
mat4 : removed useless ortho(). Fixed shifted_perspective so it actually works.

numeric : Added SmoothClamp & swap
camera : fixed target&up issues and added screen-scale factor.
touky_demo : correct camera integration & first pass on uro refactor. Also added Makefile to vcproj
Benjamin ‘Touky’ Huet Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net> 11 年之前
共有 7 個檔案被更改,包括 79 行新增40 行删除
  1. +25
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  5. +39
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src/camera.cpp 查看文件

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
// Lol Engine
// Copyright: (c) 2010-2013 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net>
// 2012-2013 Benjamin "Touky" Huet <huet.benjamin@gmail.com>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To
// Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
@@ -38,12 +39,13 @@ Camera::Camera()
m_screen_size = (float)screen_size.x;
m_screen_ratio = (float)screen_size.x / (float)screen_size.y;
m_is_shifted = false;
m_screen_scale = vec2(1.f);

m_target_distance = .0f;

/* Create a default perspective */
SetProjection(mat4::perspective(45.f, 800.f, 600.f, -1000.f, 1000.f));
SetView(mat4::lookat(vec3(0.f, 50.f, 50.f),
vec3(0.f, 1.f, 0.f)));
SetView(mat4::lookat(vec3(0.f, 50.f, 50.f), vec3(0.f), vec3(0.f, 1.f, 0.f)));

@@ -53,6 +55,8 @@ Camera::~Camera()
//View functions

//WARNING : Don't forget the position
void Camera::SetView(mat4 const &view)
m_view_matrix = view;
@@ -68,14 +72,12 @@ void Camera::SetView(vec3 eye, vec3 target, vec3 up)

void Camera::SetView(vec3 pos, vec3 rot)
SetView(pos, quat::fromeuler_xyz(rot));
SetView(pos, quat::fromeuler_zyx(rot.zyx));

void Camera::SetView(vec3 pos, quat rot)
m_view_matrix = mat4::lookat(pos,
pos + rot.transform(vec3(0.f, 0.f, -max(m_target_distance, 1.f))),
rot.transform(vec3(0.f, 1.f, 0.f)));
m_view_matrix = inverse(mat4(rot)) * mat4::translate(-pos);
m_position = pos;

@@ -104,16 +106,16 @@ void Camera::SetProjection(float fov, float near, float far, float screen_size,
m_far = far;
m_screen_size = screen_size;
m_screen_ratio = screen_ratio;
mat4 screen_scale = mat4::scale(vec3(m_screen_scale.xy, 1.f));
if (m_fov > .0f)
if (m_is_shifted)
SetProjection(mat4::shifted_perspective(m_fov, screen_size, screen_ratio, m_far - m_near));
SetProjection(screen_scale * mat4::shifted_perspective(m_fov, screen_size, screen_ratio, m_near, m_far));
SetProjection(mat4::perspective(m_fov, screen_size, screen_size * screen_ratio, m_near, m_far));
SetProjection(screen_scale * mat4::perspective(m_fov, screen_size, screen_size * screen_ratio, m_near, m_far));
SetProjection(mat4::ortho(screen_size, screen_size * screen_ratio, m_near, m_far));
SetProjection(screen_scale * mat4::ortho(screen_size, screen_size * screen_ratio, m_near, m_far));

mat4 Camera::GetProjection()
@@ -149,6 +151,12 @@ void Camera::SetDrawInfos(float near, float far)
SetProjection(m_fov, near, far, m_screen_size, m_screen_ratio);

void Camera::SetScreenScale(vec2 screen_scale)
m_screen_scale = screen_scale;
SetProjection(m_fov, m_near, m_far, m_screen_size, m_screen_ratio);

void Camera::UseShift(bool should_shift)
m_is_shifted = should_shift;
@@ -163,28 +171,23 @@ void Camera::UseTarget(bool use_target)
//camera manipulation Functions
void Camera::SetPosition(vec3 pos)
void Camera::SetPosition(vec3 pos, bool keep_target)
if (m_target_distance > .0f)
SetView(m_position, m_position + GetTarget(), GetUp());
if (keep_target)
SetView(pos, GetTarget(), GetUp());
SetView(GetView() * mat4::translate(pos - m_position));
m_position = pos;

void Camera::SetTarget(vec3 target)
void Camera::SetTarget(vec3 target, vec3 up)
SetView(m_position, target, GetUp());

void Camera::SetUp(vec3 up)
SetView(m_position, GetTarget(), up);
SetView(m_position, target, up);

void Camera::SetRotation(vec3 rot)
SetView(m_position, rot);

void Camera::SetRotation(quat rot)

+ 6
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src/camera.h 查看文件

@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ public:
void SetScreenInfos(float screen_size, float screen_ratio);
void SetDrawInfos(float far);
void SetDrawInfos(float near, float far);
void SetScreenScale(vec2 scale);
void UseShift(bool should_shift);
void UseTarget(bool use_target);

@@ -60,13 +61,13 @@ public:
float GetScreenRatio() { return m_screen_ratio; }
float GetNear() { return m_near; }
float GetFar() { return m_far; }
vec2 GetScreenScale() { return m_screen_scale; }
bool IsShifted() { return m_is_shifted; }
bool IsTargeting() { return (m_target_distance != .0f); }

//camera manipulation Functions
void SetPosition(vec3 pos);
void SetTarget(vec3 target);
void SetUp(vec3 up);
void SetPosition(vec3 pos, bool keep_target=false);
void SetTarget(vec3 target, vec3 up);
void SetRotation(vec3 rot);
void SetRotation(quat rot);

@@ -96,7 +97,9 @@ private:
float m_screen_ratio;
float m_near;
float m_far;
vec2 m_screen_scale;
bool m_is_shifted;
bool m_fix_up;

} /* namespace lol */

+ 1
- 2
src/lol/math/vector.h 查看文件

@@ -1804,10 +1804,9 @@ template <typename T> struct Mat4
/* Helpers for projection matrices */
static Mat4<T> ortho(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T near, T far);
static Mat4<T> ortho(T width, T height, T near, T far);
static Mat4<T> ortho(T screen_size, T screen_ratio_xy, T draw_distance);
static Mat4<T> frustum(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T near, T far);
static Mat4<T> perspective(T fov_y, T width, T height, T near, T far);
static Mat4<T> shifted_perspective(T fov_y, T screen_size, T screen_ratio_xy, T draw_distance);
static Mat4<T> shifted_perspective(T fov_y, T screen_size, T screen_ratio_yx, T near, T far);

void printf() const;

+ 6
- 11
src/math/vector.cpp 查看文件

@@ -745,11 +745,6 @@ template<> mat4 mat4::ortho(float width, float height,
-0.5f * height, 0.5f * height, near, far);

template<> mat4 mat4::ortho(float screen_size, float screen_ratio_xy, float draw_distance)
return mat4::ortho(screen_size * screen_ratio_xy, screen_size, .00001f, draw_distance);

template<> mat4 mat4::frustum(float left, float right, float bottom,
float top, float near, float far)
@@ -782,15 +777,15 @@ template<> mat4 mat4::perspective(float fov_y, float width,

//Returns a perspective matrix with the camera location shifted to be on the near plane
template<> mat4 mat4::shifted_perspective(float fov_y, float screen_size,
float screen_ratio_xy, float draw_distance)
float screen_ratio_yx, float near, float far)
float new_fov_y = fov_y * (F_PI / 180.0f);
float dist_scr = (screen_size * screen_ratio_yx * .5f) / tanf(new_fov_y * .5f);

float near = (screen_size * .5f) / lol::tan(new_fov_y * .5f);
float far = near + draw_distance;

return mat4::perspective(fov_y, screen_size * screen_ratio_xy, screen_size, near - .000001f, far) *
mat4::translate(.0f, .0f, -near);
return mat4::perspective(fov_y, screen_size, screen_size * screen_ratio_yx,
max(.001f, dist_scr + near),
max(.001f, dist_scr + far)) *
mat4::translate(.0f, .0f, -dist_scr);

} /* namespace lol */

+ 39
- 0
src/numeric.h 查看文件

@@ -43,6 +43,45 @@ template <typename T1, typename T2, typename Tf> static inline T1 damp(const T1
return lol::lerp(a, b, dt / (dt + x));

template< class T > inline void Swap( T& A, T& B )
const T Temp = A;
A = B;
B = Temp;

//SmoothClamp clamps x in [a - sd, b + sd] and returns a value in [a, b] that is smoothed at the borders.
static inline float SmoothClamp(float &x, float a, float b, float sd)
if (b < a)
Swap(a, b);

float tx = x;
float ta = a - sd;
float tb = b + sd;
if (sd > 0.f)
if ((b - a) < 2.f * sd)
sd = .5f * (b - a);

if (tx < a + sd && tx > a - sd)
float t = (tx - a) / sd;
t = 0.25f * (t + 1.0f) * (t + 1.0f);
tx = a + t * sd;
else if (tx < b + sd && tx > b - sd)
float t = -(tx - b) / sd;
t = 0.25f * (t + 1.0f) * (t + 1.0f);
tx = b - t * sd;

x = lol::clamp(x, ta, tb);
return lol::clamp(tx, a, b);

} /* namespace lol */

#endif // __LOL_NUMERIC_H__

+ 1
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test/meshviewer.cpp 查看文件

@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ public:
if (m_fov_damp < MIN_FOV)
cur_cam->SetProjection(mat4::ortho(screen_size * fov_ratio * 1.1f, 1600.f / 600.f, 1000.f));
else if (fov_ratio > .0f)
cur_cam->SetProjection(mat4::shifted_perspective(m_fov_damp, screen_size * fov_ratio * 1.1f, 1600.f / 600.f, 1000.f));
cur_cam->SetProjection(mat4::shifted_perspective(m_fov_damp, screen_size * fov_ratio * 1.1f, 1600.f / 600.f, .00001f, 1000.f));

vec3 cam_center = cam_min_max[0] + min_max_diff * .5f;

+ 1
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test/physics/lolbtphysicsintegration.h 查看文件

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@

namespace lol
//Override Gamegroups names for Physic-useage
//Override Gamegroups names for Physic-usage
//"_ENT_" means that this is a group for Entities that use EasyPhysic primitives.
//"_EZP_" means that this is a group for EasyPhysic primitives.
