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script.iss 5.7 KiB

  1. ; Setup script for use with Inno Setup.
  2. [Setup]
  3. AppName=Open Asset Import Library - SDK
  4. AppVerName=Open Asset Import Library - SDK (v2.0)
  5. DefaultDirName={pf}\Assimp
  6. DefaultGroupName=Assimp
  7. UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\bin\x86\assimp.exe
  8. OutputDir=out
  9. AppCopyright=Assimp Development Team
  10. SetupIconFile=..\..\tools\shared\assimp_tools_icon.ico
  11. WizardImageFile=compiler:WizModernImage-IS.BMP
  12. WizardSmallImageFile=compiler:WizModernSmallImage-IS.BMP
  13. LicenseFile=License.rtf
  14. OutputBaseFileName=assimp-sdk-2.0-setup
  15. VersionInfoVersion=
  16. VersionInfoTextVersion=2.0
  17. VersionInfoCompany=Assimp Development Team
  18. ArchitecturesInstallIn64BitMode=x64
  19. [Types]
  20. Name: "full"; Description: "Full installation"
  21. Name: "compact"; Description: "Compact installation, no test models or language bindings"
  22. Name: "custom"; Description: "Custom installation"; Flags: iscustom
  23. [Components]
  24. Name: "main"; Description: "Main Files (32 and 64 Bit)"; Types: full compact custom; Flags: fixed
  25. Name: "tools"; Description: "Asset Viewer & Command Line Tools (32 and 64 Bit)"; Types: full compact
  26. Name: "help"; Description: "Help Files"; Types: full compact
  27. Name: "samples"; Description: "Samples"; Types: full
  28. ;Name: "wsource"; Description: "Source Code"; Types: full
  29. Name: "test"; Description: "Test Models (BSD-licensed)"; Types: full
  30. Name: "test_nonbsd"; Description: "Test Models (other (free) licenses)"; Types: full
  31. Name: "pyassimp"; Description: "Python Bindings"; Types: full
  32. Name: "dassimp"; Description: "D Bindings"; Types: full
  33. Name: "assimp_net"; Description: "C#/.NET Bindings"; Types: full
  34. ;Name: "vc8"; Description: "VC8 project files"; Types: full
  35. ;Name: "vc9"; Description: "VC9 project files"; Types: full
  36. [Run]
  37. Filename: "{app}\stub\vcredist_x86.exe"; Parameters: "/qb"; StatusMsg: "Installing VS2008 SP1 redistributable package (32 Bit)"; Check: not IsWin64
  38. Filename: "{app}\stub\vcredist_x64.exe"; Parameters: "/qb"; StatusMsg: "Installing VS2008 SP1 redistributable package (64 Bit)"; Check: IsWin64
  39. [Files]
  40. Source: "readme_installer.txt"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: isreadme
  41. ; Installer stub
  42. Source: "vcredist_x86.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\stub\"; Check: not IsWin64
  43. Source: "vcredist_x64.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\stub\"; Check: IsWin64
  44. ; Common stuff
  45. Source: "..\..\CREDITS"; DestDir: "{app}"
  46. Source: "..\..\LICENSE"; DestDir: "{app}"
  47. Source: "..\..\README"; DestDir: "{app}"
  48. Source: "WEB"; DestDir: "{app}"
  49. Source: "..\..\scripts\*"; DestDir: "{app}\scripts"; Flags: recursesubdirs
  50. ; x86 binaries
  51. Source: "..\..\bin\assimp_release-dll_Win32\Assimp32.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\bin\x86"
  52. Source: "..\..\bin\assimpview_release-dll_Win32\assimp_view.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\bin\x86"; Components: tools
  53. Source: "D3DCompiler_42.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\bin\x86"; Components: tools
  54. Source: "D3DX9_42.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\bin\x86"; Components: tools
  55. Source: "..\..\bin\assimpcmd_release-dll_Win32\assimp.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\bin\x86"; Components: tools
  56. ; x64 binaries
  57. Source: "..\..\bin\assimp_release-dll_x64\Assimp64.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\bin\x64"
  58. Source: "..\..\bin\assimpview_release-dll_x64\assimp_view.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\bin\x64"; Components: tools
  59. Source: "D3DCompiler_42_x64.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\bin\x64"; DestName: "D3DCompiler_42.dll"; Components: tools
  60. Source: "D3DX9_42_x64.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\bin\x64"; DestName: "D3DX9_42.dll"; Components: tools
  61. Source: "..\..\bin\assimpcmd_release-dll_x64\assimp.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\bin\x64"; Components: tools
  62. ; Documentation
  63. Source: "..\..\doc\AssimpDoc_Html\AssimpDoc.chm"; DestDir: "{app}\doc"; Components: help
  64. Source: "..\..\doc\AssimpCmdDoc_Html\AssimpCmdDoc.chm"; DestDir: "{app}\doc"; Components: help
  65. Source: "..\..\doc\datastructure.xml"; DestDir: "{app}\doc"; Components: help
  66. ; Import libraries
  67. Source: "..\..\lib\assimp_release-dll_Win32\assimp.lib"; DestDir: "{app}\lib\x86"
  68. Source: "..\..\lib\assimp_release-dll_x64\assimp.lib"; DestDir: "{app}\lib\x64"
  69. ; Samples
  70. Source: "..\..\samples\*"; DestDir: "{app}\samples"; Flags: recursesubdirs; Components: samples
  71. ; Include files
  72. Source: "..\..\include\*"; DestDir: "{app}\include"; Flags: recursesubdirs
  73. ; dAssimp
  74. Source: "..\..\port\dAssimp\*"; DestDir: "{app}\port\D"; Flags: recursesubdirs; Components: dassimp
  75. ; Assimp.NET
  76. Source: "..\..\port\Assimp.NET\*"; DestDir: "{app}\port\C#"; Flags: recursesubdirs; Components: assimp_net
  77. ; PyAssimp
  78. Source: "..\..\port\PyAssimp\*"; DestDir: "{app}\port\Python"; Excludes: "*.pyc,*.dll"; Flags: recursesubdirs; Components: pyassimp
  79. ; Test repository
  80. Source: "..\..\test\models\*"; DestDir: "{app}\test\models"; Flags: recursesubdirs; Components: test
  81. Source: "..\..\test\regression\*"; DestDir: "{app}\test\regression"; Flags: recursesubdirs; Components: test
  82. Source: "..\..\test\models-nonbsd\*"; DestDir: "{app}\test\models-nonbsd"; Flags: recursesubdirs; Components: test_nonbsd
  83. ; Source Code & Workspaces
  84. ;Source: "..\..\code\*"; Excludes: "*.o"; DestDir: "{app}\code"; Flags: recursesubdirs; Components: wsource
  85. ;Source: "..\..\workspaces\vc8\*.sln"; DestDir: "{app}\workspaces\vc8"; Components: wsource and vc8
  86. ;Source: "..\..\workspaces\vc8\*.vcproj"; DestDir: "{app}\workspaces\vc8"; Components: wsource and vc8
  87. ;Source: "..\..\workspaces\vc9\*.sln"; DestDir: "{app}\workspaces\vc9"; Components: wsource and vc9
  88. ;Source: "..\..\workspaces\vc9\*.vcproj"; DestDir: "{app}\workspaces\vc9"; Components: wsource and vc9
  89. ; Source: "Readme.txt"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: isreadme
  90. [Icons]
  91. Name: "{group}\Assimp Manual"; Filename: "{app}\doc\AssimpDoc.chm" ; Components: help
  92. Name: "{group}\Assimp Command Line Manual"; Filename: "{app}\doc\AssimpCmdDoc.chm"; Components: help
  93. Name: "{group}\AssimpView"; Filename: "{app}\bin\x64\assimp_view.exe"; Components: tools; Check: IsWin64
  94. Name: "{group}\AssimpView"; Filename: "{app}\bin\x86\assimp_view.exe"; Components: tools; Check: not IsWin64