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  1. //
  2. // Lol Engine - EasyMesh tutorial
  3. //
  4. // Copyright: (c) 2011-2014 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net>
  5. // (c) 2012-2013 Benjamin "Touky" Huet <huet.benjamin@gmail.com>
  6. // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  7. // modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To
  8. // Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
  9. // http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details.
  10. //
  11. #if HAVE_CONFIG_H
  12. # include "config.h"
  13. #endif
  14. #include <cfloat> /* for FLT_MAX */
  15. #include <lol/engine.h>
  16. #include "scenesetup.h"
  17. using namespace lol;
  18. static int const TEXTURE_WIDTH = 256;
  19. //Basic build defines ---------------------------------------------------------
  20. #define HAS_WEB (__native_client__ || EMSCRIPTEN)
  21. #define HAS_INPUT (_WIN32 && !HAS_WEB)
  22. //Basic config defines --------------------------------------------------------
  23. #define R_M 1.f
  24. #if HAS_WEB
  25. #define DEFAULT_WIDTH (800.f * R_M)
  26. #define DEFAULT_HEIGHT (400.f * R_M)
  27. #else
  28. #define DEFAULT_WIDTH (1200.f * R_M)
  29. #define DEFAULT_HEIGHT (800.f * R_M)
  30. #endif //HAS_WEB
  31. #define WIDTH ((float)Video::GetSize().x)
  32. #define HEIGHT ((float)Video::GetSize().y)
  33. #define SCREEN_W (10.f / WIDTH)
  34. #define RATIO_HW (HEIGHT / WIDTH)
  35. #define RATIO_WH (WIDTH / HEIGHT)
  36. #define SCREEN_LIMIT 1.4f
  37. #define RESET_TIMER .2f
  38. #define ROT_SPEED vec2(50.f)
  39. #define ROT_CLAMP 89.f
  40. #define POS_SPEED vec2(1.2f)
  41. #define POS_CLAMP 1.f
  42. #define FOV_SPEED 20.f
  43. #define FOV_CLAMP 120.f
  44. #define ZOM_SPEED 3.f
  45. #define ZOM_CLAMP 20.f
  46. #define HST_SPEED .5f
  47. #define HST_CLAMP 1.f
  48. #define WITH_TEXTURE 0
  49. #define HAS_KBOARD (m_input_usage & (1<<IPT_MV_KBOARD))
  50. #define HAS_MOUSE (m_input_usage & (1<<IPT_MV_MOUSE))
  51. #include "meshviewer.h"
  53. LOLFX_RESOURCE_DECLARE(shinymvtexture);
  54. //TargetCamera ----------------------------------------------------------------
  55. class TargetCamera
  56. {
  57. public:
  58. void EmptyTargets() { m_targets.Empty(); }
  59. void AddTarget(vec3 new_target) { m_targets << new_target; }
  60. //This considers the box usage A to B as top-left to bottom-right
  61. void AddTarget(box3 new_target)
  62. {
  63. vec3 base_off = .5f * (new_target.B - new_target.A);
  64. vec3 base_pos = new_target.A + base_off;
  65. int pass = 0;
  66. while (pass < 3)
  67. {
  68. int mask = 3 - max(0, pass - 1);
  69. while (mask-- > 0)
  70. {
  71. ivec3 A((pass == 1 || (pass == 2 && mask == 1))?(1):(0));
  72. ivec3 B((pass == 2)?(1):(0)); B[mask] = 1;
  73. vec3 offset = vec3(ivec3((int)(!A.x != !B.x), (int)(!A.y != !B.y), (int)(!A.z != !B.z)));
  74. AddTarget(base_pos + offset * base_off * 2.f - base_off);
  75. }
  76. pass++;
  77. }
  78. }
  79. array<vec3> m_targets;
  80. };
  81. //EasyMeshViewerObject --------------------------------------------------------
  82. void EasyMeshViewerObject::TickDraw(float seconds, Scene &scene)
  83. {
  84. switch (m_mesh.GetMeshState().ToScalar())
  85. {
  86. case MeshRender::NeedConvert: { m_mesh.MeshConvert(); break; }
  87. case MeshRender::CanRender: { scene.AddPrimitive(m_mesh, mat4::identity/*TODO:FIX THAT*/); break; }
  88. default: break;
  89. }
  90. }
  91. //EasyMeshLoadJob -------------------------------------------------------------
  92. bool EasyMeshLoadJob::DoWork()
  93. {
  94. map<String, EasyMeshLuaObject*> meshes;
  95. if (m_loader.ExecLuaFile(m_path) && EasyMeshLuaLoader::GetRegisteredMeshes(meshes))
  96. {
  97. array<String> keys = meshes.keys();
  98. for (String key : keys)
  99. m_meshes << new EasyMeshViewerObject(key, meshes[key]->GetMesh());
  100. }
  101. return !!m_meshes.count();
  102. }
  103. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  104. MeshViewerLoadJob* EasyMeshLoadJob::GetInstance(String const& path)
  105. {
  106. if (Check(path))
  107. return new EasyMeshLoadJob(path);
  108. return nullptr;
  109. }
  110. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. void EasyMeshLoadJob::RetrieveResult(class MeshViewer* app)
  112. {
  113. for (EasyMeshViewerObject* mesh : m_meshes)
  114. app->AddViewerObj(mesh);
  115. m_meshes.Empty();
  116. }
  117. //MeshViewer ------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. MeshViewer::MeshViewer(char const *file_name)
  119. : m_file_name(file_name)
  120. {
  121. LolImGui::Init();
  122. }
  123. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  124. MeshViewer::~MeshViewer()
  125. {
  126. LolImGui::Shutdown();
  127. Stop();
  128. }
  129. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  130. void MeshViewer::Start()
  131. {
  132. /** OLD STUFF **/
  133. //Prepare();
  134. //Threads setup
  135. m_entities << (m_file_check = new FileUpdateTester());
  136. m_entities << (m_file_loader = new DefaultThreadManager(4, 0));
  137. //Scene setup
  138. m_ssetup_file_name = "data/meshviewer.init.lua";
  139. UpdateSceneSetup();
  140. //Mesh file
  141. m_file_status = m_file_check->RegisterFile(m_file_name);
  142. m_file_loader->AddJob(GetLoadJob(m_file_name));
  143. //Camera setup
  144. m_camera = new Camera();
  145. m_camera->SetView(vec3(10.f, 10.f, 10.f), vec3::zero, vec3::axis_y);
  146. m_camera->SetProjection(40.f, .0001f, 2000.f);
  147. //m_camera->SetProjection(90.f, .0001f, 2000.f, WIDTH * SCREEN_W, RATIO_HW);
  148. //m_camera->UseShift(true);
  149. g_scene->PushCamera(m_camera);
  150. #if HAS_INPUT
  151. InputProfile& ip = m_profile;
  152. ip.AddBindings<MeshViewerKeyInput, MeshViewerKeyInput::KBD_BEG, MeshViewerKeyInput::KBD_END>(InputProfileType::Keyboard);
  153. ip.AddBindings<MeshViewerKeyInput, MeshViewerKeyInput::MSE_BEG, MeshViewerKeyInput::MSE_END>(InputProfileType::MouseKey);
  154. m_entities << (m_controller = new Controller("MeshViewer"));
  155. m_controller->Init(m_profile);
  156. #endif //HAS_INPUT
  157. /** ----- Register all entities ----- **/
  158. for (Entity* entity : m_entities) Ticker::Ref(entity);
  159. /** ----- Init is done ----- **/
  160. m_init = true;
  161. /** ----- Start threads ----- **/
  162. m_file_check->Start();
  163. }
  164. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  165. void MeshViewer::Stop()
  166. {
  167. //Destroy scene setup
  168. UpdateSceneSetup(true);
  169. //Destroy core stuff
  170. if (m_camera) g_scene->PopCamera(m_camera);
  171. m_file_check->UnregisterFile(m_file_status);
  172. //Register all entities
  173. for (Entity* entity : m_entities) Ticker::Unref(entity);
  174. //Delete objs
  175. while (m_objs.count()) delete m_objs.Pop();
  176. //Nullify all
  177. m_camera = nullptr;
  178. m_controller = nullptr;
  179. m_file_check = nullptr;
  180. m_file_loader = nullptr;
  181. /** ----- Init is needed ----- **/
  182. m_init = false;
  183. }
  184. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  185. void MeshViewer::UpdateSceneSetup(bool only_destroy)
  186. {
  187. //Delete previous setups
  188. array<String> keys = m_ssetups.keys();
  189. for (String key : keys)
  190. delete m_ssetups[key];
  191. m_ssetups.empty();
  192. if (m_ssetup_file_status)
  193. {
  194. m_file_check->UnregisterFile(m_ssetup_file_status);
  195. delete m_ssetup_file_status;
  196. }
  197. m_ssetup_file_status = nullptr;
  198. //Init new setups
  199. if (!only_destroy)
  200. {
  201. m_ssetup_loader.ExecLuaFile(m_ssetup_file_name);
  202. if (m_ssetup_loader.GetLoadedSetups(m_ssetups))
  203. {
  204. m_ssetup_file_status = m_file_check->RegisterFile(m_ssetup_file_name);
  205. array<String> keys = m_ssetups.keys();
  206. if (!m_ssetup_name.count() || !keys.find(m_ssetup_name))
  207. m_ssetup_name = keys[0];
  208. }
  209. }
  210. }
  211. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  212. MeshViewerLoadJob* MeshViewer::GetLoadJob(String const& path)
  213. {
  214. MeshViewerLoadJob* job = nullptr;
  215. if (job = EasyMeshLoadJob::GetInstance(path)) return job;
  216. return job;
  217. }
  218. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  219. void MeshViewer::TickGame(float seconds)
  220. {
  221. super::TickGame(seconds);
  222. if (!m_init && g_scene) Start();
  223. if (!m_init) return;
  224. m_first_tick = true;
  225. #if HAS_INPUT
  226. {
  227. //Shutdown logic
  228. if (m_controller->IsKeyPressed(MeshViewerKeyInput::Exit))
  229. Ticker::Shutdown();
  230. }
  231. #endif //HAS_INPUT
  232. static bool default_open = true;
  233. //static float fov = 40.f;
  234. //static vec3 sphere_pos = vec3(20.f, 45.f, 45.f);
  235. //static bool use_custom_cam = true;
  236. //static float f;
  237. //static int mesh_idx = 0;
  238. //static array<char*> mesh_names_char;
  239. //static array<String> mesh_names_str;
  240. //Draw viewer objects
  241. m_menu_mesh_names_char.empty();
  242. m_menu_mesh_names_str.empty();
  243. for (ViewerObject* obj : m_objs)
  244. m_menu_mesh_names_str << obj->GetName();
  245. for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < m_menu_mesh_names_str.count(); ++i)
  246. m_menu_mesh_names_char << m_menu_mesh_names_str[i].C();
  247. ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
  248. //CAMERA UI ---------------------------------------------------------------
  249. ImGui::Begin("Camera Setup" /*, &default_open, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize*/);
  250. {
  251. ImGui::Text("Hello, world!");
  252. ImGui::Checkbox("Use custom cam", &m_menu_cam_useage);
  253. ImGui::Text("MousePos! %.2f/%.2f", io.MousePos.x, io.MousePos.y);
  254. ImGui::Text("Left Mouse: %s", io.MouseDown[0] ? "true" : "false");
  255. ImGui::SliderFloat("Cam FOV", &m_menu_cam_fov, 0.1f, 120.0f);
  256. ImGui::SliderFloat("Cam Distance", &m_menu_cam_pos.x, 0.1f, 30.f);
  257. ImGui::SliderFloat("Cam H-axis", &m_menu_cam_pos.y, -180.f, 180.f);
  258. ImGui::SliderFloat("Cam V-axis", &m_menu_cam_pos.z, -89.f, 89.f);
  259. ImGui::Combo("Scene Setup", &m_menu_mesh_idx, (const char**)m_menu_mesh_names_char.data(), (int)m_menu_mesh_names_char.count());
  260. ImGui::ListBox("Meshes", &m_menu_mesh_idx, (const char**)m_menu_mesh_names_char.data(), (int)m_menu_mesh_names_char.count());
  261. //ImGui::ListBox()
  262. }
  263. ImGui::End();
  264. //Camera
  265. if (m_menu_cam_useage)
  266. {
  267. vec3 sphere_pos_rad = m_menu_cam_pos;
  268. sphere_pos_rad.z = (sphere_pos_rad.z > 0.f) ? (90.f - sphere_pos_rad.z) : (sphere_pos_rad.z - 90.f);
  269. sphere_pos_rad = vec3(sphere_pos_rad.x, radians(sphere_pos_rad.y), radians(sphere_pos_rad.z));
  270. m_camera->SetFov(m_menu_cam_fov);
  271. m_camera->SetPosition(cartesian(sphere_pos_rad));
  272. m_camera->SetTarget(vec3::zero, vec3::axis_y);
  273. }
  274. //Check file update
  275. ASSERT(m_file_status);
  276. //if (false) //DEBUG
  277. //m_file_status->GetTime()
  278. if (m_file_status->HasUpdated())
  279. m_file_loader->AddJob(GetLoadJob(m_file_name));
  280. //Check work done
  281. //if (false) //DEBUG
  282. {
  283. array<ThreadJob*> result;
  284. m_file_loader->GetWorkResult(result);
  285. if (result.count())
  286. {
  287. for (ThreadJob* job : result)
  288. {
  289. if (job->GetJobType() == ThreadJobType::WORK_SUCCEEDED)
  290. {
  291. MeshViewerLoadJob* mvjob = static_cast<MeshViewerLoadJob*>(job);
  292. mvjob->RetrieveResult(this);
  293. }
  294. delete job;
  295. }
  296. }
  297. }
  298. /** OLD STUFF **/
  299. //Update(seconds);
  300. }
  301. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  302. void MeshViewer::TickDraw(float seconds, Scene &scene)
  303. {
  304. super::TickDraw(seconds, scene);
  305. //Draw viewer objects
  306. if (m_menu_mesh_idx >= 0 && m_menu_mesh_idx < m_objs.count())
  307. m_objs[m_menu_mesh_idx]->TickDraw(seconds, scene);
  308. //Draw gizmos & grid
  309. Debug::DrawGizmo(vec3::zero, vec3::axis_x, vec3::axis_y, vec3::axis_z, 10.f);
  310. Debug::DrawSetupColor(Color::white);
  311. Debug::DrawSetupSegment(1.f);
  312. Debug::DrawGrid(vec3::zero, vec3::axis_x, vec3::axis_y, vec3::axis_z, 10.f);
  313. /** OLD STUFF **/
  314. //Draw(seconds);
  315. }
  316. //The basic main --------------------------------------------------------------
  317. int main(int argc, char **argv)
  318. {
  319. System::Init(argc, argv);
  320. Application app("MeshViewer", ivec2((int)DEFAULT_WIDTH, (int)DEFAULT_HEIGHT), 60.0f);
  321. if (argc > 1)
  322. new MeshViewer(argv[1]);
  323. else
  324. new MeshViewer();
  325. app.Run();
  326. return EXIT_SUCCESS;
  327. }
  328. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  329. //OLD ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  330. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  331. #if HAS_INPUT
  332. bool MeshViewer::KeyReleased(MVKeyboardList index) { return (HAS_KBOARD && m_controller->WasKeyReleasedThisFrame(index)); }
  333. bool MeshViewer::KeyPressed(MVKeyboardList index) { return (HAS_KBOARD && m_controller->WasKeyPressedThisFrame(index)); }
  334. bool MeshViewer::KeyDown(MVKeyboardList index) { return (HAS_KBOARD && m_controller->IsKeyPressed(index)); }
  335. bool MeshViewer::KeyReleased(MVMouseKeyList index) { return (HAS_MOUSE && m_controller->WasKeyReleasedThisFrame(index)); }
  336. bool MeshViewer::KeyPressed(MVMouseKeyList index) { return (HAS_MOUSE && m_controller->WasKeyPressedThisFrame(index)); }
  337. bool MeshViewer::KeyDown(MVMouseKeyList index) { return (HAS_MOUSE && m_controller->IsKeyPressed(index)); }
  338. float MeshViewer::AxisValue(MVMouseAxisList index) { return (HAS_MOUSE) ? (m_controller->GetAxisValue(index)) : (0.f); }
  339. #endif //HAS_INPUT
  340. void MeshViewer::Prepare()
  341. {
  342. // Message Service
  343. MessageService::Setup();
  344. //Compile ref meshes
  345. m_gizmos << new EasyMesh();
  346. m_gizmos.Last()->Compile("[sc#0f0 ac 3 .5 .4 0 ty .25 [ad 3 .4 sy -1] ty .5 ac 3 1 .075 ty .5 dup[rz 90 ry 90 scv#00f dup[ry 90 scv#f00]]][sc#fff ab .1]");
  347. m_gizmos << new EasyMesh();
  348. m_gizmos.Last()->Compile("[sc#666 acap 1 .5 .5 ty -.5 sc#fff asph 2 1]");
  349. m_gizmos << new EasyMesh();
  350. m_gizmos.Last()->Compile("[sc#fff ac 3 .5 .4 0 ty .25 [ad 3 .4 sy -1] ty .5 ac 3 1 .1 ty .5 [ad 3 .1 sy -1] ty 1 rz 90 ry 90]");
  351. // Mesh Setup
  352. m_render_max = vec2(-.9f, 4.1f);
  353. m_mesh_render = 0;
  354. m_mesh_id = 0;
  355. m_mesh_id1 = 0.f;
  356. m_default_texture = nullptr;
  357. m_texture_shader = nullptr;
  358. m_texture = nullptr;
  359. //Camera Setup
  360. m_reset_timer = -1.f;
  361. m_fov = -100.f;
  362. m_fov_mesh = 0.f;
  363. m_fov_speed = 0.f;
  364. m_zoom = 0.f;
  365. m_zoom_mesh = 0.f;
  366. m_zoom_speed = 0.f;
  367. m_rot = vec2(/*45.f*/0.f, -45.f);
  368. m_rot_mesh = vec2::zero;
  369. m_rot_speed = vec2::zero;
  370. m_pos = vec2::zero;
  371. m_pos_mesh = vec2::zero;
  372. m_pos_speed = vec2::zero;
  373. m_screen_offset = vec2::zero;
  374. m_hist_scale = vec2(.13f, .03f);
  375. m_hist_scale_mesh = vec2(.0f);
  376. m_hist_scale_speed = vec2(.0f);
  377. m_mat_prev = mat4(quat::fromeuler_xyz(vec3::zero));
  378. m_mat = mat4::translate(vec3(0.f));//mat4(quat::fromeuler_xyz(vec3(m_rot_mesh, .0f)));
  379. m_build_timer = 0.1f;
  380. m_build_time = -1.f;
  381. //stream update
  382. m_stream_update_time = 2.0f;
  383. m_stream_update_timer = 1.0f;
  384. m_init = true;
  385. m_input_usage = 0;
  386. #if HAS_INPUT
  387. /* Register an input controller for the keyboard */
  388. m_controller = new Controller("Default");
  389. m_controller->SetInputCount(MAX_KEYS, MAX_AXIS);
  390. if (InputDevice::Get(g_name_mouse.C()))
  391. {
  392. m_input_usage |= (1 << IPT_MV_MOUSE);
  393. m_controller->GetKey(MSE_CAM_ROT).BindMouse("Left");
  394. m_controller->GetKey(MSE_CAM_POS).BindMouse("Right");
  395. m_controller->GetKey(MSE_CAM_FOV).BindMouse("Middle");
  396. m_controller->GetKey(MSE_FOCUS).BindMouse("InScreen");
  397. m_controller->GetAxis(MSEX_CAM_Y).BindMouse("Y");
  398. m_controller->GetAxis(MSEX_CAM_X).BindMouse("X");
  399. }
  400. if (InputDevice::Get(g_name_keyboard.C()))
  401. {
  402. m_input_usage |= (1 << IPT_MV_KBOARD);
  403. //Camera keyboard rotation
  404. m_controller->GetKey(KEY_CAM_UP).BindKeyboard("Up");
  405. m_controller->GetKey(KEY_CAM_DOWN).BindKeyboard("Down");
  406. m_controller->GetKey(KEY_CAM_LEFT).BindKeyboard("Left");
  407. m_controller->GetKey(KEY_CAM_RIGHT).BindKeyboard("Right");
  408. //Camera keyboard position switch
  409. m_controller->GetKey(KEY_CAM_POS).BindKeyboard("LeftShift");
  410. m_controller->GetKey(KEY_CAM_FOV).BindKeyboard("LeftCtrl");
  411. //Camera unzoom switch
  412. m_controller->GetKey(KEY_CAM_RESET).BindKeyboard("Space");
  413. //Mesh change
  414. m_controller->GetKey(KEY_MESH_NEXT).BindKeyboard("PageUp");
  415. m_controller->GetKey(KEY_MESH_PREV).BindKeyboard("PageDown");
  416. //Base setup
  417. m_controller->GetKey(KEY_F1).BindKeyboard("F1");
  418. m_controller->GetKey(KEY_F2).BindKeyboard("F2");
  419. m_controller->GetKey(KEY_F3).BindKeyboard("F3");
  420. m_controller->GetKey(KEY_F4).BindKeyboard("F4");
  421. m_controller->GetKey(KEY_F5).BindKeyboard("F5");
  422. m_controller->GetKey(KEY_ESC).BindKeyboard("Escape");
  423. }
  424. #endif //HAS_INPUT
  425. m_camera = new Camera();
  426. m_camera->SetView(vec3(0.f, 0.f, 10.f), vec3::zero, vec3::axis_y);
  427. m_camera->SetProjection(0.f, .0001f, 2000.f, WIDTH * SCREEN_W, RATIO_HW);
  428. m_camera->UseShift(true);
  429. g_scene->PushCamera(m_camera);
  430. //Lights setup
  431. m_ssetup = new SceneSetup();
  432. #if NO_SC_SETUP
  433. m_ssetup->m_lights << new Light();
  434. m_ssetup->m_lights.Last()->SetPosition(vec4(4.f, -1.f, -4.f, 0.f));
  435. m_ssetup->m_lights.Last()->SetColor(vec4(.0f, .2f, .5f, 1.f));
  436. Ticker::Ref(m_ssetup->m_lights.Last());
  437. m_ssetup->m_lights << new Light();
  438. m_ssetup->m_lights.Last()->SetPosition(vec4(8.f, 2.f, 6.f, 0.f));
  439. m_ssetup->m_lights.Last()->SetColor(vec4(1.f));
  440. Ticker::Ref(m_ssetup->m_lights.Last());
  441. EasyMesh* em = new EasyMesh();
  442. if (em->Compile("sc#fff ab 1"))
  443. {
  444. if (m_mesh_id == m_meshes.Count() - 1)
  445. m_mesh_id++;
  446. m_meshes.Push(em, nullptr);
  447. }
  448. #else
  450. /*
  451. m_ssetup->Compile("addlight 0.0 position (4 -1 -4) color (.0 .2 .5 1) "
  452. "addlight 0.0 position (8 2 6) color #ffff "
  453. "showgizmo true ");
  454. */
  455. m_ssetup->Startup();
  456. #endif //NO_SC_SETUP
  457. for (int i = 0; i < m_ssetup->m_lights.Count(); ++i)
  458. {
  459. m_light_datas << LightData(m_ssetup->m_lights[i]->GetPosition().xyz, m_ssetup->m_lights[i]->GetColor());
  460. m_ssetup->m_lights[i]->SetPosition(vec3::zero);
  461. m_ssetup->m_lights[i]->SetColor(vec4::zero);
  462. }
  463. }
  464. void MeshViewer::Unprepare()
  465. {
  466. if (m_camera) g_scene->PopCamera(m_camera);
  467. if (m_ssetup) delete m_ssetup;
  468. MessageService::Destroy();
  469. //Register all entities
  470. for (Entity* entity : m_entities)
  471. Ticker::Unref(entity);
  472. m_controller = nullptr;
  473. m_camera = nullptr;
  474. m_ssetup = nullptr;
  475. /** ----- Init is needed ----- **/
  476. m_init = false;
  477. }
  478. void MeshViewer::Update(float seconds)
  479. {
  480. //TODO : This should probably be "standard LoL behaviour"
  481. #if HAS_INPUT
  482. {
  483. //Shutdown logic
  484. if (KeyReleased(KEY_ESC))
  485. Ticker::Shutdown();
  486. }
  487. #endif //HAS_INPUT
  488. //Compute render mesh count
  489. float a_j = lol::abs(m_render_max[1]);
  490. float i_m = m_hist_scale_mesh.x;
  491. float i_trans = a_j - ((a_j * a_j * i_m * i_m + a_j * i_m) * .5f);
  492. m_render_max[1] = a_j * ((RATIO_WH * 1.f) / ((i_trans != 0.f)?(i_trans):(RATIO_WH))) - RATIO_HW * .3f;
  493. //Mesh Change
  494. #if HAS_INPUT
  495. m_mesh_id = clamp(m_mesh_id + ((int)KeyPressed(KEY_MESH_PREV) - (int)KeyPressed(KEY_MESH_NEXT)), 0, (int)m_meshes.Count() - 1);
  496. #endif //HAS_INPUT
  497. m_mesh_id1 = damp(m_mesh_id1, (float)m_mesh_id, .2f, seconds);
  498. #if ALL_FEATURES
  499. //Update light position & damping
  500. for (int i = 0; i < m_ssetup->m_lights.Count(); ++i)
  501. {
  502. vec3 pos = (m_mat * inverse(m_mat_prev) * vec4(m_ssetup->m_lights[i]->GetPosition(), 1.f)).xyz;
  503. vec3 tgt = (m_mat * vec4(m_light_datas[i].m_pos, 1.f)).xyz;
  504. vec3 new_pos = damp(pos, tgt, .3f, seconds);
  505. vec4 new_col = damp(m_ssetup->m_lights[i]->GetColor(), m_light_datas[i].m_col, .3f, seconds);
  506. m_ssetup->m_lights[i]->SetPosition(new_pos);
  507. m_ssetup->m_lights[i]->SetColor(new_col);
  508. }
  509. //Camera update
  510. bool is_pos = false;
  511. bool is_fov = false;
  512. bool is_hsc = false;
  513. vec2 tmpv = vec2::zero;
  514. #if HAS_INPUT
  515. is_pos = KeyDown(KEY_CAM_POS) || KeyDown(MSE_CAM_POS);
  516. is_fov = KeyDown(KEY_CAM_FOV) || KeyDown(MSE_CAM_FOV);
  517. if (KeyDown(MSE_FOCUS) && (KeyDown(MSE_CAM_ROT) || KeyDown(MSE_CAM_POS) || KeyDown(MSE_CAM_FOV)))
  518. {
  519. tmpv += vec2(AxisValue(MSEX_CAM_Y), AxisValue(MSEX_CAM_X));
  520. if (KeyDown(MSE_CAM_ROT))
  521. tmpv *= vec2(1.f, 1.f) * 6.f;
  522. if (KeyDown(MSE_CAM_POS))
  523. tmpv *= vec2(1.f, -1.f) * 3.f;
  524. if (KeyDown(MSE_CAM_FOV))
  525. tmpv = vec2(tmpv.y * 4.f, tmpv.x * 6.f);
  526. }
  527. tmpv += vec2((float)KeyDown(KEY_CAM_UP ) - (float)KeyDown(KEY_CAM_DOWN),
  528. (float)KeyDown(KEY_CAM_RIGHT) - (float)KeyDown(KEY_CAM_LEFT));
  529. #endif //HAS_INPUT
  530. //Base data
  531. vec2 rot = (!is_pos && !is_fov)?(tmpv):(vec2(.0f)); rot = vec2(rot.x, -rot.y);
  532. vec2 pos = ( is_pos && !is_fov)?(tmpv):(vec2(.0f)); pos = -vec2(pos.y, pos.x);
  533. vec2 fov = (!is_pos && is_fov )?(tmpv):(vec2(.0f)); fov = vec2(-fov.x, fov.y);
  534. vec2 hsc = (is_hsc)?(vec2(0.f)):(vec2(0.f));
  535. //speed
  536. m_rot_speed = damp(m_rot_speed, rot * ROT_SPEED, .2f, seconds);
  537. float pos_factor = 1.f / (1.f + m_zoom_mesh * .5f);
  538. m_pos_speed = damp(m_pos_speed, pos * POS_SPEED * pos_factor, .2f, seconds);
  539. float fov_factor = 1.f + lol::pow((m_fov_mesh / FOV_CLAMP) * 1.f, 2.f);
  540. m_fov_speed = damp(m_fov_speed, fov.x * FOV_SPEED * fov_factor, .2f, seconds);
  541. float zom_factor = 1.f + lol::pow((m_zoom_mesh / ZOM_CLAMP) * 1.f, 2.f);
  542. m_zoom_speed = damp(m_zoom_speed, fov.y * ZOM_SPEED * zom_factor, .2f, seconds);
  543. m_hist_scale_speed = damp(m_hist_scale_speed, hsc * HST_SPEED, .2f, seconds);
  544. m_rot += m_rot_speed * seconds;
  545. #if HAS_INPUT
  546. if (m_reset_timer >= 0.f)
  547. m_reset_timer -= seconds;
  548. if (KeyPressed(KEY_CAM_RESET))
  549. {
  550. if (m_reset_timer >= 0.f)
  551. {
  552. m_pos = vec2(0.f);
  553. m_zoom = 0.f;
  554. }
  555. else
  556. m_reset_timer = RESET_TIMER;
  557. }
  558. //Transform update
  559. if (!KeyDown(KEY_CAM_RESET))
  560. {
  561. m_pos += m_pos_speed * seconds;
  562. m_fov += m_fov_speed * seconds;
  563. m_zoom += m_zoom_speed * seconds;
  564. m_hist_scale += m_hist_scale_speed * seconds;
  565. }
  566. #endif //HAS_INPUT
  567. //clamp
  568. vec2 rot_mesh = vec2(SmoothClamp(m_rot.x, -ROT_CLAMP, ROT_CLAMP, ROT_CLAMP * .1f), m_rot.y);
  569. vec2 pos_mesh = vec2(SmoothClamp(m_pos.x, -POS_CLAMP, POS_CLAMP, POS_CLAMP * .1f),
  570. SmoothClamp(m_pos.y, -POS_CLAMP, POS_CLAMP, POS_CLAMP * .1f));
  571. float fov_mesh = SmoothClamp(m_fov, 0.f, FOV_CLAMP, FOV_CLAMP * .1f);
  572. float zoom_mesh = SmoothClamp(m_zoom, -ZOM_CLAMP, ZOM_CLAMP, ZOM_CLAMP * .1f);
  573. vec2 hist_scale_mesh = vec2(SmoothClamp(m_hist_scale.x, 0.f, HST_CLAMP, HST_CLAMP * .1f),
  574. SmoothClamp(m_hist_scale.y, 0.f, HST_CLAMP, HST_CLAMP * .1f));
  575. #if HAS_INPUT
  576. if (KeyDown(KEY_CAM_RESET) && m_reset_timer < 0.f)
  577. {
  578. pos_mesh = vec2::zero;
  579. zoom_mesh = 0.f;
  580. }
  581. #endif //HAS_INPUT
  582. m_rot_mesh = vec2(damp(m_rot_mesh.x, rot_mesh.x, .2f, seconds), damp(m_rot_mesh.y, rot_mesh.y, .2f, seconds));
  583. m_pos_mesh = vec2(damp(m_pos_mesh.x, pos_mesh.x, .2f, seconds), damp(m_pos_mesh.y, pos_mesh.y, .2f, seconds));
  584. m_fov_mesh = damp(m_fov_mesh, fov_mesh, .2f, seconds);
  585. m_zoom_mesh = damp(m_zoom_mesh, zoom_mesh, .2f, seconds);
  586. m_hist_scale_mesh = damp(m_hist_scale_mesh, hist_scale_mesh, .2f, seconds);
  587. //Mesh mat calculation
  588. m_mat_prev = m_mat;
  589. m_mat = mat4::translate(vec3(0.f));
  590. //Target List Setup
  591. TargetCamera tc;
  592. if (m_meshes.Count() && m_mesh_id >= 0)
  593. for (int i = 0; i < m_meshes[m_mesh_id].m1->GetVertexCount(); i++)
  594. tc.AddTarget((m_mat * mat4::translate(m_meshes[m_mesh_id].m1->GetVertexLocation(i)))[3].xyz);
  595. tc.AddTarget(box3(vec3(0.f), vec3(1.f)));
  596. for (int k = 0; k < m_ssetup->m_lights.Count() && m_ssetup->m_show_lights; ++k)
  597. {
  598. vec3 light_pos = m_ssetup->m_lights[k]->GetPosition();
  599. mat4 world_cam = m_camera->GetView();
  600. light_pos = (inverse(world_cam) * vec4((world_cam * vec4(light_pos, 1.0f)).xyz * vec3::axis_z, 1.0f)).xyz;
  601. tc.AddTarget(box3(vec3(-1.f), vec3(1.f)) + light_pos *
  602. ((m_ssetup->m_lights[k]->GetType() == LightType::Directional)?(-1.f):(1.f)));
  603. }
  604. //--
  605. //Update mesh screen location - Get the Min/Max needed
  606. //--
  607. vec2 cam_center(0.f);
  608. float cam_factor = .0f;
  609. vec3 local_min_max[2] = { vec3(FLT_MAX), vec3(-FLT_MAX) };
  610. vec2 screen_min_max[2] = { vec2(FLT_MAX), vec2(-FLT_MAX) };
  611. mat4 world_cam = m_camera->GetView();
  612. mat4 cam_screen = m_camera->GetProjection();
  613. //target on-screen computation
  614. for (int i = 0; i < tc.m_targets.Count(); i++)
  615. {
  616. vec3 obj_loc = tc.m_targets[i];
  617. {
  618. //Debug::DrawBox(obj_loc - vec3(4.f), obj_loc + vec3(4.f), vec4(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f));
  619. mat4 target_mx = mat4::translate(obj_loc);
  620. vec3 vpos;
  621. //Get location in cam coordinates
  622. target_mx = world_cam * target_mx;
  623. vpos = target_mx[3].xyz;
  624. local_min_max[0] = min(vpos.xyz, local_min_max[0]);
  625. local_min_max[1] = max(vpos.xyz, local_min_max[1]);
  626. //Get location in screen coordinates
  627. target_mx = cam_screen * target_mx;
  628. vpos = (target_mx[3] / target_mx[3].w).xyz;
  629. screen_min_max[0] = min(screen_min_max[0], vpos.xy * vec2(RATIO_WH, 1.f));
  630. screen_min_max[1] = max(screen_min_max[1], vpos.xy * vec2(RATIO_WH, 1.f));
  631. //Build Barycenter
  632. cam_center += vpos.xy;
  633. cam_factor += 1.f;
  634. }
  635. }
  636. float screen_ratio = max(max(lol::abs(screen_min_max[0].x), lol::abs(screen_min_max[0].y)),
  637. max(lol::abs(screen_min_max[1].x), lol::abs(screen_min_max[1].y)));
  638. float z_dist = //m_camera->m_target_distance
  639. length(m_camera->m_position)
  640. + max(local_min_max[0].z, local_min_max[1].z);
  641. vec2 screen_offset = vec2(0.f, -(screen_min_max[1].y + screen_min_max[0].y) * .5f);
  642. m_screen_offset = damp(m_screen_offset, screen_offset, .9f, seconds);
  643. float forced_zoom = m_zoom_mesh;
  644. if (cam_factor > 0.f)
  645. {
  646. vec2 old_sscale = m_camera->GetScreenScale();
  647. float old_ssize = m_camera->GetScreenSize();
  648. float zoom_in = 1.f + lol::max(0.f, forced_zoom);
  649. float zoom_out = 1.f + lol::max(0.f, -forced_zoom);
  650. m_camera->SetScreenScale(max(vec2(0.001f), ((old_sscale * zoom_in) / (screen_ratio * zoom_out * SCREEN_LIMIT))));
  651. m_camera->SetFov(m_fov_mesh);
  652. m_camera->SetScreenInfos(damp(old_ssize, max(1.f, screen_ratio * zoom_out), 1.2f, seconds));
  653. vec3 posz = ((mat4::rotate(m_rot_mesh.y, vec3::axis_y) * mat4::rotate(-m_rot_mesh.x, vec3::axis_x) * vec4::axis_z)).xyz;
  654. vec3 newpos = posz * damp(length(m_camera->m_position), z_dist * 1.2f, .1f, seconds);
  655. m_camera->SetView(newpos, vec3(0.f), vec3::axis_y);
  656. }
  657. //--
  658. //Message Service
  659. //--
  660. String mesh("");
  661. int u = 1;
  662. while (u-- > 0 && MessageService::FetchFirst(MessageBucket::AppIn, mesh))
  663. {
  664. int o = 1;
  665. while (o-- > 0)
  666. {
  667. SceneSetup* new_ssetup = new SceneSetup();
  668. if (false) //new_ssetup->Compile(mesh.C()) && new_ssetup->m_lights.Count())
  669. {
  670. //Store current light datas, in World
  671. array<LightData> light_datas;
  672. for (int i = 0; i < m_ssetup->m_lights.Count(); ++i)
  673. light_datas << LightData(m_ssetup->m_lights[i]->GetPosition(), m_ssetup->m_lights[i]->GetColor());
  674. if (m_ssetup)
  675. delete m_ssetup;
  676. m_ssetup = new_ssetup;
  677. m_ssetup->Startup();
  678. //Restore all light datas so blend can occur
  679. mat4 light_mat = m_mat * inverse(mat4(quat::fromeuler_xyz(vec3::zero)));
  680. for (int i = 0; i < m_ssetup->m_lights.Count(); ++i)
  681. {
  682. //Store local dst in current m_ld
  683. LightData ltmp = LightData(m_ssetup->m_lights[i]->GetPosition(), m_ssetup->m_lights[i]->GetColor());
  684. if (i < m_light_datas.Count())
  685. m_light_datas[i] = ltmp;
  686. else
  687. m_light_datas << ltmp;
  688. vec3 loc = vec3::zero;
  689. vec4 col = vec4::zero;
  690. if (i < light_datas.Count())
  691. {
  692. loc = light_datas[i].m_pos;
  693. col = light_datas[i].m_col;
  694. }
  695. //Restore old light datas in new lights
  696. m_ssetup->m_lights[i]->SetPosition(loc);
  697. m_ssetup->m_lights[i]->SetColor(col);
  698. }
  699. }
  700. else
  701. {
  702. m_ssetup->m_custom_cmd += new_ssetup->m_custom_cmd;
  703. delete new_ssetup;
  704. }
  705. }
  706. }
  707. //Check the custom cmd even if we don't have new messages.
  708. int o = 1;
  709. while (o-- > 0)
  710. {
  711. for (int i = 0; m_ssetup && i < m_ssetup->m_custom_cmd.Count(); ++i)
  712. {
  713. if (m_ssetup->m_custom_cmd[i].m1 == "setmesh")
  714. {
  715. //Create a new mesh
  716. EasyMesh* em = new EasyMesh();
  717. if (em->Compile(m_ssetup->m_custom_cmd[i].m2.C(), false))
  718. {
  719. em->BD()->Cmdi() = 0;
  720. if (m_mesh_id == m_meshes.Count() - 1)
  721. m_mesh_id++;
  722. m_meshes.Push(em, nullptr);
  723. }
  724. else
  725. delete em;
  726. }
  727. }
  728. }
  729. m_ssetup->m_custom_cmd.Empty();
  730. #endif //ALL_FEATURES
  731. #if HAS_WEB
  732. /*
  733. if (m_stream_update_time > .0f)
  734. {
  735. m_stream_update_time = -1.f;
  736. MessageService::Send(MessageBucket::AppIn,
  737. " addlight 0.0 position (4 -1 -4) color (.0 .2 .5 1) \
  738. addlight 0.0 position (8 2 6) color #ffff \
  739. custom setmesh \"[sc#f8f ab 1]\"");
  740. // MessageService::Send(MessageBucket::AppIn, "[sc#f8f ab 1]");
  741. // MessageService::Send(MessageBucket::AppIn, "[sc#f8f ab 1 splt 4 twy 90]");
  742. // MessageService::Send(MessageBucket::AppIn, "[sc#8ff afcb 1 1 1 0]");
  743. // MessageService::Send(MessageBucket::AppIn, "[sc#ff8 afcb 1 1 1 0]");
  744. }
  745. */
  746. #elif defined(_WIN32)
  747. //--
  748. //File management
  749. //--
  750. m_stream_update_time += seconds;
  751. if (m_stream_update_time > m_stream_update_timer)
  752. {
  753. m_stream_update_time = 0.f;
  754. File f;
  755. f.Open(m_file_name.C(), FileAccess::Read);
  756. String cmd = f.ReadString();
  757. f.Close();
  758. if (cmd.Count()
  759. && (!m_cmdlist.Count() || cmd != m_cmdlist.Last()))
  760. {
  761. m_cmdlist << cmd;
  762. MessageService::Send(MessageBucket::AppIn, cmd);
  763. }
  764. }
  765. #endif //WINDOWS
  766. }
  767. void MeshViewer::Draw(float seconds, Scene &scene)
  768. {
  769. if (!m_init || !m_first_tick)
  770. return;
  771. //TODO : This should probably be "standard LoL behaviour"
  772. #if HAS_INPUT
  773. {
  774. if (KeyReleased(KEY_F2))
  775. Video::SetDebugRenderMode((Video::GetDebugRenderMode() + 1) % DebugRenderMode::Max);
  776. else if (KeyReleased(KEY_F1))
  777. Video::SetDebugRenderMode((Video::GetDebugRenderMode() + DebugRenderMode::Max - 1) % DebugRenderMode::Max);
  778. }
  779. #endif //HAS_INPUT
  780. #if !HAS_WEB && WITH_TEXTURE
  781. if (!m_default_texture)
  782. {
  783. m_texture_shader = Shader::Create(LOLFX_RESOURCE_NAME(shinymvtexture));
  784. m_texture_uni = m_texture_shader->GetUniformLocation("u_Texture");
  785. m_default_texture = Tiler::Register("data/test-texture.png", ivec2::zero, ivec2(0,1));
  786. }
  787. else if (m_texture && m_default_texture)
  788. m_texture_shader->SetUniform(m_texture_uni, m_default_texture->GetTexture(), 0);
  789. #endif //!HAS_WEB && WITH_TEXTURE
  790. g_renderer->SetClearColor(m_ssetup->m_clear_color);
  791. for (int i = 0; i < m_gizmos.Count(); ++i)
  792. {
  793. if (m_gizmos[i]->GetMeshState() == MeshRender::NeedConvert)
  794. m_gizmos[i]->MeshConvert();
  795. else
  796. break;
  797. }
  798. if (m_build_timer > .0f)
  799. {
  800. if (m_build_time < .0f)
  801. {
  802. m_build_time = m_build_timer;
  803. for (int i = 0; i < m_meshes.Count(); ++i)
  804. {
  805. if (m_meshes[i].m1 && m_meshes[i].m1->BD()->Cmdi() < m_meshes[i].m1->BD()->CmdStack().GetCmdNb())
  806. {
  807. EasyMesh* tmp = m_meshes[i].m1;
  808. EasyMesh* newtmp = new EasyMesh(*tmp);
  809. int ii = 1;
  810. #if 1
  811. bool stop = false;
  812. while (!stop)
  813. {
  814. int cmdi = newtmp->BD()->Cmdi() + ii;
  815. if (cmdi < newtmp->BD()->CmdStack().GetCmdNb())
  816. {
  817. switch (newtmp->BD()->CmdStack().GetCmd(cmdi))
  818. {
  819. case EasyMeshCmdType::LoopStart:
  820. case EasyMeshCmdType::LoopEnd:
  821. case EasyMeshCmdType::OpenBrace:
  822. case EasyMeshCmdType::CloseBrace:
  823. case EasyMeshCmdType::ScaleWinding:
  824. case EasyMeshCmdType::QuadWeighting:
  825. case EasyMeshCmdType::PostBuildNormal:
  826. case EasyMeshCmdType::PreventVertCleanup:
  827. case EasyMeshCmdType::SetColorA:
  828. case EasyMeshCmdType::SetColorB:
  829. {
  830. ii++;
  831. break;
  832. }
  833. default:
  834. {
  835. stop = true;
  836. break;
  837. }
  838. }
  839. }
  840. else
  841. stop = true;
  842. }
  843. #endif
  844. newtmp->BD()->CmdExecNb() = ii;
  845. newtmp->ExecuteCmdStack(false);
  846. m_meshes[i].m1 = newtmp;
  847. delete tmp;
  848. }
  849. }
  850. }
  851. m_build_time -= seconds;
  852. }
  853. #define NORMAL_USAGE 1
  854. #if NORMAL_USAGE
  855. vec3 x = vec3(1.f,0.f,0.f);
  856. vec3 y = vec3(0.f,1.f,0.f);
  857. mat4 save_proj = m_camera->GetProjection();
  858. //Y object Offset
  859. mat4 mat_obj_offset = mat4::translate(x * m_screen_offset.x + y * m_screen_offset.y) *
  860. //Mesh Pos Offset
  861. mat4::translate((x * m_pos_mesh.x * RATIO_HW + y * m_pos_mesh.y) * 2.f * (1.f + .5f * m_zoom_mesh / SCREEN_LIMIT));
  862. //Align right meshes
  863. mat4 mat_align = mat4::translate(x - x * RATIO_HW);
  864. mat4 mat_gizmo = mat_obj_offset * mat_align * save_proj;
  865. for (int i = 0; i < m_meshes.Count(); i++)
  866. {
  867. {
  868. if (m_meshes[i].m1->GetMeshState() == MeshRender::NeedConvert)
  869. {
  870. #if WITH_TEXTURE
  871. m_meshes[i].m1->MeshConvert(new DefaultShaderData(((1 << VertexUsage::Position) | (1 << VertexUsage::Normal) |
  872. (1 << VertexUsage::Color) | (1 << VertexUsage::TexCoord)),
  873. m_texture_shader, true));
  874. #else
  875. m_meshes[i].m1->MeshConvert();
  876. #endif //WITH_TEXTURE
  877. }
  878. #if ALL_FEATURES
  879. float j = -(float)(m_meshes.Count() - (i + 1)) + (-m_mesh_id1 + (float)(m_meshes.Count() - 1));
  880. if (m_mesh_id1 - m_render_max[0] > (float)i && m_mesh_id1 - m_render_max[1] < (float)i &&
  881. m_meshes[i].m1->GetMeshState() > MeshRender::NeedConvert)
  882. {
  883. float a_j = lol::abs(j);
  884. float i_trans = (a_j * a_j * m_hist_scale_mesh.x + a_j * m_hist_scale_mesh.x) * .5f;
  885. float i_scale = clamp(1.f - (m_hist_scale_mesh.y * (m_mesh_id1 - (float)i)), 0.f, 1.f);
  886. //Mesh count offset
  887. mat4 mat_count_offset = mat4::translate(x * RATIO_HW * 2.f * (j + i_trans));
  888. //Mesh count scale
  889. mat4 mat_count_scale = mat4::scale(vec3(vec2(i_scale), 1.f));
  890. //Camera projection
  891. mat4 new_proj = mat_obj_offset * mat_count_offset * mat_align * mat_count_scale * save_proj;
  892. m_camera->SetProjection(new_proj);
  893. scene.AddPrimitive(*m_meshes[i].m1, m_mat);
  894. g_renderer->Clear(ClearMask::Depth);
  895. }
  896. m_camera->SetProjection(save_proj);
  897. #else
  898. scene.AddPrimitive(*m_meshes[i].m1, m_mat);
  899. #endif //ALL_FEATURES
  900. }
  901. }
  902. //Scene setup update
  903. if (m_ssetup)
  904. {
  905. m_camera->SetProjection(mat_gizmo);
  906. if (m_ssetup->m_show_gizmo)
  907. scene.AddPrimitive(*m_gizmos[GZ_Editor], m_mat);
  908. if (m_ssetup->m_show_lights)
  909. {
  910. for (int k = 0; k < m_ssetup->m_lights.Count(); ++k)
  911. {
  912. Light* ltmp = m_ssetup->m_lights[k];
  913. mat4 world = mat4::translate(ltmp->GetPosition());
  914. mat4 local = mat4::translate((inverse(m_mat) * world)[3].xyz);
  915. //dir light
  916. if (ltmp->GetType() == LightType::Directional)
  917. {
  918. scene.AddPrimitive(*m_gizmos[GZ_LightPos], m_mat * inverse(local));
  919. scene.AddPrimitive(*m_gizmos[GZ_LightDir], inverse(world) * inverse(mat4::lookat(vec3::zero, -ltmp->GetPosition(), vec3::axis_y)));
  920. }
  921. else //point light
  922. {
  923. scene.AddPrimitive(*m_gizmos[GZ_LightPos], m_mat * local);
  924. }
  925. }
  926. }
  927. m_camera->SetProjection(save_proj);
  928. }
  929. #endif //NORMAL_USAGE
  930. #if 0 //Debug normal draw
  931. for (int i = m_meshes.Count() - 1; 0 <= i && i < m_meshes.Count(); i++)
  932. {
  933. for (int j = 0; j < m_meshes[i].m1->m_indices.Count(); j += 3)
  934. {
  935. VertexData v[3] = { m_meshes[i].m1->m_vert[m_meshes[i].m1->m_indices[j ]],
  936. m_meshes[i].m1->m_vert[m_meshes[i].m1->m_indices[j+1]],
  937. m_meshes[i].m1->m_vert[m_meshes[i].m1->m_indices[j+2]]
  938. };
  939. for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
  940. Debug::DrawLine((m_mat * mat4::translate(v[k].m_coord))[3].xyz,
  941. (m_mat * mat4::translate(v[(k+1)%3].m_coord))[3].xyz, vec4(vec3((v[k].m_coord.z + 1.f)*.5f),1.f));
  942. }
  943. for (int j = 0; j < m_meshes[i].m1->m_vert.Count(); j++)
  944. {
  945. VertexData &v = m_meshes[i].m1->m_vert[m_meshes[i].m1->m_indices[j]];
  946. Debug::DrawLine((m_mat * mat4::translate(v.m_coord))[3].xyz,
  947. (m_mat * mat4::translate(v.m_coord))[3].xyz +
  948. (m_mat * vec4(v.m_normal * 5.f, 0.f)).xyz, vec4(lol::abs(v.m_normal), 1.f));
  949. }
  950. }
  951. #endif
  952. }