1. ## `lol` headers to keep
  2. src/lol/base/types.h (vec_t shortcuts eg. vec2, ivec2, u8vec3 etc.)
  3. src/lol/math/constants.h
  4. ## headers we could clean up and keep
  5. src/lol/algorithm/aabb_tree.h
  6. src/lol/algorithm/portal.h
  7. src/lol/base/avl_tree.h
  8. src/lol/math/geometry.h
  9. src/lol/math/interp.h (but what is it?)
  10. ## headers to keep in the engine
  11. src/lol/algorithm/portal.h
  12. src/lol/audio/*
  13. src/lol/base/log.h
  14. src/lol/debug/*
  15. src/lol/engine.h
  16. src/lol/engine/*
  17. src/lol/engine-internal.h
  18. src/lol/extras.h
  19. src/lol/gpu/*
  20. src/lol/image/image.h
  21. src/lol/image/movie.h
  22. src/lol/image/resource.h
  23. src/lol/legacy.h
  24. src/lol/lua.h
  25. src/lol/net/http.h
  26. src/lol/public.h
  27. src/lol/sys/init.h
  28. ## headers to remove one day
  29. src/lol/base/enum.h (can’t see the point)
  30. ## Interesting libraries:
  31. - magic enum https://github.com/Neargye/magic_enum
  32. - event dispatcher https://github.com/wqking/eventpp
  33. - random https://github.com/effolkronium/random
  34. - neither (handle exceptions with the type system) https://github.com/LoopPerfect/neither
  35. - lock-free queue https://github.com/rigtorp/SPSCQueue
  36. - fixed point math https://github.com/MikeLankamp/fpm
  37. ## Other libraries
  38. - coroutines (uses macros) https://github.com/jamboree/co2
  39. - SIMD https://awesomeopensource.com/project/ospray/tsimd
  40. - deep neural networks https://github.com/yixuan/MiniDNN
  41. - emoji https://github.com/99xt/emojicpp