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- <meta name="Author" content="sam@zoy.org (Sam Hocevar)" />
- <meta name="Description" content="Libcaca study - Source code" />
- <meta name="Keywords" content="libcaca, ASCII, ASCII ART, console, text mode, ncurses, slang, AAlib, dithering, thresholding" />
- <title>Libcaca study - Source code</title>
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- <p> <span style="color: #aa0000; font-weight: bold;">Warning</span>: this
- document is still work in progress. Feel free to send comments but do not
- consider it final material. </p>
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- <h2> Source code </h2>
- <p> This is the full Python source code to all examples presented in this
- document. It can also be downloaded as a standalone <tt><a
- href="study.py">study.py</a></tt> Python program. </p>
- <p> Just install the <tt>python-gd</tt> package on your favourite operating
- system and run the script. With the exception of the <a
- href="http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~chuck/lennapg/">original colour 512×512 Lena
- image</a>, all Lena images and gradients were generated from this program. If
- you have installed Inkscape, many graphics such as dither matrices will also
- be automatically generated. </p>
- <p> Many algorithms implemented here will seem rather inefficient to people
- used to writing image processing software. This is because clarity was almost
- always preferred over performance. We believe this document to be of important
- value to many researchers in the field, because it implements methods for which
- there is no public implementation. </p>
- <pre style="background-color: white; border: solid black 1px;
- padding: 10px; text-indent: 0em;"><?php
- $s = file($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/study/study.py");
- foreach ($s as $i => $l) {
- if(ereg('temporary cruft', $l))
- break;
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- $c = 0;
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- $l = preg_replace('/(".*"|\\\\$)/',
- '<span class="string">\\0</span>', $l);
- $l = ereg_replace('[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*',
- '<span class="const">\\0</span>', $l);
- $l = preg_replace('/\b(for|def|in|return|while|if|elif|else|class |True|False|None|break|continue|and|or|not|print|global|import|try|catch|yield)\b/',
- '<span class="keyword">\\0</span>', $l);
- $l = preg_replace('/\b([0-9]+[.][0-9]*|[0-9]*[.][0-9]+|[0-9]+)\b/',
- '<span class="number">\\0</span>', $l);
- }
- echo $l;
- }
- ?></pre>
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