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  9. <meta name="Description" content="libcaca - downloads" />
  10. <meta name="Keywords" content="libcaca, ASCII, ASCII ART, console, text mode, ncurses, slang, AAlib" />
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  18. <p> You can <a href="/files/downloads">browse old releases</a> of all the libcaca
  19. software. </p>
  20. <h2> Libcaca development versions </h2>
  21. <p> The latest libcaca beta version is <a
  22. href="/files/libcaca/libcaca-0.99.beta13b.tar.gz">libcaca-0.99.beta13b.tar.gz</a>
  23. (November 28th, 2007). Please download and test it. If you are a developer,
  24. please comment on the current API and let us know what is missing. </p>
  25. <p> Even more recent code can be downloaded using Subversion. See the <a
  26. href="/devel.html">development page</a> for more information. </p>
  27. <h2> Documentation </h2>
  28. <p> You can download a <a href="libcaca.pdf">PDF version</a> of the
  29. libcaca manual. </p>
  30. <h2> Old libcaca stable versions </h2>
  31. <p> <span style="color: #aa0000; font-weight: bold;">Warning</span>: stable
  32. releases of libcaca are terribly outdated. If you want to test libcaca, you
  33. are encouraged to check the development versions. </p>
  34. <p> Latest stable libcaca release is <a
  35. href="/files/libcaca/libcaca-0.9.tar.gz">libcaca-0.9.tar.gz</a> (216KB) / <a
  36. href="/files/libcaca/libcaca-0.9.tar.bz2">libcaca-0.9.tar.bz2</a> (172KB). </p>
  37. <p> A Windows zip archive containing the libcaca demos can be downloaded here:
  38. <a href="/files/libcaca/libcaca-win32-0.9.zip">libcaca-win32-0.9.zip</a> (100KB). </p>
  39. <p> Older versions (up to 0.9) were under the LGPL license but all
  40. copyright holders agreed to relicence the codebase under the WTFPL (such a
  41. permission is not retroactive and you should consider old versions as still
  42. covered by the LGPL). The logo on this page is copyrighted by Akira Toriyama
  43. so if anyone fancies drawing a new logo it would be much appreciated. </p>
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