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color: implement HSV to RGB transformation and a CIEDE2000 distance

function for CIE L*a*b* values.
Sam Hocevar sam il y a 12 ans
1 fichiers modifiés avec 128 ajouts et 48 suppressions
  1. +128

+ 128
- 48
src/lol/image/color.h Voir le fichier

@@ -28,102 +28,182 @@ public:
* Convert linear RGB to sRGB
static vec3 LinearRGBTosRGB(vec3 c)
static vec3 LinearRGBTosRGB(vec3 src)
vec3 ret = 12.92f * c;
if (c.r > 0.0031308f)
ret.r = 1.055f * pow(c.r, 1.0f / 2.4f) - 0.055f;
if (c.g > 0.0031308f)
ret.g = 1.055f * pow(c.g, 1.0f / 2.4f) - 0.055f;
if (c.b > 0.0031308f)
ret.b = 1.055f * pow(c.b, 1.0f / 2.4f) - 0.055f;
vec3 ret = 12.92f * src;
if (src.r > 0.0031308f)
ret.r = 1.055f * pow(src.r, 1.0f / 2.4f) - 0.055f;
if (src.g > 0.0031308f)
ret.g = 1.055f * pow(src.g, 1.0f / 2.4f) - 0.055f;
if (src.b > 0.0031308f)
ret.b = 1.055f * pow(src.b, 1.0f / 2.4f) - 0.055f;
return ret;

static vec4 LinearRGBTosRGB(vec4 c)
static vec4 LinearRGBTosRGB(vec4 src)
return vec4(LinearRGBTosRGB(c.rgb), c.a);
return vec4(LinearRGBTosRGB(src.rgb), src.a);

* Convert sRGB to linear RGB
static vec3 sRGBToLinearRGB(vec3 c)
static vec3 sRGBToLinearRGB(vec3 src)
vec3 ret = 1.0f / 12.92f * c;
if (c.r > 0.04045f)
ret.r = pow(c.r + 0.055f, 2.4f) / pow(1.055f, 2.4f);
if (c.g > 0.04045f)
ret.g = pow(c.g + 0.055f, 2.4f) / pow(1.055f, 2.4f);
if (c.b > 0.04045f)
ret.b = pow(c.b + 0.055f, 2.4f) / pow(1.055f, 2.4f);
vec3 ret = 1.0f / 12.92f * src;
if (src.r > 0.04045f)
ret.r = pow(src.r + 0.055f, 2.4f) / pow(1.055f, 2.4f);
if (src.g > 0.04045f)
ret.g = pow(src.g + 0.055f, 2.4f) / pow(1.055f, 2.4f);
if (src.b > 0.04045f)
ret.b = pow(src.b + 0.055f, 2.4f) / pow(1.055f, 2.4f);
return ret;

static vec4 sRGBToLinearRGB(vec4 c)
static vec4 sRGBToLinearRGB(vec4 src)
return vec4(sRGBToLinearRGB(c.rgb), c.a);
return vec4(sRGBToLinearRGB(src.rgb), src.a);

* Convert linear HSV to linear RGB
static vec3 HSVToLinearRGB(vec3 src)
vec3 tmp = abs(fract(vec3(src.x) + vec3(3.f, 2.f, 1.f) / 3.f) * 6.f - vec3(3.f));
return mix(vec3(1.f), clamp(tmp - vec3(1.f), 0.f, 1.f), src.y) * src.z;

static vec4 HSVToLinearRGB(vec4 src)
return vec4(HSVToLinearRGB(src.rgb), src.a);

* Convert linear RGB to CIE XYZ
static vec3 LinearRGBToCIEXYZ(vec3 c)
static vec3 LinearRGBToCIEXYZ(vec3 src)
mat3 m(vec3(3.2406f, -0.9689f, 0.0557f),
vec3(-1.5372f, 1.8758f, -0.2040f),
vec3(-0.4986f, 0.0415f, 1.0570f));
return m * c;
return m * src;

static vec4 LinearRGBToCIEXYZ(vec4 c)
static vec4 LinearRGBToCIEXYZ(vec4 src)
return vec4(LinearRGBToCIEXYZ(c.rgb), c.a);
return vec4(LinearRGBToCIEXYZ(src.rgb), src.a);

* Convert CIE XYZ to linear RGB
static vec3 CIEXYZToLinearRGB(vec3 c)
static vec3 CIEXYZToLinearRGB(vec3 src)
mat3 m(vec3(0.4124f, 0.2126f, 0.0193f),
vec3(0.3576f, 0.7152f, 0.1192f),
vec3(0.1805f, 0.0722f, 0.9505f));
return m * c;
return m * src;

static vec4 CIEXYZToLinearRGB(vec4 c)
static vec4 CIEXYZToLinearRGB(vec4 src)
return vec4(CIEXYZToLinearRGB(c.rgb), c.a);
return vec4(CIEXYZToLinearRGB(src.rgb), src.a);

* Convert CIE XYZ to CIE L*a*b*
* Note: XYZ values should be normalised, ie. divided by the
* corresponding components for white.
static vec3 CIEXYZToCIELab(vec3 col)
static vec3 CIEXYZToCIELab(vec3 src)
float const a = (6.0 * 6.0 * 6.0) / (29 * 29 * 29);
float const b = (29.0 * 29.0) / (3 * 6 * 6);
float const c = 4.0 / 29;
float const d = 1.0 / 3;

vec3 f = b * src + vec3(c);
if (src.x > a)
f.x = pow(src.x, d);
if (src.y > a)
f.y = pow(src.y, d);
if (src.z > a)
f.z = pow(src.z, d);

return vec3(116.f * f.y - 16.f,
500.f * (f.x - f.y),
200.f * (f.y - f.z));

static vec4 CIEXYZToCIELab(vec4 src)
using std::pow;

float const a = 8.85645167903563081e-3; /* (6/29)^3 */
float const b = 7.78703703703703703; /* 1/3 (29/6)^2 */
float const c = 1.37931034482758620e-1; /* 4/29 */

vec3 f = b * col + vec3(c);
if (col.x > a)
f.x = pow(col.x, 1.0 / 3.0);
if (col.y > a)
f.y = pow(col.y, 1.0 / 3.0);
if (col.z > a)
f.z = pow(col.z, 1.0 / 3.0);

return vec3(116.0 * f.y - 16.0,
500.0 * (f.x - f.y),
200.0 * (f.y - f.z));
return vec4(CIEXYZToLinearRGB(src.rgb), src.a);

static vec4 CIEXYZToCIELab(vec4 c)
* Return distance using the CIEDE2000 metric,
* input should be in CIE L*a*b*.
static float DistanceCIEDE2000(vec3 lab1, vec3 lab2)
return vec4(CIEXYZToLinearRGB(c.rgb), c.a);
float const deg2rad = 6.28318530718f / 360.f;
float const rad2deg = 360.f / 6.28318530718f;

float C1 = length(lab1.yz);
float C2 = length(lab2.yz);
float C_ = 0.5f * (C1 + C2);

float L1 = lab1.x;
float L2 = lab2.x;
float dLp = L2 - L1;
float L_ = 0.5f * (L1 + L2);

float tmp1 = pow(C_, 7.f);
float tmp2 = 1.5f - 0.5f * sqrt(tmp1 / (tmp1 + pow(25.f, 7.f)));
float ap1 = lab1.y * tmp2;
float ap2 = lab2.y * tmp2;
float Cp1 = sqrt(ap1 * ap1 + lab1.z * lab1.z);
float Cp2 = sqrt(ap2 * ap2 + lab2.z * lab2.z);
float dCp = Cp2 - Cp1;
float Cp_ = 0.5f * (Cp1 + Cp2);

float hp1 = fmod(atan2(lab1.z, ap1) * rad2deg, 360.f);
if (hp1 < 0.f)
hp1 += 360.f;
float hp2 = fmod(atan2(lab2.z, ap2) * rad2deg, 360.f);
if (hp2 < 0.f)
hp2 += 360.f;
float dhp;
if (abs(hp1 - hp2) <= 180.f)
dhp = hp2 - hp1;
else if (hp2 <= hp1)
dhp = hp2 - hp1 + 360.f;
dhp = hp2 - hp1 - 360.f;
float dHp = 2.f * sqrt(Cp1 * Cp2) * sin(dhp / 2.f * deg2rad);
float Hp_;
if (abs(hp1 - hp2) > 180.f)
Hp_ = 0.5f * (hp1 + hp2 + 360.f);
Hp_ = 0.5f * (hp1 + hp2);

float T = 1.f - 0.17f * cos((Hp_ - 30.f) * deg2rad)
+ 0.24f * cos(2 * Hp_ * deg2rad)
+ 0.32f * cos((3.f * Hp_ + 6.f) * deg2rad)
- 0.20f * cos((4.f * Hp_ - 63.f) * deg2rad);
float SL = 1.f + 0.015f * (L_ - 50) * (L_ - 50)
/ sqrt(20.f + (L_ - 50) * (L_ - 50));
float SC = 1.f + 0.045f * Cp_;
float SH = 1.f + 0.015f * Cp_ * T;
float RT = -2.f * sqrt(pow(Cp_, 7.f) / (pow(Cp_, 7.f) + pow(25.f, 7.f)))
* sin(60.f * deg2rad * exp(-pow((Hp_ - 275.f) / 25.f, 2.f)));

dLp /= SL;
dCp /= SC;
dHp /= SH;

return sqrt(dLp * dLp + dCp * dCp + dHp * dHp + RT * dCp * dHp);
