- rem -----------------------------------------------------
- rem Batch file to build zipped redist packages
- rem Two different packages are built:
- rem
- rem assimp--<revision>-bin.zip
- rem Binaries for x86 and x64
- rem Command line reference
- rem
- rem assimp--<revision>-sdk.zip
- rem Binaries for x86 and x64, Debug & Release
- rem Libs for DLL build, x86 & 64, Debug & Release
- rem Full SVN checkout exluding mkutil & port
- rem
- rem
- rem -7za.exe (7zip standalone)
- rem Download from http://www.7-zip.org/download.html
- rem
- rem -svnversion.exe (Subversion revision getter)
- rem Download any command line SVN package
- rem
- rem -doxygen.exe (Doxygen client)
- rem Download from www.doxygen.com
- rem
- rem -svn client
- rem
- rem NOTES:
- rem ./bin must not have any local modifications
- rem
- rem -----------------------------------------------------
- @echo off
- color 4e
- cls
- rem -----------------------------------------------------
- rem Setup file revision for build
- rem -----------------------------------------------------
- call mkrev.bat
- rem -----------------------------------------------------
- rem Build output file names
- rem -----------------------------------------------------
- cd ..\..\bin
- svnversion > tmpfile.txt
- SET /p REVISIONBASE= < tmpfile.txt
- DEL /q tmpfile.txt
- cd ..\packaging\windows-mkzip
- SET BINCFG_x86=release-dll_win32
- SET BINCFG_x64=release-dll_x64
- SET BINCFG_x86_DEBUG=debug-dll_win32
- SET BINCFG_x64_DEBUG=debug-dll_x64
- rem -----------------------------------------------------
- rem Delete previous output directories
- rem -----------------------------------------------------
- RD /S /q final\
- rem -----------------------------------------------------
- rem Create output directories
- rem -----------------------------------------------------
- mkdir final\%OUT_BIN%\x86
- mkdir final\%OUT_BIN%\x64
- rem -----------------------------------------------------
- rem Copy all executables to 'final-bin'
- rem -----------------------------------------------------
- copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimpview_%BINCFG_x86%\assimp_view.exe "final\%OUT_BIN%\x86\assimp_view.exe"
- copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimpview_%BINCFG_x64%\assimp_view.exe "final\%OUT_BIN%\x64\assimp_view.exe"
- copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimpcmd_%BINCFG_x86%\assimp.exe "final\%OUT_BIN%\x86\assimp.exe"
- copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimpcmd_%BINCFG_x64%\assimp.exe "final\%OUT_BIN%\x64\assimp.exe"
- copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x86%\Assimp32.dll "final\%OUT_BIN%\x86\Assimp32.dll"
- copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x64%\Assimp64.dll "final\%OUT_BIN%\x64\Assimp64.dll"
- copy ..\..\LICENSE final\%OUT_BIN%\LICENSE
- copy ..\..\CREDITS final\%OUT_BIN%\CREDITS
- copy bin_readme.txt final\%OUT_BIN%\README
- copy bin_readme.txt final\%OUT_BIN%\README
- copy ..\..\doc\AssimpCmdDoc_Html\AssimpCmdDoc.chm final\%OUT_BIN%\CommandLine.chm
- rem -----------------------------------------------------
- rem Do a clean export of the repository and build SDK
- rem
- rem We take the current revision and remove some stuff
- rem that is nto yet ready to be published.
- rem -----------------------------------------------------
- svn export .\..\..\ .\final\%OUT_SDK%
- mkdir final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\assimp_html
- mkdir final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\assimpcmd_html
- copy .\..\..\doc\AssimpDoc_Html\* final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\assimp_html
- copy .\..\..\doc\AssimpCmdDoc_Html\* final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\assimpcmd_html
- del final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\assimpcmd_html\AssimpCmdDoc.chm
- del final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\assimp_html\AssimpDoc.chm
- rem Copy doc to a suitable place
- move final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\AssimpDoc_Html\AssimpDoc.chm final\%OUT_SDK%\Documentation.chm
- move final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\AssimpCmdDoc_Html\AssimpCmdDoc.chm final\%OUT_SDK%\CommandLine.chm
- rem Cleanup ./doc folder
- del /q final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\Preamble.txt
- RD /s /q final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\AssimpDoc_Html
- RD /s /q final\%OUT_SDK%\doc\AssimpCmdDoc_Html
- rem Insert 'dummy' files into empty folders
- echo. > final\%OUT_SDK%\lib\dummy
- echo. > final\%OUT_SDK%\obj\dummy
- RD /s /q final\%OUT_SDK%\port\swig
- rem Also, repackaging is not a must-have feature
- RD /s /q final\%OUT_SDK%\packaging
- rem Copy prebuilt libs
- mkdir "final\%OUT_SDK%\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x86%"
- mkdir "final\%OUT_SDK%\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x64%"
- mkdir "final\%OUT_SDK%\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x86_DEBUG%"
- mkdir "final\%OUT_SDK%\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x64_DEBUG%"
- copy /Y ..\..\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x86%\assimp.lib "final\%OUT_SDK%\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x86%"
- copy /Y ..\..\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x64%\assimp.lib "final\%OUT_SDK%\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x64%\"
- copy /Y ..\..\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x86_DEBUG%\assimp.lib "final\%OUT_SDK%\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x86_DEBUG%\"
- copy /Y ..\..\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x64_DEBUG%\assimp.lib "final\%OUT_SDK%\lib\assimp_%BINCFG_x64_DEBUG%\"
- rem Copy prebuilt DLLs
- mkdir "final\%OUT_SDK%\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x86%"
- mkdir "final\%OUT_SDK%\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x64%"
- mkdir "final\%OUT_SDK%\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x86_DEBUG%"
- mkdir "final\%OUT_SDK%\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x64_DEBUG%"
- copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x86%\Assimp32.dll "final\%OUT_SDK%\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x86%\"
- copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x64%\Assimp64.dll "final\%OUT_SDK%\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x64%\"
- copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x86_DEBUG%\Assimp32d.dll "final\%OUT_SDK%\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x86_DEBUG%\"
- copy /Y ..\..\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x64_DEBUG%\Assimp64d.dll "final\%OUT_SDK%\bin\assimp_%BINCFG_x64_DEBUG%\"
- rem -----------------------------------------------------
- rem Make final-bin.zip and final-sdk.zip
- rem -----------------------------------------------------
- IF NOT EXIST 7za.exe (
- cls
- echo You need to have 7zip standalone installed to
- echo build ZIP archives. Download: http://www.7-zip.org/download.html
- pause
- ) else (
- 7za.exe a -tzip "final\%OUT_BIN%.zip" ".\final\%OUT_BIN%"
- 7za.exe a -tzip "final\%OUT_SDK%.zip" ".\final\%OUT_SDK%"
- )
- rem OK. We should have the release packages now.