- unit aiTexture;
- interface
- type TaiTexel = packed record
- b, g, r, a: byte;
- end;
- PaiTexel = ^TaiTexel;
- TaiTexelArray = array[0..0] of TaiTexel;
- PaiTexelArray = ^TaiTexelArray;
- type TaiTexture = packed record
- mWidth: Cardinal; //width in pixels, OR total embedded file size if texture is a jpg/png/etc
- mHeight: Cardinal; //0 if texture is an embedded file
- achFormatHint: array[0..3] of byte;
- pcData: PaiTexelArray;
- end;
- PaiTexture = ^TaiTexture;
- PaiTextureArray = array [0..0] of PaiTexture;
- PPaiTextureArray = ^PaiTextureArray;
- implementation
- end.