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BulletCharacterController.h 9.8 KiB

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  1. //
  2. // Lol Engine
  3. //
  4. // Copyright: (c) 2010-2012 Sam Hocevar <>
  5. // (c) 2009-2012 Benjamin Huet <>
  6. // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  7. // modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To
  8. // Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
  9. // for more details.
  10. //
  11. //
  12. // The BulletCharacterController class
  13. // ------------------
  14. // This class is a equivalent of btKinematicCharacterController, but more useful for Lol.
  15. //
  19. #include "core.h"
  20. #include "EasyPhysics.h"
  21. //#include "BulletDynamics\Character\btCharacterControllerInterface.h"
  22. #endif
  23. #define USE_LOL_CTRLR_CHARAC
  24. namespace lol
  25. {
  26. namespace phys
  27. {
  30. //SweepCallback used for Swweep Tests.
  31. class ClosestNotMeConvexResultCallback : public btCollisionWorld::ClosestConvexResultCallback
  32. {
  33. public:
  34. ClosestNotMeConvexResultCallback(btCollisionObject* NewMe, const vec3& NewUp, float MinSlopeDot) :
  35. btCollisionWorld::ClosestConvexResultCallback(LOL2BTU_VEC3(vec3(.0f)), LOL2BTU_VEC3(vec3(.0f))),
  36. m_me(NewMe),
  37. m_up(NewUp),
  38. m_min_slope_dot(MinSlopeDot) { }
  39. virtual btScalar addSingleResult(btCollisionWorld::LocalConvexResult& ConvexResult, bool NormalInWorld)
  40. {
  41. //We hit ourselves, FAIL
  42. if (ConvexResult.m_hitCollisionObject == m_me)
  43. return btScalar(1.f);
  44. vec3 WorldHitNomal(.0f);
  45. if (NormalInWorld)
  46. WorldHitNomal = BT2LOL_VEC3(ConvexResult.m_hitNormalLocal);
  47. else //need to transform Normal into worldspace
  48. {
  49. btVector3 TmpWorldHitNormal = ConvexResult.m_hitCollisionObject->getWorldTransform().getBasis() * ConvexResult.m_hitNormalLocal;
  50. WorldHitNomal = BT2LOL_VEC3(TmpWorldHitNormal);
  51. }
  52. float DotUp = dot(m_up, WorldHitNomal);
  53. //We hit below the accepted slope_dot, FAIL
  54. if (DotUp < m_min_slope_dot)
  55. return btScalar(1.f);
  56. //Continue to next.
  57. return ClosestConvexResultCallback::addSingleResult(ConvexResult, NormalInWorld);
  58. }
  59. protected:
  60. btCollisionObject* m_me;
  61. const vec3 m_up;
  62. float m_min_slope_dot;
  63. };
  64. ///BulletKinematicCharacterController is an object that supports a sliding motion in a world.
  65. ///It uses a ghost object and convex sweep test to test for upcoming collisions. This is combined with discrete collision detection to recover from penetrations.
  66. ///Interaction between btKinematicCharacterController and dynamic rigid bodies needs to be explicity implemented by the user.
  67. class BulletKinematicCharacterController : public btActionInterface
  68. {
  69. public:
  70. BulletKinematicCharacterController(btPairCachingGhostObject* NewGhostObject, btConvexShape* NewConvexShape, float NewStepHeight, int NewUpAxis=1)
  71. {
  72. m_convex_shape = NewConvexShape;
  73. m_i_up_axis = NewUpAxis;
  74. m_ghost_object = NewGhostObject;
  75. m_step_height = NewStepHeight;
  76. m_added_margin = 0.02f;
  77. m_walk_direction = vec3(.0f, .0f, .0f);
  78. m_do_gobject_sweep_test = true;
  79. m_turn_angle = .0f;
  80. m_use_walk_direction = false; // Should remove walk direction, this doesn't work correctly.
  81. m_velocity_time_interval = .0f;
  82. m_vertical_velocity = .0f;
  83. m_vertical_offset = .0f;
  84. m_f_gravity = 9.8f * 3.f; // 3G acceleration.
  85. m_fall_speed = 55.f; // Terminal velocity of a sky diver in m/s.
  86. m_jump_speed = 10.f; // ?
  87. m_was_on_ground = false;
  88. m_was_jumping = false;
  89. SetMaxSlope(45.f);
  90. }
  91. ~BulletKinematicCharacterController() { }
  92. protected:
  93. static vec3* GetUpAxisDirections()
  94. {
  95. static vec3 sUpAxisDirection[3] = { vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f) };
  96. return sUpAxisDirection;
  97. }
  98. //--------------------------
  100. //--
  101. //Returns the reflection Direction of a ray going 'Direction' hitting a surface with Normal 'Normal' from:
  102. vec3 GetReflectedDir(const vec3& Direction, const vec3& Normal)
  103. {
  104. return Direction - (2.f * dot(Direction, Normal) * Normal);
  105. }
  106. //Returns the portion of 'direction' that is parallel to 'normal'
  107. vec3 ProjectDirOnNorm(const vec3& Direction, const vec3& Normal)
  108. {
  109. return Normal * dot(Direction, Normal);
  110. }
  111. //Returns the portion of 'Direction' that is perpindicular to 'Normal'
  112. vec3 ProjectDirOnNormPerpindicular(const vec3& Direction, const vec3& Normal)
  113. {
  114. return Direction - ProjectDirOnNorm(Direction, Normal);
  115. }
  116. //Returns Ghost Object. -duh-
  117. btPairCachingGhostObject* GetGhostObject()
  118. {
  119. return m_ghost_object;
  120. }
  121. //"Real" war functions
  122. bool RecoverFromPenetration(btCollisionWorld* CollisionWorld);
  123. void UpdateTargetOnHit(const vec3& hit_normal, float TangentMag = .0f, float NormalMag = 1.f);
  124. void DoMove(btCollisionWorld* CollisionWorld, const vec3& MoveStep, float DeltaTime);
  125. public:
  126. ///btActionInterface interface : KEEP IN camelCase
  127. virtual void updateAction(btCollisionWorld* CollisionWorld, float deltaTime)
  128. {
  129. PreStep(CollisionWorld);
  130. PlayerStep(CollisionWorld, deltaTime);
  131. }
  132. //not in the interface, but called above
  133. void PreStep(btCollisionWorld* CollisionWorld);
  134. void PlayerStep(btCollisionWorld* CollisionWorld, float DeltaTime);
  135. ///btActionInterface interface : KEEP IN camelCase
  136. void debugDraw(btIDebugDraw* debugDrawer) { }
  137. void SetUpAxis(int NewAxis)
  138. {
  139. if (NewAxis < 0)
  140. NewAxis = 0;
  141. if (NewAxis > 2)
  142. NewAxis = 2;
  143. m_i_up_axis = NewAxis;
  144. }
  145. //!!!!!! SHOULD DITCH THAT !!!!!!
  146. //This should probably be called setPositionIncrementPerSimulatorStep.
  147. //This is neither a Direction nor a velocity, but the amount to
  148. //increment the position each simulation iteration, regardless
  149. //of DeltaTime.
  150. //This call will Reset any velocity set by SetVelocityForTimeInterval().
  151. virtual void SetWalkDirection(const vec3& walkDirection)
  152. {
  153. m_use_walk_direction = true;
  154. m_walk_direction = walkDirection;
  155. m_normalized_direction = normalize(m_walk_direction);
  156. }
  157. //Caller provides a velocity with which the character should MoveStep for
  158. //the given time period. After the time period, velocity is Reset
  159. //to zero.
  160. //This call will Reset any walk Direction set by SetWalkDirection().
  161. //Negative time intervals will result in no motion.
  162. virtual void SetVelocityForTimeInterval(const vec3& velocity, float timeInterval)
  163. {
  164. m_use_walk_direction = false;
  165. m_walk_direction = velocity;
  166. m_normalized_direction = normalize(m_walk_direction);
  167. m_velocity_time_interval = timeInterval;
  168. }
  169. //Usefulness ?
  170. void Reset() { }
  171. void Warp(const vec3& NewOrigin)
  172. {
  173. btTransform NewTransform;
  174. NewTransform.setIdentity();
  175. NewTransform.setOrigin(LOL2BTU_VEC3(NewOrigin));
  176. m_ghost_object->setWorldTransform(NewTransform);
  177. }
  178. //External Setup
  179. //--
  180. void SetFallSpeed(float NewFallSpeed) { m_fall_speed = NewFallSpeed; }
  181. void SetJumpSpeed(float NewJumpSpeed) { m_jump_speed = NewJumpSpeed; }
  182. void SetMaxJumpHeight(float NewMaxJumpHeight) { m_max_jump_height = NewMaxJumpHeight; }
  183. //Jump logic will go in EasyCC
  184. bool CanJump() const { return OnGround(); }
  185. void Jump();
  186. //NewGravity functions
  187. void SetGravity(float NewGravity) { m_f_gravity = NewGravity; }
  188. float GetGravity() const { return m_f_gravity; }
  189. //The max slope determines the maximum angle that the controller can walk up.
  190. //The slope angle is measured in radians.
  191. void SetMaxSlope(float NewSlopeRadians) { m_max_slope_radians = NewSlopeRadians; m_max_slope_cosine = lol::cos(NewSlopeRadians); }
  192. float GetMaxSlope() const { return m_max_slope_radians; }
  193. void SetUseGhostSweepTest(bool UseGObjectSweepTest) { m_do_gobject_sweep_test = UseGObjectSweepTest; }
  194. bool OnGround() const { return m_vertical_velocity == .0f && m_vertical_offset == .0f; }
  195. private:
  196. btPairCachingGhostObject* m_ghost_object;
  197. btConvexShape* m_convex_shape; //is also in m_ghost_object, but it needs to be convex, so we store it here to avoid upcast
  198. //keep track of the contact manifolds
  199. btManifoldArray m_manifold_array;
  200. float m_half_height;
  201. float m_velocity_time_interval;
  202. float m_vertical_velocity;
  203. float m_vertical_offset;
  204. float m_fall_speed;
  205. float m_jump_speed;
  206. float m_max_jump_height;
  207. float m_max_slope_radians; // Slope angle that is set (used for returning the exact value)
  208. float m_max_slope_cosine; // Cosine equivalent of m_max_slope_radians (calculated once when set, for optimization)
  209. float m_f_gravity;
  210. float m_turn_angle;
  211. float m_step_height;
  212. float m_added_margin;//@todo: remove this and fix the code
  213. ///this is the desired walk Direction, set by the user
  214. vec3 m_walk_direction;
  215. vec3 m_normalized_direction;
  216. //some internal variables
  217. vec3 m_current_position;
  218. float m_current_step_offset;
  219. vec3 m_target_position;
  220. vec3 m_touching_normal;
  221. bool m_touching_contact;
  222. bool m_was_on_ground;
  223. bool m_was_jumping;
  224. bool m_do_gobject_sweep_test;
  225. bool m_use_walk_direction;
  226. int m_i_up_axis;
  227. //---------------------------------------------------------------------
  229. //---------------------------------------------------------------------
  230. //Gravity in vec3
  231. vec3 m_gravity;
  232. //Current Velocity
  233. vec3 m_velocity;
  234. };
  235. #endif // HAVE_PHYS_USE_BULLET
  236. #endif // USE_LOL_CTRLR_CHARAC
  237. } /* namespace phys */
  238. } /* namespace lol */