/* General styles for the progress bars */ table.progress { border: 1px solid #d7d7d7; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; float: left; margin: 0; padding: 0; empty-cells: show; } table.progress a, table.progress :link, table.progress :visited, table.progress :link:hover, table.progress :visited:hover { border: none; display: block; width: 100%; height: 1.2em; padding: 0; margin: 0; text-decoration: none } table.progress td { background: #fff; padding: 0 } table.progress td.new { background: #f5f5b5 } table.progress td.closed { background: #bae0ba } table.progress td :hover { background: none } p.percent { font-size: 10px; line-height: 2.4em; margin: 0.9em 0 0 } /* Styles for the roadmap view */ ul.milestones { margin: 2em 0 0; padding: 0 } li.milestone { list-style: none; margin-bottom: 4em } .milestone .info { white-space: nowrap } .milestone .info h2 { background: #f7f7f7; border-bottom: 1px solid #d7d7d7; margin: 0; } .milestone .info h2 :link, .milestone .info h2 :visited { color: #000; display: block; border-bottom: none; } .milestone .info h2 :link:hover, .milestone .info h2 :visited:hover { color: #000; } .milestone .info h2 em { color: #b00; font-style: normal } .milestone .info .date { color: #888; font-size: 11px; font-style: italic; margin: 0; } .milestone .info .progress { margin: 1em 1em 0; width: 40em; max-width: 70% } .milestone .info dl { font-size: 10px; font-style: italic; margin: 0 1em 2em; white-space: nowrap; } .milestone .info dt { display: inline; margin-left: .5em } .milestone .info dd { display: inline; margin: 0 1em 0 .5em } .milestone .description { margin-left: 1em } /* Styles for the milestone view */ .milestone .date { color: #888; font-style: italic; margin: 0 } .milestone .description { margin: 1em 0 2em } /* Styles for the milestone statistics table */ #stats { float: right; margin: 0 0 2em 2em; width: 400px; max-width: 40% } #stats legend { white-space: nowrap } #stats table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100% } #stats th, #stats td { font-size: 10px; padding: 0; white-space: nowrap } #stats th { text-align: right; } #stats th :link, #stats th :visited { border: none } #stats td { padding-left: 0.5em; width: 100% } #stats td table.progress { margin: 3px 4px 3px 0 } #stats td table.progress td { padding: 0 } #stats td p.percent { line-height: 1.2em; margin-top: 3px } /* Styles for the milestone edit form */ #edit fieldset { margin: 1em 0 } #edit em { color: #888; font-size: smaller } #edit .disabled em { color: #d7d7d7 } #edit .field { margin-top: 1.3em } #edit label { padding-left: .2em } #edit textarea#description { width: 97% }