Вы не можете выбрать более 25 тем Темы должны начинаться с буквы или цифры, могут содержать дефисы(-) и должны содержать не более 35 символов.

  1. /*
  2. * Copyright 2016-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
  3. *
  4. * Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
  5. * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
  6. * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
  7. * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
  8. */
  9. #ifndef HEADER_OSSL_STORE_H
  10. # define HEADER_OSSL_STORE_H
  11. # include <stdarg.h>
  12. # include <openssl/ossl_typ.h>
  13. # include <openssl/pem.h>
  14. # include <openssl/storeerr.h>
  15. # ifdef __cplusplus
  16. extern "C" {
  17. # endif
  18. /*-
  19. * The main OSSL_STORE functions.
  20. * ------------------------------
  21. *
  22. * These allow applications to open a channel to a resource with supported
  23. * data (keys, certs, crls, ...), read the data a piece at a time and decide
  24. * what to do with it, and finally close.
  25. */
  26. typedef struct ossl_store_ctx_st OSSL_STORE_CTX;
  27. /*
  28. * Typedef for the OSSL_STORE_INFO post processing callback. This can be used
  29. * to massage the given OSSL_STORE_INFO, or to drop it entirely (by returning
  30. * NULL).
  31. */
  32. typedef OSSL_STORE_INFO *(*OSSL_STORE_post_process_info_fn)(OSSL_STORE_INFO *,
  33. void *);
  34. /*
  35. * Open a channel given a URI. The given UI method will be used any time the
  36. * loader needs extra input, for example when a password or pin is needed, and
  37. * will be passed the same user data every time it's needed in this context.
  38. *
  39. * Returns a context reference which represents the channel to communicate
  40. * through.
  41. */
  42. OSSL_STORE_CTX *OSSL_STORE_open(const char *uri, const UI_METHOD *ui_method,
  43. void *ui_data,
  44. OSSL_STORE_post_process_info_fn post_process,
  45. void *post_process_data);
  46. /*
  47. * Control / fine tune the OSSL_STORE channel. |cmd| determines what is to be
  48. * done, and depends on the underlying loader (use OSSL_STORE_get0_scheme to
  49. * determine which loader is used), except for common commands (see below).
  50. * Each command takes different arguments.
  51. */
  52. int OSSL_STORE_ctrl(OSSL_STORE_CTX *ctx, int cmd, ... /* args */);
  53. int OSSL_STORE_vctrl(OSSL_STORE_CTX *ctx, int cmd, va_list args);
  54. /*
  55. * Common ctrl commands that different loaders may choose to support.
  56. */
  57. /* int on = 0 or 1; STORE_ctrl(ctx, STORE_C_USE_SECMEM, &on); */
  58. # define OSSL_STORE_C_USE_SECMEM 1
  59. /* Where custom commands start */
  60. # define OSSL_STORE_C_CUSTOM_START 100
  61. /*
  62. * Read one data item (a key, a cert, a CRL) that is supported by the OSSL_STORE
  63. * functionality, given a context.
  64. * Returns a OSSL_STORE_INFO pointer, from which OpenSSL typed data can be
  65. * extracted with OSSL_STORE_INFO_get0_PKEY(), OSSL_STORE_INFO_get0_CERT(), ...
  66. * NULL is returned on error, which may include that the data found at the URI
  67. * can't be figured out for certain or is ambiguous.
  68. */
  70. /*
  71. * Check if end of data (end of file) is reached
  72. * Returns 1 on end, 0 otherwise.
  73. */
  74. int OSSL_STORE_eof(OSSL_STORE_CTX *ctx);
  75. /*
  76. * Check if an error occurred
  77. * Returns 1 if it did, 0 otherwise.
  78. */
  79. int OSSL_STORE_error(OSSL_STORE_CTX *ctx);
  80. /*
  81. * Close the channel
  82. * Returns 1 on success, 0 on error.
  83. */
  84. int OSSL_STORE_close(OSSL_STORE_CTX *ctx);
  85. /*-
  86. * Extracting OpenSSL types from and creating new OSSL_STORE_INFOs
  87. * ---------------------------------------------------------------
  88. */
  89. /*
  90. * Types of data that can be ossl_stored in a OSSL_STORE_INFO.
  91. * OSSL_STORE_INFO_NAME is typically found when getting a listing of
  92. * available "files" / "tokens" / what have you.
  93. */
  94. # define OSSL_STORE_INFO_NAME 1 /* char * */
  95. # define OSSL_STORE_INFO_PARAMS 2 /* EVP_PKEY * */
  96. # define OSSL_STORE_INFO_PKEY 3 /* EVP_PKEY * */
  97. # define OSSL_STORE_INFO_CERT 4 /* X509 * */
  98. # define OSSL_STORE_INFO_CRL 5 /* X509_CRL * */
  99. /*
  100. * Functions to generate OSSL_STORE_INFOs, one function for each type we
  101. * support having in them, as well as a generic constructor.
  102. *
  103. * In all cases, ownership of the object is transferred to the OSSL_STORE_INFO
  104. * and will therefore be freed when the OSSL_STORE_INFO is freed.
  105. */
  106. OSSL_STORE_INFO *OSSL_STORE_INFO_new_NAME(char *name);
  107. int OSSL_STORE_INFO_set0_NAME_description(OSSL_STORE_INFO *info, char *desc);
  112. /*
  113. * Functions to try to extract data from a OSSL_STORE_INFO.
  114. */
  115. int OSSL_STORE_INFO_get_type(const OSSL_STORE_INFO *info);
  116. const char *OSSL_STORE_INFO_get0_NAME(const OSSL_STORE_INFO *info);
  117. char *OSSL_STORE_INFO_get1_NAME(const OSSL_STORE_INFO *info);
  118. const char *OSSL_STORE_INFO_get0_NAME_description(const OSSL_STORE_INFO *info);
  119. char *OSSL_STORE_INFO_get1_NAME_description(const OSSL_STORE_INFO *info);
  124. X509 *OSSL_STORE_INFO_get0_CERT(const OSSL_STORE_INFO *info);
  125. X509 *OSSL_STORE_INFO_get1_CERT(const OSSL_STORE_INFO *info);
  126. X509_CRL *OSSL_STORE_INFO_get0_CRL(const OSSL_STORE_INFO *info);
  127. X509_CRL *OSSL_STORE_INFO_get1_CRL(const OSSL_STORE_INFO *info);
  128. const char *OSSL_STORE_INFO_type_string(int type);
  129. /*
  130. * Free the OSSL_STORE_INFO
  131. */
  132. void OSSL_STORE_INFO_free(OSSL_STORE_INFO *info);
  133. /*-
  134. * Functions to construct a search URI from a base URI and search criteria
  135. * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  136. */
  137. /* OSSL_STORE search types */
  138. # define OSSL_STORE_SEARCH_BY_NAME 1 /* subject in certs, issuer in CRLs */
  141. # define OSSL_STORE_SEARCH_BY_ALIAS 4
  142. /* To check what search types the scheme handler supports */
  143. int OSSL_STORE_supports_search(OSSL_STORE_CTX *ctx, int search_type);
  144. /* Search term constructors */
  145. /*
  146. * The input is considered to be owned by the caller, and must therefore
  147. * remain present throughout the lifetime of the returned OSSL_STORE_SEARCH
  148. */
  150. OSSL_STORE_SEARCH *OSSL_STORE_SEARCH_by_issuer_serial(X509_NAME *name,
  151. const ASN1_INTEGER
  152. *serial);
  153. OSSL_STORE_SEARCH *OSSL_STORE_SEARCH_by_key_fingerprint(const EVP_MD *digest,
  154. const unsigned char
  155. *bytes, size_t len);
  156. OSSL_STORE_SEARCH *OSSL_STORE_SEARCH_by_alias(const char *alias);
  157. /* Search term destructor */
  158. void OSSL_STORE_SEARCH_free(OSSL_STORE_SEARCH *search);
  159. /* Search term accessors */
  160. int OSSL_STORE_SEARCH_get_type(const OSSL_STORE_SEARCH *criterion);
  161. X509_NAME *OSSL_STORE_SEARCH_get0_name(OSSL_STORE_SEARCH *criterion);
  162. const ASN1_INTEGER *OSSL_STORE_SEARCH_get0_serial(const OSSL_STORE_SEARCH
  163. *criterion);
  164. const unsigned char *OSSL_STORE_SEARCH_get0_bytes(const OSSL_STORE_SEARCH
  165. *criterion, size_t *length);
  166. const char *OSSL_STORE_SEARCH_get0_string(const OSSL_STORE_SEARCH *criterion);
  167. const EVP_MD *OSSL_STORE_SEARCH_get0_digest(const OSSL_STORE_SEARCH *criterion);
  168. /*
  169. * Add search criterion and expected return type (which can be unspecified)
  170. * to the loading channel. This MUST happen before the first OSSL_STORE_load().
  171. */
  172. int OSSL_STORE_expect(OSSL_STORE_CTX *ctx, int expected_type);
  173. int OSSL_STORE_find(OSSL_STORE_CTX *ctx, OSSL_STORE_SEARCH *search);
  174. /*-
  175. * Function to register a loader for the given URI scheme.
  176. * -------------------------------------------------------
  177. *
  178. * The loader receives all the main components of an URI except for the
  179. * scheme.
  180. */
  181. typedef struct ossl_store_loader_st OSSL_STORE_LOADER;
  182. OSSL_STORE_LOADER *OSSL_STORE_LOADER_new(ENGINE *e, const char *scheme);
  183. const ENGINE *OSSL_STORE_LOADER_get0_engine(const OSSL_STORE_LOADER *loader);
  184. const char *OSSL_STORE_LOADER_get0_scheme(const OSSL_STORE_LOADER *loader);
  185. /* struct ossl_store_loader_ctx_st is defined differently by each loader */
  186. typedef struct ossl_store_loader_ctx_st OSSL_STORE_LOADER_CTX;
  188. *loader,
  189. const char *uri,
  190. const UI_METHOD *ui_method,
  191. void *ui_data);
  192. int OSSL_STORE_LOADER_set_open(OSSL_STORE_LOADER *loader,
  193. OSSL_STORE_open_fn open_function);
  194. typedef int (*OSSL_STORE_ctrl_fn)(OSSL_STORE_LOADER_CTX *ctx, int cmd,
  195. va_list args);
  196. int OSSL_STORE_LOADER_set_ctrl(OSSL_STORE_LOADER *loader,
  197. OSSL_STORE_ctrl_fn ctrl_function);
  198. typedef int (*OSSL_STORE_expect_fn)(OSSL_STORE_LOADER_CTX *ctx, int expected);
  199. int OSSL_STORE_LOADER_set_expect(OSSL_STORE_LOADER *loader,
  200. OSSL_STORE_expect_fn expect_function);
  201. typedef int (*OSSL_STORE_find_fn)(OSSL_STORE_LOADER_CTX *ctx,
  202. OSSL_STORE_SEARCH *criteria);
  203. int OSSL_STORE_LOADER_set_find(OSSL_STORE_LOADER *loader,
  204. OSSL_STORE_find_fn find_function);
  205. typedef OSSL_STORE_INFO *(*OSSL_STORE_load_fn)(OSSL_STORE_LOADER_CTX *ctx,
  206. const UI_METHOD *ui_method,
  207. void *ui_data);
  208. int OSSL_STORE_LOADER_set_load(OSSL_STORE_LOADER *loader,
  209. OSSL_STORE_load_fn load_function);
  210. typedef int (*OSSL_STORE_eof_fn)(OSSL_STORE_LOADER_CTX *ctx);
  211. int OSSL_STORE_LOADER_set_eof(OSSL_STORE_LOADER *loader,
  212. OSSL_STORE_eof_fn eof_function);
  213. typedef int (*OSSL_STORE_error_fn)(OSSL_STORE_LOADER_CTX *ctx);
  214. int OSSL_STORE_LOADER_set_error(OSSL_STORE_LOADER *loader,
  215. OSSL_STORE_error_fn error_function);
  216. typedef int (*OSSL_STORE_close_fn)(OSSL_STORE_LOADER_CTX *ctx);
  217. int OSSL_STORE_LOADER_set_close(OSSL_STORE_LOADER *loader,
  218. OSSL_STORE_close_fn close_function);
  219. void OSSL_STORE_LOADER_free(OSSL_STORE_LOADER *loader);
  220. int OSSL_STORE_register_loader(OSSL_STORE_LOADER *loader);
  221. OSSL_STORE_LOADER *OSSL_STORE_unregister_loader(const char *scheme);
  222. /*-
  223. * Functions to list STORE loaders
  224. * -------------------------------
  225. */
  226. int OSSL_STORE_do_all_loaders(void (*do_function) (const OSSL_STORE_LOADER
  227. *loader, void *do_arg),
  228. void *do_arg);
  229. # ifdef __cplusplus
  230. }
  231. # endif
  232. #endif