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  1. # <hr>Calculates the tangents and bitangents for the imported meshes.
  2. #
  3. # Does nothing if a mesh does not have normals. You might want this post
  4. # processing step to be executed if you plan to use tangent space calculations
  5. # such as normal mapping applied to the meshes. There's a config setting,
  6. # <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_CT_MAX_SMOOTHING_ANGLE<tt>, which allows you to specify
  7. # a maximum smoothing angle for the algorithm. However, usually you'll
  8. # want to leave it at the default value.
  9. #
  10. aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace = 0x1
  11. ## <hr>Identifies and joins identical vertex data sets within all
  12. # imported meshes.
  13. #
  14. # After this step is run, each mesh contains unique vertices,
  15. # so a vertex may be used by multiple faces. You usually want
  16. # to use this post processing step. If your application deals with
  17. # indexed geometry, this step is compulsory or you'll just waste rendering
  18. # time. <b>If this flag is not specified<b>, no vertices are referenced by
  19. # more than one face and <b>no index buffer is required<b> for rendering.
  20. #
  21. aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices = 0x2
  22. ## <hr>Converts all the imported data to a left-handed coordinate space.
  23. #
  24. # By default the data is returned in a right-handed coordinate space (which
  25. # OpenGL prefers). In this space, +X points to the right,
  26. # +Z points towards the viewer, and +Y points upwards. In the DirectX
  27. # coordinate space +X points to the right, +Y points upwards, and +Z points
  28. # away from the viewer.
  29. #
  30. # You'll probably want to consider this flag if you use Direct3D for
  31. # rendering. The #aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded flag supersedes this
  32. # setting and bundles all conversions typically required for D3D-based
  33. # applications.
  34. #
  35. aiProcess_MakeLeftHanded = 0x4
  36. ## <hr>Triangulates all faces of all meshes.
  37. #
  38. # By default the imported mesh data might contain faces with more than 3
  39. # indices. For rendering you'll usually want all faces to be triangles.
  40. # This post processing step splits up faces with more than 3 indices into
  41. # triangles. Line and point primitives are #not# modified! If you want
  42. # 'triangles only' with no other kinds of primitives, try the following
  43. # solution:
  44. # <ul>
  45. # <li>Specify both #aiProcess_Triangulate and #aiProcess_SortByPType <li>
  46. # <li>Ignore all point and line meshes when you process assimp's output<li>
  47. # <ul>
  48. #
  49. aiProcess_Triangulate = 0x8
  50. ## <hr>Removes some parts of the data structure (animations, materials,
  51. # light sources, cameras, textures, vertex components).
  52. #
  53. # The components to be removed are specified in a separate
  54. # configuration option, <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_RVC_FLAGS<tt>. This is quite useful
  55. # if you don't need all parts of the output structure. Vertex colors
  56. # are rarely used today for example... Calling this step to remove unneeded
  57. # data from the pipeline as early as possible results in increased
  58. # performance and a more optimized output data structure.
  59. # This step is also useful if you want to force Assimp to recompute
  60. # normals or tangents. The corresponding steps don't recompute them if
  61. # they're already there (loaded from the source asset). By using this
  62. # step you can make sure they are NOT there.
  63. #
  64. # This flag is a poor one, mainly because its purpose is usually
  65. # misunderstood. Consider the following case: a 3D model has been exported
  66. # from a CAD app, and it has per-face vertex colors. Vertex positions can't be
  67. # shared, thus the #aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices step fails to
  68. # optimize the data because of these nasty little vertex colors.
  69. # Most apps don't even process them, so it's all for nothing. By using
  70. # this step, unneeded components are excluded as early as possible
  71. # thus opening more room for internal optimizations.
  72. #
  73. aiProcess_RemoveComponent = 0x10
  74. ## <hr>Generates normals for all faces of all meshes.
  75. #
  76. # This is ignored if normals are already there at the time this flag
  77. # is evaluated. Model importers try to load them from the source file, so
  78. # they're usually already there. Face normals are shared between all points
  79. # of a single face, so a single point can have multiple normals, which
  80. # forces the library to duplicate vertices in some cases.
  81. # #aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices is #senseless# then.
  82. #
  83. # This flag may not be specified together with #aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals.
  84. #
  85. aiProcess_GenNormals = 0x20
  86. ## <hr>Generates smooth normals for all vertices in the mesh.
  87. #
  88. # This is ignored if normals are already there at the time this flag
  89. # is evaluated. Model importers try to load them from the source file, so
  90. # they're usually already there.
  91. #
  92. # This flag may not be specified together with
  93. # #aiProcess_GenNormals. There's a configuration option,
  94. # <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_GSN_MAX_SMOOTHING_ANGLE<tt> which allows you to specify
  95. # an angle maximum for the normal smoothing algorithm. Normals exceeding
  96. # this limit are not smoothed, resulting in a 'hard' seam between two faces.
  97. # Using a decent angle here (e.g. 80 degrees) results in very good visual
  98. # appearance.
  99. #
  100. aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals = 0x40
  101. ## <hr>Splits large meshes into smaller sub-meshes.
  102. #
  103. # This is quite useful for real-time rendering, where the number of triangles
  104. # which can be maximally processed in a single draw-call is limited
  105. # by the video driverhardware. The maximum vertex buffer is usually limited
  106. # too. Both requirements can be met with this step: you may specify both a
  107. # triangle and vertex limit for a single mesh.
  108. #
  109. # The split limits can (and should!) be set through the
  111. # settings. The default values are <tt>#AI_SLM_DEFAULT_MAX_VERTICES<tt> and
  113. #
  114. # Note that splitting is generally a time-consuming task, but only if there's
  115. # something to split. The use of this step is recommended for most users.
  116. #
  117. aiProcess_SplitLargeMeshes = 0x80
  118. ## <hr>Removes the node graph and pre-transforms all vertices with
  119. # the local transformation matrices of their nodes.
  120. #
  121. # The output scene still contains nodes, however there is only a
  122. # root node with children, each one referencing only one mesh,
  123. # and each mesh referencing one material. For rendering, you can
  124. # simply render all meshes in order - you don't need to pay
  125. # attention to local transformations and the node hierarchy.
  126. # Animations are removed during this step.
  127. # This step is intended for applications without a scenegraph.
  128. # The step CAN cause some problems: if e.g. a mesh of the asset
  129. # contains normals and another, using the same material index, does not,
  130. # they will be brought together, but the first meshes's part of
  131. # the normal list is zeroed. However, these artifacts are rare.
  132. # @note The <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_PTV_NORMALIZE<tt> configuration property
  133. # can be set to normalize the scene's spatial dimension to the -1...1
  134. # range.
  135. #
  136. aiProcess_PreTransformVertices = 0x100
  137. ## <hr>Limits the number of bones simultaneously affecting a single vertex
  138. # to a maximum value.
  139. #
  140. # If any vertex is affected by more than the maximum number of bones, the least
  141. # important vertex weights are removed and the remaining vertex weights are
  142. # renormalized so that the weights still sum up to 1.
  143. # The default bone weight limit is 4 (defined as <tt>#AI_LMW_MAX_WEIGHTS<tt> in
  144. # config.h), but you can use the <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_LBW_MAX_WEIGHTS<tt> setting to
  145. # supply your own limit to the post processing step.
  146. #
  147. # If you intend to perform the skinning in hardware, this post processing
  148. # step might be of interest to you.
  149. #
  150. aiProcess_LimitBoneWeights = 0x200
  151. ## <hr>Validates the imported scene data structure.
  152. # This makes sure that all indices are valid, all animations and
  153. # bones are linked correctly, all material references are correct .. etc.
  154. #
  155. # It is recommended that you capture Assimp's log output if you use this flag,
  156. # so you can easily find out what's wrong if a file fails the
  157. # validation. The validator is quite strict and will find #all#
  158. # inconsistencies in the data structure... It is recommended that plugin
  159. # developers use it to debug their loaders. There are two types of
  160. # validation failures:
  161. # <ul>
  162. # <li>Error: There's something wrong with the imported data. Further
  163. # postprocessing is not possible and the data is not usable at all.
  164. # The import fails. #Importer::GetErrorString() or #aiGetErrorString()
  165. # carry the error message around.<li>
  166. # <li>Warning: There are some minor issues (e.g. 1000000 animation
  167. # keyframes with the same time), but further postprocessing and use
  168. # of the data structure is still safe. Warning details are written
  169. # to the log file, <tt>#AI_SCENE_FLAGS_VALIDATION_WARNING<tt> is set
  170. # in #aiScene::mFlags<li>
  171. # <ul>
  172. #
  173. # This post-processing step is not time-consuming. Its use is not
  174. # compulsory, but recommended.
  175. #
  176. aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure = 0x400
  177. ## <hr>Reorders triangles for better vertex cache locality.
  178. #
  179. # The step tries to improve the ACMR (average post-transform vertex cache
  180. # miss ratio) for all meshes. The implementation runs in O(n) and is
  181. # roughly based on the 'tipsify' algorithm (see <a href="
  182. # http:www.cs.princeton.edugfxpubsSander_2007_%3ETRtipsy.pdf">this
  183. # paper<a>).
  184. #
  185. # If you intend to render huge models in hardware, this step might
  186. # be of interest to you. The <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_ICL_PTCACHE_SIZE<tt>config
  187. # setting can be used to fine-tune the cache optimization.
  188. #
  189. aiProcess_ImproveCacheLocality = 0x800
  190. ## <hr>Searches for redundantunreferenced materials and removes them.
  191. #
  192. # This is especially useful in combination with the
  193. # #aiProcess_PretransformVertices and #aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes flags.
  194. # Both join small meshes with equal characteristics, but they can't do
  195. # their work if two meshes have different materials. Because several
  196. # material settings are lost during Assimp's import filters,
  197. # (and because many exporters don't check for redundant materials), huge
  198. # models often have materials which are are defined several times with
  199. # exactly the same settings.
  200. #
  201. # Several material settings not contributing to the final appearance of
  202. # a surface are ignored in all comparisons (e.g. the material name).
  203. # So, if you're passing additional information through the
  204. # content pipeline (probably using #magic# material names), don't
  205. # specify this flag. Alternatively take a look at the
  206. # <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_RRM_EXCLUDE_LIST<tt> setting.
  207. #
  208. aiProcess_RemoveRedundantMaterials = 0x1000
  209. ## <hr>This step tries to determine which meshes have normal vectors
  210. # that are facing inwards and inverts them.
  211. #
  212. # The algorithm is simple but effective:
  213. # the bounding box of all vertices + their normals is compared against
  214. # the volume of the bounding box of all vertices without their normals.
  215. # This works well for most objects, problems might occur with planar
  216. # surfaces. However, the step tries to filter such cases.
  217. # The step inverts all in-facing normals. Generally it is recommended
  218. # to enable this step, although the result is not always correct.
  219. #
  220. aiProcess_FixInfacingNormals = 0x2000
  221. ## <hr>This step splits meshes with more than one primitive type in
  222. # homogeneous sub-meshes.
  223. #
  224. # The step is executed after the triangulation step. After the step
  225. # returns, just one bit is set in aiMesh::mPrimitiveTypes. This is
  226. # especially useful for real-time rendering where point and line
  227. # primitives are often ignored or rendered separately.
  228. # You can use the <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_SBP_REMOVE<tt> option to specify which
  229. # primitive types you need. This can be used to easily exclude
  230. # lines and points, which are rarely used, from the import.
  231. #
  232. aiProcess_SortByPType = 0x8000
  233. ## <hr>This step searches all meshes for degenerate primitives and
  234. # converts them to proper lines or points.
  235. #
  236. # A face is 'degenerate' if one or more of its points are identical.
  237. # To have the degenerate stuff not only detected and collapsed but
  238. # removed, try one of the following procedures:
  239. # <br><b>1.<b> (if you support lines and points for rendering but don't
  240. # want the degenerates)<br>
  241. # <ul>
  242. # <li>Specify the #aiProcess_FindDegenerates flag.
  243. # <li>
  244. # <li>Set the <tt>AI_CONFIG_PP_FD_REMOVE<tt> option to 1. This will
  245. # cause the step to remove degenerate triangles from the import
  246. # as soon as they're detected. They won't pass any further
  247. # pipeline steps.
  248. # <li>
  249. # <ul>
  250. # <br><b>2.<b>(if you don't support lines and points at all)<br>
  251. # <ul>
  252. # <li>Specify the #aiProcess_FindDegenerates flag.
  253. # <li>
  254. # <li>Specify the #aiProcess_SortByPType flag. This moves line and
  255. # point primitives to separate meshes.
  256. # <li>
  257. # <li>Set the <tt>AI_CONFIG_PP_SBP_REMOVE<tt> option to
  258. # @code aiPrimitiveType_POINTS | aiPrimitiveType_LINES
  259. # @endcode to cause SortByPType to reject point
  260. # and line meshes from the scene.
  261. # <li>
  262. # <ul>
  263. # @note Degenerate polygons are not necessarily evil and that's why
  264. # they're not removed by default. There are several file formats which
  265. # don't support lines or points, and some exporters bypass the
  266. # format specification and write them as degenerate triangles instead.
  267. #
  268. aiProcess_FindDegenerates = 0x10000
  269. ## <hr>This step searches all meshes for invalid data, such as zeroed
  270. # normal vectors or invalid UV coords and removesfixes them. This is
  271. # intended to get rid of some common exporter errors.
  272. #
  273. # This is especially useful for normals. If they are invalid, and
  274. # the step recognizes this, they will be removed and can later
  275. # be recomputed, i.e. by the #aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals flag.<br>
  276. # The step will also remove meshes that are infinitely small and reduce
  277. # animation tracks consisting of hundreds if redundant keys to a single
  278. # key. The <tt>AI_CONFIG_PP_FID_ANIM_ACCURACY<tt> config property decides
  279. # the accuracy of the check for duplicate animation tracks.
  280. #
  281. aiProcess_FindInvalidData = 0x20000
  282. ## <hr>This step converts non-UV mappings (such as spherical or
  283. # cylindrical mapping) to proper texture coordinate channels.
  284. #
  285. # Most applications will support UV mapping only, so you will
  286. # probably want to specify this step in every case. Note that Assimp is not
  287. # always able to match the original mapping implementation of the
  288. # 3D app which produced a model perfectly. It's always better to let the
  289. # modelling app compute the UV channels - 3ds max, Maya, Blender,
  290. # LightWave, and Modo do this for example.
  291. #
  292. # @note If this step is not requested, you'll need to process the
  293. # <tt>#AI_MATKEY_MAPPING<tt> material property in order to display all assets
  294. # properly.
  295. #
  296. aiProcess_GenUVCoords = 0x40000
  297. ## <hr>This step applies per-texture UV transformations and bakes
  298. # them into stand-alone vtexture coordinate channels.
  299. #
  300. # UV transformations are specified per-texture - see the
  301. # <tt>#AI_MATKEY_UVTRANSFORM<tt> material key for more information.
  302. # This step processes all textures with
  303. # transformed input UV coordinates and generates a new (pre-transformed) UV channel
  304. # which replaces the old channel. Most applications won't support UV
  305. # transformations, so you will probably want to specify this step.
  306. #
  307. # @note UV transformations are usually implemented in real-time apps by
  308. # transforming texture coordinates at vertex shader stage with a 3x3
  309. # (homogenous) transformation matrix.
  310. #
  311. aiProcess_TransformUVCoords = 0x80000
  312. ## <hr>This step searches for duplicate meshes and replaces them
  313. # with references to the first mesh.
  314. #
  315. # This step takes a while, so don't use it if speed is a concern.
  316. # Its main purpose is to workaround the fact that many export
  317. # file formats don't support instanced meshes, so exporters need to
  318. # duplicate meshes. This step removes the duplicates again. Please
  319. # note that Assimp does not currently support per-node material
  320. # assignment to meshes, which means that identical meshes with
  321. # different materials are currently #not# joined, although this is
  322. # planned for future versions.
  323. #
  324. aiProcess_FindInstances = 0x100000
  325. ## <hr>A postprocessing step to reduce the number of meshes.
  326. #
  327. # This will, in fact, reduce the number of draw calls.
  328. #
  329. # This is a very effective optimization and is recommended to be used
  330. # together with #aiProcess_OptimizeGraph, if possible. The flag is fully
  331. # compatible with both #aiProcess_SplitLargeMeshes and #aiProcess_SortByPType.
  332. #
  333. aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes = 0x200000
  334. ## <hr>A postprocessing step to optimize the scene hierarchy.
  335. #
  336. # Nodes without animations, bones, lights or cameras assigned are
  337. # collapsed and joined.
  338. #
  339. # Node names can be lost during this step. If you use special 'tag nodes'
  340. # to pass additional information through your content pipeline, use the
  341. # <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_OG_EXCLUDE_LIST<tt> setting to specify a list of node
  342. # names you want to be kept. Nodes matching one of the names in this list won't
  343. # be touched or modified.
  344. #
  345. # Use this flag with caution. Most simple files will be collapsed to a
  346. # single node, so complex hierarchies are usually completely lost. This is not
  347. # useful for editor environments, but probably a very effective
  348. # optimization if you just want to get the model data, convert it to your
  349. # own format, and render it as fast as possible.
  350. #
  351. # This flag is designed to be used with #aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes for best
  352. # results.
  353. #
  354. # @note 'Crappy' scenes with thousands of extremely small meshes packed
  355. # in deeply nested nodes exist for almost all file formats.
  356. # #aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes in combination with #aiProcess_OptimizeGraph
  357. # usually fixes them all and makes them renderable.
  358. #
  359. aiProcess_OptimizeGraph = 0x400000
  360. ## <hr>This step flips all UV coordinates along the y-axis and adjusts
  361. # material settings and bitangents accordingly.
  362. #
  363. # <b>Output UV coordinate system:<b>
  364. # @code
  365. # 0y|0y ---------- 1x|0y
  366. # | |
  367. # | |
  368. # | |
  369. # 0x|1y ---------- 1x|1y
  370. # @endcode
  371. #
  372. # You'll probably want to consider this flag if you use Direct3D for
  373. # rendering. The #aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded flag supersedes this
  374. # setting and bundles all conversions typically required for D3D-based
  375. # applications.
  376. #
  377. aiProcess_FlipUVs = 0x800000
  378. ## <hr>This step adjusts the output face winding order to be CW.
  379. #
  380. # The default face winding order is counter clockwise (CCW).
  381. #
  382. # <b>Output face order:<b>
  383. # @code
  384. # x2
  385. #
  386. # x0
  387. # x1
  388. # @endcode
  389. #
  390. aiProcess_FlipWindingOrder = 0x1000000
  391. ## <hr>This step splits meshes with many bones into sub-meshes so that each
  392. # su-bmesh has fewer or as many bones as a given limit.
  393. #
  394. aiProcess_SplitByBoneCount = 0x2000000
  395. ## <hr>This step removes bones losslessly or according to some threshold.
  396. #
  397. # In some cases (i.e. formats that require it) exporters are forced to
  398. # assign dummy bone weights to otherwise static meshes assigned to
  399. # animated meshes. Full, weight-based skinning is expensive while
  400. # animating nodes is extremely cheap, so this step is offered to clean up
  401. # the data in that regard.
  402. #
  403. # Use <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_DB_THRESHOLD<tt> to control this.
  404. # Use <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_DB_ALL_OR_NONE<tt> if you want bones removed if and
  405. # only if all bones within the scene qualify for removal.
  406. #
  407. aiProcess_Debone = 0x4000000
  408. aiProcess_GenEntityMeshes = 0x100000
  409. aiProcess_OptimizeAnimations = 0x200000
  410. aiProcess_FixTexturePaths = 0x200000
  411. ## @def aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded
  412. # @brief Shortcut flag for Direct3D-based applications.
  413. #
  414. # Supersedes the #aiProcess_MakeLeftHanded and #aiProcess_FlipUVs and
  415. # #aiProcess_FlipWindingOrder flags.
  416. # The output data matches Direct3D's conventions: left-handed geometry, upper-left
  417. # origin for UV coordinates and finally clockwise face order, suitable for CCW culling.
  418. #
  419. # @deprecated
  420. #
  421. aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded = ( \
  422. aiProcess_MakeLeftHanded | \
  423. aiProcess_FlipUVs | \
  424. aiProcess_FlipWindingOrder | \
  425. 0 )
  426. ## @def aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtimeUse_Fast
  427. # @brief Default postprocess configuration optimizing the data for real-time rendering.
  428. #
  429. # Applications would want to use this preset to load models on end-user PCs,
  430. # maybe for direct use in game.
  431. #
  432. # If you're using DirectX, don't forget to combine this value with
  433. # the #aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded step. If you don't support UV transformations
  434. # in your application apply the #aiProcess_TransformUVCoords step, too.
  435. # @note Please take the time to read the docs for the steps enabled by this preset.
  436. # Some of them offer further configurable properties, while some of them might not be of
  437. # use for you so it might be better to not specify them.
  438. #
  439. aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Fast = ( \
  440. aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace | \
  441. aiProcess_GenNormals | \
  442. aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices | \
  443. aiProcess_Triangulate | \
  444. aiProcess_GenUVCoords | \
  445. aiProcess_SortByPType | \
  446. 0 )
  447. ## @def aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Quality
  448. # @brief Default postprocess configuration optimizing the data for real-time rendering.
  449. #
  450. # Unlike #aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Fast, this configuration
  451. # performs some extra optimizations to improve rendering speed and
  452. # to minimize memory usage. It could be a good choice for a level editor
  453. # environment where import speed is not so important.
  454. #
  455. # If you're using DirectX, don't forget to combine this value with
  456. # the #aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded step. If you don't support UV transformations
  457. # in your application apply the #aiProcess_TransformUVCoords step, too.
  458. # @note Please take the time to read the docs for the steps enabled by this preset.
  459. # Some of them offer further configurable properties, while some of them might not be
  460. # of use for you so it might be better to not specify them.
  461. #
  462. aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Quality = ( \
  463. aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace | \
  464. aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals | \
  465. aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices | \
  466. aiProcess_ImproveCacheLocality | \
  467. aiProcess_LimitBoneWeights | \
  468. aiProcess_RemoveRedundantMaterials | \
  469. aiProcess_SplitLargeMeshes | \
  470. aiProcess_Triangulate | \
  471. aiProcess_GenUVCoords | \
  472. aiProcess_SortByPType | \
  473. aiProcess_FindDegenerates | \
  474. aiProcess_FindInvalidData | \
  475. 0 )
  476. ## @def aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_MaxQuality
  477. # @brief Default postprocess configuration optimizing the data for real-time rendering.
  478. #
  479. # This preset enables almost every optimization step to achieve perfectly
  480. # optimized data. It's your choice for level editor environments where import speed
  481. # is not important.
  482. #
  483. # If you're using DirectX, don't forget to combine this value with
  484. # the #aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded step. If you don't support UV transformations
  485. # in your application, apply the #aiProcess_TransformUVCoords step, too.
  486. # @note Please take the time to read the docs for the steps enabled by this preset.
  487. # Some of them offer further configurable properties, while some of them might not be
  488. # of use for you so it might be better to not specify them.
  489. #
  490. aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_MaxQuality = ( \
  491. aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Quality | \
  492. aiProcess_FindInstances | \
  493. aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure | \
  494. aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes | \
  495. 0 )