6,088,512, 1997 </li>

  <li> [20] J.S. Arney, P.G. Anderson, S. Ganawan, <i>Error Diffusion and
  Edge Enhancement: Raster Versus Omni-Directional Processing</i>, Western NY
  Conference on Image Processing, Rochester, NY, September 9, 2001 </li>

  <li> [21] Robert Ulichney, <i>Spatial Extent of Void and Cluster Finding
  Filters</i>, IS&amp;T’s 11th International Congress on Non-Impact Printing
  Technologies, Oct. 29-Nov 3, 1995 </li>

  <li> [22] Alejo Hausner, <i>Graph-order dithering</i>, proceedings of SPIE --
  Volume 6058 Color Imaging XI, 1996 </li>

  <li> [23] N. Damera-Venkata, B.L. Evans, <i> FM halftoning via block error
  diffusion</i>, proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Image
  Processing, 2001 </li>

  <li> [24] R.V. Klassen, R. Eschbach, and K. Bharat, <i>Vector diffusion
  in a distorted colour space</i>, proceedings of IS&amp;T’s 47th Annual
  Conference, 1994, pp. 489–491 </li>

  <li> [25] D. Shaked, N. Arad, A. Fitzhugh, and I. Sobel, <i>Ink relocation
  for color halftones</i>, proceedings of IS&amp;T Image Processing, Image
  Quality, Image Capture Systems Conference, Portland, OR, 1998, pp. 340–343

  <li> [26] T. Riemersma, <i>A Balanced Dither Algorithm</i>, C/C++ Users
  Journal, volume 16, issue 12, December 1998 </li>


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