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Added a skeleton for Input Tracking & base idea for Touch/untouch mechanics.

Benjamin ‘Touky’ Huet touky 12 years ago
3 changed files with 272 additions and 1 deletions
  1. +98
  2. +132
  3. +42

+ 98
- 0
src/input/input.cpp View File

@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ namespace lol
* Input implementation class * Input implementation class
*/ */

Array<ButtonSetting> Input::InputAssocationList;

static class InputData static class InputData
{ {
friend class Input; friend class Input;
@@ -113,6 +115,102 @@ int Input::GetButtonState(int button)
#endif #endif
} }


//Internal : Updates the action status & timers
void Input::UpdateActionStatus(float seconds)
for (int i = 0; i < InputAssocationList.Count(); i++)
ButtonSetting &CurIT = InputAssocationList[i];

CurIT.PrevStatus = CurIT.CurStatus;
CurIT.CurStatus = Input::GetButtonState(CurIT.RawButtonId);

for (int j = 0; j < CurIT.AssociatedActionList.Count(); j++)
ActionSetting &CurAS = CurIT.AssociatedActionList[j];

if (CurAS.BufferedSince <= CurAS.BufferingTime)
CurAS.BufferedSince += seconds;

if (CurIT.CurStatus && CurAS.BufferingTime >= .0f)
CurAS.BufferedSince = .0f;


//Helps link a software input Action-Id to an hardware input Button-Id.
void Input::LinkActionIdToButtonId(int ActionId, int ButtonId)
int ITIdx = GetButtonSettingIdx(ButtonId);
if (ITIdx == -1)
ITIdx = InputAssocationList.Count();
InputAssocationList << ButtonSetting(ButtonId);

ButtonSetting &CurIT = InputAssocationList[ITIdx];

int ASIdx = CurIT.GetActionSettingIdx(ActionId);
if (ASIdx == -1)
ASIdx = CurIT.AssociatedActionList.Count();
CurIT.AssociatedActionList << ActionSetting(ActionId);

//Helps unlink a software input Action-Id to an hardware input Button-Id.
void Input::UnlinkActionId(int ActionId)
for (int i = 0; i < InputAssocationList.Count(); i++)
ButtonSetting &CurIT = InputAssocationList[i];
int ASIdx = CurIT.GetActionSettingIdx(ActionId);
if (ASIdx != -1)

//Returns the current status of a given action
int Input::GetActionStatus(int ActionId)
for (int i = 0; i < InputAssocationList.Count(); i++)
ButtonSetting &CurIT = InputAssocationList[i];
int ASIdx = CurIT.GetActionSettingIdx(ActionId);
if (ASIdx != -1)
ActionSetting &CurAS = CurIT.AssociatedActionList[ASIdx];
if (CurAS.BufferingTime >= .0f && CurAS.BufferedSince <= CurAS.BufferingTime)
return 1;
return 0;
return 0;

//Returns TRUE if action status when from Active to Inactive this frame
bool Input::WasActionJustReleased(int ActionId)
for (int i = 0; i < InputAssocationList.Count(); i++)
ButtonSetting &CurIT = InputAssocationList[i];
int ASIdx = CurIT.GetActionSettingIdx(ActionId);
if (ASIdx != -1)
if (!CurIT.CurStatus && CurIT.PrevStatus)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;

void Input::TrackMouse(WorldEntity *e) void Input::TrackMouse(WorldEntity *e)
{ {
if (data->nentities >= InputData::MAX_ENTITIES) if (data->nentities >= InputData::MAX_ENTITIES)

+ 132
- 1
src/input/input.h View File

@@ -24,15 +24,146 @@ namespace lol

class WorldEntity; class WorldEntity;

//Partial Key reap-off of the SDLK enum
#define LOLK_UNKNOWN = 0;

#define LOLK_RETURN = '\r';
#define LOLK_ESCAPE = '\033';
#define LOLK_BACKSPACE = '\b';
#define LOLK_TAB = '\t';
#define LOLK_SPACE = ' ';
#define LOLK_EXCLAIM = '!';
#define LOLK_QUOTEDBL = '"';
#define LOLK_HASH = '#';
#define LOLK_PERCENT = '%';
#define LOLK_DOLLAR = '$';
#define LOLK_AMPERSAND = '&';
#define LOLK_QUOTE = '\'';
#define LOLK_LEFTPAREN = '(';
#define LOLK_RIGHTPAREN = ')';
#define LOLK_ASTERISK = '*';
#define LOLK_PLUS = '+';
#define LOLK_COMMA = ';';
#define LOLK_MINUS = '-';
#define LOLK_PERIOD = '.';
#define LOLK_SLASH = '/';
#define LOLK_0 = '0';
#define LOLK_1 = '1';
#define LOLK_2 = '2';
#define LOLK_3 = '3';
#define LOLK_4 = '4';
#define LOLK_5 = '5';
#define LOLK_6 = '6';
#define LOLK_7 = '7';
#define LOLK_8 = '8';
#define LOLK_9 = '9';
#define LOLK_COLON = ':';
#define LOLK_SEMICOLON = ';';
#define LOLK_LESS = '<';
#define LOLK_EQUALS = '=';
#define LOLK_GREATER = '>';
#define LOLK_QUESTION = '?';
#define LOLK_AT = '@';
Skip uppercase letters
#define LOLK_LEFTBRACKET = '[';
#define LOLK_BACKSLASH = '\\';
#define LOLK_RIGHTBRACKET = ']';
#define LOLK_CARET = '^';
#define LOLK_UNDERSCORE = '_';
#define LOLK_BACKQUOTE = '`';
#define LOLK_a = 'a';
#define LOLK_b = 'b';
#define LOLK_c = 'c';
#define LOLK_d = 'd';
#define LOLK_e = 'e';
#define LOLK_f = 'f';
#define LOLK_g = 'g';
#define LOLK_h = 'h';
#define LOLK_i = 'i';
#define LOLK_j = 'j';
#define LOLK_k = 'k';
#define LOLK_l = 'l';
#define LOLK_m = 'm';
#define LOLK_n = 'n';
#define LOLK_o = 'o';
#define LOLK_p = 'p';
#define LOLK_q = 'q';
#define LOLK_r = 'r';
#define LOLK_s = 's';
#define LOLK_t = 't';
#define LOLK_u = 'u';
#define LOLK_v = 'v';
#define LOLK_w = 'w';
#define LOLK_x = 'x';
#define LOLK_y = 'y';
#define LOLK_z = 'z';

struct ActionSetting
int ActionId;
float BufferingTime;
float BufferedSince;

ActionSetting(int NewActionId)
memset(this, 0, sizeof(ActionSetting));
ActionId = NewActionId;

struct ButtonSetting
int RawButtonId;
int CurStatus;
int PrevStatus;
Array<ActionSetting> AssociatedActionList;

ButtonSetting(int NewRawButtonId)
memset(this, 0, sizeof(ButtonSetting));
RawButtonId = NewRawButtonId;
int GetActionSettingIdx(int ActionId)
for (int i = 0; i < AssociatedActionList.Count(); i++)
if (AssociatedActionList[i].ActionId == ActionId)
return i;
return -1;

class Input class Input
{ {
static Array<ButtonSetting> InputAssocationList;

static int GetButtonSettingIdx(int ButtonId)
for (int i = 0; i < InputAssocationList.Count(); i++)
if (InputAssocationList[i].RawButtonId == ButtonId)
return i;
return -1;

static void UpdateActionStatus(float seconds);

public: public:

/* These methods are general queries */ /* These methods are general queries */
static ivec2 GetMousePos(); static ivec2 GetMousePos();
static ivec3 GetMouseButtons(); static ivec3 GetMouseButtons();
//BH : Added this, is a v0.1 Alpha version.

//BH : Shouldn't use this
static int GetButtonState(int button); static int GetButtonState(int button);

//Action management
static void LinkActionIdToButtonId(int ActionId, int ButtonId);
static void UnlinkActionId(int ActionId);
static int GetActionStatus(int ActionId);
static bool WasActionJustReleased(int ActionId);

/* Entities can subscribe to events */ /* Entities can subscribe to events */
static void TrackMouse(WorldEntity *e); static void TrackMouse(WorldEntity *e);
static void UntrackMouse(WorldEntity *e); static void UntrackMouse(WorldEntity *e);

+ 42
- 0
test/Physics/Src/EasyPhysics.cpp View File

@@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ void EasyPhysic::InitBodyToRigid(bool SetToKinematic)
btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo NewInfos(m_mass, m_motion_state, m_collision_shape, m_local_inertia); btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo NewInfos(m_mass, m_motion_state, m_collision_shape, m_local_inertia);
m_rigid_body = new btRigidBody(NewInfos); m_rigid_body = new btRigidBody(NewInfos);
m_collision_object = m_rigid_body; m_collision_object = m_rigid_body;

if (m_mass == .0f) if (m_mass == .0f)
{ {
@@ -184,12 +185,53 @@ void EasyPhysic::InitBodyToGhost()
m_ghost_object = GetGhostObject(); m_ghost_object = GetGhostObject();
m_ghost_object->setCollisionShape(m_collision_shape); m_ghost_object->setCollisionShape(m_collision_shape);
m_collision_object = m_ghost_object; m_collision_object = m_ghost_object;

SetTransform(, lol::quat(m_local_to_world)); SetTransform(, lol::quat(m_local_to_world));

m_ghost_object->setCollisionFlags(m_ghost_object->getCollisionFlags()); m_ghost_object->setCollisionFlags(m_ghost_object->getCollisionFlags());
} }

//Touch logic
// btManifoldArray manifoldArray;
// btBroadphasePairArray& pairArray = ghostObject->getOverlappingPairCache()->getOverlappingPairArray();
// int numPairs = pairArray.size();

// for (int i=0;i<numPairs;i++)
// {
// manifoldArray.clear();

// const btBroadphasePair& pair = pairArray[i];
// //unless we manually perform collision detection on this pair, the contacts are in the dynamics world paircache:
// btBroadphasePair* collisionPair = dynamicsWorld->getPairCache()->findPair(pair.m_pProxy0,pair.m_pProxy1);
// if (!collisionPair)
// continue;

// if (collisionPair->m_algorithm)
// collisionPair->m_algorithm->getAllContactManifolds(manifoldArray);

// for (int j=0;j<manifoldArray.size();j++)
// {
// btPersistentManifold* manifold = manifoldArray[j];
// btScalar directionSign = manifold->getBody0() == m_ghostObject ? btScalar(-1.0) : btScalar(1.0);
// for (int p=0;p<manifold->getNumContacts();p++)
// {
// const btManifoldPoint&pt = manifold->getContactPoint(p);
// if (pt.getDistance()<0.f)
// const btVector3& ptA = pt.getPositionWorldOnA();
// const btVector3& ptB = pt.getPositionWorldOnB();
// const btVector3& normalOnB = pt.m_normalWorldOnB;
// /// work here
// }
// }
// }

//Add Physic object to the simulation //Add Physic object to the simulation
void EasyPhysic::AddToSimulation(class Simulation* current_simulation) void EasyPhysic::AddToSimulation(class Simulation* current_simulation)
{ {
